HomeMy WebLinkAboutLion's Ridge Subdivision Filing 2 Lot G2, G5 & G6 - Briar Patch Condos - Resubdivision of Lots G2, G5 & G6� � T � TITLE_CERTIRICATe ���� � does hereby ,certlfy � , �.,tle [n nll l�nAs ehown upon Chls Pla[ and thxc iitlr tu euch lanAs !s veeted in free and clea.r of aIl ��ens, �a and enc ■Cra�cee, xce t a follo s: -�.- y- - �- �: - ��.`� - -- c �1Jorc�i� �a1 �� �n ! �s� � � � ----- -- -- - - --- ----- ----�------------- --------- !?atr��! th(y ,�v "r - -- C�i�'1�► —A.�. IQRS, � � L ' _ .' + C . � 1 ♦ �/ I � i. _�!�F-: r� � � � . . �_. :� F �. � 0 o ��� / ��� / s � s� O `�'i�. � �� � �/ �^ V'� \ O O� $GALE I�� = 50 LEGEND � FOUND REBAR 8� CAP PE 8� LS N0. 5933 � FOUND REBAR 8� CAP PE a LS NO 5447 SET 18�� LONG N0. 5 • REBAR 8 ALUMINUM CAP PE 8� P�S NO 1683E F-- EXISTING OVERNFAD �'�WER LINES � `\ \ u'�6' �s \ \ 'S�`i', \ �/ // \ s� s , s�, � � � ati ��� �� .� /�� �o � S� � \ � � � S, \ � , �/ s �O , jl,. � RESU6DIVISION OF LOTS G-2 G-5 AND G-6 t � �LION'S RIDGE SU6DIV1 SION FILING N0. 2 i � EAGLE COUIVTY, C OLORADO � � - i51.50' R =1467.40� CN.=N66°49�03��E, 151.43� T = 75. 82' 0=05°54'SS�� N63°51'35��E, 26.07� :f��:���.:,_y� j.;?' f;�,���.. T= 80.��� � �....!�'. . ,�':�.. ( 0 = 44° 52� 16�� L= 152.06� R= 194.16� CH.=N 41°25�25��E,148.20� �., � �T r ^ � �� ., �--�*� 1-<\-,,,� _- �_ ` �` ,,: � '\` � i � l �t��� \, ;, ��, ,L---: 1�''� �� — � ��� ��; J ' 1� �' `t �^ �' , _ � . A \ 1�\�� ` �. ,.— � � '���� �� i � i '�� l �> � ,� J , � , � =;aa -- �-#.._ - , . 1 , __ - _- =_ �_ --�_,: P �-� � . _� -- - T = 7� . 97' �= 0�6°05� 35�� L= 141.80 � R = 1333.51' CH: N 22°02�03��E, 141.74� L= 52.59� R = 1333. 5 I � CH.=N 26°I2�37"E,52.59' T = 26.30� 0 = 02° 15�35�� v�� RE BAR � � � � \ � \ Sq N�S , �.= I 5 4. 6 3� T�/�/� R� 5 0.0 0� �� �� CH.= S°16°00�28���,.99.97� T = 204 I.00� � � � =177°I I'36�� � � � � ,��A 5 =� ' �`. BRASS CAP NORTH I/4 CORNER SECTION 12 T5S,R81W � NORT H LI NE SECT I ON_ 12 W r ••�.— ,• . � O� ._�. . ��' � N2So23, � � \ s� �i � F ��9 2/ , z � CERTITICATE OT TAXES TAID t, t\� •nd�r�iaa�d� do bereEr certify that tAe entire a�ount ot ta��• a�1 a�������at• due and payaEle a• of � 8S a�o■ all parcel• of real e�tate de�cribed on t is plac ere paid !• frll. D�ttd tYis �► _ dar ot . A.D., 1985. T[eaeure o E;+�le G��unty CENERAL NOTES 1. Dat� ot Sucver: Nove�ber 15, 19A5 2. te�th�ark: [op of Northeaet bol[ on Pire Nydrsnt Flanae No. L!!�t -ilevatton � 879�.16 (as showrt) 7. TAis propertr is �uDject to the condoeiniva declaration for �rtac �atcA Condo�inlu�� recorded in 600k,729 at Page SSH ln the tasle C��ntr Clerk and Recorders Office. �. TAis propertr 1� suAject to restrtcctve covenant� recorded in �eok 22S �t Paae 6�3. and snended in Book 225 at page 565, and a�ok 2)� at Page 53 !n the Eagle County Clerk and Recorders 0![ice. S. Lot C-S.Llon's Ridt• Subdivision. Pilins No. 2 is •ubject to a Nol� Cros• Electric Associ�tion. Inc. right-of-vay easement for t►e r1�At to plaee tvo (2) anchors wlth dovn guys not •ore then fortr (4�) feeC Southeasterly of a pole vhich is to be located on tAe Mt�t line of •aid lot approxteately 323 feet South of the Nort\ve�4 Corner of said lot. (Recorded in Book 263, Page 728 in tAe R��le Countr Clerk and Recorder• Offtce.) N�t�: Thit proper[r i• subject to a Holr Cross Electric • A�s�tiatlon. Inc. righ[-oE-v�y ea�e�en[ for a line ex[ending at�os� (he Northwes[ I/� of the Northeast 1/4 of Sece4-o.a,12. TwwsAt� 5 South. Ranse 81 Nest of the 6th P.M. as recorded in the Rasle County Clerk and Recocders Offlce. !n Book 211, PaKe � l0). 6. T1�li propert7 !s �nsject [o an agree�ent to grant ri6ht-of- va� to Mountain States TelepAone and Telegraph' Coopany, ae [�coid�� in Eook 23l a[ Page 291 in the Eagle Cou�y �lerk and Reeor��c's Office. 7. Thl� propec[y ■ar �e subjec[ to an electrical rtght-of-way •a�t�ent as shovn on [he preliminary plan for Brlar Patch at the Tovn o f V a 1 1. a. TM'+is proper[y t� •ubject to a Holy Cros• Eleetrlc A��oti�tton, Ine. underground right-of-vay easement for acceea aeross the proper[y and a 10 foot vide eaaement, [he cen[erline Otlns yower faciltties described in Book 325 ac Page l47 in the [asle Ceantr Clerk and Recorders Office. 9. {�aring� are based on the North property line of Lot C-2, Lioe'• Ridse Subdlvlsion, R111ng No. 2: N8A°17'49"F.. I0. NOTICE: Accocding to Colorado lav you auat cos�ence any le�al sctlon based upon any defect in this aurvey vichin six �ta[• a[ter you flr�[ di�cover such defect. In no event, way any attiss ►ased upon any defect in thi� survey De coaeenced sore th�e te• year• fro■ Che dete of [he certification shovn hereon. N88°17�49"E 230.00� !..'::1L.!: ,'� : t.`'.%, . `.;�.: �?.:!`L��r.. • ..`�'•; ;�t:'.;`�T�-� .-;....?:'':.. SORIETOR'S CERTITICAT6 I. [twt A. [riehn, do herebr certifr that I a■ a reai�ter�d Land i�r���sT 11cen��d uader th� law• of the State of Colorado. that tA!• *1�K i• a trut� corrtct and co�plete Plat of the Brlar Patch Cos�o�i��u�• as lald out. platted. dedlcated and shovn hereon, tA�t sre� Pl�t vas ■ade fro■ an accurate survey of said property ►r �• •nd under ■r •upe[vision •nd correctly shovs the location aw� �i�+ension� of [he lo[�� ea�esents and screets of said •�►�1�l�iioe a• tAt �a�e ar� staked upon che ground !n co�pliance �itA ���lllcable resulatlons aoverning the •uDdivirion of land. I• Yit��ws vhereof I hav• �et ■r hand and •eal this _jgj�1 day of �ER . e.u. i9es. A. KRI � Q ���� � Kent A. Kriehn , P. E. , L. S: � f'ih8'f6 CLERX _ANO R6CORDER'S CERTITICATE �� O S// This plac va� filed for rscord ia the Oftiee ei tAe Cltrk a�! Recorder at _�: zo o'cloek P M 3�/�, 11�f and le duly recorded Sn Book �3�, Page No. � . C rk end ecordet ar� . _ D ty � CtRT2TICAT20� Of M�ICAlIOM if� O�tR�It Know all ■en er these pre�ent� tAat C.V.A.3. D���le pewt Corporation, A Colorado Corporation being sole ovner in f�e simple, aortgagee of lienholder of all that real property si[uated ln Eagle, County, Colorado described as foilovs: Lot• C- ._ 2, C-S, and G-6, Lion's Ridge Subdivislon. Filing No. 2, L�ale Councy. Colorado containing 8.10 ac�es ■ore or le��; have by �hese presents latd out, placced and subdivided the sa�e lato lots and blocka as ahovn on thla finel plat undec the na�e and style of Briar Patch Co�dooiniusa, a subdivl�lon in the Countr of Eagle; and does hereby accep[ the re�poe�ip111ty for tht co�pletlon of required i�prove�ents; and dot• Aer�br I�die�t�� and set apart all of the publlc roads end oth�r puDlle improveaents and placei a� �hown on the acco�pan�in` plat to th• use of the public forever; and doe� hereDy dedicat• thoN por[lons of ssid real propertr which are indicated a• sa�e��at oe the acco�panying plat ae eaae�ento for the purpo�e •hovn h�reoa; and doe• hereby grant the right to install and ■aintain e�c���ary structures to the entlty respon�iple for providins th• •�rvie�� for which the ea�e��nt• are escablished. EXECUTL►D this �3 � dar of ��i�j�QEj� � A.e. tle3. Ovner: C.V.A.S. D�v�lop- � ■ent Cor�oration ° A Colorado Corp. � ! y lil Marsh Road , r Pittsford. NY 1�53� � ��. �,"�, Ovner STATE 0! ' �) couNrY oP���� • --rn The foresoins Certificate of Dedication •nd Ovatr�Aip •a• ackno�,i pd ed before •e thY• 3`�� day of d-��Z�-�- A.D. 1lAS. by " '`�� � �Qe��`-�-� £�E?TY JAiVE SAUER My co�oission explres: , tateofN.Y.,MonroeCo Yitness ■y hand and official seal. `Registrai�on No. 14867 � My Cam, ssion Expires�ch 30, 19,�„ � Notary u ic MortaaEet: Lincoln Rir• �i Ba nk � N. A. ��K �/�. C��,I� � /J,� . . 1 Lincoln Fir�t Square Rochester� NY 14604 �--�H'l/�- �/� • �...�_C-�' ��' Mortgagee or Lienholder f�ew �c�r�� STAT� OT�' ) COUNTY OF�� ) ' �oV\Y'G P_ � The foregoing Certifieete of Dedication and Ownership jva• ecknovledged before se [hls _2� day of �G , . A.D. 1l45. b r /�'I,�,: � !� C�° l/, � My commisston explres: 3- .�D - � 7 Wi[ness sy hand and officlal seal. � , ; :, � :,t � � r � ,:. . , .,. �:�"i �'� ` � ' Y �_ �`_' ,.��_�--, 1`;•':` �:`.1.. ,)�� N ry PuDlic y'�it.��i� , r.� ' . .` �'� _ L,uii:.'t�'; CONMOIIITT DErELOTMENT CER?I�ICATE Pur�eant to the Reale Count7 L�nd Use Rtsdlatlen�, tA� Dir�et�e of Basle Countr Co�sunity Develop�en[ herepr approvt� thi• flsal plat the ��j day of �� � . 198�. � / ,� Direc[or, C m�unity Develop�ent County of Qasle. Colorado STATE OF COLORADO ) > SS COUNTIf OT LACLL ) The [or��oins instru�ent vas �eknovl, day of�m�� . A. � 19d� Dy My Commiss:,,�, �rxptres: � Wit-a�e�s ■y hand end officla .�al. ��':I' ed�sd e� or� tAi• � E.r��c, �'Cr��ir GQ.a-19�1a---�h VOwO,�h . �LANNiNC COMMISSION CL►RTITICATE sssed upon the reviev and reco��endation of the Easle Coswt� Director of Cow�unity Develop�ent. the Pla S Co��ission herter approves this flnal pla[. j 4�► �•••�.i ro, t9. a�O e�. - - +:r�::.�., Planning Commisslon �_ Co�nty af Esgle, Colorado 1 ,� COUNTY CONMIS5ION6R'S CLRTITICAT6 � ��� � Ea�ed upon the rerrlev and reeow�end�tioa ot tht ���1� Cs�sty ''`� Direetor oE Co��unitr Developunt� the �oacd of Corwt� � Co��i�sioners of �gle Couetr Colorado. heresy appro��s tMi• flnal pla[ this `�_, day of ���.4ty ___ . A.D. 19d3, to� filing vith [he Clcsrk and Recordr.r--�of 6agle Coue[r •�! for conveyance to the County of the puDlic d�dications sAow 11�s�i�t suDject to the provi�loa that approv�l in ao vay obll�at�� t�sl� Countr Eor ■aintanance of coads e.ei�,c.a to tA� �u►lic •�til i ' con�truction of i�prov��tnt• th�r�on �hall Aa�• ►�ea oo��l�t�� !• accordance vith Easle Countr •pecificatioa• �w+ th� ���r� •t' Countr Co��i��ioaers of Rasla 'Countr Aa• ►� s s�►���ww�E �� r�solution aare�d to ved�rtak� uintenanc� of tA•��iii�. t�11s •pproval doe� not �uara�te• that tht �i:�. �oil co�SftiN�. �ub�urface s�oloa�. arouad wt�r coaditioe�. or ilo�l�S conditions of any' lot �hova h�r�oa ar� •uch tAat a MilJias per�it. •ev�s� dispo�al p�r�it or aar otA�r r�quli�� ��i�it olll be is�ued. This approv�l is �rith tA• unA�r�tapdi�� t��t �11 expen�e• involving requirad l�pcov��tnt• tor all •tllit� �ervices� paving� gradias� l�ndscapins� eur►�, stitttr�. sidevalks, road lightina� road sisn�. flood p[ettetiew A��ie�s. drainage •tructure's. and all other l�prove��nt• tA�t ��y oe required shall De the te�pon�ibility of [At supdi�id�r awA ��t ; [he Coun[y of Easle. � 4, ! � Chairoan loerd of Couatr Co��issioa�r�� `, Countr of Eagle, Colorado Mttness ■y hand and seal oE tAe Couot . t `1� ATTES lerk to the loa ot Count� Co��i�siow�r• I� '� a � , �. �;� .� � W � � � �.►. i 3 � �� a a � i-- — — — I I � I I I I I � � � � � � � � � — — — — I_ - _ __ _ I ' I \ � I \� � � � � � I � � I I I I �— — — — — V �t,-- � � � � � � g : W t� V � V W N�p = J � F- I ( I in L °' _ . ,--------� � � I � 0 � O � _ --I,\ I �W � �I U N v Cj �I � W S J �I � nF-�. J ��r � O �� �•, � �fl ` 1 � UNIT 3 LOFT I' � I �-- — — — — — — — — — — — —I �n� V tn g W i[� � �jl W = J U �jl / � F- la. J � �— — �—_—_I—/ O UPPER LEVEL 8� GARAGE � � �'� /, '�� � a M I DD LE LEV`� L C � � � �, k�l ., �� ,'. �� � . . �� �. ��. — — — � a ;�,: r,;,l I �� �ila .� ,,, , ��� �_, �.� � -.h � � �� �� : ��;. . F ; ,i, IF .n. � , 0 i '�.t:, :�E ; t • �I � i �; .�, :� � �4 � ( 'o ;� � �� 4� ,{ L�OWER LEVE L � ' ��" ; KK6NA► in�. . `� � ; .� CO'NSULTIN6 EN�I�EElts �ifD ' �� ° i' ,..,w , � LAN 0 SU RV EY'�1!'S� �� ,� � i' Y �� E 1�IAR !AlE�I t7AN00lQliI� �.M . t7AN O! A R,esn�d i�ti s ie�w ai Lst • C-2 , G-3 , 111�i ti-�i � 'F � �'" e � �� :.ioa' a Ridp �fvitiow. 1►i2iw� Ils. 2 Es=2e C�t�, Gol�r�io ;*� , �0. Ma !7 E�w►h C�NesN �It32 il0�1 !�-3iT.1 "` . J08 M0: 8769 SCALE: I= 6 OATE: I I-18 S�ItI�M � � 8357 � 1, � � SECTION A-A UNITS I & 2 A SECTION 6-B UNITS I 8� 2 � 0 I 5 6 10 12 SCALE � I'� = 6� FLOOR ELEVATION TABLE Unit 3 Loft � 8359.4 Upper Levels - 8350.2 Unit 3 Garage - 8349.7 Unit 2 Garage - 8348.5 Unit 1 Garage = 8347.5 Middle Levels - 8341.0 Lover Levela - 8331.8 CEILING ELEVATION TMLE Upper Lev�els - 8358.2 Middle I.evela = 8349.0 Lover I.evels � 8339.8 Garages - 8358.2 8357. 2 A � � � � 8358.0 A A A SECTION C- C UNiT 3 .2' E SECTION D-D UNIT 3 I_l TY P I C AL WA LL SECTI ON S ���- 2� r— � I —�*-I 0. 6 � � � I . � DIMENSIONS TO � I INTERIOR OF WALL � ( � � � L_ TYPE A EXTERIOR WALL � r , � �—o.a' 0.4�-;I � I �E--- 0 . 8 � � ( � ( � � � ( ( I � � DIMENSIONS TO CENTER I � OF PARTY WALL . I � � � � I I I I � I L J TYPE B PARTY WALL _ � I � DIMENSIONS TO I INTERIOR OF WALL I I � I �-- i . o', I I I I _ J TYPE C FOUNDATION WALL --� 0.4� UN IT 3 LOFT DIMENSIONS TO I NTE R I OR OF LOFT UNITS I, 2 8� 3 OPEN AREA SI�E OF WAI.L TY PE D INTERIOR WALL � �: � � �` �) � � � ;, i i'C k �,� � ; '� � yy�: ?IfP: !t, � i, ��!''a ��i �`�� � � .� �� ,, E'� � !, r � �::.., �„ �' � , � � � �'� � ���.� . . ,,, � ';� � ''; �� � p� � �� �II �� , �: �, �, .� ���