HomeMy WebLinkAboutLion's Ridge Subdivision Filing 3f � � Mt LEGAL !1ESCR1PTi0��l A resuf�division of Parcels B, C, E, and a ��art of P�.rcel D, Lion's Ridc�e Subdivision Filing No. 2, a subdivisior� recor�ied in the �ffice ��f the E��cle C�unty, Col�rado, Clerk an�1 Recorder, said resub- division beinq a �art of the �Jorth 1/?_ of Section 12, To���nshi�� 5 South, Range �l West of the 6th Prin- cipal f�iericiian, Eagle Count.y, Color<�do ��nd rr�SUb�iivisi�n beinc� m�re particularly described as follows: (?egir�nino at an �xistinq hrass monui��ent i��arkinq the ��!est 1/4 Corner of said Section 12; thence 'J���3��27'25" E 13��6.70 feet, alonq the southerly line of said Lion's Ridqe Subdivision Filing No. 2; th�nce t.he fc�ll�wing t��o courses �lonq the said southerly line of Lion's Ridge Suhdivision Filing No. 2, said sou*herl�>� line also hein� th� northerly rinht-of-way line of Interstate Hiahway PJo. 70: (1) 'I ,3°�',�>'�)��'' E 235.22 fer_t; (2) �v 52 5�'29" E h�'�.�10 feet; thence, de�artinq from said southerly line of Lic�n's Ririqe Suhdivision f iling ^lo. 2��nd northerly ri�ht-of-way line �fi InterstatP Hiqhw�y PJo. 70, N�7°�'�' 31 " 4J 75 .'��l feet ; thence ^J 1��5E' ��" E 86. 2`? feet ; thence f�l 3E°31 '��)" W��f�. 97 feet ; thence "J 67 3��' �)0" 6J 10�. 00 feet ; thence �l 22 39' 2�" �.J 51 . 1 � feet , to a poi nt on curve on the southerly ri ght- of-way 1 i ne of L i �n' s Ri d�e Loo��; th�nce 1 7h .,'!1 ��et �� 1 c�n� the a rc of a 1 �)31 . 72 foo� radi us curve to the left, said curve havina a centr�l �ne1P of ��? a'a'OF" �nd a ch��r�i th:�t he�rs fJ 62 25'S8" E 176.5£3 feet, to the cor,�mon n��rth�rly corner ��f P�rcel f? ��n�i P�rcel R, s�i�! Lir�r�'S Ridcie Suhdivision Filing No. 2; thence S 23°11'17" E 337.95 fPet, �l�n�� th� come�on line of s�i�i Parcels D and B,�to a point on the southerly line �f Lion's Ri�iqe S��h�iivision Filinq �lo. 2 anci the n�rtherly riqht-of-way line of Interstate Hiqhway iJo. 70; th�ncP the followin� three coiirses alonq s��id southerly line of Lion's Ridg� Subdivision Filinq �1�. 2 and ��id northerly ri�ht-of-way line gf Interstate Highway No. 70: (1) PJ �2 50'29" E 300.0� fF�et; (2) N 41�31'43" E 102.�r) feet; (3) M 52 50'29" E 19�.45 feet; thence, de- partiny from sai�i northerly riaht-of-way line of Interstate Highw�y No. 70, f; 37 09'31" 6�1 329.74 feet, alonq the easterly line of said Lion's Ridqe Subdivasion Filinc� fdo. 2, to a point of the northerly right-of-way line of Lion's Ridae Lo�p; thence fi 59 32'�6" E�Y,�.33 feet, along the said northerly right-of-u�ay line of Lion's Ridge Loop and the said southerly line of said Lion's Ridge Subdivision Filing fJo. 2, to the c:�mmon southerly corner �f Parcel E and Lot G-6, Lion's Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 2; thence N 39°54'08" b1 330.95 feet, along the common line of said Parcel E and Lot G-6, to a point on the southerly riqht-�f-way line of Lion's Ridc;e Loop; then�e the following two courses along the southweSt:erly ri�ht-of-w�v linf� �f Lion's Ricic�e L�op: (1) S 69 �16'30" W 49.27 feet, to a point of curvature; (2) 255.16 f�e� �lonq the arc of 1?��.O0 foc�t radi�s curve to the right, said curve having a central angle of lU;� 17'4O" and a chord that bears PJ 56 04'40" W 21R.84 feet, to a point of tangency, that is also the most easterly common corner of Parcel N and Parcel E, Lion's Ridge Subdivi- sion Filing fJo. 2; tnence the following five courses alonq the common line of said Parcels A and E: o � �� o � �� o � �� �4� (1) �£�4 55 16 W 621.05 feet; (2) � 50 05 00 4J 330.00 feet; (3) S 68 15 �� W 990.00 feet; S 74 45'00" W 430.00 feet; (5) S 66 15'00" W 532.96 feet, to a point on curve on the easterly right- of-way line of Lion's Ridge Loop; thence 13.36 fe�t alon� the arc of a 130.00 foot r�dius curve to the right, said curve havinq a central anclle of 5 53'll" anci a chord that bears S 30 03'49" W 13.35 feet, to a point on the westerly line of sai�i Lign's Ridqe Subciivision Filing PJo. 2, which is al5i� the w,sterly line of said Section 12; thence S 1 35'59" bJ 1161.2f3 feet, alonq the said westerl.y line of Lion's Ridqe Subdivision Filing fJo. 2 an�i said Section 12, to the point of beginninq, containing 3,607,094 squa�,e feet or °?_.�075 acr,es, ���ore or less, with the exclusion of an excepted parcel con- sisting of L�t� l, 2, 3, and � of said Lion's Ridge S�ahdivision Filinq No. 2, said excepted parcel being more pa��ticularly describeci as follows: Beginninc� at he most northwesterly corner of said Lot 1 whence the said tJest 1/4 Corner of Sec- tion 12 bears S 49�55'47" 6J 1460.51 feet �istant; thence �� 69d04'33" E 335.00 feet, along the norther- ly line of said Lots 1 and 2; then�e PJ 68 52'13" E 210.54 feet, alonq the northerly line of said Lots 3 and 4; thence S 7�3°20'03" E 364.10 feet, alon� the northeasterly line of said Lot 4, to a point on the northerly right-of-way line of Lion's Ridne Loop; thence the following five courses along said northPrly right-of-way line: (1) an arc distance of ?_33.66 feet along a 961.72 r�dius curve to the right, saicl curve having a central angl� of 13°55'14" and a chord that bears S 64 29'02" W 233.08 feet, to a point of tanqency; (2) S 71 26'39" W 14.51 feet to a point of curvature; (3) an arc dis- tance of 207.50 feet along a 9�9.93 foot radius curve to the left, said curve having a central ar�gle �f 12°00'35" a��d a chord that bears S 65°26'22" l� 207.12 feet, to a point of tangency; (4) S 59 26' �J4" UJ �17.74 feet, to a point of curvature; (5) an arc distance gf 117.39 feet along a 607.96 foot radius curve to the left, said curve having a central angle of 11 03'4�" and a chord that bears S 53° 54'10" W 117.21 feet, to a point on curve that is the southwesterly corner of said Lot l; thence N 34° 30'U2" UI 3�2.17 feet, �long the westerly line of said Lot l, to the point of beginning, containing 160,945 square feet or 3.6948 acres, more or less. � ��o �� j / d` ♦ �ir Vi��,v:TY Me� °E`',,Ee 1� � / � �/�I�� ��� � CERTIFICATE OF �GIi�JEP,SF!IP APdD DEDICATION Kf�OI�J ALL �-1Efd QY THESE PRE-SENT� that the undersic�ned, fdorthwestern �lational Life Insurance Company, being the owner of the lands descri�ed hereon anci referred to as "platte� lands", certify as follows: That PJorthwestern �Jational Life Insurance Company is the tr�.ae owner of all platted lands subject to easements of record. That iVorthwestern �dation�;�l Life Insurance Company does hereby lay out, plat, and resubdivide the platted lands into lots, blocks, and tracts as shown or� this plat under the name and style of "LI0�1'S RIDGE SUBDIVISIO�d FILIfJG N0. 3" That fJorthwestern fJational Life Insurance Company hereby dedicates to the Town of Vail for the use of the public the vari- ous utility and pedestrian easements shown on this plat for the purposes of construction, maintenance and reconstruction of sewer, water, gas, electric, telephone, and cahle TV transmission facilities, subject to such other easements and rights-of-way as are presently vested of record. That f�'orthwestern PJational Life Insurance Company hereby dedicates to the iown of Vail for the use of the public as public streets, the streets shown hereon, subject to such easements and rights-of-way in, through or over parts of said streets as are �resently vested of record. That Northwestern �Jational Life Insurance Company declares and aqrees that the platted lands shall be subject to the Pro- tective Covenants of LION'S RIDGE SUQDIVISION FILIfJG �10. 3, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, as recorded in Bo�k at Page __ _ of the records of Eagle County, Colorado Clerk and Recorder, which are incorporated herein by reference. ��y'�2Qa '�,� � U9� �IORTHbJESTFRtJ �lATIONAL LIFE INSURAfJCE CO��IPA�JY �i l.i ATTE T: � ��Q� � ' � � By - ---- ---_ ----�J"y-�-- - ( .' °(/.�/GC �� ` - -_-- - - � tiL-/ - - - �.-- _ - - _ _ �� " G� �Lc�.�7` �"�h+ ��� � APPROVAL OF VA I L PLA^IP�11 �JG COMPII SS I ON This plat of LION'S RIDGE SUBDIVISION FILING N0. 3, be and the same, is hereby approved. VAIL PLANNING COMMISSI ' - �. � .. Dated Z�- -���� - By h an . ATT E S T: �d� r����'� -- Town Cl erk -�� APPROVAL OF PLAT EY THE TOI�lN OF VAIL This plat of L�ON'S RIDGE SUBDIVISIOP•1 FILING rd0. 3 is hereby approved by the Town Council of the Town of Vail, and the easements shown thereon are hereby accepted by the Town of Vail. TOWN 0 � F F -- �Z'� ,�. � Dated ,r �-�� -- - - �,_- --x-�„-t� � � : �� /% � ,��({�-._ , . � , �j / . CLERK AND P,ECORDER'S CERTIFICATE • , I, , Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado, hereby accept the plat of LION'S R'_��E SU[�DIVISIUN F ^Ji; NU. 3 in my records as indicated below. � This plat was filed for r�cord at ���___ Q"�. on the _�Q �da of A.D. 1979, in Case - oravrer ` - _'J. '_�1�'�-- - -' -- Z9_4 -- ---- ----- ___ __ _ , __ ,(�_ _______ __ _ , �ecept� on P�Jumber Book at Page � 9 . Pro±ective Covenants are recorded in Book at Page _ . . � . Clerk and Recor er Eagl County, Col ado, � ��� � . � � SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE � ��Q.04 � I, James L. Viele, a Land Surveyor, registered under the laws of the State of Colorado, do hereby certify that the survey of LIOfJ'S RIDGE SU[3DIVISION FII_I!�G N0. 3 uras made under m,y supervision and ti�at this plat accu • tely shows the platting and subdivision of such LIO�!'S RIDGE SUBDIVISION FILIi�JG fJO. 3. The boundary corners have be �gn�, v monumented. ! --il �VST - - _ - - - - - '� GISTFIp�`s��t� j Dated thi s Z'��d�y of v A. D. 1979. P� Fo ; � ; - i X ___ _ _ :� � X _------ ! � �i�s �. Jiele " C lor d�j, �.. & L.S. � 1413 � � `�M�::� � „`_�;,,��.. q �"•.� � �. S• �Q T\�`�, '� .,�;_ �F OF�C0I.QR � ' �' '� �s f,�! � � : � ,. ;� � � ,� � <.� �� �. 1? , �� � � f � Qlock 1 2 Curve 2 3 4 6 7 Lot 1 1 3 4 6 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 , ,� SCHEDUL� OF LOT A�FE�S Area (Square Feet or Acres) C�l�ck 1h5,Oh7 or 3.7894 3 lti,213 or 0.3722 16,512 or Q.3791 16,742 or 0.3844 18,237 or �.4187 � 39,£'�86 or 0.9157 4 3a.51'1 or �.7922 21,091 or 0.48�2 19,442 or 0.4463 25,382 or �.�942 26,738 or 0.6138 25,193 or 0.5734 - 28,008 or 0.6430 Tract A 23,973 or 0.5503 '.6,2£30 or 0.3737 15,856 or 0.3640 15,777 or 0.3622 18,910 or 0.4341 20,747 or (�.4763 24,245 or 0.55G6 22,130 or 0.5080 16,758 or 0.3847 17,752 or 0.4075 18,933 or 0.4346 17,543 or 0.4027 20,470 or 0.4699 18,799 or 0.4316 91.639 or 2.1�37 32,183 or 0.7388 CEfJTERLINE CURVE DATA Li_on's Ridge Loop Delta Radius 13-55-14 996.72 12-00-35 954.93 16-53-24 572.96 4�-48-52 212.21 42-42-30 190.99 70-19-09 212.21 55-43-30 100.00 Bu'fer� Creek Road Curve Delta Ratlius 8 49-21-00 100.00 9 37-03-25 100.00 Lion_'s_Rid�e_ Lane Curve Delta Radius 10 18-45-00 302.85 11 11-0£3-16 512.81 � Lot 2 3 4 2 4 6 Arc 242.16 200.16 168.90 180.�0 142.36 260.45 97.26 Arc 86.13 64.68 Arc 99.11 99.68 i , � ,, . w,„��,�s,,�������� � Area (Square Feet or Acres) 312,390 or 7.1715 48,907 or 1.1228 45,299 or 1.0399 37,428 or 0.8592 36,427 or 0.�3363 36,193 or 0.8309 35,�37 or 0.8135 30,163 or 0.6925 35,350 or 0.8115 31,707 or 0.7279 40,537 or 0.9306 1,807,767 or 41.50 Chord 241.57 199.80 168.29 175.38 139.09 244.40 93.47 Chord 83.49 63.56 Chord_ 9�.66 S 47-22-25 W 99.53 S 43-34-03 W Tract A is to be dedicated to the To�vn of Vail. Until such time of dedication, no building permits will be issued for Lots 1 thru 6, Block 4. Lot 28, Block 2, is to be dedicated to the Town of Vail. Until such timP of dedication, no building permits will be issued for Lots 1 thru 27, Block 2. 3F-IEET 1 oG2 � � ; _:_� � � k: � �i �. � � � � � � i ri � - ,'� . � r R ; � �t s y' � � � � L�= 05' g3' II„ R s 130.00' A=13�6' c�. = s3o�m'4�' w J3.3�5' �0 � � � � � � «� `''y o� 5� S�• �„ E � i ��/ � � �� I� � �r � . �� , ' S1A� 4� � , n 0�� � S�Db•�y'O TRqCl- ,e� � �� � Nor� dN �-�E�T 1 � 2 � 3� �� 2►��`� o g2' t3� E �� .• � 2���1�1 0 �Td'20 ��3.,� �2 /.05" � S84' 55' /�" W � -40.��' � , � L� = lQ8° 17'Li0„ {� ,,2 R s I 35 • 00' �I� ,�y' •�,� Gh =N56'f�4'40"1n/ �`' Q'I 9�° /��, 21a8q. , e�'.qG� �" v�/ � �5' �► �y �� .��� 49.2�, �e'f43 �a�'� ��'�--4- � -'-�� �Y'GE'SS a (1�~(LfTY �s' GL��� 3' � ' i� � Z�S, '� , 0� ,�' EASEMENT � 1� .39� �32.�{ � ..-� � ,� hc�'/,,� �� �, �. .Oy N8T° l6'25"E �32 00� —� �13g3 �� �� �oc�� i �j1 � o� � � 2/O. 2,4, ! � z \ � `' Zy�• �. � 7 3 � i ti 4.-. 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