HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Potato Patch Block 2 Lot 6 - 770 Potato Patch Drive Condominiums� � CERTIFICA?E OF OLJNERSHIP Know all men by these presents that Vail Investments and Development Ltd. II, a Colorado Partnership, being the sole owner in fee simple of all that real pro�ert.y de�cribed as Follows: A part of Lot 6, alock 2 of Vail/Potato Patch as recorded in the office of the Clerk and F;ecoreier's Office of Eaqle County, Colorado, b�ing more particularl� describee+ as foll�ws: Qer,inning at a poir.t on the southerly boundary 1ine ofi said Lot 6, said �oint also being on the northerly rie�ht-of-�vay line of Potato Patch Drive and the rorthG�;est corner of �ot 5, Block 2 of said Voil/ Potato Patch, the f�llowin� ten courses along said right-of-uray line and boundary of said Lot 6, from a tangent bearinq North 60 degrees 5£� minutes 36 seconds l�!est, 91.6U feet aiong �he arc of a 180.84 foot radius curve to the left, having a central angle of 29 degrees O1 minutes 24 seconds and subtending a chord bearing PJorth 75 degrees 2 9 minutes 18 seconds 4Jest a distance of 90.63 feet, with all bearings contained herein being relative to said Vail/Potato Patch; thence North 90 deqrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 66.37 feet; thence 223.22 feet along the arc of a 411.33 foot radius curve to the right, i� ving a central angle of 31 degrees �5 minutes 38 seconds and subtending a chord bearir�g �Jorth 74 degrees 27 ��ntues 11 �econds L�1est a di�tance ot 22C.50 feet; thcr�ce North 58 de^re�� !:� minut�s 22 seconds West a disiance of 69.05 feet; thence �i2.6n feet aiong the arc of a 30.39 foot radius curve to the rinht, havin� a cer��ral anqle of 61 degrees 32 minutes 02 seconds and subtending a chord bearing North 28 degrees 08 minutes ?1 seconds l�lest a distance of 31.09 feet; thence ��orth 02 degrees 37 minutes 39 5econds East a distance of 31.63 fi�eet; thence 5�.7� feet along the arc of a 21.90 foot radius curve to the �ight, having a centra' anole of 153 deqrees n7 mirutes 36 seconds and �ub- tending a chord bearing North 79 degrees 31 minutes 28 seconds East a distance of ��2.66 feet; thence 106.81 feet along the arc of a 74.59 foot radius curve to the left, having a central anqle of 82 degrees 02 minutes 54 seconds and subtendiny a chord bear�ing South 64 degrees 36 minutes 11 seconds East a distance of 97.92 feet; thence P�orth 74 deqrees 22 minute� %? ��econd� Fast r� dist�ncF of ?_1.Q0 fPet; ±henre 120.19 feet along the arc of a 104.76 foot radius curve to the left, having a central of 65 dec�rees 43 minutes 59 seconds and subtending a chord �-.earing Nn� �Ch 41 :iec�rees �0 m�nute� ?3 seconds East a d�stance of 113.i0 feet; tr�ence leavin_y �aid Potato Patch Drive right-of-way line North 75 degrees 38 minutes 06 seconds East a distance of 120.92 feet; thence Sou�h 14 dec�rees 13 minutes 13 seconds East a distance of 147.C4 feet; thence �dorth 75 degrees 52 minutes 29 seconds East a distance of 114.02 feet; thence North 75 degrees 56 minutes 05 seconds East a dis- tance of 234.19 feet to a point on the east line of said Lot 6; thence th�e following four courses along the bour.dary of sa:d Lot 6, South l� degraes 17 minutes 34 seconds Fasi. 1 distance of £30.E3 feet; thence Sout+: �� degree�� 31 m;n�!se�, 3;? ���c�,-i�l� ll^st a distance or 7� '�� feet, ther�ce South 19 degree� � 9 mi nute�. �'3 �t_��r��:i� �!est d di � tance of 8G. 34 feet; thence fJorth �S degrec�s 42 m�iii�;tes 4� seconds t�lest a distanr..e of 221.�1 feet to the point of beqinn�ing, containing 2.45 acres more or less. CONDOMINIUM MAP OF �.__�....,-T,,..�....�.�,.,�.�.�.,.,�,,,. ,�..__..__�...�..,..--.�„-....�.,.� P HASE I PART OF LOT 6, BLOCK 2, VAIL/POTATO PATCH VAIL, COLORADO Together wilth a utility and access easement dnscribed as follows: Commencing at a point on the southerly bour�dary line of saiu i_ot 6� said poin� also being on the northerly right-of-way iine of P�taia Patch Drive and the northwest corner of Lot 5, alock 2 of said Vail,� Potato Patch; thence North 20 de�rees �� mint,ite� 16 seconds t�les± a distance of 279.95 feet, to the true point of� beginning; thence Paorth 75 degrees 38 minutes 06 seconds East a dist�nce of 15.98 feet; thence 35.04 feet along the arc of a 59.21 foot radius curve to the ri�ht, having a central angle of 33 degrees 54 rninutes 22 seconds and �.�b- tending a chord bearing South 87 degrees 24 minutes 43 secends Fast a distance of 34.53 feet; #.hence South 70 �:E�crees ?? °^ir;;t�� 3? secerds East a distance of 178.62 feet; thence from a. tar,gent bearing fforth 61 degrees 21 minutes 19 seconds East, 166.60 feet alonc� the arc of a 30.00 foot radiu� curve tG the r?ght, having a cert.ra1 ar;lc of 31�3 degrees 11 minutes 19 secands and subtending a chord bearir�g South 40 degrees 26 minutes 59 seconds West a distance of 21.�1 feet; thence Plop��h 70 degrees 27 minutes 32 seconds �Jest a distance of 170.98 feet; thence 23.20 fee� along the arc of a 39.21 foot radius curve to the left, having a central a�ngle of 33 degrees 54 minutes 22 seconds and subtending a chord bearing Pdorth 87 degrees 24 minutes 43 seconds West a distance of 22.87 feet;� thence South 75 degrees 38 minutes 06 seconds 6��est a dis- tance of 16.03 feet= thence f�orth 14 degrees 13 minutes 13 secon�s t�est a distance of 20�00 feet, to the tr��e �eint ��f he�inr�nt�, ��n�� �nir�g 0.17 acres more or �ess. lays out, plats and subdivides said property as shown hereon and designates the same as 770 Potato Patch Drive Condor�iniums - Phase T, in the town of Vail, county of Eagle, state of Colorado, Vail Investments and Deve?opment Ltd. II certifies and agrees that the platted land shall be subject to the condominium declaration for 770 Potato Patch Drive Condominiums - Phase I, as recorded in �ook at Page all in the records of the C'lerk and F.ecorder o a, e County, o ora o. Executed thi s �2�2 �` day of , i 1 �� by� ti�i 1 � �,> Investments an�Geve�opment te , a Co orado �eral Partnership. _,,,mWS � VA INVF�TMENTS AND DF1sFl (1�MEN i S��L by s[ General�Partner,�1THOMAShip ' DE OPMENT CORPORATION, A Calorado �� Co !or�t: � on b o By • � � Step � ��.. omas, Pr�s�ctr�t STATE OF C�LORADO ) ) ss. COUP�TY �F IEAGLE ) The foregoing instru►nent was acknowledct�� before me thi� �� "� day af ,(Q����••/,t.��_, 19829 by S-IEPIIE�! G. .iF,�1MA,c, Presi_:er�� o�T+oma� Deve pment Corporation, a Colorado Corporat.ion on behalf of the corpor�atian, said corporation acting as genera� partner or� behal�' of Vail Investments and Development Limited Il:,, a general partn�rship� My Commi ssi on expi res : �" ""mmiss+nn exn�rp� �Iay 3Q, ^a,Q�� Witness my� hand and seal. �, < i= ;_ � �� ; Notary Pi.-r;��; ���` - --- f 11Nt� TlTLE G�IA�ANT�� �A ��6�� Cherry Cree!k No. pri�,,� '��n`-M�_ �`.at�.�ir?�, $llafK# SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, Michael D. Heimbuck, a registered professional land surveyor in the state of Cclarado, certify that in November 1982, lthe property described hereon was surveyed by me or under my direct respomsibility, supervision and checkino and found to be as shown on this map. I further certify that the map {�'iy and accurately dep;cfis the loca�tien and dimer•sions r�f al l building= , and other easer»nts ar ; rig�;ts-of-v��y of record or known to this surveyar, and that there exists no encroachments by or on the property, except as s�ecifically set forth on tt�i� map. I c�rtify ±r�at thi� map sub- stantially depicts the location of a?1 units withi�n the building, both horizontall;; and vertically, and the Yesidence desi�nations; the dimensions of the units; the elevations of the unfinished floars and ceilings, as constructed; the location of all general common el�ements and limited common elements; the thi�kness of the comJnon walls bet�:een or separating the units and that this map was prepared subsequert to substan.tial completion of the impr�7ver�ents. !nicha�� a uo He�m�c L.S. i i 8� APP��"AL OF CO'iD���'�?IiIIU"�1 �1AP Ti�is conc�oniniur� nap of 770 Potato Patch Drive Condominiums - Phase I is herehy approved by the To�,;n Counci� of the toUm of Va�l, this Z3 �� d� y o f_�.E.�/1SE I_L_°__ , 19 g2 . QY: ATTES?: . ��, � ' �`""� �^��N4 /�M'� lsTi�AtbR ..e � .„�,.. . � ' �w.��.�� � . � ���. �. ' ,5 :� � �'!; , � .�' ",*�� ?�; � ��� ��,� '�� 0 �. ,� '�, , t� ,� , �-. 4.� , . CERi�I r ICATE OF THE CLER�' A�JD P,FCORDER #,Zy? ��l,Z This plat was field for record in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagl e County a�; /� '. 12 _ o' cl oc�c _�.r�. ���e���_�3 A.D. 19 _a� and is dul;.� recorded in Book �,�p at Page qQ„3 � Fte.� a 3Q �' Dac �s R. �oad ad ��<.�, �i a�t7�4� `� ' : � Cc�;�`�;'"� AK 3�0 c�r�: ar,a ,:ecc,r er �,P , p9 qo� : APPROVAL BY PLAfJPJIfJG COP-1P"ISSIOPJ c;: �', .�. �t_ � - ��. ';;`,,�'.s.���,°,' e.� � �,: �: �:�--;� �::�_ ,e0 This plat approved by the town of Vail Planning Commission this z 3 day o f��C��t/$2�,� , A. D. 19_ f� . BY: � � ��a�' Ze,�uvc� �'v�..�r re,G DATED: a '� ' a � �.: ATTEST: �� �.� ; „ G.C.E. or LEGEPd'J = General Com�,�on �lemer�t L.C.E. = Limited Common Element riozt s : 1. Anything rot shown as L.C.E. or G.C.E. or specified as a unit is G.C.E.; i.e� parking, fire lanes, utilities, etc. 2. All balconies, decks and entries are limited cammon areas for adjacent unit. 3. � designates where reference elevations 4�ere taken 4. All dimensions are within plus or minus 1" tolerance 5. Qe�ncF�mark : garage fl oor un i t�`10, el evati on = 8487. 03 6. Bearings are relative to the final plat of Vail/Potato Patch SHFFT I OF 23 � _ _...,�.,. . .., - - ,....,...,,�, � .�,,_.._..�.,�,��_,.,,.m._,,�.,m��.�.�.�.,.�.-. �.� _ �,. , ----��T- _ _ _ _ ��- � .�_ .......w,.,�.��� . . � �,.�. � �... A CONDOMINIUM MAP p • 153°47� 36�� R • 21.90� L • 58. 7 S� C • 42.66� T • 94. 09� 31.63� N 02°37�39��E p • 61° 32�02�� R • 30.39� L • 32 .6 4� C • 31 .0 9� T • 18.09� SCALE I" = 30' p •ST• IS� 54�� R • 40. 38� L � 40. 39� C•38 T3' p 38' S6� 3 2�� R• 70.66� L • 48.03 � C• 47.11� r . � n oa' /r r � � T •22.07� � 1 32.34� N I 2• I 8� 53�� W � �1 � I ' ^r � t � a`„�2�G 221 �05� u � o� � � 38 R� 2 �'91 Ca22� . 50 4 l�= 33 � 114.43� P�TQT 0 P'�T�H PHASE Pp Tq Tp �--- La 170 . i�' C=168 . 66 � T_ P Q T C i i� = 86' S3' y . �� D��� � � �� E �� � ` �� ♦ ` � ` � R E �, 2?0, s,, Fv� N ,„ p ��� � 33° 54 22 � /1 ♦ � R 49. 2 I� �� S C �` �6. , ��E L 29.12' C � `�� �� 'p6 N1��38 � � ��--�\ � � � � 12389p' " ' \�� � N� ��--�� ���lC� � T / � i� \ � � � \ � �q CC � �R��E N90 • 00' 00" W 66 . 37' � S �oo � Ess ' f �\\\ 200 32E �\\E\e�r � �98' � / \� �L `�_ r, _ � _ �=29 ° p 1 � L=91.gp� C_ � ' 90. 63;1 0 . �, � -8j, � � \ � � � � N89 ° 42' 48" W 221.81' • S•• � 104° 33� 53�� R •50.00� L•91.25� C•79.10� T • 64.65� CB• S56°00�37"E �` ���,.�/� � G CONDOMINIUM MAP 770 POTATO PATCH DRIVE - PHASEI VAIL� COLORADO ELDORADO ENGINEERING COMPANY CONSULTING ENGINEERS • REGISTERED LAND SURVEYORS 823 BLAKE AVENUE P.O. BOX 669 GLENWOOD SPRINGS, COLORADO 81601 303-945-8596 0 Job 82 �� Drawn KCH Appr. MDH �ate I I /23/82 Scale 1��=30� Sheet 2 of 2 3 . I� . i � F .� C�'� ! �� � 60� TYP. �. L� � . c G � UNIT I UNIT 2 C p UNIT I � UNIT C f � � UNIT 2 0 . UNIT 2 UNITI 2 . �( Lc UNIT 2 UNI1� 3 � u UNI' MAIN LEVEL SCALE� �/g�= I'-0" B UNIT 2 UNIT 3 C E vivi i .� E C O UNIT 3�UNIT 4 O D 6 C E� E C L�WER �EV� L SCALE � I/g�� _ ��_��� ��. 0 . � IS 45 SCQLE� %8�= I�'O�� ��,1 n 60� TYP �.�5' O � 60� 0 _ �..., 0 770 POTATO PATCH DRIVE �Ob s22oo CONDOMINIUMS Drawn RM Appr. MDH U N I TS I 2, 3& 4 oate I I/23/82 ' Scale ��8�=I�-0�� Sheet � ELDORADO ENGINEERING COMPANY CONSULTING ENGINEERS • REGISTERED LAND SURVEYORS 823 BLAKE AVENUE P.O. BOX 669 GLENWOOD SPRINGS, COLORADO 81601 303-945-8596 of 23 ,,..... 0 . � . . ❑ S ECTION A-A SCALE� �/4�= I�_0�� UNITS I a 4 UNIT I (REVERSED) � � 0 _ _ __ .._ � _ _ P. -,...�.,�e..�.�..�_._.. � . . � ,�.�,, a@ � _ . SECTION D-D SCALE� �/4�= I�-0�� UNITS 1,2 8c 3 0 � sEC-r�oN g-� SCALE � �/4' = I'-0�� UNITS 1,2,3 8� 4 UNITS 1,2 8� 3 (REVERSED) 0 : � SECTION C-C S ECTION E- E SCALE � %4�= I'-0�� UN1TS 3 & 4 UNIT 4 (REVERSED) SCALE� �/4"= I�_0�� UNITS 1,2,3 8� 4 UNITS 1,2 8r 3 (REVERSED) 770 POTATO PATCH DRIVE CONDOMINIUMS UNITS I 2,3�4 ! Job 822�� Drawn RM App�. M DH date I I/23/82 Scale I/4"- I'-0'� sneet ELDORADO ENGINEERING COMPANY CONSULTING ENGINEERS • REGISTERED LAND SURVEYORS � 823 BLAKE AVENUE P.O. BOX 669 GLENWOOD SPRINGS, COLORADO 81601 303-945-8596 of 23 ti � ti -.z� N � 1 re � � _� 0 �1 ^ N , ti ;, �� .� _� O � _� O � � . N O � UNIT I IUNIT 2 . ; UNIT I I UNiT 2 ''•'" -- r _ __ _ _ I2' _� � O �' O � _� � N � 0 i . . � � M a' — � � - _— ___ , _ _ 1 UNIT 2 UNIT 3 __ _ _ � � . .-- �.: �« 7� � � O N O dD __ � _ -- -- - —� N � � 0 ai � h � .1 . . . �. . . . . .yu. . - � . . _-�'..a..� . ' ... . . . � .. . .,. _ .� . . . . � KO K�I _� O a0 � 0 (V O � o �� 0 _ � � a _ _ _ __-- ___---- _--- � _ . .---_ _ _ _ . _ __ _-- ._ UNIT 2 UNIT 3 S ECTION F- F SCALE� �/q'= I�_0�� UNITS 1,2 8� 3 , MA7CH LINE . � S ECTION F- F CONT. SCALE � �/4'= 1�-0�� UNIT 4 � 0 0 � :� + �� � �'� � � r � UNIT 3 0 • • � � � GARAGE � � t e � . � . � UNIT 3 , � 770 POTATO PATCH DRIVE JOb 822U0 Drawn RM CONDOMINIUMS MDH • Appr. � N ITS I 2 3 VI � Scale ��� I'/Q U � ! 4 Sheet ELDORADO ENGINEERING COMPANY corvsu�TiN� ENGINEERS • REGISTERED LAND SURVEYORS C� V 823 BLAKE AVENUE P.O. BOX 669 GLENWOOD SPRiNGS, COLORADO 81601 303-945-8596 of 23 t _ — —.,� .�...�.e. _ _._..__.�.__ _.�.___. _ . . _ _ ---� _ _ � - _ _ _ _— - _ . __ �_ . _ _. ...e._ �.. ..,.,.. p �__.�_.. _.._,�.. __�_..��.�..,__. _ �.._ _ _ _ _ . _ D • � UPPER L SCALE� %8� = I'-0�� UNITS 5 8� 6 A VEL � � A 6 C LOWER LEVEL. SCALE� �/8 � = I'-0�� • 0 �o� D LOWER STORAGE LEVEL SCALE � I/8" = I'-0�� UNIT 5 0 MAIN LEVEL SCALE � %g� = I'- 0�� U'NITS 5 & 6 0 . 0 0 � f . 0 , . . I � . � � , � SECTION A-A SCALE� %4� = I'-0�� UNIT 5 � �, - . .�,.. .._ , _.._ _ _._. � __ _ . _ - _-- _ __ - , _ ,. .,..,P....,�.,,,.�`._,,.�...._,.,..,....,,,,,,,,,I P . ._, . _ _ _. _....._ - � � ,� _ ��. ,. _.,,, ._ .,, __ UNIT 6 UNIT 5 � � SECTION C-C SCALE� �/4"= I'_0" UNIT 6 0 � SECTIaN 6-6 SCALE� �N4'= I'-0�� UNITS'S8�6 � � �� ` ' I. ��..�,,� �u��,..—.�� , ..�:.�_,.ms.�.,.,.�,��.M 0 SECTION D- D SCALE� �/4"= I'-0�� UNITS 5 a 6 n � n . � r� m 0 , _ � . � � . . ..,.. , t,,, ..�„ . _v .._ .. r �� ______ _ 19 OS « , ., ..,--� - _�..,.�.. � rt s� _, ; .. _ �. , x' r' I S 8 0' -- --- , . 1 18.98 � "` °° . co ' o � � ' o 0 �.. . ; � ", a _._.._ 7.40' - . N UNIT 9 �I � '�0 9�• � i N � %�ti " , : F� �� UNIT 7 UNIT 8 � j' �" �Q• ' ' "' { � N 2.78' � "-� � in 1.76� , N �_ , �If � f I.10� m I .06 � � _ � 20.22' .ti 5.58� � 3 13.24 � � `9 .. 0. �� . ,�� , 1. � . � , _ ,�, . _ _ . -, ,, � 0 . .6 �0 0 � � � 11.83 ,/. 0 . o ; ��� �ti o `�., � ' N 7.s�� W;.`_ �;� � � am �;�.60� TYP __ `_ � 'v i ,;� r� 7.65 a ;,r: DECK r` , < �� ti � (L.C.E.) � 6.26' � o DECK - � 4.25 �.,_ .��.. ,, (L.C.E.) S � /- - - \•J' 0 � 8.12 � �'' / 19.50� L � � � I UPPER LEVEL SCALE � I / 8�� = I �-0�� • C 6 �� � . . . � G D G .60� TYP. � t0 .' 0� ��Q, .. 2.76� o . w � �y 5.65� a e� o� 7.77 � 0' m 8.20' o � � ti M DECK - (L.C.E.) 20.20' � H F � � .60� 4.30� � S . FO O � D� _ � � 3.16' 18.50� N ENTRY ; - (L.C.E.) � � � 7.92� - � ,, .�,. �.. , � � 19.00� 0 18.00 � 3. 32' , 7. 4 0' m � � GARAGE � 8.0�1� EL. 2•00�� ENTRY 'n � 8487.57 � � T.08 (L.C.E.) oi ao N j' � A � ,� 't�fO � �S�q. _ ' �� �1 � � - N •39•' 3.79� � } �' GARA�E .� ..�, � � 3.60' �, � __ ._ 19.2 8� _ _ ♦ ♦� ' O �� O cD � 1.10� E L. � c� � � , 8489.00 � �_ _.__ � . • � .. � � _ '� 12.82� a � � _.. ;. s�' g�O �� I 1.4 6' `- � �� A, ' �i. ao 7.50 � �� gALCONY °0 N - o � (L.C.E.) � � � 8.50� I6.50� ,,,�,� _ _ ___ __ _- __ ° m m Ki 10.30� E A F F ,� n .�' E LOWER LEVEL SCALE � I/8�� = I�-0�� r s ---�--_.__. __ _.__- _._._ ' � I 2.33 � 15 . 36 � �, � � 3.57� ;�: ;; � .84� � ," � � 0 '? M tf') �9.67� _ o' c� � j � �Y . _ � - ��_.:_ ._......-. _ .w:.::.. � I _ .-.' . . -,., ; �.60� A ir❑ � 0 . ;� I S . 35 � " �;'."" 1.85� N M 8.48� ENTRY w _ _- ' (L.C.E.) '�'• 0 7.3�� � , : � .�-s. � a' �o,� ,'� ` ' 9 •._ ,- .� � � 'l '� ' �'L 9 �'' , � N I 5 . 0 4 � p 18.90 r 0' 'sp��'a.;� 3.75 � o� .,a;�a � - :.�rw.::�.,. ' C� 2.70� 4 .0 8� 4.02� � ♦ � EL. �; 4.03� o ,.F 8494.44 �I 4 �n � �SB, GARAGE N I.10� I _ --_______ __ ___ T 19.92' 1 g�. 1 , ,; 0 4 a � , � �, o s' � � c� .60 N N,' o UNIT 9 � ' TYP ti . ` r� � 10.12 {; o �, , � � UNIT 8 a' ` 10.96� � ,�-:� - s ,.. �10.00' , �� s4, r, ss '� 3.32� 0 o BALCONY S" . (L.C.E.) °_ � 8.72� �D 14.54� o -- 10.32� � MAIN LEVEL SCALE� i/8�� = I�-0�� 10.08� BALCONY � - o (L.C.E.) o co 0 17.32' 8.54� o .. o; 10.50� � � ._�._ .._. __ �__ __� . �.�. ..._.� _ .� .r _..�._�.... __�. � _ } __`__ __a z? o o_ 770 POTATO PATCH DRIVE _,: HMS CONDOMINIUMS � -�:�:--�� MoH. � _-.;__�,��23�82 U N I T S 1� S� V •��� NOTED _...__....���. . . _ ___..� _.�. �,. ELDitRn��(.� � � � 9 873 F. � n k F ;, . _._...�._---- 23 _,_... � .....,, �__�„ . ,,_,.,.-�.�....,:�.._,..._,�� .,..........� ,,, ,.,�,r ,` f � . . � � i �r+u�,.�,�� e r � . , _,r.�_., . ._,,,,....��..�.�.�,._.�. ,. _ _... ,. .�.._��,.�� ....: . _,-., , . . ...,,,., ..a...._, �....�.�,�.,.�—•.,.,--_,..,�—.�...�. _......,..... _ .� .� .. . • �,y l � 1 � � � � a � ��,�.■ .. i� O ������� � / SECTION, D "D SCALE � 1/4�� = I�-0�� � 0 r. 1 SECTION A-_a SCALE � I/4�� = I�-0�� UNIT — 9 0 0 i n � � � � � � tD O � � � iSECTION Cr-C: SCALE � I/4" = 1=0�� IT - 7 � � � � � �� � � ;i � ��Al� � 17� � � � VN. . ;� , 0 J � �� � .�. �e, i;' s:', � F; �:�, � ✓ ;'fG. Job 6220� , 770 POTATO PATCH DRIVE o..W� HMs . CONDOMINIUMS ' Appr. �DM � �.a 11/23I'� U N iT� 7, 8,°� 5�.�. �T�d ShNt ELDORADO ENGINEERING.COMPANY corusu�Tiru� ENGINEERS • F2EGISTERED LANO SURVEYORS ��An 823 BLAKE AVENUE P.O, BOX 569 GLENWOOD SPRINGS, COLORA00 81601 303-945-8S9d o� 3 ; �� � „:;.; .r;r .� I •; �, � a� .:i � � �; j�; ' � i� i .� ' � � a s a�: f l r . � � 4 :�' ,' � �e; , �: ��,,,h'. .. P'�. �F � 1d �'4 � �. q �.,, � S 1 . � � a •� ° � I: '..� ,,�.�., .'�. ,�;�� ��,� � Yxb �.... .. .. www�n�wn. .�,,........«...�......., ._..._...... ....__. , . . ...,� ��,,.. _„ . . , . . . . . .. � . ,. . . . . . . „ ..... _ ...... .. �.. _ ...,,,. _.._...,.,_,.�.....' . , % • T I` .• ♦ i . ' 0 W O � - SECTION H -H SCALE � I/4�� = 1�-0�� . io • o � SECTION E-E SCALE � 1/4�� = t�-0° UNIT — 3 . 0 � � ���.. � ,� . i � , _ W O SECTION G —G SCALE � I/4�� = I�-0�� UNIT — 8 e���rnr��w� �. r••��.�..w � x I �ECT���� m -F-F � '�'�:l� • t!�" _'"+�� = o" - I�_'"..:� �, uNiT - s i . � c 0 Nu.�� �"'tjM�� ��� �{� 4 i��' �n . �.'.....'y'. E ��!4 ;N W "� V d .�' �;r: t. ' ,, ' rA � `n R �!I r � x !'. . ,,- �,. ' ,; _ ,: ' � ws� _ �� Job 82200 770 PO1�AT0 PATCH DRIVE D.�wn HMS =� � CONDOMINIUMS ARPr. MOH � F �:t• II/23/ U N ITS 7 8 9 -� s�.,. N�Eo t t ' Sheet ELDORADO ENGINEERIIVG COMPANY cofvsu��iNG ENGINEERS • REGISTFRED IAND SURVEYORS I� ;� 823 BLAK� AVENUE P.O. BOX 669 GLENWOOD SPRINGS, COLORADO 81601 303•915-A�SSe � N 23� , : ,_�., � • ' ':� �..,;.: .,.:. . . �^^^'*_...�:...^-......�..,.,,.._. , .. ... . � � " Bli'd � ♦ * . ... .. � �;��� �. :1 r�� ��,��<. . � . . � � � J . � I .14� F A • N • r/� �_. F �n�. '.iwi�.� ER LE1 SCALE � I/8�� = 1=0�� �� G �G . , � � � ��� �. D m E B -,�-� D ..�.� . � LOWER LEV�L SCALE � I/S�� = i�-0�� � . F � A .60� A � i�" : � . ���� r� ��� �CALE�� i/8" = i�-0�� �J � �� � � � .83� 0 uri,e! �f� � :� , � � , � � �.� _ . ��.._ .. . ._,.,. + � _ . � � . =822 � �� _ � � 770 POTATO PATCM DRIVE o�.� ►�s i CONDOMINtUMS �••�. �++ � � � u.» 1#rlitNt �� UNI�'S la 1 I 12 ��� . � � 6 �� � , ELDORADO ENGINEERING COMPANY CONSULTING ENGINEt�RS • RE6ISTEl1ED IAN� SVl1VErOM '� �'" e23 SLAKE AVENUE n P.O. BOX sA9 GLENWOOD S�RINGS, COLORADO ttlt0l 303�-d'dM 0 3. , . � , � 0 .7 i► 0 J i � ����� � 0 SECTION D - D SCALE = I/4�� = I�-0�� � �a o} .� � v SECTION A-A SCALE � I/4" = I�-0�� UNIT —10 • REVERSED FOR t1N1T - 10 UNIT —12 � � . ���� � 0 SECTION C-C SCALE � I/4�� = I� 0�� NIU T_II i� ` a! S E C T I 0 N . I� ' I� SCALE � I/4�� = I�-0�� UNIT — I I � � . !� !,t, 82200 770 POTATO PATCH DRIVE �:;:,V.� HMS CONDOMINIUM S ;:�o�_ MDH � � U� I I� I O I I I� vafe_ � ��23�82. � S�aie NOTED :� ! ! `.hHP� �.�i:.':�� FLpORAnO F^?C;ir.�� �_�,i^��: �'��(�^,1P,��,.. � , � . � ., 5 ��v: ,r�RS � � '� ;� 873 B L 4 K F 4 V r n.;' i �. . -, r,.- , , � , . .. .. , .. . . _, . . . �_. . ,er� i q4� R�QR �'I , .., .. .. . . . .. . . � f 2 3 � y. �. e e ,�, a �� a � � � • SECTION E-E SCALE � i/4�� = I�-0�� UNIT-t2 � ■ 0 ❑ • SECTION G - G SCALE � I/4�� = I�-0�� UNIT - 10 •• REVERSED � FOR UNIT-10 r.r��ev�u�� �. �..w���u.. � � � SECTION F - F 5CALi � I/4" = II�- p�� UNIT -1� • • REVERSED FOR UNI�-10 UNIT -12 *► . . . � � • .. . . ,. �.. . y.�.::._.:Wia�u,..,.aa�.:.... ., � _ M c�� � 1 '� t' � f.i.. "h �� a �. _�/. �' � . . roe �Ofl ; , . . 770 POTATO PATCH DRIVE o,�,� � H,� CONDOMINIUM� ___ �.... MoM ; � � � o... i r�,,� ` � �,� °. �,� u N � T_ � ____� o � _ � � �._ _���� �_ _ � � .� � � � � � � �: ��IA� = Y'�: ELDORADO ENGtNEERING COMPANY coNauir��a� �N���r��r►s +�°�r���t�ttro �r�► �M�! ��'Y �` � . ` ". � � . _ ,. � �, , �.� e23 S L A K E A V E N U E P.O . eO X 1�+� t� L�'t!�'� O SM�t ll�. !'� '�.�Y��� � ;������ - ,. � ,� N . .. .. .,. � _ � . . ., �'� � '� � . . i - Y� ` ' F 4 M �, .�; .., - � .:.. : A. , .: �q��( b�� � �� ���� ��' '� ,� . � . . . � . . . ..... � . -. .,., w .... .Y �;;s..., . .. . . . . . :i,�^' �. .. �r _ . ,, � . J i 0 _ _.,��F. ��,,– _----,�-_–�,..__.�_._�.�_. ..__-��m..��„e,�.��..,,�,. _ : .;�, _. . __ __ ..�–��,"�.y.�..,.,.�-,•..�...�,.,,�.,,�,...,,�,,,. �. .._... 0 � f �� � � .� , 1 UNIT 10 UNIT II � _- - _ _ _ � 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 I 1 I I I � — — — —� —--—� I I I I I 1 I i I I i - - - - � L UNIT II � _ _ _ SECT ION J - J SCALE � I/4�� = I�-0�� � . __ _ _ . --�_� � ,: UNIT II UWIT 12 / iG O . . , . . ..n., , . , �.„ 0 0 0 4 � 2.54� I " I � _ _,, ._._. _,_ -. . �.,,�,,�.,�..�..--�.F..� _.,,�...m...�. _.._......_._.�_ __.._ _ -._...,.�_. . .... .... _ . _ .. �.,.,. _ __._ �__..�.__._. .� �_r �.,m.. _.... � UPPER LEVEL SCALE � I/8�� = I�-0�� C .6 L U � : G H D F � G E �, � n �-- LOWER LEVEL E SCALE � I / 8" = I'-0�� 7.32� � 4.5� N 3.48� A F -�--, F - .60� A�- 1.22� I MAIN LEVEL SCALE � I/8�� = I�-0�� , :! �; � .� ... _ 0 c� 0 SECTION D - D SCALE � I/4�� = I�-0�� . SECTION A-A SCALE � I/4�� = I�-0�� UNIT - 15 � � ; _ _ _ _ 0 ._.. ..�_e.�.._�..__.,�.,, . _ co O ic 0 SECTI�N L'L SCALE � I/4�� = 1=0�� U NIT =13/E S E C T I 0 N I� - CS SCALE � I/4�� = I�-0�� UNIT - 13/E' � � , �*''' �. s' ; `� � , ` . i ♦ 4 I •' ' � • � � M 1 I■ � . � �� �' .. . � \ • ~ ,.. �IV '�i. . . �. � � y - � ' .r _ � .. � . � . �� ^ � f �, . * s E c� l o t�l .�_�, �� __� . �.. __ � . SCAIE = 1/4" s i"-a", ._ � , . � . '� , � - 1 ° r1111► ' ' SE�TI��i _�__ � . ��� ..SCALE � I!4» = I�_p" . _ __. � �UNIT �'IS ' . .... � _�"_ � tr � .� <.���' - �' u � � _ T � ❑ M Af O� � GD m d' h , � _f , � i � � i. � � ��, � ��� � �� ���� _ S E E T I 0 N __G _____�. G - ' SCALE � I/4�� = I�-0" , ;. UNiT - 14 � � . , ;,� . _ � _ � � ,,j � . , ,i . � I �i:; .b�, , '`�� REFERENCE. ELEVATIONS � ` �,,,,, � UNIT 14 _ �513.53 �. UNIT 15 518.87 � . , M , � ..: , r, _ / / , -. � � � . iN O . �, ; . iNb � cp N ;� i C� aD N � � . � � � � O aol -- n �M � N ;!� -- � p� NO. Cq • n �� � �f! � � • '�.. N n _ p1� tf � + ,Z �t �A N n — "" � h n ��� CO O � � � � — — � IfI� � M a u � � — � �� �� � . u n � � M !� � � lii M � ` � � � ` ( r !-� _! � f. � � � r ' W,.�.�,�,�ul�� � � �r , y, ��% � �� �� �" ,.; - `" ,, Y. � �`'�;: �, � r . w� � , � - . �. *� - . �� ( ; .,- ' ., �„ , � � • r .� . � . � . i � ' � � % " . !"' a . ` � N;� . ;; � N�� .� � � �'�. �� � � � � � � :i�. � � i" � . � b o + V �yy V O • � W O O � � . � \ . � . ' �, . 1 . � , �. . .. ' . . � , „ P , . . � ' � * � r �, � _ . p � . f � � ` . ' i, . � � �i! � _ . . . r f. ,. � ' , . � . ,. , �. ;; � . � .�. � .,� � , . v � .� + ----. •.fi-.__. _ . � r _ � ii �� . s, _ �... . . , ,rt . . ,�� �� ° �°, � � � �� �I • . . � - ._. __�...��._._... i- .- . �.. -»�.. . , . . , � i . ,. � � :, . . , � ! ` , .i. �{ �� ` , � , - .�'�r� , T �� .� \ _ ; � � 770 PO�i`0 P'I�TGN C�RIVE _ 1 .� µ � �l�NNw►' �! a� . . . _ GC�NDC;MtN1Ui�I S � . �..�.. � � . , . - s.w� � `O � ._����� ____ I�� �� ��wi ,'�"` � , ' ��re , 1 � � , ' , : s� =, � , ` �i ,* ELDORADO ENGINEERING COMPANY CONSUITING ENGMfEERS � REGt$TEMEb tx�o.,st�NrtrE�ro�ts � - T + . i _. ' r . � .; '- i ,�,,.. r ' s3'3 �EAKE AVENUE P.O. BOX 669 GLENWQOfl SrFtINt'i3; COLORADO f1�OT �'��M'!�� � w � � ,_ t. � � 0 I��� � SECTION I - I SCALE � I/4�� = I�-0�� � 0 � �I � � O O Ca � i� �, a�o � • � I O � _� � N �_ � � / , _ �� � �? 1, f� - � � ti I� I� � + ,� _N f � � 3 �� •- --w ti I _ � M ' . _.. ,_.,,. .. - .. . ,... . _. _ ;r. ` f 1 _ I UNIT - 14 UNIT - 15 N Q' � ti � M M • 1 � � �I O � � � I i: t ��� �ci I N � �� 9 � � j � � �` � �� � � � :*� � � a :� � � � � � � � � I �' .. r ��h 82200 770 POTATO PATC H DRIVE ����W�- HMs CONDOMINIUM S App� MoH (�ate � ��23��2 � U N IT S 13/E, 14, I 5 �C2�P NoTE�� ° . ' ^PP � ELDORADO ENC,INEFR�NG C�1M�'A^;�" ����� �_ � r �;,�: : , '�F<<:� . . . -FRCr� � na�o s���vE�nRs �� � 8?3 BLAKE AVEN��E P �� R�X �69 �� FN'.'V"� _� �p�,�,,r,� , �. �,aq�,�� o�g�� 3n� q45�R59F 23 ,f � o � , � � h � � � `�► I� � � n � %,O � t� � O `\ r � � � �(�� W � SECTION D- D SCALE � �/4'= I�_0�� UN IT 25 � S ECT10N 8- B SCALE� �/4'= I'_0�� UNIT 25 � SECTION C-C SCALE � �/4'= i'_ 0" UNIT 25 � SECTiON A-A SCALE� �/4�= I�-0�� UNIT 25 7 70 POTATO PATCH DRIVE CONDOMINIUMS UNIT 25 & CA�RETAKER - EL[1(lRArlr� En��=In�FFr2�n�(_� r��r,nnr';,��V C^ � � ;a� . , � -. , � .,^. � � � _. -�s�� 823 BLAKE AVENUE P.O s�X 564 G! FNwnn� �aP��;�S Cni_�RAn� g���� �o3_gaF R�g� � 0 Q� o� � � I� (� i� i� �� �n ��e 822t�0 ��aW� R�/I Appr. MD�H Date I I�23,�� s � � ��4,�_ �'_�', � �:haA• � � f� � V �, 23 � � � .� � � � � � � � ; , _—.,..�. � l` � _ _ .,�a ,,, .�,�,-a. . _ . _ �... . ___. �. � � ` . � . SECTION F-F SCALE� �/4�= I�_0�� CARE TAKER UNIT . � SECTION E - E SCALE� �/4' = I�_0�� CARE TAKER UNIT 0 770 POTATO PATCH DRIVE CONDOMINIUMS UN IT 25 8� CARETA K E� ELDORADO ENGINEERING COMPANY 823 BLAKE AVENUE P.O. BOX R69 CQNSULT�NG ENr�NFFRS • RFGISTFRFD LAND SIJRVEYnRS Gt_ENWOOD SPR!N�S. COLORADO 81601 3n3-945 8596 � ,` � > .� % Job 82200 Drawn RM Appr. ML�H Date I (�23�8 Scale I�4 �= (� � v Sheet � � 2 3, �, �s 23 � A