HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRJ08-0415 M08-0205.pdf ° • • Gate Valves: ro e, �lass 125, 200 ib. W.4.G. � ��� �
Bali Valves: ro e, Class 125 , 200 lb. W.Q.G. � � , ,
Generai Check Valves. ranze, �lass 125 , 200 Ib. W.O.G. � �� � � t-
Balancing Valveso 125 psig w.p. for 250F service ti t shut-off, T 1't� osT.4f � � � �
Illinois d�al-p ase balancing/shut-off valve
l . ediately notify the ea�g° eer of y discrepanciese of , Sarca, or equivalent. ? P [N1° oP D (5 EcT(oN � , ��
IN7' NEW EGTI lTIE IN To Ex15T{NCs � � . ,.�
2. Do not scale drawings, Verify di �nsians in f eld prior ta cammencement of work. v
2$. Support pipe �vith �od and cle�is or clamps. No pipe tape allowed. � cn U t-'
3 . It is the intent of these dra ' gs d specifications ta establish a standard of quality. � � � �_
The engineer reserves the rigl�t ta take �xceptions to approve methods and materials �
nat reflected herein. 29. The piping ral�terial shall be cast iron at a1i pipe penetrations of fire-rated � ���: � � �
ass�m�l��s ���v� t�� G �Isp�ce. � C � � � I 1� �� �' . � � o , . �
4. Failure ta arder, or release order, for aterials d/or equipment will not be accepted 30. Pravide ex}� sion ja` ts or laops on ali heating water piping s in excess of z
as a reason to s�ubstitute alternat� r�aterials, equiprnent, or installation methods. �0, �« � ��GH��'� ; � � j.� Z
N 'fi : PoR S7ANPA MODULE SIZ� ��, , � \ �
Cx15T� SIZE C�I 15 NE _� ^ 1U
5 . Work shall be perfa ed ` a war a ik� a er to the satisfaction of the architect ` ._ �
31 . Dielec .c LT .�ns - F • sh d �nstall a dielectric ion at all connections 51zE. To A� pEvfcE Sc�+EDU�� �
8� the engineer. SHEET �OR MODULE SIZE. ;'�� � �
where noa�-�'�rr�us �nateriai is in contact with ferrous material and fluid in not ' � C `� 6� O
protected wath ��rrasion ' `bitar�. � � �'� ��tt�- ` ,
6. Labor, materials, and equip ent shall cm a ta the latest applicable editions of ' � �� � u. ,
GA = GG3MB. .4(R
State of Coloradc�, and Nationai Cades and ordinances. If conflict between �""�"`� � z
local, 32. Grade and v�iv� all heatin water i in with 3/4" hose end valves to ermit �5A = C311T51RE AIR � � 1� (`y
� P P � P �2�6 � -25�
those publications e�sts, the most s�ringent requirement shall �ppiy. �T = ��� ; � � �a
u�ag� af e �yste . �ent all high po � ts in equip ent rooms as necess xu = xNA T `� �
with auto ati� air vents piped tc� canvenient drain. All ` gh points in system ,4 = MA -t1P a� . � ' ��,� � ' ,.,\
7. The drawings show the ' tent of the ech ' ca1 syste�s but da not show a11 details autside a�' eq�ip ent roo s i 1 air vents as required to relieve air in
required. It is the responsibility af the �c�n ctors to install complete & operable �� ��R �EVCCE_ ' $� �:� � tL
systems, which confo ta the �nanufacturers' installations instructians & industry the systetn. RE: SGH�DULE SHEET ����� � 1- Z�
��'. ` t--
sta.ndards. 33 . Pravide �lastic gro �ts on all heating wat�r piping passu�g throu wood �` f=
: 8. It is the contractors' d an�fac ers' respansibility to assure themselves that the jaists and s ds, � Sea t �
� . �� r
, code authorities wipl approve any produc� tc� be installed on the project. ' , ,� � r ` p
Glycol Solufioa�s , �,�'
� m �� � �
9. Pravide necessary trenching, bacl�fi�l, �xeavation, supports, piping, insulation, � Q S[ NGLE �INE DESCRIPTION DOUBLE LINE ��'�� ; ' ����� ' �
� ' . 34. Fill heating �vat�r systern with 30 /a propylene glyco� / 7010 water solution. � ,. a
saw cutting and patch' g, eoncrete� � ., required. Bacl�ill trenches � �
;�P in 6" layers d to 90°/a co pacric� t atch e�sting grade. 35. Fill sno �lt �y�te with 50% propylene gtycol I 50°fo water salution. � � � � � .�. � ���� $ '� �
�m�,a,.ar �Y � � .
10. Offset piping, duc ork, et�. as nec�ss to acco odate s cture, beams, �c or �� �
columns, and e�sting ec��i�ment. ��° ��.�e�W uF' . + " z =
36. Duct siz�s sh� ��a drawings � autside (sheet metal) duct dimensions. a `- '
1 l . Verify e�ct Iocatians of e�stin� d new der aund utiiities, piping, and � z
raceway systems prior to trenching. Conta�actor shall obtain and verify exact � 0
3 7. Provi de 1 1 4`@ a Iv ize d es h screen on a ll corn i�us tion air duc ts or o e n i n s.
utility company drawings and requirements. � r p � � � � � � � _ �
38. Sea1 a11 duc c�r1� jo ` ts d vapor b °er penetrations at all e�erior walls. o �
12. Contractor must care Ily verflfy electrical service voltage d phase available. � �
Remodel & Demolitian 39. Ducts and pipir�g ��ne�rating thrmugh roof shall have roof flash�ng with cauik � �
e ca t�r fl 'ng sle�ve ar by ethod acceptable by roofmg manu�actuxer. ,�T� y,�� -� O
Installation shall be �aterti t. �. � �
13 . Provide mech °cai de alitian required. Visi� site �rior ta bid to determine � �H�eK vAL z
e�ent of work invalved. Provide lab�r and aterials as required to maintain 40. Provide 'r�g v es in all itered rectan lar elbows. ,�L�. v,�� � Q
andlor restore cantinui t y of service tcs e�sting systems. � O
41 . Make ali fm�l ce� �cti�ns tc� supply C� 's `th acoustic fle�ble duct. uTTE Lr vA� a
14. In as much as desi far re odel d/or rehabilitatimn requires that certain � �
° u len h shall be 4 fe�t. a�rnum length shall be $ feet. P� vA�
assumptians be made regarding e�stang conditions and because some of these r O u.i
assurilptions cannof be ver�ed witl�ao�it destraying otherwise adequate or ---��� GIizGU1T SETTER WITH Crti�M t`�- t(1
42. All duc �rk ar s aces w ��h are visible behind � ' lle, register, or di er shall � �-
serviceable portions af the building. e enginaer c ot assure the owner or �� painted fl�t bi��k. c�LO E YA� d
the contractor tha� the grofessional ca uIt' g services herein encompass aIl �
ST fNER C1'-'tl''PE) U11TH BL�tU-DO -t �
contingencies. Field coord�nation d °ng construction is imperative. ,, " �
43 . Sheet me�al �nd ftt�n�s t€� be pursuant to SMACNA �� standards. w �
Contractors bidding thi� work t e reasonable allowances for unseen -waY �uTaMarac tvT � vA� � �
conditions. �� � z
44. Contractor �c� ca�rd` ate �xact location of `Iles d registers befare installafion. TH E -W.41" ,4u7oMATIG DIv�RT(NCs v,4LvE � 3
15. Field verify locations �f ail exist' g piping, eq�ipment, ductwork, etc. �antrols 5oL p�D VaL z� Q '
P ssu LATOR CoR Duc( vAkL ) � �
16. Be responsible ta f e�d �e ° �xist` g equ�p �nt ar ductwork rema° ° g ta be 45. a t all �he �stats 5°-0" a ave finished floar. � t-=-
1 �M -� TUk)-UJAI' MODULAt(P�ICs C.�tTROI. v,4�.YE
reconnected to new c�r existing systems, Provide ductwark, piping, controls, u-
diffusers, etc., as required to restare continuity to system(s). 46. All therm�stat� shall have a temperature range suitable far the application and have �-�-- THR�E-WAY MOpULATiNCx M(X(NCs VA�1I� � � �
adjustable set pa' ts. e the ostats sha11 be able to display tempera e setpoint � I � T(,4L P ssu vAL ? �
17. Ali ductwork, di sers, d equzp ent sho on this plan are new, except �
and roa t� era e.
where equipment sha a�n sehe atics without labelsa � � P Ssu LI� va� � �
47. See Sequence of peratic�n for addztianal control ° o atian. � M,4NUA(� AIR f � �
18. All remaved piping, duc c�rk, equipm�nt, etc. are to be disposed of by _ o
contractor ess noted othe �se. T AuT�i�lATte AIR T � �
alanci - .� �
Y vA�UUM ,4 w =
19. Ail e�sting suppc�rt rods and straps now supporting ducts, pipes, 4g. Water flc�ws �a�st b� balanced and pu�ps adjusted as required. �-► �
electrical conduit, etc. that are re oved ta ailow roorn for installation of new ''�� s� � � ��T� ���� � �
equipment shail be rel�cated d re ' stalied, or replaced if damaged. P g s��ga � �
Insulation '�` P 5 1 MPE tU TEST PoRT �� Issued For Z o
1. B-1 & �-2 �o�le� �_ TEMPERATt1RE 5ET15oR ` � � 1�0- D a t e C o m m e n t � p�
20. Insulate ail new heating water, domestic hot water, domestic hot water a. Boilers sha�l b� staged tc� maintain �IWS setpoint at aquasta.t Al . HWS � � T, �� ,� 1 Sti5l08 CONS7RUGTIC�N � p-
recirculation, radi t flaor a° d outs ta areas bein heated and o T�+Et�toME�ER wE�L �� �`��`� ,' F° w
( � ) se a ° � s�iall be reset based on outdoar te pera es ( 150F �a -ZQ F to � r� � �
snowmelt piping ( a' s d ou�s tc� areas being heated) with U.L. approved, 11Qo� 7Q�� -- T�E oMETER �'"�' +-
white, all servic�, glass fiber, snap-on, 1 " ick c�n mains and g/2" thick on b. S se a' t shall be r ed u to 164F on call far domestic hot -- - � e �`,��;;� � n
p P �' reR rF�o� a �M na D � ce�
runouts, pi pe ° �lation. ulate f�t° gs with glass fiber b1 et insulatian and w a t�r h e a t` �. �, �¢��'� > z
premolded I�VC covers. Pravide educ� alte at� price to insulate with aflex. c. P- 1 Pm2 boiler �u ps shall whenever assmciated bailer is firing. f ��- hh� �qqq �qq��� o d '
. . ty..� pJ rq �
� �� S��TC� � w� & �.� Q =
21 . Ali buried heat° g �vat�r, c ille �vater an snaw eIt pip° g shall be either 2. -1 - irect ater eate �'�;�°� d �
A} Fre-insulate EX i ing, LTrecan ar equivalent or ) Insulated with a. Upo� a �all for heating fro aquastat mr A3 (set "�'�a 140F}, a u TAT �� �- � w �
aflex or equi�alent an n ` si e a watertight conduit. Bury min` um assaciat�d �vat�r heater p p sha11 s , � � - �LExIBLE P�PE ctoR � u '
4` deep . b. Boiler I�VVS setpc�int sha�I be rampecl i�� �0 16QF. � 3
--i ( b- PIPE UNION � .Q
F-- �
22. Insulation for all types of pip° g shall be c ° ed fiili size through pipe hangers. 3. a ia t l��r u! eT t� , aR 5E B�e tw�r� p O
a. U p on a �aii f�sr h e a t` g, c on t r al v ai v e sh all o p en an d r a di a n t p u m p sh all [ T o 5 N O E L T M A r 1� �D w t T t� A E � �
s . � o
pip�� b. - 1 the os�ati� ' ` g valve shall be autamatically adjusted using ��P� uP o PI uP � D � v,
outdoo� r�set contrals 120F -20� to 70F 70F . Use Tekmar 360 � �
( � � ) C o� C�-- ��P� nou�t a �
23 . Heating Water piping - Piping may be type 'K' capper for all buried lines using or equ�l cantro�ler.
a ss�D �a'R r��r M� GW,4NCG�4L w w
wrought copper fittings and I 1QOF solder. Far non-b °ed piping, type `M° � > U
copper, wrought copper f tt` gs, d na Iead solder. AII buried pipe shall be 4. Sn�w el�i �' � � � � � z
s u r r o u n d e d w i t h 4" o f c i e a n s a r a de P r o v i d e a i t e r n a t e r i c e f o r P E X t u b i n w i t h a. Provid� an a�to atic snc� eltin g control �Te ar 664 or e qual) with ,�9 � � � �
P g ( " �� � � �1 I` � �' � � Z
o x y gen diffusian barrier}. a sncsw/��e sensor (�'el�ar 093 or e qual}. � � �
b. �TTpon a �all for sno elting fram snow/ice sensor, P-6 snawmelt � � � � � � � z '
2 4. C o n d e n s i n g B o i l e r C o n d e n s a t e s h a l l b� n e u t r a l i z e d v i a a n e u t r a l i z a t i o n b as i n p p d P�5 �e a t e x c h a n g e r p p s h a l l s t a rt. -2 m i x i n g v a l v e T o7o ct �,a°toR o � �
before disc ge inta build° g ainage system. Condensate piping shall be s il v �msiti€�n to a° tain sno elt suppl;r te9np. of 120 (adj .). r:' T -roR e'RCU�ATOR tw> I�1TEC� L eHECtc1 � � �- a �
PVC or other approved aterial suitable for p I�vels of 3 . } w ut
5. Su I� �
�.. SF'- 1 �ech raaral ventilaticrn fan shall be eontrolled by a line-valtage f Project No_ Scale: a z �
2 5 . Gas Pipmg - Sc he du le 4 0 b iac k s tee l pip�, 1 5 4 1 b. ma l lea b le �ran screwe d c o o l i n g t h e �s t a t (p r o v i d e d b y , w i r e d b y E D). S e t t h e r m o s t a t t o � � � �- � ° � � � � 5 . N G��. O � a�
fittmgs on above gro d pipe, evelded fitt�gs vvith all pipmg coated and 8aF . prawn ec d a ? 0
wrapped on b `ed pipe. �w r ��T�oN T U 1 J N� ys � w �- ,
26. Gas Valves - Lubrgcated plug valve 1751b. W. �?.�`a. iron screwed or flanged. M�.� i�►��+��lI�,4� covER SNEET � � �
1 h1 G1�,4NIGAL 5Gl�EDULES � ScH�MATI � w �
2 7, C a p per pi pe Vaives d S pe�ialti�s: U O
s � Qo
,- �.��.��,_� .� . m� _� -- _ ...� � ,� x.. . m .� . ....� ,z_���__W . � �_wr_.,, . _.. .. .�.-
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NOrES NOTES TO SM� �L7 W AT �XlSTINCx SUPPLY t �XfSTINCs PPL`r'° � Uf AlT � �+ � �
X�W Cs� �QUI ENT �OR R HICxH T�MP. �,��".� �"'"`� CV
D (ANT ZON�S ����
I. OU7E SMSlSMR �ROM MEGN OOM 4 1'fE fNTO TO OI�E 1. ALL YAL a � A T ANG 5 A 1� 7 `
DOM 1'! Fd 1° AT � � 1�"
EXIT {NGc SNO E�T LINES. �'�'"ST�i�f 54�0 _ OViDE AS QUI p F ��
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2 - �a0 o PROP1'LENE Cs�1�'COL PUMPINC: CAMP�TIBLE '1 ,4G�l.tAS7AT � � �
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