HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Village Filing 2 Resubdivision of Lot DI I I nI-, rp _ O, D9'? yet o O O Ch oo , Lot z sq. {t ^� u v V/ 0 Ti�tie Point oir, B";"" 4073 �; N)9!6s.00 , 0` 43, 3 97.3 s', ff '� v o I � m —� _ /7,9 _ — — _ 9? i6' I c 1'i► O e 'P°s.2s, o . 85 .3 9'4,2" S,oz. /Al � _ _ 60.6 5 _ L - / eo 1'0.0 '¢6' W,ES 7-- - _ o� 3o, \ I � � I � 7 ; 8 y/C //VI T V MAP scale 11 / "= 2000' /c' //VA,L PLAT O�c- V' /S /ON of /°iPToF LOT 0 , I/,Q /L. VlZw L ,4 G SZrONA F /L. INS TOWN OF VA /L, EAGLE COUNT', COLOR14,00 C.E,PT /F /CAT,E OF OWN,E.PSN /P � D,E6 /CA7'/ON l� h a 0 0 0 25 50 75 100 Scale : / "= 50' 4PPROV44 OF TAIE MAL P,L4NN/N6 COMIn /SS /ON; This p/a f of A Res uba'/'vis /on o{Parfo /,Lol-D, Vai/ ki'lloge , Second Fi 11i?y be and the same is hereby approved. Va i/ P n in CO miss/ n Dated -7 �`' By C w� Chairrn r7 � � ATTC5 T ,4PPRO 1144 OF )02 47' 4ND ,4CC,E"P T,4NC,E OF D,EDICATIONS BY 7;qZ- TOWN OF VA /L: This plc/,`' af' 4 Resuba'/'v/siono/PQrfof,CofO, Vail Ili/ /age, Secornal Fi 11i7g /s hereby ao ,- -o ✓ea' by the Town Council of the Town of Ilai /, ona' the a/edica>`ion o{ the roads, sfree/s, circ /es, couf -fs, wa /*ways and easements shown lhereo i ore hereby accepfeal by the Tow./ o-) X7 //. To wn Council of /he ToWn o //ail Doled % , /Vp y 1' r ,4TTEST Rrepa' -ea' ,by -R/CN4 R D S E/VG //V,E.ER S /NC, R O. BOX / ?0(:9 1 Vc? l*/ , Co 16,*- a ti o 6'16 5 7 ,4u9 u5. / 975 �Yao�v a / /men by these presents that !/Qi /Group Inc., a Colorado Corporation, being the Sole owner in fee s/rnp /e of•a // Mai' real properhy described as : ,4Par24 of 4o7" D' 11ai/ I// /lag e, Seconal Filing, in the Towh of Vai /, Coon fy o c .Eagle, S77afe o { C'o /orado, cornfainincy 66,236. d sQugre pee( or /, 5206 acres, Iriore or less, '*ore /oc?rficu /ar /y a'e- Terlhea, qs {o / /ows ; CoMMencin9 a/ the Soofhwesf corner of seid .Lo/ D; %hence N1O °/x'47 ",E4 /or%g the Wesf /ine o{sgid .Lof,O, /38, 4,2 iree74 fo the true Po)h/ o {,Bey inning ; thence continuing N/O °18'47 ",E Along said Wes 24 / /he, /38.4,2 {ee / fo the Northwest corner o {said ,L o, b; hhPnee S 791'¢1'13 ",r along The North / /he o{soid ,cot` b, 340.00�cef to the Northeast corner o{,40Y D; thence S/O°leW7 "Alaloog the ,East line oCsa /a' ,co /D, ,25/,25 {ee f Ao the Sou /he4sT corner opsa %d .Cot' D , which is on the Norther /y R. 0. W. line o {j✓PSflVeodow Drive; (hence olong ,4he So&1her /y line aI'soid I o Ab, 0,7d,7/0,75 54 1d /PO. GI/ /in e , /0.2,30,0Pe-1 Q /ovg the Ore of a 5Z5, 00 loo f rad /us curve fo ,she /P {t w ose central aag /e is / / °09'5,2 "Qhd whose /ohy chord bears NdYJ °04'¢6 "!4 110,2./¢ {eel to o point o{ tonger�t; thPr�ce N85 °39'¢.2 "!✓gndq /o ,7g said fgr�9eafanda /0a9 sAia'Soafher /y line 17hd1710,79 SCVd R0..91. 1/he-,,60.'65-Feet; ,`hence NO¢°,ZD'/B';E /,20.50 {eet; thence N79 °4l' /3 "W /65.00f&et /o the trNe Point orF Beginning; contnuing therein a /6.00 {0024 wide easement', qa shown hereon, . as a perpet'u4 /) non - exclusive easerninY' for ingress, egress, and arpv naye- purposes fo the owners o {,Cof.t and 4o7",Z, their heirs, saccessors and assigns ; has by these presents /ala/ out', platted and subdivided the same info lots as shown hereon and designate the same as 4 RESel.60 1VIS /ON 0FPgr /of,Co,,D, Vai/ 044,46E3 SECOND F /LING, Ala' does /Further sfafe ><l7a, ,his Subcz'iv/sion shall be. " "u.. subJec7' Ito /he Protective Covenants 1'116-a' qnd recorded ,<or V./I !/i / /age,Sec»Mdr Filing in /he ofAlce o{ the Clerk and /eeco,-ale,- o-)r .Eagle Cou/774y , C'oloraa/o as DocLCrnen f MO. EX�C1/T,ED this Zi6 M day o{ S a .4. D., /97. , C n !� Amato - President il Group ZIC. a Colorado Corporatior� ST,4T,E OF C01- 0,e,4DO SS CO U/V T V OF ,E,46 L ,E f The {oregoiny dedication was acknow /edged he,Iore me this A 144 day o{ Ads by i/ohn V .4mo7Lo as Rres /went of Vail Grou Inc, , a Co/oraa'o Cor/oora Pion. ' a y Commission ,Expires o� -7 i Notary Pub/ SCIR V.E VOR'S CERT /F /CAT,E : I, Kenneth E. Richara's, a'v hereby certi {y that I are, a /Pegisfereof Zang Surveyor /icensecY under the laws o-1 ,he S24a24e of Colorado, ,hat fh/s p/074 is a true, correct and comp /e/& P /a7'' o{ .4 /Pesu,bdivisiono {Parfof,[ofD, Vail Vi'/ /age, Second A111i79 as laid out, p /affed, dea'ica -hed ana' shown hereon, that such p/a24 was made fron7 an accurate survey o/ said property by me or uno'Pr 'Ony su,,oervis/oi7 and correctly shows the location and O'Ih7ens/or7s o{ the /ofs, ease'Wer71s and �s /ree fs Of sa /cY suba'i v/sion as the same are s faked upon the grour/a' /n corn/aliance wi,h app11'c able reyu /a fion3 govern /ny the sahal'VIs1on 0 Y /ar/d. Ih w/'lness whereof T have set b y handArla'sea/ ,his c92` -- day of { r Kenneth ,E. ,Pichards ,Pegisfered Pro {essiono /,Eng %Weer wad Card Surveyor No, ,2/93 C.0 , R'A(O' C,67RT /F 1CA 7-Z : /h /s plat was filed for record in the o { {i'ce o { the Coun74y Clerk and Recorder of it"ag /e Cour! 74y 074_.3,1 3 , M. on the S day /r7 Case Z Ora wee • �%' , ,eeceon lvo -( moll 2�� Coun /y C /es-k Z /Decor r ,may- 9�. /0.04 I