HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Village Filing 2 Resubdivision of Lot D - Scorpio - Formerly the Alphorn Building B� . �'J "� � v - FORMERLY THE ALPHORN BUILDING A PORTION OF LOT - ---- - -� U.S. H I G HWAY NE. COR. SEC. 7, N0. � T5S,R80W � - iss.00 - - I 90� I75.00 - - -- � - -- � - SEG7 -- T - - -- I W.I.INE � "� I ' ' � I I I °D � I ,� M I 16� NON-EXCLUSIVE � I EASEMENT � I �s500' ��5.00' 900 � LOT A � �� �o . N� � � � � I I I LOT D I I I �'*. is' ►voN-EXCLUSIVE-+ I 4Sometimes called � LOT C I I �M EASEMENT I � Tract D) � I BQGLEICOUNTY I I I I I `'�` I I I � � � � � � � - � � I oo` � � °� -Ja''_---- �---- W-�9_�� I I � I _ �� I I I ---- MEqpow ��\ I B -- -- - ----- -�� LOT � \\ ` � \ I I � �\ ��\\ � I 1 � � oR � ► � VICIN ITY MAP � � \ I SCALE I =100 \ � � � I � I O \\ � \ v I � `� I , � � �_� � I \ � � --1 � � FND. RICHARDSON PIN/CAP °�� S.79°41� 13�E. w ti v _� � � � FND QROSS CUT IN CONC U.S. 900 � - -� 3.5'• H I GH WAY N0. S.79° 41 � 13��E. 175.00 i.�� BALCONY - TOP 5 FLOORS 3.6� -- -' "co � 26.5� - - - � � 98.6 I � � Jp �P� �P��� �o D I F' T � Ki i.e5'\ \ eR:' 3.6'� 1 i� � � �: � �� � I � LOWER FLOOR- PARKING � 3.1� I I.O� 22 2� 4J I 3.9' ti , ; I � �0�.�� � dN',' ? � � W 42, • a� ". -� .'' . . ` ;� � BALCONY- TOP 5 FLOORS i - , - . ' O � � � u~i ° ' ' ' - .. 1 ., e .. ' p _ Q M � � � �•� 372 ' . _ ; ' 8.0 8.6 ,; . '37.2 Z W p N N �', FENCED HOT TUB � RET WALL '� F �' W� DECK • � W Q M�' LANDSCAPI� � J � fA � � - W • - -- 9.25_�o__'_e 5� "�IDEWALK . °= • � . 20 - • . � • + " . . , RAI� TIE RET. WALLS - -� w I . N ' Im N � J N i� U X Cp ao w z o � z � I Q S P H A L T � �- � z 0 U � 01� /� a7 � �' •: , 42� ,-, �, '� � � Q � � . y �a ' 925 '. .; �� o� �� ``�!� SET MSM PIN/CAP f L.S 2432 O � 26.5' � I Ig IW � ~ lo l a Q � 3.1� I I.0 � I I )E/LRGROUND 9�51 � RANCE - - N d. 5.�' ovae►�nrw � 'ap M p �; �' , ., r:� �R sox �ss STOR M DRAIN � D, VA I Lj VI LLAGE , SECOND SHEET I OF 4 0 10 20 40 SI.ALE I' 20 �� Z �a 175.00� � N.79° 41 � �3��W. � FND. MSM PIN/CAP L.S. 2432 lNT OF BEG/NN/NG � y. . � ' _- --- ___ CONC. AtET. W LL � CONG.,� , ; e' PAD _' G R A S S I! - � � . _ +. -� SW. COR. �OT D _ -- - - - - - - OW pR �50' ) � W. MEAD � . 0 � . � � NOTE BEARIN�S ARE ON.. THE RECORDED PLAT OF VAIL VILL*GE SECOND FILING. 0 0 , MSM CONSULTr NTS, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 570 W�EST 44th l�VENUE, OENVER,COLORADO 8U216 i I' � I I FILING c I 0 f� SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, Eldon Von Ohlen , a Re�isterec� i.anc� �urv?vor, do her_ehy certify 'that the proper*v was :surveved as shown �n this map and the property describec� as a part of Lot D, Vail Villaqe, Sec�nd F'ilinc�, C�unty �f F�nIP, Grar� of Colorado, more partic�ularly described as follows� Commencing at the Southwest corner of said Lot D; thence Northerly alonq the Westerly line of said Lot D, 138.42 feet; th'ence on an anqle to the riqht of 90°00'�0", 165.00 feet to the True Point of BeQinnina; thence on an angle to the left of 90°00'00", 138.42 feet to a point of intersection with the Northerly line of said Lot D; thence on an anqle to the riQht of 90°00'00' and alonq saic� Northerly line, 175.00 fPet to the Idortheasterly corner of said Lot D; thence_on an an41e to the riqht of 90°00'00" an� alonq the Easterly line of said Lot D, 138.42 feet; thence on an anqle to the riQht of 90°00'00", 175.00 feet to the True Point of _ Beginning. Toqether with a non-exclusive easement on, over and acr�ss the Westerly 16.00 feet of that property descrihed on Exhibit "A" of Condominium Declarati�n for The Alph�rn rec�rded in Book 216 at Pa4e 1, rec�r�s of Ra�le County, Colorado for inqress and eqress to and from property first hereinabove c7escribed from Mead�ws Drive, a public street. I�further certify that the buildinq ties and monuments are l�c�tecl as shown her?�n and are sufficient to enable an accurate resurvey of this property. V��, ,+ � �• y vr' o •'��'� ? : . �y .°. i •.`' � �.. �,,..• '�. �7 i �rt � � . � . • ,� . '- + �i : �� .� e, Q Eldon Von 0 len , Reqi�terd Lan Survevor No. 6169 �•, s� � `,. � ' , � ' , .+ d ->. � •, w ✓� . _ �,�. . � OWNER'S CERTIFICATE ��?�ei� � Q �► '� , h�inq one of the owners in fee simple of all that real pr_operty described a fol ows: A part of Lot D, Vail Villaqe Second Fil�nq, County of Eaqle, State of Colorado, more particu�arly described as follows: , Commencing at the Southwest corner of said Lot D; thence Northerly alonq the Westerly line of said Lot D, 138.42 feet; thence on an anqle to the riqht of 90°00'00", 165.�0 feet to the True Point of Beqinninq; thence on an angle to the left of 90°00'00", 138.42 feet to a point of intersection with the Northerly line of said Lot D; thence on an anqle to the riqht of 90°00'00" and alonq said Northerly line, 175.00 feet to the Nor�heasterly corner of said Lot D; thence on an an41e to the ri4ht of 90°00'00" and alonq the Easterly line of said Lot D, 138.42 feet; thence on an anqle to the riqht of 90°00'00", 175.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning, toqether w�t`.� ail other owners of real propPrty, who f�a •e consentecf heret� and ratified the acts taken i�erein, by execution of counterpart copies of a�ocument known as Ratific�tion �f and Consent to Amenc�ment of Condominium neclaration for The Alphorn and Fstahlishment of Sc�rni� C�nc�ominiums which documents are recorc�ed in Book at Pa4�s �. to of the Faqle County Records, have hy these presents laid out, platted and suhdivic�ec� the ai�ove referre� to lan�s as shown herein and c90 further suhieet said lands to the Condominit�m DPClaration for �corpio ��nc��mininms rec�r_c�ec� in Book 33,� at PaQe yy� of the Eaqle County Records. = � � � � � � z.�� �an � r��� - - --- --- - �� COUNTY OF ) SS STATE OF ) � The foreqoinq owners cert i f i cate w�s ackn�wlec�Qed hefore me this��_c�av �f 1 9f�_, by __ ��v ���`�an� , as one �f �wners of ya ia r-eal pr �E�rtv. T- . ,'''�0� , s� _�, Witness my hancl an� seal. Mv commissi�n Pxpires_ ���/ ��__ _______ _ • �`�-��''� ''` • _ .� �. . � � ��� � ,, ' ,. , # � 1�P� � � , . ��_� �, �,, s�; � , ��' d10 r+ o��"` `. , -- ti, _ ry Public �j .`��� �� � � ii ���i. ✓��j. �i� �� a � � ✓; : ^��'fl`Q,� 11 ENGINEERS CFRTIFICATF I, Eldon Von Ohlen , a Reaistered P mfessi�nal EnQineer, �� herPhvi certif_y that this map substantiallv drpi�ts the location anc� the h�riz�ntal an� vertical meaS�:�remPnts �f the huil�inQ, the units, the location ofi each unit anc3 the unit c�?sianatians, thP c�imPnsi�ns of th? units, all comm�n elemPnt�, anc� limitec3 comm�n el�ments, ttie elevationG �f thP flo�rs anc� cPilin�s, as c�n�tr���fiec�, an� that this man was prer�ar?d suhsPC�u`?n� hn � completi�n of t�e im� m vPments. � ,,,;�::� . � ��.N � o � ����-'`���`` � `,` •' �. -I�� o : �.. c� { � � •, �� - ---..__.. .- -- �--- - - -� -� ----�--- y . � ..»�� Eldon on Ohlen , Reqist_��red Pr-�f��,si�>:��� Fna�n�er Nn, 6169 � e•;., `«�_. �,• L, . : LR. .� �' s , �w . C. � •,� � � �TATE OF COLORADCI ) ''�,;, , �' • P •, . ��, SS �-��y '_ CITY AND COUNTY OF nENVER ) �`���T � , ` ^ 198 �, by The foreqoina cert i f i cat� WdS ackn�wlec�n?� hefore me th is �e dav of �, A/�! • Eldon Von Ohlen , RPqistPred Pr�fes:�i�n�] Fn�inA�r, Wi.*.nPss �nv hanc� anc� �fficial sP,� this da�a of � �90 � . �'�oJ _ - ���1 \��y,� y �,! Witness my hand anc7 official seal. Mv commissi�n expires�•�`/� T� °..'i�'19;,�^ r, �; `�� � r� • �'N . � . t��, -i� �'1 a : �� � : ;�tary Puhl i.c � ��.,•�. . -• `� � � � APPROVA LS I� � 1�6f vI� � � c.! �<<:'f " �<<�; � `,.�� x.�:, VAIL PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMIS�I(�N ���� � :� � . / as �z.. Chai man D te . � A t t e s t: _``` '1-��� � � L Town Clerk Da e � 3 I � q� � . �° STATE OF CO�ORADO ) �� • � ,/ r�f�j ��� � P� �SS �� �� � � �"T� COUNTY OF EAGLE ) � Accepted fo� filinq in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Eaale, Colorac�� at � o'clock_ � M., this_� day of 1 9R'� , as RPce�t i �n TIO. 179b in Map Ca:>e No. z Drawer �� __ �._(� „ �CJ� t / 3� �V1` -7. ��,��E CO�R,ry � . �f � �r���`�i, �� - --- cc. _ - - _o� : : ClE �� ,�, ,,.��.-�rde -, ,��,�f �'���1� Rv: �E -� i�w� Fi i� �.. � St �e nf Colnr�c��� . � _-_.-,�-_-.�, �_�,:�.:r _ _ ,c a- i�i� �" , ,�.�._.,,.__,,,,�.-.a..�.._......�._._ .. ._ . _.. .,.,.. ._ ,.. _.�.. I , 8�� 26�-4�� 25�_�r� �� 8- FORMERLY THE ALPHORN BUILDING A PORT ION OF TRACT D VA I L VI LLAGE SECOND 151=4�� 98�-8�� > > SHEET 2 OF 4 24�_4�� 25�_��� 25�_0�� �yj,.--- _--- 24�_4�� il �II FI L ING � 26�_4�� ; � � 25�_0�� __� � I ' 3,_O, —18�-03/8�� 9�-31 /4�� � �� ' � �� � T 5/,8"-,J � �� � .� � �� 3-0-�: 37 -I 3/8 - 16 -6 37-I 3/9 9-3 I/4 —18 -0 3/8 - 151�_4�� _ — — I ST, 2 ND, 3RD; 4TH � 5 TH FLOOR-I/8�� I'-0�� MSM CONSULTANTS, INC. CONSULT/NG ENG/NEERS 570 WEST 44th AVENUE , DENVER, �OLORADO 80216 8�� - N � -- �- � N � - - , =Qr � i I O � N � � 'I � m _� � — M O —cD c0 I� O i , i O ---� _� i O _O � � 'rD i IM � — � � O � _� . � � I _� I c1D , i --M�- _ � _ — — � --- - m � � ti NOTE � �.C.E. = GENERAL COMMON ELEMENT L.C.E.= LIMITED COMMON ELEMENT :� 1%. M+i. . 0 0 l7 � 26� - 4�� 25-0� �„ 8�� � ■ 1 � FORMERLY THE ALPHORN 6UILDING ��B" � A PORT ION. OF TRACT D, VAI L VILLAGE , SECOND FI LING � SHEET 3 OF 4 2 4' - 4" 151'-4 � 98�_ a�� 25�-0� I 25-0� 24 '4 � 0 � 8 26� _ 4�� 25�- 0�� , � ❑ , �� � BASEMENT GARAGE If 8"= I�-0�� 7 � ,'t � ` MSM CONSULT�ITS, INC. CONSULT/NG ENG'�INEERS - 570 WEST 44th AVENUE, DENVER,COLORADO 80216 � , . 1 1 �. � � � �. 1 � � i I ! ,� F �,, 0 FORMERLY . THE ALPHORN 6UILDING �� 6�� � PORTION OF TRACT D, VAIL VILLAGE , SECOND FILING /1 1 1 r' r T /1 �\ r /1 � SOUTH FRONT ELEVATION — I/8��=1�=0�� , � � MSM CONSULTANTS, INC. CONSULTING ENG/NEERS 570 WEST 44th AVENUE, DENVER,COLORADO 80216 ro - -"'� � � 8223.35 82 20.2 2 8218.99 821I .49 8209.85 8200.18 8198.5 4 8188 .8� 7 8187 23 817 7.5�6 8175.92 8166.�5 8164.161 8155.94 815394 � _ , . • o t, '