HomeMy WebLinkAboutB11-0478 B11-0478: Entries for Item:90 - BLDG-Final 09:11 01/08/2014 Action Comments By Date Unique_ Ke AP JRM 09/13/2012 A000153 830 Total Rows: 1 Page 1 • Client: �/ � � � ��� " GROU�� Job Name Nedbo Construction , E N 6 I N E E R 1 N G C O N S U LT R N TS The Wren Garage Improvements Address: PO Box 3419 CONCRETE FIELD PROPERTIES AND Job Number Vail, CO 81658 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TEST RESULTS 11-6608 Report Number Report Date Attn: � December 2,2011 Mr. George Snyder On the date specified above, Ground Engineering Consultants, Inc(GROUND) was requested to provide materials testing services for this project on sampled concrete. GROUND pertormed testing in general accordance with the frequencies required and/or as requested by the contractor or onsite representative of the owner.The following information includes related site observations for the concrete placement and to the best of our knowledge including information from site representatives.As we provide periodic services on most projects and may not be onsite during the entire concrete placement,the contractor should be consulted for precise details.This report includes the results of the tests we performed and our observations,however,it is the responsibility of the contractor to perform construction and provide materials that meet the project plans and specifications Placement Date: 12/02/11 Specifications Concrete Placed By: Vasquez Concrete Required Strength(psi) 4500 Concrete Supplier/Mix ID: B&B/37012552 Slump Range(in.) 4"Max Total Cubic Yards Placed: 7 1/2 Air Range(%) q_g°�a Weather/Temperature Partly Cloudy/20s Temperature(°F) 50-90 Placement Location: Wall supporting double T plank of middle parking deck at gridlines E.0-G.0/4.0 Methods Employed: Tailgated to pump truck Truck No. Ticket No. Batch Time Test Time Slump or Air Content Concrete Unit Weight water Added Test Sample Location Spread(in.) (%) Temp:°F (pc� (9aitons� Gridlines F.0/4.0 6038 32140823 11:47 1:05 4 5.1 70 140.1 Notification of field test results: George with Nedbo and Gilbert with Vasquez Concrete Compressive Strenqth Results (ASTM C39) Cylinders Cast from ticket: 32140823 Lab ID 5156 Cylinder Diameter(in.) 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 Cross Secional Area(sq in.) 12.57 12.57 12.57 12.57 Maximum Load 48270 74010 79670 77180 Compressive Strength(psi) 3840 5890 6340 6140 Test Date 12/09/11 12/30/11 12/30/11 12/30/11 Test Age � 28 28 Z$ Type of Fracture T5 T5 T5 T5 Additional Comments Field Technician Jon Noble Gypsum Grand Junction 379 Indian Road Corporate Office P.O.Box 464 Grand Junction,CO 81501 41 Inverness Drive East Gypsum,CO 81637 P:(970)242-4300 Englewood,CO 80112 F:(970 524-0721 F:(970)242�301 P:(303)289-1989 � ) i GiRDU�1tn ENGINEERING CDNSULTRNTS November 30'h, 2011 Job Name: Materials Testing, The Wren Garage Improvements, Vail, Colorado ' Job Number: 11-6608 Nedbo Construction Mr. George Snyder PO Box 3419 Vail, CO 81658 Attn: Mr. Snyder As requested, a representative of GROUND visited the project to perform construction materials testing. We observed the holes drilled into the existing concrete by Vasquez Concrete for the concrete wall supporting the double T-planks of the middle parking deck of the parking garage at gridlines E.0-G.0/4.0. The drilled holes were observed for specified depth, diameter, and cleanliness. We then observed Vasquez Concrete utilizing Hilti HY-150 Max epoxy to epoxy reinforcing dowels into the drilled holes. The reinforcing dowels were observed for specified bar size, spacing, and form clearances. Based on today's observations the drilled holes and epoxied reinforcing dowels at the previously described locations appeared to have been constructed in general conformance with the project plans and specifications. Gilbert with Vasquez Concrete was informed of our observations. Sincerely, GROUND Engineering Consultants, tnc. Jon Noble Field Representative Grand Junction Office Corporate Office Gypsum O�ce 379 Indian Road 41 Inverness Drive East P.O.Box 464 Grand Junction,CO 81501 Englewood,CO 80112 Gypsum,CO 81637 P:(970)242-4300 P:(303)289-1989 P:(970)524-0720 � F:(970)242-4301 F:(303)289-6742 F:(970)524-0721 I Y September 10, 2012 , Subject: Summary of Materials Testing & Special ' Inspection Services, The Wren Garage Improvements, Vail, Colorado Job Number: 11-6608 TOV Permit#611-0478 Mr. George Snyder Nedbo Construction PO Box 3419 Vail, Colorado 81658 Attn: Mr. George Snyder, This letter summarizes the special inspections GROUND Engineering Consultants, Inc. (GROUND) performed for the Wren Garage Improvements Project located in Vail, Colorado. The special inspection services were performed at times scheduled by the Contractor and/or Subcontractors between November 30`h and December 2"d, 2012. Representatives of our office provided periodic observations for the improvements to the garage concrete foundation walls as scheduled by the Owner, Contractor or Subcontractor. At the time of our visit, representatives of our office observed the placement of epoxied dowel reinforcements and tested the physical characteristics of the concrete placed for the proposed addition foundation wall. Based on the final test results to date, field observations, and other project documentation received from the design team, it is our opinion that the materials observed for the epoxied dowel reinforcing and concrete placement for the garage improvement foundation walls were in general accordance with project plans, specifications, or applicable RFI's. The observations as indicated above were performed periodically to provide data to the Contractor and Subcontractors to assist them in evaluating the general compliance of the tested materials and/or work with the contract documents at the times of our observation. We did not supervise, direct or have any control over any of the Contractor's or Subcontractor's work. We were not responsible for the Contractor's or Subcontractor's scheduling of our services, means, methods, procedures, techniques, ' or sequences of construction, nor responsible for ensuring that any Contractor or Subcontractor performed or completed the work in accordance with the contract documents or construction industry standards. If you have any questions concerning this letter, please contact our o�ce. Sincerely, ,� Digitally signed GROUND Engineering Consultants, Inc. ° '. "....��s� by Jason A. ; 4s.ae j Smith, REM, P.E. �� ' Date:2012.09.10 �_,........., �"0NA` 16:25:32-06'00' Chris Hutto, CET Reviewed by Jason Smith REM, P.E. rr�ouH� ENGINFEFIING CONSULTFiNTS INC. � I01 A nirpark IJr.,Unit 9.PO E3ux 464,Gypsum.CO 31(37 Phone O70)?24-0720 Fax(970)524-0721 www.oroundeng.com OJficeLocn�ions: F..nglewood . CommerceCity . Loveland . Granby . G}psum . Grand.lunction . Casper,WY . I � , TOWN OF VAIL ' FINAL REPORT OF SPECIAL INSPECTIONS Project: The Wren Garage Improvements Permit Number: 611-0478 Project Location: The Wren Garage Owner Address City: Zip: SPECIAL INSPECTORS pe,i��{a#es,io�a}��fge: GROUND Engineering Consultants, Inc. Address: PO Box 464 City: Gypsum State: �� Zip: $1637 Phone: 9�0-524-0720 Fax: 9�0-524-0721 E-mail: chrish@groundeng.com jasons@groundeng.com To the best of my information, knowledge, and belief, the special inspections and/or testing required for this project, have been completed in accordance with the contract documents. Interim reports submitted prior to this Final Report of Special Inspections form a basis for, and are to be considered an integral part of this final report. Any discrepancies that were noted in all interim reports have been corrected. Prepared by: Digitally signed by Jason Smith, REM, P.E. of.. „'�tis Jason A.Smith, Type or Print Name . REM,P.E. ,sue ,� Date: ��qlE� ���2.�7.�� Signature 1626:59 -06'00' 9-10-12 Date Preparer's Seal and Signature Required , -12- � i � � Job Naroe- �C� .�-��..rti,,a� ' •. ;�" Job Address: S?1V � "F�on�,e �id � T�1WN�OFYA[L � Permit No.:`.,� � l - �o�!� � ' SPEGIA�INSPECtiON AND T�S`fING AGRE�MENT � i (To applicants oi projects requlring Special Inspectlon or Testing per Sectfon 4701 of Ehe I8C) The awner or hislhar representafive, on the advice of the design professlon�i in responslble charge, shafl complefe, seai, sfgn �nd submit a copy of the Speclat inspection Rgreemeni and Snuciur�f T"e�i� Scheduled to the town of Vail for review and ap�rovaf. 5ignetures are required on both pages; photocopied or faxed slgnatures are acceptable, The owrter and hislher general contraGtor, where applicabfe, shall aEso acicnowtedge the foii�wing conditlons applicable to Speclal Inspection Testing; �, Confrector is responslb�e for proper nofification t4 the lnspecflon or Testing agency for items 'listed.(Page 1) (I�C 1704) 2, Only the testing laboratary should take sampfes and transport them to thelr iaboretory. 3: Capies of ail faborafory reports and inspections ar�to be sent directiy t�fhe Town of Vall by fhe 7esting agency ott a week{y basis. 4. lnspectlan a9Et�cy to submit names and qualiflcations of on-site specia! inspecfors tv #he Town of Vaif for review and approval.(Page 2} 5, The special inspector is respnnsible to immedtatety notify the Town of Vai( Bullding Of�clal in writtng af any concems and/or prob(ems encountered. g, ►# (s the responsibiiity of the confractor ia review the Tnwn of Vail approved plans for additional Inspecffon or testing requiremenis that may be nofed, A pre-cons#ruction conference at the Jab site is recemmended to review speciat inspectlan proCedtil'es. 7. The special inspector shall use only the Town of Vail approved drawings. 8, AU special inspecfior� fleid reparts must be !eft on sife for review by the Town of Vail staff prior to requlred inspections or re-(nspecflons, B�FORE OCCUPANCY WILL �E GftANTED: The spsclal inspection agency shall submit a slgned and sealed sfatement that a11 items requiring testing and inspectlon were#uifilled and reported. Those items not tested and/or inspected shall be noEed in fhis staEement. A copy of fhe siatement shall be mainfalned at the job site tor the Building Inspector's review prlar to final lnspection. Acknowledgement: r / Owner��.-�- � ��-��� ����f;.�� f yl � Signature Pdnt Nams Date � �� '(�/ Speclal fnspe on�^ �_ rl G O�N+� J� ��-�+j ��p � � Agency: ��/ "" '�1 �� l�tl.�"� � b��_ r Signat e Pnnt Name ���� Dale �ro ect E / ArchlEng: ��IS--�1�J C��P,��-��b�Q.L_ I —�l��� Slgnature PrfnE Name Date 'i Contractor: �`'c�f��i�/Y�GT 1�1 ��=�-/ gneture Pnnt Name bate � , T��VIVOFVAII� � SPECIAL INSPECTION AND TESTING SCHEDULE {!BC 1704) Project Name: Permit# Owner's Name: Testing InspP��f8T1 Sig ature Print Name Date 11 � GRO[7ND Engineering Consultante, Inc / ^ ���f Agency: Evan Kuhn y � Testing inspection S[gnature Print Name �a�e Flereby ceriifies ihat the Tesiing/inspection P�qency named above has been engaged to perform siructural tests and inspecilons during ConstruCtion as checked below,to satisfy all applicable portions of the Building Code. Prior to flnal inspection,the inspection Agency shali submit a statement ihat all items of designated�vork performed were reported. Any items checked but not tested or Inspected will be noted and expiained. Whenever any designated items on the list are ready for sampling, testing, or inspection, it shall be the responsibility of the coniractor to give timely notice to ihe Inspection agency so that the required services may be perFormed. REINFORCING STEEL: UNDERPINNtNG: Tensife 8 Bend,one set per heat per tons TemporaryJPermanent lnspection of Pfacement Inspection of Sieel Fabrication l�speclion of Welding Inspeotion of Re[nforcing 8 Forms Epoxy G� Inspeclion of Concreie Pfacement inspection of Tlebacks MASONRY: Prelim.Acceptance Tests(Masonry Units,Wall Prisms) SOIL NAILS: Subsequent Tests(Mortar,Grout,Ffeld Wall Prisms) Temporary Shoring Inspection of Placement and C3routing Perma�ent Wall �CONCRET HOTCRETE GROU7 ANb MORTAR: STRUCTURAL STEEL: rete Shat Groui Moriar Sample&Test(Lisi spec'fiic mambers below) Aggregate iests for design Shop IdenUfication 8�Welding(nspection suitabi6ty oi aygregates 5hop Ulirasonic Inspection Mi�c Designs 5hop Radiography TestPanel Fleld Weldfng Inspection 8aich Plant InspecUon Fieid Bolting Inspection cement srab Sampie Field Ultrason�Inspectlon InspectPlacing Field Radiography ��G Compresslon Tests Metal Deck Welding lnspection Cast Sper,imens F�REPROOFIkG: Pick-up Sam !es Inspection&Placement Shrinkage BarS Yefd Check SOILS; Alr Cherk Acceptance Tests Dry Unit Weight Moisture-Density Determination PRECAST CONCRETE: Field Density Reinforcing Tests brilled Piers Inspection of Reinforcing Placement Deep Foundation Tendon Tests Inspeclion of Tendon Alacement STRUC7Uf2AL WOOn: Inspecilon o�Concrete Placement Inspeckion of Fabrication Inspeclion oi Concrete Batching Inspection of Truss Joint FabricaUon lnspecfion of Panel Attachment&inserts Sample&Tesl Components Compressiort Tests Inspection of Glu Lam Fabrication Inspectfon of Stressing/Transfer SMOKE CONTROL: PILiNG,CAISSOMS,CAPS,TIES: Inspection of Reinforcing Placement SAECIAL CASES: inspection of Concrete Piacement Inspect[on of Concrete Batching SPECIAL INSPECTION: Selsmic ResisEance Spac1/yofhertests,lnspectlonsorspecialinstrt�ctfonsrequJrod. WindRequirements -4- �„«�,ti��.�,. Eva n Ku h n a-`�������- �h„�,,,:,,,,�. Nov 02 11 06:47'a Scotl L. Maxweli 970�3'(4-7067 p,1 ���'�i:�,�,iP �✓�'���� ��,0�,���� Job Neme: �' Job Address: �P�NOFVAI� " , Perm�t No.: �U�� 8PECIALlNSPEC710N AND T�STINO AGREEM�NT (Td appllcanls of pro�ec�e�qulring Special ln9pection or Tssting p�r Sectlan 17'01 of the 1BC) The awner or hisJi'�e�tepreaentative, on lhe advioe of!he d2sign p�ofessional itt responsible charge, shell compiete, seal, slgn and subm�t a c�y o�f the Special Inspectbn AgreameM and Structural Tesfs Scheduled to Ifte Taurn oF Vail foT review and approvel. Signatur+es are required an both pages; photncopied or faxed signafures are acceptable. The oumar and his/her general oo�'actor, where applicable, sha11 also ackrtowledge tile followhtg • conditions applfcable bo Speci�l inspection Testing: 'l. Contractor is lesponaible for proper notificalion to the Inspe�tion or Testing agettcy for items . fisted.(Page 7) (fBC 1704) 2, Only the testirrg laboratory 8h�uld take samples S�d iransport them to thei�IaboratQry, 3. Caples of all fabot'�tary report5 and inspections are to be sent dlrect(y to the Town af Vai1 by lhe Testing agency on a v�eekly basis. 4. lnspection�ency to 5ubmit�r1'►es arld qual�icatione of on-stte spet�al inspectots to lhe 7own of Vaii for revlew and approval.(Page 2) 5. Ttr�speci�l inspectQr ls responsible to imme�iafety notify the Tawn of Veit Building QffiGal in writing of any concems and/ar problems eneountared. 6, it is th0 r�esponsibifity of the cotttractor to review the Trnsm of Vait approved plans far additional inspadlan or testing requiremertts that may t�e noied. A pre-conslruction conFerertce at the job 9ite is remmmended to rev;�w speael lnspection procedures, 7. 'The spec�al inspector sha11 use ony�he Town of Vail appro�6d drawings. 8. All special insp�ction f�eld nepoRs mu9t be left on siba for revlew by Ihe To+�►n af Vail st�ff Qrlor to required insp�Ctions o�rv;-Inspectlons. BEFORE OCCUpADlCY VYILL BE C�RfW'f"�t�: The spec.ial inspection agestcy 9ha1�subm� a signed and sealed statement t�at atl items ret}�inng tesSing and inspectian were fuifilied and rsported. Those items not tested and/or inspeded shall be noted in this st2bement. A c�py ot the statement sha(i be maintained at the job site for the 6uilding Inspedors review priot to final(nspxtiort. Acknawledgament: Owner; Sfgnalure Pnnt Nstne Dete Special frispertla f � /y') ��� AgencY� � � � r��,�����/ �� Slg 3tur� PdrR Afame J%� Projact ArchlEng: Slgneture Prirt Narr� aala ContrscRor. Si�rrature PrfnL Na�rs� Date • • »'�., Nov 02 11 06:47a ScoEl L, Mexwell 970-3147067 p.2 , . TC�WN V�VgII, � SPECIAL INSPECTiON AND TESTIhlG SCHEDULE (IBC 7704} n Project Name: Permit#�15�� "'�� qwnePs Name: T�SttAg II1Spettl0 Signa�,re P��� �� � � Agency: ��hs��� ��i Testing In n aaene p+���►�^+� � Hereby cerUAes that ihe Testingllnsp�bn Agenq named a0ove has been engaged to perfarm stnrclural tests and ktapectlons dunng cor�tructian es cheCks4 befow,to aatietyall appikabi�podions oftbe Bultding Code. Pfior to ilnal InsDeCtiO�, the k�sp�dion Agency sha11 subra�a smtement tltgt all items oi desl8naied worfc Rerfiom�d wer�e report6d, iUsy�tems cheCked bul not tested or mspected w�be notgd and expi�in9d. Whenever ersy designeted items on Ute GsE are reedy fvr sarnpting,testing,or inspedion,ft sh8� b�tha respons8ifiiiy of the cordrador to give tlmety nutice to the faspecl'son agency so that tt�a r�equired servfees mgy De perPorrned. RpINFaRC�HG$'{'��L� UIVO�RP1NMi1G: Tenstle 8��end,one set per Aeat per mns YeinPorarylRermanent InsQcGltun ofPf9C9rneK TnspedfOn ef Ste�i Fabekatton In9pectbn af WddR�g ��bPeeHort of Refr�lorr+eg 8 Forms Iaspactlon af Conc�96e Pl�C0R12(it insyec,tkn af;fabeck9 MAS Prel6�n.ACOaptance 7estc(l4tasonry Untts,Wal Prfsms) SOIL HAI�s: Suhsequent Teata(lAor�r,Or�ut�ield Well Pr►ama) Temporary Shor�g Inspeciion of P►a�ment and GtoutfAg PemtSn@nt WRG COiVCR SHOTCREi� CROUTANQk10RTItiR: g��V���T�� � r Bhot GravE Mort�r Sample&Test(lb�t spacific mernhe�s heiow} ������m�, Snop ident�i�Uon�Welding Ir�spe�tion S�itepnxy of e�eggqgg Shop U�4'88oNC 14apsction �pg�n3 � Shop RBdipgiEtphy rast Parrei Reld Weidng inspac5on �p�i � Fietd eoltlng Inspealon Gem9rrt DSamD�e F'teklUllsseCnlClnapa(3i0D U+a n� Fek11�a0iography ���T� � MetalDedcWe{ding In9pection cssi �mens FIt�pROOFING: ' Ptck-up samp�am Inepeotlon&Plsoomant Sh�lae�Bara ���� 301LS: �C� Acoept�ttCe Te9ts Dry uNtwa�pn� Moisarre-Dansi�r Debarminaticn PR�CA8TCOHCR�: Field Den�ty R�Snfotting Tesis Ddlied�fers fnspecUon of Relrtfordng Qlecement Deep Foundatlon renaa,rests Insps�tlan of Tendon Pfscement STRUCTURALYVODO: Inapectlon ofConcrvbo P�SOem�nt �,,,,,,,� Inspacdon of Fabricat;on In9peC11an piCancreoa BaUenhp losper,tion ol TNAS JOtnt Fpb�icntion Inspcetbn of Panal AtlachmenE�frr�e�t5� 3amp}e�Te91 Campenenfc Campression Te9ts tnspectlon ol Glu Lam FaGBcatbn Inapoctinn of StressY►glTrans{er SMOK�CON7R01.� PILING�CAISSONS,CAPS,TIE9; inepeetian ot Reirtforclrtfl P{acerrieni SPECIAL CABE8; Inspaction a1 Conarle P�acetneM In6pectton orCOnaeM Hetcntng SPECIAt IN5PEG710N: 3e�mic Rssi3tence 3pedfy orhe�fast�lns�peclrons orqpacle�rna�c(lbns�qui�ea Wind ReGLtretr�et�s � *******�*****�***�*******�***********�**********�**********�******************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ******�*******�*****r*****************************��*****************�+*+**+*************s** Statement Number: R110001680 Amount: $356.25 11/17/201109:53 AM Payment Method: Check Init: DR Notation: CK# 40930 ROLLIE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: B11-0478 Type: COMBINATION BLDG PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-081-1701-3 Site Address: 500 S FRONTAGE RD E VAIL Location: parking garage Total Fees: $519.56 This Payment: $356.25 Total ALL Pmts: $519.56 Balance: $0.00 *****�************************�***************************+*********r*********************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ BP 00100003111100 BUILDING PERMIT FEES 251.25 UT 11000003106000 USE TAX 4°s 100.00 WC 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 5.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: TH/S PERM/T MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL T/MES ,. TnWN OF VAIL ' Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970.479.2139, f. 970.479.2452, inpsections 970.479.2149 COMBINATION BLDG PERMIT Permit #: B11-0478 Project #: PRJ11-0684 Job Address: 500 S FRONTAGE RD E VAIL Applied.....: 11/09/2011 Location......: parking garage Issued.. . : 11/17/2011 Parcel No....: 210108117013 OWNER WREN ASSOC 11/09/2011 500 S FRONTAGE RD E 116 VAIL CO 81657 APPLICANT NEDBO CONSTRUCTION INC 11/09/2011 Phone:970-845-1001 PO BOX 3419 VAIL CO 81658 License:C000003087 CONTRACTOR NEDBO CONSTRUCTION INC 11/09/2011 Phone:970-845-1001 PO BOX 3419 VAIL CO 81658 License:C000003087 Description: structural and waterproofing repairs to the concrete parking structure(just items 15,16,17 on Monroe Newell report) Occupancy: Type Construction: Valuation: $15,000.00 .................................................«......,...,.,............,..... FEE SUMMARY .....................,,,........,,........,,,..,.....,.,,...,..,....,...,,..... Building Permit-----------> $251.25 Bldg Plan Check----------> $163.31 Use Tax Fee----------------------> $100.00 Electrical Permit---------> $0.00 Elec Plan Check-----------> $0.00 Restuarant Plan Review-------> $0.00 Mechanical Permit-----> $0.00 Mech Plan Check---------> $0.00 Additional Fees--------------------> $0.00 Plumbing Permit--------> $0.00 Plmb Plan Check---------> $0.00 Recreation Fee--------------------> $0.00 Investigation-----------------------> $0.00 � Will Call------------------------------> $5.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES--------------> a519.56 Payments-------------------------------> a519.56 BALANCE DUE------------------------> �0.00 ...................................................................................................................................................................................... DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application,filled out in full the information required,completed an accurate plot plan,and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan,to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws,and to build this structure according to the town's zoning and subdivision codes,design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM-4• M. � �� -� �-� � Signa of Oewner or Con actor �� Date �e�,r� ,,ry Print Name combination permit_012811 l ..................................................................................................................................................................................... CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL TO BE MET PRIOR TO FINAL SIGN OFF Permit#: B11-0478 Address: 500 S FRONTAGE RD E VAIL Owner: WREN ASSOC Location: parking garage ..................................................................................................................................................................................... combination permit_012811 � ► TOwN OF VAI� ` .*.**.***.�*.�.*.�**..**�***********...*********,*�*�.*.,.*****„******,...*************�**.*****�***********************�**************.,***�,****** REQUIRED INSPECTIONS AND STATUSES Permit#: 611-0478 Address: 500 S FRONTAGE RD E VAIL Owner: WREN ASSOC Location: parking garage �...*.,..**.�.�..*.*.#..**.«*.,****«««.,.,*.,..*.,*..,.,***,.,**...****,.,...**...,.,...�****.**«««««««*.,*****,,,..*...�**�*.,.*********«*.,**«.*.,.,**....�,.,..,.**..,.#* Item: 00090 BLDG-Final combination permit_012811 L ****�***************��*****��**�*******�********«*******r******�***�**********r��*********** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement *****.*�*****�*��******r*******�***�**�*�**�*****�*�********�**+�**�*****+�*******�********: Statement Number: R110001629 Amount: $163.31 11/09/201110:55 AM Payment Method: Check Init: LC Notation: #40837 / NEDBO CONSTRUCTION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: B11-0478 Type: COMBINATION BLDG PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-081-1701-3 Site Address: 500 S FRONTAGE RD E VAIL Location: parking garage Total Fees: $519.56 This Payment: $163 .31 Total ALL Pmts: $163 .31 Balance: $356.25 ***��*****�*r**************************r******��********�*************�*****�***********r*�* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 163.31 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Department of Community Development � �� 75 South Frontage Road '`. �*� `. `� � ,� '• � ' Vail Colorado 81657 . � w. �, . . �. � , ��. . . , � �__ �_ � : _ : ��:<. Tel: 970-479-2128 � �_ "� - :�'+ Web: www.vailgov.com t �� . _• �� ' Development Review Coordinator _ � e���1.Tr.�i._1.{�! !... .�. ��� u «� .. ..�""����I��'�.o:�.;t ' � r"..,...��u�4�.�sS`.....:. ,� ...'����x�i BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (Separate applications are required for alarm &sprinkler) Project Street Address: Project#: P 1� �� �U�9`a y 500 S. Frontage Rd. (Number) (Street) (Suite#) DRB#: Building/Complex Name: The Wren Condominiums Building Permit#: �,, ' 6� � Lot#: Block# Subdivision: Contractor Information Business Name: Nedbo Construction Inc. Work Class: New( ) Addition( ) Alteration (�/) Business Address: Po Box 3419 Type of Building: City Vail State: CO Zip: 81658 Single-Family( ) Duplex( ) Multi-Family( ) Rollie K'esbo Commercial (�/) Other( ) Contact Name: 1 Contact Phone: 9�0-977-0326 Work Type: Interior( ) Exterior(✓) Both ( ) Contact E-Mail: rollie@nedbo.com Valuation of Contractor Registration Number: 251A Work Included Plans Included Work � Electrical ( )Yes ( )No ( )Yes ( )No � %�� �' � X j Mechanical ( )Yes ( )No ( )Yes ( )No � Owner/Owner's Repr entative Signature(Required) Plumbing ( )Yes ( )No ( )Yes ( )No � Project Information Building (�Yes ( )No ( )Yes ( )No I �00 Owner Name: I he Wren (;ondominlums 210108117013 Value of all work being performed: $ �$j�� Parcel#: (value based on IBC Section 109.3&IRC Section 108.3� (For Parcel if,contact Eagle County Assessors Office at(970328-8640 or visit www.eaglecounty.us/patie) Electrical Square Footage Detailed Scope and Location of Work: Structural &Waterproofing repairs to the Wren's concrete parking structure. See accompanying Engineering by Monroe Newll for specific materials and methods used. ��S�' / �P wt S I � (3 N e� ; �'N fi�� � � ;� �ti (use additional sheet if necessary) For Of�ce Use Only: � Date Received: _._ Fee Paid: ���� 3 1 � r� " _ '�� � `' r=_ : Received From: ����-� � �S � Cash Check# uU�� NOV �� 2011 CC: Visa/ MC Last 4 CC # exp date: � Auth # 01-Jan-ll �� , ,o�c� State of Colorado Asbestos Testing &Abatement Requirements Asbestos testing and abatement protects workers, homeowners, neighbors and emergency services responders from"ex- posure to harmful asbestos. It is your responsibility to be in compliance with the State. Please contact the State directiy for their requirements at the contact info listed below. When is asbestos testinq required? ANY building projects disturbing more than these threshold levels of building materials require asbestos testing: One-and Two-Family Dwellings: 32 square feet All Others(commercial spaces, hotel rooms, etc): 160 square feet Definition of a single-family dwelling: any dwelling unit that is used primarily for a single family, including multi-family/condominium units, and fractional fee units. Asbestos testing results must be provided with your application for a building permit. Tests which identify POSITIVE results at more than 1% require abatement by a State-certified abatement contractor. The clearance letter must be submitted to the Town of Vail before the building permit will be issued. Project Checklist My project falls into the category checked below: � Will not disturb more than the threshold limits identified above. � Tested negative, or at 1% or below (1 copies of test results included) � Tested positive at more than 1%, requires abatement (1 copies of test results included) Tips& Facts: • Even recent construction projects may include asbestos-containing materials, so buildings of a�age require testing. • The "1989 Ban" on asbestos-containing materials is commonly misunderstood. "In fact, in 1991 the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals vacated much of the so-called "Asbestos Ban and Phaseout" rule and remanded it to the EPA.Thus, much of the original 1989 EPA ban on the U.S. manufacturing, importation, processing, or distribution in commerce of many asbestos-containing product categories was set aside and did not take efFect." - CDPHE Asbestos test results and abatement permit applications should be submitted to: Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 S Frontage Rd, Vail, CO, 81657. Town of Vail Contact: State of Colorado Contact: Fire Prevention Bureau Colorado Department of Public Health Vail Fire Department and Environment 75 S Frontage Rd Asbestos Compliance Assistance Group Fire_inspectors@vailgov.com 303-692-3158 970-479-2252 asbestos@state.co.us www.vailgov.com www.cdphe.state.co,us oia�-t i _ Nov 02 11 06;47a Scott L. Maxwell 970-314-7067 p.1 ���L�:�.lP!!� :.�✓`T/!��'�' Job Name: �` Job Address: ���F��, � Permit No.: _ ��l � C��� -- SPECIAL INSPECTION AND TESTING AGREEMENT (To applicants of projects requiring Special Inspecti�n or Testing per Section 17�� of the IBC) The owner or hisTher representative, on the advice of the design professiorrat in responsible charge, shall complete, sea1, sign and submit a copy af t�e Special �nspection Agreement and StnECtural Tests Seheduled to tl�e Town of Vai! for review and approval. Signatures are required on both pages; photocopied or faxed signatures are acceptatsle. 7he owner and hislher general oontractor, where applicable, shalf also acknowledge the following conditions applicable to Speciat Inspecfion Testing: 1. Contractor is responsible for proper notification to the Inspection ar Testing agency for items listed.(Page 1) (fBC 1704) 2. Only the testing laboratory should take samples and transport tnem to thei�Eabora#ory. 3. Copies�f all laboratory reports and inspections are to be sent drectly to the Town of Vaii by the Testing agency on a weekly basis. 4. Ir�spection agency to submit n�nes anci qualifications of on-site special inspectors to the Town of Vail for review and approval.( Page 2) 5. The special inspector is responsib#e to immediately notify the Town of Vail Buildirtg Official in writing of any concems and/or problems encountered. 6. It is the responsibillty of the contractor to review the �owrt of Vai! approved pians far aciditionai inspection or testing requirements that rriay be notetl. A pre-construction conference at the job site is recommended to review special inspectio�procedures. 7. The special inspector shall use only the Town of Vail appraved drawings. 8. AEI special inspection field reports must be left on site for review by the Town of Vail staff priar to reGuired inspections or re-inspections. BEFORE OCCUPA�tCY WILL BE GRANTED: Tf�e special inspection agency shall submit a signed and sealed statement that afl items requiri�g testing and inspection were fulfiiled and reported. Those items not tested and/or Enspected shall be noted in this statement. A copy of the statement shall be mair�tained at the job site for the Building Inspectors review prior to final inspectror�. AcknowledgemenY Owner: Sgnature Print Name Date Special fnspectio h � '� � ^ / .��.�1��/ , Agency: � � '�` � ig ture Print IVame ate Pro�ect Archl�ng: Sig nature Print Name p�e CORtr2Ct0� Signahue f?rint Name Date _3_ Nov 02 11 06:47a Scott L. Maxwell 970-3147067 p.2 a , ��OF OA�L � SPECIAL INSPECTION AND TESTING SCHEDULE (lBC 1704) Projec�Name: Pernt it# \��� �'�'�U Owner's Name: Testing Inspeciio Signature ►'riit Wame Date Agency: ��LL<f�l�'(,�{��/ Testing In n gnawre Print Idame Da>/�f Hereby oeRifies that the Testing/lnspedion Agency named above has been engaged to perform structural tests and �spections dunng construction as checked below,to satisiy all applicable portioRS of ihe Building Cade. Prior to final inspecii�n, the Inspedion Agency stiall submit a staternent that all items of designated work �rForrned were reported. Any items checked but not tested or inspected wdl be noted and expl�a�ed. Whenever any designated items on the ist are ready for sampling, testing, or inspection, it shall be the responsibility of ihe coMractor 10 give tirnety notice to the Ir�spection agency so that the requir�ed seruices may be performed. REIN�ORCENG STEEL: UNDERPt14H6P1G: Tens�7e&Bend,one set per heat per 6ons TemPorary/Permanent Inspedpn of Ptacement fispection of Steel Fabrir,ation Inspection of Welding Inspeciior►of Reinforang&Forms ��, Inspectbn of Concxete Placement lnspection of�iebacks MASONRY: Prelvn.Acc�eptance 7esis(Masonry Un►ts,WaI Prisms� SOIL NAILS: Suhsequent Tests(fVlortar,Graut,Field Wall Prisrns) Tempotary Shoring Inspection of Phac�meot and Grouting Permanent WaM CONCRETE SHOTCRETE GROUT AND NORTAR: STRUCTt1RAL S7'EEL: Concrete Shot Grout Mortar Sample 8 Test(list specific members below) ,�qgregaDe tests tor design Shop Idenl�icadon&Wetding Inspection S�tability of aQgregates Shop l}Itrasonic Inspection Mix oesigns Shop Radiography 7est Panel !i� Feld We3ding lnspection Batch P[ant Irispection � F�eld Bdting Inspecxlon CementCxabS�nple Field L1ltrasonic�nspection �P�P�� Field Radiography CompressionTests —� Metal Deck Welding Inspect+on Cast Specimens FtREpFtOOFING: Pick-up Samptes Inspection&Placement Shrinlwge Bars Yeld Check SOILS: A9r Chede Rcceptance Tests Dry Unt WeigM Moisture-Dens�yr Determinatior PRECAS7 CONCREI�: FieFd Densiiy Reinforcing Tesis Drilfed f'iers Inspection of ReiMorcing Ptacement Deep Foundation Tendon Tests Inspectian oiTendon PYacement STRUCTURAL WOOD: Inspectian of Conexete Plac�errient Inspectlon af Fabrication Inspection oi Concrete Batching Inspedion of Truss Joint Fabrication Inspection af Panel Attachment�Inserts Sample�Test Components Compressian Tests Inspection of G�Lam Fabncation Inspeotion of SlressincyTransfer SNDICE CONTROL: PIUNG,CAISSONS,CAPS,TIE3: Inspection of Reinforcing PlacemeM SPECIAL CASES• lnspection of Concrete Placemer�t Irispe�Eon ofConcrete Batching SPECIA�INSPECTION: Seismic Resistance Specrly othe�tasts,inspections orspeciel inshvctions reyuired. Wind Requirements �� rt � �°�, � � ����� � VaiL Colorado " Denver, Co(orado Frisco, Color2�lo 1���0� � �T��-e� Engineers, inc. September 13, 2011 The Wren at Vail 500 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 dsc��r�icit@ea�twestresvrts.co�� Attn.: Nlr. Derek Schmidt Re: The tlVren Garage Structuraf Repair zQ'i'!, 5�� Sa�th Front�ge Road, Vail, Eagie County, Colorado (ti�&N #8588) Dear Derek: Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. conducted a structural site visit at the Wren at �fail on Hugust 5 and on August 29, 2011. The purpose of our site visits was to review existing structural conditions af the concrete garage structure and to determine required repair procedures for damaged structura! features. We provided structural repair requirements during a previous renovation of the garage. The driving surFaces were repaired and covered with a new surface m�±eri�l du�ring this project and waterproofing was ins#al(ed �� r�ul�iple locations. Our current observation of all concrete struct�ral members resulted in the follawing findings and repair recommendations: 1. The top and mos o�hern pdrkirg �had a �op surface that w�s in good condition gener . Only 'nor hairline cracks were visible in the finish surface and some s ng had occurred where moisture was able to get under the top s ce. ecommend that joints are sawcut into the t�pping along o edge of the pr st concrete floar beams as shov�n in t�e �ttaci�eci se��iar� SR� ar�d as s!-�a on fhe anached p(an S i by type www.monroe-newell.com ?0 Benchmzrk Road • Suite �04 • ?.O. 3os 1">97 • Avon, Colo;ado 81620 (9?0) 949-'-6f� . FAX (970) 9 i9-40�4 ` email: avonG��mor:;oe-ne��eil.com r � X1. Elastomeric joint m�ound, ty � a 2CNS u�ethan� sealant, shal! be i�s�alled in the cufs. iie ' ctions as shawn in Figure 1 and denated on plan S1 by X2 shall b aned and filied in v�ith Trafficgu�rd EP35 — epoxy coating and S� � a sand. he patched areas shall then be covered vdith Sonoguard U thane deck coa " _ ,�. r � 'i� . � . 't �:�-� 1 Y `� � . � ' :`��� ..'� , `�� �� " } ��7� �i� - ,,� � �- � �-,� < < ,f ;^�' r �� : +� . �;fi � i ,.� e fr�:�� � I . �� �s+ ���� _ ��rr` t�5;1 y t < ,f L � • �� a�, i /�� z ����r � - . d �V ¢t J ,�� f �r� ' -.` , i < <<� . . , i �; d4 i ,. { i Figure 1 2. At the entrance to th garage a trench d�r�--is lacated. The concrete surround at the south en f the drai cracked and shou[d be repaired with high strength concrete t � g, type EMACO R350 CI. See Figure 2. Th� cau�k j�ini between t r� way and the cirain should be refilled with sealant caulk, type 2CNS. S items X3 and X4 on plan S1. � V� � - IV�� __ ���� ` ��,� __� +� ��'��,: � `� �`�� � --�. -�.. .-�:�,� - , 4 ;�� �- _ ,4 Fia�re 2 3. A nevv concrete r�mp it tube stee! railing �ad becn construciec� from the driue�ray to the buil approximate[y tvva yEars ago. The bases of Monroe PL Newell En�ineers,[nc. 2 The 1��ren Gara�e Observa[ion September 13.201] (�,������8�) ! 'i � 1 � the tube steel rai�ings tNere alrea�y very rus�y and wifl continue ta u2teriorate ra�i�iy� unless the sieei members are separatea from the exterior carpet flooring, which appears to remain moist f�r long periads of time. We recomm d that�the rust be removed completely and a rust proof paint coat be appli . in addition a Sanoguard Urethane deck coating coutd be installed on e bottom 4 inches of these railing posts. An alternative more durable f r finish material shoulc! �lso be incorporated in a future renovation project uch as stane pa �s or the garage deck coating. See item X5 on plan S 4. At the bottom of the ramp between e pper and the midcffe garage leve! a trench drain with integral heat tap i in place to remove surFace water. See item X6 on sheet S1. The dr n pan damaged near its ends (Figure 3) and moisture has been abl o penetrate e structure causing damage to the concrete members his location. The ain pipe that is located at the west end of the tre drain is surrounded b braken concrete pieees and moisture stains. , is trench drain should be repaired along its whole length with high s ength concrete patching, type EMAGQ R350 CI. �'he broken drain p' e should be repiaced and embedded watertight in the concrete pa ing material. Both edges of the trench drain should be refilled with sealant cau(k, type SlKA 2CNS. �.�� � . °' �I _ ,,._.� �.�, �_. .�.� . � - � '������� � t.��.�T�- l , ts _ 1 :, :: x:. �� _ - ��: { �- � , }�. � - __ _ j_ � �€��re � ; _ � 5. On �he rridd{e �arking deck, s v�� n lan �'! �efin,�eEr� �r�U� � � � _ � y a�� � �r�C parking surface is in good co i io enerally. Small areas af aamage are Monroe&Ne�i�ell L-n�ineers.Inc. 3 The Wren Garase Obsernation September 13.2011 ���������� , � visible in some fo ations and wil! have ta be cl r?ed and paichea. Spal{ed sec�ia�rs as show in Figure 4 and aenote on pfan S1 by X7 sralf be cleaned and filled in ith Trafficguard 5 — epoxy coating an� Silica sand. The patched areas !I then b covered with Sonoguard Urethane deck caating. ; a _ ';� ._.� f� - �'s .rS.. .��R.� ^+':�..�- " � � w '° r ht - YR .r :.1 a w �..��;� z . �. "'K "A.' „F,� .kF�?-'. .° t f^�r.� aq i .�` 'S _ s'��'#�„�.=..�.n1 �"4_ .. �..`:� �`n+.'R�'°rc. �i � .`.� � y RR� R�• :.ip � .��`- .. (�y y �.`* _��5 .i?} � - I x r '/.� .Y{ _ �,. �� , � YM �£ . ] ^F ; _µ� Y _:u�' 'i"' 1 Y � •� T r : 1 r k.. �3 1. . .'�°k wf �,= - �„ �`�� f Figure 4 6. We recomm d that joints are s cG� into the topping of the middle level along one edge the pr st conerete floor beams as show�r in �he attached section SR1 a s shown on the attached plan S1 by type X1. Elas�orieric joinf compou a-t e �ika �CNS urethane seafant, shall be installed in the cuts. 7. At the corner near the stair to the lobby area, which is indicated by X8 on plan S1 (near grid 5/ a concrete crac " ' ible in the parking deck finish. The crack should be und o nd an elastomeric joint compound, type SIKA 2CNS shauld be pfaG ' the vvidened jaint. The joint shculd be aligned with the savvcut joint d crib in item 6. All existing cracks in this area should be patched wi rafficguar -EP35 — epoxy-coating and silica sand. A Sonoguard urethane deck coating should be installed to match the existing finish. 8. q concrete cu that is oximately two inches ta(! was inst�Hed previousfy along th o edge of the middle parking fevel along grid 4 on sheet S1. The curb Id be repaired and filled in if necessary ���ith high strength concr patching ial, type EMACO R350 CI. See item X9 on sheet S . Monroe&Newell Cnsineers,Inc. a The Wren GaraQe Obsen�ation September 13.201 I (M&N#8�58) : 9. The concrete slab- -grade ramp to the northern lower level is in good condition structuraily. utters aion e upper deck edges channel and remove drip water. Repa' s to t concrete drive surface are not required at this time. 10.Along the north park' stru ture wail cracks and moisture stains are visible on the concrete su e. The wall appears to be in good condition structurally and moi e does not seem to leak thru the wall at this time. Repairs to this w are no required. , 11.Precast concrete do le —T plan re supported on a concrete ledge on the north wall. Bearin late nd connection plates for the T-legs were rusty and should be cle a d painted. See Figure 5 and item X10 an sheet S1. : Figure 5 12.Inside a storage clo t in the north/e comer of the parking structure moisture, musky air and st on were found (see item X11). Leakage : from the trench drain near driveway at the east wall of the parking structure appears to ha res d in wet conditions in this room for years. We recommend th a �entilator -e installed in this spac� and current leaks monitored t ine possible repairs in the future as part of the building's maintenance program. This space should not be used to store materials that are humidity sensitive. ' 13.Near the storage roo described ' item 12 a concrete double-T plank leg �� has an area of spalled ete with exposed reinforcing visible. The I� spalled area sho�ld be re i with high- strength concrete patching, type EMACO R350 CI. See gure 6 d location X12. Monroe&Newell Engineers,Inc. 5 The Wren Garage Observation September 13,2011 (M&N#8558) � , CSi �GF'��� l •'�. w�M' . � � � � A . � r ... ._< ` - . _ � . � � . y�i M�w...., .. ._� y.y.rRd/fttn�,.. .'.,L/� . -4.r . af 3. ^3i 9r.'.. ft�t'�, :"�r �a -.���.: � I ��� :�Dl' �:E;` 'd .�.'� �. II)fl`���I � III""1�' a''r'ill 3 ji If�li�l� II d.i I S .F,4:;;. !". Figure fi 14. Ai the bottam of the lowe level east ramp the I s described in item 4 have damaged the concrete double-T pla and the inverted concrete beam an grid 6 between grids and . As indicated in �igures 7 and 8 (item X13) the lang term leakage caused concrete spa!ling and rusting oi reinforcement. i he con e se 'ons have to be cleaned and rust removed from reinfo ' bars. The amaged secfions shall then be patched with high- strength concrete patching, type EMACO R350 CI. ;� tf _ :t dt � ... _ , ,- :. � <. . T .�..� .-.�� �- 1 - .. ,- , ' i'" : .. ,y �p '�-d T. . �'_. b . ; '°'P° R'J�'�' �� �y� . �, J *'� . . .tp-`@` � ' � rmr ,r. C�,, ' 9.�'� .�➢6 "y� . '`y.� �.�"�f � �}. ,� . � .�.� �'"��""�T�' � �r k q,�n - �: � �§ dv +y:� � � �..+, ��- . � - �+ q 3 �� �� � '�. � ��1 �+�� ld � .. t� � �k � # .s � ..� a�.;s k``- Fxp �:>. . '. _ _ i i�* �? aa 4�}� � y .._�,�...��;�:. � .. _ `' � C' � I ` ": ' �� �; �i _� �ei�.p- .. . _ r i; �,. +xC" wx�� � ' h a.�F"� �F_,r��Y'^ wY � . . 2 ,., �. � d�A�'�It,r,L..p;.�. ' . . .�+; ..:a ..a �Yw wh �t'L4 °"'de '`�'� x�¢ Fi�ure 7 -. CF��4G o � 15.A cast-in-place concrete wall with large openings is supporting the �recast double-T planks of the middle parking deck at grid 4 (see item X14). The surFace run-off from the upper parking ctecks and the moisture from the pool area have caused deterioration of this wall and the columns and beams inside this support vdall. During our site visit on A�gust 5, 2011 we recomrr�ended instal►atinn �f s±ae! shori�g posts ur��er e�cl7 precasi doubie-T leg near this wall. These pasts were in place du;ing aur visit an Monroe K Ne�+ell Enaineers.Inc. 6 The R'ren Garase Obsen•ation Septcmber 13,20l 1 (MRN#�SSA) t • Auaust 29, 2011. The concrEte beam near grid D had expased reinfarcir�g �ars on �hree faces and concrete ha� s�aiied ofF in iarge pieces �s sh�wn i�� Figure 9 and the concrete posts each end had large cracks and pie�es missing. The three beams between grids E and G and 5 columns between grids E and G will have to be repaired and the eastern three apenings between grids E and G fi!!ed in. V`fe have aftached repair d�tails SR2 and SR3. � : � _ � � , � �,ii '� ��"' � `. �p�� � i �.'��` . q ���,.:'+.e�R � Ta . . r I ��µ . � � ��t �� � . - - • � � � ��:��3f " �" �'"..: " `_ . ...:,..,�. - . 1 •�� I'� . .�� _ . . ,°.."��n,.,. i (.: . � I :�. � "`s,,,,. .. �.� � y �� s ` .L. c,.��v.se` � ' 4' ��` � ' �°:�'''�� .�. xa� � r���d�^ —'�`_`� �� f r ' � ' ! � fan � � � �� ���_, �. ;� -`�- _ 'P'�^' a *p���. _ ,. . j , _ �.� � � � r- `-� .� ` „-�,- � f � � ���:u� �� `� � F � � P� , � � ' � + 4 f ' �;' f .4'� �"�� � � "t} �.= E h .F ..�,3� i � f..} `�' _. .7 . } 4..r'�� � �" Fig�ure 9 � Figure '(0 � - 16.Between grids B and G on grid 4 the siee! support angles for the c�ncrete double-T legs are rusty and discolored. The plates shall be sandblasted and ail rust removed. The clean plates shauld be painted with a rust resistant paint (item X15). Where the existing concrete is damaged severely and the expansion anchors are anly partially embedded in corroded concrete a support post shali be installed under the existirrg support angle �s shown in the attached repair cletail SR2. 17. The integral concrete �olumns on gr�d 4 between grids B and G are damaged by long-term exposure to moisture (item X16). Reinforcement is visible where concrete has spalled off for years. The exposed reinforcement shall be clear►ed and ioose concrete piecES removed. All co!�mns shal! �e repaire� wit� �igh- str�ngfh concrete patching, type ENfACO R350 CI. 18.The exit opening in lower levef thru thefie�s�-�ail on grid G near grid 5 had a double steel ang(e ader bea . e steeE is rusty. All rust should be removed and the steel pain ith a rust resistant paint (item X21). �p. �� tr= caSi Sluc vi 1 c i�11"i�l i0 if�e lowe = fevef ru��-on moisture from the �ool and spa as is c�r�-entll� diverted b � a meia! �!�fter (item X.'�??. t�9onroe K Neti�-ell l:n�ineers,Inc. 7 Thz tk'ren Garase Observation September li,201 I (M&N k�iSS) Abo�;�e th;� �utter the cancE `� is uis ared �nd smail spailina is visible. The cancrete surfaces shall be I ned and spalfed areas repaired wi�h high- streng�(� concrPte patching � EMACQ R35Q CI. See fiaure 10. -r___.___�+ I .-v � . . � .. � r°-"�,'." � - --���� ,i` ,; . . I �+�„ �:.ot-.,� F"�'d7`.��,"�F .=- . I 'r'� �Sy.'." _ � .._; .,�'."v�y'n: y�. �.... ... _ . ��. � _ ^c:s%.. ` "�y.�'r:; `�' ._t o.., . �- . _ _ '>r�+*,W�w-r+•,_-. �, � . tN �yg�4 y .t'�:."3 4 �a �S��t s�; i �w«�I •`� � �5��ii�, .Meil I �ai � �in�er�. 2'E . .�u.� . e 20.{n the iowest parking lev in the west wall a wind o ening had been cast (item X18). A very ru metal door close off this opening. The praximity to the exterior grad will lead to co inuous exposure of the metal €rame and the metal door p nel. Over ' e the fr�me vJili rust thru and fall apart. We recommend install 'on of new galvanized metai frame and door ana regrading of the exterior s to create a minimum 6 inch distance to the concrzte opening. 21. Several cracks are visible in the ower levef uth waf! on grid 1 (item X19). The cracks are allowing g und water to lea into the lowest parking level. The cracks are wet an iscoiored (see Figur �2). We recommend that these c�acks be pr sure grouted with an in' �ted hydr�phobic polyurethane grout, typ ydro Active Flex LV by De Neef Constructian Chemicals, Inc. Monroe&Ne�vell Envineers,Inc. S The lvren Gara_e Obserration Scptember !3,201 1 � !M&1���S>S8) �...,«».. '�t �__ I ..{��+'� � �'�yL- � .�..��. �:�a ... � ��, ,.�.� �f � ;� . �3: ,� �� ;, x,� �� f ��',. i ��� ���� 1., a.. � ��,;. r;; � � I �.r�"�' _ i � �T -- ��� `�. �. : ,- � ��} �"r. � �� � > � �:=' ��:� ���� : > 1 s- �g � .<.}�*._ r u k-�'�,�"�' r ,�-, �. .n_ �'?. � �� '��� ,� { ��Y ��; ` '� i ,� ��� � ��;� .".� w ry .A �_� � � �� � 22.f�iin�r ie ks and concrete spallin� fr�m iong-term moisiu�-e ieakage were faund in the west parking deck below the pooi and s�a decks {item X20). Ths spalled c crete areas shaufd be repaire� ' h high- strength concrete patc�ing, e EMACO R35G C!. 23.��e Siat�-ai�-�i"�Q@ TIO01' 07 e iowesz parking iev belaw the pool and spa deck is damaged by lang-ter xpasure to m 'sture and frost (item X21}. Pitted areas and larger cracks ve devel ed over time. As part of a future maintenance plan ��ve reco en installation of a new c�riving surface that matches the finish on the fevel parking cieck finish after Earger cracks and spalled areas are fi ed i . Alternately the concrete slab- on-grade floors coufd be replace in secti s �vith new frost �amage resistant concrete slabs. This v rk is not req " ed structuralfy, but will repair unsightly parking surface . 24.The existing r�ilin�� �n� ��ard rai!� a;cry a!! edy� �f the �ial'King structure were re��iewzd uring our site visits. The existin osts and rails �s ��el! �s their �onn tiens ±� the concr�te str�cture ma have to be reinforced to be ab ta resist the loads required by the I ernational Building Code, 200 Edition. The existina railing and guard rai! sy em wi11 be analyzed by a r office in the future and a nevv guard �ai! system ilf be designed in c laboration �nrith an architect who ��vifP have to revievJ campl�ance !�+h �!'Ch;fec±a;�! s��ttors �i dNpiicak�ie codes and requirernen . � ,, Ivionroe&Newel!Engineers,Inc. 9 l he\�'ren Garace Obsen�aiion September ]3.2011 (MRN�S�S8) . ,� ``_r._._.._------ -� i I Manroe and Newell Engineers, inc. completed a comprehensive review of the ''� parking structure and provided a list of repair items to upgrade the existing concrete frame. We recommend repair of the structure along grid 4 before the winter season as described in items 15, 16 and 17. All other repairs should be part of the renovation during the 2012 construction season. After the repairs are completed the structure will be structurally sound for many years as long as repair of surface damage and leak patching is part of the regular maintenance program of the Wren Condominiums. The guard rai! repairs will allow an architectural upgrade of the parking structure. If you have any questions or comments, please call. Very truly yours, MONROE & NEWELL ENGWEERS, INC. � i ������ ` �I.. "Mie• � �� . � � � Hannes Spaeh, P.E. �'`-= �?� '� Principal � � Q ��,_�� -� ��, .�.�� �.;�,'-•.,...»•��, : i�,-f"-4L �. 4i'�:'�W �, Monroe&Newell Engineers,Inc. 10 The Wren Garate Observation September 13,2011 (M&N#8588)