HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Intermountain Development Subdivision Block 10 Lot 02'� :/ . f ,".,� . 3 i' � � ,C , � . �� � ' ; _ , �, ;i'�,: :i/ '' ,,%_ ( l�lj^1�. J r' e � , 9 CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION_AND OWNERSHIP - Know all men by these presents tha�t James 8oulter, Dorothy t. Houlte�, Gary D. Kvamme, Ro�e L. Kvamme, Robert W. Eddy, Carol L. Eddy, and Mary L. Conner being sole ewners in fee simple, and The Empire Savings, Building and Loan Association and Majestic Savings and Loan Association as mortgaqees of all that real property situated in Eagle County, Colorado, described as follows: Lot 2, Plock 10, Vail Intermountain Development Subdivision , accordin�g to the map thereof recorded in the office of the Eaqle County, Colorado. Clerk and Recorder, containing t�.2�0 acres, more or less. have by these pres�nts laid out, platted a�nd subdivided the same into parcels as shown on this final plat under the name and style of "A Resubdi vi si on of Lot 2, B1 ock 10, Vai 1 Intermountai n Devel opment Subdivision" a subdfvision in the County of Eagle; and doea hereby dedicate and set apart all of the public,road8 and other public in�provements and places a�s shown on the accompanying plat to th� use o�f the public forever� and does hereby dedicate those po�tionz of said rea�l property which are indicated as ea�ement on the accompanying plat as ea�ements for the purpose shown hereon; and does hereby grant the right to install and maintain necessary structures to the entity responsible for providing the service� for which the easements are established; and the owners do hereby accept the responsibility for the completion of required improvements,and the mortgagee or lienholder does hereby consent;to such accepta►nce by the owner. Executed thi s_�Q� day of ___�/�,,.(�rCH _____, A. D. , 199� . S: s.�e?t�t� • ------------ -�--- -�- - -- - ------------- • mes Boulter porothy . 8oulter 6� 1 R sewood Dr i ve Color do rings. CO �0918 - --- -- -------------------- � ry D. Kvamme Ros L. Kv�mme \ 9799 itman Way Westministera CO 90030 � ______ _��_� �____ _________________ Robert . Eddy Carol L. Eddy !07 Manhatten D iv . Bou der. CO 3 � -- --- --- -- •-------- r L. Conner 5432 Wh te Place . Houlder. CO 80303 STATE OF C�B�S;2�r-�'1_---- ) )ss. COUNTY OF �� � ______> The f re oi nq i n�trument was ac knowl edqed bef ore me th i s _„�� da�y of __���,__________, A.D., 198 � by Jame� 8oulter and Dorothy L. 6oulter. MY commi ssi on expi res: Kr��'��___. - -- Wi tness mv hand and seal . ��.�G� ��'�C�LQ_ -- -- --------------- Notary b ic ����� ---��1�- --i�:Grd'2s--�'�---------- ----C-ve-��---�-�°--� - -�� _�'��D�-- ���� . STATE � _ �U,�L��__ ) � ----_)ss. COIINTY _--- Th , or goi ng i ns ument was acknowl edg�d bef ore �e thi s_�� da�y o# __����___---+ A. D. , 198 � by Oarv D. ICvamn�e and Rose L. Kva�e�. My conNni ssi on expi res: �����__ Witness my hand and sea�l. ' � ��• � �� i � a � ( • � v�+ ' i � �� �� �, �! � , �r � � � ��� , ' � ' , i ��� , STATE OF __ ______> )ss. COUNTY OF _ _ _ _____) The reqoi instrument was ac �nowl edged before me thf s�1,�"'�= daty of ___� / _____, A.D., 198 � by Robert W. Eddy And Carol L. Eddy. My commi ssi on expi res: __,�1�Lq0___ Witness mv hand and seal. � 6�'1X�- �_�11 �----------�-- � 1 ... ,..,. --� 7s-�s�c��� �,ua.a�� .� _ .. .. �..� _,�" � .: � , � ,��. � — --�-- --�1�� ------- v : ����. � � �� ' lj . G ^ �; r .�� ✓� � F ,,;'. • . . J ' "' , . , , - • ,, . .� . - _ _� . -. �� � �/ � �' ar'= : ._ — � _ � . � � ,�""` �' ,, _ : . r _. � �- , n� . - - �. . � - � � .� : - ._ ,i . `-�... �7 i. �i , r .. � � . � _ ;-: � rJ � �� _�� � .. ,s . �.� � ` �- �'y,�'� ; S7 �-,� . . ,,� � �,�.. , . . . EAGLE VALLEY ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING INC., +��53 SOUTH I�RONTAGE ROAD WEST, VAIL� COLOF�'i��+C1 81657 .� . _ ,� r , ix, . _ __- _ __ _ __ _.___T . , , ��,�� ' � i � � � EAGLE COUN1`Y , COLO� ADO SHEET I OF 2 �TATE OF � -------___ � ) ss. COUNTY OF ����--- ) The f reqoi g instrument was a nowledged before me this _�� = day of ___, A.D., 198� by Mary L. Conner. My commi ssi on expi res: _'��,�1'��� ____ Witness my hand and seal.� ^ _ � � MORTGAGEE: Nota P' lic -.�-�.� � �� _-�,.��--t.u.�-� =-- 1.-�X1.-���--------- � The Empire Savings, Puilding and Loan Assoc i at i on ----------------------�-------------- __�� _��_ ey: _ _ ► �TATE OR' Go1�pg�,i2� _----- � . ) ss. COt��RY OF _D�N�I�L ------ � Th� for�goirtq irt3tru�nant wa�s acknoNledga�d before we this �,oT� __ aay o� --����-------------� A. D. , 198]_ by _�flZ� ��jR i,��L4L��i,.�---------------- as __��� �_�1,�;T ____ of The Empi re Savi ngs, Bui 1 di ng a�nd --------------- L.oan As�oci ati o�. My con+�+i ssi on expi res: _���,��� _____• Wi tness �ny hand a�nd aeal . -�=- �------------------- Notary �blic ----��°S�`_l�lu_rOF��;%{_ 57=---------------- ----�Er� 1%�r2,� Cc�_�?��---------------- MORT6At3EE: Ma► j est i c savi n •nd Lo� , A�soc i at i on � Y1 ��/0. ,�Or ��- �v `'�gs C�'Yld'. C� _LUQ:t%� _,���X- � C��� o �------------- ------------------------------------ B J • ����i! ��� ����_��� ' • � STATE OF �-t?�dYQ�O_____ > �^�_ )55. COUNTY OF _!��\�lE'X.______) Th foregoing instrument was acknowled ed before ine this ��� day of .. _ �r� --- --- A. n. , iqe.��lby _ aL� �__ �r►�e�----------- .� _��,i��,�_Vi Ce _�re���� C�e�1�"__ of Ma j est i c Savi ngs and 4oan Assoc i at i on � n% 1L �0. �p � ld �a v' � v��5 0� r�C� L c�a � {�sS� c� 0.�i 0� My conNni ssi on expi re:: MY CQMMISSION EXPIRES SEP?. �. �� Mi tness �ny ha�nd dnd seal . �0�-�Q L- � -- - - --------- Notarv Public O�P'����'�B��C c�1 � G �,,f --------s�---- ��--����� __�� ---- . t NEATNERS. ._ ----��`��-- C=�?-- gc�a� I-------- i,, n _ . _ _. ,_ _ i _ __ _ __ _— � COUNTY COMPf T� I OIVER' S CERT I F I CATE 8�sed upon tht revi ew and� reco�nmendat i o� of -the E�ql e County Di rettor of Conin+uni ty Devel opment, the No�rd of County Comn+i ssi oners of Eagl e County Colorado, hereby approves this fina�l plat this _�__ day of __, A. D. , 198�, for f i 1 i ng wi th the C1 erk �nd Record of Eagle County and for conveyance to the County of the public dedications shown hereon; subject to the provision that approval in no way obligates Eagle County for mrintenance of roads dedicated to the public �lntil construction of imp�ovements thereon ahall have been tompleted in accordance with Eaqle County �specifications and the Poard of County Commissioners of Eagle County has by a�ubsequent resolution agreed to unde�take maintenance of the same. This approval does not guara�ntee that the size, soil conditions, subsu�face geology, ground water conditions, or flooding conditions of any lot shown hereon are such that a building permit, sewage disposal permit or any other required permit will be issu�d. This approval is with the understanding that all expenses involving required improvements f or all utility services, paving, qrading, landsc�ping, curbs, gutters, sidewalka, road lighting, road signs, flood protection devic drdinage structurea, and all other improvement5 that may be re ired hr�ll be the r�spon�ibility of the subdivider and no the Co nty of Eagle. C ai an Hoard of Cou ty i ners County �f Eaqle. Col r o Wi tnes_s�`'�ny hand and seal of the County of Eaq . � Y ATTEST: ------------- ------ rk to t� Btoard of Cou ty � ' Comn�i ssi on rs PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATE Hased upon the review and recommendation of the Eaqle County Director of Community Develapment, the Planning Comnmissio� hereby approves this final plat. 3� ��g r � � .���� ____________ . �!� - --- -- Chairman, Planning Commission County of Eagl e, Col or�do � � COMMIUNITY DEVELOPMENT CERTIFICATE Fursuant to the Eaql� Countv Land Use Requlations. th� Director o# Eaqle County Community Development hereby a�pproves this fina�l plat the ,.�Q� day of ��i��--------------+ A. D. , 19A__. e��l_-1�!`�-- - e�e� Dir�ctor, Can�unity Dev�lo nt County o4 Eaqirt� Colorado sTA� oF ca.oRano� > ss. COIJNTY OF EAI�I..E ) The f eqoi instruinent was acknowl�edg�d before � t i� �Q�h day of ----��-C�-------+ A. D. , 198�� bY_.sS�S�l'1_C1'__l�—'-_J.hrc-------- My co�+i ssi on expi res: _� =g' g� _. Mi tness n�y hand and ��al . _ � -- r • -------- Notary Fubl i cJ,�_���!�''� LZ_� � Address: N ____ _ � - --�--�-��--•-�1� �.1_ la����_ �'�"� CERTIFICATE OF TAXES PAID TITLE CERTIFICATE • I, the und�rsiqned, do hereby certify that the entire a�mount of taxes a�nd a�ses5ments due and payable as of ,_/ _�� _________________________ First Title of Colorado. Inc. doe� herebv c�rtify that it ha�s txa�ined upon all parcels of real estate d��cribed on this plat a�re paid in the Ti t 1 e to al l 1 a{���d�s shown upo� thi s P1 at and that Ti t 1 e to such �, # ^,�. �, �/VQM�ry�. � pse �., ful l. l ands i s vested i n u.11-er ��Y' �' �. ner, free �0�` y� � �A. D. . 198�� �.�Y�� �-----------Q�-.�-_�4.4��'� m--`��--=� -- �i,��Y1n'1e. a.nci �ober�. 1�V. Dated t�hi s-'�-- day of __!-�-1�� • Gd clea�r of al 1 iens, taxe� a�nd encu�nbra►nces, �xc�pt a� fol oas: � ! , ;11�►.4� T'ru s� � r �i�efi�-t_�_� n%� i r� ��U► i _n_o��.��'.t�.� � �it,.i'iu�.r� �� ��Ci � G�nd Cel.ral �. . �,dd �/. _L�iZ��.n._ .�i �� �� � �a� � � � _ ��w±'�Y��. �-� ;,--�-K�,► � ---- _ �� - -- :y� K� Y�.�O� 90 �' �,7 �C_��� C�T �J���L -- Treasurer of Eaqle County 9J�_L.---------� -�! =-. ���iC�Cg-�� tn_�.:5��.�4i�!�4.+_ ���_�.n. �c�1.�.3_�� ��sve��L�C�-- _r��.�._►�� �-�_��1��_�.��. a±�?� 9.7���9�►�.-����-Q.��---- n _1� �tr'QiS,_;�2�_�--?= � ���----------------------------------------- CLERK AND �ECDFDEF' S CEFTIFICATE � 5�p ,2 %,� --------------------- ------------------------------------------------ First Title of Colorado. Inc This F'lat was filed for record in the office of th� Clerk_and_Recorder � at ��20 o'clock �? M, _mQ�i��. 30 - P. 0. Box 5160 198 ''L, and i s dul y recorded i n PooE: _�,b_, P�qe No. ��__. Avon. CO 81620 �y � - - -- ------- �t � S 3 5 (o Z 4 � GEN�Z �YIC-�a� ----_ - ----- erk and Fecorder 3��3���t , �3 k'� �� y; _ -------------------- 'pg (�i�, Deputy ; ! � ��. If97 �� �� P w\��� �\v .� O �O• Py ��G �� / R= IZ4G.00� SET PIN 9 CAP / o= 03 ° 51' 26 �� �.s. �se2� � L=83.88� � T = 41.96 � � , �, s �,! CH=N 58°14 17 E F / 83.87 � � /� `��', �� � S SET PIN 8 CAP L.S.16827 �� _ _ ----- --------...�� :� ,�, ,,� , , i �� � �,�� ': � , i EAGLE COUNTY , COLORADO SHEET 2 0 F 2 �, y\�. ��,� LOT � / / � t� � 'o . �, / \ \ �Q �o � / FS as, �. � � � � / � / `� '� \ � � F / � EASEMENT UTILITY a DRAINAGE � (BOOK 285,PAGE 294 ) pARCEL B� 1\ EASEMENT �� tiF PARCEL A �F,�, o.iii9 �ac. \�y Y�_ /� Oo 00 0.I379 AC./ � \ � �6' . � \ \ , � �S , / / ^\ � �� � � - \ s � ' s� �L i�n . `�� � \ � � � \ \ °' \ ` s. � � X � �� � i `�-- ` � � / , F � \ / � \ � � � / \ ��!� � � � �SET PIN A CAP \ PARTYYrALL �� /� � \ L.S. 16827 �� , � \ \ OUTL NE � ��� 2� �v T 3 � � � \ �� ,� 'o. 1`�' �� LO � 1. � i � ��� � � ,. �► � , \ • �, � / � ��o \ ��� �\ � O� 30� STREAM SET BACK \�� �po� �g2 � � EASEMENT o• � � NO PIN SET �'V SET WITNESS CORNER L.S. 16827 R = 15.00 � o = 33° 33 � 26'� L=8.79� T = 4. 52 � CH = S 69 ° 28 � 30 �� W 8.66 � r : . .,. � r. ' , � . ', - .. ' . �....� . _ ., ... • . . ��� .. . . . .-. - . . r. VICINITY MAP NO SCALE ti . . . °.�..f_.. +( C � ;.�� �.;, ;� EAGLE VALLEY ENGINEERING ANO SURVEYING INC., 953 SOUTH FRONTAG E ROAD WEST , VAIL, COLORADO 81657 .l �o \ � ;z _ _ -- �, -. - � . _ � � SU�iVEYORS°S CERTIFICATE I, Danni e Corcoran, do her�by c,ert�''�f y that I am a regi �tered Land Surveyor licensed undrr the laws o!1� the State of Colorado, that this pl at i s a true, correct and c�rl�le F1 at of "A Resubdi vi sir�►n of Lot 2, 81 ock 10, Vai 1 Inter�nountain ��i�pn�ent Subdi vi �i on", �s 1 ai d out, platt�d, dedicated and shoMn hlrr�eol�:, that such Plat was made from an accurate survey of said prop�rfy�b�<n� and under my supervision and correct 1 y shaws the 1 ocati on� .�*rd d!"'imensi ons of the 1 ots, easements and streets of sai d subdi vi si oe�� ais t#���:°�5a�ne are staked upon the around i n compliance with applicable �i�gul�rt�ons governing the subdivision of l and. ,. � In wit���thereof I hava � �d� and seal this _�3�_ day of �i ----------�-----'---------' � �� •.,`�, ,Q'�. . ��OQ' ��G15TEIPFO �. i? ": ; .. . ;�a . �M, - � 1V�2! . � - �2- - ! -�--..�--- -------------- � :* D�dR'�� Corcoran ? d�� cfl�i-rdo P. L. S. No. 1 bA27 .,�, p�.«q. .,,���� c�����.,,,. �� � .�- .... . ':_� � � CURV E DATA I. R= 1246. 00 � �= 01 ° 55 �43 �� L= 41.94 � T= 20. 97 � �� _�+�'���' 08 "E � 41. 94 � 2. R= 1246. 00� o= 01 ° 55�43�� L= 4I.94� T= 20.9T� CH = N'�T•1'�6 � 25�� E� 4I.94� . �; - 0 10 � 20� 40' 60 � SCALE I �� = 20� ) NOTES� I. DATE OF SURV EY � JA�NUARY � 1987 2. BEARINGS BASED ON �A LINE COwNECTING THE MO'�T SOUTHERLY CORNER OF LOT II , BLK. 10 ( MARKEO BY A PIN 8r CAP L.S: 5447) AND THE MOST EASTER LY CORNER OF LOT 7, BLK. 10 ( IwAftKEO �Y A P IN a CAP L.S. 5447 ) BEING S 27 ° 37 �22 �� W� 256. 47'. THE MOST EASTERLY CORNER OF �OT 2 LIES N 39°07�07'� W, 172.96 � FRO M SAI D EA-STE R LY CORNER OF LOT 7. 3.MONUMENTATION AS INDICATED. 4. STREET ADDRESS� 3115 BELLFLOWER DRIVE NOTICE: According to Colorado laa �on �t �ce any legal action based upon anq defect in thia snrvep �►tthin stac �trs after you first discover such defect. In no event, �ay au� actioa��ased upon any defect in this survey be co�enced more than ten yeara from the date of the certification sho�m hereon. --e � f � �, ; �' �i � � 13