HomeMy WebLinkAboutLion's Ridge Subdivision Filing 3 Block 3 Lot 05� S Q 0� ^� V J� �� �� o �O� � � �. � � � � � I � 3 F G � � , 00 �/ � � � ��/ � / � / � � I I SEr PlN & PLAS. CAP / L. S NO. 26626 (TYP.) GRAPHIC SCALE 10 20 40 80 15' ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 20 ft. S34 30'42 "E 302.17' UTIUTY EASEMENT i I I LOT 1, � L/ON'S R/OGE SUBD/ l9S/ON FeLiivc No. z I 1 FOUND BENT REBAR W/ALUM. I CAP L S N0. 5933 \ � � Z — I R= 607. 96' I -- -- -------- L=61.83' r — — — — — — — � --------------- 4=5°49'37�, % i � — — — — � ��i `� CB CH 61. 8,�9 „w ; ; ��r sA � I , '�/ 79, 653 SQUARE FEET I I 1 c � �� 0.451 ACRES � � �� � � �/ 1813—A I ( � � '� � �— — — — — S42 °02'02'�E m I N34 36'S3"W 318.00' �� � 10.19 �� _ �� —.._�._— �/ j� FOUND NO. 5 REBAR NO CAP , D � L O T 5B RESET W/PLAS. CAP L. S. NO. 26626 � m �� 16, 775 SQUARE FEET I ( I � z 0.385 ACRES I I I �1 —+ / SET PlN & PLAS. CAP � � L.S. NO. 26626 (TYP.) �813-8 �� _ _� , — — — — — — — — — — — — — � 10' UTILITY EASEMENT S34 30'42 "E 351. 65' LOT 4 L/ON'S R/DGE SUBD/�l'S/ON F/L/NG NO. ,3 NOTES: t) PURPOSE OF TNIS PLAT lS TO SUBDI�IDE L07 5 lNTO TWO SEPARATE LOTS AS SHOWN. Q 2� -DENOTES FOUND 5/8' REBAR W/PLAS CAP, P.E. & P.LS. 26626 (TYP.) OO 3) -��NOTES SET 5/8° REBAR W/PLAS. CAP, P.L.S 26626 (TYP.) 4) BAS/5 OF BEARINGS.• S4232�40'W BETWEEN A FOUND 5/8" REBAR WIiH NO CAP AT THE PC OF 7HE CUR�E ON LIONS RlD6E LOOP AND A FOUNO 5/8" REBAR WITH PLASTIC CAP P.E. & P.L.S NO. 26626 AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 5 AS lNDICATED. 5) OA iE OF SUR �EY APRIL 2006. 1813—A 6) DENO7ES STREET ADDRESS 7) FOR PURPOSES OF ZONING, LOTS 5A AND SB ARE CONSIDERED ONE (7) LOT. LAND USE SUMMARY LOT SA 79,653 SQUARE FEEi SINGL£ FAM/LY LO i 5B 16, 775 SOUARE FEET SINGLE FAMIL Y NOIICE According to Co/o�oda law you musf cammence ony legal action bosed upon any defect in this survey within th�ee yeo�s after you first disco✓er such defect. !n no event, moy ony action based upon ony defect in this survey be commenced more thon ten yeors from the dote af cerfificotion shown hereon. ADDRESS 7B73-A LIONS RIDGE LOOP >813-B LION'S RIDGE LOOP By uirtue of this subdivision, the duplex po�cels c�eoted he�eby wil/ not comply with lego/ /of requirements fo� const�uction o{ o single-fomi/y �esidence, and therefore no building permit sho/l be g�onted by the Town of �ai! for such o structure to be const�ucted on fhe subject porcels. The const�uction of only one duplex st�uctu�e shall be pe�mitted on the areos o{ the parcels created by this subdivision plot. FOUND PlN & PLAS CA c. s Na. 2ss2s VICINITY MAP SCALE.� 1 " = 500' C!� � N C,.t N � � � 1� � , ` e , � • � _ DUPL �X PL,� T �I I��SUBDI I/lSl 0/V OF � O T 5, BL O C!� �3 LION'S R/OGE SUBD/ I/lSIOIV FlLING /VO. 3, TOWN OF I/AIL, EA GLE COUN TY, COL ORADO ADMINISTRA TOR CER rlF/CA TE.• This duplex p(ot i reby oppro ed by fhe Town of �ad Administrotor fhis�doy of �t�/�p_ A.D., 2006. A c� 7o�Fn C/erk Administroto� Town of �oil, Colo�odo Town of �oil, Co%rodo CER77F/CA TE OF DED/CA T70N AND OWNERSH/P.• KNOW ALL MEN BY iHESE PRESENTS THAT, ✓ohn R. Webb, being sole owne� in fee simple, of oll that rea/ p�operty situated in the Town of �oil, Eagle County, Co%rodo, desc�ibed as fol%ws: Lot 5, Block 3, Lion"s Ridge Subdivision Fi/ing No. 3, Tawn of �ail, Eoqle County, Colorado, containing 36,428 square feet o� O.B36 oc�es more o� less,� ho✓e by these p�esents laid out, platted ond subdivided the some into lots ond blocks os shown on this finol plot under the nome and style af Duplex Plot A Resu6diw'sion of Lot 5, Block 3, LIONS RIOGE SUBDI�ISION FlL/NG N0. 3, TOWN OF �AIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO,� ond does he�eby occept the �esponsibi/ity fo� the completion o{ requi�ed improvemenfs,� and does hereby dedicote ond set opart a(( of the public roods ond other public improvements ond ploces as shown on the occompanying plat to the use of the public foreve�� ond does hereby dedicote those po�tions of soid real p�ape�ty which are c�eoted os easement on the occompanying p/at to the public foreve� os eosements fo� the purposes shown hereon, and does hereby gront the �ight to install ond mointoin necessory st�uctures to the entity �esponsib/e far prguiding the services fo� which the eosements are established. fi7 Executed this (�. doy of ,A.D. 2006. OWNER.• LOr 5 ✓ohn R. Webb 400 S Steele, Suite 1 Den ver, Colorodo 80209 hn R. Webb, Owner STATE OF COLORADO J ) SS COUNTY OF EAGLE ) :•"�"•%,�(i ihe faregoing Cer f' te of Oedicqtion and Ownership was acknawledged :9j befo�e me fhis � doy of J��- , A.D., 2006, by ✓ohn R. ,���,,�, :� Webb os Owner of Lot 5, Blo k 3, Lion's Ridge Subdiuision Filing No. 3. �p��'1-4��,"�'� S,�! e r � My commission expires 1'L � ��.' p�� �zL . Witness my hond ond officio/ seaL `� `�" . � p �i,°°��,o, �' •...�..••1•'� ��� �� �"N� a ����� ° ����� ORAV" - No ary� ub-'�Ilc � � . � 1a-V "'\, tr� �a� C�LBNa.� '��-, �,° A dress a SUR �EYORS CERTIF/CA TE.• l, Duane D. Feh�inger, do hereby ce�tify thot ! om a Registered Lond Su�ve}ro� licensed under the laws of the State of Colo�odo, thot this plat is o true, correct, and complete os loid out, p/otted, dedicated ond shown hereon, that such P/at wos mode fiom an accu�ote survey oi said property by me and unde� my supervision and correct/y shows the /ocotion ond dimensions o{ the lots, eosements and st�eets of soid subdiuision as the some o�e stoked upon the g�ound in compliance with applicab/e �egulations gove�ning the subdivision of land. �� ln wi,ness th eof ! ho�e set my hand and�.£e�rl'�.th�s�.�doy of � r �* � A. D. 2006. .+,'� , i r. �,; Qi,} � f i' 1' ti �' � `� 0.: n j I '�� � ���` 3' ` � '�` � � � z �. �'';`;1 ` ' � ` � ry; I � f a ;x f�' ` ,�' '�f r ��..,� ����u� °r -� 1 r �� 9 i zaY'� � ;%...� Registered Lond Surve}ro� No. 26626 R �'o r++^--a TITLE CER77FlCA iE.• �""' �� Land TiEle 6ua�antee Compony does he�eby ce�tify thot the title to all lo�ds shawn upon this p/ot have been examined and is vested in and thot tit/e to such londs is f�ee ond cic+Qr of a!l liens, ond encumb�o�ces, except os follows: % n-� o- \ Dated this�_day of °^ "'T i � — A.D., 2006 S K�. sd'a,. � ��o_n.-A-��_� w�G-a� , ---, � _ � � , _ ! P �. 5 . (y-Ca. w . Address �-+ti°x'� 2-ls3 q�-., � c.-�ea C�-'1. �. �°a i CERTIFICATE OF TAXES PA/D: l, the undersigned, do hereb certify thot the enti�e amount of taxes due ond poyob/e as of ��3i-oCa upan ol! porce/s af reol estate described on fhis plot ore paid in fu!/. Doted fhls $S� doy of "'f u wlE , A.D., 2006. • . �� Y m Z 0 � > W � w � � 0 0 Z �_ O N q � T y Q O ^ q O � � aw oa b N a �� � o0 U V � O O I '¢H', � a' ��' a � a � �"I � N � Hm � �� � � xa �r� ]� H � �� ez c � o .c a .,,, oy'�oao � � ��4� o S.y y.�, � �c � .c o m�o��•"� �a,og.�a vCOOEc.s�, C��o°tia v�w�o�� �] o:°:°�i' �OOo N � � m m y�vcwc� �'���,o°o �.c\y o �, ��a� ��Eu d.' k���'ccm ���� 3\E z .t".�r°���pO� _ � �o$c� O �°.�°a o�. � a o o.y h-� ° �a�S�:�o 4.N .q � h j � No"' o Ejo O v � W.h .0 3 j 0 L+Y'.. � M v °1 C `^ y 3 E&gaod,a �C4�4LjN yvvv -qa,o �� ��000w�o O M a O � Z � J C� � z � Q M �` ~ Z z � a � 9 Y�f % � ,�.,.�e��n . � � J o a�v �a�'�c4....- � U tn ° �as�of Eagle Cou � �r.,,._ � J � W � m � J m � � I�tld. Z � � W CLERK AND RECORDER S CERTIFICA TE.• LL � W � � This p(at was filed for �eco�d in the office af the Clerk ond Recorde� on this� day_ o{ A.a. 2006, of �_+�po'clock�M. rinder Rece -Ton�Na:- �-� m „e�:�� `:�:,°. —�,. a�+;� a ".�, Book _ot Pag � � �+ ; . ' .,,, � ° � ,� � �, �*,.� , „ � e,v �� '"" �C'� _f Ceik and Recorde� n�'��� Z �! �T � �. By. Deputy � ��` �.--�', � , �<�aaav�ocs c� Q � > � L� � O Z z O � J 0 F- SHEET NO. 1 oF 1