HomeMy WebLinkAboutBighorn Subdivision 5th Addition Block 1 Lot 02 & 03EXEMP Tl0/V PLA T LOTS 2 c4c 3, BLOCK 1, : ♦' : / / . // I ' • . • � - • . •--,• LOTS 2& 3 AS SHOWN. O 2) -DENOTES FOUND 5/8" REBAR W/PLAS. CAP, P.E. & P.L.S. 2662fi � 3) -DENOTES FOUND 5/8" REBAR W/PLAS. CAP, L.S. N0. 4974 OO 4) -DENOTES FOUND 5/S" REBAR- REPLACE W/PLAS. CAP P.L.S. 26626 ON FOUND REBAR O 5) -DENOTES SET 5/8'� REBAR W/PLAS. CAP, P.E. & P.L.S. 26626 6) BASIS OF BEARINGS: N89'53'24"W BETWEEN A FOUND 5/8" REBAR AT THE NORTHWEST LOT CORNER OF LOT 2 AND A FOUND 5/8" REBAR AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 3 AS INDICATED. 7) DATE OF SURVEY: SEPTEMBER 2005. 5087 8) DENOTES STREET ADDRESS NOTICE.� According to Colorado law yau must commence any lego/ octian bosed upan any defect in this su�vey within three yeors after you firsf discover such defect. ln no event, moy any oction bosed upon ony defect in this survey be commenced more thon ten yeors f�om the dote af ce�fificotion shown he�eon. LAND USE SUMMARY ADDRESS LOT 2 26,685 SQUARE FEET SINGLE FAMILY 5087 MAIN GORE DRIVE LOT 3 22,039 SQUARE FEET SINGLE FAMILY 5097 MAIN GORE DRIVE TOTAL 48,724 SQUARE FEET ■ PLANNING' AND EN I/IRONMENTAL COMMISSION CERTIFICA TE.� This final plot wos appro✓ed by� own of �oil Plonning ond Envi�onmenta! Commission this d°y of A.D. 200,�:� ATTEST.• „ . _. , of �ail Town of �oil Planning ond Environmento/ Commission SUR l/EYORS CERTIF/CA TE.• / do he�eby ce�tify that l om o Registered Lond Surveyor /icensed under the lows af the Stote of Colo�odo, that this plot is o t�ue, co��ect, ond complete os /oid out, p/otted, dedicoted and shown he�eon, thot such Plat was made £�om on occu�ote su��ey of soid property 6y me ond under my supe�uisian ond co�rect/y shows the /ocotion ond dimensions of the lots, eosements ond st�eets of soid subdivisian as the some a�e sfoked upon the ground m comp/ionce wifh applicoble �egulatrons go✓eming the subdivision o"t land ln witn�+ there f/ ho�e set my hond,and� seo/,,.th�s �� of �CL� A.O. 2006 ,�„ �;� V!' ��,' _. �� i ; �`1 . �1 =a /1 EAGLE COUNTY FILE N0. CERTIFICA TE OF DEDICA 770N AND OWNERSHIP: KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS thot, Frede�ick Streich and Janet Sf�eich, being sole owners in fee simple of oll thot �eol property situoted in the 7own of �oil, Eogle County, Colorado, described as fol/ows: Lots 2 ond 3, Block 7, Bigho�n Subdiuision Fifth Addition, A Subdivision in Sectians 72 ond 73, TSS, RBOW and in Section 7$ TSS, R79W of the 6th Principol Me�idian, Town of �ai/, Eog/e County, Colo�oda, confoining 48,724 squore feet o� 1.118 oc�es ma�e o� less; hove by these p�esents loid out, platted ond subdivided the some into /ots and 6/ocks os shown on this final p/af under fhe name and styJe of subdivision in fhe Town of �oil, Eagle County, Colo�odo,- ond does he�eby occept the respansibility fo� the completion of �equi�ed imp�ovements; ond does hereby dedreote ond set opo�t all of the public �oods and othe� pub/ic improvements ond p/aces as shawn on the accomponying p/at to the use oF the public fo�ever,• ond does hereby dedicate those po�tions of soid �eol p�ope�ty which o�e indicoted as eosement on the occompanying plot os easements fa� the pu�pose shown hereon; ond does he�eby g�ant the �ight to insfa// and maintoin necessory st�uctur'es to the entity �esponsib/e fo� p�oviding the se�vices fo� which the eosements are established. Executed this ���doy of ,( ,;:.�<.,���,A.D. 2006.-' /" �.." '��007�� CO-OWNER: L075' 2 & 3 Frederick Streich 6300 Chorrington Or'ive E/nQJ,lewood, CO 80777 4,".."._"�f�' ( ` �.�/�..� �l'" By. Frederich Streich 'a � STATE OF COLORAD ) g,�_� :�� � SS COUNTY OF -E=a The fo�egaing Ce�tif'�te a£ Dei before me this � day of� Fiede�ich Streich. My commission expi�es °� Witness my hand ond offi'ci �. s CO-OWNER: LOTS 2 & 3 Janet Streich 6300 Cho��ingtan O�ive Englewood, CO 80717 a�i'�� �� �'�.�"i�;i��.�". By. Janet Streich - Owne�ship was acknowledged —, A.D., 2006, by SiATE OF COLORADO ) �!',� ) SS COUNTY OF A'�Cf"'-�` ) The fo�egoing C��[�qte o{D before me this °"'W day of St�eich. My commission expires Witness my hond ond of�io/.� .. � . .:=1 ,`�' �'<01�.. ��T���4..41�i�{Cl.: .. , w , .�t .� � �.� :";i"O�u.,l � !. t.�gq Itt''�1 ?'i;�`�l: � Owne�ship was ocknow/edged '�! , A.D., 2006, by ✓onet �a'�_ ,/'�� �"'..,�.� ,,+'�,µ/ ,�gp�� y`� � �� � ^°� /'� / � N�� G." v-b�� l�..'��� �! � Address " � � ! � � aa TITLE CERTIFICA TE.• � F � O I � j � . �/'��� � �� �/� �� �i+�N ` � �r � , `°`� daes heredy certii'y �ot '-� �� k � fhe tifle fo o// londs shown upon thi� p/of have been exomined `an� is ✓e���dii �,�, ��� r ���)�(;1 � in ond thot title to such londs is {ree ond c/ear of aU liens ond �� ' encumbrances, except os follows: ,���,� Dated this doy of � � i a�. 0 CER ilFICA iE OF TAXES' f'A/D.• l, the unde�signed, do hereby certify thot e enti�e omount oi taxes and assessments due and payab/e as of � � upon a// porcels of reol tate describ on this plat a�e paid in full. Doted this j�day of , A.O., 200�'.� Ya._. -�. 7, � � �.� �"�� � � - � �.. �� �� ✓"' Tr asure�ount w� �l �_ �.� � ��' �� �� CLERK AND RECORDERS CERTIF/CATE.� �� "°�` This p/at wos filed f � reco�d in thp..affi e of the Cle�k and Reco�. �er on this� day of A.D. 200� �y ot�w7d� glQ,�'k L�M. Reco� unde� Receptbn No. �tl'fl� � °TC� in BookM 9R" of Page� , .. ,� C(e�k,,,ond Recorde� [] • � r m Z 0 N > � H Q � d z �� �� e ' ��- Q o� a� • x 5 � oa ��I �_ � � oo l � � o �� �H � a T F^ o '' ' � q .w �N W � 4 '� ��p � C4 ��> m= � �� a F+ � � � °a � c. O U N a M m T C C O C O O w O N C T � C C C °� �-�'o:%°' CC L�G9 s°'°' � „g �;,���,._v �LO C d N Y N C � C � � °-'�°oEr,.c. 0 U�yoU`O y O,y.L� C� N W N y� -°oF_w 0 0 J o°iE,n°`ovvi � � o m`o o �� S J� N G t O y d O� w � N G C t � L °�,' " Y �y oyor Z m w.-' �:' Q ryONd��O C� �V C L j O O y N✓V�' L �w O E O� O C y a W � o o!? � � ° � �vcc;cyy`o U% 6 N N y N? T a� �r Eo� y p G O T O O 3 y� y L ,NC w, 7 O N'✓ F^++ y m c'^ v 3 �Fya o�a ac ma U NyL.�Nv O• dw dN J N � O C C d O 1- N N= N T O�'� v z w �saoow°o U O � Q z � O O � J � � � U h- `� a �- J v � ~ � O L� z J � m � Z Z C3 O rry O (n J I— �>� a. N � W W N m ��� x °z;W � O � = O C� ro z O H er: SPF CHECKED BY: DDF on� issuEO: � 0/17/06