HomeMy WebLinkAboutDistelhorst Subdivision�� i i �_71 i/ r3; c, i; ����n� �ur3��n�; � !�,�� I=��L�l� I f� .al)l)� I �i�r�� S 69°51'00"E /.59' O A /1� /'1 C �� u ` . �. / �� \r� � � . ` \� ��' h � ���v 4r .� �, \ D 1 DI EL H T U V 0 A port of Lot !7, Bighorn Subdivision, Fourth Addition, ond o port of Section 12, Township 5 South, Ronge 80 West of the Sixt,h Principol Meridion. TOWN 0F VAIL EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO Se1 steel pin Nr/ cop L.S. 16844 (Typ.) �� ' � S' /�. ��/ / � \ '� /C/y/��J- � n'� `S6 \ , . ' 7. �/\Z�, \, \ 5 o,�E � ;, . f )o\ N7 0 sF 39• � � � � � sb'�a -S55°2l �21��E 25. 73� � _ _ c�T39 �� d = 61°47'40" F � R = 60.64' � �\I o C- l7. 69 T \ L= 6.5• 4 �, N8_5�30�55"µi � ` . � o� ry0 7 ^ O I I \ . \ � \`O� � \ � Point of Begin� � Found plain steel pm . °37'35 8. 94 S 41 °3T ': ZT � 0 vst� 0 , O�, lS� ��, !.� e O� ��s ��� �� r � � LOT I l9, 27� sq. ft. 0.443 oc. � 38 � � �i �' — '-- 5/. / 6' 1 S 69 °26 �38 �� W � �l tG� �\�53145�,W NI S' /S� 3 v/� j�o� ��� . / N W v ARK/N1G ond ORIVEWAY � SS !� � N4°45'49'��� NI EASEMENVT - Provides parking `sPk•P \� ��Q• � N� f2� 04 �I for Lots I and 2. � F'os� S23°,57 4� m I ,�n �i�f 9.85 �yFST 21.00 � � � N ni � _ � � � ►°3T' 5" TRAC Q 36.00 3,944 ft. 0.090 Oc. °3T 3; 3T. 00 ��3 r \ , pp ox. � o GORE CREEK , S 8� ° 37'35 ", 35,gp til th � S84_°�26"E W � g 0 tt � EAGL E VALLEY EN�INEERING ANO SURVEYING, INC. P.O. BOX l813 VA/L, COLORADO 81657 LOT 2 I7, 853 sq. ft. O.4IO OC. TRACT A , 884 Sq. f t: . 03 o c. � \ \ \ >i e , � �V ` O� �� 0 ��O � � G� s . C,mr \\ �- Streomslde •. circls� 1�,�!!_ l,',�C!,?UL T CI_Ul3 // 7 2�� VICINITY MAP I ��= 600� VORTH �O ti� nicrc► NnwcT �o�� . 9oc \ 9`B 1 , c, vb h0 � �O' �O . 0 � � ` ! I • SURVEYOR' S CI�:R'I'IF] CATI'. I, J��hn F.. Strnm�irk do herc�hy r�rtify thnt I am a regist�red I.and Surveyur lict�nst�d un�it�r the laws uf the State of Colorado, that this Plat is �i tru��, ��c�rrc�ct, and r�,m�,l�te pl.it uf "�istelh�rst Subdivision" as shown hereon. tl�<�c such Plat wa� made fr��m nn accurate survey of said pru����r[y hv mt� �nc3 und. r my supervision �nd ��orrect ly shows the dimensiuns uf S.�id s�ibdivi5iun a5 the 5�ime are st�ked up�n the ground in compl iancc� wi th :�P��1 i rab 1 e re�;u 1��t iuns ��verninK th� s�ebdivision of land. In witness w t�re��f I have set my hand and seal this _�.� d.�y of _��r�'�------19&/ —' ,��e1111it11/I �•� �'' ;, ��r� ,.�` �.F� �� r�° . �•. , �� .. .,, �-�v •, ,�, •�,� rE�•. ' Y Jo t��nmark y. F - Q�COIOTaC�D-I.•S-., IbB�►4�.• � � J : : ��^ � � ' ��� �� ; �. , \:. � �. v ;. �'�,,. - � . •` 0 CLF.RK AND RECORDER' S CERTIFICATEM�� .�.,.c� �r This plat was filed for re ord in the office of the Clerk and Recorder at � : DD o'clock �.M. on , 19�, and is duly recorded 'n Book _at Page �-.e�e,�/D • o0 ��_��p� ;�r I/ I���sWw'- " 1' � i/ � C k and ecorder of Eagle C unty, Colorado scare r "= 20' o ,0 20 40 BEARINGS BASED ON RECORD CAL L, BIGHORN SUBDIV/SION- FOURTH ADDITION, Do/e of Survey- October /980 NOTE�Trocts A ond B are designa�ed as Open Space. Construc�ion of any permanent imp rovement or structure is prohibiled by ihis P/ot Resfriclion. w By , Deputy �G�„� G �(� A�,`�, L'�y,. �,,e......o.,�' Y%`t,:� i f• i •��t �s '��.�� a� :ti ,: ���C�� A�� .. Ct�.RTIFICA'Ct? OF (1WNERSH]Y _ - - - �-,�� Knuw al l m��n I>v th��ti�� E�r��sc�nts Lhat ea<�h <,f th�� undersi�;ned pirsons rt�fers he�rc�in t�� the f��l l��wing deticrihed lands as thE� "��l�itted I„nds ": �1 �art ��f I.��t 17, lii�h��rn Suhdivisic�n. F��urth r1<lditi<�n, a sub- �1ivi;i��ii r.�r��r�1���1 in th�� uft ic�� uC th�� Ea�;lt� C�,untv, C�>l��r.�du, Clerk :�ud ltc�����rcl��r, aiid x E�:�rt ��f tiectiutt 12, Township 5 Sotith, Range 80 idest ��f the Sixth Yrincipal Mericlian, being m�re particularlv des- �•rihrd :i�; Cc�l i��ws: I,��,innin� rit th�� S��utheast rorner of said Lc�t 17, thence along tht� t�xt��ilsic��l t�� Ch�� tiuuth c�f the easterly 1 inc� c�f s�iid LoL 17 S20° O9'(10''lJ �3�3.5H fc���t tr the �ip��roximate centerJine �f C:ore Creek,thence lhr f��ll��win�, fiv�� r��urses .�l��nK said appruximate centerline: ]) S33° l7'35"F. H.94 f����c; ?) S41°37'35"E 27.00 feet; "3) S40°37'35"F. 36.00 fet�t; 4) S52°"37' 35"I'. 37.O0 fc�et; 5) S81°37'35"F. 35.90 feet to the ���t��n�i��n l�� tl��� �u��[li ��f th�� ��as[��rly lint� of a�r�rcel of ]3nd des- rrii�E�d <i� �I�r;i�•t l in li�>uk l88 ,.it Pa�e 561 c>f the recurds of the f?a�, l� C��un l v, C�� 1�� r.�cl�� . C 1 ��rk and Recoruer ; thPn�e ril ��nR said easter 1 y lina� N;f�°43'O0"I'. '�)'F.O3 f�t�� tc� a point on the Sc�utherly ri�lit-of-way line cii U.S. Hi�;h�an�- �v��. 6; thenc� alon� said ri�ht-c�L-way line N53° 17'0�"W 155.0(` ft���t ci� the e.�sterly ri�ht-of-�.�:�y line of Streamside Cir��l�� .is plattr�l in suid Bi�;hc�rn Suhdivisi��n, ?�ourth Acldition; thence ��1c�nK the eas[rrl�� :in�i Se,uthE�rlv ri};ht-of-w<�v I inc� �,f Streamside Circic the i��Llc�wint� t�,�� r��urses: 1) S40°'L3'00"W 61.53 fc�t; 2) 65.40 feet cilun� [h� <+r�• c�f c� ���irvt• [c� rhe� ri�;ht having n radius ��f 60.64 feet, a ��r�ntral ;in„l�� �,t 61°'+7'40", and a ch�rd tohic-h hc�;ars S7l°l6'S0"W 62.23 f����t; th��nr�� ciE�;�r�rt int� said ri�;}�t-uf-way 1 ine S'L(1°09'��"W 48. 3O feet :� lc�n}; t h�� w��� t��r I�- 1 i nr ��f a pnrre I of lc�nd dc�sc�r ibc�d in Bc�c�k 241 at Y�a�c� 56�), [hen�•�� �hy°il'00"E 1.5y feet alon�; the southerly tine of said F�:irrt�l uf I:ind [<� tli�� E�:istcrlv line of said L��C 17; thence S20°�9'00"LJ 1(l�i.U7 ft�t�t .�luns� �;iie1 ��;�st��rlv line cu tht� ���int c�f be�;innin� , con- l.ilnin�; '+`�,9f�U ���ti;ir�� �����C. ��C 1.14J t�rreS, m��rc� �r less. That Frede�rirk W. 1)istelh��rst and Ines la. Di�telhorst certify th;it they are thE� trut� c�wnE:rs uf recurd uf all the �latted lands, suhje�•[ tc� easemrnt� ��f recc�rd rtnd rights-of�-wriv of record. Chat rr��dcri�•Ic L�. �istelhurst and Ines ':��. �istelhorst by these pr��sents dues her��h�� lc+v��ut � pl.�t ancl subdivicic� the platted lands intc� I��ts .ind trz�rts r�5 ,ir�� �h��wn on this plat undc�r the name and style of "1)ist��lh��rst Suhdivi�iun", Th,i[ Frt�deri�k ',�. 1)istelhc�rst and Inc�s ',J. Distelhorst dE�clare and a�,ree that tht� E�l.iltt�cl l�inds �h<ill be sub_je�•t to the Pr�tECtive Cc�ven��nts f i It�d .in�1 r���•��rcl��d f��r Bi�;h��rn Subdivisi��n, Fc�urth .�ddition in lhe r�r��rds uf th�� I?.i�;le C��untv, C�>loradi�, Clerk and Recorc�er. / r:xe�•uted chis _ �3_ _ day c�r ------' 19—�1� J �•�,.� �� � � �`' !^ � / (1ldNt�:KS: ���-L-- i�__, ��.�_tt%�', - �� — f'r��clt�rirk �.d. I)�isCelli��rst ��'�' '� u ��__C�r � ✓�✓� !�5 L/ In��ti W. DiStelhorst St.ltc ��� Cul��r'.�c1�� ) > ;�. c�,���,c�� ��r �':��;1�� ) 3� Thf� l�� �'�, in�trument was �lcnc�wled�;t•d hefore me this �_ �i:iy �>f _/! ______, 19 __�'�__, by I�r�d�ri�k W. nistelhorst �►nd Inc�s W. Dist��lh��r�c. My Cc�mmission cxG�ires _ W i t ness my h�n�i .ind sea 1. 7-�d 8� �,,c;�� -o ;, �, � � � � Q (� `�- ;_�? �' �^ ,�:��� -� `����lilQi` � � �� -- - --�----- N,�tarv Publ ir �' AYPRO�'Al, OF '1'lll? �'.�IL YLANNI�I(: AND F.NVtR�N*1F.rITAI. C0�[ISSION '1'his }�I•it ��l i�ist��lhc>rs[ Subdivi5ion� bc� .i�id the same, is hereby i��pt-�,v��ci . f).�ca�d'g'�,3/�% _ V/�1L l'1.:'1.�`NING AN ENVI �`tENTAI. COA4IISSION � _T _ � B y --J=� - -- —� �.�1L11iT11ilil„ � ATTEST: _y c►E�t�k . �C`�..� /�C�C, �' �: