HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Intermountain Development Subdivision Block 10 Lot 03 - The Basingdale Homes (2)� / oWER pR�VE BE��F�" (50') � \ / V,� lL FlIV�I L P� �I T lN TERI��I O UlV T�I llV D� I/EL OPI��IEN T SUBDI l//S/ O/V �1 RESUBDI I/lSlOIV OF � O% 3, BL OCl� ? 0, ' THE B,� SlIV GD% L E h'OMES 0� LOT 11, BLOCK 10 ��1 �5�� /�� TWIN SPRUCE TOWNHOMES 65� �� � � COUIV T Y O� E�I GL � S T�I TE OF COL OR�O D O RECEPTION NO. 175088 �P5/� / � � � � PG�/ � RP��j \� v� LOT 7, BLOCK 7, ��� � o`�'� 1/AIL, INTERMOUNTAIN DEI/ELOPMENT SUBD/I/lSION � 1� P�j �� � RECEPTION IVO. 117277 � \Z � . � �51c�� ���� / L O T 3A m�� � Cn 65� 1� 12, 959 SQUARE FEET \ N w , �/ 0.297 ACRES � o � / \ ���. \ -j d V \ as_ \ �6'' \ ��` \ �� � Zk \ � �1. � �s � L O T 3B � \ kp'� o� � � P� � �� �� � 15, 041 SQUARE FEET � p, . p.�� ��,��� PSE�/ �� 6' o� o0 0.345 ACRES � GJk , �� �E �/ s � ���� �o \ � � P��P/ � � �_ G� �p�2� O QR �i / �- / � L OT 2, A RESUBDI 1/lSION OF L O i 13, BL OCK 10, l/.4/L INTERMOUNTAIN DE�EL OPMENT SUBDI I/lSION �- BOOK 649 A T PA GE 797 �, \ �� \ � \ % .' \ �� ��s � � � // 6g.�5�, „W 155.5� o\ �, vs \r,o � �/ � 5�3 51 �59 �� � ��\ ��� cp � � EASEMEN37� � / p. Z� �T ��,, � � SEWER PA�E � ��0� �o ��.� \ oo \/ �� O, SAN�TA��K ��4 �1�3 � i �< <S` �..' ��, � , �E� �N g ION N�� � , '1 � .. � � � � � , _ - RE�OR� REGEP � � 3007 � � 2��� � � F�� \ g5 g2 �� / � i / , ��G�G� � � � / i \/ / / , O 2��� � � 3009 , � � O,� �iA S � � , � � W � � v /� / � �� a�2 00 \ \ � " � w � � L- O � ��' O � o. A � � �� � � y��< ° j \ `l5� � --� m , ' \ �j�� �� SG�� ���L� % GRAPHIC SCALE ��02 10 20 40 80 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 20 ft. I/lC/Nl T Y MAP SCALE.� > " = 1000' �0 � , 3007 \ � i � � A � � � '' N g, � v / l.{� � ��''� � � o_ � • ��� r � � � ' �- �Z,B � � � � � R�N�s) �50 ) � A \ �� 62•�� 1,31"W pF gE �AR . \ � �6.2' \ 56�.(BAS�S g�U�E E / �N���� gAS / No rES� �� y'�, ��=„A�"*'?�"�°��f,"._ 1) PURPOSE OF THIS PLAi lS TO SUBDIVIDE LOT 3/NTO TWO lNDII/IDUAL SY�'l�'L"c�AhilfL°Y LOTS 2) FOUND PlN AND CAP L S. N0. 26626 3J SEi PlN AND PLASTIC CAP L. S NO. 26626 4) >BAS/S OF BEAR/NGS S 67 41 31 " W BETWEEN A FOUND PlIV AND CAP L S NO. 26626 A T THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF LOi 3 AND A FOUND PlN AND CAP L.S. NO. 26626 AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 3. 5) DA TE OF SUR �EY.• MA Y 2006 6) ADDRESSES ARE FOR INFORMA T/ONAL PURPOSES ONL Y AND MA Y BE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. !/ERIFY FINAL STREET ADDRESS WITH THE EAGLE COUNrY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEl/ELOPMENT. 7) IVOT/CE.� ACCORD/NG TD COLORADO LAW YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPOIV ANY DEFECT lN rHIS SUR I/EY WITHIN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCO �ER SUCH DEFECT. lN NO E�ENT, MAY ANY ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT lN THIS SUR�EY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF CERTIFICAT/ON SHOWN HEREON. LAND USE SUMMARY ��/;�,,,, . �7�A9�-�"��,�,�,�' LOT 3A 12, 959 SQUARE FEET OIVE��9�dGLE f�4/uf�L Y DWELLING UNIT LOT 3B 75, 041 SQUARE FEET OAl��/fVGLE Ffbl�9fL Y OWELL/NG UNIT �� � �...._. �:'n'�^'�,:M���ws��. 3007 BASIIVGDALE BOULE�ARD 3009 BASINGDALE BOULE�ARD � I ���� Pa�ty Wo// Ag�eement ond Dec/o�otian of Covenants, Conditions and Rese�vofions of Lat 3, B/ock 70, �oi/ /nte�m�u toin Deve/opmen Subdivision o�e fi/ed at Reception No. .�"���,'.;"���� i,, ,��� �� �� � � T.- � P�otective Covenonts for this subdivisibn o�e £iled in Book at Poge ______ Reception No. in the �eco�ds of the Office of the C/e�k and Reco�de� of Eog/e County, Colorodo COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CERTIFICATE.� Bosed upon the �eview ond �ecommendation of fhe Eogle County Di�ector of Community Development, the Boord of County Commissione�s of Eogle Count , Colo�odo, hereby opp�oved this finol plot this ��^doy of ��-�� M"'�^���-. , A.D., 2007, fo� filing with the Cle�k and Reco�de� of Eogle County ond fo� con✓eyonce to the county of the public dedicotions shown he�eon; subject to the p�ovision that oppro✓ol in no way obligotes Eogle County fo� maintenonce of roods dedicated to the public until const�uction of imp�ovements the�eon shall hove been completed in acco�donce with Eagle County specifibofions and the Boa�d of County Commissione�s ai Eogle County has by a subsequent �eso/ution agreed to undertoke maintenonce of some. This app�o✓o/ does not guo�ontee thot the size, soil conditions, subsu�foce geology, g�ound wote� conditions, o� flooding conditions of ony /ot shown hereon are such thot o bui/ding peimit, sewoge dlsposo/ permit o� ony other required pe�mit wi// be issued. 7hls approvol is with the unde�standing that a/l expenses involuing �equi�ed imp�ovements fo� aA uti/ity seruices, paving, groding, londscaping, cu�bs, gutte�s, sidewolks, �ood lighting, �ood signs, flood protection devices, d�oinage structures, and all othe� improvements thot moy be �equi�ed sha// be the �esponsibi/ity oF the subdiuide� ond not the County of Eogle. , � '�-z. l� � , � � ', .� � y�..�� Ch,airm ;r7;„..Boa�d of County Commissiane�s CoJn-ty�of Eogle, Colorodo Witness my hand and seal of the Caunty of Eogle � # } '� '� � i ,. , .,, �. , ti ATTEST , : ,.a,s .� --:� �.� .,a,xt,.,'�'�l.+.r�`�'`�,�:5�''-. � .. F� C/e�k ta the Boord o{ County Commissione�s COMMUNITY DE�ELOPMENT CERTIFICATE.� Pu�suont to the Eog/e County Lond Use Regulations, the Di�ecto� of Eogle Cou ty Community Development hereby opp�oves this final p/ot this _ � doy of P�.""a�`"°�:�":�R��' A.D., 2007. �.� �° ,..,� . ��" ��s�f �=�.�,.�,. i�ec ar, Communit D'eve opm� �` County of Eogle Colorodo STATE OF COLORADO J ) ss COUNTY OF EAGLE J The foregoin9 instrrrment was ocknow/edged befo�e me this ��� day of �„�di'��'€�"°r�"�""e A.D., 2007, by ��"���°�'�;_,_1". �'���� My commission expires ��.' ��� y �"'��R� .... Witness my hand ond seal F^"• � J�"��� ��? � �� No �ry Pub,c " SUR �EYORS CER77F/CA TE.� l, Duane D. Feh�inge� do hereby ce�tify thot l om o P�ofessional Lond Su�veyo� licensed unde� the /aws of the Stote of Co/o�oda, thaf fhis plot is o true, correct and comp/ete P/ot of I/oil /nte�mountoin Development Subdivision, A Resubdiw'sion o£ Lot 3, B/ock 10, The Bosingdo/e Homes, County of Eog/e, Sfote of Co/o�odo, os /aid out, p/otted, dedicated ond shown hereo2 thot such plot wos mode from an occurote survey of said property by me ond/o� under my supervision ond co��ectly shows the /acotion ond dimensians of the lots, eosements and streets of soid subdivision os fhe same a�e staked upon the ground in comp/ionce wifh app/icob/e �egu/otions go✓erning the subdivision �'d�.�. y e�� t$ � �� �. �� Witness W e�eof, / ho✓e set my �br�'' nq;,s�ql Yi�' � day of � A D ?x�'Q�w? 4� t��y � o ti?4 � r ��� "]' �.� .y�Fr � l � i 1 "°,s �' ° � ( � � � . � t��. � �'� �. °C� � l7 � � ��° � � /1 '," ir �� Professionol Ca'.,n.,�„"S�rZ..�o% SMB- 00419 CERT/FICATE OF OEDlCA770N AND OWNERSH/P: KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT R. Lynn Canton, being sole owners in fee simp/e, mortgagee o� lienholder, of ol/ thot �ee1 p�ope�ty situated in Eogle Caunty, Colorado, desc�ibed os follows: Lot 3, Block 70, A Resubdivision of Lot 13, Block 10, �ail /nte�mountoin Deve%pment Subdivision, according to the Plot Recorded Septembe� 73, 7994, in Book 649 ot Page 797, Caunty af Eogle, State of Colo�ado, cantoining 0.642 ac�es mo�e o� /ess ho✓e by these p�esents loid out, p/otted and subdivided the some into lots ond blocks as shown on this £ino/ plot under the name ond style oF Finol Plot, Voil /nte�mountoin De✓elopment Subdivisian, A Resubdiuision of Lot 3, Block 10, The Basingdole Homes, o subdiuision in the County of Eog/e, and do he�eby occept the �esponsibi/ity fo� the comp/etion of �equi�ed imp�ovements; ond do hereby dedicote ond set apo�t o/l of the public �oods ond othe� public imp�ovements and ploces as shown on the occomponying plot to the use of the pubAc forever,� ond do he�eby dedicote those po�tions of soid reol prope�ty which o�e indicated os eosement on the occomponying plot as eosements fo� the pu�pose shown he�ein; unless atherwise expressly provided the�eon; ond do he�eby gront the �ight to instol/ and mointoin necessory structu�es to fhe entity �esponsible fo� p�oviding the se�uices fo� which the easements o�e established. /���p • �w Executed this_��! doy of � E�,A.D. 2007 OWNER: R. Lynn Conton 70551 O�ange Pa�k Blvd. Oronge, CA 92B69 �.. � c��-% � by R Lynn Con on STA7E OF CAUFORNIA ) SS COUNTY OF�� The fo�going Certificate of Dedi�y tion a Owne�ship was acknowledged befo�e me thi�`8'ay of , A.D. 2007, by R Lynn Conton os owne`Q w j�! �� � My commission expires / Witness my hand and seo% . �'�R { � oryP� Mo�tgoge e/L ienh older. � lndependent Mo�tgoge Company Centrol Michigan, E. R. MCGUIRE o Michigon banking corporotion. �Commiesion # 1699211 230 West Main St�eet otory Publlc - Califomla lonio, Michigon 48B46,, �, OfOngB COUnfy - . �"° � „ M,,�,,.��,,,.�,a � , Y� �,.0<L.tlS��CV1�1h� '4"m� �'�. �t��ii1l�SOI\ STATE OF MICNIGAN ) courvrr oF,ipNi� � ss The fo�going Ce�tificote of Dedicotion ond Owne�ship wos ocknow/edged before me this '�''� doy of A.D. 2007, by,��_Qj,�Dinsefl_ os �� jf.i�� of lndependent Mo�tgage Compony Centr'a/ Michigon, a Michigon banki g corporotion. My commission expires /V.rembe..f 2�e Z��t Witness my hond and seo% . Nat ��',� �e I �inGlQi�r S-��,��P11�c�" �re Mor�#�,�Iw► +�o��hl o��hh� a� �o��w �r�n'� that it has examined the Ti'tle i Title to such lands is vested in: Doted this;_�� �,�d` r°" doy of s he�eby ce�tify P/at ond that 2007. CERTIFICATE OF TAXES PAID: l, the undersigned, do he�eby ce�tify that the entir� am�unf of toxes ond ossessments due ond poyable os of �°,���'���° ��i.�' upon oll po�cels of �e�/ estote de,�cnbed o this p/at a�e�paid in fu// Dated this ?'� doy of �'�.°�a�_ 9 A.D., 2'19� � � . v � � � � �� wy �'�� e � �;r,�a� �����,� �.� � , �, , � ireosu�er of Ea� e Coun'ty'� � ��� ���➢,. CLERK AND RECORDERS CER7/,�/CATE� �� �"�- This plat wos filed fo� �eco�d in the Office of the Cle k ond Reco�de� ot �: o clock on this . doy of `_ �` ^�� A 0 2007 ond is du/y �eca�ded at Reception No °� �i�, �'�`�� rt 8 � � .. . ti ,,,�I�4n� " 1. ��7�1 .e, .a ;� �� ',` C/e�k ofid�ecorder By. ,��-�� � - � r ����' , ��� � • • .. z 0 � � w � w � Q 0 0 z • ^' x � ww o� �� �� � �g � Q� � � � �; �� 00 � o^ a: � � �a o� � Ca �� � � n � W � >4 ,� `" a z 0 N � � r 0 0° o d o T�CC�C °� a�'o.�+. m w��s�=� � � y � � N p pL O N y N � ��_a N C � - � �+ °-'`°o�r5 0 U�p°w� y O y C� N N 5° °O`` 0 0 c � o a « C `o°iE�oy o �,a��o�= +. �E���� � oY' �aw „_ � o.. o o >�ss °� U m � E � � y O .'�, � x � �d � y`o rv c 3._ o � CJ T� T Y� L V � 4 S J oE'o�°o°c" ��,.„N�o �: o 0 � ° �$: y `o a tl1' � E i. V � N � J a � mo'coEv°o` � y� y N C ; y N L L t 7 O Y"F ✓ C y C N N 3 Ers-r°n�oo�� . � d C N O U N� j'- N d � C p y d� 7 N O C C d O F NULNTO��i w F L O O O W� O U O � � o � o m � � � r.rj O O Q = � J °`'�°� J -� ^ Q {�i� � � � J ° z � z � Q � O Z � m U LL �w� o = � m I- Q � w t/) w � Q