HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Valley Filing 1 Block 3 Lot 21 - High Country Condominiumsr 0 N h '1 0 0 � �a e O SCALE / "= 30' THE VA IL h yJa�k .E /�� S3 36 are• SB6'oi �- �_ .02 OD' 99 °27%E- ,Pao/ overhaof V. n so0' o: IR ��rYrr ,2 U1ViT f.. O/ Z/ � O Bloc' 3 0 Z a a o� _ �Ih Orai,�Qye Ufi it as���� S46o' 2SSa' 2SS0' 4� �o' SB9 °.23'x / "E /SO.00' �o1fa/ 70. oo' SITE P 1. c. X. UNrT 2- SOUTH ELEVATION �ONODM /N /UM MAP a14" N /GH COUNTRY CC NDOM /NIUM S TOWN OF l�R7C, EAGLE L'OUN7Y� C01wORA00 i I-CE Unit Z Unit / pc ­4 I — 0.22' lo I jSSO' � j ?STD'p I Sz�o pro %X o �Stee/ ' Frame 2SSo' ,2sso' o ,Pao/ overhaof V. n so0' o: IR ��rYrr ,2 U1ViT f.. O/ Z/ � O Bloc' 3 0 Z a a o� _ �Ih Orai,�Qye Ufi it as���� S46o' 2SSa' 2SS0' 4� �o' SB9 °.23'x / "E /SO.00' �o1fa/ 70. oo' SITE P 1. c. X. UNrT 2- SOUTH ELEVATION �ONODM /N /UM MAP a14" N /GH COUNTRY CC NDOM /NIUM S TOWN OF l�R7C, EAGLE L'OUN7Y� C01wORA00 i I-CE Unit Z Unit / pc ­4 I — 0.22' Varies 0.2' 00 o o to 0.3'4D U11� l T 1 CornorS a l o J.C.Q. Unit 2 —1 i bo i l_.C.E• Unit 1 �a� bra 0.42" vNiT z 00 o o U11� l T 1 a FLOOR Pk A N SCA,. E / "= /D' UNITS Z anal 1 1. C.L. UNIT I �1¢v. 8251.66' WEST ELEVATION I/AT /DNS of : $ench Mark = Rim o�Manho % #¢2.2 S C A,L E I "_ / O eval`ioh dZ44_ 35C�/ S•G•S.� . oo' 8.50' tl =111 �7� /�jll�l I �1 OWNER'S C,ER T /0C' /C4 T,E The undersigned, being the owner of the fo/ %wing described parcel of /and ,Lot 21, Bock ,?, !/ail l/a Ile y, First' fi /ii7g, �t suba'iv�sior� in the Tow/ o{ 1/ai/, noun /y o {,Eag /e, Sfafe of Co %rado , does hereby certi {y that the Cohdominlum /lilap of "The ,yigh Cou/7fry Cond0mi*71uons " /s /i/ed /h cor71u4cfio� with the Dec /arafioh {or The yh Country L'ondo�iniums " Terrence i° ro whey GRtiFORNrA ST.9 T,E of C'OUNTf/ OF � SS LAA!£Aq Th foregoing certificate was aclroo7ow /edged ,6e,Fore me this AD., /97,'r by Terrer7 ce P, Co whey /YI Cornm /• ion / T r1l IIIIflIN1111410HIIIUIIIR lUIIIIIt1 N(� 110 F)a,,TN L SAUVE Notary Pub is j.. s a ca ct �rRrr A rcrr rn Expires FeDruaP, 24, 1976 f1 ttt111tIIA�1111tItOltltlttUtglltllt111t19�ltttt111Mt11P j, I�Pnnefh ,E. �Pichards, 4 �PPgistered �rofessio�a/ ,Engineer and ,Cared Surveyor, do hereby certi�'q that this Condoir, /nium Map o7r"The A/igh Counfry 00n010m1hiurns "was prepared by nee or under my supervision and that the snap accurate ly depicts fhp %cation pro and the horizontal aoo? d ✓erfica/ rreasuremer,/'s o{ the Como %fed condarniniums , lfeiinefh ,E. iP.chards ' ' iPegistercd f'rofessiona/ ,Engineer E y'` • ,Cared Surveyor No. 2193 Sr,4Y.E aF CO4o)P,4,00 ss .. _ COUNTY OF ,EAGL,E ,� .° ... • The foregoing certificate was acltrww /edgea' before me 1h4s a'av�`I A.D., /97� by %�ennefh ,E iP� chards c,' •''���;�J:' /19y C'om►r,ission ,Expires March 16, 1975 ' ;. rig,. -•`.x_`` �/ ',/ 7 CLERK F REC'OR,OE'R S C,ER T /F /C.4 TE" ,4ccepfed for roi/iny ir, the ors {ice oy'* ,the Clerk and Pecorder o� the cou.*fy of ,Eay /e, State of Ca /o,-ado, th�sday of JaAa,,,y,t v ,9..D.,/9 75, iPece�nfion Number : �� 134413 Case Number : County e/Crk aid pecordw Drawer Number : .Eagle County, Co lorado � 8 ae �l �3 � � � : t�%a� Vii. ArP,oa rect' By R D. Box 1908, 1/ai/, Co lo rado 8/657 December, !9 ?¢ E,L E