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HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB110512�1�1.��1'-'i C�wEL��i_�- ���i � r� I���i �� ��� r��l ��TI � �I F� F�1�1 ���� rtrr��r�t �f ��r�r�� r�i�� ����I��r��r�� �.� ����� Fr�r�t��� F����� ��i I� ��I �r���� �1�.�� ��I: ���.���.�1�� f��; ���,���.��.�� ��� ; ��r�.��i I���, ��r�n Project Name: MCCALLUM WINDOWS/DOOR DRB Number: DR6110512 Project Description: SAME FOR SAME REPLACEMENT OF WINDOWS AND DOOR Participants: OWNER MCCALLUM, JENNIFER MALVEY 132 KOLAR CT ERIE CO 80516 APPLICANT MCCALLUM, JENNIFER MALVEY 132 KOLAR CT ERIE CO 80516 Project Address: 4640 MEADOW DR VAIL VAIL RACQUET CLUB BUILDING 10 UNIT 7 10/10/2011 10/10/2011 Location: Legal Description: Lot: TRAC Block: Subdivision: VAIL RACQUET CLUB CONDOM Parcel Number: 2101-124-0500-7 Comments: Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPP Date of Approval: 10/12/2011 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond: 202 (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $250.00 ?�OWN OF VAIL�' �� �� �'J � OCT 10 2011 TdWN OF VAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vaif, CO 81657 Tel: 970-479-2128 Development Review Coordinator Application for Design Review Minor Exterior Alteration General Information: This application is required for all proposals involving minor changes to buildings and site improve- ments, such as roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences, retaining walls, etc. Applicable Vail Town Code sections can be found at under Vail Information — Town Code Online. All projects requiring de- sign review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department, as outlined in the submittal requirements. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval expires one year from the date of approval, unless a building per- mit is issued and construction commences. Fee: $25 for Multi-Family/Commercial �� 0 for Single Family/Duplex x Single Family Duplex �_ Multi-Family Commercial Description of the Request: �e�o`G►ce '��.��� uJS E�t`k��f' �►�.� �� Sr.�,m� Physical Address: Parcel Number: Property Owner: Mailing Address: L ._ o �.1� ���� O� GO 7 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no _�e��,��� i`1�-G�11�� _t3 � 1���c.r-� �ou�� Cri � �.C3 �c�.5 �� Phone: �G�i G�-fl 36�7 Owner's Signature: Primary Contact/ Owner Representative: Mailing Address: �-' ��� Mr ��� r1E�' '� Fax: E-Mail: � _ o� Phone: C170 c(C�� S zC�`� For Office Use Only: Cash_ CC: Visa / MC Last 4 CC # Exp. Date: Auth # Fee Paid: (,�Pt1V6� Received From: Meeting Date: Planner: Zoning: Location of the Proposal: Lot: Block: DRB No.: � Q,� j � �5 � r� Project No: �RS L � "- � �� 3 Land Use: Subdivision: 1,(.� PLA TT�t� Check # TO►NN DF VA(L ;' JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER The applicant must submit written joint property owner approval for applications affecting shared ownership prope�ties such as duplex, condominium, and multi-tenant buildings. This form, or similar written correspondence, must be com- pleted by the adjoining duplex unit owner or the authorized agent of the home owner's association in the case of a con- dominium or multi-tenant building. All completed forms must be submitted with the applicants completed application. I, (print name) , a joint owner, or authority of the association, of property located at • ' , provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated � which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address not- ed above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: (Signature) (Date) Additionally, please check the statement below which is most applicable to you: ! understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compli- ance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. (Initial here) l understand that all modifications, minor or otherwise, which are made to the plans over the course of the review pro- cess, be brought to my attention by the applicant for additional approval before undergoing further review by the Town. (Initial here) , ' . . , , , �. : . � David Rhoades From: Sent: To: Subject: CATHERINE CIFELLI <> Monday, October 10, 2011 1124 AM David Rhoades Fw: Vail Condo - Authorization To Do Remodel From Owner ----- Original Message ----- From: "lennifer Mccallum" <> To: <> Sent: Monday, October 10, 2011 11:00 AM Subject: RE: Vail Condo - Authorization To Do Remodel From Owner To Whom It May Concern: I have hired Brian Zaikis to remodel my condominium located in building 10, unit 7 in the Vail Racquet Club. He has authority to act on my behalf with the town of vail in regards to receiving design review approval and, subsequently, a building permit. Please feel free to discuss anything related to either activity with him directly. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call me at 303-641-3687. Best regards, Jennifer McCallum Owner of condo No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - www.av�.com Version: 2012.0.1831 / Virus Database: 2090/4543 - Release Date: 10/07/11 � Buildinq Materials Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits PROPOSED MATERIALS Type of Material Windows �e�t1 W e�(1 Window Trim �'� p�(' �oo�s ) e� t,� e n Door Trim � �p�,� Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walis Exterior Lighting Other Color � �(1 � 5nu}� �fd(� �G +� �n � M�.Tc Y� �'x �ti � l Ghesn��- ���'o�z.� �!'v w►'��/"�.iz.� ek����;n� Notes: Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Botanical Name PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requirements for Landscaping GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL PROPOSEDLANDSCAPING Common Name Deciduous Trees — 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees — 6' in height Shrubs — 5 Gal. Type Quantity Square Footaqe Please specify other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Size ,i � �wo-aan-e�aaiey wr,�ws & 000�s, inc. srad wrignt Steamboat Sprirgs, CO 80487 Phor�e: (970) 481-3394 QUOTE BY: Brad SOLD TO:� .� tINE NO. une- 1 JELo wZ�EN. QUOTE #: JBAW08029 SHIP TO: Unit 1007 Raoquet qub � 4695 Raoquet CI� Drive Vaii, CO 81657 PRQ7EGT NAME: Unit 1007 Raoquet C{ub REFERENCE: Revised Bid 9-13-11 L,OGTION BOOK OODE s� �o u�rioN Siidirg windo�nr Uer►tpered E�4860 Rcx�gh Opening:48 1/16 X 60 5/16 � � A ViMld fiOS �i0�. 5�1� lf 4" a 1' C��71. �� Frame Size : 47 5/16 X 59 9/16 Sibeline IX Oad S�ding Vl�ndaw, O�esUnut Bronze Ext+erior, Pine Nat�ralIr�berior, NaN Fm i•`�ar�dar'�, C.olor Mabd� Mktal DripCap, 6 9/16 lamb, 4f4 Thicic, lamb E�cGer�sion Loose, Left Hand , ��t Br�onze Handrvare, DP 30, It�ed Low-E Tempered C�SS, Preserv�e F�lm, FNgh Altitude, �f�/UC �Sfl QIQ�NIt �O�1R $QC'Pdl, C�Thidc=0.756, Cfear Opening20.75w, 55.937h, 8.06 sf U-Factior: 0.35, SFIGC: 0.28, VLT: 0.53 rEV zoii.�.o.3nRov �ae/o2/ii� vMr #667.43 1 Lin� 2 Slidug vwndo�w be�npered E66048 Rough Opening:601/16 X 48 5/16 � � A Vfewed fi+ow� Enberior. Scale: 1/4" a 1' QQ-2.8.O.T65 a�st053179 Quote DaOe: 9/3/2011 Frarrie S+z�e : 59 5/16 X 47 9/16 S�eiine IX Clad Siiding Window, Chesfirwt &onze Exberior, Pine NadxalIr�erior, Na� Fm iS�dard), C.olor Mabch Metai DripC�p. 6 9/16 lam�, 4/4 Thidc, Jamb ExOension Loose, Left Mand , Qiesf.nut Bronze Hardware, DP 30, Ir�iabed L.ow-E �4rv�led Glass, Pr�serve Fdm, tiigh Altitude, Bet#erVue Mesh �ut Brorue Screen, (�Thick=0J095, C1ea� Operw�g:26.75w, 43.937h, 8.162 sf U-FatLo�: 0.35, StIC,C: 0.28, VLT: 0.53 �v zoii3.a��l�+ s.+n tae�av�ii� vw �� #667.43 #509.24 3 #1,527.72 Page 1 Of 2 (Prioes are subject b cfiarr�e-) �AYVOB029 - 9/13/2011 - 7:53 PM Drawirgs are kx vi5�ial refgaioe arry ad may rot be m eact srale. N aders L�st Mo�fied: 9/13/2011 are s�ject 8� rerie+�r by J9.D-NIBr IINE NO. u « .� :-.-�-� :���: i ,. i • � � «� i• . « C.ii� PRICE Line- 3 �� -- RO Size:36 3/16 X 83 1/4 �� �� �� 35 7/16 X 82 1/2) 4►stom Gad Ir�sw�g 1-PN Frame: 35 7/16 X 82 1/2 Q�strwt &atze Pine Naturai Inberior. /� crie�,t sronze sasn , ft,oR Forrr� oad Pnl, , . ' � . �� � i�l� ' '°' ^!c �(� �+� ��+wFr� r. � - . 5 1/4 Jamb Width. 5/4 Vfawed IYw� �ior. Scalr". 1/i" = 1'" L:eft NO StriiC2 PI�QS NO i'lafldle $2t i�0 �I $E� Pi0 BOf@ ' A�t�errtic O� Rubbed Bron�e S6d H'riges S'�d SiN No Sueen , 10" &m Rail Ins Wet Irrt (�z L.ow-E 366 Tempered Starxiard Golor Spaoer, Hi-Altitude Tradibonaf G� Bd, No C�rid U-Factor: 0.34, StiCC: 0.16, VLT: 0.37, Er�g�r Rating: 4.pp PEY 2011.3.Q31WPDV S.M4 (07/2g/il) WD Line- 4�e- 5 �1,421.12 �� ,.:,. Note: PLease be advised this is a NON-STOCK, NON-REIURNABLE SPEQAI.ORDER PRODUCT. Your signature below indicates tfiat you have reviewed t.fie specifications, quatities, 8� details of this order. Customer agrees to paym�t berms set fo�th in the terms & condi6ions of sale: X #75.00 1 $1,421.12 1 ;315.00 1 Total: Colorado Stabe Tax (2.9 NET TOTAL: T�al Units: �75.00 �4.006.27 �116.18 ;4�122.45 7 Q��.ao.r5s a,s�-a�i� Page 2 of 2 cvr�a� a�e wq�x �o a�e•) �enwoeozs - �/i�/zoii - r.s3 aM Qw6e oaoe: 9/3/2ou O�awin� aie �r ,r�l �aer�oe arry and may noc ee oo e�o�.t sde �u aders Lasc Mod'ilfea: 9/13/2ou are abjact t� �iew Dy 7H.IYVUB�1 ABWD-AIan-Bradley Windows & Doors, Inc. Brad Wright Steamboat Springs, CO 80487 Phone:(970)481-3394 QUOTE BY: Brad Wright SOLD TO: N ��g �� � Phone: 970-390-4419 PO#: L ���� �� �ELo WD�VEN. QUOTE #: JBAW08029 SHIP TO: Unit 1007 Racquet Club � 4695 Racquet Club Drive Vail, CO 81657 PRO]ECT NAME: Unit 1007 Racquet Club REFERENCE: Revised Bid 9-13-11 LINE NO. LOCATION BOOK CODE UNIT QTY EXTENDED SIZE INFO DESCRIP'TION PRICE PRICE Line- 1 Sliding window tempered ECS4860 Rough Opening:48 1/16 X 60 5/16 � � A viewea rrom Exoerior. scale: 1�4'• = 1• Frame Size : 47 5/16 X 59 9/16 Siteline IX Clad Sliding Window, Q�stnut Bronze Exterior, Pine Natural Interior, Nail Fin (Standard), Color Match Meial DripCap, 6 9/16 Jamb, 4/4 Thidc, Jamb Fxtension Loose, Left Hand , Chestnut Bronze Hardware, DP 30, Insulated Low-E Temper�ed Glass, Pr�eserve Flm, High Albtude, BetterVue Mesh Chestr�ut Bronze Screen, GlassThick=0.756, Clear Opening:20.75w, 55.937h, 8.06 sf U-Factor: 0.35, SHGC: 0.28, VLT: 0.53 rev��vov (as/oz/ii) Pw $667.43 1 Line- 2 Sliding window tempered ECS6048 Rough Opening:60 1/16 X 48 5/16 � � A Viewed from ExGerior. Scale: 1/4" = 1' Frame Size : 59 S/16 X 47 9/16 Siteline IX Clad Sliding Window, Chestnut Bronze F�cterior, Pine Natural Interior, Nail Fin (Standard), C.olor Match Metal DripCap, 6 9/16 Jamb, 4/4 Thick, Jamb Extension Loose, Left Hand , (7�estnut Bronze Hardware, DP 30, Insulated Low-E Annealed Glass, Preserve Film, High Altitude, BetterVue Mesh Chestnut Bronze Screen, GlassThick=0.7095, Clear Opening:26.75w, 43.937h, 8.162 sf U-Factor: 0.35, SHGC: 0.28, VLT: 0.53 �v mii.s.o.�v�/rov (oe/oz/11) rw $509.24 3 $667.43 $1,527.72 Q�2.8.OJ65 aut-053179 Page 1 of 2 (Prioes are subject h� charge.) JBAWOB029 - 9/13/2011 - 7:53 PM QiaOe D�e: 9/3/2011 Drawirgs are far visual referer�oe only aM may ra[ be to e�mct scale. All orders La� Modified: 9/13/2011 are subject Oo review by IELD-WEN LINE NO. LOCATION SIZE INFO Line- 3 Entry Door (Add 6 1/2" stiles & rails) RO Size:36 3/16 X 83 1/4 A Yiewed from Exberior. Sde: 1/8" = 1' Line- 4 Line- 5 BOOK CODE UNIT QTY EXTENDI DESCRIP7ION PRICE PRICE (Outside Casing Size: 35 7/16 X 82 1/2) Custom Clad Inswing 1-Pnl Frame: 35 7/16 X 82 1/2 Chestnut Bronze Pine Natural Irrterior. Q�nut Bronze Sash , Roll Form Clad Pnl, Folding Nail Range Standard DripCap, 5 1/4 Jamb Width. 5/4 Left No Strike Plates No Handle Set No Hdl Set No Bore Authentic Oil Rubbed Bronze Sbd Hinges Std Sill No Screen , 10" Btrn Rail Ins Wet Int Glz Low-E 366 Tempered Standard Color Spacer, Hi-Altitude Traditional Glz Bd, No Grid U-Factor: 0.34, SHGC: 0.16, VLT: 0.37, Energy Rating: 4.00 �v zoii.3.o.aiwrov �o�/zv/u) v�m $1,421.12 1 $1,421.12 Add 6 1/2" stiles and raill to aaorrbdate key card lodc Delivery Note: PLease be advised this is a NON-STOCK, NON-RERIRNABLE SPECIAL ORDER PRODUCT. Your signature below indicates that you have reviewed the specifications, quatities, & details of this order. Customer agrees to payment terms set forth in the terms & conditions of sale: $315.00 $75.00 1 1 Total: Colorado Stabe Tax (2.9 NET TOTAL: Total Units: $315.00 $75.00 #4.006.27 �116.18 �4.122.45 7 QQ- aut-053179 Page 2 Of 2 (Prio� are s�ject to t�arge.) JBAW08029 - 9/13/2011 - 7:53 PM Quote Dabe: 9/3/2011 Drawings are for visual refererce ony and may not be ta exact smle. pry orckrs ���: 9/13/2011 are wbject to review by ]ELD-WFN Vail Rac uetClub Townhomes & Condominiums October 11, 2011 Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Dear Community Development, The Vail Racquet Club Homeowner Association recently received a request from the owner of Building 10, Unit 7 to replace the entry door and windows in the unit. These windows and door meet the Design Review requirements of the Association and have been conditionally approved based upon the owner receiving the proper Town of Vail permits and approval. If the Town has any questions or desires further information, please let me know. Sincer� Loft� �r of Facilities and Grounds .� , 4695 Vail Racquet Club Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 800-428-4840 • 970-476-4840 970-476-4890 F�X