HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Potato Patch Block 1 Lot 19i 5 MORTGAGEE: MORTGAGEE: , Vail National 8ank Box 2638 Vail, CO 81658 �,,_ �Q=�� �1��--------------- L s Di 1 on Senior Vice-Fresident First National Eant; of Vail 2111 N. Frontaqe F:oad West Vail. CO 81657 • G������ . �� �2�_r HY' - ------�--� - --- ---------- - Ri ch�rd J. F'e r s�n � Fresi dent and' C. E. O'. � 1 STATc O� _C_.IC����C_��,____ _ � �ss. CV�_�MTY C�F -�'1C,�-� '-----�--' ThY� for��02f1p in�trument v,as acknaa�ledoed Gef�re n� `hi= � d�.v o+ _ �__,_ _ _�-+�'�,lEy�_ ______ ____ _. H. D. . 1°S" � by Li sa Li 1 1 on as =en i or Vi ce- Frorider�t of ':ai1 �Iational ��r,E . M commi ssi �n ex i res: ��� Y P �� _�'�_ _! =--- Witness mv hand and s_al. _ ��w ��1�_ ���=�-�, ------�-------- h1���vC"'�blic � ---- - 1 -�--` �------------- ------. _ --�-���--� �L�� � ------------------ I FND. V.A. S 88°31�45"E PIN 8 CAP � ' TOWN OF VAIL , EAGLE COUNTY , COLORA�DO STATE OF _�C_���_� � ___ 1 )55. COUNTY OF __����_�_) The foreqoi nq i nstrument was ack.noa�l edqed be�ore me thi �_?� c� _ day of ---��. '� . A. D. . 198_� Iby Ri chard J. Fetaer=_on as F're=_i dent =---j `=-------- and C. E. O. of Fi rst , Na*_ i ona? Bank of Vai 2. My commi ssi on ex pi res: ___._______. Witness my hand and seal. ( � � � k -----� -- - ------------------- Notary F•� 1 ic --�--- -------- ------ , - '-��------- LOT �0 \ � 233.42' ' _ 20' � - N 63 °se � �m� � E o °� 44 �'w �' o2g\� s 98�3�'a5" E s�.7�' I- � .• f� �O ��'•. N6� 17. 96' 49. 75. S s a� �y �.� �, � e o >3 0 20 / i'� `r, \y 6 /'_' — — — — — — — — — — — — — —� 2� 3� 4S •. 3 � 39 � N6\ �Z�%/ � �/� w \\i' F ;� i � � - .. y / � N \ � ^� 0�0 , � �� \ o O 0. �� .� `%• � l y 10� ��� ��s• pi,P;\ Z�—CENTERLINE OF PARTY WALL \� /2 S`�6o TRACT B � �- — — qs , 3� , N 6�02� `�Qc�O �� BUILDING OUTLINE .� j/� --- — — --_._ _�\ � 4S •� � / � � 20 DRAINAGE AND w y \ �- \ I 3 UTILITY EASEMENT � `'mo `�'� \ ^ // ; I i� Y' � COMMON PARCEL �:�'�s, ���� v WEST PARCEL o"o EAST PARCEL ��__ j� o r n 0. 2 9 4 8 A C. s; 0. 0 9 5 4 AC. a N 0.1041 AC. o N � � O cn 67 70. 67 � Z TS.00' 69 • ' _�'� „ N 88'O 31' 45 " W I 45. 67 � NTy�59�33 E FND. V.A. / PIN 8 CAP R= 718.58 � o= 08°I I' 16 �� L= 102.69� � T= 51.43� CH= S 87°45�13"E 102.60� �\ �'OT� r u i.e Y . = �� VICIN ITY MAP ���� � ; . � „a . .. ���� .: �::: ��. � � �� �� �s� �� �� � -.� �esbas 1 � ^� (I��� r �P",*,.7!�'!�'!� � ���� � �� , ��� � ,� � ,-r ��.•f`� r���. � .. .�e. `r���s�� NM1iffE � N � ,-� � ve�� _. I��,�as_ � SL S P23 06AP� S 83°39'35"E P�T� T� PAT �H �R��E �. . . i40') 0 10� 20� 40� 60� SCALE I " = 20' EAGLE VALLEY ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING INC., 953 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD WEST , VAIL , COLORADO 81657 SET PIN BCAP L.S. 23506 T�TI.E ' �X1� CERT I F I CATE sTEWALT Tr rLE o1� EAG[.E COGruf lC�iiP��k�±44�t�9�t.��i��does hereby cert i f y tha t the t i t 1 e to al 1 lands shown upon this final plat have been exa�nined and is vested in Q2�ei�ae_( Lt.��,�-bCLc/j; klctndo�oh_Schc��r�r-he!- �,¢ �v!i�_�'�bs.4.�_c�r------- and that title to such lands is free and clear of all liens and encumbrances. eHCept as follows: OG4,�Lr�f 1��.� !n l�oo(r 93�.f%�9�t 27a�_ _ �PeSfr� c_'�'!'�_ �p✓t�sw�f� Yttcrdre� rn _BcYak Z33 C�.t Rsg� %2� Q.K� �� •Z�/ QF /_d_�e 450� - 4eeq�D{T��t_yb_Firs}�y�,fi�,N4c_Bd!��_ez{va�/ reso�s��� Bne�_atL2 �--R�.- i�' --- De%�!t���,st ?`�.l�iL A%af�o�iAC_�n�� riec�v�da_el_�'n �k__��!�_ �_$�$; �N A _D�� o{ ?Fs�s? ?b_ l�L 1��ay�tc� �N� J�cQrd�r� �__� Q�'� c�.� _�g� G 3��v-- .YE-►'�.c.Q���_cr-L_�!E_ �fs� !� 1_�?�0 95G ---------------�--------------------- Dated thi s�� dav of _____i/C.f1'-«�-------� A. D. , 198� . 4�w � d �; �r�e. ,c 6a t� e«,��uf F'.O. Pox � IL4.8 Vail. CO 81658 � � `�� �Y: _ -- — -------------- (Siqnatu ) ��NO!/ _NVsi�1��__��EJ_A���°�S; (F'rin� name a�nd title) � ELECTRIC UTILITY EASEMENT SET PIN 8 CAP LS 16827 R =66.94� o = 30°52 �24 �� L = 36.07' T= 18.48� CH = N 15° 33 �24�� W 35.64� SET PIN 8� CAP L.S. 1682T N O � O � M p 0 z FND. VAIL ASSOC. ( V.A. ) PIN 9 CAP R = 24.66 � o= 96°27�38 �� L = 41.51' T=27.61� CH=N48°06�36��E 36.78 � ; � SU�VEYOFS'S CERTIFICATE ' I do hereby certify that I am a registered Land SurveYa li�cenSed under the laws of the State of Colorado, that this pla�t is true, correct and complete as laid out, platted, dedicrted and shown hereo�, that such plat was made from an accurate survey of said property by n�e and under n�y supervi si on and correct 1 y shows the 1 ocat i on and di n+ensi ons of the lots, eaeements �nd streets of sabd s��bdivi�ion a�s the sa�� are 5taked upon the ground in Compliance Hitli applicable regulations governing the subdi vi si on of 1 and. „� ��F, In wi ness thereof I have set mv hand and seal this _'���f�,_;'�d�'y of 4 ---- !�--------------� a. D. , i�a1 �� , / � ' � _ r'' - ----- -?�-�------s=- ----- L e a n d J. e c i�e�?� -:- Col orado . L. S. Nb:�. 23�6"� N OT ES . � ���` I. DATE OF SURVEY � FEBRUARY , 1987 2. BEARINGS BASED ON THE WESTERLY LINE OF LOT 19 BEING S 02° 34� 17 �� E. 3. MONUMENTATION AS INDICATED. 4. STREET AODRESS : 775 POTATO PATCH DRIVE PLA�T RESTF:I CT I ON Fo� zoninq purposes. the three parcels created by this resubdivision are to be treated as one entitv with no more than one two-familv residence allowed on the combined area of the three parcels. Allowable qross residential floor area for the two-family residence will be calcu:lated ba�ed on the combined area of the three parcels.� � .. 0 :..-� -� ��-- -� f i ' - CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION AND OWNERSHIP Know all men by these presents that Michael Laute�bach, J. Randolph Schumacher and k:evin Schumacher, being sole owners in fee simple and Vail National Ban�: and First National E�ank of Vail at� mortg�gees of all that real property situated in the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Cal orado, descr i bed as f ol 1 ows: Lot !9. E+lock 1, Vail/F�otato F��tch according to the map thereof reco�ded in the office of th� Eagle County, Colorado, C1erF: and Recorder, containing 4.494 acres. more or less. have by thes� presents laid out, platted and subdivided the same into parcels �s shown on this final plat under the name and style of "A Resubdi vi si on of Lot 19, E1 ocE: 1. V�i 1/Fotato F'atch" a subdi vi sion i n the Town of Vail, County of Eagle; and do hereby accept the respcn- sibility for the completion of required i�nprovements: and do hereby , dedicate and set apart all of the public roads and other public improvements and places as shown on the accompanying plat to the use of the pubiic forever; and do F-�er�bv ledicate those portions of said re�l property whi ch ar? i ncii �: at?d as ease�nent o�i the �ccompanyi na pl at as easernents fnr tt�t� n�_�rr..•e,_e shca,n h_r?on; and do herEbv qrant `..he right to i n=ta1 I ane+ ,���.i nt� i r� nece==_arv struct!�res to the enti tv re�aon�i bl e for provzdinq t.he =er�nce=_ +�r which the easements are established: and do hereby certiYv tr�at thi=_ final plat is filed in conjur,ction with the Towr,ha�_i-e Decl ar•�t; on t,�r r; R� s�_� �di •.ision o= Lot 19, c+ioc�� i� V��1 1% F'Gt c�tt7 r'�tCi"1 Y-�'COY-.�Cd i n ���o�; ���Z_ at �'a�e _��__ i n f f"iz of f i CE� Or the Eaole Co�inty, Colorado. C1erE: and Recorder. Executed thi s_ I J�° � r d a � c f ; � �fA � �---------b; �. U. , ). 98 �- - -�----- ----.� � ---�-- --- - � ` ,/ � � _. OWNEf : ;/�-�� s %-���: --� �—=------1�_------------------- +��i cl-��el � �ut�rbach Po>: 34�1 Vailt �0 8_ib�8 , ONlNEF: � � -- -- - ----- J. Fandolph �chumacher 14b F;ed School House Ro�d Spring Valley, N.Y. IU977 OWNEF: � �< - -------- Kevin Schumache� 146 F�d School Hou�e-Roud Sprinq Vallev, N.Y. 10977 STATE OF C.Q�o aG�e-n• � - ' -------G-------)ss. COUNTY OF __ t�a !�- ___ ) -'p%---- Th� fore in instrument was ac�nowledged before m� this _,1�_ day of -- ___ __ � ���____.__, A. D. , 198__ by Mi chael Lauterbach . _':. .o ,,� , , �k My �i�k►rtr4`ss�br� e>: p i r es : - ------------ r -- 4di trtess my h.an�i and sPal . ,� (� � • s , i� `� � ,�� ) ; i: ' i��' ''t.�t- �'�'-�� • �'� _'� ���------- � - —�'' --------�--1—�ti`. � .� Notary Fubl ic �- � � --------�.►,.c�.�.�,� r�l�!!,�'�1;-l1l�tM.---------- --------"�----�=------.--`--------------- STATE OF (.�L4�C�6 ) --- - - ------> =s . COUNTY GF __ (-_ �G __�__> � �'*� T h e f o r e o i n i n s t r u m e n t w a s a c n o w l e d g e d b e f o r e m e t h i s '� da y of -=----- _______/�p A_��. _____, A. D. , 198� by Kevi n Schumacher. `i------ _, , �•-- .., � , My `�t�i+baii �i on expi res: _- Witneg� � R�nd �nd seal. J; � 1 / � I �� - ' — --- �---- �----- ----- _ Notary Public �, � �.. ------ s , • . - �Iy ��,-'' �,���'�t��R'--------- �. 0. �ax 7�3� ��i, ��i 8�6�� _ ���% /�- -----�-------------------�------------ STAT"�._`fA'= � � _ l.d L ailQ.d� ) ---� ------) 55. COUNTY OF C fC. ) ----�---- ----- The fore inq/instr��ment was ack owledqed before me this __,,��_._"__ day of �'� �.� __, A.D.. la� �bv J. Randolph Schum�cher. —_ � ��,. , - ------- - ,_.: , , _. {�iy! ����►2 �si on expi res: ------------' • Witness my hand and seal. \ _� �t,.,�t_ _ 1+1ot arY F'ub l i c--- ---. _--�-- ----- ----- ---- +e���,� .� > �!# --���� -------- �► ��► �,�� �.��. v�� �a �;� ZONINt3 ADMINISTRATOR CERTIFICATE This final plat is hereby approved by the Town of Vail Zoning Admini strator thi s � day of _���� .A ______________, A. D. , 198_2. �Atte t: � - -- �!1M.U�J.�. �jll(�_�_�_._�_.VNU.�� ------ - �._ �N�__ __ �-���.' _— -------- Town C1 erE: ` Zoni ng Admi ni str-ator Town of Vail� Colorado Town of Vail. Colorado CERTIFICATE OF TAXES FAID I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the entire amount of taxes du� and payable as of__________�-_L=�6___________ __, upon all parcels of real estate described on this final plat are p�id in full. Dated thi s__,�__ day of __�Z� ___, A. D. . 198� . ' � _ � _____�._�_�'�_ _ __ __ _ Tr��s��rer of Eagle Count , C orado CLERk; AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE Th i s f i nal p l at was f i l ed f or record i n the of f i ce of the Cl erk� �nd Fecorder on thi s��'____ day of `�� _, A. D. , 198� , at 3� o' c 1 oc F; �_M. �ecorded under F;�Q'ept i on No. 35��0�___ i n Eook: __'i�c,Z_ at F'age _��_ . . , ��'�1 ---------- y r�: and Recorder �' � aqle Co ty, Colora � '� . ♦ � �y' - -- - - ---------- c�tO�tA9� Deput y �