HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpraddle Creek Estates Lot 03 amended final plat 050906CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION AND OWNERSHIP Know ali men by these presents that 1082 Riva Glen Road LLC, a Fiorida Limited Liability Company and United Bank, Inc., being sole ownerrsl 1n fee simple, mortgagee or lienholder of all tha# real property situated in the Town of Vail, Eagle County Colorado described as fonoWS: Lot 3, Amended Final Plat, Spraddle Creek Estates recorded June 27, 1997 in Book 730 at Page 824, containing 2.034 acres, more or less; have by these presents laid out, platted and subdivided the same into Iots and blocks as shown en this flnal plat under the name and style of SPRADDLE CREEK ESTATES, LOT 3, a subdivision in the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado; and does hereby accept the responsibility for the completion of required improvements; �nd does hereby dedicate and set apart ail of the public roads and other public improvements and places as shown on the accompanying plat to the use of the public forever; �nd �oes hereby �edicate those portions of said reai property which are indicated as easement on the accompanying plat as easements for the purpose shown hereon; and does hereby grant the right to instail and maintain necessary structures to the entity responsible for providing the services for which the easements are established. Executed this �� "'"� day af ��UC�� , A.D., 2006. Owner: ?082 Riva Gien Road LLC 210 �a Del Mar Palm Beach, FL 33480 By��_ :�1� ��— /�1�cR�— � rtie. � STATE OF 68t6RYxB�} �' � Or i d� COUNTY OF C°-G.-.�� c— ) �q, �M �2/t-�� Tf�e faregoing �ertifi��i� �f Ue�iic��i�� a�� �wr�rsh'sp was acknowledged before me this �Q c�av csf � a✓1�L�, A.D., 2006 by L-ee� A. �!? �e U;�n ,--s �.�r . My comm�ssion expires: _� l 13 � 0'L Witness my hand and seal. `�.�`�eO�PNMMis io�F��F�; -----�1 I��1.�"�' V � a iG� J\.� 13� 20 -Ifo�' . =� =�°� � �'9N. Notar �ublic Zz� ��� °* Y � o� a��DD 200320 � ac Mortgagee: United Ba�k, Inc. S�Q �r�inj� �trggt � CharlestQn, �West �rginia 25301 , ,� � �i� /� �y°, � /;!i;'`/:� r�� �'��'%�i�'� �_. 7itie: ;��J�; � ��,-: f�� r' :��/�,� t STATE OF WEST YIRGINIA) ��a CQUNTY OF } fie foregoing Certl�c4te �f Dedica�fon anc� s�wnersnip was c�cknow!ed ed before me t' r da of ��_sa ��'�� , �G., 2006 �b,y i i r�$ as ( is2��� . � of Uni#ed 6anic inc. My commission expires: �� �i�ti' � �#��ss m}° han� ar:d seal; . . , " � i� i ,E.hG �,� . -.g 4° r. 7 i i r n� �4'z s 'k ' �I� li�'l, � o � "' �+;i ., a1¢.i g , '� � Y E � i �n4 3 � 4 i � � s ='� lai,+� �I N ,��° M � ��'� �4 nri n ils�°1tl}'fi4,.7�&9 Y .� � -�., .,,.,.r..,. �,m �.�5 Tv'rYid i.vUitii.i� C��ii�ii.re� i � This pla roved by the Town Council of the iowfi o# Vail, Colorado �nig 66y �f �,�u., 2vv6, r'or Tiiing +xith ±he Clerk ca : Rec4rcler c�f Fc�gl� Cc�unty,, C�IrarQ�ic� c�nc� for the conveyance to the4`%wn of Vaii of the pubiic dedications shown hereon; subject io the provisio�,tnat approval,jn' no way obiigates ihe Town af Vai! fo� maint?nance 9f �O�S dedica#�� to #hP g��lir ��n±i1 con�±ru�tiQn of improvements thereon shalfi�•�q?ie been completed in accordance with Town of Vail specifications and��`he Town Council of the Town of Vail has by a�ubseq�!ent reso!utibn agreed to under#ake mainkenance of the �ame. This approvai,<d`oes nat guarantee tha't soii conditions, subsurface geology, gronnd water conditions, or flooding conditions of any fot shown herao,R�are such that a building permit or any other required permit wiJk''be issued. This approval is with the understanding #hat ali expens mvolving aI[ smprovemen#s required shall be the responsibility�the subdivider and not the Town of Vaii. A �aGvn Clerk �own of Vail, Colorado Mayor Town Council Town of Voii, Colorado `�. '�. �\� PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION CERTIFICATE � � OF.Vq� This finai plat was approved by th Town of Vail P ing a c!� ��°.�• •.,, Environmental Commission this � day of � _ no A.D., 2006. ��p►L ATTE�,�ST%/—(��}� . �,� � —��—�° --- �J v ." �_ C�L(i�P Town Cierk Ghair an "'��� Town of Vail, Colorado Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission NOTICE: According to Colorado law you MUST commence any legal action based upon any defect in this survey within three yeors after you first discover such defect. in no event may any action based upon any defect in this sur�ey be commenced more than ten years from the date of certification shown hereon. AMENDED FINAL PLAT SPRADDLE GREEK ESTATES, LO'� 3, SECTION 5, TQWNSHIP 5 S4UTH, RANGE 80 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., TOWN OF VAIL, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO Property Line New Building Envelope Vacate� $u:ldi^� Envelope Easement 1 1/2" Aluminum Cap on #5 Rebar, PE/PLS #23089, Set 1 1/2" Yellow Piastic Cap on #5 Rebar, PLS #27598, Found ��IS �� BS��� ZONING ADMINISTRATOR CERTIFICATE This finai olat is hereby approved by the Town f Administrator this ��� day of � A.U., LOOB. iow►f c,ierk Tawn �f Yai! �arti(�g Adminstrator ?pwn pf Vcai! TITLE CERTI�ICATE $„.�,c1 "t��1t. lrN.,,.,,}�ke L�. does hereby certify thQt it h�� examined #he Title t� all i�nds shown �pon #his Plat and that Title to such lands is vested in /d Xz 'r"C.,.�. lsic., 'iodd �..�.�. , N C�..:�9 ,� �+�..: i�i free and ciear ofi all liens, illllw� and encumbrances, except as fnllows: �.»�.1�•��� �-��y�.w�y' Dated this ,Z5"rMday oi.�e.�.vc,. A.D., 2006. AG�NT � K. AJt 6 6 M f i.,r La..� Y.FI.i, LivA,,•.niac C.-^' w.%i CREEK ��A� ���' � � W� Slope Maintenance � Easement (Bk610/Pg213) ns I 1 �2 CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTlFICATE � ���' This Plat was flled for record in the Office nf the Clerk and Recorder at >�� o°ciock l�iti,1 on thi� � d� csf l�'�-e=`Lr , 2006 and is duly recorded at Reception No. �.-��l� t! ��1� � � �m. ,.� 0 CERTIFICATE OF TAXES PAID I, the undersigned, do hereby certify th�9t the entire amount of taxes and assessments due and payable as of /`'I/kIPGN'�-1 �2-OOb upon ali parcels ef !'eQ! esta#e descr�bsd on ±hi� ���± ��e ��[� en f�!I. Dated this �sr tiay of /�/.E� . A.D., 2006. " llG�. ��.t'r�G�"" �� `"�..� 3 ) Treasurer of Eagle County , By. ��ji(,y'�'�r �j� , s`e�C�'`�trrfl.�. �- V and Recorder . ss �� , � :, �,����� , z � � 1, �, � p 1 f ] �F � " " � ,:� �.m ,-, ,��. ��p � � � J. o��� LAND USE TABLE PARCEL ACREAGE SQ.FT. MAXIMUM MAXIMUM SITE LAND USE GRFA COVERAGE LQT � 2.a34 8861 J 8548 7698 HILL5IDE RESIDENTIAL VICINITY MAP 1" = 2Q0' SECTION 5, i55, R80W, 6TH P.M. NOTES: 7) S�rvey D�te: Octaber, 2Q45 2) The bearings shown hereor, are based on a bearing N76'31'32"W fo� the sou#h �ine af Lot 3. Monuments were found �� shown hereon. 3} if �he average siope for this site beneath the proposed struc�u�e and parking area is in excess of thirty percent, it will be subject to Section 18.69.050 (A—�, F—1, K ond �.) of the Town af Vail iNUnicipai �ode. 4) A maximum of an additional 1200 square feet ofi building wili ba allowed for a garage on Lot 3 in excess of the GRFA shown :n the Land !!se SVr�mcry. 5} Straet Address: i082 Riva Glen 6l The con�#r��#ior? f4r ±}��s Iot w�!! occur within the piQtt�d b�iiding envelope with the following exceptions: Driveways, sidewalks, garages thaE rneet #he �equiremenis ot �ection 18.69.050 {A—D, �—�, K an� �} of the Town af Vaii Municipa! C�de, reteining walls, surface parking and grading, as long as Town ofi Vaii Design Review Boord approva! is received and impacts on topography ond vegetatian are minimai. 7) Lot 3 is subject to fihe Easement and Maintenance Agreement d BSCPI�Bd in �ooic 732 at Page 905 S) Lot 3 is subject to the Protective Covenants, Conditions and Resirictions for 5praddle �rsek as Jsserll�e�± �n 9�ek 5?� at ?age 214 *an� thQ �n, Ar*,p!?�ment� thereto, 9) Lot 3 1s subject to a Holy Cross Elec#rlc A3S'JCl4�10(3i Inc., €:ndergr:,und �i�".��#mxw, �eserneni as described tn Book 625 at Page 320. This cannot be shown graphicolly due to an ambiguous description. iQ) LQt .� i� �ubi�ct t� �?r�n�h, Consiui#, ond Vault Agreement cas described in Book 625 at Page 32i. This cannofi be shown graphicaliy due ta ar� cmbiguou� ����ri�i�ian. 11) Lot 3 is subJect to the Raw Land Road Easement (ttrafi runs along the south line of said iot) as desc; ibed in Book S05 at Page 532. 12) Lot 3 is subjec# to the Fncroachment Agreement as described in Book 734 at Page 753. 13� Lrat � is ��bject to the P:ablic Road E�sem�rt as d���rib�� tn Book 603 at Page 890. :/ •► ►1 : I, James S. Kunkel, dc haretsy certify that I am a Licensed Professionzrl Land Surveyor in the State of Colorado, that this plat is a true, correct and complete Final Plat of Spraddle Creek Subdivision, Lot 3, as iaid out, platted, dedicated and shown hereon, that such plat was made from an accurate survey of said property by me and/or under my supervision and correctly shows the location and dimensions, of the lots, easements and streets of said subdivision as the same are staked Jpon the groun� in cc�mplic�n�€ wi#h applicable regulations governing ±he subdivision of land. F� �ti In �tness Whereof, I have se± m f han� �nd sea? �tiis Z� � day f � a.v� w A.D., 2006. y�'. ` 1� ��,� �"� �..,, 3� h,%%`'u^ w °<.� �; � � Jalaa�s S Kun� Colorado Licen�i Johnson, Kunkel Inc. Surveyor � m U � .� � � N � o-� 00 N n � °,_,' wX � O Q I�i U cn�o � � w M � � � i�6 V M � �o � ayo 0 �rn ... oi w �°. z 0 o � m d n: