HomeMy WebLinkAboutHeather of Vail Lot 06, 07 & 08 - Heather of Vail Condominiums5 14.2' 1 /4./' /4./' /4. /' /4.5' 0.5' o. 4 ' o. 4' 4-4' 0.4' nl -4.0 P,4-2 P,4-3 . PA -S b P. A -G e e b n K •M � o o' o. 5' - - - - - ,Bui /d�ng �4 - Fist F /oor a28 14.2' / .,Z' 14.,Z' / /¢.5' /3.6' o. 4' o. 4 " 0, 4' o. 4' 0.4' ,°o B.B -4 F6 o. m O. 4 F /oor Zleea 7,101; 1,14 n ' / • • %¢.3" 0� MM , B.A 1 ° > ♦ff 54-3 tl Q 8-4-61e O Q O O 1 Q 10 M N M M IVY h K UN /TS / ,z • 0/4. / " h UN /Ts .4--1,4-2, \c 1415_ '• 013.6' ,2 9.0' I ( 28.7' oc h 00 oC /4..51 e m a� ,Bui /d�ng �4 - Fist F /oor a28 14.2' / .,Z' 14.,Z' / /¢.5' /3.6' o. 4' o. 4 " 0, 4' o. 4' 0.4' ,°o B.B -4 F6 Third ^ m F /oor Zleea 7,101; 1,14 n ' / • • %¢.3" 0� o B.A 1 ° 3-4-2 54-3 B. A- 4 8.4-5` 8-4-61e chose y Ni �1 10 M chase �p chose °' 95' /4.,Z" • •/4.2 UN /TS / ,z • 0/4. / " h UN /Ts .4--1,4-2, B-3, B- 4, 3-5, a 1415_ '• 013.6' ,2 9.0' I ( 28.7' oc h 00 oC LL m a� dE I 61N /TS ,B -1, ,B-.2, '°"B -6 B -3, B -4, B-5,; � N � Z ~ rn [If _1 , Q N \ z.e' .e' K 1.8 N, f 0.40' j0.4' o �o• H, o. 5' F//V/4 L PL A T 88. CON) OMIAII UM MAP Oic"""' O, ¢' VS, T01�1�/V OF 1/.4 /,C , 1.0 d . . 014 C/"oSS VA f PB -z �PB IC Vau /S TTE Off COL O d�O. Pe C ®UV 7Y E� GLE, S 40 �A � rn E 0.5 C =� Area E balconye.3' '71,3' Second F /oor C97-8, _1 ,29. 7' 6 _ �.T /4 6' ".'" 13 ' -,- 0.5' Ih 2nd All. °B.A -7 54 --9 zoo { N n roof' b b o � \ op 9A' 4.o' t o. Q n O ¢o' 0.5 W� o � /4.6' 14,3' 13.1 ' 14. /' /4. 14.z' ,°o B.B -4 •y ,; n( Third ^ m F /oor Zleea 7,101; 1,14 n ' / • • %¢.3" 0� h � o ze' ��� a' 1 s.5' o V AM IV, � chose y a �1 chose M chase �p chose °' 95' UN /TS P. A -1 t-hru I h UN /Ts .4--1,4-2, B-3, B- 4, 3-5, a 2 9.0' ,2 9.0' I ( 28.7' z8, 7' h e A -6 LL F /oor E/ev I dE o. Q n O ¢o' 0.5 W� o � /4.6' 14,3' 14.2 ' 14. /' /4. 14.z' ,°o B.B -4 •y ,; n( Third ^ m F /oor Zleea 7,101; 1,14 14.3 • •14.1' / • • %¢.3" 0� h y_o^P o ze' ��� a' m s �;4• � - ^ i,yNjJ J o V AM IV, � t(1,N � cQn n J 3' o �} M �1 M chase chase °' 95' UN /TS P. A -1 t-hru I h UN /Ts .4--1,4-2, B-3, B- 4, 3-5, a 2 9.0' ,2 9.0' I ( .29.0, h e A -6 F /oor E/ev I dE I 61N /TS ,B -1, ,B-.2, '°"B -6 B -3, B -4, B-5,; Bai /ding B - First F /oor 8B. 2' 14,z" 14.4" 1 Af, 3 14./' 14.4'- .3' 4' oI of °B.B -1 eB.B�,2 eB.B -3 ,°o B.B -4 �L3'B -5 Third ^ /¢•z • x14.4' F /oor Zleea 7,101; 1,14 14.3 • •14.1' / • • %¢.3" 0� o ti N t n j n j o ze' ��� a' m s �;4• � - ^ i,yNjJ J o V AM o s' t(1,N � cQn n J 3' o �} M O chase ? 0 chase chase v°I oT Area E balcony of I Be e ihq B'� 3SecO�d F /oor BB.B' N \� i o 8 \ 6�mo /eI ¢o' � l43•�as% �D j�D , o 1 / / - 4XI - 11 0.5' - - - - C 0.5 14 /-¢ 14.4c' O.� z 9.0' V.� I4. U.Y / 1- /&. /9.8, 77 '" fe, '^I o ^ roof N O h a 0 Q Area E .6a /con Area E 6a /cony 0 0� Bui /dir�_q .4 - Third F /oor Bali /dihq B - Third F /oor ODR P,,4.4NS S'e'a /� : Iinch Area E -,20 leer Uaif d�ir7ensions are fo /;7s/de Walls. Area B Area ,E d/inensioas are to outside wall-s. - - - LJ Area A- I • ti ti o k Third ^ A-8 E A -9 K F /oor Zleea 7,101; 1,14 �J I I h• M I �I TI � � � -I h Q II�Ijill Q� Q Il�llill Q Q I �Il�il 3.0' 0� 0 QQ 6 5' L.C.E. Ls. E 6.5' e} 0 C.E. 615' IZI SECTION A -A Sou /heasterr7 E /evert /on Bu//dii,y I � Second F - O chase ? 0 chase chase °' 95' UN /TS P. A -1 t-hru I h UN /Ts .4--1,4-2, B-3, B- 4, 3-5, a 2 9.0' ,2 9.0' I ( .29.0, h e A -6 F /oor E/ev I dE I 61N /TS ,B -1, ,B-.2, Q Area E .6a /con Area E 6a /cony 0 0� Bui /dir�_q .4 - Third F /oor Bali /dihq B - Third F /oor ODR P,,4.4NS S'e'a /� : Iinch Area E -,20 leer Uaif d�ir7ensions are fo /;7s/de Walls. Area B Area ,E d/inensioas are to outside wall-s. Area ,E B. B -7 E SECT /ON C - C 0loft;� Q - - - LJ Area A- I L UN /TS 4- 7, q Third ^ A-8 E A -9 K F /oor Zleea 7,101; 1,14 �J I I h• M I �I TI � � � -I h Q II�Ijill Q� Q Il�llill Q Q I �Il�il -I -T v Q UN / TS B- 7, E Third 8..91 thru 914-6 UN/TS A -1, A;2, h SECTION A -A Sou /heasterr7 E /evert /on Bu//dii,y I � Area ,E B. B -7 E SECT /ON C - C 0loft;� Q - - - LJ Area A- I L UN /TS 4- 7, q Third ^ A-8 E A -9 K F /oor Zleea 7,101; 1,14 8605.53' 0-851 UN / TS B- 7, E Third 8..91 thru 914-6 UN/TS A -1, A;2, h 4 -3, 4- 4,4 -5, 0 I � Second F - A -6 /oor /e% II 85 96.66 °' 95' UN /TS P. A -1 t-hru I h UN /Ts .4--1,4-2, B-3, B- 4, 3-5, a Area E /OOr ,E /e✓ I ( E First e A -6 F /oor E/ev I dE 8587, 76 q 0 c � 0 Q, 0 G//V /T 4 -3 Area E area P Area RL ,9rea E d ea E 4rea B. B -2 /'area P. 8-2 0 SECT /oN B -B Southwestern E /evafion Bui /d in9 "A " 858 9.30 SECT /ON o- o A'ast-ern Elevaf %or, ,E,C,EI/AT/ONS Southern E- /ever / /or7 Bui /dii�y B Sca /e - / " =,20 'horizonta /, / " -/D "vertical Bui /a' /i,9 B ,E/cvafioas are U.S.6 -5, 0afu n, Bench mark: Ri,n of Manho% e-64-.A7, ,E' /e✓ =9578.41 V \ X36 0 Az ' :1111 .. i• 1111.. 0 / �'� ti / I" 3� h yy �� oI 27 zR- 03 �0,.� 6a �z6 �j, �C f� LJ - L o �/ Area 9 I n UN / TS B- 7, E Third '1 � B- 8, ,B- 9 n Ta F /oor 41e k, I � 8607.09 B. B -1 thra UN /TS 16.Secoad II h B-3, B- 4, 3-5, a Area E /OOr ,E /e✓ I ( E 8598.20 /°.B 1 th7-u I 61N /TS ,B -1, ,B-.2, '°"B -6 B -3, B -4, B-5,; � 858 9.30 SECT /ON o- o A'ast-ern Elevaf %or, ,E,C,EI/AT/ONS Southern E- /ever / /or7 Bui /dii�y B Sca /e - / " =,20 'horizonta /, / " -/D "vertical Bui /a' /i,9 B ,E/cvafioas are U.S.6 -5, 0afu n, Bench mark: Ri,n of Manho% e-64-.A7, ,E' /e✓ =9578.41 V \ X36 0 Az ' :1111 .. i• 1111.. 0 / �'� ti / I" 3� h yy �� oI 27 zR- 03 �0,.� 6a �z6 �j, �C f� 0 a �rh O 35.42 =z ?oz - 0 s \ z/� a °�% \ O ar�15 °�� ch-329,r- Zoo \° -\s�� zoo/ ale �/�,E. /4 g8 °So 30 � cs'oo �- 19\ 1 R,C.. o Of \l 'I a Uhf e- M \ \V' ° L �l0 1 / IZ /¢ bale Y 1 �\ \ ?/ U 0 6L W v — 631556' 21.68' 30.55' 20./6' am B4.d2' art 60 ,f- 75.00' /0'4. 78' szz °s3 i7'E ,L ,ESE -ND Condom /i�iva, Uni/ Nu/nbcr Park /a-9 S/ TE /°,L Q N Recreation i ,Landscape Area Gcaera/ Common E /ement SCa /e � 1 %n Ch = 30 nee t En /ranee Area Bui /d/i�9 0irner/s 16,75 are Yo outside wa / /s. Sa /cony Eapp/icah /e Uni7` iumherl Patio iapbb;cab /e Unif camber ,Limited Common E- /eMent /D/•CopQ�LoQ/ �jy Chimney {/ue R /Cy�RIDS IG1V 11VEIERS /NCB. 01111' chase P. D. Box 1948, I/ai/, Co%rcz. do, 81657 NW Cor Sec. /8 ti vR .per OR I S/ TE SW Coe �W NW %4,1 Sec, /8 a� 3 South ,Cii7v NW %f 1 Sec `b n ViC /N/ Tr MAP Seale : / "_ /000' ,North �4 Cor Sec. /8 ��ea ter nor, sec. 18, T5S, R 79 W. , / 9 74 OWAIERS CERT/F/CATE : Thl° coders /yned he%ng the owner of the - lo described lbarce/ o{ /and: A iracf in the T°wn of llai/, Zzg /e Cotcr/fy, Colorado, being ,Lots to and 7� Heather O{ l/ai/ and. a, vac4-hcce road pa, -ce/ described as : beginning at the Southwest comer of Sa /a' Lor-6 which /aoint is on the Northeaster /y /ii7e o� ,Black Gore Drive; thence SS3°30',E 60,00 {eef a/ony the Southwester /rf /ii7e of Sala' L 0f lv 7`o a. pole o{ Carve wh%ch /s also the roost Westerly corner of sa%d I.of 7; thence 112.43 Aeet a /ong the arc of a /0735 -loot' radius carve -o the right whose ota75ra/ aa9 /e /S 60 °00;26 "and whose /on9 chord .bears S23 °- 29'x{7 "E /07.3 {eel A0 /-he S0a/-hwes7- Cori,er o{ stun' ,4o7' 7; ther7ce S6.9 °33'07 "W ,20, 16 fhei ce Norther /y 22.17 7cee7" a/or7y the arG of a /Z5.00 X007` --ad /us carve 7o the /e {f whose CCA17 a/ ar%y /e /s /00 "ar%d /.r�hos� long Chord b ears N /8 °,25'10 "W 2.2. /4 feet fo a po /;77- of ta,7genf; 7`her7Ce N,23°30'W 79.37 -eet to a 1,oil7t of curve; Ahence 5Z.36 7ceef a/ony 7`he arc o {a /00,00 foot radlizs carve to the /e {f whose cen7`ra/ ar�g /e is 30 °00' ar,d whose /ony chord bears /1/38°90'W 5/. 76 ,z'eef fo the polh," o{ beginainy ; and .Lot 6, Heather O{ 1/a /'/ except' ct portion thereo{ /vrevioas /y deeded as a roadway cdesCri;6ecd as : hey /i7rn /icy at the So&74hea.st cotter o{ sa /d .Lot- 8; thence Northwester /y along the Norfheasfer /y 11i7e o{ sa /d Z o/- 6' on the arc o- a; 57.35 foa f radliz s carve 7"o th e /e'F/- whose ce/774ral aig /e /s 66 °09',27"and whose /ony chord bears N20 °,25'17 'W 6,2.60 {ecl fo a ool- 77/ 0/ 2 17ye thence N53 °30 'W W'0,00 t"-et a/oay said Northeaster /y line o{ 40 / 8; thence SoufheCt,5td r/y 26,18 feet along the arc of a 50.00 hoot --ad /us carve Ito the right whose cer7trca/ ar7g /e is 30 °00' and whose /or/g chord bears S38°30',E ,25,88 rc'ee74 7-o a /point of tanyen7''; thence 523 °30'E 79.37 feet ; thenc'e 5ouY1hea.s-7Aer1y /.60 feet along Me arc of a 75.00 --oot rad %us Car ✓e to the right whose eentra / a/,y /e is O/ °/3:26 " and whose /or/g chord bears S22 °53'17 ",E /,60 {eel 7o a /no /%77` on the South /ii7e o {Sa /d /-0-,"- 8,' thence N69 °33'07 ",E 2168 {cef along sa /a/ South lzi e fo the po/i/t of beg /r,n /rr9 , COhtalnli 7y ¢8,008sQ1uare beef or /./02/ acres more or less. do hereby certify that the C'ondorr, /i,ium Map of` "//eczfher Of Va i / Condomir71ums " Is {fled in conjunction with the 00nd0m7i71u177 OCC /arat/on {or "Neathcr O{ Ya// Condom /i,/ums:' L=,CMOR,E E ASSOC/AT,ES //VC. >_ ;�'�;•�:•�' JCtM��1 (P David G. � /more, /'resident : c+� •. q „� � ��� S TATS- OF COZ OR•4,6 SS COUNTY Oc- .EAGL ,E The {oreyo /hy certi{icafe was acknowledged be {ore one, fh /s 19 ' day of — A& 1975 Sy ,Darid S. Elmore My cornet /ssion ex/p%res l9 7 /✓o to ry Pab/ic � f , , SURVEYORS CER T /F /C4 TE I, �i'en/7eth ,E. 1P1c'ha7 -ds, a Rey /stared Pro {essiona / Engineer a,-7d Land Surveyor, do hereby cc., y that fh%s Cor/dorr/ihium Ma/o o{ Weafhcr 07' Ya/% COr7domir71;czms " was prepared by me or under /r/y superv7s1o17 and /'hat the reap aeetcrai-e /y dep/efs the 1oca7"1o17 o-{ and the ho,- /zon74a/ and o{ the comp /cted Condbml/;,iurn -5 /(eai7 eth E. /f %chard -5 Registered /°ro�'cssiona/ Engineer ,_ - _ ' and ,Land Surveyor No. 2163 STATE OF C'Ol- ORAL70 SS COUNTY OF E,4G1-,E The forego /i7 9 Certificate was a ckao w/edyed be {ore 7ne this si� � A.D. 197-5 ,by Kenneth E. Richards. J /Y/y corn7nission cxp/i -cs March 16, /975 �^� -.1 l to • i C 1• '�/ 3 ' ? 8 lofary Pub //c , CL ERK F R,ECO/P� ERS C,ER T /F /GA TE � `'! <1 • ��� . Accepted for Ei/ing /%7 the of {ice of the Cleo -k and /Qecor er of y`he COun7` of Ea /e, State o•f Colorado 7-h %s _day o/ F_O1�rt�M X A /975, Z T 1:30 P.M. /Deception Ala,-,7,6&,--: d Co' a ty Clerk and Case Nunber 2 /e County, Co /o rRaec[oo Eg rder era aver Nu rri�er: 14 By r3#0 K ir P +, { 6 ,• deputy n �Q - P( i f i -'s 0 T 0 z M 0 c� M 0 D z 0 z z m ` r z M D ; z 0 D C m 0 D 0 z M D m I� i! a O r 0 �0 m O T ' p lXJ 0 m � ;0 D C� 00 O 0 D N < A z m 0 z D I - QI �/ /y I c i a ro _� c Zz 0 a �rh O 35.42 =z ?oz - 0 s \ z/� a °�% \ O ar�15 °�� ch-329,r- Zoo \° -\s�� zoo/ ale �/�,E. /4 g8 °So 30 � cs'oo �- 19\ 1 R,C.. o Of \l 'I a Uhf e- M \ \V' ° L �l0 1 / IZ /¢ bale Y 1 �\ \ ?/ U 0 6L W v — 631556' 21.68' 30.55' 20./6' am B4.d2' art 60 ,f- 75.00' /0'4. 78' szz °s3 i7'E ,L ,ESE -ND Condom /i�iva, Uni/ Nu/nbcr Park /a-9 S/ TE /°,L Q N Recreation i ,Landscape Area Gcaera/ Common E /ement SCa /e � 1 %n Ch = 30 nee t En /ranee Area Bui /d/i�9 0irner/s 16,75 are Yo outside wa / /s. Sa /cony Eapp/icah /e Uni7` iumherl Patio iapbb;cab /e Unif camber ,Limited Common E- /eMent /D/•CopQ�LoQ/ �jy Chimney {/ue R /Cy�RIDS IG1V 11VEIERS /NCB. 01111' chase P. D. Box 1948, I/ai/, Co%rcz. do, 81657 NW Cor Sec. /8 ti vR .per OR I S/ TE SW Coe �W NW %4,1 Sec, /8 a� 3 South ,Cii7v NW %f 1 Sec `b n ViC /N/ Tr MAP Seale : / "_ /000' ,North �4 Cor Sec. /8 ��ea ter nor, sec. 18, T5S, R 79 W. , / 9 74 OWAIERS CERT/F/CATE : Thl° coders /yned he%ng the owner of the - lo described lbarce/ o{ /and: A iracf in the T°wn of llai/, Zzg /e Cotcr/fy, Colorado, being ,Lots to and 7� Heather O{ l/ai/ and. a, vac4-hcce road pa, -ce/ described as : beginning at the Southwest comer of Sa /a' Lor-6 which /aoint is on the Northeaster /y /ii7e o� ,Black Gore Drive; thence SS3°30',E 60,00 {eef a/ony the Southwester /rf /ii7e of Sala' L 0f lv 7`o a. pole o{ Carve wh%ch /s also the roost Westerly corner of sa%d I.of 7; thence 112.43 Aeet a /ong the arc of a /0735 -loot' radius carve -o the right whose ota75ra/ aa9 /e /S 60 °00;26 "and whose /on9 chord .bears S23 °- 29'x{7 "E /07.3 {eel A0 /-he S0a/-hwes7- Cori,er o{ stun' ,4o7' 7; ther7ce S6.9 °33'07 "W ,20, 16 fhei ce Norther /y 22.17 7cee7" a/or7y the arG of a /Z5.00 X007` --ad /us carve 7o the /e {f whose CCA17 a/ ar%y /e /s /00 "ar%d /.r�hos� long Chord b ears N /8 °,25'10 "W 2.2. /4 feet fo a po /;77- of ta,7genf; 7`her7Ce N,23°30'W 79.37 -eet to a 1,oil7t of curve; Ahence 5Z.36 7ceef a/ony 7`he arc o {a /00,00 foot radlizs carve to the /e {f whose cen7`ra/ ar�g /e is 30 °00' ar,d whose /ony chord bears /1/38°90'W 5/. 76 ,z'eef fo the polh," o{ beginainy ; and .Lot 6, Heather O{ 1/a /'/ except' ct portion thereo{ /vrevioas /y deeded as a roadway cdesCri;6ecd as : hey /i7rn /icy at the So&74hea.st cotter o{ sa /d .Lot- 8; thence Northwester /y along the Norfheasfer /y 11i7e o{ sa /d Z o/- 6' on the arc o- a; 57.35 foa f radliz s carve 7"o th e /e'F/- whose ce/774ral aig /e /s 66 °09',27"and whose /ony chord bears N20 °,25'17 'W 6,2.60 {ecl fo a ool- 77/ 0/ 2 17ye thence N53 °30 'W W'0,00 t"-et a/oay said Northeaster /y line o{ 40 / 8; thence SoufheCt,5td r/y 26,18 feet along the arc of a 50.00 hoot --ad /us carve Ito the right whose cer7trca/ ar7g /e is 30 °00' and whose /or/g chord bears S38°30',E ,25,88 rc'ee74 7-o a /point of tanyen7''; thence 523 °30'E 79.37 feet ; thenc'e 5ouY1hea.s-7Aer1y /.60 feet along Me arc of a 75.00 --oot rad %us Car ✓e to the right whose eentra / a/,y /e is O/ °/3:26 " and whose /or/g chord bears S22 °53'17 ",E /,60 {eel 7o a /no /%77` on the South /ii7e o {Sa /d /-0-,"- 8,' thence N69 °33'07 ",E 2168 {cef along sa /a/ South lzi e fo the po/i/t of beg /r,n /rr9 , COhtalnli 7y ¢8,008sQ1uare beef or /./02/ acres more or less. do hereby certify that the C'ondorr, /i,ium Map of` "//eczfher Of Va i / Condomir71ums " Is {fled in conjunction with the 00nd0m7i71u177 OCC /arat/on {or "Neathcr O{ Ya// Condom /i,/ums:' L=,CMOR,E E ASSOC/AT,ES //VC. >_ ;�'�;•�:•�' JCtM��1 (P David G. � /more, /'resident : c+� •. q „� � ��� S TATS- OF COZ OR•4,6 SS COUNTY Oc- .EAGL ,E The {oreyo /hy certi{icafe was acknowledged be {ore one, fh /s 19 ' day of — A& 1975 Sy ,Darid S. Elmore My cornet /ssion ex/p%res l9 7 /✓o to ry Pab/ic � f , , SURVEYORS CER T /F /C4 TE I, �i'en/7eth ,E. 1P1c'ha7 -ds, a Rey /stared Pro {essiona / Engineer a,-7d Land Surveyor, do hereby cc., y that fh%s Cor/dorr/ihium Ma/o o{ Weafhcr 07' Ya/% COr7domir71;czms " was prepared by me or under /r/y superv7s1o17 and /'hat the reap aeetcrai-e /y dep/efs the 1oca7"1o17 o-{ and the ho,- /zon74a/ and o{ the comp /cted Condbml/;,iurn -5 /(eai7 eth E. /f %chard -5 Registered /°ro�'cssiona/ Engineer ,_ - _ ' and ,Land Surveyor No. 2163 STATE OF C'Ol- ORAL70 SS COUNTY OF E,4G1-,E The forego /i7 9 Certificate was a ckao w/edyed be {ore 7ne this si� � A.D. 197-5 ,by Kenneth E. Richards. J /Y/y corn7nission cxp/i -cs March 16, /975 �^� -.1 l to • i C 1• '�/ 3 ' ? 8 lofary Pub //c , CL ERK F R,ECO/P� ERS C,ER T /F /GA TE � `'! <1 • ��� . Accepted for Ei/ing /%7 the of {ice of the Cleo -k and /Qecor er of y`he COun7` of Ea /e, State o•f Colorado 7-h %s _day o/ F_O1�rt�M X A /975, Z T 1:30 P.M. /Deception Ala,-,7,6&,--: d Co' a ty Clerk and Case Nunber 2 /e County, Co /o rRaec[oo Eg rder era aver Nu rri�er: 14 By r3#0 K ir P +, { 6 ,• deputy n �Q - P( i f i -'s 0 T 0 z M 0 c� M 0 D z 0 z z m ` r z M D ; z 0 D C m 0 D 0 z M D m I� i! a O r 0 �0 m O T ' p lXJ 0 m � ;0 D C� 00 O 0 D N < A z m 0 z D