HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Valley Filing 1 Block 3 Lot 18� � C O Z Z F- I m l� 0 � � � (w Z � G � .. �-. � � iV �U Z Z �awQ a a o � � LOT 18A, LOT 186, PARCEL 18C, BLOCK 3 VAIL VALLEY FIRST FIL�NG , T. 5S., R.80W. OF THE 6th P. M. TOWN OF VAIL, COUNTY OF EAGL�, STATE OF C OLO R A DO � � . � � � � RESAR SwASMER L.a.21s3 � �" 1�1 02°2e�19"W, 2.a1� FIELD LOCATED � h � W ti M � M • O 0 z P o. s. V- — TIE TO NE COR. N i/t,sw i/�, Nwi/4 EEC. �,T.SS., R. SOw. SEARSs S S9°20� 23"E , 904.97' � � ' I I ' � !0° RESAR . � \ 1 VAIL � = 03° 33� 50�� VALLEY DRI`VE As a es� 3s'3�" w, o. sr' FI[LD LOCAT[0 RESAR � YELLOw rLASTIC CAI� Y.S.Y. EN8INEERINB 140.�5� � � CsM s6°G4�2TME. R : 22 58.24� � � �� � �/ \ I PARCEL 18C �v� � — � — � 4+: \� LOT 18 A - - _ � ` ` `, �o.00� — — _ _ ___. N 89" 20� 23�� W 71.00� .` � 1 � � � � \ � r 0 0 �� m� to t0 to a W � 3 M "o� r. M M 0 OI . � z� • O O A , P LOT 18 8 + , I 21.00� P. 0. B—� — — ' ' � � NOTICE: FOR ZONING OR OTHER LAND-USE REGULATIONS IOF THE TOWN OF VAIL, THE THREE PARCELS CREATED BY THIS SUBOIVISION ARE DIEEMED TO BE ONE LOT. NO MORE THAN ONE TWO-FAMILY RESIDENCE SHA�L BE ALLOWED ON THE COMBINED AREAS OF THE THREE PARCEL. ALLOWABLE GROSS RESIDENTIA� FLOOR AREA (GRFA) FOR THE TWO-FAMILY RESIDENCE SHALL BE CALCULATED USING THE COMBINED AREA OF THE THREE PARCELS. � t ATtROi►AL OF ltiE TO{dN OF VAIL � Thi� du leX�lra r'�' P p�ppreved by the Town of Vail,Colorado this oZo� dav of ��'�v'`�� ,Y A. D. , 1981. SENIOR PLANNER: B y- ���� f. Date / Z Z Z. Attest: LAND DESCRIPTION LOT 18A A part of Lot 18, Block 3, Vail Valley First Filing, Townr�hip 5 South, Rangt 80W of the 6th Principal Meridian, Town of Vail, EaglP County,Colorado, more particularly described as foll�ws: Beginning at a point which lies N80°28'S9"E, 111.50 feet frem the S.W. cerner ef I.ot 18; thence N26'17'36"W, 4R,00 feet entering duplex atructure through the center of the wall that divides the East and West units of •aid structure; Ehence c.ontinuin� [hrough said wall N26'17'36"W, 1.70 feet; thence departins fr�w o�nt�r oi vall S63'42'24"W, 3.52 feet; thence N26'17'36"W, 5.10 fNt; thence N63'42`24"E, 3.52 t�rt to a point in the center of sa�d wall�thence contipuing throuah center ef a�sll N26'17'36"W, 27.19 feet; thence departing frem cen�er of wall N6�'42'24"E, 3.52 f�lt; _ thence N26'17'36"W, 5.10 feet; thence S63'42'24"W, 3.52 leet to a point in ti�e ctit�ter of said wall; thence N26'17'36"W, 8.30 f�t; thence departing frem aente� ef wail N63'42'24"E, 4.75 feet; thence N26'17'36"W, 34,00 feet; tfience S63'42'24"W, 49.32 l�tt; thence S26'17'36"E, 106.73 feet; thenc� S89'20'23"E, 50.00 feet to the point o! b�- ginning. Lot 18A containe .12 acres more or les�. CLERK AND RECORDER' S �CERTIFICATE �3� [��'V 7 This duplex map was filed fer e+�cce�d m the Office of the Clerk and Recorder e for gle County,Colorado at �f; 0'clock _�_M., this day of �� A.D., 19� and is dulv recorded in Book on page/s . ` t' : • • ' ��.GOUry� — By��'��-/�'� -- � y'�1 lerk and (Zecord _ Deputy . �� �o. oo p�o� �a,� �� ., _� �,� � � � _ �� � � �� �� �� � V r� �t �tf �Q� .?3 �l�G � T . •••h........•••• o �� �I�tORAO �� 3sd ,•��09 _ „� �� Of1h SCOIe: I��= IO� SANOS70NE --� �� -- �_ __� � N a l0� ORA/NAGE 8 ' ' UT/L/T1' EASEMENT � , , „ . , RES�R s �� �� $ 89 2Q 23 E 140 O0 — !0• YEL�01N PLASTIC CAP. � � M.a.M. ENOINEERINd 80UTN LINE OF TME N 1/t Of TME N 1/! OF sECTION �, T. S S., R. e01N. Baais of Bearing-A solar obeervation taken October 13,1981 of the SouthPrn Lot Line of Lot 18, Block 3, Vail Valley First Filing: S8�'20' 23"E. SL?R\'FYC)R' S CF.RTI Fi(:;1TE . � NOTICE: According to Colotado' law you must commence any legal ac[ion based upon any defect in this survey within six yearR after you firat discover such defect. In no event, may any action baeed upon any aeiect in this survey be commenced more than ten yeara from the date of the certification shown hereon. I, Kent A. Kriehn, do hereby certify that I am a registered land �urveyor, licensed under the laws of the State of Colorado and that [hia duplex map ia a correct and complete map of Lots 18A,18B and Parcel 1$C,Block 3, Vail Valley Firat Filing in the Town of Vail,Colorado. � O�t i9� Kent A, Kriehn, L.S. N�EST VAIL �� ,,' �i . ' ' �4, : _ : • , { �- r . " . '� - ' ` ,_ - ..� - .•, • v ' » �,.,•.� f -��: ,_ , , .,,�� � .� J VAIL ' � � V/C/N/T Y MAP LOT 18 LAND DESCRIPTION LOT 18B A part of Lot 18,Block 3, Vail Valley Firc� Filina,Township 5� South, ltarse 8di1 of the 6th Principal Meridian,Town of Vail, Eagle County,Colorado, more partieulatly described as fol-lows: " ' Beginning at a point which lies N80'28'S9"E, 111.50 feet frem the S.fi. es�t�it �f Lot 18; thence N26'17'36"W, 48.00 feet enterins duplex •tructute throuah the e�rl�rt •� the wall that divides the East and West units of said structure; thenc� eonti�uin� through said wall N26'17'36"W, 1.70 feet; thence departing from center of wall S63°42'24"W, 3.52 feet; thence N26'17'36"W, 5.10 feet; thence N63'42'24"E, 3.52 i�et to a point in the center of said wall; thence continuing throush center of Wall N26'17'36"W, 27.19 feet; thence departing frem center of wall N63'42'24"E,3.S2 feet; thence N26'17'36"W, 5.10 feet; thence S63'42'24"W, 3.52 feet to a point in the e�retfe of said wall; thence N26'17'36"W, 8.30 leet; thence departins from c�nta�r of wall N63'42'24"E, 4.75 feet; thence N26'17'36"W, 34.00 feet; thence N63'42'24"E, 23.25 feet; thence SS1'08'47"E, 69.59 feet; thence S00'39'37"W, 85.00 feet; thenc� N89'20'23"W, 21,00 feet to the point of beginning, Lot 18B containa .12 acree more or leee, LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL 18C A parcel.of land being all of Lot 18, excluding Lot 18A and Let 18B, Sleek 3, ilail Valley First Filing, Township 5, South Range 80W, 6th Principal Meridian, Tean ef Vail, Eagle County,Colorado, more particularly described as followa: Beginning at a point which liee S89'20'23"E, 904.97 feet frem the NE eorn�t •f the-North one half of the S.W. one quarter of the N.W. one quarter ef 3sctien wtne; thence N00°39'37"E, 145,43 feet; thence 140.47 feet along the arc of a nen-tan�nt e�lN� to the left having a radius of 2258,24 feet and a central ansle� of 03'33'S0" v4�s�e sfi�t+d besrs N86°04'27"E, 140.45 feet; thcnce S00'39'37"W, 156.66 feet; therc� N89'20'23"W, 140.00 feet to the point of beginning; excepti� Lot• 18A and 18B more particulati� described ac followc: Beginning at a point which lies N80'28'S9"E, 111.50 f�t trN the S,W, corner of Lot 18; thence N89'20'23"W, 50.00 feet; thence N26'17'36"W, 106.73 feet; thence N63'42'2�4"E, 72.57 feet; thence S51'08'47"E, 69.59 feet; tfi�ae S00'39'3�"�1. 85.00 feet; thence N89'20'23"W, 21.00 feet te the point of be�innina. Pa�tl 18C eontelns .24 acres more or less. ;■ CIiRTIFiGATE� OF �E(�ICATION ANu (�J�1ERS}1TP � ' Know all men by tt►eae presents that Austin C. Oh, Khakiai Weed Road, � Greenc�ich, Connec'icut Oh830, being sole ewner in fee aimnle of Let 28,E1�t � Vail Valley, First Filin� in the Town of Vail,Colorndo, have bv tfie'e pra- sents laid out, platted and subdivided the �ae�e into lota ae shean heresn and designate the same as Lot 18A, Lot 18B and larc+�l 18C, Nail Y�lley !'f'r�t Filin�, in the Town of Vail,County of EaS1e,State of Colorade, and do furtlw� ` State that this subdivision shall be s�bject to any pretective ee�renant• filad and recorded for this subdivision in the Town of Vail ot the Office of the i Clerk and Recorder of Ea�le County,Colorado. � Executed th c �x.C� da of �� �°�'-��,�/t��( .A.D.19 � ` Owner � �ustin C. Oh Statt of Colorado ) County of Eagle � SS: The foregoing dedication vas acknowled�d befsre this 2� day •f � A. D. 19 � / , by � _ (� �� My commission expires _� �p r �R�S Witness my Hand and Seal EAST'�� � QJL/�i ���_� . NOTARY PUBLIC °� ��''� �' � `;� ������ �� � � � �,��� ��. ��=� .� � �s . ���� �' ��: �; �,� �99 �� � . i; ��� �i �. � �: �' �. �. � ' � :I �- � � � r