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. ; � � , # CONS�'RUCI'fC}N �VOT�S GEI�EIRAL �VC3TES �' � !n the drawings and specificatians, the term "#ield verify" indicates that the Architect shali be ' Contractor is to visit the site, verify existing conditions, inclu�ing utility {vcatians, , contacted prior ta proceeding with the work in thafi area. hookups and stubs, and familiarize himself with a1f new wQrk. I� #he even# of discrepancies beiween the clrawings and existing conditions, notify fihe Architect before m � Carefully remove and save all doors, door hardware, bath cabinets and lavatories if being proceeding with #he work. All work ta be perfiorm�d in accordance with all applicable rep�aced: bafihtub, tub doors, shower, bath hardware, bathroom light fixtures, living room codes and regulations. track fighting, entry closet shelving, living level closefi shelving, fiving level carpet, and any : other recyclable materiafs. ' Notify Habitat for Humanity of Eagle and Lake Counties at 970- Cantractar to verify exisiing conditions and systems, in�lu�ing required ventifation, 524-0669 to arrange for pick up af items salvay�d. fireplace flue venting, relocated heating elernents, electrical and plumbing locations, bath and laundry installations, etc., and determine acfa�tabifity to new work. Coordinat� ■ Remove walls, fireplace, baseboard heat, electrical, and flooring scheduled for demolition. installation af entry door system, living area sliding daor and fixed glass unit with Remoue andlar relocate electrical and baseboa,rd heat as required. building renovatian General Con#ractor. ■ Remove existing drywall in the folfowing three areas; at back of living level closet, at t�e east The Contractor shall remave from the site and dispose of all dernolition materials, wall of�he dining area, and at#he d'rning area ceiling ta investigate existing conditians. Notify debris and rubbish as soon as practicabfe. Protect all existing ar�as from the new work Architectwhen the three areas are exposed. and repair all damaged work that is to remair, The building and grounds shall be kept cEean at all times. ■ Construct wails as indica�ed. . Ex#eriar finishes, detailing, materials, etc., are to match buiiding renovatian ■ Frame entry door so that door is centered within the existir�g opening. Therefore, the hinge � speci#ications. Coordinat� with KH Webb Architects and building r�navatior� �Pneral side of the door will shift approximately 9 inches to th� left form the existing hinged jamb. Gontractor. Caordina#e with the building reno�ration General Contractor. . Interior detailing finishes and materials, including material ar�d perForr:�ance ■ Frame Gving area slider and fixed g{ass unifi as shown on thE Living Level Plan. As viewed specificatians, as selected and approved by the flwner, These includ�;, but are not from the exterior, t�e door is on the left and the fixed glass on the right. The left panel of the limited ta, filoar fiinishes, doors, casework, hardware, trim, stairv�ay handrails, claset daor is operable, `Caordinate with the building renovation Gsnera{ Contractor. systems and shelving, �replace mantels and hearths, built-in furnishings, cabinetry, appliances, plumbing fixtures, bathroom accessaries, lighting fixtures and trim, sound ■ Field ver�fy locations of all ifems shown on the electrical plans with Architect. All light fixtures and secsarity sys#ems. Provide blaeking as required for praper installatian of these as selected by 4wner or Architect. items. Sound insulate the floor system and interior walls wherever passible. � ,. ■ Field verify with Architect locations of plumbing for washer and venting for dryer. : Mechanical and electrical systems design shall be th� responsibility of the General Contractar, required subcontractor or others as selected by the Owner. Coardinate ■ Field verify baseboard heatlacations wifih Archit�ct. Modify heat at fireplace wal! as required. modified baseboard heat focativns with the l�rchitect prior to the start of the framing �ahase of canstruction. ■ Construct fireplace walls and soffit. M�tch height of existing south soffit and dining area - ceiling: Notify Architect if#he two heights are not.equal. Coardinafie soffit construction with Yhe Architect assumes no responsibifity for error�, omissi�iis and applicable cvde sprinklersysfiem. requirements of consultants. The Architect as�u�mes no respan�ibi{ifiy far u�iiity � coordinati�n, care of adjacent praperties, p�rFormance �pecificafiiQns and the p Install Heaf& Gfa Cerona-42 Direc#Venfi Gas Fireplace with Galleria Doors. Daar finish per component� of construction safety; ar for the Gontractor's failure t� carry �ut fhe wark in Qwner. Keep horizontal flue as close to ceiling beams as pc�ssible. Fireplace stone veneer : accord�nce with #he Construction Documents. � to be Te�uride Stone Thin Veneer, Greys#one. _ ° .. The investigation of hazardaus materiais is,;:beyond the scope of these Architectural � . , . , , . - ffi � ■ Instalf shawer with bench in east bath. Two shower heads w�th separate valves, ttle wa{Is Serv�ces. The Owner shail be responsible for ail extsting hazards on th�e property; and and ceiling, framefess glass daor. for the discavery, presence, handling,.removal or dispasal.af or ex�osure af persons to hazardous materials, waste or substances in any form on the p�-operty, including, btat ■ Instalf Kohler Hourglass - 32 lntegral Apron �ath with tublshower valve in west bath. Tub#o not limited ta, rado� gas, asbestos, asbestos products,�etc. . have glass sliding door enclosure. , �. �i t�wnership and possession af the original Architectural�drawing� shall remain fihat c�f the � Y�, � • Alternate: fnstall new cabinets, granite countertops, granite splash, and undermour+t Architect. Reproducib(e copies will be provided at the Qwner's request and expense. v � laUatories in bath baths. Th�se drawings are not ta be used on other projects except or� agreement in writir�g � Y Z � and with appropriate campensation to the Architect. .� � ■ Insfiall new tife flaors, faucets, and bath hardware in bath baths. Tile, faucets, and hardware � � � � �`�' � J e�' � as selecied by Owner. . ,�.m 4 ,� _�.�.. �� , � � I � -- �. , �, � �,�.... `� - . . . . . . . . . � �= �� ' �� 4 4 ``°� � �' � ��. -■---�I#e*-Fta#�:-F� E..�,.-,�",�,;--{;o�-#+#e t�1e-s+�fla-Fte-e�c�s �' � � � �� �� i , � , �����`� ��� ���� � � � . �.�� ' AppIY slip trawel texture in entry and on living level and Uvalls and ceilings. � Ind�x of IDrawin � w. - , g �������s��.r_.rv�..:. ������z,.K,��_�. A Paint unit fihroughout except for bedroams and bedroom hallways. Touch up after installing ������� � trim and new daors as necessary in these areas. Colors as selected by �wner. � �,1 Const�ru�tian Notes, General Notes ,..a� ar � � � �.�? «- v �„Q �' °�� `�� � � � `� Cv ■ Install new two panel waa� daors with new door hardware thraughaut unit. Hardware and :�.m � wo `� '�� �'�� �°����� � type of wood and finish as �elected by �wner. �2 Existing Entry l.evel, EXISt111g LlVltlg L�V�:� 4�,. T, _ �?�o� �`a �"° � �,� � ��� Q �� �� � � � , rv aF co�o �� � ��� �, 0�3� �'� ' � � � �n �• Q � ■ Install new base and case trim and basebaard heate�r covers throughout unit. Type of wood � 3 Entry Le�el Plan, Living L�v�l Plan, ����t"1C�f D04r EIGV�1'�10�1� �� 'QqQ � � =a�.�s� � �� �.� � and finisn as seiected by Owner. 3 �j �' �. p . � �' �. � �� � � A4 Entry Level Elecfirical Living Level Electrica� � `� TH�EE > a � E,�,,., ■ Install firaplace wal� cabinetry as indicated. Allow for venfiilation of heat fror� below. Type af , ' ' � �, R � p� ' ����`�� ��o waod and finish as sefected by Owner. �n'�E'1'IOi" E�G'V1'�IOt'IS�SGC'�IOt1S, FirepO�ce Fro�t/S�ctic�rts: � � � •G� � �'�,� ; �� ''' G � �� � ,� �,�• „����,.� ° Instaf� m?ta! raifing and handrails at stairs. Railing parks and finish as selec#ed by (J�Nner. � �'�k' �� � ��� o;� �.� � �' C' ' � 3 � `�i- — �,� � � �,� �� � ■ Install utllity cabinetry and shelf in laundry. Fie1d verify configuration with Archi#e�t. � �'' �� � ` � � � � a'� c�a � o.� �� caiv , , ci a> o � o , ': ; '' ' '� '� `� �� �`� '�� '° ■ Instali �ntry baot storage, cubbies, shelves, and bencli in entry as indicated. Type of wood � �a. w � oc.�. a �� vsc� ���:� �� �� ��� � � and finish as sefected by Owner. Tile baot starage base wi#h existing tile on site to match ' P� Ile LanqQC{ a� lfer �,I'Chitec#s, L L CL Revised 3-1-0� � .� Q�,� �� ._ � � _ ��� s, ��. . �._ G��.��:� entry floor. , � �.�.�. David Mark f'ee! A.I.A. Kathy Lang�nwalter, . . � � . t�-� � Li `= �' �f�,-�'—, ec's,� p�� e�is : � � . . . . . . � . . � ��� �. . � � .. . � � . . �. . . . . .. . . . . . . . ___ . � �, �,;�,:4� -��.��°_ � P.Q. Box 12�2 Vai1 Cof orado 81658 date .�.. �, �,� �,� ,�; �, ��, v� ■ tnstall new ca�pet and pad on stairs, landing, dining, and living areas. Un[� 208 � l2'�� '� � � _ ��.�.�� �'��� Lodge af Lionshead Phase I Teie974-476-45Q6 Fax 970-476-4572 �roj�ct <, � 390 East Lionshead Circle ,� , cf rawn �},.. Vail, Colarado • � ._.....�.... �� � sheet � of � ___-,--_ �Remove Existing Drywafl to Verify Electricai Wiring Configuration Notify Archi#ect When Exposed � ! .�� � �---�-Remove Exis�ting Doars, Enlarge Center En1ry Daor in Existing �pening to Accommodate Widest Frame 4pening as Required� French Doors Possible, Field Verify * � -- , � . __��____._.:._ `.,._ ._Remave Wall, 4utlet . �p � �..._�._..�. & Basebaard Heat Entry � � � -------l.ow�r To Ha#ched Areas Indicate — � T __ -- — p af Existing Walls to be Removed . Remove Wall---� ~ Wali Between Stairs at End of Stair � 9 . . - Dn Stora e " � _��---� � � ��. �;--- Remove Exis#ing Shower __ � ._ � � _ ._.:.__ _ __. _.._.___._._Remave. Existing Railing . Remove Furred . ` Remove Exis#ing Tub �ut Wa11 � K[tC�"1G11 � i Bath B. � Dining --�---- —. --Remove Existing Floor � � --- Remave Exis#ing Drywall fo Investigate � .. Tile in Both Baths Passibility of Creating a Niche �" Bath A .�..._ Natify Architect When Exposed ,,� _:�....�� __ � � I : , _._.�_�_. Remove Existing Drywall af Dining Ceiling#a lnvestigate Possibility of Greating Coffered Ceiling .__:_._.._.�.,�..�.M;. �._._" ___— .._....�.�..�u..�:�� �.___- ._ _ Notify Architect When Exposed . Living Bedroorn Bedroom __—.. ._---_ -- -_—__ ____.._ � , Remave Existing Wood .�...�_ _ �. Trim from Double T Legs �, -�----•----�� , � -- _..__ __._._. �.�. _�...:...... �..:.�......_.__�_�Remove Existing � Fireplace and Hearth � � _ _- - . �.�� Reverse Location of Slider& �'ixed Glass . "� EXISTIh1G ENTRY LEVE� ��4,�-��_o�� EX��TING LIVtNG LEV�EL ��aF�=��-o�� �°� �°��� �?�T� q� � LE � � CC�NSTRUCTIfJN NUYE � T � � Interior detailing, #inishes �nd materia(s, includir�g material and pe�formance . �''� �C.�' specifications, as seiected and/or approved by the Owner. These include, but are , � r rim stairwa handrails � ��� AR�°�� not limified to, f[oor frnishes, doors, casework, hardwa e, t , y , . closet systems and shelving, fireplace mantels and hearths, buift-in furnishings, cabinetry, appliances, plumbing fixtures, ba#hroorn accessories, ligh#fix#ures and trim, � . -: . , and saund and security systems. ; Provicie blocking as required for proper installation of these items. Sound insulate HA�,j��( ���(,)���,,,, PeellLang�r�walter Ar.chitect�, L.L.C. ; Revisea 3-�-a� _ , David.�iark Peel,A.I.A. Kathy Langenwatter,A.I.A. . ' fiaor systems and interior walls wherever possibfe. < • U n it 2 t38 P:O. Bax:1242 Vail, Colorado 81�58: :date �Z•2(•f,Y =Tele 97Q-4?6-4506.. Fax 9�?{}-476-4572.. ~ , Lodge at l..ionshead Phase I , p�o�ect 390 East Lionshead Circle drawn l�l. �` Vail, Colarada , Shee� � of �� �,, ir�stafl Stackin�Washer and , aryer, FieE�f Veri�y EEectrica� � Wiring ir�Walls with Architect �-_. -----New Meta1 / Har�drail Mr�ve Exis#ing Mounted 7rophy, �,I' ; . • � ��' �. __..__ �ie�d Uerify L4catian wlArchite�t �I+feuv Pair: C�nt�r �ntry Door in Exis#ing �' ,� French Doors ;' Frarr�e���nin� �s Required � / ,��� r'` F � � � I ,,; � .. _ �L—���_._. . ........... . .... — _--- �__, �c�l�41'�(.� y C �t � d'��:W I�U�f?��� �� � � Vlllf:l I �arpet - ,:t���:��-i` .e �/ ', � ,� Alt�r�nate: Repface ExEStrr�g TiVe F'I�r�r uvith � o Etltt']�' _ Slat� Tile 5imila�ta Existing Backsplash. - _.�.__-- ---�- _ ___ ._�. Cb ts. , 1'ile - 9 �� --�- �, -New Metaf Mandrail Bench wi#h---- .__ _ $#�lr� F: t7n C��bies Above --- BenCh ,� . - — � � _ __ 4 - — — - ,,>�,< , .. , �., �, �-�-Double �how�r H�ads Shadfing Ineficat�s �. /� ��.;, New Con�tructian _ �' �' -�--..--;.— _ �_ ___.-.--.__.___N�w Ti4ed 5hower � .� _.�-- Y--New Me#al Railing with 24 �ramel+�ss � a� --- 1�1tChLC1 cs,� =-�,_°` -. , ,� �1, � � Glass Daor � ,�, ,� T��� W a �3ining _ _ �. �a'�M Q Carpe# 5oaking Tub ���h � �� and Shower Yil� ���� � � �j�� -� .� � ��-� � ��d Sliding Glass Qvar � ��;�.;;''` ---�'' i V�r'ify Tuh Enclasure _ _ ---- -- -- -- -__ ___..__ _._.�...___ �._ ' � � Ce�ling Hef�ht Change� j ,� l � � � �-- Built-in Cabinetsl cn �C , Shel�res, TYpi��i ' � .', -- -__._ . ___ �.�_ .._�� � ; _ � --- _ _ _ .___. .._ _ � _ _ _____��.._.__,__---.-----.__- ---.-�-----.--.-Aiternate: Replace Existing Cabinet, T�' Legs Abs�ve, Ty�. � Tc�p and LaWatary. N�w Granite Siab fiop wit� tJr�d�r Mau�t �ink, Typica� Both Baths � �-:� r Remov�e Existing Wood � Trim�rar� TT L�gs .�.�.._ �.�.� _____ � '� � __ _.. , < �, _ _�.-- -�.� �--- — --___ _.�_� __----- , � ',�Y � � . .� - Stane Ver�eer _�� � �� �.1'VI 1''� Bedraom �3edro+�m � � F�'� �`'� Carpet� � ;�``-.. ,-,.. ..�,� �..�� �}`� � � `�---- --Ca5 F.P. ,�� �� _ rt,,_._._..._ ��_ � � ____. ..._...�..��..� ; ,:� �� : � �� __ .______ �----- -._--_ _ _ .�__ _ .��._._ � � _---.-� Stone Mantel � , � �- - - "� � '� i" � i � �'�Stane Ffiearth -� ..,.- , , �;� �,�,, - �`,�� � Ceil�n Hei ht Char� as � � . „ � 9 9 � � �, �_,> _ � —_._ —._.�._ ..�.._�_ ----- �� f:. �, �� 4� � ----- ' s � �_- �c� �, � i _ . _ - -�Iue Ch�se, Ver#fy D�p#h .�.i �% �`� I ��� � ; � �,. '�� � �r.'�'�' F ���_- `�-� St�ading Indicates � � ,P�� Reverse �Lacation af New Can�iructir�n , � V,.c,`'�� 5lider c� �ix�d G#ass � �,,.��"��''` --�� �r�me Dpening as Required � � �NTF�Y LEVEL PLAN ��a���=��-o�� � tIV�NG LEVE�. �LAI� �t4,�=�i-a" s GENERAL PLAf� N4JTES - -_ , ,�� ���� _�..._ - ._:r:.�"_..�1T � -�---_fi �- Ur�it 2D8 Entry DC3 N(]T SCA�LE DRAWiNGSf �im�nsic�ns are tv the face vf s#ructure unl�ss v#herwis �' �-Q� I �toor Cen�ered in nvted. In the e�re�nt of discrepanci�s, nvtifiy Archrtec# imm�diately. � p , --Existing� apening j �µ ln tE�e ev�nt vf questian� regarding the wor�c c�r di�crepancies in th� c�rawings, notify ir P�tio Doar Lacated on--- i � Architects immediate�y. �]a nrat pracee� with wnr� until all such questEOns ar�dlor the Left af�'ixed C;lass, i I Unit 2fl7 Entry Dvvr discrepancie� h��re t�een fully resalved, � �� �C� t"��posite vf Ex+sting �andition , ; Laca#ed to the I+�f# Sl�dir�g �� Fixed � � � -- --o# �xisting �Gp�ning fih� term "Field Verify" ir�dicates conferring with the Architect prior tv praceedir�� with # ,� ��,'� Glass Do�� Giass Par�el � � j work in tha# ar�a. '��D pRC ; _._.__.�� . ' ��� � 1 - , � - �;� ���} u [ ��+u► C�■A C1 ee#ILartgenwalter Arch�t�:cts.�_L.L�� ��Vas�a� 3-�-t�� f f7�V�.r r� �G Ir��4�►�G L. �7avid PAark 4'ee�, A.l.A. fCa#hy Lan��nw�lEer,A.I.A. PATfOk DO�C3R ENTRY ��+�� - l��li� �0� P.C�. 3a�c 1202 Vai1, Colvrado 81 F58 �date ���j.� . Ldd�� �� L�O�ssh�c�d F'h�SE� I T�:�e 9`�0-47G-45pf� Fax �7Q-47C-457� prQject .. _� _ � --- 39(3 Eas# Liar�shead �ircle �' EXTERI+�F� Q�]t3R ELEVAT�C3hIS� �14�F=1�-�v�� ���`�"n ��- Vail, Col�ra+�o ,���g�� ���- . i�ci�wvc �n�aw�y i..iyi�ur ev�� :7 RCl;CJ3CL7 A�Q(1 5" Recessed Can Raplace as Indicated, Adjustabfe Trim 3C 3U Field Locate ' � '4 — --��." - ---- ��...._.._.._ '~�.,, .---. To Existing Wood Trim Cubbies � �.�! =..� -� -Cubbies (� ` _._..' T _- �P � �-- W sher � Switch ; Sides &Top __._. ..:... "��`�'�' ; - Dr�er � �' Existing . BHooks � .��_�.Hooks , �' �`___._.`_._.._ - ------I-- �� Down Granite Mirror = Adjustable Panef - . Backsplash ' � � `�.�_._�_."_.�._._ ._ Shelves � -,G-Adjustable � Relocate Existing ' �`'�-- i I Granite Countertop `�� � Shelves 220 to Align w/ -�-- .__ i � � .�. Range Recess'4. E , w/ Undermaunt Lav ,, � Bench _ _..._. _.� _ Bench � j ___ Drawers Set- � �` �� ,r Tiled Boot I Relocafed C?utlet �. -'� � Boa# Stor�ge � Shower Light� from Stair Wall Back from Cabinet -- Storage ..,�.---�----�-- :,.-O ' . _�` .____ � � � �R N C� , \ Ta Ex�stin�� A-East�Bath B-Entry Bench =�= C-Section D-Section : � _ _W_ _ ----,.�-�.,_ ��._._.__ � � � West Bath SimElar . , �._._ � . But Oppasite Hand. Shower l.igt�t � ___.__ � \. -- r-� � � � Replace Existin9 �n 2,'� 3F 3E . � � � � Recessed Cans w/5", �. ,4, 4 �� � f �� �._._..�.._._.�._. �.._�� Add'i hird Light, Metal Railing �Z' � � � � a Eliminat�Junction an Woc�d Base J .._ —..—�. `� ' ---c� � ---- - . . �,.. � _.�...._. _ _.._.._....__ � �..._ �_�..�.. f � , ,E , ._ � , 4'.. j � � , t ; tai Railing � f � � � 3° Law Valta e � ' I I I � � k � , , � ; Note: Field verify laundry g � �( ° , � j G . � , p Cade /` �� Recessed Li ht j �f � � � � : configuration with � ( � � 9 �.- , , , . � ,_._...�- � � f � �� �� E � . Architect. New Wall Fixture New Wall Fixture /'����� , i � _._ ---.. � � i� �{� i � � per awner per 4uvner .�.�.� ...._._ _._....�. .._._._ �._.__�._ _..._._._ _��' � I � i� ' V I � ..�.. . __..... ..__ _ �-.._�--�.�=..-�=���_...__---�'--�fi� ( � � �.� s��aing �, Low Voltage �,,� , i -;- `Meta{ Handrail :�` ��' Cabinet w/Lock New Flaar C}utle Track Lighting /� �C '' or� VVood Cap :, Wa{I Sconce on Waod Field Verify Locatian \ � � Panel, 2 such ,��" ,Handra'rl per Gode . � � �- ; Dryer ..._������ �.��_�__�.�_.___ - �-.�.�-�--� f ,� ! ��___ Shelf ; ; �_...�.. � ..�._ . ``!�,\ � ' ; ' �,�•��`e�` / _._..�. 1 � j � Wash . ��-,�' . ���-� _. .�_�____ ; .. `a'C��`�.-S -- Upper& Lawer New Cable Loca#ion ! 1 Existing Concr�te Stair ,_._.. _. /� � _ ...�.___�__ ___. � Cabinets wlLac' Typ. Both Bedrooms ____...�. _�._...._ __.._..._._._- ------ _ ___-_� _.��...�._ __.____ _�__._ __.--_ -�_.___.__.__________-___...�_. � New C�ble & Outlet, ` �" �.ow va�ta�e --�. � - ( . .E-Stair Section F-S�:air Elevatian G-L�iundry Recessed Light Field Veri#y Location Tie to Existing �.,�`` , wl �chi#ect, 2 Such Unused Swi#ch Bax � ._..._._._� � .__ �.� - __.....__.��..._.._..-� .�-� �,,,....---_�.�_,. :..--------..,Q �; � _ �IVTERIQR E�EV./SECTI�NS ��4,�-�f_o�� ^° `�R ��,T �� e � __....._ _.._ � __._.__._....�.�....�.._....._�.. _.�......._. ....,.._w_.__.__._ �,.� �'�c��s°��1-�-� �; _ t►..a jd�(°t (�- , Not+�: Field tocate a11 electrical outlets, fixtures '�---__ . switches, cable and phone outlets with Replace Existing Floor Architect prior to instat{ation. Light Outlets,Typ. � fixtures as selected by Owner. . �.�, � � � . . .... -Saffit ENTRY LEVEL ELECTRICAL ��4��=��-o�� LiV1NG LEVEL ELECTRICAL ___ �i4«-��-oF� � . _�.�: _ ' . � i . �1�4 � " ; SOfflt � ` _ � � � ...�..._._.....r_....... FIU2 B�'�11C1d �EX6f� 4H 4J -_ 1 � ......�wood Pane� . snanow snelf _ 4 � FEue - Stone Mantel Soffit at Underside _ .., Tap af Mantel � af Beams ► i _�� - _.__.�._.. ._.�...._�Adjustable _.... .. _ __�___ ..�._...._.__ , Sheives - Bracke# � � , � _� ' --r Shallow Fixed Shelf ��F C QL�� . � ._._�.._.._._._1t�ood Top -- - ! � � -,. _. ,� � Waad Panels e- '"4� _�......... -�-Thin Veneer Stone � ----_-- _._. ,._:�.�_ _.� ��_..� Adjustable � ECATk� E�3 � . I Sconce � � Shelves -----Gas �ire lace Unit ��5� _._.__..__...�.. Adjustable ___._..._.___..�__._. __. � � .°�...�-Lockabfe Base Cabinet Shelves __.._ __.__.__ .__ ,�'��. _.... .�. . -Stone Mantel ' �" Stane Hearth -�j ,�- :.Prouide L.ouvers ,._.., _ .....) �_., �-.�,�:,:� ��!.., t: "°�r� ,�'�."' `' � `�� Adjustabfe � ,_._. -..-�� _�, .�:,_.�r�,.�. �.._�.N..,-�� .._�.�_ �� . ? .r'J fnr Baseboard Heat Sheives �_..�..._ - �,-,�-�,`°� ,�. �-�- � ... _._. ...— _-�Bracket �. �,'c� � ! . �__�.....__� ��� � �-.=Y�,---.�--� ^_.�,�„ _. ..—_ ��.�__ Wood Tap �...�..R,...�..���. ^ -:-~-- ' --� _._._.��...__.____�..._. .. . Thin Stone Ven �.. -==: �.�`_ �� -...�w� H-Fireplace Section J-Cabinet Section ___`..- .�-�. i i �� ��� _ 4 " � � {. .�f�"�-�� Base Cabinets w/Locks, Typ. t��...._ �. � ��...� � __7�..��._, 1 '`._� s r. . .,.�..,......._ _ ���'--,�� .� �-_ L �. G Revised 3-1-07 Peel/Lan enwalter Architects, � � Gas Firepface Stone Hearth E � HA►�{r� �,E���E�.. David Mark Peel, A.[.A. Kathy Langenwal#er,A.I.A. �quai . ,�f 1��� �qua� Un[t 2�8 P.4. Box 12�2 Vail, Colorado 81658 date I 7.��ZI��t� -----.._..._..__.___.....�_._._..�__.______.._�__. __. _____...__�______---.--.--,_�._�___._---....�..___..._._._.�w._____._� ____�._._....._�_..___..�.._.___--.--- Tele 970-476-45Q6 Fax �'70-476-4572 � ; � ��e�� v�r��y , � Lodge at Lionshead Phase 1 pro�ect � . � 390 Easfi Lionshead Gircle drawr, ,, _ .�_._.....--- Vai�� Cvforado .._..�, �`-L , � �IREPLACE_FRC?NTISECTI4NS ��2��-��-o}� � ' : �" ` � sheet of