HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Heights Filing 1 Lot 01 - Gore Range Condominiums IIAV FINAL PLAT OF GORE ;It41\143E: CiOND0A41N11L1IV46xI L0711 V 4IL A ,EZIW TS, cX41NG No, 1, COUNTS OF Z,4GL AC , 57-,47-AC 0r COL OZ 40 0 Sheet 10�, 2 J J Ch _!5777' N 76 */(5,.30 „E �6 Fred. ..... ,:. 7 (03 vp: i / A/c h fs • 9 / 1 or / Q 1 / 1y F:/iny No. / l � Area = ,2 /, 833.9- Q. Fr. / \' / or 0.50/,2 ficre5 � ,,, ll / / / T T i ' If d ,” ;* a' 900 ?2 \ A � / ti 90 �6 i o � S / �� Q T 7- tea; 1� rY ,L arncesc ape ,9rea 9� 19 �o �l a• 3R, )c, C. A N Sca /e ,20' \� i . 1D y 9p t F Cra - - /4 /3 R8 /W was vai/ 1 I YlC/nVi r P MA P scale: 1,152000, � T /°L. AIVIAIIIVC COM114ISS/O/V O TliiJ R/a f a/opeo ved by the Eag /e 00 ",01 ty R/ann%ng and Zan /ng Co�� %ssion Phis �c� t+, day of �1% ✓ember► h� Choirrr,ar V -"Lf„dyp;m B. M. cJ MN-/26./O MY. = 7959.03 S/1 COUiV T �l COMMISSIONER $' CERT /F /COTE= This P/af a/o,orovea' by .the Board oir Com,"Issioners oA' Eag /e Couh fy, Colorado 7100/- day of AP- 1-97 for ,ci/iny wi fh the Clerk and �?ecorder ooc Ea,9 /e Cozen�y anal For eo�ve Iohce to the C'ounfy of the va blic a'ea'%cafions shown hereon; subject'` to the /provision that a,00rova/ in no way Ohll9ates Eagle County Ieor f /nun c%ng or cons truc t /on oIr imorovemenfs on /ands, Sfreefs, or e4semer174s eedicafed fo the Publ /c exceof as soecixica //y agreed fo by the Apard of Coa,miss/oners and further that s4�d a/v�orova/ shA// in no way ob /igafe Eag /e County for /n4intenance of ,&reefs dedicaAed to the ,oab/ic un� // Cons &ruction of imorove�enf.s ,thereon oha // have been eomfo /vied fo the SQt'isfac &ion o{ the Board of C0MM4fJ 1on0r5- ba-,� 4 ChAi man Witness my hand Ana' sea/ of the County of Eagle. 6) ah�A Courtly C/er < rL 0 wNER 'S CEte 71r1C,4 7Z - The being the owner oVC the 94011owin9 described ,oarce/ o+c 147nd : L o t 1, vail Neigh fs- F'i /ir g No. 19 County off' ,rag /e , Sfa ie o �e Colorado ; do hereby cep -f/fy that the Cona'omi4laA7 Ma/o o7e Gore ,Pange Cona'om /n%ums.awesfi /ea' in conjunction with the Cona'omin /urn Dec /Ara Pion for Gore Ifange C0r7doM1'00?114M S 2r, re corded on the day o rc , /9 7 , in Soo* of Page Cyr t r he fecoa'°s of the Clerk and oA Eagle County, Colorado, R E ,L, RROPER 7"IZ5, a Parfnershi/o AT Par freer ST.4T,E or Ccl Ol?.4DO SS COUNTY OF EAGLE The foregoing cer tit'icate was ackr, o w /edged before me th /•s / da y o f as a,oarfreer o{ Rf,C Rev,oert1es, a�oortnershlo 41 y Commission ,Expires No fart' Pu,b/ic -�, • -r �, + "� 1� � Z, Kenneth X. Richards, a ,-oxe5siona1 Engineer and Lana' Surveyor, do hereby cer fi {y fha f this Condoin%niuM /Yla/o o or Gore iPange Condominiu,*r Sff waS /oreloarra' by tree or under n y su/oerv%s/on ana, that the 'ong/o accurate ly a'o/oicfs the 10M 741o,07 ohd the horizon r'a/ and the coM,o%fea' Condominiums_ �� . !(enne�h .E. �Pichards '' �Pegistered F�ro�eSsiona /Engineer �� and ,Loma' Surveyor No. ,2163 S7,477E OF COLORAD01SS CO!/NTY of X,4G1.,E ,Jf Th was ackhow /ecYYed be fore me this S' day o{ S /9 75, by !Berme fh ,E. Rich Ards . My 00,nm %sS /OH EX,oTres 9'Z 9 fj�, Notary Pub /IC C,L ,ERA on � /e,E COR .�,ER S C � R ?' /F" /C.4 T,E • Accepted for filing in the o��ice o? the C /Prk and Recorder off• the Coun ft' o{ Eag /e, State Ole' C'o /ora a'o Phis /4f da y o �ecei,,,be e /9 7,5- /0"00 A, MI Q Aece/ofion Number : RG - 139521 Case Nu,"her : 2 Or a wee Nu07,6 er 18,00 K )O9pe� :.4 .i County C'/vrk an u�iPecorder Eagle County, Colorado et' a Deoufy P,A-e,o a red b y /Q/CNA R D S .E/V G //VZZ R S INC. A, 0. Boy /908, Vail , Color ado, 8 /G57 Sur veye aY 4ugu.s7I /F , /,975 J i r I 1. T 'ea /c o ny G. C. E. 0' Sz-c omD FL o ore l8. 5 ' 17.1' .Cau�dry Ro o m M � o ' IvechaoO'7 /C0/ ll. 9' 1 1 17.1 ' o. TYP. h .9' F /NAL PLAT OF colez ��'AVGE CONAOCA41NI IMS 1Z' 407"1 ) l/•4 /,L N,E /GNTS, F /,L /NG NO. 1, COUNTS' OF E.9GLE, STATE OF COL01P4400 Sheefl oFZ 7.6' J 7 5 " M F4 00.2 PLANS scale: — — - =6- I ql s n �I ;o o` o� �I _j .3' 7.2' 3a /cony G. C. E. 47.5' F /RS T FL o ore h h 7.4' di h ryP, 7.4' ryP, a a � 0 h J 7 5 " M F4 00.2 PLANS scale: — — - =6- I ql s n �I ;o o` o� �I _j .3' 7.2' 3a /cony G. C. E. 47.5' F /RS T FL o ore h h 7.4' di h ryP, 7.4' ryP, � 0 2.80 z.8' 3-W .3- E 0 � N O O Viz. 7-141.eo FLooR ,Lofrs 3 -E 3-W IFloor ,z. -le -79 97.46 _r .3 ' F/o o r ,E'/eY = 7988.96 z - E I_ r i I Floor Xler. =7980.26 i � I 1 6. C. E, ^rr i Floor ,E /eV :797/.45 NOR 714,C,4S T,ER4 V ,EL E VAT /O N 71 3 -,E 3 -W .Laundry Room ��Y/echanica/ G.C..E'. F/oor,E/eY = 797/.20-7 So U THE,4s TER,L v ,EL,r v,4 r1 oN Sca /e : / "= 5' Yoeiz. Bench Wark : 47anho% /,26.10 in Chamonix ,Lane In Y. e/ev. = 7 95 9.03 45� i. i TA /Rp ILL ooze M L EG,E-ND Cohdo`nihium 114i -A Number Common E /emenf G.C.,E.- --- General Copnmon E/emen-A