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First Westwind - Unplatted
� � �2 A CONDOMINIUM S H EET A �— 70 R.0•W• _ . _ _ .,.+ . ... . . . . .. . . , . ��nwnosww�� .. , � --r--------r----- ��_______?__------- � z � �- EAS� T W --- ' MEN --i 30� UTILITY ____ _____-------- i �i , __- -i � WI ► _____ � I Q� � i i W� � i i I i }� ;�� i , �� , i i �' i �� i i �� : � �� I � N� I � � I ' �� i � � � �� i i �l i i y i ' � I i i I � _ _� � i20� UTILITY ESMT.__ � , �— ---- -------- ► WIND AT VAIL � . 1 ��V. V� ',r ...y S 85° 24' 02" W" IITY MAP . i"= ioo' AT NW CORNER MEAN SEA LEVEL 30 40 � r n. ... .,s -. -.r-.�n�dr��p.� - �i�'J�1_� �.__ �URVEYORRS CERT�FIQATE 'STATE OF COLQRADO � C(TY AND COUNTY OF DENVER q 3S 1, E. Max'Serafini, a Registered L�ndlSurveyor, certify that on September 15, 1969, the �ro�perty was s�rveyed and�staked under �y supervis��iion, as�indicated an the accompa�r�ying Ptat: P'H�Sf I PARCEC: A part of the?Sauth or�e—h•�!f of !Secti�r� 6, Ta��r�ship� 5 Suuth, Range `80 lAest o�f the 6th Princi�pa� Menid�an, County a�f Eagl�, 'State of Colorado, more particu�arly descr'rbed as follows: Beginning at a�oint on the'Southerly r6ght a�f way ��ne o�f @nterstate H�ghway�70 frQrtr whence the!Struthwest cQrner of �saitl'Sec�ion 6 bears!S:70°52'19"W. a dP�starr�e of 18'70. t2 feet; thence No�rtheasterfy alang said SQUtherly r�ght �f way fi:ne of [nterstate H�ghway 70 and along a curve to the night havPr�g � r�dPUS af 3650.00 feet, a centr�l angle of 02°�22'�27", an arc dRStance of t5�.�25 feet (the ch�rd of �said aFC bea�rs N.78°05':43"E. a destance of t51.�23 feet); thenr,e !S.04°35'58"E. a d�stance of �255.67 feet; thence!S.85a'24'02"W., 150.00 feet; ther�ce N.�4°35'88"W., �236::44 feet to the true p�oint �f beginning; co�ntaining 36,888�square feet o�r � 0.849 acres, more or less; reserv�ng the Nor�herNy 30.00 feet thereof for a ut�A�ty easemer�t; � 'i��i` � i � l� fu ��,� . l further cert�fy that the build�ng ties and m�numents are lQC�ted as�shc�wn ,�nd are�s�f€PC�ent tQ en ble an accu�ate;resurV�y e� �s"'� �: ty. � � f � � � ' ��`.: �:��� . Max !Seraf�n�, e ered Eand 'Surveyor No:,�-�'�� :_ �,a."� � �� � �� ��t �. , � �« � ,�.. . ,� � � OtNNERnS CERTfF�CATE NORTHwESTERN NA1�lQNAL LIFE IN3URANCE CdMPANY, a Mir�nesota Cor��r�t�on, as owner �f the here�n dESCri�etl re�a� pr�perty tloes hereby certify th�t thYS F�RST NEST111ND AT VA� cT omtniums has been_ _pregarG� �Isuant � the purpas�tated �in the First W`estw�ntl at Va�P Co�Rdominiums DeclaratNOn dated INsM. L� 1�9 and reca�rded rnn ��� �� �!in BoQk ; P.age.�2.�, :records �f the C�erk arrd R�ec�rder., County of EagEe,'State Qf Colorado. NORTHW'QSTERN NATI ONAL L I FE IN�URANCE ' COMPANY :�r;; � � � ��� Vi�ce Pr sident Asst. Secret�ry STATE OF MINNESOTA )� COUNTY OF HENNEP(N ) SS � The fio�reg�ing Owner's Certifiicate was acknowledged bef�r� me thi�s ��' tlay of /�°���"►��✓ 1969, by the above�s�gr�ed �ers�ns. - t �� Witness my hand and offiic�ai �se�l thi�s � day �f i✓�►�i� b� �' 1969. �"'`�;��, ��,��` . � .�; My c om!nt r s s� on e x� �, r e s '�� ,oi ��r, b c r ��1. / 4�' � +..� �.�... ��d..k.�..�/ ��`` k � � � Not�ary Pub � ic w �, �, � �, . � ;+'_ w ��� � � �' .� ' , , t �„ �� � � ��.� � � ; �r ,� � �.�,� � �"v «r��� . � ,-�' . >� #�' �K� ��� {� ENG(NE'ER"S CE'R11�FICATE I, E. Nfax �Seraf�ni, a Registeretl Engi�neer, do hereby c�ertifiy that thiis Map �substant:i�al I}y dep�icts the lacat�on a�ntl the hori�zontal and vertical measurements Qf the buildirng, the urrit designatio�ns, tYre tlimensi�ns o�f tf�e units, tt�e eEevati�ns of the unfiin��shed ffoars and c�itings a�s co�nstructed, the building symbol, antl�such Map was preparetl subsequent trn subst�n�Pal com �e��on o�f the��improv�mer�ts. � � ��� , f ,���- � �' .. �� � ., �� ' k . �, , • � E. Max 'Serafi�nn�, .R steretl Emganeer ��� ��`r�,��. �M� 'a � w��� ��~ : �� /��IEURER - SERAF/�Il/ - I��IEURER CONSULT/NG ENG/NEERS - 290/ W. /9 TH. AVE. DEIV I/ER, COL ORA DO 80204 ,+� �+r ,-A...�.. , n. S TA TE OF COL.O (�ADO ) COUNTY OF EAGLE ) SS Accep�te�for fi�l�n �in�the affiice of the C�erk �nd RecQrder of the County of Eag�e, Colmrado, a�t 11,�L o"cl�ck,�M:, thi�s �_ tlay of �� � 1969, as Recep�ienr� Nol��an Ma�a Case No.�_ Drawer�d� . �► l se 1t.� �s r t 1 � +� • If � � G � �a► � �. y ? s� _,,,,—�. _ � _ _ .�. �'� � �� � >t 0 C��rk'and ,. ; / i :. 0 � . �. �f l� 7� .� i 1 I � � i�h• �: � ♦ � �� I � � � i 01 � O N N � C , Q l� C � SHEET B � �A _ - --1�'TG� If`�i , � north LOWER LEVEL PLAN SCALE I/8�= 1�-0� J��IEURER - SERAF/N/- ME�RER CONSULT/lVG ENG/NEERS - 290/ W. /9 TH. AVE. OFNVER, COL ORA DO 81�204 4 � M 0 1 M M � M _� , � M .� l" V M �I I±` C'�N�'•P•4L CO�IilililON �'"L �'�Eit/T !'VAL L , L /A.�/T�'D COdi!/LlON �'L�'iLJ�NT 1�t/.{�GL , - --r- , -a-__ _ ; _ _ ---� 9 � w..��� w north ; 1 � � FI RST FL00 R PLAN SCALE� I/8" = I�-0� � I��IEURER - SERAF/N/ - MEURER CONSULT/lVG E/VG/NEERS - 290/ W. /9 TH. AVE. DE/VVER, CD��RADO 80204 \ GE�/E,e.dL CO�i1MOit/ �'� �/1�l�NT l�l/.bL L, G /�Ll/ T�"O CD�LJ/l?c?�t/ �L�/l�%��l/T �1/�D'�.L . , __ i. . �� "�1 •,, � , � � , . ,� n� ��r�r n - - � - - - --_ _L __.__.._.._._ t-"i'�' � � � ��l = SECOND FLOOR PLAN nort h _ SCALE I/8��= 1�= 0" k , . � I��IEURER- SERAF/N/ - I��IEURER CONSULT//VG ENG/NEERS - 290/ W. /9 TH. AVE. DEIVVER, COL,ORADO 80204 . G�NE'2AL C'Oti1MO.V ,E"LE �jE' it/T 1//,d L L. � /yliT'.E� co,t�i�ilo.�/ .�'��E'�t/T h/�L � . . � � . � _ . � i � `, . • 0 ♦ � , .�. 9 w. •� � .� � no rt h � TH I RD FLOOR PLAN SCALE I 8 = I -0 0 � �. 3 , , ► , I��IEURER - SE.RAF/N/- I��IEURER COII/SUL T/lVG E/VG/IVEERS - 290/ W/9 TH. AVE. DENVER, COLORADO 80204 � O a ♦ GENE2J4L CUtiIMO�t/ E'LE//�JEiVT Gl/�L L, L /iYI/TE/� C-'O/l�j`///O/✓ ��� �%�/1/T Gt�X�L L . ! ♦ c � ■ � . i _ ,��,...�„�.. �- �,� SHEET F north 0 FO U RTH FLO 0 R PLA N SCALE I/S"= I'- 0" I I��IEURER - SERAF/lV/ -I��EURER CO/USULT/NG E/VG/IVEERS - 29r0/ W. /9 TH. AIOE. DE/VVER, COLORADO 80204 C�ENE,P,dL COMMO�t/ �LF/LJ�'NT Lt�idL G. L /M/T"�p Cd�iLION -�'GE/Ll�'Nj" lf��G'LG . . �� r'_ . � e�� ��,�:. , � r, �� � � • .��' I ;.� ; i ;; �, �� ; ;. �. ; I ,�. I �' X; °:1��.,� � �.,I. I� �i I �� , T' � i a<, ;I c i) � � i;, r� � � � 5 I I � ;I':� �i n. d. I u'' I I I � � I � � � I ' � % I � �� 1 �I � . SHE E T G „,,, � no rt h LOFT FLOOR PLAN SCALE I/8�� = I� -0�� I��IEURER - SERAF�/V/ -I��IEURFR CO/VSULTIIV G ENG/IVEERS - 290/ W. /9 TH. AVE. DENVER, COLORADO 80204 GE'NE2�4L CO MMO�t/ �L �j1iJ�il/T �ij/�CI L L. ��,yiJ-.�o co�,r�o�v �z.��l�/YT !1/,y�L.. � i � _ —��.��: .,� ,�, � �/ �� �,�.- � .x C ;� ; �. w; ;br;; "�_ � � .., ';S � ��, �q 'b R � � F ��i �ry � .'� �� .�� Y �,'� � �fi ��,. � � � � -:�. �;:: 1 ; � �. �. � ;��. w: � � ��5 .: � �..,�,. � :�� � �. � � � �', � �,,��. , ��; � I 1� � 1.;4��F � SHEET H 407 UN►T �o� \ uNIT 3C�8 UN IT 2C� 8 �U UNIT .IC�� � LONGITUDINAL SECTION �A� L===---------`� SCALE I/8"= I'-,0" � � � � , L_ __� _�d��f7�vl GA���'� �DIII r--- — — -- — _ , I = `-------� CROSS SECTION �B' SCALE I/8°= I� -0° i � L_ _ _ _ _ _ � � , ---; uNiT 4n I Ut��T 3Q1 UNI�' ZQ I � UNIT ' � I �:� Fc�u2`rl-► F�c�c�¢. SI9C; TU I 21� F L�o 2 : :� SEC�n���'�oo¢ g�7�.�t _ F12ST Fl..nn2 81(01.� �� � � ai � -, � � ; r� `� L------� LnWE2 LFVEL �S - � _ _ _ _ ST�� �� �-.. _.._. _ . _. 8T'�iD. 2'2i �. _. _.. _.__ . _ _._--. _ : T :-78 __ ST� --- __._ . 8�7�• 18 _ _ _ STZ- -- . -- _ -- � � ._��_. _._ _ . _ .. . _ .. _._ _. �-T����......_^____t_ :5Y _ __.. �.. _ ._ ��I�'URER - SERAF/lV/ - I��IEURER COIVSULT/NG ENG/NEERS - 290/ W. l9 TH. AVE. DE/VVER, COLORA DO 80204 CROSS SECTION �C� SCALE VS°= I'-0" i_ — ---_ � � �W � ��',� � �h: � � � � { � �i � ��'� � � �:� �; •� p ' � � ! � ' � �. � , � �, � � t„ �; � � , � s ��, � � , � , *"� � I :� � I � � I '.-:, I �� � ��. I, �� �l , �,� I ;�� �� ( 5 :� I � I. .. ,` ���4, ;.' I' 1' I, 819�. '2P� 819C�.2� �18C�.?8 8171. 18 81�1•G8 81 SI. S8 81 �I 0 8' .-.��. � � SHEET � - -, � _ � � �-- -i �- - - - - - ------ - - -t � - - - - - - - - - - - - - - W EST ELEVAT I 0 N SCALE I/8 = I -0 �------� ----------- ------------ ---- � �--�-i '- - - - - - L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -!- - -- -' �C�2 819C�.2P �2 818C� .7P nQ �I'71. 18 )2 L i- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' ' '� - - - - - - - - - - r- -r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - T - - -� '- �Z' - - i-i - - - ' I��IEURER - SERAF/N�/ - ��IEURER E A S T E L E V A T I 0 N coNSV�r�N� E/VG/IVEERS - 290� w. /9 TH. AVE. sca�E �i8" _ �' -o° DEIVVER, COLORADO 80204 81 �I. �8 8� 5�. 5� �199. 2� Z 819C�.2f� : 8l 60. 78 ? �I'71. I� ? 81G�I.�P, :.�. 8�51� 58 m �. � �:�� � =� { , w, I��i� 1-,�. � .�.��� � ;�. � � :� �; I .. �, �_� , � � ,{ � �� ' � : i .� }. S HEET J SCALE V8°= I�-0� � _�< >nl � ' I � I I I � I , � �/-E 1_ 8 I 50. � 8 T_� �-� I - � ---J '-- ------------- - NORTH E LE VATI ON SCALE I/8' = I�-0° /��IEURER-SERAF/lV/- RER COIVSULT/NG ENG/NEERS - 290/ W. /9 TH. AI/E. DENVER, COLORADO 80204 I � � � I , I I � I i I � � � -- � � - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -J