HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail East Townhomes - Townhouse Plat 1 - Unplattedi� � 0 �� mw o� �; � _ � � w c� Z a � � w �a a a � I om �� �Q o� �I � � 0 �� ow �� � � I ro � } � m � 0 m �wZZ � a wQ a a o � CF.RTI!'ICATE �)F I�EI)ICA'I'[UN AM) �)WNF.RSHiP fh�• und.•rtiiKnc�d, heinK thc• �iwnt�r ��t th�• f�,ll��win}; �1��srrihrd F�rir���lti ��f land: LANI) i)h:SCR11''f'T(1N PAR('F.l. ��A�� A ��areel uf land lc,�•ated in the� SE 1/4 of Sr�•tic�n 12,Tc�wnship S South, Ras�ge NO W�•5t <>f thr Sixth Prin� ipal Mrridi.in, o��ordinK t� tte survev ��f said Township and ItanRe as appruved ��n Apri 1 20, 11iy2, 'Cown of Vai 1, Countv �f EaKle, S[ate of l:��luradu. more parti<•ul:�rlv de5cribed as f��llows: FfrK�nnin}{ at [t�r tiiiuthratit C��rnrr uf �aid Sr� t i��n 12, beinR an aluminum � a� Srt hv t h�� N:.�KIr l:ount � tiurvevur; t hc•n�•c� NH9°5 3' 24"W� Z l2. 36 fe.�t alon� th� S��uth linr �>t [hr Southeast Quarter ot ti��rt iun 12; t henct dr{�ar[ in� from said Sect i��n 1 ine N1 !° I 3' 32"W, 81 .00 fret ; t hen�� NR I°!4' 48"E, f�6. 40 f E�et ;[ hPnc•e NHf�°06' S2"F., l6'�. 72 1�•�•c t�� .+ putnt on thr F::itit �inc• ut thc� Sciutheast llii�r[er ��� Sc•i•[ion 12; then�e �ilunK ,aid 5e�•t iun I int� tiO0°OR' I 1"E, y4.li1 fe�t tu thE� p.�int �f brginnin�. s� id parcel �•<►nt.iin5 U.4b acres, m��rc� ur lr5s LANll UE:SCRIPTION � PARCF:!. ��8�� A parcrl c�t land lc���a[ed in th.• SE f/4 of St��•tion 12, Township 5 South, Range � 80 Wt•5[ of the Sixth Prin� ipal Meridian� arrordinK t� the survey c�f said Township and RanRe as approved c�n Apri 1 1U� I}iy2, T��wn cif Vai 1,Countv �f F.aRlr,Statr of l;�lorado, more par[i�•ul�irlv dE•ti� riht�ci .iti f�l lowti: BeRinning at a point on tht- S��u[h I ine uf thE� Southeast Ruarter of said Sect ion 11, from whic�h thr� Southrast l:��rnE�r of Se�•t ion 12 bears SR9°53' 24"E� 252.52 frrt; thence along [hr S�uth line ut the Southeast Quarter of Sr�•tion 12 N89°53'24"W, 179.4� fer[ to a point on [he approxima[e centE�rline of Gore Cr�ek and the Nor[herly Corner �•oa�non to l.ots 7 and R of BiKh�rn Subdivision� Fifth Addition as rec•orded in thr Eagle County Clerk and Rec�order'ti c)ffi�e; [hen�•e along the approximate renterline ��f �;��re Creek the foll�winR tw� (:�) r�urses and ciistances: I. Nh7°Lh'l)2"W, 12 3. I9 ff�et "'. N�9°(l2'44"W, 50.00 f��et thrnc�c� depar['inR -from �pproximatP �•E�nterline of (:or� Creek N45°03'47"F., 113.74 feet; thenc�c� N84°46'41"E, 2"�.17 feet; thence S44°56'13"F., h1.54 feet; thence S58°00'00"E, hh.04 t., t; thence S7"3°12'08"E, 51.00 feet; thenc•e S89°46'OR"F., 124.73 feet; thence SlL°1 3'32"F., 86.15 fert tc► [he point of beAinninq. Said parcel c•ontains 0.96 acres, moTe o[ less. � LAND DESCRIPTiON VAT1. EAST TOWNHOMF.S ANI) CnNDnM1N1Uh1S COhMON ARi A A pr�r���• l uf land 1���•ated in tht� SE 1/4 of Sec•i ion 12 , TownShip 5 South, RanRe M11 W�•�t ��1 th�• tiixth Prin�•i��al M��ri�li:in� a� i'urding t� the surv�•v of ti�id Tnwntihip .►n�i K.�nK�• .is �ippruvr�l un A��r i I 'U � I riy' �'fown ut V,� i I, �:ount v ot h:aRlc• ,Statt� uf �:��Ic�rado� morr par[Irularly descriht�d as follows: Kc��;inning a[ a puint frc�m whirh thr S�u[hea5t Corner of said 5r��t ion 1Z bE�arS ti'� i" 14' I`�"h:, 21 5. i2 f rt� t; t he•nt'r N 1'� "I)f�' I y"h:, 1 ti 1. K4 f�� t t u:+ ►��� i nt un t hr� Fati [ � IIN• �11 1 �H' ti(lUi�lt':I�l (111.11"i�'f ��� ti�•��f li�ll � l; ��11'll�-�• �ilunK ti�ll�� i�•��� 1(1(1 � Illl' 5Ol)°UH' 17"E, 74.71 fert; thrnce� dt�p�irtin� said tit��•t iun line S}iH°Of,'S2"W, IF�3.72 t���t; eh��nce S�il°24'4ti"W� bb.4U trr�t; thence SlZ°I3'�Z''�, HI.vU teet to a pcint on [hr South 1 in�� of thc• Southea5t (?uarter ��f S.�•t i�n 1�; the,n��e alonR said Sec�tion linr Nt39°53'L4"W, 4U.Ih tret; thencr d�partin� 5aid Section linr N1"Z°13'32"W� 8h.15 feet; thrnc�• N�i9°.4h'OS"W, 124. 1 i feet; thrnce N73°l2'Oti"W, 57.00 fert ; thence NSR°(►0'00"W, 6b.0� feet; [hrnce N44°5h'13"W, 61.54 fert; thenc�• NK4°16'41"E, 16.Z3 feet; thence N1(1° f5'(1U"W, 1 3"�.74 fePt; then�r N?�'°O(1'00"W, lf+l�.4H feAt; thenc•�� N76°31'S4"W, 102.66 ft•rt; [hrnce NSti°17'?2"W, 12.4 i f��c�t ; thrnce N74°! 3'S"3"E, 12H. i2 fert; thrnce SU3°49'17"E, 68.48 feet; [hence Slh°49'OI"E, 'LK.00 feet;,thence S45°42'36"E, 28.48 _ fret; thence S09°51'ZS"1•;, 31.14 fee[; thence alonR a curve [o tttr irft a distance of 19.36 fee[ a radius of 25.SU fee[, a central an�lr of 43°29'S9" whosr chord bears S41°42'25"F., 18.90 feet; [hence S6'3°27'25"E, 176.17 feet; thence NR7°27'S9"F., 33.93 f.•�•t; thence along a curve co the riRht an arc lenRth of 122.89 fee[, a radius of Lh7.35 feet, a central �nKle of 2f�°20'l4" wnose chord bPars Sfi9°56'42"E. 121.H1 feet tu a point of �•ompound �•urvature; th�nce along a curve Yo the riKht an arc length of 150.14 feet, a radiuti �,f 167.44 feet, a central anRle of 51°22'35"� whose chc�rd be�rs S31°(15'1H"E, 145.16 teet; thenc� SOS°24'00"E, 2.2U feet to the point of begirming. 5aid parcrl�contains 1.11 arres. �rr ur Irsa. Havr by these presrntti laid out� plat[rd and Subdivided thr samr into lots a5 Shown hereon and dr5ignateti thc• tia�ar ati Vail E:aSt Townh�nnr5 - Townho�itit� Plat N�. 1 in the Tuwn ul V.ii I, l:��untv �,t h:.iKlt�, tit;�t�� ��t (:��lur:id�� :in�l ior F�ubl i�• ust� th�• uti I itv ratie- m�•nt� :i� �t��►vn. h:x���•ut.��l thi� 9,�:� _ d:�v c,f Ci��aw.�i�cr- _ A f�. �]9-,� ! ---- ' ����. 1 � '-,,} /11,�}�' � h✓n � � r : �_L�iL.J� . {�� ' � ��-� - -- . ! ��" j MRtc GfE�"+Wwr �rLCb1C.tivT , - . , , - h:atit Vai l 'T��wnhomrs, lnc. SI.I[.� ut C:�>luradu) "•� . , _ ) �S C,±� ww� Co��w*y er {� t N V li�l' . . , "fhc� fc�r��KuinK dedi�•atie�n was ackn��wlydged before mt� chis�,��_ dau of��c.�rw�F�e�►A.�,, l �l � � -- -- - - . Bv M 14tt �----� or'1►-� `�' <_ �s-.. 0 K�!.P_�*iv_r�- e-£- -�`-AS. �- -U►+'L-_lYJi!rihitio��:_ /st1 L 0. GO/O�- Mdo Gor�eer•.►Tio.ti : •-- Mv �•ummistii��n ��x�>>r��s -------- --- ---- ��'�/ �y�t�jFz W i t nr tis my Han�i and Sra 1-� - �.j1�%�!�r�s� ------ -_ ----- `_------ �:- � • , . - /(o � v c.�.vGO�.,. Srt N„ t a ry _ Pub 1 l�• /Jtr �t/ veTrt , Cn /o �-n o/o �0 2 L y 0 / � V � �,��C. • . � �. ��" � � � � � J� �� � i , c- i. J >:� r i L r\ �' ''` r_- ;_ : �,• c� '�� _ � ' � � � 'O ,f ;„,�� o:,,+� - c> � � �, ';� �Q ;v,� c�.. <(., `r:� �, i; ✓ ��' � �, , �' ' ( ' ;�, � - . / I' ,/i I �,. \ � � . � „.� .. ;��, - - - _ L ` r ' � " � i � ��. � .♦ {!/ ♦ i ,` 0 � TOWNHOUSE PLAT No I A RESUBDIVISION OF A PORTION OF A PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 80WEST, OF THE 6� P.M. TOWN OF VAIL,COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO VAIL EAST TOWNHOMES AND CONDOM/NIUMS � N a N W _� rn iG 0 0 O 0 z ao.�s' 25. 00' � � � 3 :� M t0 0 0 O O � 0.8. A, �O. �O s Fj 0 �p, Oo F � �J s 9, , ��� s S 89° 53� 24'� E, 212.36� LAND DF.SCRIPTION ACCF.SS F:ASF:MENT' T SS., R.80W SCALE � 1��= 30� �2 I3 . 7 18 T.SS.,tt. T9W. 25�ACCESS EASEMENT AS RECORDED AS A DEED OF EASEMENT IN BOOK 215, PAGE 813 IN THE EAGLE COUNTY CLERK ANO RECORDER'S OFFICE. S 86°00�00"E I 10.00� N 86° 00� 00�� W, - An ,i�•.•. ss �asrment �i t uatc•d i n a port i c�n of the 1 imi ted co�non parre 1 anei �� utilitv c��35ement uf [ht• tinal plat uf thr t��wnhc�use map uf Sundial Phase 2, rr- ��,rd.•� ��s .► dc�r�J .,f ras.�m�•nt in R��„k _'I`�� Pr�Kc� HI i in th�• F.aKI�• I�,�mtv ('lrrk ,�n�1 k�•rurcic•r'S l)fficr. �aid easetnrnt tiicu.+t���1 in th� 'V��rtht�.�5t ti�i,�r[c•r e�t Sc��- t i��n I i, 1'i��.n�tih ��� 5 tii�ut h, k;�nk?�• NI1 N�•�:t ,.�n�l t ha• N��rt hw�•,t �►u.+r[ c� r ut 5�•i t i un Iri� f��wn�hi{� `� Suuth, ttank;� T9 W�•�t ��t tli�� tiixth I'rin�•i��al ME�ri�ii:�n, m��rr� ��.�rt- li �I�,If�V i�i•.;��t"I`i�'�� .Ir; ��i� �iiWti: 8���;inning nt .i F�uint whirh 1 i��� un thc� Nc�rth I inc� ��t Sect iun 1 � in tiaid �I���wn5liip :�nd It.inKt� from whi�'h thc� N��rthr:�tit CornPr uf Sertion 1 i h�•,ir� titiy°i"l'!4"F., _'I.'. ih t�•a•[; Cl���nre SUU"Uh' Sh"W, 115.N/ t��c�t; [hen�•�� S41°00'00"R, 15h.94 tt�c�[; tht•nr�� titih°O0'00"E, 110.00 feet; cht�n�•c� S58°55'UO"F., 1'L2.99 fee[ tu a point on th�• E:i,t��rn Boundarv line of Sundial Pha,c� ?, final plat of [he townh�use map; thrnre ,i1c�nR 5aid F.astern Boundarv l.ine S25°Ol'Sy"W, 25.14 fee[; thence departing from said Eastrrn Buundarv Line N5H°55'00"W, lly.6� fee[; thenrr N86°00'00"W, 114.33 feet; [henre V41 °UU'011"W, 17h.i�7 feE�t ; thenc•e N00°Ob' 3h"E, 125.24 feet to a p<,int c�n thc• N��rth I ine c�f Sertion 1 3 in sai�i Township ��n�1 RanRe; then�•� r�1�mR thc� North linr ��f Sec�t ion I f SHy"`> f'14"h;, 'S.OU tc•c•C tu [h�� puint ��I hc�Rinnin�;. �`?90 dJ, � �'AII. EAST T(1WNH�MES l'TTLITl' F.ASE'�1F:'VT Tie from N.W, Corner of Parcel t� Yt. 1 of L'tilit�� Easement Sh9°05'00"E, 12.71 feet Pt. 1 t� 2 S00°20"�9"W, 20.16 2 to �3 Curve t� the left 35.28', a radius of 15(�.32' Chord: S06'07'08"E, 35.21' 3 to 4 !J68°48'S2"E, 11.28' 4 to 5 S21°11'OR"E, 20.00' 5 to F, Sh8°48'S2"W, 13.00' 6 to 7 S2l°11'08"E, 9L 42' 7 to A S6h°34'35"E, 133.55' 8[0 9 S77°Of,' 15"E, 65.24' 9 to 10 Curve to the Right 177.Fi0', a radius of 354.38' 10 to 11 Curve to the ri�ht 9ii.27', a radius of 1h2.93' Chc,rd: S�1°Oh'37"E, a radius of 96.79' 11 to 12 SA4°21'Oh"�F., 12.67' 12 to 14 S11°04'4�2"E, 8.35' 14 t� 15 S84°21'flh"E, 89.19' 15 to 16 SOS°3f�''S4"E, 20.00' 16 to 17 S82°58'14"W, 33.75' 17 to li� S8ii°07' 22"W, 140. ti5' 18 to 19 SO1°Oh'31"W, 90.83' 19 to 20 N89°53'24"W, 23.78' ZO to 21 'VO1 °OF,' 34"E, 90.01' 21 to 22 S88°07'22"W, 76.41' 22 to 23 N82°27'26"W, 144.25' ?3 to 24 N44°50'16"W, 89.17' 24 to 25 N04°44'15"W, 112.97' 25 to 26 N22°�0'00"W, 200.2�' 2h to 27 '.V7fi°31' S4"W, 102.fif�' 27 to 2R N5R°17'22"W, 12.43' Tie from Pt, 7 to Pt. 29 S22'09'15"E, 28.57' Pt. 29 to 3� SF�f�°34'35"E, 99.i�9' 30 to 31 NR4°21'12"W. 7�.93' 31 Co 29 N22°lf�'S7"W, 34.53' Tie from 31 to 32 32 to 33 33 to 34 34 to 35 35 to �F� 3F� to 37 sae,a3 , 0�., F ' ,??�9 . w\ , /'� B 3 37 to 3R 3R to "�9 39 t� 41 41 to 42 42 to 4�3 4�3 to 44 44 to 45 45 to 32 Sl3°36'�Fi"E, 21.18' SR4°21'12"E. 84.10' S73°3(1'39"E, 1(�4.49' S50°44'18"E, 8R.58' V�2°�R'24"F., 11.21' (:iirve to the ri ght h2. �3' , a r�dtii� of 142.9�' Chord: S24°51'S8"E, 61.�i4' SR5°25'SR"W� 64.66' NF�F�°45' 32"W, 169.9]' :Vh9 °O5' �0"W, 70. 00' N44°24'?2"F., 10.00' N45°35'�8"W, 20.00' S44°24'22"W, 10.00' S13°28'14"W, 18.05' N15°10'"38"W, 102.92' Tie fram Vrc,�c�rt�� C�rner t� Pt. '+� :V74°23';3"F., 95.61' , Pt. 46 t� 47 S7F,°`il'S5"F., 85.f,2' 47 to 4F� N(1(1°2f1'49"E� 4��.?7' a ti�� 3 �v' O 0 ti� � ,� �O �� ?�" �O .�' �P NOTICE ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN SIX YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVENT, MAY ANY ACTION BASfD UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY SE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF THE CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON. NOTE� THERE ARE TELEPHONE AND CABLE TELEVISION LINES WHICH DO MOT HAVE RECORDE� EASEMENTS AND MAY t�OT BE CONTAINED WITHIN THE UTILITY eASEMENT AS SHOWN. NOTE � HOLY CR03S ELECTRIC AS30CIATION HAS BEEt� (iRANTED AN UNDERQROUNO RI(iNT- OF-WAY EASEMENT AS RECOROED IN BOOK 315 , PAGE 941 AT THE EA(3LE COUNTY C�ERK AND RECOR�ER�S OFFICE. NOTE�EASEMENTS FOR THE UTILITY SERVICE LINES ARE NOTED IN THE PROCTECTIVE CONENANT3. Basis of Bearing: South line of the Southeast One-Quarter of Section 12, Town- ship 5 South,Range 80 West, of [he Sixth Principal MPridian, aa platt�d for the BiE- horn Suhdivision, Fifth Addition as rec�rded in the F.agle County Clerk and Recorder's �)f f ice . : • VAIL EAST TOWNHdMES DUPLEX MAP KKBNA,inc. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 232-6050 DENVER, COLORADO P.O. Box 97 Edwards Colorado 81632 (303) 926-3373 SCALES� �a30 SHT. 2 OF Z 0