HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuffer Creek Subdivision Lot 36`'r � 0 FOUND REBAf / / E • • � � SCAL I � � � RESUBOiviSu OF VAI� DAS ' scHCr�� I FILING NO. c � I i / � �— _ �o�� �_�o� � I / ,:1 / _ - „,_ - , .„„� - � _ _ � IMPROVEMENT CERTIFICATE AND LEGAL DESRIPTION OF B FFER REEK L T RES UBDI VI S I O N � F U C O 36, TOWN OF VAIL , EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO VICINITY MAP SCALE I" - 24 OQO' / / 'ISSIO*'.: iffer Creek,Tawn of Vail,Eagle Co.,Colorado, be and the �'AIL PL�^�'.''.I?]G� COr1I�'!ISSIO!� �' _ — -- - — ` — / ,- , � s � , �. t - / ��,--��',%"��-= -- i�!� ---- — — � se reculat.ions oi the Tcwn of �'ail, ��;bdivision dre d�_�.-:-��d to be one ly resic�nce s�,all be allo'��d on �rce?=. A11c•��'.'�e Gress R�si�%�n�iai cliily Z"f'�1C:<-;1C'° ;.'1311 tiJP C(?1Cll�r.1r'd t;,,;o 1.;,r�P1 s. u / / Cc,�t, LL � � �����z-� L G- �e. � ��, � �-�z, �c,c�d . �� � o-� ��t,l.e, C�ep.�.� ccx� � G� / / ,' 0 G� /-� , /'y1, D-'yc.� :�� : ,y1 �'i� Q�. � / �f 8/ } Q..c. � �� � °^G�'� (.,c..�- ,�v��h 3a3 a.� � ���q��� �� � �, �c.0 h, - .�. �� � c�a�- .. ��a,w�e,+� �� 13 �, C,2.e�.,� � � �'�'-� �=� � � '� C.d-���aC.o �� � .� � _ 1�� .r. � r� �� � . .��� 2t.-�1�_ � LEGAL DESCRIPTION - PARCEL 36-W: A part of Lot 36, Resubdivision of Buffer C'reek, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colora�o, more particularly describec as follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner of_ said Lot 36, thence South�;esterly along the South right-of-way line of Chamonix Lane a distance of 49.51 `eet to the Point of Beginning; thence continuing along said SoutY: rigrt-of-way line of Chamonix Lane a distance of 13.90 feet to a point of curvature of a curve to the left having a radius of h25.(10 feet; thence Southwesterly along the arc of sai_d curve a distance of 36.51 {eet; thence Southeasterly on a def]ection angle to the left of 270° from the long chord of saiC curve a distance of 156.6� `eet; thence Northeasterly on a deflection angle t.o the lef_t of ?_70° a distance of 50.49 feet; thence Northwesterly on a c?eflection angle to the left of27iq404i" a distance of 155. 5� feet to the Point of Beginning, containing 7,R47.1� sc�uare reet or �.180 acres r�ore or less. L�C;I�L DESCPIF'^_'IOt? - PP.RC'F.L ' E-F : A part of Lot 36, P.esuhc�ivision of Ruffer Creek, Town of Vail, Fagte Cotint}�, Colora�'o, rmore particul_�rly �3�scrihed as follows: Re_qinninc� at the Northeast cor.ner of said I.ot 36, thence Southwesterly along the South right-of-•.aay line of C'hamonix Lane 9°.51 feet; thence Sout��east_erly on a c�eflection angle to the left of 270° a c?istance of 155.55 feet to a point, said point being on the �outh l�ne of saiC Lot 36; thence NorthPasterly on a �?eflecti.�n anc�le to t��e 7 eft of ?_70° a c?� st�nce of 49. 51 feet to the Southc;ast corn�r ���.` s�i,? T,ot 3E,; thence �v'ort�westerly on a�?eflection anq]e to t}-e left of 2.7�1° a�?istance o` 15;.15 feet to the Poi nt of R�yinn� nq, conta� ning 7, 7(�1 .?p s��uare feet or 0.177 acres more or less. I^1P?20VF"^FNT LOCP_TIO*: Cr?2TIFICATE: I hereb�� certify that this Improvement Location Certificate, the location being based on the nlat of Pecord, was prepared for ROMA�f _8� AR'/I�t _ KA�PARAIT�__ on this lOth cay of April, 1981, of the property described as follo4.s: Lot 36, Resubdivision of_ Buff.er Creek, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado. I f_urther certify that the improvements on the above �escribed parcel, except utility connections, are entirely within t11e houn�aries of the parcel, except as shown, that there are no encroachments u�on the described premises by im�rovements on any adjoining premises, except as inc�icated, and that there is no evidence or sign of any easement crossing or burdening any part of said parcel, except as noted. This Improvement Location Certificate is prepared for loan• purposes only and is not to be relied upon for ihe estarlishment of fences, buildings, or other future permanent improvements. P�roperty pins were not installed. Legal descrintions are accurate to the best of_ my knowledge. - �,__�� — — J mes L. P;heat Registered Land Surveyor No. 1?_4�i8