HomeMy WebLinkAboutGore Creek Park Subdivision Lot 05� PIN 8 CAP L.S.16844 A� / ^h A RESUBDIVISION OF LOT 5 GOR E C REEK PARK TOWN OF VAIL , EAGLE COUNTY , COLORADO �� cy �� ti 'v A� 0 �Fss 'S� � O� � ,LO c,� � �h `/�� 9s0 LOT 6 � '�� tio ��s�, °' � �� ���� / \ �o �' i2, ?s- o �COMMON PARCEL \ 6�a � 0�0 \ho aRO s 0. 42 AC. '� ��1 �,/ O , 46,0 �v� - \ /`� O 5 /`� A •. �,P , / � F � � �� / \/ \ O�OO � � � . � '��v .. t� � 0 ' 3p� y� �� � 6/ PARCEL 5W \ °' S • O� a'l � 0.06 AC. � h � / � ^� ��►j� 5a �—+--DUPLEX OUTLINE 5 � � � ..� � � � _�CENTERLINE OF �. p p� 3F � o .t� PARTY WALL � ��� ��\� �� PIN aCAP w.c. �°'� 5a PARCEL 5 E '� L.S.16844 6� 0.�6 AC. / / s Fs%2 , � .� ?p, / � °� -, � � � � �'� _ �°' p� F 3A � ` / �6 ��,�v v 00 , o �1 �P5 a� � �� �` �` N� �� ?S , J LOT 4 o � O. � p, .• 1� � � ��h �9�, o� �► F,� p�^� � �^ F2� � PiN a caP w.c. L. S. 16844 LOT 2 BIGHORN SUBDIVISION FIRST ADDITION h� s ��i, a `'?p , ��o 00 , F � S� 2S , � NUTICE: According to Colorado law you must commence any legal action based upon any defec� in this survey within six years after you first discover sucli defect. In no event may any action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of the c�rtif�ication shown hereon. EAGLE VALLEY ENGINEERING a SURVEYING INC., 1000 S FRONTAGE RD. WEST, VAIL, COLORADO \ �_ — -----�... � EAST VAIL EXIT I � ACCESS EASEMENT PIN S CAP L.S. 16844 � .� SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I do hereby certify that I am a registered Land Surveyor licensed under the laws of the State of Colorado, that this plat is true, correct, and com- plete as laid out, platted, dedicated, and shown hereon, that such plat was made from an accurate survey of said property by me and under t�y supervision and correctly shows the locat;on and dimensions of the lots, easements, and stre�ts of said subdivision as the same are staked upon the ground in comp�i- ��nc�� �.•i�th ��pqlicable regulatior;s gover�ning the subdivision of land. `�����u u nq� yi I n t�� i tness whereof , I have set my ��h�� �R���S�Fj�'�.�hi s day of .• •. -�-- �y,�r . �. � . , ��� _ � ..,���'�GISTEq O� � .,,,, - --- : � F A �ils � i 0 10� 20� 40� 60� SCALE I'� = 20' / PITKIN CREEK �% \ tio �ti \ � O SUBJECT q� SITE � � I I SCALE I�� = 1200� I VICINITY MAP � \ \ �— BIGHORN CREEK � � � \ � \INTERSTATE 70 GORE CREE� L� —TOWN OF VAIL BOUNDARY �. T ; �tC'lllllcl ;.� �' �''�',ai�►�, S. . �i�'9J.'•� SUFt i � '''���'�OF�E� NOTE: Townhouse Unit A shall consist of Parcel SE, tog�ether with all improvements thereon, all easements and rights- of-way appurtenant thereto as provided for and an un- divided one-half interest in and to Common Parcel, together with the easements and rights-of-way appur- tenant thereto. Townhouse Unit B shall consist of Par�el 5W, t�gether with all improvements thereon, all easements and rights- of-way appurtenant thereto as pr�vided for and an un- divided one-half interest in and to Common Parce'l, together with the easements and rights-of-�•�:�y ap�ur- tenant thereto. ,. � 0 NOTES � I. BEARINGS BASED ON RECORD CALL FROM GORE CREEK PARK 2. DATE OF SURVEY : 9/15/83 3. MONUMENTATION AS NOTED � � .�- '•; .. ��E COV� �Q,�•r'...» «.,.,�,,5- � � � � .��� � r� � �'\���v► ,. ,, � CF.Rm L1� ICATr OI�' OWP1FRSflIP Ki1�w al_1_ men by tllese pres��nts that Lamb Kendatl ,,Toi.nt Venture, heing sol_e owii�r in fee simp] c of all that real property situ3tecl in the Town oE Vail , Ea�l_e County, Cotor_ado, described as follows: I,ot 5, Gore C-reek Y1rk, according te� the plat -recorded ii1 Book 289 at Page 372 i n the of fice of the l:ag:ie Cc�unty, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, containing 0.5�+ acres, more or less. ha5 by tliese PreSents laid otit, p:�ritted, �ind subdivided the same as shown on this final p:Lat undc�r the nrimc and sty].e of "A Resubdivision of Lot 5, Gore Creek Yark", a subdivision in tlle Tc�wn of Vail., Eagle Cuuiity, Col.orado; and does her.c�l,v :��•�•ept respunsibi:l:ity fur the comPlet�on of the required imProvements; and does her'ehy dedicat� and srt apart all c�f the public roads and othE.r public impr�vements �lnd piaces as sho��n on th�� accompanying plat to the use of the puhlic [urever.; 1nd does herehy dedicate those portions of said real pr�perty which �ir�� indicated as �z�semeil�s oci the accompanying plat as easements for the purpose sh��wn here�n; �iud d��es hereby grant th�� right to install and mai ntain necessary str_uctures �u the ��ntitv resn���lsibl� for providin� the s�rvices for wh�cli tlic� e<<s��ments �tre r�5tr�h1 ir�;hed. Executeci tlris o'l�'� dav u� , A.D. 15''$� — - --- � " -- --- l)1+1M�;1:: I.AMR-KFNDALL, JOINT VI:N'i'URI; 2.7H .,�i1 Mountain Road V� _ I , lorado 81657 IiY : _ R�t o d . Lainb, .luiu Venturer I:ot���r_ �^l. Kenda] L, J��i_nt Venturer ti' f,1' �' � �; I l i� ��Q.Q.�� - -- � > �� � . �;�����J��'v ��r ,,�,p�� ) "`_'�" "`"- - - - - - - I'he fure�;��iii�; �i_nsCtumen� �a�is acicnc>wlc�cl�:;ed h�f��re nic� ttiis ��� day of , n.J). /�''S�._– -, I�y Il;�ym��ncl n. L;iml�. � ^ly �•umm i ssic�n c�:;��irc�� : �,_ f�jSS- — lvit �iess my I�and arid 5��<� ...�`�` "� ,`� i�'+� �v? ��r� ,, � �' ���:; � � �'y � .j� / / L `. ���i : �t N�> y �>�iblic •- - � �� � .{ . � f „ `, �,. x � c l d r �� r; � : Q$c� 5 ���. �.evC��-�� � c \ � � ' �` . ; � w Q,CXSx) � C'.e� . S/ fo a'��t,A . ,`��'• �%i.,� �� �.�,'�,- � ��r��Tr�, ar _ - — -- � ` ` � S5. CODN'1'Y OF - --------) '''lie �orc•go�ng instrUment was acicn�naledged before me thi.s �� dav of , [1.D. _��]$�, l:v Ruhei-t Tt. Kend�ll. �---- � ^ty <•��mmiss ion ��x�� i r-e�� : �p /Q$,5 _ - �- - -- . Witness my li�snct <tnd sczi _ . ''" . � � ����� '�� .�s� ��'f � � Q� # �.,, � �.�� � - -�- � C� ���,. Nc� <i; v I'ublic R; v'�' 4;`. ,+.�1' ' na a r �s 5 �ga � 't� �� r � ��y� i.4 . ,�`�,� C��. � . � f� �" ,� � ,'��` ��,� ',�,,.� �; N ' �i,�l 1,+. ,' ,��' TITLE CERTIFICATE � � Land Tit,e Guarantee Cornpany does hereby certify that it has examined the Title to all lands shown upon this Plat and that. Title to such lands is free and clear o{ all liens, �i-x�, and encumbrances, except as follows: -- -_ _ --- - -- - ------- sd � k �"' r .�s�- C't c.ocd�c�l �' � Z- `�3 �� �o� � - - - ----- - -- -- -- - -- -__ -- � -- - -- � � - - �_-�a � --- q Zo � � --- . _ - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - — - - ---------- J - �atcd th;s �� day of ------ -----° A.D., _�•��— � � �., � � � � ' � � • 1 � + f. z��r�l��c ��,.��<<t�°��ar_sT�;n��o!: cf-E�Tl�'�.�,�� T!�i; `i n��l ;;1 a± �<; '�e��eby �lpprove�i by the Tc���:i of 'J%i �' Z�ni ng Adn;i ni - str�,t��r t'��� \� 1 �:�i ��t ��� __—__ ,, 11.U. , _��$ -- ' Ti�ST: � - --- — _ __- --- — --- �� �� lor, � ,��g '�dmi ni s crat��,, — i��,wn �;fi ll�� i 1 !!����il '�,!:, !�: ' U':l!�' �) f '��<1 : � � ����- �,�.�� ���������-���� ��_��r1�=1�,��F z8s7// �,�._; "'_,i. �,v_�:�� � i���d `��,�r ��•eco��,d iri che Off�ice o� tf���� Clerk and i�ecorder , ,0 , . � $, $ , ���� � � .,.. 3u�� �� _ _ __ -- �9gy �, � ; � ���,,� � r'��c,�� �'('(! - �i [?�O',� S 9 , Pac,f' i�,C�. _� 1 1 � . . ��Q � �� - l�.l t_1' : ,IIU IC::C Y'U'�Y' l� c c`s �2, g s'J/,Z • R r 3 �'9�yi�. , -- --. _ . _ _ --- I �,�rJU +;V � PL.�1T f?FSTRTCI TON �or z�r�inq pu����oses, the tV��;�eE� lots crE.ated by tl�is subdivision are to be treated as or�� ent��ty �•rith �,o :nore than one t���c fa�1��,ily r�esidence allowed ��,� tl�.r� �:omb�ncri ,,.-e�� of th�� three ,ots. ,'�' �o��iable gr�ss residential floor �i��c1 t�_`Y' +�li' t:y0 �fdf?11�y !'('SIG�t'nC� '1'Jl!� bE Cr��:tl�d��C'(j hdSeCi 011 t�l� COf�1h111P_Ci '�L;: 0'� ±h�, '!I!"i?c' 10±.`,. � I � / I � � i��[�1 . ��, I . _ ■ L��! �l ���