HomeMy WebLinkAboutRiverbend at Vail - Amended Plat - UnplattedJ� Cti �,�� O �i 0 ` � � '�' � 0 0 � � a Q� .a0 �� 6 �� � h � � �,�se � �� tiQ c ti� M � v .r � N Found chJSeled "X" on �ock i i� i �; �, � �� � Co�n�nn Parcel A 93, 400 sq. ft. 2.144 ac�es � �� i iti i i Nb tes: 1. Basls of bearings; Final P1at F71 verbend at VaiJ. 2. Typ�cal lot a�ea 1865 sq. ft. 3. Date of su�vey,� Octobe� ?979, November 1982. �4. Indfcetes found pin 6 cap, No. 2149 $5. Ind�cates set pin 6 cap ??710. 6. Bear.�ngs on lot lsnes a�e pa�alleJ o� perpendicula� unless othe�w�se noted. 7, Tfes to inte�io� lots a�e pe�,oendicula� to exterio� lot lfnes unless otherwJse noted. L INE BEAf)ING OISTANCE 1 S 62'04'00 "E 21. 36 � i i �a i �� �� i � i i i 0` ^� �� i � i i i �m � ih iti N 27'56'00 "E Arn►el'�Ded PI a t o f . ; 1 ��r,� �� d a t v�l l A,,oar t o f the Sou theas t 1/4 o f Sec t.i on 12, Tawnsh.ip 5 South, Range 80 !�✓es t, Sixth P�l�r�ipal Meri di an, Town o f �ai .l, Eagle County, Colo�ado Vail fiscquet Club , 37 �4 'n� •.,_, Tor✓n Qf Va�J .1P � � � i i � �� � �a � � i i i N 24'11 '23"E ---- 53.,35 � io i iti a � Q ti 94� FOUND REBAR 9 W,4SHER L. S. No. 2/49 � rB.¢g� 2" qLUM/NUM CAP � �� � ti� 33 0, �� � �W Lot 10 ti sq. fb� aa � � 2054 sq . f t . � \ w � t � 4` 1V K ee �� re G� I ��, � � � �� � � ���rw��Y ��� ��A�E= t =?,�o� 0 .� � � CERTIfiL,�'T.I�afil OF [�EDICATItfiV AMD OWNERSHIP: Tfi.e unders i g��d, bef n•� �he �p•�e:s i de�nt of the Hpmes��rners Associ ati an o f R i v,e rb e����f a t 11 a i 1, d.es�►s #�� r� by a c k:a��.a�v 1 e d g e a�n d c�o.ra s e n t t o t h i s Amended Plai Qf R� verben��i, .At V�ai 1. •• 1 r-. • . J .. Ua,te: ' , . ;: ,� ` , � __: . �.; { -,_ . � ���.� �"1 L' OTl S•.�? C1 Y"@ � 7 4� E d1 t STATE nf �D1.�R14�� � � COUN�Y OF EA�&'tE ) ' � t'.- T.he fore:-g:oing dedic���on was ack•raowle��g:�;� b.�fore +n� ��'is �� d�y x�f a,�'1`�'����'q,��° �y :��82, .by ���.� �#�k���c��n :�s 'Pr�siden# of ���� .Ri ve rt�end at V:� i 1�ttameavan�rs As �o.�i:�-�-i �n . My �commiss��� expi res ' f�,��( ��<�"� �- Wi tness my hard and se�l . � /� �7 �jc Ih �a�� �� c�� �i.L C!'` .C.. �°� , � , U I.JC. J� %6�'}� l�? •��(� L. �i ' .S�ii�V'EYOR' S CFR'TI,FI CATE s i, J,osep�h D. T�epkes , dc� her.eby certi fy that I am a r�gi�ste�r�d l.and s urveyor l i.censed under the 1 aw� of -t�e Stat� �f Colflr�do, �fi.�t t'hi s P1 at i s a true, correct and compl ete pl at ofi ��2� vPrt�end at .V�� ] as laid out, p]at�ed, dedicated and shown he�eon., t�fi�at such �3�t wra�� ��de from an accurate survey of said propert� by me and u�der �ny sk�pe�r�rision , and correctly shows the location and di�n��sio�s of tfie �ots, easements , and streets of.said st�trdivfi�ion as the same are staked upon the ground in complianc� wit#� applicable regulations gover�ing the subdivision of land. In witness whereof I have`set my hand and seal this 22� day of /�OYL�/rIBER _ s 19 82 . � .,,, � ��jti, � ,: �L. /,�'� � :��..1 � � � �' � - �i , ; � ;: � � �� ose . �ep • r�� y . �, �. Y.< NOT� y� � : ; ��' - _ �,\�..�.> �` The purpose of this amended plat is to� corr�ct certain drafting errors and to amend the locations of certain units which w�ere not constructed at the time _ of the original plat. � _ GLE CO�� � �= �. �CiQ. • � � ,r ��L':��x ��t0'�R APPRpVAI. OF THE YAIL ZONING ADMINISTRATOR: This Amended Plat of Riverbend at Vail be and the same is fiereby mpproved. � � � Date: � � / � ; ; ni ng m n strator �� C/ CL�RK 1�JVD RECOR:DER' S CERTI FI CATE :�"� ��/.�$ �/ $ This pla� w�s filed for record in the Office of tMe Clerk and Recorde�^ at 3: i7 0' clock, �M., n���embe�e.. �9 ./�� mmd is duly recorded in Book at Page _ Or $ . • � By: ep ty erk and Re�order Fee : � �o �P°( . r