HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Village Filing 2 Resubdivision of Lot D - The Alphorn First Supplement - NKA Scorpio� �� I t y_ C Q � H W Z J I 31 � � V VAIL VILLAGE SECOND F�ILING A CONDOMINIUM PROJECT BUILDING����SHEET I OF 4 U.S. HIGHWAY NQ 6 NE. COR. SEC. 7, T.5 S., R.80 W. dJ' � 165.00' - - � � oo i�s.00 � - -- - - _ - � N THE, ALPHORN N. LINE SEC.7 = - �I - - - - _ -, � a BLDG.' e� __ � I I I M - ► � I - M iI i I I o I � I 9F�--is�.00' 9° i�s.00' 900 � LOT A �' � 0 hN LOT D � I j I I I� 16� NON-EXCLUSIVE ✓ r 1------�"--� � LOT C I M ^� _ THE ALPHORN I� I 1 I I- EASEMENT /� BLOG.'q" � � �/ � � �- _ _1' I ;�� � � \\'�j I � -J�a�o ----- -------J�_ � I �D I � �� � � � ------------- ---__, W MEqpO ��� I LOT e j o� ��� w �R. ���, � � v I ��,,\;� '�� � 1 � � � I �� � I �' I . � \\� \ I � I �\ \ i � � VICINITY MAP I � � � ---� I SCALE � I"= 100� \ � I \ I �� � � � � METAL CAP ON 5/8�� X 30��STEEL PIN SET IN CONCRETE g�� 165.00� B. M. ELEV. 6143.84 TOP LE AD CA P ON 5/8�� � \ X 30�� STEEL PIN SET � IN CONCRE�E. I U. S. H IGH WAY N0. 6 `9�0 19.8� 3.6� 1.85� -13.9� ,a' 3.s' 26.3� � � 3.0� .0� 22.15 � 13.9� o , � 4.8 .,. ,.� � ��i N � � M 0° 9 � N N � � � 9.25' N � TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING IN � �� M SW. COR. TRACT D _ _ _ _ - _ -- -- Ml, MIEADOW DR 50� R.O.M1• 175.00� BALCONY - TOP 5 FLOORS 45A� �6 � 98.7 � 9� 3.6� 1.85� 19.8� 4 5.0� 3.6 ���� 9.8� . 26.3� THE ALPHORN - BUILDING B i 37.2 LOWER FLOOR - PARKING 101.0� BALCONY' TOP 5 F LOORS 16.5 � 37. 2� 1[) � �; i Ifl w 16.5 � 175.00� � 3.0� I.O� 22.1�� 9 8� 4.2 18.0� . 4.8� � � � N � 9.25 N m 9� / � r METAL CAP ON 5/8�� X 30�� STEEL PIN SET IN CONCRETE �� 10� 20� 40� SCALE� 1��=20�� � METAL CAP ON 5/8�� X 30�� STEEL PIN SET IN CONCRETE SURVEYOR'S�CERTIFICATE STATE OF COLORADO �) CITY AND COUWTY OF DENVER�) �S I, E. Max SErafini, a Registered Land Surveyor, do herehy certify that the property was�surveyed as shown on thi�s map and the pro�erty descnibed as a�art of Lot D, Vai�l ViVlage, Second Fif�ing, �County of Ea�fe, State of Colorado, more �arfiicularly described as follaws: Commencing at the Southwest corner of said Tract D; thence Northealy alon� the Westerly�bine of sa�d Tract D, 138.:42 feet; thence on an angle to the:night of 90°00'00", 165.00 feet to the true point of beginning; thence on an angle to the left of 90°00'00", 136.:42 feet to a point of�intersection �rith the Northerly bine of saitl Tract D; thence on an anole to the,.right of +90°00�00", and along said Northerly l�ine 115.00 feet to the Northeasterly corner of sahd Tract D; thence on an anale to the riaht of 90°00'00° and along the EaSterly fine of said Tract D, 138.:42 fee�; thence on an anale to the,night of 90°00'00", 115.00 feet to the �rue point of beginning. Together with a non-exclusive easement on, over and across the �esterly 16.00 feet of that property descnibed on Exhibit "A" of�Condoninium Declaration for The Alphorn.reco�detl�in Book 216 at Page 1,:records of Eagle County,�Colorado for ingress and egress to antl from the property first hereinabove described iror� Meadow Dnive, a nutil�ic�street. _-.�° I further certify that the huiltling ties and monuments are located as shown hereon and are suffiicient to enahfe an ccurate.res�arvey of this property. ��,�'�'���''O�� �`: e��....��..�.�,+ ` `C; • • �, •: :' . O♦ .�V � O � O v► . • W:s p"��f �:o i Regi stered �Land rveyo.r `'' ;r� sd '' �� W% ��' r'i � `': �` : �' � ' . r . , •, `�✓��,�j...••'��~ ` � OWNER S � CERT I F I CATE .�� .-� Vaif Croup, lnc., a Colorado Corporation, as owner of the herein-descnibetl real proPerty does hereby cer�ify that this First Supplement to Map of The Afnhorn has heen prep etl pursuant to the purposes statetl�in the First Supnlement to Condomini�ri Declaration for The Alphorn, ;reco�tletl on ��F^��R �� 1911, in Book a2�- Page ��9 Recortls af the Cferk arntl Reco�der,�County of Eagle,.State of�Colarado. , � Va IL GROUP, INC. ..�� ' ,' � � � �'7 � �� President ��� �' . ��� hn V. Amato � - "� ���;� `�I� �` � ,�� �`` <.�' � ATTES�: "�� �•e•y��- Asaistant Secreta;r . ^' `- `c � �Charles Gersbach � ?'' � n`�� STATE OF COLORADO ) CITY AND COUt�TY OF DENVER )�S �'��; The foregoing Owner's�Certific�te was acknowledged before me this���day of �c�� 1911, by John V. Amato, President, and Charfes Gersbach, Assistant Secretary of Vafl �ro0'�, Inc. a Coloratlo Corporation. � ` � ,��. ' � .�� Wi tness my hantl and of fi i i al th i s���day of �1911 c �' -� � _ My con�mi�ssi on expi: res . Not�r ubl i c '"��'' •���, 1 . ,.�,.p f ':., � (�; '. . r-. � F � ENGINEER'S �CERTIF�6CATE � ���� ��� �'���� 1, E. Max Serafini, a�Re¢istered Engineer, do hereby c�r�ify that this rnap substantially depicts the location and the horizontal and vertical r�eas�rements of the huiktling, the units;�. nit tlesi,gnafiions, the dimen9ions of the units, the elevations of the un�fiinished floors and ceilings as cons�ructetl, the building symbol, and such rna�o was �orenared subsequent to�su�i�t�4��'ia�i� fetion of the i r�prover�ents „ �r,•••°""•• . . - �,.��,o �� � • . o• ��.! . � ' �H��t�W = W� Regi steretl E i neer x:N ��d�' �>: � t �, c � �. p °' S, ' � *� STATE OF COLORADO '� SS - S•,� � ' . . . . • ;�''� %r' CI TY AND COUfJTY OF DENVER �) _-,,� The foregoin� certificate was acknowledged before r�e this��day of � 1911, hy E. Max Sera�ini, a Registeretl Engineer. Witness my hantl and offiiaial�seal this ;� ��". _ �: �,.�;:�,��x-�,;,w 19 7l . � P . \ � ��,.,� Notar Pubf�ic � � iyliS.f�on .���oi.GE"".5 /'�9�y�.S' � . ^ . L... �'' IP ,, � a�' o f �.�.a ? y !:.l.. ! �t t &� � ; ��a .�C't7 � �� 3? �/, . � � � ,� ,�' STATE OF�COLORADO ) COUNTY OF EAGLE ;) SS � Acceptetl for �i���lin��in the office of the Clerk and�Recoeder of the County of Eagle, �Colorado �at��o'clock�M this ��� day of ���'?��=�°�'�`-����a 1911 as Recen�ion�No. ll��yJ i n Map �Case No. .c� D rawer �'�4 �� slg�, ���,r�� ,�,�9K � �,Z. �,��,� ��`� _ �i� �. 0- - - � � ,� ��',� � � � MEURER - SERA F/lV/ - MEURER /NC. CO/VSULT/lVG ENG/IVEERS - 290/ W. /9 th Ave. DENVER , COL ORADO 80204 r i•�� . - �Cierk a1htl-Reconder County of Eagfe, State of�Coloratlo ��� � � � � � ,. . , f' _ 26�-4�� 8��--� 25�_0�� �� 8- VQIL VILLAGE SECOND FILING A CONDOMINIUM PROJECT BUILDING ��B�� SHEET 2 OF 4 151� 4�� 98�-8�� 24�_4�� 25�_0�� 25�_��� -�- 24�_4�� 26�-4�� 25�_0�� _'� � g�� _ 0 I ST, 2 ND, 3RD, 4TH & 5 TH FLOOR-I/8�� I'-0�� MEURER - SER,4 F/lV/ - MEURER /lilC. CONSUL T/NG EN6/NEERS - 290/ W. /9 th Ave. DENVER , COLORA D O 80204 NOTE � G.C.E.= GENERAL COMMON ELEMENT L.C.E.= LIMITED COMMON ELEMENT � VAIL VILLAGE SECOND FILING A CONDOMINIUM PROJECT 6UILDING �� B�� SHEET 3 OF 4 � 6ASEMENT GARAGE I/8��= I'-0'� MEURER - SERQ F/N/ - MEURER /NC, CONSULT/NG ENG/NEERS - 290/ W. /9 th Ave. DENVER , COLORADO 80204 � I !, . � VAIL VILLAGE SECOND FILING A CONDOMINIUM PROJECT BUILDING ��8�� SHEET 4 OF 4 � SOUTH FRONT ELEVATION - I/8��=1�=0�� MEURER - SERA F/N/ - MEURER /NC. � CONSUL T/NG ENG/NEERS — 290/ W. /9 th Ave. DENVER , COLORADO 80204 8223.35 8220.22 8218.99 821I.49 8209.85 8200.18 8198.54 8�88.87 8187. 23 8177.56 81T5.!92 8166.25 8164.61 8155.94 8F53.94 . .t , �,. � <: - . � ' �. .. ; r , •♦ . ; 'i� • �y Y f .�.' +:"'. �i j " "' - �.. �:_ ,� ; �. j . j.'; 'i j . . . ♦ . . ,+' �� �. � ,; 't� . � ' i r - ' : i� � . � ,�II,,�' �. -