HomeMy WebLinkAboutDauphinais Moseley Subdivision Filing 1 Lot 050 O O R��� O \� V ��P � d=1524'S8" R=221. 86' ) ��o� d=329'24" R=221. 8s' L=13.51' CB=S60 28'13"W CH=13. 51 � 1' 531 "Vd � q.A� / / / / FOUND 5/8" REBAR W/PLAS. CAP (P.E. & P.L.S NO. 26626) (TYP.) 62•1 Z SE�gPG� S i�pir�� � FR�N� gU / / \ o s���" �0' `\� �or 4 c s�" � � �90.� St�. �.B=.SJ'�� �� o2�JW 5E�0PG� \ \ \ \ R6j6'-' CH=59. 51 ' ��o``'�� � ° s, � ��� / / /o / �� 8J / � ' �``� G \ � �6' 1� FR� \ S'iaF ���ti�� LOT 5 S� S �� `�'� 19, 895 SQUARE FEET � /�O'�� �'�'.s- 0.273 ACRES � \ S`�� �,� S��S \ � 1410 � \ \ s� � �Tj �\ o. \ � � / �v '\ 1414 �� � i � � so � � \ � � a F m� � � `�+ L O T LINE CREA TED ��' `�-�c� LOT 7 � BY THIS PLA T `��'� SF �� 9�-F-� \ 11, 823 SQUARE FEET � 0.271 ACRES �• \O�, / ��.J�.y \ / � � `\\`\\� % ��� �or 8 GRAPHIC SCALE 20 40 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 20 ft. � / / / / / � NOTES: 1) PURPOSF OF THIS PLAT IS TO SUBDIVIDE LOT 5 INTO TWO SEPARATE LOTS AND RE-ESTABLISH LOT LINES AS SHOWN. 2) 3) 4) 5) 6} 1414 �) 8) -DENOTES FOUND 5/8" REBAR W/PLAS. CAP, P.E. & P.L.S. 26626 (TYP.) -DENOTES FOUND 5/8" REBAR W/PLAS. CAP, �.5. N0. 12488. -DENOTES SET 5/8" REBAR W/PLAS. CAP, P.L.S. 37055 (TYP.} BASIS OF BEARINGS: S51'14'04"W BETWEEN A FOUND 5/8'� REBAR WITH ALUMINIUM CAP LS. N0. 12488 AT THE SdUTHEASTER�Y LOT LINE ANGLEPOWT OF L07 6 AND A FOUND 5/8" REBAR WITH ALUMWUM CAP P.E. & P.LS. N0. 26626 AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 5 AS INDICATED. QATE OF SURVEY: SEPTEMBER 2005. DENOTES STREET ADDRESS S�TE COVERAGE NOT TO EXCEED 25% FOR EACH LOT. LAND USE SUMMARY ADDRESS LOT 5 11,895 SQUARE FEET SINGLE FAMILY 1410 MORAINE DRIVE LOT 7 11,823 SQUARE FEET SINGLE FAMILY 1414 MORAWE DRIVE NOTICE.• Acco�ding to Colorodo low you must commence ony legol oction based upon ony defect in this su�vey within th�ee y�ors after you fi�st discove� such defect. (n no e✓ent, moy ony action bosed upon any defecf in this survey be commenced mo�e thon ten yeo�s from the date af certificotion shown he�eon. ��� �F v� �G �Q 2c �� � v�, f �A �� � \ � �OJ \`k �� -� g 1�% V� y6� FOUND 5/8" REBAR W/PLAS CAP (L.S NO: 11488) (TYP.) / � i//C/l1//TY MAP SCALE.• > " = 500' "'4`3-!;� d�"ir��� �,�. '��1��?�� a�..,.... i S�'AL c�'•m � '�, � C%R";%��2'.'4. AMENDED FINAL PLA % ,4 RESUBDI I/lSIOI\l OF L O T 5 AMENDED FINAL PLA T DA UPHIIVA lS- �i�f OSEL E� Y SUBDI I//S/0/V - FlL lNG ND. � A RESUBDI UlSION OF L O TS 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A ND � 0 TOWN OF I/AIL, EA GLE CDUNTY, COL ORADO CERT/FICATE OF DEDICAT/ON FOR MORTGAGE HOLDER OR DEED OF TRUSr HOLDER: KNOW ALL A�IEN BY THESE PRESENTS thot FirstBonk of �ail, being the ho/der of o mo�fgoge a� deed of trust on the �eal p�operty situated in the Town of �ail, Eagle County, Colorodo, desc�ibed as follows: Lots 5, Amended Finol Plot Douphinois-Moseley Subdivision - Filing No. 7, A Resubdivision of Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10, Town of �ail, Eagle County, Co/o�ado, contoining 23,71B squo�e feet or 0.545 ocres mo�e or less,s as shown on this finol plot under the nome and sty1e af Amended Finol Plot A Resubdivision of Lat 5, AMENDED FINAL PLAT, DAUPH/NA/S-MOSELEY SUBOl105/ON - FlLING NO. 7, A RESUBDI�ISION OF L075' S, 6, 7, 8, 9, AND 70, TOWN OF �,4/L, EAGLE COUNrY, COLORADO,� og�ees to the dedicotion ond setting opo�t oll the public roods ond othe� public improvements ond places as shown on the accomponying plof to the use of the public fo�ever,• ond does hereby ogree ta the dedication of these partions of said real p�ope�ty which are indicoted os eosement on the accampanying plot os eosemenfs fo� the pu�poses shown hereon, and does he�eby agree to the g�anting of the �ight to insta// ond maintoin necessary structu�es to the entity �esponsible fo� providing the se�vices for which the eosements a�e estoblished. ,�'�� �,"' Executed thisS. � doy of �-�J�(�l./f�"�' ,A.D. 2006. ,�, Mortgogee/L ienh older.• Fi�stBonk of �ail 77 uail Roaa �op!Co'�?, 87657 i r\ � � i \ y /„{B /%'%P,_. .... By�4ork��Ristow, P�esident �1�. �%tCR. STATE OF COLORADO ) J $S COUNTY OF EAGLE ) The fo�egoing Certi�cote af Dedicotion {o� Mo�tgaqe Ho/de� wos ocknowledged befo�e me this � doy of ;��t9�Q� , A.D., 2006, by Ma�k Ristow as/P�esident of Fi�stBank of �ail. My commission expi�es Fz. Vi et �qte�ets� I#� 2 04� Witness my hond and official seo% �-� � �i ��� Notary ubli� /7 U►9�/ G. RD. V�, G'C� ►4 AC�C fBSS PLANN/NG AND ENl/(ROIVMENTAL COMMISSION CERTIFICATE.• This final plot wos oppro✓ed 6�,y�the Town of �oil Plonning ond Enui�onmental Commission thiss� doy of A.D., 200�5 a rrESr;, �/` ���'/Y'.•ai� wn C e�k Town of �ail, Co{o�ado S b�.ec,l�s C��t a �,.._ Choirmbn Town of �oil Plonning ond Envi�onmental Gommrssion SURI/EYORS CERTIFICATE.• l, Ron A. Mohan, do hereby certrfy that l am a Registe�ed Lond Su�veyo� licensed unde� the /aws af the Stote of Colo�ado, fhot this plat rs o true, co�recf, and complete Amended Fino! Plat of A Resubdivision of Lot 5, Amended Final Plat, Dauphinais-Moseley Su6division Fi/ing No. 1, A Resubdiuision of Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ond 70, rown of �ai/, County of Eagle, Stote of Cola�ado, os laid aut, p/atted, dedicated and shown he�eon, thot such Plot was made from on occurate sur✓ey of said property by me ond under my superuision and co��ect/y shows the locotion and dimensions of the lots, easements and st�eets of soid subdivision as the same are stoked upon the ground in complionce with opp/icable �egu/ations gove�ning the subdivision of /ond. /n witness whereof / hove set my hond and seo! this "�� doy of . } i�r! A.D. 2006. ,:`c • �°�I � �• ' � : . � S r �'',,1,', . I . _ � { � f�fl7l %;3f1Y/G'�-/J._ Ron A. Mohon Registered Land Surveyo� No. 37055 CERTIFlCArE OF DEOICATION ANO OWNERSHIP.• KNOW ALL MEN BY 7HESE PRESENTS iHAT, Dauphinais Moseley Construction, being sole owne� in fee simple, of all thot reol p�ope�fy situated in the Town of �ail, Eagle County, Colo�ado, described os follows Lots 5, Amended Fina/ P/ot Douphinois-Mose%y Subdivision - Fi/ing No. 7, A Resubdivision a{ Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, and 70, Town of �oil, Eogle County, Colorodo, containinq 23,718 squore feet o� 0.545 ac�es mo�e or less,• have by these p�esents laid out, platted and subdivided the same into lots and blocks os shown on this £inol plat unde� the nome and styie of Amended Fino1 P/ot A Resubdiuision of Lot 5, AME/VDEO FINAL PLAT OAUPHINAIS-MOSELEY SUBDI�ISION - FlLING N0. 1, A RESU@D/�lS(ON OF LOTS 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, AND 10, iOWN OF �AIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO,• ond do he�eby accept the responsibility {o� the completion of requi�ed imp�ovements,• and do hereby dedicote ond set oport al! of the public roods and othe� public imp�ovements ond ploces os shown on the accomponyinq plat to the use of the publrc fo�eve,� and do hereby dedicate those po�tions of said �ea/ p�ope�ty whrch ore c�eoted as easement on the occompanying plat to the pub/ic fo�e✓er os easements {o� the pu�poses shown herein, unless othe�wise expressly provided the�eon; ond does he�eby g�ont the �ight to instoll and maintoin necessary st�uctures to the entity responsible {or p�ouiding the services for which the eosemenr��s o�e estoblished. Executed this'�S day of ^�� u'�� I ,A.D. 2006. OWNER: LOT 5 Oouphinois Mose%y Constr�ctian P.O. Box 1575 �ail, I.Colo�od�7657 � � � .- I : ' . .. � �,� i � > ��� i --� - By. at�ick G. Oauphmois. P�esident SiATE OF COLORADO � $.S COUNTY OF EAGLE ) The to�egoinq Certificote of Dedicotian and Ownership wos acknowledged befo�e me this+�� doy af ��1NUf1.�.'?'' , A.D., 2006, by Patrick G. Douphinois as P�esident of Douphina/'s r�1oseley Cg� struction. My commission expires %`ivauy7 (t?, .?QfJ7 �- Witness my hand and of{cial sebf.�,, , `� s �fl `�� , �.�;p,��.,�� �. Nota �Puhlic � � � �� � r �� �f}�� �e�a• ��t�.,c��i r'� i� Address at�a� �^ 9 R�', n a .. '.: �kti �7��, TlTLE CERTIFlCATE.• LWI�"[.i-ic. Cwc.vatan4e�. Cnw, �� does he�eby ce�tify that / ha✓e examined the title fo a!! londs shawn on this p(ot and thot title to such /onds is vested in: �.+a,QV+ ��+va:b-dVtme�os,�C�n�<sK°c.d�.aw.�.q�, fiee and cleor of all liens, (�s ond encumb�onces, except os fol%ws: �e.�ca_ o -+�rws�-,� �°ca�-���-P�a�..1t. Doted this_�„�„L_doy of �'=�.�C`c-+4� A.D., 2006 A ent 4� . �l�-�-' '" t.°�.,v°'--- �i3)�' �_����i Address C� ���� CERTIFICATE OF TAXES PAld.• l, the unde�signed, do he�eby ce�tify thot the en#ire amoynt of taxes and assessments due and poyoble os of / 2-�' 1- �-00 (O upon oll parce/s of real�tote desc�ibed on this lot o�e poid in full. Doted this.z'�_ day of ��NUA�2+� , A.D., 2006. � 0 `� $2tf ( l!I�/ D�p�. �. Tre��er„of Eagle ou�� � `�,p�,�„yt„ CLERK AND RECORDER�S CERTlFICATE.• This plat w �s �j(�ed, for rec4c�, ji� fhe office af th�lerk and�rRqco��-deCC��ay� o'clock �� ( , an this "* day of/_`GOr� A.D. 006 and ' duly �ecorded under Reception Nu er � � x � . ; � � � ��. ,,. , ,.�.°"" /hDti,L�Y� �r , xsr u y^� � ,y^�� Fr�E�/iC��-��/� �P.�C'�J � �.A ,'!'!/",..� �w"f d. _ /� . .t�,s�� sr,,�:.. ,2" ��'�,x, C } m z 0 � > w � w � Q 0 d Z o� �� � � O� j C �` .c � O e ��a 0 �� �o � o0 o� � �o 'ch a ��� � o '' � �� � N5 N � �m �a � �� �Q � .�� ..F � ;z i1 e � z g a � T O O O O N O A � C C U C .Q.O 41 O J y N a� o., Z °'_�"�_� Q � v d t I O V N i U� y � � N S� C� C d C� v�° °'„ � �.�000s.r. U �,. u � � �LOOC� � ��o.000 Z o°>E"'om O do�,00�� U �Ev��� y �O•'s' d 'o ° `o� i' "°"_�� � W U� O y � L � � �..' =y W `oN�3'Ta (n t.. `o � _-° O `�'���, � �����aV- UY O � O O N N y � m a c y� c`o m Q d N N� E T � y y N � � ' o m z a ._�Eo c yo�o vo _ °vv mmc � .3�`odyr`-,.s_. � ��o�N .; Q ��-m'�nc'mti V Y��•��d O -oca;.a��H O C C d O � yLL�TU"�w � F L O O O W Y O Q J^ LL J Z � W � W � Q Z O � 1 0 0 m o � Q � � W O � J O W U � � Q O �- � � � Z O N O Q � � Z O S W � � J � Q Q 0 p W m � � Q J � � � Q Q O z L� � � p W � � Z w � Q PROJECT NO. 05-0105S SHEEi NO. 1 oF 1