HomeMy WebLinkAboutSandstone 70 - 3rd Supplement to Amended - Units 1 through 15 - UnplattedN O � O � 0 1 a I `r _ i. _ _ _ � _ _ _ �._____ ,; . „ _ _ , �...m , � , , ..�.��_��..,_.�,.�.:�o,,.�-m...._,,�.,._�m�.�...�.. ` ,, �..,,,� .t , . , � ��. � . ,. �,,� .. - . . . . . . . . . .. . .., . L . . .. , .. � .. ��:.f'�� f BUI LDI NG LOCATrON SU RVEY � p, P M I R�C� AM�N`vM . � � CON� E 7� 5' ,, �% �.� IAM�NpE� NDS-�pN �16 , �2 `9� � nF S o2�2 � W � oD��� �O I S � 6 � �'� �'1 °� � w �O O .� 0 N � �_ � r- � i � 0 N tn � 0 9,8, � D � 4O , 9 9 0 41� . � � � J N N � � 6 36 � � N O �' A w -� � � � �G � � O Z 4 l � � 2 00 � �� .� 6 36 '� �� � 01 lP 0 .,� 6 36 1 D 1230 �O �r _ � � 860 �� � -�' � 1604� / � ' �,� � � o �2 �� 62 ��� � �0� Ovv � AREA MAP �� TI�nCT 1� � O � �� �� SCA L E 1��= 20� � TRUE POINT OF BEGINNIN� � �?0' �� V� �� � �,�0 � � � -�_� � �o )� �_ � t� ��^�s 1 6 12 7 T55, R81 W, 6th PM. EAGLE CO. COLO. NOTES: 1. Elevation based on U.SG S Bench Mark No W-280, Elev. 8296.334 feet above Mean S�a Level. Reference Bench Mark set on Section corner common to Sections, 1,6, 7 and 12. 2. Bearing based on description descr�bed in Book 166 at page 525. 3. Boundary corners are 5/a'X 18"" steel rebar with ca.p marked Peak One L.S. 3783. THIRD SUPPLEMEN T TO AME N DED CONDOMIN I UM OF SANDSTONE 70 AT VAIL, COLORADO MAP DECLARANT�S CERTIFICATE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that SANDSTONE 70 CORPORATION , a C�lorad� c�rporat�on be�ng the Successor DeCl�r�nt of that certain CONDOti11NIUM DECLARATION �OR SANDSTONE 70 AT VAIL , COLOR�DO , dated f=ebruary 15, 1967, filed for record �nd recc�rded in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County , Colorado , on Febru�ry 21 , 1967 , under f�eception Number 105462 i n Book 201 �t P�ge 1 29 , being the Successor Decl�rant to that certain � CONDOMINIUM M,�P OF S/�NDSTON� 70 AT V,!�IL , COLORADO cons�sting of p�ges one throu�h six as the same w�s filed for record and recorded in �he office of the Clerk and f�ecorder of Eagle County , Colorado on Febru�ry 21, 1967, under Reception Number 105463 , in Map Case 2, Drawer S-1 , being the Successor Declar�nt to that certa�n AMENDED CONDOMINIUM MAP OF SANDSTONE 70 AT VAIL , COLORADO , consist�ng of pages one throug� six , as tne same was fi led for record ar,d recorded �n the �off �ce of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado, on �ugust 1 4, 1967, under Reception N�,mber 106370, in Map Case 2, Drawer S, hereby declares and executes this THIRD SUPPLEMENT TO AMENDED CONDOM! NI UM MA.F' OF SANDSTONE 70 A1 VAIL , COLOf��^-DO, consi,t�ng of 5 pages for the following two curposes: First, tc describe the lands included witnin Tr.��t D of Sandstone 70 at Vail, Color�do, as follows: That part of the Southeast �uarter of the Sou�theast quarter of Section 1, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the 6�h Principal Meridian, Eagle County, Colorado, described as follows b�ginning at a point on the Southerly E�oundary of TRACT A, AMENDED CONDOM INIUM MAP OF SANDSTONE 70 AT VAIL, COLORADO from wnence th� South East corner of S�ction 1, Township 5 S�uth, Range 81 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, Eagle County, Colorado bears 5 36° 47'42" E?_04.32 feet distant said point being the TRUE POINT OF BEG(NN1NG ; thence N 39° 43'00'� W along said Southerly Boundary a distance of 69.04 feet; thence 5?6 26 26 W along said Southerly Boundary a distanc� of 116.50 feet to the Southwester�y Corner of s��d TRACT A; thence o � „ 5 2° 35�00�� E a distance of 81.83 feet , thence S 02°-28�- 00�� W a distance of 11G. 20 to a point on the Northerly Right - of - Way Line of I NTERSTAT E H I G H W/�Y NO. 70 ; t hence N 62� 52� 53�� E a d istance of 1 4 8.16 feet along said Northerly Right - of - Way Line ; thence N 15°-08�-25��E a distance of 10G,34 feet to the Tf�UE POINT OF BEGINNING� Second, to describe Buildinc� Number 8 as thereon situated. IN WITNE55 WHEREOF Declarant has declared ar�d exec�ted this THIRD SUPPLEMENT TO AMENDED CONDOMIN IUM MAP OF SANDSTONE 70 AT VAI� , COLORADO, this � day ot �"�.�►-L ,n.�� 1969 s `Y S TO 70 ORPORAT !ON �� : - g A tt e s t�L �,��i�., L,l�`,c.-�c.� � c. ___ ,- J. D. A BOTT, President WILLIAM S. GR'AEFE, Secret�ry � � STATE C�F COLORADO � s s CITY AND COUNTY OF DENVER ) The foregoing certiti�ate was acknawledgec' bPfore me ;his .'� day of?r-�-t�zl�:.}. 1969 by J. D. ABBOTT as President and . WI��IAM S. GRAEFE �s Secret�ry of SANDSTO�JE 70 CORPOR�TION , a Color�do corpor�tion. My commission expires _ �-h�-� •�� ."",� :' 9 ?-�- � � ,�� t t,�'f � � �-� � n � � � c ' Notary R,ibl ic STATE OF COLORADO � ss , COUNTY OF EAGLE ) The or�i �ii�al of this map was filed for r cord a d recorded in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagl� County, Colorado, At =j°� M. on the day o 1969, under Reception Number 1!� D�S'"� , �n Map Case_�_, Drawer s , and recor ded � n Boo k _at page . � � �R.. Clerk and Record r Eagle Co�nty, Color•ado SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE I, R B. Wellington, a Registered Land Surveyor in tlh� State of Colorado, do c�rtify that this Plat of_ �e TH IRD SUPP��.EMENT TO AME NDED CONDOM I N IUM MAP OF SA NDSTONE 70 AT VA f L, COLORADO, was made by me an d d�t' hn�, superv ision and that ±he accomp�nying Plat accurately and properly shows said condominium. �� �f� �' w_ `�� � PREPARED BY PEAK ONE LAND SURVEY CO. INC. BOX 326 F R IS CO, COI ORADO 80443 R B. Weli ngton ';4 ,` ; _ � � q � S 3783 SHEEj 1 �; �■ .o N O � N O � ' \ 1_ _ � -- Y N OT E : (L.C.E.) LI M I TE D COMMON ELEMEN T iG C E ) GENERAL COMMON ELEMENT Y THIRD SUPPLEMENT TO AMENDED COr�DOMINIUM MAP OF SAN DSTONE 70 AT VA I L, C OLORADO SHEET 2 � 397 ��C� � �� 5. .�-' rt�A ��"�� � r �; . ` A �: .. . �..��_�, �- � � N O � W O � ��� i ._. . _ NOT E: ( � C E) LIMITED COMMON ELEMENT (GC E ) GENE�AL COMMGN ELEM,ENT T HI RD FLOOR � � THIRD SUPPLEMENT TO AMENDED CONDOMINIUM MAP OF SAN DSTONE 70 AT VAI L , COLORADO SHEET 3 =...,�,...:•: � ► � � � � �; 397 � N O � A O � ! i � � 4 �� � - _ ___ _ _.1 0 .O c\ CV `� � 4 /„ 8 �,�w LOFT � Unit 14 .� r- �O—�03�4— , F3= p' ; �- 9, LOFT CO ACCESS (�I �� � `� I 4'/� - LO F T ,� � �� Unit 15 ,ao � � -11-0'/4 . „ 3- 0 - � � LOF T i �(y ACCESS � �-� CV BASEMEN T Z 397 . THIRD SUPPLEMENT TO AMEN DE D CONDOMINIUM M.AP OF �ANDSTONE 70 AT VA I L , '�OLORADO SHEE T 4 l��.1( t�NE ,�o iy���► � %' �t ,� N O � � O � �� t►" � ''h !� �l � � I ; ■ r- ELEV. 8168 `36� f ` ELEV. 8172.61� 0 .� � 1 i �� �� �---� 15 ELEV. 8161.36� ELE� 8160.35 12 ELEV 8152.35� ELEV. 8151. 34" . • ELEV. 8143.34� E�EV. 8142..s3 . ELEV. 8134.33" ELEV. 8133.36� :� � � � � ` I ELEV. 8176 50� � � � 5 `�o � � � � _� ELEV. 8170.25� E;_EV 8169 36 � O � .0.� ��� 0 � �� O � � • �� UNI T A SECTION Y-Y ��� 0 ��� O ,� r- >� � � � ,O nii��.i �� � � . .nk �. ;: � �. i q ure. !i� .,��ew�sw �,. � i I. ... . .� � .. � �i. : �rr � � . �.. . �,a. . � �i i ��� n .... �. . . ,.. .. . ... . . . . . .. ,... , 397 ELEV �1�� .+� I � +1 � `�./ I 1 r� �� �L___J VARIES ACCORDING TO TERRAI N SECTiON Z - Z � ��2�� GY P. B � AM T(� ' 7EAi)F�JI� 2x4 PL /�� GY P E I // �---9/2-- --- i' „ I I.E - - — g �-. , I I i PARTY WALL DETAI L 3�" SCALE STU DS �a 16�� �NC. TOPPING ON _YWD. SHTG. ON �'s (a� 16'' � THIRD SUPPLEMENT TO AMENDE D ��ONDOMINIUM MAP OF SANDSTONE 70 SHEET 5 � ONE � `',, � +�� co �' •��MO CEIM�M