HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Intermountain Development Subdivision Block 6 Lot 17m�"-i�- .. � .._. �' � � 0 n . _a�a�� � ��oo °°o�a-o .� . a�0o� � �r��� �oo�.'� � ww�._ l�l �urnw .Itoa ro I VICINITY MAP FOUNO REBAR � Q, _._ - _�. • ,� � -. ( , ! ,�. � ,� . �ac"o�'i,�, •�•; . � �, • � , i��.:' � `• %;:.,,, :�:: _� ' �%-�! y..woa��' 1 ,' • �' wy" ,.- f. •.�''1, - ,, `�, �, �'`; .�, : :��: �i eaS ;wo,t , ...... ,..� '�'��.j- i• ' i1:- �`�•�'A•� ,� w�.� : J�"'`1 ,,, ,; �,,.� ��' . `�. ,r_ ^ \Y,�. - ;..-1_ b�� � �. .'.�-�1 � . �... � � 10 --�5 SCALE � I" = 10� ` FOUND REBAR 8i CAP � P.E.L.S. N0.5933 CENERAL NOTES l. Da[e of Survey: Sep[ember 17, 1986 2. Basis of Bearing: East line of Lot 17, S44°19'41"E. 3. S[ree[ address is 2945 Basingdale Boulevard. 4. By virtue of [his subdivision� the [wo (2) lo[s or parcels created hereby will no[ comply with legal lot requirements for construction of a single family residence, and therefore, no building permit shall be gran[ed by the County of Eagle for such a structure to be constructed on the subject lot. The construction of only one (1) 2-family residence shall be permi[ted on the combined areas of the two (2) lots created by this subdivision plat. 5. These lo[s shall not be subject to time sharing. 6. NOTICE: According to Colorado law you must commence any legal action based upon defec[ in this survey within six years after you first discover such defec[. In no event, may any action based upon defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the da[e of the certification shown hereon. � / � OP,� � DUPLEX PLr4T LOT 17A AND LOT 176 , 6LOCK 6 VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN DEVELOPMENT SU6DIVISION EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO COUNTY COMMISSIONER'S CE�TI!'ICATE Based upon the review and recoesendation oE the Eagle Cou�ty Director of Community Development, th! Board of County Commissioners of Bagle County, Colocado� hereby approvea this final plat this �� day of � W_, A.D. 1986, for filing wi[h the Clerk and Recocder, o Eagle Coun[y and for conveyance to the Coun[y of the public dediestions ahovn hereon; subject to the proviaion that approval tn na vay obligatea Eagle County for maintenance of roads dedicated to [he public until construction oE iaprovements thereon ahall heve been completed in accordance with Eagle County •pecifications and the Board of County Commissionera of Eagle Countr h�s by a subsequen[ resolution agreed� [o undertake e�aintenance of the sa�e. This approval does not guarantee that the s9Lze, soil condi[ions, subsurface geology, ground va[er conditions, or flooding� conditions of any lot ehovn hereon act auch that a building permit, sewage disposal permit or any otfiec irequired permi[ vill be issued. This approval is vith the sriderstanding tha[ all expenses involving required iaprove�ent• for all u[ility services, paving, gradin�, landseapin�d curbs, gutters, sidewalks, road lighting. road sisns, flood protection devices, drainage struc[ures, and all othec i�pt�vesents [hat say be required shall be the responsibilitr of tlMt aubdivider and not [he County of Eagle. , tne � Chairvan Eoard of Countp Commisaioners Coun[y of Eaale, Colorado , nd seal of the Countr oi E��le . ,�, ATTEST: C rk tp the Board of r C unty Coe�missioners PLANNING COMMISSION CERTtEI'�ATE sed upon the review and recoet�endattotn of the Eagle Coun[y rector of Community Development, the Plann�ng Commiasion hereby proves this final plat. � / �G�P�e�e9� P � �o/r5��6 Chair4an, Plaaning Commission Countr of Easle, Colorado �;,, CERTITICATE 0� TAxES �A'I'D I, the underai�gned, do hereby certify tAat tAe entire a�ount of the [axes due and payable as of //�p'� upon all parcels of real eatate deacribed on this plat are paid in full. Dated this /jj � day of ��►14�a.t 1� , A.D. , 1986. ?reas r of i gle o�=/`"'7 �7 � CLERIC AIID RECOZDE�•S Ctt?21"�'iCA E 3(�7C��]'3 This plat vaa filed for record in the Ofiice of the Clerk and Recorder at 3; Oy o' clock �M �I�I�ycmbe� � 1986 and is duly recorded in Book y 51 , Paae No. '�5 . . � pQ,�s �. 3N?-[7� o�.�s� erk and Record � ySl 13 !o � •e a� _ f _ � Deput� 0 _�-__�a'. . _...,F.,... .... .. ___._.__—_.__ _...__'_....� �,_ i�. . ..1. .__'_"___'__.._... ,. .. „�,,..,�,r __: CERTItI�ATI0l1 0! DEDICATIOII •tID O�IERSIII! Know all men by th�se presents that Michael L. Los�aew tt� Tt+�' " Fischer being sole ovners in fee sisple oi all that t�al 'r�}ttrt� situated in Eagle, County, Colorado de�crib�d a• foll�w*t �.�t li,� Block 6, Vail Inter�ountain Develop�ent Sasdi�i�io• eNrtttfrl� !' 0.260 acres ■ore or leas; ha�e by thtse prettwts lai� w�,� ' platted and aubdivided the sa�e into lots and blocks as •Me�rw � thia final plat under the na�e and �t�le of Lot 17♦ a�� Lst 17�� Block 6, Vail Intermountain Develop�ent S�tbdi�i�ie�, r subdivision in the County of Eagle; and does hereb� acc��t tll• responaibility for the co�pletion of requir�d i��re�et�twts; ��Mi1` does hereby dedicate those portions of said r�al trs*�tt� AilM are indicated aa ease�ent on the acco�pan�rins plat a• tttf��M for the purpoae shoWn hereon; and does hereb� srant th� sis�t tir install and sain[ain necessar�► structures to th� •�titt} responaible for providing the service• for nhich th� ea�tt�fnft� are establiahed. , EXECUTED this 8�j day of ��"�'r��-r , A.D. 1956. I' OWNER: Michael L. Logsdon , �C 11625 Donley Drive Parker, CO 80134 STATE OF COLORADO ) � ' � )SS � ` COUNTY 0F �i49�'�' ) ���4s � I The foregoing CertiEica[e of Dedication end Oan�rsAip �r�l• acknowledged before ae this p1�'ij day of �a,�, , A.D. 1lSi, b Y %%�e./�..� � /�'.�-�s. �+- Ny comoission expires: /,�-p-�r� � Witneas my hand and official seal. , 0 W N E R: F r e d F i s c h e r %�� i���7 �..Z�U%� i���il/ � � 5205 W. Manafield ' Denver, CO 80235 � STATE OF COLORADO ) �,�!* ) S S ��; COUNTY OP'�Gttt- ) � p e w S/•. The foregoing CertiEicate of Dedication and OMe�tf�i* �yli� ackno � dged before ■e this � day of el•t.rf�,r � A.O. ll��'� `� b y �i�,ti..�t.. � ��,r(a� i� !ly commission expires: /�. �. �p ilitnesa sy hand and official seal. . � � � otarr Publi 3 I�" COMltUNITY DL�VELOtMEI/? C�R?I�ICATE , Pursuan[ to the Eagle Count� Land Ote Reaulatioa�, th� iilt�t of Eagle Count Con�eunity Develop�ent hereb� appror�• tAi• ii�il !t plat the �� day of OG7��E�- . 19a6. i '�' gf� ' ��� �, Director, Co��uaitr D��• �eat f County of Eaale� Colera�s � STATE OP COLORADO ) ) SS COUNTY OF EAGLE ) The fore oin instrusent Mas ackno�l S�d bet day of , A.D.� 1 d6, e� , My Commission expires: ' rf�Cj�QQ Witneaa sy hand and offi i 1 seal. Notary Public TITLE CERTIlICATE ! r t��l'�" �, . �//�ll/ . . .�„ ,� ��, f _�. �: , �i . , ��! � ,.� '1� IIw.. ° �. 'Y,� Land Title Cuaran[ee Cospanr does hereD� c�rtity t'M�t '� exauined the Title to all lands •ho�ra �poa tAi• llat �N ���' Title to such lands ia vested ie free and cl�ar oi •11 1lf1N f� i'•;' encumbrances, except as folloMS: None ��: Dated this 16th dar of Septe�ber A.D. 1lA6. ''I'� ,. � �;� � : i t Z� C u a r a � t C�r��+�l ��„R �rl�,� ', , . ; r �, �� � �: �' "�;- ' � � : T I.l. h . `!p'r... � -,� Arle�n L. oet �� .,�. � As�istaut ��t �, :;;:. , � .:� � \��, � ��i`: ., .. . , , _ __w,�,. . �F ���� #: aon►sto�e�: csss2rte�ts �'�� � „ �:�. I, Kent A. 1Criehn� do hereA� ctrtii� tAat I a� a[i�t!liT� Surveyor licensed ander the la�rs oi tAe ftat� •i �Zttii�� "'�I chia plat is a true, corr�ct and cos}l�t• llat ei t wi l,�i Lot 17a, Dlock 6, Vail Iat�r�oasta!■ p���le*w�t t ''� "�°- laid out, platted. dedicated and showa Attee�, tlst ltit �` sa de fro■ an accurate •ur�e� o! •ai� tref�rt� h N�i supervision and correctl� •Ao�es th� l�eati�� �N � -�^� the lots, ease�ent� and •tr��t• ot •ai� t�Ni�itlMl ar� `n� i are staked upon the aroand ia eepliswe• •i�� f}�� reaulations �o��rnie� the •�►di�i�lAt •i law�. � �� �.�..�I' In fiita��s Mhereoi I ha�• •�t �y baa� aR� •�al t�i• �_� +I� �c�o�P.A . A.D. 1la6. � .....�. I� � � � . I� , Y 1Cent ♦. [riiba, 3�s�� L.#�.. j{w��„ , w ' . + � �;- . KK�N�► incw • •. I ,� � C��� �0 . u►NO s v �cv��ro�ea . NITL� �'L�"t L!f't i i•� LIt t 1'� � Ms fif p�� ON�M �MW! � �i■ � 7. a � �» ;; ���� � -:� :' � ;� ,. �. '� �i � � _;,;. �-' �IY y , �� �'1!',': ; . ��� � � ,� i � � ' 7` �,!- , �� ,� �� . . � � , ,�.