HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeer Underpass Boundary SurveyN O O W N O V � � 1 0 ti� �l.% iREV � DATE LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PARCEL A A parcel of land situated in the NW1/4NE1/4 and the NEl/4NW1/4, all in Section 22, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, lying southerly of the Northerly line of said NWl/4NE1/4, Westerly of the Easterly line of said NWl/4NE1/4, Northerly of the Southerly lines of said NW1/4NE1/4 and Nfl/4NW1/4, Easterly ofthe Easterly right-of-wpy line of Interstate Highway 70, said parcel of land described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast Corner of said NW1 /4NE1/4; Thence S 00°02'39" E, 1345.11 feet afong the Easterly line of said NW1/4NE1/4 to the Southeast Corner of said NWl/4NE1/4; thence S 86°14'15" W, 1563.81 feet along the Southerly lines of said NW1/4NE1/4 and the NE1/4NW1/4 to a point on the Norfherly right-of-way line ofthe Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad Right-of-way; thence N 73°37'00" W, 377.83 feet along the Northerly right-of-way line of said Railroad to a point on the Easterly right-of-way line of said Highway; thence N 14°15'00" E, 310.90 feet along the Easterly right-of-way line of said Highway; thence N 23°48'00" E, 380.80 feet along the on the Easterly right-of-way line of said Highway; thence N 45°1 7'30" E, 342.20 feet along the the Easterly right-of-way line of said Highway; thence N 2$°18'00° E, 417.80 feet along the on the Easterly right-of-way line of said Highway to a point on the NarFherly line of said NWl /4NE1 /4; Thence N 86°13'53" E, 1255.23 feet afong the Northerly line of said NW1/4NE1/4 to the Norfheast Corner of said NW1/4NE1/4, the point of beginning. The above described parcel of tand contains 50.91 acres, more or less. PARCEL B A parcel of land situated in the NE1/4SE1/4 of Section 15, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, lying southerly of the Northerly line of said NE1/4SE1 /4, Westerly of the Easterly line of said NEl /4SE1/4, Noffhwesterly of the Northwesterly right-of-way line of Interstate Highway 70, and Easterly of the Westerly line of said NE1/4SE1/4, said parcel described as fol'lows: Beginning at the true Quarfer Corner between Sections 14 and 15 of said Township and Range, whence an iron post with a brass cap, found in place and properly marked for the witness Point to the Quarter Corner between Sections 14 and 15 of said Township and Range bears: N O1 °35'00" W, 19.80 feet; thence S Ol °32'36" E, 279.50 feet along the easterly line of said NE1/4SE1/4 to a point on the Norfhwesterly right-of-way line of said Highway; thence 71 1.10 feet along the arc of a curve to the left, having a radius of 588D.00 feet, the chord of which bears: S 50°19'36" W, 710.70 feet; thence S 46°51'44" W, 464J0 feet along the Northwesterly right-of-way line of said Highway; thence S 75°17'27" W, 345.10 feet along the Northwesterly right-of-way line of said Highway; thence 152.34 feet along the arc of a curve to the right, having a radius of 846.00 feet, the chord of which bears: S 61 °09'05" W, 152.13 feet to a point on the Westerly line of said NEl /4SE1 /4; thence N O1°33'46" W, 1 124.} 1 feet alo�g the Westerly line of said NE1/4SE1/4 to the Northwest Corner of said NEl/4SE1/4; thence N 86°20'05" E, 1379.07 feet along the Northerly line of Sn��l_�IF]�d$F1 /�1 t� tl�e p4c�!heas' G�:n2r.^.f sci� .�E,�YJLI/4; 4�C j;vir� ai bEginning: The above described parcel of land contains 24.21 acres, more or less. PARCEL C All that part of the SE 1/4SE 1/4 of Section 15, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, lying Southeasterly of the Southeasterly right-of-way line of Interstate Highway 70, and westerly and southerly of Block 10, Vail Intermountain Devefopment Subdivision, as recorded in the office of the Clerk and Recorder, Eagle County, Colorado, in Book 254, Page 974, at Reception No. 151277, further described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast Corner of said SE1/4SE1/4, said Corner being the same as the Southeast Comer of said Section 15 (being marked with a 3-1/2" BLM brass cap in a mound of stone); thence S 86°15'26" W, 1380.65 feet along the Southerly line of said SE1/4SE1/4 to the Southwest Corner of said SEl/4SE1/4; thence N Ol°34'07" W, 1061.55 feet afong the the Westerly Iine of said SE1/4SE1/4 to a point on the Southeasterly right-of-way line of Interstate Highway 70; thence N 55°28'O1" E, 1.22 feet along said southerly right-of-way line; thence along the westerly and southerly boundary of Block 10 of said Vail Intermountain Development Subdivision the following 4 courses; 1. S26°U'1 1" E, a distance of 680.61 feet to the southwest corner of Lot 1 b; 2. N56°34'55" E, a distance of 650.00 feet; 3. N33°19'55" E, a distance of 438.00 feet; 4. N'69°39'55° E, a distance of 308.13 feet to a point on the easterly line of the said SEl/4SE1/4; thence S Ol°32'50" E, along the the Easterly line of said SE1/4SE1/4 a distance of 1192.93 feet to the Point of Beginning. The above described parcel of land contains 25.479 acres, more or less. �OTS 8, 15 and 16 Lots 8, 15 AND 16,Biock 10, Vail Intermountain Development Subdivision, as recorded in the office of the Clerk and Recorder,Eagle County, Colorado, in Book 254, Page 974, at Reception No. 151277. PARCELD A parcel of land situated in the NW1/45W1/4 of Section 14, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the Sixth Princippl Meridian, lying Southerly of the Northerly line of said NWl/4SW1/4 and Northwesterly of the Northwesterly right-of-way line of Interstate Highway 70, said parcel of land being described as follows: Beginning at the true Quarter Corner befween Sections 14 and 15 of said Township and Range, whence an iron post with a brass cap, found in place and properly marked for the Witness Point to the Quarter Corner between Sections 14 and 15 of said Township and Range bears: N O1 °35'00" W, 19.80 feet; thence N 87°09'00" E, 467.60 feet along the Northerly line of said NW1/4SW7/4 to a point on the Northwesterly line of said Highway; thence S 58°1 1'06" W, 539.29 feet along the on the Norfhwesterly right-of-way line of said Highway; thence S 58°09'S8" W, 2.00 feet along the on the Norfhwesterly right-of-way 6ine of said Highway to a point on the Westerly line of said NW1/4SW1/4; thence N O1°32'38" W, 262.20 feet to the point of beginning. The above described parcel of land contains 1,41 acres, more or less. Recorder's Certificate: �.31 Deposited this �%��`day o�__�/►t.�Yy, 2008 at aZ:,3y� {�m., In book of the County land plats/right-of-way surveys at page , Reception No. o��j �Q'c�Q �S� �� w ,r � � :: � M , �� �� � � �� a �r� � � 4 p {J. g / 't J� a"'_ x�'� �� �.�r �*,.y i F��al.,qn..�: �$' py�, ���,� k�� '✓ "�/ i/lI f:iRA�O �f 1 WGrC. ' � ��:��r� „� �: Eagle Counfy Clerk REVISION � � � Vail Underpnss Boundary Survey -�, -- ..�a ���... ,� a SCALE 1' 300Q a DA E„ September 26, 2008 � t DRAWN 8Y SJS � , � T 1 of 3 S' PROJECT 07662 Ol � f CHKD BY US a MADEyCHKD� APP� � ; DRAW ����� �� � ������ � � ���� � ,: � � . ...a.._.w._ .�.� �' InIG: VuilDeerunderpass-Ptaf�.dwg �� BY 'a BY � BY "DI�ECTORY: H�\o�d6s\oz\ � \/q I D eer U n er ass Bou n r a Surv a y . ey Parcels of Land Situated in Secfions 15 and 22, Township 5 South, Range 81 West af the bth Principal Meridian, Eagle County, Colorado � A M B A & A 5 5 O C I A T E 5 VICINITY MAP Scale 1"= 3000' Notes: 1.) The basis of bearing for this survey is based on a line between the Northeast Corner of Section 22 (corner common to Sections 14, 15, 22 and 23) being a 3-1/2" BLM Brass Cap, scribbed "1942", found in a mound of stone and the Witness corner to the %a Corner comrnon to Sections 15 and 22 being a 3-1 /2" USDAAIuminum Cap , L.S. # 7235, stamped °S 86°14'52"W, 25 ft."which course bears S 86°15'26" W. 2.) LINEAL UNITS: All distances shown hereon are U.S. survey feet. 3. Per agreernent with the client, the location of existing improvements within approximately 100 feet of the boundary lines are shown hereon. 4. Easement research provided by Land Title Guarantee Comperny, Vail, Colorado. 5. Water lines and sewer lines as shown hereon are scanned from the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District As-built Map Numbers 2103-154, 2103-221 and 2103-222. 6. Property subject to a unrecorded "Right-of-Way agreement between the State of Colorado, for the use and benefit of the Division of Wildlife and Vail Associates, Inc. dated february 10, 1994. The location of the "right of way" is to be specified by "an as-built survey Plat and description of the right-of-way area within 90 dnys after completion of the facililities" as per the terms of the agreement. SURVEYOR'S CERTIfICATE: I, Steven J. Slivensky, a registered professional land surveyor in the state of Colorado, hereby cerfify that this boundary survey is a true representation of a survey conducted by me or under my direct supervision in September, 2008. Steven J. Slivensky P.L.S. 37938 NOTICE: According to Colorado law you MUST commence any legal action based upon any defect in this survey within three years after you first discovered such defect. In no event, may an action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of the certification shown hereon. Division of Wildlife �__m. . �._�w. _�__._.._ ,. ._.._ _..__ __ .. _ ,_..< < _ __.._.... GAMBA & ASSO�IATES, I1�I�. CON5ULTING E'fVGIMEERS & LAND SURVEYCSRu 970/945-2550 WWW.C+AMBAENGINEERINCs.COM i 13 NINTH ST.� STE. 2l4 P.O. BOX i458 GLENWOOD SPRINGS, CO 81802 ? SHEET NO. STATE OF COLORA00 DEPPRTMENT OF NATURAL RESJURCES DIVISION OF WILDLIFE pENVER, COLORHDO �AND SURVEY PLAT VAIL DEER UNDERPASS STATE WILDLI=E AREA _. E., .. C +.EO Bv; JRAVlMG� R ......mw H E: SHFEP. � ~ j�. �����OF N O O W N O V � � N O � W Pound 3-112" BLM &ass Cap� i/4 Comer to Sedions 10 &15 � � � � � � Va i Deer U n e r ass Boun ar urve p y Y Parcels of Land Situated in Sections 15 and 22, Township 5 South, Range 811hlest of the bth Principal Meridian, Eagle County, Colorado � � � _ N'� GPe W a . w w I u V � I I I � I � �I � Found BLM 6rass Cap- ti4 $86°23'S5"W __ � . — . . _ . . _ . . ._ . . _. . . , . _I_ . . _ �� . _ . . .— . . _ . . —. . . — . . _ . . _ . . — . . Corner b SecUors 15 & 16 � . . — - � — � � —"' � � � � _ _ — _ _ — 2765.58' � I I ' I.... .. . . ... . � � I R=846:00 � i , L 154'.96 A � 10°29'41' � C=154J4 � � � I � I I I I � � Location of % Corner -. of Sections 15 & 22 � � � Fountl 3-112" 8LM Biass Czp, 1942 i S86°1'S'26"�d _ in mound of stone, corner common �-- �— �— tosectiors�5,ts2�szz � 586°TS'96"W _. _ .— — r — — — 1380:65' — — — 138Q:65' I I /1 II. � � e N �.W V . �IW P g I I � i / � ? o ^NP � / O 1 a`� m 2h� op b I � R=eas.ao L=152.34 C=15213 '% I Found3-112"1986 USDAAIuminumCap, L.S, 7235- stamped S 86°14'52" W, 25 F., W.C. toy Corner Sectlons 75 8 22 Found 3-112" USDA Aluminum Cap In mounc of stone- East yB Comer la Sections 15 & 22 Pound It5 Re6ar ntlo'i�:��,� �25523' CR) N86'1353 E (R) PARCE! D Reception No. 14G136 — Me�sured Acreage=1.408 Acres (Recorded Acrezge=1.41 Aces per ]eed recorded at Book 24fi, Page 928, Reception No. 143136) Found BLM Brass Cap W.C. to 114 Comer Sections 15 & 14 bears N01 °36'31 "W, 19.80' E (R) fromy Corner 1379.07' (R) PARCEL B Recepfior No 14313fi Measured Acreage= 25269 Acres o (Reco�ded Acreage= 2721 Acres p=_r �; Deed �ecordec at 800k 24E, Page °28, " ReceptionNo 143t38) A m � � 1 � ��l j� .:�: pM��l. . � Found3y Co Highway a65 5� � Depadment Brass Cap 5� b"� � on6"concretepillar a��o .. (R) .�� k�b. 345.1� . �.ec°OP�14,WW �R� � 8 <6�.60' (P) NB%'O9'o0°E (�) ti-, � ., �ti o �' � m A A C��SIN I � 1/ Ie / � �= Found3Y"Co, ��g Hi�hwayDepartment I� Brass Cap on - w 6"concrete pillar � - � PARCEL C RecepCio� Na.Y43136 � ` I �I I . � `�1 � � I Sti� I . I � / � •�.�� :' ... � � O A S : I ^O t y`� ,�p �gl � 3' g � � °i �'�' �' ^���° i PARCEL A � � ^ I I �IP : . .... g � "' =I� � I ml r' II_ II �� , _ . . ° — . . � — ��w (R 586°1659"W . '. .. �. 1384.63' -------� . . _ . � - -\ sae�i<•i�'w CR) I � I --- N86°Y6'S9"E � h5hi/��yz4 I .. . . I ' W � Found 3-112" 1986 USDA I, � \ . �� I AWminum Cap� I � � � Norfhwest1116 Corner � � � � Secticn 22 . � �. I $ �. gl 2 I I I �I � Found 3-U2" BLM Bre=s Cap ,ii I moundofslone,y �omerta Sections 21 & 22 � . - � — � � — � - � � — _ _ _ sab°�9�os°w � � � I I I I I �I� 8I� N i Found 1-112" BLM Aluminum Cap, 1976, L-18-Car. 4;L-21 Cor6, N63°39'S1"E, 22.05' Pound 3y"Co. Hlghway Depatlment Brass Cap on 6"concrefe plllar, N58°15'09"E, 12.61' � Fou .� �Yq"Co. Hlghway partment Brass Cap or E"concrele pillar "W 1.64' (R) a.oc (e) / N87°OB'31"E _ _ 2764.57'— R=58AQ:00 L-704.97d=6°52'10' (=704.55(8=550°10'13"W R=5880.00 (R) '�=711.10 jR) C=710J0 (R) C6=550'19'36'"W (R) Found USFS 2-112" Aluminun Oap. LS, # 29046-SouihYy Gomer Sectlons 22 & 24 Fountl 3-112" BLM�Brass Cap, 1942, in mound of stone, Comer common lo Sections 14, 15, 22 & 23 w ryti . n r ' _ I ���5`"� � '�°� � � � Reception No.143130 0 °�. M � .. ... . . g o� ^ .°n, ,� /`�' oo I g Measured Acreage= 50.838 A�res ,n � � .� � .roo°o`� g � egi � ��7 (Recorded Acreage=50.91 Acres oer . . a„^+, �' �,� � � ,;; Deeo recordsd at 8ock 248, Fage 928, I �N 2 "�o� - Reception No. 143138) . � � Found 3Y"Go. rllghway � � �epartment Brzss Cap on � .w a � 6"conr,retepillar � � � Set 2" Aluminum Cap, L,S. # 37938 o N �^ o o � Set 2" Aluminum Cap, L 5# 3?938 � NortheastYs Comer Secticn 22 I�° 2 : M 3�7EJ (� I �. 7563.8 ZZ � � �N � � t (R) . 1379.11'.. . — . � �81ek�y� �N 3N�, TD6��.. � 189,Ifi', CNYe Ccrneses't�a'^5�w (R) 586°V'17"W � � � I z � . : � ,. :. Q I � ' .... . �. . I 00 M I� I V � . $ I I � I N I I � _ Set 2" Aluminum Gap, L..S. #37938 In mound � of stone, stam�ed �, WA. [0 114 Corner to I . Secfians 22 8 23 � �� fine corner bears N00°06'41"E, 19.80' �` � l _ . _ _ __— _ . — — — — . 2755.13' � . _ _ _ — 586°19'09"W � __ _ — . _ . _ 2762.20�. — — — I I I I ; ! LEGEND: � , - , � � I � I � �I� I ° " Q � N OIN �.,Ig = P Op A.p ONO p T I Found 3-t l'2° BLM B-ass Cap stamped 1975, C �/ - Cenler Corner 5eciio� 14 �� � Found survey monument as noted hereon. G'' Set 1 1/2" Aluminum Cap P.L.S. #37938. o Set 2" Aluminum Cap P.L.S. #37938 as noted hereon. '� Found BLM brass cap as noted hereon. I , 400 0 400 800 1200 I I GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET � � wcH = aoa reer i I I Found 2-112" BLM 6rass Cap , I In mound otstone, Corner i conmon to Sections 22 23, 26 _ _ & 27 � N86°OB'10"E __ —` — — � __,.— — — - — 2749J3' Founc 3-112" BLM Brass . � - — - � — Cap,1942, Corner common I $86°04�5���W .—��—�--� Fountl 2-112" BLM Brass Cap 1942, foSeetlans21,22,27&28 �.._-.. .. ._.._.._.._...—�---�—..—..�..—� 2767.57' /, Co'ner co Sedions 22 8 27 Vail Underpass Boundary Survey � SC�LE ��...e . r_ ._ � "= 400` ;� DA E Sepfember 26 2008 ?;� DRAWN RY S15 ; � .�,..�.w.. ,... �_� .�.w ,..... .� � _ _.,._e_ .. ._ . .. , .w _. �..__ � . �wSHEET 2 of 3 � FROJECT 07662' 02 �[ CHKD BY 5J5 � Division of Wildlife ■ r7���.i� �. V�C ��Afi SCALE: 1 " = 100' uq I � eer U n er pqSS Bounar Surv y e� Parcels of Land Situated in Sections 15 and 22, Town�hip 5 South, Range 81 West of the bth Principal Meridian, Eagle County, Colorado LEGEND: � Found survey monument as noted hereon. � Set 1 1/2" Alumi�um Cap P.L.S. #37938. O Set 2" Aluminum Cap P.L.S. #37938 as noted hereon. � Found BLM brass cap as noted hereon. `� Utility Pole � Light pole —� Sign Postr 200820756 3 of 3 S86°TS'?6"W _ . _ _ � . . � . . � . �_ . . _ . . � . . � O I ��/ 0 / I � �a � � �a I � Overhead o�E Powerline ,�° � � (TYP-) � s'>� �/ � � �>F. ��� � /" ONE � ,jNf. � � oHE� ��7 I i ,✓ � , � � � �� ; = � ; �� §��. / ,w_ / � � Q���"�" s� � � - M� ' . . . .. :. � . � Fence (Typ.) � � � ��F ��� � �o � /� F� . . I'3 S� __.,_ < I N86°16'S9"E 1384.63' i , � Found 3 1I2 1986 USDA o�`` Alummum Caq LS. 7235- / stamped S 86°1452 W, 25 ft,W.C. �, to% ComerSecfionsl5&22 °� / 1380.65' / ..—..—..—..— — - / /. ` Fence (Typ.) � °�+r � N� �� J I � H \q�� � �l�le�rl.:�,"\. � I� � Fence(TYP; : e �� e P Pound3Y"Co.Highway IT �epartnent Brass Cap � w on fi"wncrete pllar _ � IN � I I � I S86`Ib'S9"W I � Overheatl Pawer Line � (TYP � pHE o�E�� oHE � � � � ��� � � ��., v �� �� o�" R-846:00 L 154:96 4=10°29'41" �-�54:%4 CB=560°34'36"W R=846.00 (� L=152,3a (R) C-152.�3 (R) CB=561'09'GS"N �E <� oN� s .�" /.�-i°� Fence (Typ.) ( / d� Oeer L'ndcrpass / i�" i oe' j / /., � � i r ���� ��� � � � ���� , ��'� ��� �-�� � � � % p� / '�� � / � / / ,m ,� � F � found 3-V2" USDA Aluminum � � Cap'nmoundofstone-Easl%s - �� Corner io Sections 15 8 22 � �� ' � % � � FaundH5Rebar �� � �� i N 86°15'26" E o� 1380:65' " -� � 1253.3P � — � N86°IS'26"E 775523' (R) / � N86'13'S3'E (R) /Y 1q � l± J `N�O d°^ s � P II �W` hd , �O � i U I 0 I i rJ � / �M / ,�, _ , ,�, __ P.ru�r -� �M Overhead Tcicphonc Linc i � Set 2" Aluminum Cap, LS. # 37938CNys ComerSection22 � PARCEL A Recepfion No.143136 Measured Acreage= 50:838 Acres (Recorded Acreage= 50:91 Acres per Deed recorded at Book 246, Page 928, Reception No. 143136) � ; PARCEL B Reception No.143136 Measured Acreage= 25263Acres (Recorded Acreage= 2421 Acres per Deed recorded at Book 246, Page 928, Reception No. 143136) � —� � �,F. w�. � � ��� �� � �� /✓ / 4 �� P � o� / p � k o� �o�� �`��� 1 i�. kb � found 3y"Co. Hiyhway D2par�men[ Brass Cap on 6"concrete pillar Fence (Typ.) Pountl 1-112" BLM AluminUm Cap, Pound BLM Brass Cap W.C. lu 1g76, L-18-Coc 4IL-21 Cor 6 Southeasl Comei Seclion FoUnd 3'/a'Co. Highway Depadment 156ears N01°36'31"W, 19.80' _grass Cap on 6"concre�e pillar -- p fromy Comer �„ .__ �� ` R=5880.001 701.97 6 �=6°5210"C=704.55 C8=550°1093M1V R=seao.00 (a) 1-711.10 (R) c=�io.�o (R) ce=sso•is'ss'w (R) Found 3y"Co. � ot`�'/ Highvray Department erass Cap on 6"concrefe pillar qE / o�` � / Sanitary Sewer Manhole (Typ.) N 86°15'26" E Set 2" Alum'num Cap, L5. # 37938 Nor.heast%6 Comer Seclion 22 Bike Palh o � PARCEL C Reception No.143136 25.479 Acres +l- 1380.65' Found 3-1/Y' BLM Brass Cap ,1942, i� mound of stone, Cornercommon to Secfions 14, 15, 22 & 23 �0�0 � ���� 200� 3��� GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 1 INCH= 1000 FEET m �o .,... ° � z W � O N . . N � c.� N N N iv ' O � � � m S��N ��1 as-A a N � S�\ �y� N �1 Syb � � ♦d'qu� �nl o ' S!� ,� � A �. �5e°y�Rl / `= oo �' i �" / � // �_ 0 w° � �.'�', � � � � � I w I A V I� I � � a � O N m I � � I I I I I � I � � I I � e a � � I I � I � l�l ' PARCEL D Receptior No. 14313E Measured Acreage='��_408 AGes (Recurded Acreage=1.41 Acres per Oeed recorded ai Book 24fi, Page 928, Reception No. 143136) Pound 3%"Co. Highway Department Brass Cap on 6"concrete p Ilar Found USFS &112" Aluminum Cap, LS.4 29046-South%e Comer SecP.ans 22 d 24 � � �'n � � f iM 1 y (� v, w� z ; y ; � ;g��r sF� _ � x � � � I Q i i a ° = � �-' : - - j°�"°o i Lil w;'t s� a"' /? KJ�� � � S / { �K�O � �l � � � i ( � a .. 3 0�3J � s � w . t (J�--1�0 3�� E F I vi � � �zo� . � � v t � . . C uoo� % � � �., it,� ;n� � �- �vz + � W � ., T� �z>o ? w ; , � o mwo ( , ry i � 4 � � W trn ui �� � ��, � �a i z J Q;�n.�ni so a = 4 } _ � ? � Q � ( i. i % t e a� t c , �� �� W�4 � Z w _ � � . �.y � � .� � � � . ,._,, � . p..� .^� ^ ' UQ' �zo > ' """ W N� f W � L D � Q �= U � O � N � dz J[ W `V � a� m "'� �' � ao �U � � {�/� a � _ � � N a � � � � .� � c N G � �m Uo �u z; a ? 1+� a j� N Z � O �O zW� m � �� N Q V p �, m 3° a �a 0 W � u: N � N Ql } ', � Z ; �z' of � '; �N �� f a �� 0 N � � 6 �.- ..r��,�.t N $�EE N i } F 3`. m � :> �� m� }� �{; 40 U#, _ .; p� i `, ;� � 8, �,i: tn d� � ��ei � m �� �sa;o � m :; 1ij '? d. N g 3 5' 3 U �a f w . . w M ~ � � � v O�rdE=° � t 3 � g M£j= , u° �£_' _ E.-,r; > � � s�z O u, i— 3 ~ iFw � V,;S!i� `r h f � ; � � f �� .� � r } a m Q � s -aye� } Q, { Y r � t S m E �_ � # _ �.w _m. ; � Y 3 ( i Q m z 0 � > � Q _� �O �z