HomeMy WebLinkAboutCascade Village - Cascade Club Condominiums - Unplatted�' o� .�� .. �2 � � � �� ; � m�,� _J � �� 10 ISUBJECT �O• �� SITE I ��� r— �� I i J����� �����P I �� .•• GLEN LYON 3 3 SUBDIVISION j.. I I �� J �� — � I TOWN OF VAIL BOUNDARY � �IONSHEAD ' �RE� VAIL \ ��...1 A PART 0 F T H E RANGE 81 TOWN CONDOMINIUM MAP FOR � SW I/4 N E I/4, SECTION 12 , TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, WEST OF THE S1XTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO ti %,, 2s.s `�-'o �6+, i�,� NOT TO SCALE �y �, VICINITY MAP oPO� �F�, ��, � � . ��P� � O�y� �6 �� � �� � � ��� N I �' N 00°07 06�� W 5� ` O 5'� ,. �5� � - 1 HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION UNDERGROUND RIGHT-OF-WAY BOOK 344, PAGE 923 ( BLANKET EASEMENT ) EASEMENT SHOWN IS FROM FIE�D LOCATIONS I. N 27°03�19��W 24.28� 2_N 17° 35�32��W 36.47' 3. N 32 ° 25� 58�� E 25.20� POINT OF BEGIN� (RECORDED BOOK 405,PAGE 524) SOUTH LINE OF 25� GAS R.O.W. � . N I/4 SECTION 12, i- BRASS CAP - MONUMENT � N 3 � � %� � _. z co Q o 3 W O m m � p o ^� 0 � °> m� � / / � / 9 °`�'�' .� ELEC. � �` EOUIP� •.o.� F�' /�\ ,�O 1� i � �Q• y, � � ELECTRIC MH 's'g �S- � N29°40� 49��E 14.82� �y�P �\92 2 j � � � �'a .� . `,(� gh / ![`\ ti2$ �C� 69' HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION �� / s, � UNDER�ROUND RI6HT-OF- WAY t�'� 1.735 AC. / (BLANKET EASEMENT) �r °� � g°� BOOK 344, PAGE 923 '�v�� �2�/ \�� F ELDM LOCATH�S �S FROM �� 0 / �'� / .� � � 2°� ti �O 5g / �-' ,%/ I OVERHANG �tY \-5 I � � v, tr 5 \ � ��c 2 � , \ , "� �y �6 O�, ` � g� %C� � „ `t' � �'�,, � � '' i F � ��--�/ CENTER OF SECTION 12 T5 S, R81 W, 6TH FM. IRON PIN 8 CAP � ��\ G.C.E. � p6' � � �`9' / v � 5,3; �'' � �\ �— �o l \_ EASEMENT c � `Ci `� P NOTE: EASEMENTS a,b, a c ARE DESCRIBED IN THE '���� OWNERSHIP CERTIFICATE. �� G.C.E PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE LIES WITHIN EASEMENTS a 8 c. ( SEE SHEET 4) � 50' ACCESS AND UTILITY EASEMENT � � COLORADO MOUNTAIN CONDOMINIUMS A0 6� h / G.C. E. �, / SEE BUTTRESS DETAIL �,2 / / �6`�, , �\ � _ \ � 29 / ��20 �'h ��V ti '�i /�g O r �� OVERHANG �,`L0 i 9 � � � 5 LEVEL CONCRETE STRUCTURE 2� R=1O71.72� � �� �= 04°05'04�� �`'' / L = 76.40 C H= N 54°46� 13�� E 76. 38� /��� PARKIN� \� �// T = �.ZZ� � ENTRY � �`Z 2�� /s\� Z�y. .c' j �u` ENTRY � 2g� ,�ro1i �` i . `AO . �� � `�'� CONC �-10.79� SUPPORT rZS�• p �g � S 37°09�31"E ,L0 � � � \ /�EASE MENT b �•� S 52°50�29�� W FACE OF BUILDING � /o� `L�0 /� � STAIR 46.28� o�„- ��2 /� \ 50.12� � N 37°09' 31"W '� ' � o� °` TYPICAL COLUMN AND •'' yo�,a� � BUTTRESS DETAIL 0 N3T°09�31"W 'h� � p0 � �":5' ; � I 4.00 � ��� �5 � i�_ EASEMENT a -�— S37°09�31"E �� 12.82 � NOTES: 1. Date of Surv�y : December, 1�66 �. Bear i ng base : We=t 1 i ne of NE 1/4. Sect i on 1? = S O<� �=�8' �6" W ._�. Elevations based on Upper Eaqle Valley Sanitation District sani tarv sewer as-b�.�i 1 ts 4. G. C. E. = Ger�eral corr�mon el ement L.C.E. = Limited common element �. This candominium map is for ownershi�, purposes only and shall not affect the �oning nor the use �f the parking spaces nor the parE::ing requirements which are set forth far Special Deveiop- ment Gistrict 4 as est�bli=hed by Town of Vail Ordinance 20 Seri es of 1984 as amended by the Town of 'Jai l. NOTICE: According to Colorado law you must commence any legal action based upon any defect in this survey within six years after you first discover such defect. In no event may any action based upon any defect in this survey be cbmmenced more than ten years from the date of the certification shown hereon. EAGLE VA�LEY ENGINEERING AND SURVEYIN�, INC. 953 SCIUTH FRONTAGE ROAD WEST, VAIL, COLORADO 81657 0� 20� 40 � 80' SCALE I ��= 40� CERT I F I CATE � QIWIVERSH I P Know all men by thes� presents that Vail Ventures, Ltd., a Colorado li�nited partnership, being sole owner in fee simple of all that real property :ituated in the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colo�ado, described as follow�: A part of the SW 1/4 NE 1/4, Section 12� Township S�outh, Range 81 West of the Sixth Frincipal Meridian, being described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southerly right-of-way line of Interstate High- way No. 70 whence an iron pin with plastic cap marking the center of said Section 12 bears S 19 34'08" W 887.79 feet;� thence departing said southerly right-of-way line S 37 09'�1" E 1�6.96 feet; thence IW 56 48'45" E �85.4c^ feet; thence 76.40 feet along the arc of a 1071.72 foot radius curve to the left, having a central angle of t�4 n5'44" and a chord that bears N 54 46' 13" E 76.�9 feet; thence N 5c^ 4�'41" E 169.�5 feet: thence N��7 lb'19" W 148.96 feet to a point on said southerly right-of-way line of Interstate Highway No. 70; thence along said southerly right-of-way line S 52 �U'29" W �30.34 feet to the point of beginning, contain-ing 7'�561 square feet or 1.7:�5 acres, more or less. j Together with the e�sements described in the Condominium Declar�tion re- ferred to below affecting the following described real property: (a) A 7 foot wide strip of land lying in a non-er.clusive easement for in- gress an d egress, �:nown as Wes t haven Dr i v e, r e c o r d e d i n B � o4:: 4� 1 at F'a ge 6�1 in the office of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk: and F:ecorder, lying i n sai d SW 1/�} NE 1/4, 1 yi ng '. 5 f eet on each si de of the f ol 1 owi ng des- cribed centerline: Eseginning at a point on the souther�ly line of said West- haven Drive whence the most northerly corner of Condominium Map of Colorado Mountain Condominiums �ccording to the map thereof recorded in BooE; •387 at Page 62U of the records of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk: and kecorder, bears N 56 48'46" E 5��.7�► feet: thence N.=�7 �i9'._�1" W 5n.1� feet to the point of terminus on the northerly line of said Westhaven Drive whence the sai d most northerl y corner of Condomi ni um M�p of Col orado Mo��ntai n Condo- mi ni ums bears S Bl"> ?6' 49" E 73. 7� feet. The si de 1 i nes of sai d stri p are to be shortened or lenghter�ed to terminate at said We=thaven Drive right- of-way 1 ines. ( b> That port i on of sai d ease ment for Wesihaven Drive , descr i bed as f ol 1 ows: Eseginning at a point on the northerly line of said Westhaven Drive whence an iron pin with plastic cap marE::ing the center of said Section lc^ be�rs S 30 �3' 4� " W 9._�9. 5� feet: thence al ong sai d norther:l y 1 i ne N 56 48' 4�" E 46.._+9 feet: thence departing said r�ortherly line S=�:% �:�9'._�1" E 1��.79 feet; thence S 5i 5C>' �9" W 46. �8 f eet : thence N��7 ��9' .� 1" �1 14. O�? f eet to the point of beginning, containinq �74 square feet, more or less. (c> A 7 foot wide strip of land lying in s�id Condominium Map of Colorado Mount�i n Condomi ni ��ms, 1 yi ng .3. 5 f eet on each si de of the f ol 1 owi ng des- cribed centerline: Beginning at a point on the northerly line of said Condominum hlap of Colorado Mountain Condominiums whence the rpost nortF►erly corner of =aid Condomini��m M�p of Colorado Mountain Condominiums bears N �b 48'46" E 5<_>.7t=> feet: thence S 37 U9'�i" E 1�.8� feet to the point of terminu= whence =�id most northerly corner bears N 4� �4'43" E 51.43 feet. The side lines of said strip are to be shortened of lenghtened to terminate at said north- erly line of Condominium Map of Colorado Mountain Coindominiums. does hereby certify that this "Condominium Map for Cascade Club Condomin- iums" is filed in conj��nction with;the Condominium Declaration for Cascade C1 ub Condorni ni ums recorded i n Book: �-( �o � at F'age ��� i n the of f i ce of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Fecorder, and does hereby submit the above described real property and easements to the provisions of such Cbr�dominium Declaration. r; r; �� � ; BTATE OF __ +,�+y--------) i s:. COUNTY OF �:;,`�'_����'_---- ) Th• for�qoi nq i nst�u�nent was acknowl edged blfore � thi s,��'� __ day of --_ { -=`R�--------� A . . 198�r1 by _��.'�Y]d,��---� --��ir1S---------- �s • s , . ___ _.__ � Pr si dent and _ Uj�__�� 11 as Secret�ry of Monta�ne Corporation, a Co2orado corporation, managing general partner of Mansfield, Ltd., a Colorado limited partnership, as general partner of Vail Ventures,Ltd., a Colorado limited partnership, on behalf of such limited partnership. My commi ssi on expi res: _ 3�1����i __ Witness my hand and seal. - � --- - - - - ------ NotarY F'ubl ic -�afl.�o� S _-��n.�_�n-g� �?.sJ' _��:s.�fi—�----�' L��-7 ------------- STATE OF CO`OCAO�O ) ---------------)ss. COUNTY OF __��Y\v2� ____> � The fore oing in=tr�iment was acl�:nowledqed before me this _,�j�� day of -------� A.D.. 198_7. b .�Q�r�f_t_�_!=��.2�i.L��1------- as — �--------- � F'resi dent and __�ohrt_� _�ov.c��------------------- �s -�S�}_- Secrt�ry of ConAm Vail Advisors, Inc., a California corporation, �� general partner of Vail Ventures, Ltd., a Colorado limited partnership, on behalf of such limited partnership. My commission expires: __b,�3OJal7__' Witnes� my hand and seal. • ---�= ----N�-M ��rN�Q ----- Notary ubli� • -----�+�� �__5.�.��vn�_��-------- ------�4r�?�1- CQ---$��4_'�-.----- Ex�cuted thi s J_ day of __%VIa _� A. D. , 1987. ---- �------- OWNERt VAIL VENTURES, LTD. A Colorado limited part�er�hip By: Mansfield, Ltd., A �olorado limited partnership General Fartner (Corporate Seal) Py: Montane Corporation, A Colorado Corporation ATTEST: Gene�rj' 1 Fartner � / , / --- -----��a��!� B%if -� --j��"���C�'__��_- _ ____ Secretary ________ F'resident (Corporate Seal) ATTEST: - / -/ �� /-------- __ Secreta �i Ry: ConAm Vail Advisors, Inc., a California corporation General F'artner � ,� � � ti..�/,%'�.` ��,� .�..�.�"'� 1��.. �y' ---------------------------- ________ F'resident , SURVEYORS'S CERTIFICATE I do herebvi certify that I am a registered Land Surveyor licensed under the laws of the State of Colorado, that this condominium map is true, correct �nd complete as laid out, platted, dedicated and shown hereon: that such condominium map was made from an accurate survey of s�id property by me �nd under my supervision and correctly shows the hori�ontal and vertical location and dimensions of the building containing the condominium units �nd the pedestrian bridge attached thereto, the condominium units, parcels, eas�ments and streets of said condominium map: and the parcel is staked upon the ground in compliance with applicable reg��lations governing the subdivision of land. In witness thereof I have set my,hand and seal this _i�� _ day of �;� ; A �r: ;° ��tl7 . ------ -----------' � <.w f _ �. , q ,�� '- \ �, . �p,,� �� `� . . ° _ _ . �\`�3�1t-J _ -------------- ���-� u �-, m.?., pann i e Corcor an � � e� �O1 orado F'. L. S. NO. 16827 �� �yr, � � f y� _ !, t� � � _;�f<' *. � _ �a ;, .sas �` �; � / A" l+�,�' F' >. 1 -' � �Ci ... 20NIN0 ADMINISTRATOR CERTIFICATE This finwl plat is hereb� approved by the Town of Vail Zoninq � Administrator this _�7 ~_ day o4 __,f!'1�j!______________, A.D., 198z_. A : 1-, / � i , ----- � �� � � • --� --- ---- ------- -- -- - �-------------- Town Clerk Zoning�Administrator / Town of Vail, Color�do Town of Vail, Color �o CERTIFICATE OF TAXES F'AID I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the entire amount of taxes due and payable as of /— �_ �?Z ___________, upon all parcels of real estate described on this final plat are paid in full. Dated this _02,�__ day of ______ _________, A.D., 19B? . `� -- - �---s�-- -- �- --�---- -- TrE -��r of E�;gl e County, Col orado CLEF:F: AND RECOf;DEF:' S CEF:T I F I CATE This final plat was filed for rec � in the office of the Cler�:: and Recorder on thi s�,� __ day af _._ � _____ � A. D. , 198�, at ���� o' c 1 oc F:: %�M. Record�d �inder �ecept i on No. �� �1�_ i n B�oE:: 710� at F'a�e �Q�1 • , �,A&�8 C rk: and Recorder r.�r'"����''"�G� qle Co� y, Colorado / � ,Q �" ,��. .� � �. . y�'^yt��>.�7.�� a �Y' -- -- -- ---- --------- � 4� Deputy +��"t�,e'[;��it. � ! SHEET I OF 5 3A 06 .1 JOINDER BY LIENORS The undersiqned, as holders of indebtednesses secured by a deed of trust upon the property covered by this Condominium Map hereby consents to and ratifies the provisions of this Condominium Map ans subordinates its in- tereste in such property to this Condominium Map. (Corporate Seal) ATTEST: Title: ----------------------- STATE OF C OI01'qp0 ) ---------------�ss. COUNTY OF _ �QhJ?(! _____> The Empire Savings, Build,i�g and and Loan Associ tion a Colorado corporation BY�-------- -- Ti t l e: - - - ���. � ---------- The foregoing instrument was �ck:nowledged before me this _�'��__ day of - - --! A. D. , 198_� bY _�i�h���__���1.��---------------- as -`r - ----� _�1�.�_ ��D� and ------ -------_-------------------- as------------------ of The Empire Saving=. Puilding and Loan Association, a CoYorc�da c�rpor- ation� on behalf of such entity. My commi ssi on e;;pi res: _��O.�g�____ Witness my hand and seal. (Corporate Seali ATTEST: -----------------------�-------- - - Title: -- -- C�;�'�.o�-��--���-------- Notarv �.ibl ic ----=- �.-�.5�__�.a���acRic�.-_ ��------- -------�Q`c1V2� ---.�1Z.---�Q�`��------ Far West Savings and Loan Association. a Cali�Fornia corporation �`y' -- - ----------------- T 1 e: -- -L� ��_�0��'3------ STATE OF _ C OGOR!tp O__) , ) ss. �� s- COUNTY OF __�i(��/�► ) The for oinq instrument was acE::nowledqed before me this __�'� day of - ,Y-�a'� -�--- -+ A. D. . 198�_ by ___��_C.s,�.._ LY!NN �ELL�Q�.�.E�_ �S ���-��� .��d of Far West Savings and Loan Association, a California cc,r-poration, on be- half of such �ntity. My commi ssi on e>:pi res: . ------------ Witness my hand and seal. (Corporate Seal) ATTEST: Title: ----------------------- STATE OF � C� CC�O ) �. �G --- - -- ,---- --- - ---- - ---- Nota y F'ublic ------ �'1��►1m1�rQn ExpiresJa�._1�1l� --------- � 1 � 17th �t, 2?nd Fla� Denver, Colorado $l12Q1� '� Beverly Hills Savinqs, a federal savings and loan association �Y� ----- - --- -------- Title: -- -S�_ VLcE__�i��sroe..t- ---------- >ss. COUNTY OF T 'e � e oi n i nstrument was ac .now d bef ore thi s_�� day of �_ � I 1 9 - - ----- �/ , A.D., 198 by �:.Y1l�L. L���h _ �_ - - d ----------------------- ------- � ------------------ of Reverly Hills Savings, a feder�l savings �nd lo�n association, on behalf of such ent i ty. My commi ssi on e:;pires: l� /� . Witness my hand and sea� � / � � � ,i;/ _ I _` . • / / � , , l���_ � � ri 1 EAGLE VALLEY ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING , INC. 953 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD WEST , VAIL, COLORADO 8165i7 d,� � I[ cc'� y�� w � E:'�, �''�:�:� ,.o :� • s p A 4 i..,�. �Mn...-e^F.",0 M. � �f • ; �iii�t:�.:_'� i `'� °. o �� � , ~j��.�� co�s°a� . CONDOMINIUM MAP FOR TITLE CERTIFICATE Land Title Guarantee Company does hereby certify that the title to the real property and easements described in the certificate of ownership has been examined and is vested in Vail Ventures Ltd, a Colorado Limited Partnership and that title to such property is free and clear of all liens and encumbrances except as fo7lows: DEED OF TRUST RECOROED JUIY 20, 19i9, IN BOOK 288 AT PAGE 642, BENEFICIAL INTEREST RECORDED OCTOBER 5, 1982 IN BOOK 346 AT PAGE 821, SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT RECORDED OCTOBER 07, 1982, IN BOOK 346 AT PAGE 952, SECOND AMENOMENT OF LIMITED RECOURSE PROMISSORY NOTE AND DEED OF TRUST RECORDED NOVEi�IBER 15, 1984 IN BQOK 399 At PAGE 309, THIRO AMEP�DME�T OF LIMITED RECOURSE PROMISSORY NOTE AND DEEO OF TRUST RECORDE� �4ARCH 18, 1985 IN BOOK d08 AT PAGc 831,DE�D OF TRUST RECORDED OCTOBER O1, 1982, IN BOOK 346 AT PAGE 694, MCDIFICATION AGREEf�IEyT IP1 CONMECTIO�! WITH SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS RECORDED �OVEHBER 15, 1984, IN BOOK 399 AT PAGr 835, SUBOROINATIOPJ AGRE�P�IE�T RECOROED AUGUST 06, 1985, IN SOOK 421 AT PAGE 652, SECOND MOOIFICATiOr� AGREE��E�IT ��IAS RECORDED OCTOBER 24, 1985 IN BOOK 428 AT PAGE 187, FINAPJCING STATEMENT RECORDED NOVEMBER 15, 1984, IN BOOK 399 AT PAGE 811. DEEO OF TRUST RECORDED NOVEMBER 15, 1984, IN BOOK 399 AT PAGE 843,. ASSIGyhi�'VT OF LEASES, RENTS AND OTHER INCOME RECOROED NOVEMBER :�, 1984 IN BOOK 399 �T PAGc 845. iNTERCREDITOR AGREEI•1ENT RECORDED NOVEMBER 15, 1984, IN BOOK 399 aT PAGE 846. I��TERC�EDITOR AGRE�MENT RECORDED NOVEMBER 15, 1984, I�! BOOK 399 aT PAGE 347 ��ID AME�lDMENT RECORDED OCTOBER 24, �985 IN BOOK 428 Ai P,4GE i88. INTERCREDITOR AGREEt4EPJT RECORDED NOVEMBER 15, 1984, IN BOOK 399 ,aT PAGc 848. I�J'ERCREDITOR AGREEMEyT RECORDED 'JOVE�1BE° 15, 1984, IN BCOK 399 aT PAGE 349. INTERCREDITOR aGREEMEyT RECORDED NOVEMBER 15, 1984, I�I BOOK 399 �T PAGc 851. INTEr�CREDITOR AG2EEMENT RECORDED NOVEMBER 15, 1984, IN BOOK 399 .a� PAGc 852. INTEP,CREDITOR AGREEMENT RECORDED NOVEMBER 15, 1984, IN BOOK 399 aT PAGE 853. INTERCREDITOR AGREEMENT RECORDED DECEMBER 06. 1984, IN BOOK �O1 aT PAGE 779. ASSIGNMENT OF DEED OF TRUST RECORDED DECEMBER 31, 1984, IN BOOK 403 AT PAGE 631 AND RE-RECORDED JANUARY 14, 1985 IN BOOK �305 AT PAGE 6. ASSIGNMENT OF RIGHTS RECORDED AUGUST 6, 1985 IN BOOK =t�1 AT PAGE 550, DECLARATIOPJ ANO GRANT OF EASEMENT APlD SUBORDINATION RECOROED AUGUST 6, 1985 IN BOOK 421 AT PAGE 651,SUBOROINATION AGREEMENT RECORDED AUGUST 06, 1985, IN BOOK 421 AT PAGE 652, SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT P.ECORDE� AUGUST 06, 1985, IN BOOK 421 AT PAGE 657, INTERCREDI70R AGREEMENT RECORDED AUGiJST�(76, 1985, IN BOOK 421 AT PAG� 659, SECURITY AGREEMEiJT RECORDED PlOVE�16ER 15, 1984 IN BOOK 399 �T PAGE 844, FINANCING STATEMENT RECORDED NOVEMBE� 15, 1984, UNDER FILIi�G N0. 14406 AND ASSIGNME�T FILED DECcMBER 31, 1984 UPlDER FILING ?J0. 1d533, FINANCING STATEME�IT RECORDED NOVEMBER 15, 1984, UNDER FILI�JG '!0. 14407 AND ASSIG��ME`IT FILED DECE��IBER 31, 1984 UNDER FILING �JO . 14534 , F I �IAPlC I �IG ST�TE`1ENT RECORDED NOVEMBER 15 , 1984 , UPlDEQ F I L: NG N0. 1a408 ,��ID aSSiG�iME�IT FILED DECE�IBER 31, 1984 UNDER FILI�iG rJO. 1a535, FIiIANC:i�G STaT�ME�T r�ECORDED i�OVEMBER 15, 1984, UNDER FILING N0. 14a09 ANO ASSIG�JMENT FiLED DECEMBER 15, 1984 UNDER FILING N0. 14536, FI�lANCING STATEMEilT RECOROED NO`lE��IBER 15, 1984, UPIDER FILING N0. 14410 AND ASSIGNME`!T FILED DECc''�BE� 13, 198a UNOER FILING �l0. 14537, FINAPICING STATEMENT RECOROED NOVEHBER 15, :�81, UPlDER FILI��G �JO. 14411 AP�O ASSIG�JME�lT FIL�D DECE��IBER 31, '.984 UNOER FIIING 'J0. '_�1538, `10RTG,�GE RECOROEO NOVE��IBER 15, � 1984 IN BOOK 399 AT ?AGE 855,� DE�O OF TRUS� RECOP.DED AUGUST 6, 1985 IN BOOK �21 AT PAGE 654, aSSIG�iME�JT OF RE?ITS �ECOROE� AUGUS7 06, 1985, IN BOOK 421 AT PAGE 655, SUBCROINATION AGREEME�T RECOROED AUGJST 06, 1985, IN BOOK 421 AT PAGE 658, ASSIG��MEPIT OF OEED Of TRUST RECOROE� AUGJST 06, 1985 IN BOOK 421 AT PAGE 660, FINANCI�IG S7ATEi�IEyT RECOROEDI AUGUS � 76 , 1985 , I �! BOOK 421 AT ?AGE 656 , F I NANC I NG STATE!1EPlT RECORDED AUGUST 16, 1985, I�! 300K �22 AT PAGE �82; Dated this ______ day of ________, A.D., 198__. Land Title Guarantee Company F.O. BOx JJ7 Vail, CO 816�8 . , - -- -- � -- (Signatu e) ��e�r ------ - - ----- -- -- o.�- ( ' int nam nd title) � ��� � �a SHEET 2 OF 5 �❑ n� C �� � Ci � � RAMP L.C.E. UNITS I 82 G.C.E. D . � _� N N � STORAGE L.C.E. UNIT I 29.6 { I RAMP � u' °°. a DOWN � � 25.5� 9.9' M I.O�. G.C.E:� N I.O� r��S�• o I.O�� �+ N N .4� M �i 1.4� �i I. � �- I 6. 6� - +-10. 3'-�-�-13.6� -�-13.9� 1.4 N .0 � �v � M N IA� G.C.E. IQI� N 72.7' t RAMP L.C.E. _I RAMP UNITS 182 � '� DOWN 45.�� 1 RAMP L.C.E. UNITS I 9 2 J 3.�' �� /SHAFT L.C.E. UNITS I 8 2 °'• I.0' N -,� o� CO ~ 10.0� 1.4� = 10.0� _ 1.4 � o � o I.0' N N I 5.3' RAMP UP � _� N N 11.5� � 16.� . G.C.E. ENTRY STORAGE L.C.E. UNIT I B � ( oa �� v H- �•� STEP UP.S� (TYP.) S.0' y � S.9' iD � � 74.0� �24' 16.9' q• 19.9�� s � %y 8.5� '�, h• ----- 9� �p -- OPEN AB(DVE / � 'A � � co STAIR 12.2 � I � �� B D� � � � �a �} �� I.O� O � N 1.4 N 1.4 -_ .- 10.3 -�0� 13.6�--►�� 13.9� SHAFT L.C.E. UNITS I 8 2 ti 11.5� - 16.��� 67.0= EAGLE VALLEY ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING, INC. 953 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD WEST, VAIL, COLORADO 81657 o a a � v � CONDOMiNIUM MAP FOR > AIR �UCT L.C.E. UNIT 1 2pg,2' � "o 0 0 _ a�1.2� DIA. (TYP.) � � � � 3.4' i 3 2.8' ' i 5 6.0 I.0 1•2� DIA. (TYP) I.O� 9.0' � 21�--- 0' -��i+-�.0' EVATOR MACH. I I � G.C. E. � � E. ELEVATOR o� �ri ui o N �.4� M M 3.8� ��. 13.8' - '�� } 39.0' "v � �; o � C.E. - i: n AIR 9.0�1�--I 21.0� ��9.0� � � - V c� ti M O N � I12.7' I D 8� -16.3�� STAIR OPENING L.C.E. UNITS I a2 �i.2' an crYe) � �-(- � �' 10.9�-+�-�- 21.0�� "o 5� o .5' � _ 5.2 7.6� C7 ' m ti � 205.0� N 1.4� 2S. 8 � C -�-29.8' UNIT 2 LEVEL TWO '�+ � 1.2� DIA (TYP) O-�•� 'SI . 8� I 32.7' I 1.2� DIA.(TYP) I.O� I A' ELEVATOR MACH. g.0�-y -F � 21.0� --+��9.0�� G.C.E. � I � C.E. ELEVATOR o � � � O _N � � - N �n �i I.d 39.0' 13. 8'�Q�- I 3. 8' -�- 39.0 : t � G.C.E. ,� � ,ri STAIR - - - 9.0�-+� I 21.0 �=�+9.0� b -�---- b 10.5 UN IT 1 i� 1.4' 1.4 1.4' - STAIR L.C.E. UNIT I d 2 �- Q�-18.0' - (��-I8.0' --��% � � � 0 10.0 0 .7' 7.fi •5� /1.2� DIA. (TYP) �` H uMi � 10.0�-�O 21.0�-��-�- - M � � _ 1 7. 6 � � 1 I � B� LEVEL ONE 149.0� � A t •• N c�l. 4' 25.8��Q� 23.8' 148.4' , io. s O � � � � � m - - UNIT I MECMANICAL 12.0� 1 A A ; G.C.E. (TYP.) N N 1.4� 5.6� ��- 29.8� T4 6� � 10.6� O iA � ti 12.0� O � UNIT 2 �MEC HAN ICAL 47. 5 � N N I. 4 N I 4� 2 5.8� �Q-�-25.7� `�-----25.0� � p.d �} � .T' 9.0� .7� T.7' STAIR L.C.E. UNITS I,2 8 3 � }q in � M � � ,ri a 1 I 7. T� 84.5� N 1.4� 29 . 6 �-��-2 5. I' "a± � � N � N � UNIT I MECHANICAL STAIR L.C. E. UNITS 1,2,83 26. 5� 77' 17.4' M jr> M � tD � � vj � Ifl 7.7� 17.4� � A� C - - ---� o� � � � ��� N � N.9 a+ 0 v UN IT 2 MECHANICAL �4.0� 13.3� o M � � LEVEL ONE AND LEVEL TWO I FLOOR PLANS � SCALE I �� = 16� SHEET 3 OF 5 J t5. V b � 9 � � C� � � � C �.�� D B UNIT 4 LEVEL FIVE EL. 8088.7 /PLANTER UNIT 4 , POOL DECK \ � � w � a > 0 m I . D LEVEL _o � I . B �IVE UNIT 4 t;AFrw� C �.� CONDOMINIUM �� � _� � (V ,� m � EL 8064.8 EL. 8054.9 EL. 8 044.9 UNIT 4 MAP FO R \� /� �� \\ / / \\ /// MECH4NICAL , UNIT 4 \� / MECHANICAL , UNIT 4 � � / \ M // (O � \ \ N // � l0 \f� \ N f� \ /� CROSS BRACE,SHOWN AS CROSS HATCHED _ // LEVEL FIVE \ / AREA ON FLOOR PLAN . � \�/ EL. 8088.7 \ N % LEVEL FOUR co \ � CROSS BRACE ( BEYOND ) " E L. 8076.3 o U N I T 4 / \ � UNIT 3 - SLOPES DN UNIT 2 �— SLOPES DN UNIT I —+ SLOPES DN SECTION AA _� N " UNIT 4 � \ rn m �\ LEVEL THREE �n ~ / \ LEVEL THREE �' EL 8066 2 EL. 8065.9 � • _� LEVEL TWO c� * °— EL 8055 9 UNIT 2 L. 8054.9 � SLOPES DN G.C.E. � UNIT I LEVEL ONE ENTRY �` EL.8044.9 —.�— SLOPE DN EL. 8045.9 I � � � ~ LEVEL FIVE � � EL 8088.7 _r � � _� -m "m ° UNIT 4 ° m UNIT 4 LEVEL FOUR � o _ _ _._ � E� eo�ze "o� a �; > - G.C.E. �� UNIT 3 w m UNIT 3 ° — LEVEL THREE ENTRY w -r � -� -� EL. 80549 UNIT Z � S A R � UNIT 2 �` LEVEL TWO EL 8055.9 � � UNIT I -� "� UNIT I '' EL.8044.9 r � � � LEVEL ONE EL. 8045.9 G C.E ELEVATOR MECHANICAL UNIT 4 ° _ -o � �' UNIT 4 UNIT 4 °' �° � L.C.E STAIR UNIT 4 UNIT 4 p m EL 8066.2 EL 8065.6 EAGLE VALLEY ENGINEERING AND SURVEY ING , INC. 953 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD WEST , VAIL, COLORADO 81657 UNIT I UNIT 2 SECTIO N B6 SECTION �CC +� � � N UNIT 3 UNIT 4 �{ SECT 10 N DD . ,k._,-.. , . � � LEVEL ONE EL. 8045.6± LEVEL TWO EL. 8055.9 _� r LEVEL ONE — EL. 8045.9 � _ _ �: ... _ � � Ki LEVEL FOUR EL. 8076.3 LEVEL THREE EL. 8065.6 ± _� ~ LEVEL TWO EL.8055.6± � O � LEVEL FIVE FLOOR PLAN AND SECTIONS SCALE I" = 16� SHEET � OF 5 �^�_�iT:� �■