HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB110465�1�1.��1'-'i C�wEL��i_�- ���i � r� I���i �� ��� r��l ��TI � �I F� F�1�1 ���� rtrr��r�t �f ��r�r�� r�i�� ����I��r��r�� �.� ����� Fr�r�t��� F����� ��i I� ��I �r���� �1�.�� ��I: ���.���.�1�� f��; ���,���.��.�� ��� ; ��r�.��i I���, ��r�n Project Name: ENCHANTED MESA EXEMPT CORP-EXT Project Description: Participants: DRB Number: DR6110465 CHANGE AND RECONFIGURE SLIDING PATIO DOOR AND WINDOW, ROUTE GAS LINE NEXT TO EXISTING GAS LINE FOR UNIT BELOW THEN ENCLOSE BOTH LINES IN SOFFIT TO MATCH BUILDING, NEW FIREPLACE VENTING-SIDEWALL OWNER ENCHANTED MESA EXEMPT CORP 09/26/2011 C/0 FREDERICK S. OTTO PO BOX 3149 VAI L CO 81658 APPLICANT NED60 CONSTRUCTION INC 09/26/2011 Phone: 970-845-1001 PO BOX 3419 VAI L CO 81658 License: C000003087 CONTRACTOR NED60 CONSTRUCTION INC 09/26/2011 Phone: 970-845-1001 PO BOX 3419 VAI L CO 81658 License: C000003087 Project Address: 68 E MEADOW DR VAIL Location: VAIL VILLAGE INN PHASE 3 UNIT 301 Legal Description: Lot: Block: 5D Subdivision: VILLAGE INN PLAZA Parcel Number: 2101-082-5401-9 Comments: Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPP Date of Approval: 09/29/2011 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond: 202 (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: DRB Fee Paid: $250.00 *********��******r***********�***�***************�************�*****r**********************+ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 09-26-2011 at 12:13:12 09/26/2011 Statement **�***�****.r*****�*****«**.r**r**�***�+****************���******�*******+�**«**�*�**r****�* Statement Number: R110001304 Amount: $250.00 09/26/201112:12 PM Payment Method: Check Init: LC Notation: #40724 / NEDBO CONSTRUCTION INC. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: DRB110465 Type: DRB-Minor A1t,Comm/Multi Parcel No: 2101-082-5401-9 Site Address: 68 E MEADOW DR VAIL Location: VAIL VILLAGE INN PHASE 3 UNIT 301 Total Fees: $250.00 This Payment: $250.00 Total ALL Pmts: $250.00 Balance: $0.00 ****+�************��********�****�******�+�+�++******************�+++***�************���**+* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 250.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- �_ , TOWP� DF VAtt, � p �����' SEP 2 2 2011 TOWN OF VA D�p�rtment af Commur�ity [?evelcpment �5 Sauth Frontage Road Vail, CQ 81 BS7 Tel: 97�-479-2129 w+n►w,vaS�gav.com Devetopment Review Coardinator Appiica�ti�n ft�r Design Rev�ew M�nt�r Ex#erior Alteratio� General lnior�na:son: This app?ic�tion is requiteCt for �!I prbp05afs invo3ving minor changes ta buiidings and siRe irr�prt�ve- rnents, such as roaf:r.g, painting, w�ndcw additions, land5caping, fences; retainEng wails. etc. Ap�i'scabfe Vaii Tawn Code seetions Ca�t be found af ww�v.vailr�hv.com uncier Vail iniermatin� — Town Code U' nli�e. Ati prajects requiring de• sfgn *evierv rust receive appravat prior to submittirg a building ��rrnit app,ication. An appaicatior far Oesign Revipw cannot be �ccepied unti! all required iniormation is r�ceiveci by the Communiiy (Jeveio�smerri Cepartmeni, as outiined in the subm'sttal rsquiremants, ihe project r�ay also need to bs reviewed by ihe Town Councii arzc+/or the Plamm�g and Ervironmenta� Ccmmission. Design review appr�val sxperes one year frorn the date o� approval� unlsss a bui!ding per- mft is issued and canstrt�Ction commences, F�e; $250 fivr Mu1N-FamitylGommercial $20 for Singie FamilyiDuplex Singie Famity Duplex Muf#i•Family ,�Commercial Description of the Request: Chartge and reccnfigu� sliding patio door and windc7w. Raute �as line �?e� to exis#ing gas iire ter unit below then enclvse both lirrres in safFit ta match buiiding. New Firepface Venting-S+dewal! PhysiCel Addt"e3s: B8 E. Meadow C3r. #301 � Ra�cel Mumber: 2101-Q82-54-G19 (Coniac' Eagle Cn. Assesscr at 97fl-328-8640 far parcel nc�.? Properky �}wner: �nchartted Mesa Exempt Ca�. Mailing AddC�SS: P(7 gOX 3149 Vail, Co, 81658 `�����X�A Rtrone: Qrvner's Signature: _._ Ptimary CDnt2iCt/ Owner Repte5en#atiue: Raifie Kjesbc - Nedba CansLructian Maiiing Address: �'� B�X 3419 Vail, CO, e�S58 PhOne: 9 i 0-846-1 D01 E-Mail: ro(liea'�'Snedba.com ._ ��X: 97{}-84r-9979 Pcsr C3fiioa Use Cinty. Cash� CC: Visa / MC Last 4 GG � . Exp. Date: Auth #____ __ Cri�ck ��0 oZ`-� Fee Paid: �'c��(,i.OD Receiveri From; A�EDPS� W.E � ._ _. Meeting Date: t3R8 Na.: ^, � � �� -O (,l (p� _.�_ Pfann�r: ._ - - ..____ __ _._.__� PrCject No: � � 11 � �� 3 Z Zonir;g: tand Use: Lacadon o� the Praposal. l.nt. Block: Subdivisiort: 99/22/2611 15:35 9794765461 VUI INC PAGE 01/91 FOf�N QF I�Alt ° JOfPIT PRQPERYY OWNER 1NR1'iiEl� APPROV,RL LETCER The a�plicant must subr�i� vvritten joir�t properry owner apprav�l for applications afteccting shsred ovmership properties such as duplex, condominfurn, and muiti-tenant buildir�gs. This form, pr 5imilar wri�ten correspondence, must be com� pfeted by the adjoining dup�ex unii owner or ihe authOrized �ent of the home owner'S associatian in the cas8 ot a cort- dominium or mufti-tenant buitding. All completed forrns must be submitted with the appiicarrts comp�ed application. �' �p�� �B� s 1 Ur1 � �'� ��� � , a joint owner, or authority of the assoCiation, of property focated at �'u�, !lit�,'T 3D , provide this letter as wntten approval of the plans cfated �i t` ts�' „�! �2 � which have been submiited to the Tpvm of Vaii Community Dev�lOpment Departme�t fnr the proposed irnprovements to be comple�ted at the address not- ed abave. I underst�nd that the prvposecf improvemBnts include� 'rU s, zt. - � `�''�i•r� ,1 sar � � H.aamonauy�, pi� checK ihe sia#emeM be�ow which is mast eppiicable to ypu: A -fl � unaers �l3at minor modificaffons r»ay be made to the plans over the course Gf the review prvice,ss �o e,tgure compli- $rrc� rvit h Town� applicable cades and rr+e�ulaEior�s. (Initial i u�nd��a! thaf all modil9ca�ans, m/nar or otherwtse, whrch are made to ihs pfans ovsr rire �urse oi the revtew pro- cess, � ught to my attention by the app!lcsni for additional approyal befort{ undergoing furfher review by the Town. • 6uildfna Nlateriais Raaf Siding . Other Wall Mater:a.Is Faseia Soffits W:ndcw, 4'Vindotv Trim � t�oc�rs t�eor Trim Hand or Qeck Rails Flu�s Fl�shin� Ghim neys Tr�sh Enciqsures Gre�nhouses Re#aining WaNs �xteri�st' t.iqhting Qth�r PR�?POSF�I �tAT[;I2tALS T e ot Mat�riai nla nia n!a n/a Sa�t over Gas Line to match build'€n� Peila S�'ider ndaw VVoc�d irirrt n/a RIc% n/a Fireolace Flue - Meta' nla nla nta n!a � nia nta nia .. To �natch existing co#o�s E�rt, to match existing Goior to match ouiki�ng Tc m�tch al( venting on building Notes> R(e�e specify ti�e manufactur�r's name, t�e color name and number and at�ach a coior c;�ip. �� � 3rd Floor 2nd Floor Street Level Enchanted Mesa - WI #301 Partial Elevations Nedbo Construction Inc. Existing Elevation - 6'-8" �5�� ��fl� l� � � � � � I i �L- �� � � � , I i�III�I�I i�i � �i i �i i i i�i � i �! � �� i � 3rd Floor 2nd Fioor Street L.evel Enchanted Mesa - WI #301 Partiaf Elevations Nedbo Construction Inc. ,��� � k ���� � Proposed Elevation - 8'-0" 'Xs,�Y� p A . 5 fi y . �' � � y � .�g} �h iW�ran"q fP� � �� . ! Y � ,� �.. � . , � ° � � P ��,� EAiy �* � � � "� � � �� �pt� '� i: d 3t�'1f 11E � �11 ■ � ���� . ' � *��`�� . . . � - �� . .q.... ,� � . t� '% ���� � �� ��.,�. � ��'. ��y .�z' `°3� ��' '� i�"f' ' �^ m .t '�,�.- � 1. �`r�- �3, l � � x +�,4 , �: . £.; � ° t�n' �''�� r � "'�� � Y �� 1 t , .t �'� � � t J , �.,, � - �'�.s — � . �� ,� � � .- .� , { 'f— �� . :� .,.' �.'�� :. ' _._ �-� __ _ ti 1� j � �� j ,i Fd1.. �� .,� . � '�. 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