HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Valley Filing 2, _. __ _ _ _ - - - - - _ ____-- -- - - -- - -- _ _ .. ______ _ _ _ __ _--__ _ _ __ ._ .- -- - ----._ ___ _-� -- - - -__. .__ - -- _-- .. __ __ _ _ .- _ _ __ _ - - -- _ _ _ - -_- _ _ --- _ _-------• ----__ __ _ - -- — -- _ __- --- --- __ _ _- __ _ _ _ __ _._. ___ . . _. , _.._ _--- ._ _... __ ._ _._ - --- . _--. _._ ._ -- __ . --_— --... _ .__ __--___.f .._.__.. .. -- .__ .-----___.__._- - � t _ . _ .. . _ --- _T __. � _ . ---�.�--�-- . F`�/N�4 ,C. P,C A T � � � TD WiV OF' V�9/,� ,,E �4 G,C ,� OF" , CD Ui'V T�, CO,C, O�� ,D D O Z 5 5o f 00 I 5 O SGR /e : /"= 50' � \ � 1 1 ' �� � � ��� � ;��� � � L � /Ay h —,�—�_ _ � � V � ,Q=�.aa.�• _ 30 '�'oa � � d J��� � S B3 S, /6 ' D� � O� �oip��d in h ,Boo/t �# I zz seP_q� 6ss —'4s'F � s .� —� r _ � � � -� � ( I I� I i... �ry �:. •• !% I I ��� �O � I I S B9 °Z3'�/"E I� � ioi �a � lo � �,�----------J°� p �- --5� ---------�. � � �N (/D'DrainAge E dti/ify � I \ � p , Eoseinen t � J � �� ,Lof ,Z h� ( � � O. 39 �9Ac. �789' '._. , ^ .r . .� � � S89 23'4l".E ,Z/. B 7' � ���. 47. 89' �vs9 °z3 �43� w z � / ��` �' � � �.N 0 0 'p O �- o �"_ ' SP�P/NG�i�/L L,� ANE ti.r�o3�srJp iv es °,z3 - 4i-• w —�= ��3�3 /��. O� // 3. .� 5 st ., /O'Orair�agP � Ufi/ity EASen�snt O �� �1h I �' Ped�s trior� WQ//r - Way ��� ; h 3, , �� o ,Cof 1 I :: :�:;.:•-;. � ol� . l0 0.3979.4c. .:.'.`.j f:. ... �� �� � � � e ; .• , �� :• ., ; ; • �� .\ o� I p�ainay� I :.: .�i ; ::.. .. •.:.. •,- •-•• :_• � �0 _� �� �` ..r.•` r•.`,� .? �i�l�/�/fy :`' . : .. . i� . .... . �-• I O /O�I.EQS�//leilf - _ �� i, /o' Drc�ir��r9e �` Ufi/if'y .Easeiner� f ' /50. 00' S, L:,,e, NYs, N%z, Sec. 9- SOu f�i �ps� Correr ��^ /50. OD' h v ` � � � S \ � � � � \ � /. 0,4c . N89°,Z3'4/"W 2366.69' 1/ai/ l�a//ey- Firsf Fi/in9 TiPU,� PO/NT OF B.EG/NN/NG l�A/L I�AL L�E Y- S,ECOND F/G /NG � � ;' Sec. 4 S�c._3 Sec. 9 Sec. /O , � i � � h � �o h � R d � � � �o b• d` i� o, ' o v � h � 0 .� O � � h �l i � _�� v�, �n �� �� ° 9., 3/O. DD' � M h � � 0 0 h �� , ..> � . � ��, � _� T•T� F c,�,��--.F.�,�T�.� �r9wles g, �. a'oes hereby cerfi'r�'y fhof I hc�Ye P.rumir��d fhe T�' /e to a// /ar�ds shown u�oon fh:s ,P/a � ar�d �ha f T. �/e f o such /Ar�ds i's ves fea' �i� Ya i l 1/al/ey, Ir�c.� free ar�a' c%c�r of' a// /ier,s, fqxcs ahu�eiicuir,br4hces, exce�of os fa//a ws : �%(� (Y � D q f-e �PA, � �i/D �CC�PT,4NC ,,. ". , , " OF �EDICAT/ONS ,8 Y TNF TD yVN D� Y�l/L : Th�'s �o/qf of' Y�9/L I�AL G E Y- SECONO �/�. //v G is he�-eb y a�,oro vect' by fhe Ta Wyi �ounci l o f�h � To wr, o�,l�c�i /, a�d fhe dedicafion o{ �he eASer»en� shown hereor� is hereby accepfed by �he Towh o{ va;i. TOWN CDUNC/L of �he T of I/.9/L b � ,oa�`ea'.� Oy cr � 6 , � AT T� ; _ ��P�PO !/�41 OF Ty�" ��/,L. �L ANN//�CIG COM�YI/SS/O�/ � Thi s�o/v � o� ��9�L Y.Q � G E l'- �SEC ON.D F/G •/Nv� b e v n d �h e sa�e is he�eby a,o,proYea�. , V�9/.0 „ �.0 .9NN/NG �DiYl�l �S/Oi1✓ Daf'ed •' � • �i� _� ATTEST.' . Chc��iar� Nofes: , �� /� The ,�asf .L �he o� Vai/ Ya//ey - F�rsf Fi/ih�1, ,bein9 589°S7 ,30 l✓ NO°36'/7"E, is fhe basis of .B�orin,ys. ,Z-� /�dica �es s�pe/ �oir, ar, c� ca�o �. , 5.�. Co r. N/z , N%2 , Sec. 9� TSS, iPBO W, 6th P. M. —_ I Va�l �. i � ) 0 � G , � fs.�.9 I /D �� rss, ` Reo w � '�S/ T,E 1 SPR/.v6 Nit C LANE 1 1 .Sca/e: /"=,2000' V/C/N/T � M�9P � rsa o° C,E"�P T/F/CA T� o F' OI�NE�Sy/P AN1) ,DE,DlC.9 T/ON : �NOW .9L G/Yl,��v .B Y Tf�FSE PRESENTS fhof eoch o�' fhe undersign�d persons re�ers hei-ein fo fhe �o/%wir�9 a�escribea� /ar�p�s as fhe �alatf'eGt� /ar�ds :.9�o�rrf o�fhe Nor fh or�e -ha/f of' Sec�ior� 9, T rrnship 5 Sou th, �4'a�ge 80 lt�es� of' fhe S%xfh i°rir�c%oA/ /Yleria�ian, Town of' 1�4i/, Cour��y or` �ag/e , SfA�e a�' Co%rado, �e�scri b ed as ,F'o //o ws : Co��Pr�ci�9 Q� �he /Yor fheusf Cor�er of soid Sec�ior� 9; fher,ce S OD °O,Z'30':E' .365. DD {ee f��`her�ce S�7 °57'09';� 4/7. 73 fe�►f,- �hence S DD °D.Z'.30'� .Z//. 36 f'ee �; fhe�ce S 89 °S7'30 "G✓ 3/D. OD fe��; thcr�ce SOD'D.2'�D',� 463.6� feet fo f1,e So�f'heast corner of fhe. Nor�h or�e-ho/f o{fhe Nor�h one-ho/f'ofsQi�t'Secfior, 9; fher�ce 1V89°.Z3'4/"W ,2366.�9 fee� �o �he frue �ooihf of be9i�,r�:r,g; �herice NOD°36'/7".E'95.00�'eer�; thence S 75°,Z3'�3"E ,2.3,OD�eef; tfie�ee N24°.36'/7';E' 3.3.00f�ef y fhence N/7°,Z3'¢3"l✓ 57,00 feef; fh«�eN59°Z3'43"!.r/,Z/.87f'v�t; fhehce NOO°36'/7",E 90.,20 f'ee�; fhe�ce S89°,Z3'4/",E' /O/./8feet; fher�ce Soufh 90„20 {�ef; �he�ceS89°.Z3'�/'� �7.89f'�e�; ��e�ce SOO°36'/7"!�✓ /g6,56f�cf; fh efice N89 °,23' 4/ " W/SO.OD fee f fo fh e frue ,00:n � o� bey.i� r,: n9 , confoi�i�g O. 7958 Acres more or /ess. ThAf Yai/ va//ey, /�C. , Ce�- fifi�es fhpf fhey Are fhe frae own�rs of fhP �v/pf�ed /a�ds sub,/PCf fo epSetrieh�s or,d riyh�s o�' way of�ecord. Tha� Yail !�a//ey, /r�c., for 7�I7cIJfSC�YCS c�o herBby /qy out, �n/of qna� subn'ivide �he,o/a�fPd /ar�c�s �r��o such /o�s As ur� showr oh fhis p/c�f u�►u'P/- fhe �Q�� An� s�y/e o{ �A/.0 �AL L F y� SEG'OND F/L/NG .' 7'hAf Yoi/ Yq//ey, /nc., cerfi {:es Anp' 49rPesfhc�� �`he �v/u��ec� /c�r�ds shu//be sub,�ec� �o �`ie ,ora�'e��ive covenar��s qs tecora��q� v in ,800k ��F4 a� Page �17 of' �he �PCOrds of' fhe �'/Prk o�d �PPCOra�Pr o�.E4g/P �ou��'y, Co%rq�r'o, which q�e ihCOr�vorc�fec�! hc�'cih by re��r�r,ce . � l�A�.0 1/.4�[,�' f;/n�[., .9 Co%rada Cor�oora��or� \� 384 / �5' �la,yr�o%a 11/ay �'�;a _ p `� ":�,�,�,� , y ; �. Denver, Ca/orq�v 80,237 - a �_^ ; � -. �� � � {-! qf b..: �, 1 , / • � �,� 4�� � G�YiI'P,c�, i� . 1 � : � �:� � .Y . , y Pu/is, r/r., Warren K Pcr/�'s, ',r �:i i�� �°rP �deji� l�ice �resic�en f � Seci'efartf STAT� OF COLO�PAAO SS CO !/N T Y o F ,��9G L�',3 The f'oreyoiny ir�sfrua�en� was c�ck�ow/ed9e�Y be�'ore me �h.'s��h �py o� �-ob�R A,o., /976, by v'ay ,B. Pu/�s, �r, Presider� f A•�a� �by Wv rren � Pu/is , 1/ice Pres�a'e•� f � � � _� an� Secretai'y of vai/ Ya/lPy, /nc., a�o%rAa�o CorPor�r,tior�. Wi�ness �ny hanc�ar,d sea/. , , ;' . ��� � �;";� il�ly Co�, � %ss�'cn �xpir� s a� 6 i � ?9 �� ��^=^�a.1 /�i /��.ZT ��/�/�t--- - . No �qry Pu b/� c-J^ � r: ��.. C.E� T/F'lC.4T.E oF SU� l/E f�O.E,' : F���'� '. .� 1, /�eh�e�h ,E. �Pichards, a�i'e9isfered Pror�'essiona/ �i�y:r�eer ar,d ,Car�d �S'arveyo�, >-�yi'sfei-ed under �he /Aws o� �he Sfa�e of L'o%�-c�A�o, do hereby cerfif'y fhAr` fhe sur✓ey o{ YA�,[. 1�ALL E' Y-S�coni� F/L/NG was �riAa�� s«a��r iny su�oe� vision and thA� fhis p/4 f Accura fe/y shows r`he PIQ ����9 ana� suba'i visior, o� S!/Ci7 �A/L J�.4L L E f� --SEGOND F/L /NG . T%7e /O f' corners anu� bour�a�ary eorners haye b�en survey�c�ond �onur�er��d u in cor�pJi4nce wif�i o,op/:cable r�yu/qtior�s goverrii�9 fh� subu�ivisior� o� /ur�d • Ia `vir�i�ess whe/eo{ I huv� sef �y hAhd 4�d sea/ this /Sf a'ay o� .. b��'ob�r A. D., /976. U`:� �i , c``���.,'. .,o ���jptF!:� � ���.� , ,� '�,' �-+ �- , �' }"� � �cr�r�e �'h .E�. Ric hArds �� � �: r��;; ,, � �' . �egis�er�ed Prof'essior�a/,E"r, �i�e�r � �� �C G . 1Q5���" �thGt� LAt�Gt� SurYeyor NO. .Z/B3 `�e�,l'�' �� �,``; ,L' ; V .. ,. �� ��� �•+sa4-"• �1.� . �.' � ����� �' � _ C,L F�P �,¢�v.D /P.E CO�P�E� 'S C.E' � T/F/CA TF : This ,o/4f vras f'i/�a' �ar record in fhe Office of' the C/er k pr�d �ecora'�r of�ag/e Cou�f y a� /' °� o'c%ck_�./YI. f�c�o b��e ��� /9� a n� is �ir /y �'e co r d eQ' i� ,80o k.? SL Q__ , Pag e /f/o. J„�/ � . MaP CAS� '2' . ��Au�e� � �% � C/erk Ard �Pecor�e ,By _��iuJ% L�'et.-F'� ,De�ou f'cf �j� .O4 ��-- P,��,�a,-�� by �P/cHA�P� .S' ,�NG/ivE.E�S /�vt , /°D. ,BoX C-/DD, .qYOr�, Co%rado. 8/6.20 D c f. , /9 76 � �