HomeMy WebLinkAboutPEC110056 Action Form and Application �I���i�� ��� Er��ir�r�����1 ���r�i���
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Project Name: ZONING CODE AMENDMENT PEC Number: PEC110056
Project Description:
CO 81657
CO 81657
Project Address: 75 S FRONTAGE RD W VAIL Location:
Legal Description: Lot: Block: Subdivision: UNPLATTED
Pa rcel N u m ber: 2101-064-0000-3
Comments: Kurz, Cartin, Schniedman opposed
Motion By: Pratt Action: DENIED
Second By: Hopkins
Vote: 3-3-0 Date of Approval:
Cond: 8
(PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of
Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s).
Planner: Warren Campbell PEC Fee Paid: $0.00
�""�, ;� r� !� ;1 �,� 1-' �;., '
� 'r� �,_ �, .� ,-_, i Department of Community Development
° 75 South Frontage Road
s Vail, CO 81657
TOWN �F VA(L ' ��� � OCT � 4 2011 '�; ;�i
Tel: 970-479-2128
� t•JG ,.-' � www.vailgov.com
ti . �. j� !
! Development Review Coordinator
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Amendment to District Boundaries (Rezoning) or Zoning Ordinance
Application for Review by the
Planning and Environmental Commission
General Information: An amendment of the zoning regulations or change in zone district boundaries may be initiated
by the Town Council, by the Planning and Environmental Commission, by petition of any resident or property owner in
the Town, or by the Administrator. Required criteria and findings for such petition are stated in Section 12-3-7C, Vail
Town Code. Relevant sections of the Vail Town Code can be found on the Town's website at www.vailgov.com. The
proposed project may also require other permits or applications and/or review by the Design Review Board and/or Town
Fee: $1300
Descri tion of the Re uest: � ��� � i v,� M�►1
P q � '� ��I G�,'�� � � Cd MC',v'1 f.S� "�� C�',�1C,U�'�';...
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Physical Address: ��/'t
Parcel Number: (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.)
_� /``�',`� � 1 I
Property Owner: l C� (,ti,;�'� l! �;d.t
Mailin Address: � S � ��-�'�G���r� ��11 1.�.
�i I v 1 � Phone:
Owner's Signature: C �
Primary ContacU Owner Rep�esentative: �a✓�1� G�{S� Cd��
Mailing Address:
E-Mail: Fax:
For O�ce Use Only:
Cash_ CC: Visa / MC Last 4 CC # Exp. Date: Auth # Check #
Fee Paid: ��,Q�,L Received Fro :
Meeting Date: PEC No.: T /���0
Planner: Project No: �I'J,»�-(�(Ql�
Zoning: Land Use:
Location of the Proposal: Lot: Block: Subdivision: ��n /�1��C,�
1. The applicant shall utilize a sign base color to match the gold bullion or autumn oak leaf color
options presented at the Design Review Board hearing, as submitted to Staff.
4. Village Center DRB110269 / 15 minutes Rachel
Final review of new construction (elevator)
124 Willow Bridge Road, Building A, Lots C 8� K, Block 5E, Vail Village Filing 1
Applicant: Village Center Homeowners Association, represented by KH Webb Architects
ACTION: Approved
MOTION: DuBois SECOND: Gillette VOTE: 4-0-1 (Kjesbo recused)
5. Telemark Townhouse Association DRB110278/ 15 minutes Rachel
Final review of a minor exterior alteration (reroof, repairs)
1090 Vail View Drive/Lot B1, Block B, Lion's Ridge Filing 1
Applicant: Telemark Townhouse Association, represented by Dennis Schurman
ACTION: Tabled to August 17, 2011
MOTION: DuBois SECOND: Kjesbo VOTE: 5-0-0
6. Town of Vail DRB110302 / 10 minutes Warren
Final review of changes to approved plans (chimney shroud)
395 South Frontage Road/Lot 1, Block 2, Vail Lionshead Filing 1
Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by Tom Kassmel
ACTION: Approved with condition(s)
MOTION: Maio SECOND: Gillette VOTE: 5-0-0
1. The applicant shall match the chimney shroud finish color to the roof material factory finish
7 V i Villa e View Corridor 1 DRB110301 / 15 minutes Warren
al g
'� Final review of a minor exterior alteration (landscaping)
P f Tracts B 8� C Block 5 Vail Villa e Filin 1
246 East Meadow Drive Slifer S uare / art o
, ,
( q ) 9 9
Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by Gregg Barrie and Todd Oppenheimer
ACTION: Denied
/ S MOTION: DuBois SECOND: Gillette VOTE: 5-0-0
U ` The Design Review Board (DRB) cited Chapter 12-22, View Corridors, Vail Town Code which contained
�p,.�no provisions for the"maintenance" of view corridors with regard to vegetation. Furthermore, Section 14-
���,. 10 3C, Site Planning, Vail Town Code, states the following:
�' "C. Removal of trees, shrubs, and other native vegetation shall be limited to removal of those
essential for development of the site, those identified as diseased or those essential for creating
��'� defensible space. Mitigation may be required for tree removal."
��►* The DRB has consistently used this regulation to prevent the removal of vegetation for the sole purpose
rnph f obtaining a view to a landmark(commonly the Gore Range or the ski mountain). The DRB was
���0 concerned about allowing the Town to perform an action which is consistently denied for private property
. owners as this request occurs frequently.
The DRB understood the concern of the encroachment of the vegetation on the view corridor and had
several suggestions and concerns. There was a concern that the removal of the trees would expose a
rial and a buildin which mi ht have a ne ative effect if it became com letel ex osed. The
roof mate g g g p y p
Board highlighted that the original design intent of Eldon Beck was to limit the view to short distances into
the Village and create an element of surprise. It was stated that the trees frame the Covered Bridge and
are solely a summer problem, and does this warrant removal.
Page 2
5- 1 -2
� '
MEETING DATE: September 6, 2011
ITEM/TOPIC: An appeal, pursuant to Section 12-3-3, Appeals, Vail Town Code, of the Town
of Vail Design Review Board's denial of a design review application, to allow for landscaping
changes adjacent to the Covered Bridge, located at 246 East Meadow Drive (Slifer
S uare)/Tract I, Block 5E, Vail Village Filin 1 and Bridge Street right-of-way, and setting forth
q 9
details in regard thereto. (DRB110301)
PRESENTER(S): Warren Campbell
ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Pursuant to Section 12-3-3, Appeals, Vail Town
Code, the Vail Town Council shall uphold, uphold with modifications, or overturn the
Design Review Board's August 3, 2011, decision.
BACKGROUND: On August 3, 2011 the Design Review Board unanimously denied a
request to make landscaping changes on the north side of the Covered Bridge. The proposed
landsca in chan es were to facilitate a view of the iconic Gorsuch clock tower located within
P 9 9
view corridor 1.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Design Review Board recommends that the Town
Council upholds its August 3, 2011 decision regarding DR6110301, pursuant to the findings in
the memradum.
Memorandum to Town Council
Public Works Memorandum
Photograph of View Corridor 1
row� oFVai� �
TO: Vail Town Council
FROM: Community Development Department
DATE: September 6, 2011
SUBJECT: An appeal, pursuant to Section 12-3-3, Appeals, Vail Town Code, of the Town of
Vail Design Review Board's denial of a design review application, to allow for
landscaping changes adjacent to the Covered Bridge, located at 246 East
Meadow Drive (Slifer Square)/Tract I, Block 5E, Vail Village Filing 1 and Bridge
Street right-of-way, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (DRB110301)
Appellant: Vail Town Council
Planner: Warren Campbell
The appellant, Vail Town Council, filed an appeal (call-up), pursuant to Section 12-3-3,
Appeals, Vail Town Code, of the Town of Vail Design Review Board's August 3, 2011,
denial of a request to allow for landscaping changes adjacent to the Covered Bridge,
located at 246 East Meadow Drive (Slifer Square)/Tract I, Block 5E, Vail Village Filing 1
and Bridge Street right-of-way.
On August 3, 2011 the Design Review Board unanimously denied a request by Town
Staff to make landscaping changes on the north side of the Covered Bridge. The
proposed landscaping changes were to facilitate a view of the iconic Gorsuch clock
tower located within view corridor 1. The minutes of the hearing are reflected as
"The Design Review Board (DRB) cited Chapfer 12-22, View Corridors, Vail Town
Code which confained no provisions for the "maintenance"of view corridors with
regard to vegetafion. Furthermore, Section 14-10-3C, Site Planning, Vail Town
Code, states the fo/lowing:
"C. Removal of trees, shrubs, and other native vegetation shall be limited to
remova/of those essential for development of the site, those identified as
diseased or those essential for creating defensible space. Mitigation may be
required for tree removal."
The DRB has consistently used this regulation to prevent the removal of vegetation
for the sole purpose of obfaining a view to a /andmark (commonly the Gore Range or
the ski mountain). The DRB was concerned about a/lowing the Town to perform an
. . �.
action which is consistently denied for private property owners as fhis request occurs
The DRB understood the concern of the encroachment of the vegefation on the view
corridor and had several suggestions and concerns. There was a concern that the �
removal of fhe trees would expose a roof materiai and a building which mighf have a ;
negative effect if it became complete/y exposed. The Board highlighted that the
original design intent of Eldon Beck was to limit the view to short distances into the
Village and create an element of surprise. It was stated that the trees frame the �
Covered Bridge and are solely a summer problem, and does this warrant removal.
The DRB suggested thaf the Town Council direct staff to prepare amendments to
Chapter 12-22, View Corridors, Vai! Town Code, to include provisions for
"maintenance"of a view corridor wifh regard to vegetation which established a set of
criferia by which an evaluation could be made. It was further suggested that Section
14-10-3C, Site P/anning, Vail Town Code, wou/d be improved with the addition of
provisions and criteria for the evaluation of the removal of vegetafion that may have
been improperly cited during original installation and after a number of years has
impacted important views. A requirement for replacemenf should accompany any
provision allowing for this."
Vail Town Code
Chapter 12-22 View Corridors (in part)
12-22-1: PURPOSE:
The town believes that preserving certain visfas is in the interest of the town's residenfs
and guests. Specifical/y, the town believes that:
A. The protecfion and perpetuation of certain mountain views and other significant views
from various pedestrian public ways within the town will fosfer civic pride and is in
the public interest of the town.
8. It is desirable to designate, preserve and perpetuafe certain views for the enjoyment
and environmental enrichment for the residents and guests of the town.
C. The preservation of such views will strengfhen and preserve the town's unique
environmental heritage and attribut�s. '
D. The preservation of such views will enhance the aesthetic and economic vitality and '
values of the town. '
Town of Vail Page 2 '
E. The preservation of such views is intended to promote design which is compatible
with the surrounding nafural and built environment, and is intended to provide for
natural lighf to buildings and in public spaces in the vicinity of the view corridors.
F. The preservation of such views will include certain foca!points such as the Clock
Tower and Rucksack Tower, which serve as prominent landmarks within Vail village
and contribute to the community's unique sense of place.
For the purposes of this chapter, the following terms shall be defined as shown below:
STRUCTURE:Anything permanently constructed or erected with a fixed location
including, but not limited to, new bui/dings, building expansions, decks, mechanical
equipment, vents, ducts, satellite dishes, fences, stop lights, light poles, signs, utility
poles, skylights or any similar object.
VIEW POINT ORIGINATION: The survey pin, called out as the instrument in each lega!
description defining a view corridor boundary, which is the basis for each view corridor.
No part of a structure shall be permitted to encroach into any view corridor set forth in
this chapter unless an encroachment is approved in accordance wifh section 12-22-6 of
this chapter.
12-22-5: AMENDMENTS:
An amendment of the regulafions of this chapter, including a request to add a new view
corridor, delete an existing view corridor, or amend the boundary of an existing view
corridor, may be initiated by the town council on its own motion, by the planning and
environmental commission on its own mofion, or by application of any resident or
property owner in fhe town, or by fhe administrator or his/her designee.
C. Criteria ForAmendments: The town council shall only approve an amendment to fhis
chapter adding a new view corridor, delefing an existing view corridor, or amending
the boundary of an existing view corridor if the amendment complies with the
policies and goals of the applicable elements of the Vail land use plan, town policies,
and urban design guide plans and other adopted master plans, and meets a/l of the
following criteria:
9. If the request is to add a new view corridor or to amend the boundary of an
existing view corridor in such a way which expands an existing view corridor.�
a. That the proposed view corridor or the boundary amendment protects and
perpetuates a view or views from public pedestrian areas, public ways, or
Town of Vail Page 3
. r
, , {
public spaces within the town which foster civic pride and are in the public
interest for the town.
b. That the proposed view corridor or boundary amendment protects and
enhances the town's attraction to residents, guests and property owners.
c. That the proposed view corridor or boundary amendment profects a view
which is commonly recognized and has inherent qualities which make it more
valuable to the town than other more common views.
2. If the amendment is to amend the boundary of an existing view corridor in such a
way which reduces the existing view corridor or is fo repeal an existing view ;
a. That the boundary amendment or repeal will not reduce or eliminate any view
or views from public pedestrian areas, public ways, or public spaces within the
town which foster civic pride and are in the public inferest for fhe fown. '
b. That the boundary amendment or repeal will not reduce fhe town's attracfion
to residents, guests, and property owners nor be defrimental fo the enjoyment
of public pedesfrian areas, public ways, public spaces or public views.
c. That the boundary amendment or repea! will not diminish the integrity or
quality, nor compromise the original purpose of the existing view corridor.
An application for approval to encroach info an existing view corridor may be inifiated by
the town council on ifs own motion, by the planning and environmental commission on
its own motion, or by application of any resident or property owner in the town, or by the
administrator or his/her designee. ,
C. Criteria For Encroachment: No encroachment into an existing view corridor shall be '
permitted unless the applicant demonstrates by clear and convincing evidence that '
fhe encroachmenf ineets all of the following criteria:
1. That the literal enforcement of section 12-22-3 of this chapter would preclude a '
reasonable development of a proposed structure on the applicant's land.
2. Thaf the development of the structure proposed by the applicant wou/d not be
such as to defeat fhe purposes of this chapter.
3. Thaf the development proposed by fhe applicant would not be detrimental to the
enjoyment of public pedestrian areas, public ways, public spaces, or public
Town of Vail Page 4
4. That the development proposed by the applicant complies with applicable
e/ements of the Vail land use plan, town policies, urban design guide plans, and
other adapted master plans.
5. That the proposed structure will nof diminish the infegrity or quality nor
compromise the origina!purpose of the preserved view.
ow Drive Slifer S uare /Tract I Block
The sub�ect ro ert is located at 246 East Mead ) ,
1 P p Y � q
5E, Vail Village Filing 1 and Bridge Street right-of-way.
Pursuant to Section 12-3-3, Appeals, Vail Town Code, the appellant has standing as the
property owner to appeal the Design Review Board's August 3, 2011, decision.
Pursuant to Section 12-3-3, Appeals, Vail Town Code, the Vail Town Council shall
uphold, uphold with modifications, or overturn the Design Review Board's August 3,
2011, decision.
The Design Review Board recommends that the Town Council upholds its August 3,
2011 decision regarding DRB110301 based upon, the evidence and testimony
presented, and the findings of fact listed below.
The Design Review Board recommends the Vail Town Council makes the following
findings of fact:
• The subject property, 246 East Meadow Drive, is located within an
adopted view corridor, view corridor 1.
• Pursuant to Chapter 12-22, View Corridors, Vail Town Code, establishes
criteria by which an adopted view corridor can be amended or encroached
• Pursuant to Chapter 12-22, View Corridors, Vail Town Code, there are no
criteria which speak to the maintenance and or removal of vegetation to
preserve adopted view corridors.
• Pursuant to Section 14-10-3C, Site Planning, Vail Town Code, tree
removal "shal/be limited to removal of those essential for development of
the site, those identified as diseased or fhose essential for creating
defensible space."
Town of Vail Page 5
• On August 3, 2011, the Design Review Board, held a public hearing on
the applicant's request for a modification to the landscaping adjacent to �
the Covered Bridge in Slifer Square at 246 East meadow Drive in
accordance with Section 12-11-4, Material To Be Submitted; Procedure,
Vail Town Code.
• On August 3, 2011, based upon the review of the application to the Design �
Review Board, the Board's site visit to the subject property, and the
evidence and testimony presented, the Design Review Board found that
neither Chapter 12-22, View Corridors, or Chapter 14-10, Design Review
Standards, Vail Town Code allowed for the removal of healthy vegetation
meeting any prescribed criteria.
• On August 3, 2011, the Design Review Board unanimously denied the
applicant's request for the modification of landscaping adjacent to the
Covered Bridge.
• On August 16, 2011, the appellant, Vail Town Council filed an appeal
(called-up) the Design Review Board's August 3, 2011, decision in
accordance with Section 12-3-3, Appeals, Vail Town Code.
• Notice of the Vail Town Council's hearing of this appeal has been
completed in accordance with provisions of Section 12-3-3, Appeals, Vail
Town Code.
The Design Review Board recommends the Vail Town Council makes the following f
`Based upon a review of the Staff's September 6, 2011, memorandum to the Vail
Town Council, the evidence and testimony presented, and the finding of facts,
the Vail Town Council concludes: K
The Design Review Board's August 3, 2011, denial of a request for landscaping �
changes adjacent to the Covered Bridge pursuant fo Chapter 12-11, Design
Review, Vail Town Code, located at 246 East Meadow Drive/Tract !, Block 5E, r
Vail Village Filing 1 and Bridge Street right-of-way, and setting forth details in
regard thereto, meets the standards and conditions imposed by the requirements
of the Vail Town Code."
The Design Review Board recommends the Vail Town Council makes the following `
"Based upon a review of the Staff's September 6, 2011, memorandum to the Vail
Town Council, the evidence and testimony presented, and the finding of facts, "
the Vail Town Council upholds the Design Review Board's August 3, 2011,
denial of a request for/andscaping changes adjacent to the Covered Bridge
Town of Vail Page 6 �
pursuanf to Chapter 12-11, Design Review, Vail Town Code, located at 246 East
Meadow Drive/Tract l, Block 5E, Vail Village Filing 1 and Bridge Street right-of-
way, and setfing forth defails in regard fhereto, based upon the conclusion that •
fhe Commission's defermination meefs the standards and conditions imposed by
the requiremenfs of the Vail Town Code."
A. August 3, 2011, memorandum to the DRB from the Pubiic Works Department
B. Photograph Image of View Corridor 1
Town of Vail Page 7
1309 Elkhorn Drive Public WorkslTransportation Department
Vail, Colorado 81657 970.479.2158
vailgov.com 970.479.2166 fax
Project: Clock Tower View Corridor Enhancement Study
Design Review Board Application
August 3, 2011
Applicant: Town of Vail
Project Description:
The maturing aspen trees located to the west of the north end of the Covered Bridge
have increased in height to the point where they are blocking the view of the Clock
Tower from the designated view corridor point as well as the overlook area south of the
entrance to the Ski Museum. Town Council has directed staff to create a proposal to
open up the view of the Clock Tower. The proposal is as follows.
View Enhancement Proposal:
The view looking south from the Village Parking Structure is one of the defining images
of Vail. It is much photographed and painted and is identified around the world as
symbolizing Vail Mountain and the town of Vail. The proposal begins by breaking down
the components of this iconic view. Viewed from the Village Parking Structure the Clock
Tower is the primary focal point. It is a monumental element rising higher than the
surrounding buildings with Vail Mountain as the back drop. As the viewer moves down
from the structure the view changes. The Clock Tower begins to be obscured by the
trees and the focal point of the view becomes the Covered Bridge.
The aspen trees to the west of the north end of the Covered Bridge have both a
negative and positive influence on the sequence of views experienced by those entering
the Vail Village over the Covered Bridge. The height of the aspen trees negatively
influences the view from the Village Parking Structure by blocking the view of the Clock
Tower. Obviously, this is a summer time only condition. The presence of the aspen
tree branches and leaves have a positive influence on the "post card" image of the
Covered Bridge by framing the view and creating balance in the image. This is a year-
round condition which changes slightly summer to winter. The aspen trees also
positively influence the view of the Covered Bridge by blocking some of the view of
Bridge Street and the buildings immediately south of the bridge. The scene beyond the
bridge, if not partially screened by the leaves and branches, would create a busy, less
organized image of the Covered Bridge. It is noteworthy to point out that the designer
. �
. i
of the Vail Village, Eldon Beck, intentionally screened the view of Bridge Street from '
Slifer Square. The intention was to have Bridge Street revealed to the visitor upon ;
exiting the Covered Bridge. The slight left hand curve of the street then pulls the visitor
up the street to see what lies beyond the immediate field of view.
The proposal seeks to remove the negative influences affecting the view of the Clock
Tower while retaining the positive influences the leaves and branches have on view of
the Covered Bridge. Multiple options were explored before arriving at the proposal.
The first option explored was to do nothing. Allow the trees to continue to mature and, ;
in several years, remove and replant them as they decline in health and vigor. This ;
option does nothing to eliminate the winter season, negative influences of the tree on
the view or and fails to enhance and retain the desired iconic image.
The second option explored was to remove only one aspen tree (3�d tree to the right of '
the bridge) to partially open up the view of the Clock Tower from the designated view
point and the Ski Museum overlook. This option only partially resolved the negative
influence and would be short lived as the trees continued to grow.
The third option, which is the proposal, eliminates the negative influences on the Clock �
Tower view and enhances the positive influence that leaves and branches have on the
view of the Covered Bridge. The proposal includes the removal of 7 aspen trunks, of
which 3 are the original planting and 4 are off shoots of the root system. In addition, 5
to 6 shrubs would be removed to allow removal of the root systems of the aspen trees. '
The existing Vail map would be removed and the boulder holding the Dobson Plaque
would be shifted closer to the pedestrian pavement. In place of the aspen trees, a
single Spring Snow Crabapple tree would be planted. In place of the shrubs, several
flowering shrub roses, and spreading juniper bushes would be planted to fill out the
planting bed and provide some screening of the view across the creek. The Spring
; Snow Crabapple was selected for it's arching form, spring profusion of white blossoms, '
and non-fruiting characteristic. Visitors to Vail (and all us locals) who visit during the
right weeks in June would be treated to a spectacular image with the white blossoms '
framing the entry to the bridge and contrasting against the dark stained wood. Staff '
would seek out the largest Spring Snow Crabapple that could be obtained to create as '
much immediate positive impact as possible.
With an approval of the proposal from the DRB and the Town Council, staff is prepared
to complete the work immediately after the Labor Day holiday. The cost t of
implementing the proposal is projected ta be tess than $10,000. '
List of attached images: '
1. Existing conditions site plan
2. Planting plan for proposal
3. Photo of Existing View
4. Sketch of view without aspens
5. Sketch of view with crabapple
6. Sketch of proposal approaching Covered Bridge
7. Sketch of proposal at Covered Bridge
Town of Vail Page 2
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AUG 2 9 2011
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Council of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing
in accordance with Section 12-3-6, Hearings, Vail Town Code, on Tuesday, September 6,
2011, at 6:00 PM in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, in consideration of:
An appeal, pursuant to Section 12-3-3, Appeals, Vail Town Code, of the Town of Vail Design
Review Board's denial of a design review application, to allow for landscaping changes adjacent to
the Covered Bridge, located at 246 East Meadow Drive(Slifer Square)/Tract I, Block 5E,Vail Village
Filing 1 and Bridge Street right-of-way, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (DRB110301)
Appellant: Vail Town Council
Planner: Warren Campbell
The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during
regular office hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage
Road. The public is invited to atter�d project orientation and the site visits that precede the public
hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call (970)479-2138 for
additional information.
Sign language interpretation is available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call (970)
479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing Impaired, for information.
Easy Peel�Labels � � � � � See Instruction Sheet� � QAVErtY�5160� i
Use Avery TEMPLATE 516U 1Feed Paper for Easy Peel Featurel 1
Attn: Laura Warren 16 PADDOCK RD 50 East Sample Road, Ste 400
242 East Meadow Dr EDINA, MN 55436 Pompano Beach, FL 33064
Vail, CO 81657
Attn: Barbara S. Banks Attn: Barbara S. Banks 22g gRIDGE ST
P.O. Box 1748 292 E. Meadow Dr VAIL, CO 81657
Vail, CO 81658 Vail, CO 81657
4111 E 37ST N
WICHITA, KS 67201-2256
c���e.� � ` �� ' 1 �
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Etiquettes faciles a peler � Consultez la feuille www.avery.com
Utilisez le gabarit AVERY�5160� Sens de chargement d'instruction 1-S00-GO-AVERY