HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Village Filing 7 Block 1 Lot A, B & C - Manor Vail 2nd Amended MapN O 0 � N W � O A 1 0 N m OPEN SPAGE EASEMEN� —�' BOOK 610 A7 PAGE 269 20' NOLY GROSS RO.W EAScMENT �� 600K 2ua �T PAG. .SI4 AND OOOK 2:8 AT PAGE �+1� 1/.4/L liILLAGE FOURTH FlL/NG FNO PLAS CAP 'P. E L S. 26626 APFROX WELL ACCESS EASEME/VT 600K 273 F,4GE 37G BOOK 2J3 PAGE 773 BOOK 274 PAGE 941 aoo« ss� Pac- 3sz BOOK E04 FAC-F E80 4 �f � S'�yt �3`32 ,F �F B��RiN I �i ����` 2'9>> �, _ , ,� � � � BU/LD/NG F I � � SEC �� , �ND � i/�/ L_ ` ` Mq� ��CFMEN nl T � \ / ° � ` ��/� N� �4/� \ � � /5 OF4/NAGE� EASEM6VT t/AlL I/ILLAGE FIFTH FlLING FNO PLAS CAP_ P. E. L S. 26626 —_ (TYP.) �ry OF \ \ \ \ BUlLD/NG E \ \ � \ ^ \ O � 20" NON-�EHICULAR, PEDESTRIAN, BICYCLE ANO IU77L/77E5 ACCESS EASEMENi (CREA iED BY 7H/S PLA i) �,� \ \ � \ � -FND ALUM. CAP �� L. S 256B � � I I "o �� np FF 'i�. � � U� v O W CT1 L=174.07� BUlLDING O L=159.56' . R=240.00' R=220.00' �4133'19„ I � 4=4133"19'" CB-N847438 E 574�823"E L=50J3' I I CS� CB=S8474 5B'"W CH=170.26' 13 04 � R-60.00" f � CH=156. 09' _ � 4732 24 ° � '� � /CB=S51 Y7 10'E �1 + ��� � C,Y=48.69� I L=90.75' 378�19�E / � R-280.00' 41.89' / � I 4=1876'46" N7772 :i9 E � �"-- �� I CB=NB676 02 E 27.50" `� S277I5 58 E � 9"`� � 13 04 J\ \ � / 6.95' CH 89.76' 28�� �� N743B23'W -Z � sa�invrr-ss-ec�rts � z `,�- , �, 56� ,y,/ ; . EAS E � 32 92' / � � 1V7921'06"20.77� � N89 58'S4 "E a L=177.81' R= �2.5 ao' �= 8130'00 " > > CB=N34 36 06 CN=163.19' N895B54 E gpg„�g • ..�89K A7 PAVE o25 �2U_NON- f/EHICULAR, PEDESTRIAN, 8/CYCLE AND �� N84 06 5° UTIUTIES ACCESS EASEMENT ��5,� 'O� _ � � (I/,4CATD BY THIS PLAT) � � � � � �� � R- 00' � � R=300.00"� — �o' uNOERraoun�o - a o. k- EasE+�En� r � 4752 24 d-18 40 21 " RFCEPIIJN NO 65253d - Cg=NS� Q2�!��%y � i�'B—$86 `j2 $�uw _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CH=3246' —�� CH=97.34' �—_---- r — --J —T � _�6.92� � R-17. 00' � � � I �57b101 ° I � � CB=N55 36 29 "W I � o r,a CH=16.23� I I V < � FORD PARK \ .� 1 ' I 1 I I rn' Noc r cROSs RQW. EASEM.N7 2 z� ��� Sn q I BU/LD/NG B \ TH%RIJ � , � � 9U/LD1NG A I5.443 oc�es � % � — — — — — — — — — — _ � � FNO PLAS CAP ,¢�5 REBAR, (NO. ILLEGIBCE) GRAPHIC SCALE 20 40 80 v��/ L ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 40 ft. NOTICE� Acco�ding to Colo�ado low yvu must commence ony /egol oction bosed upon ony defect in thls su�vey within three years ofte� you first discover such defect. ln no evenf, moy ony oction based upon any defect in thls survey be commenced ma�e than ten yeo�s from the dote of ce�ti£icotion shown he�eon. 595 FND ALUM. CAP �¢'S REBAR (N0. ILLEG/BLE) �� � ` / `� � r�so- J o'�'/� � 780 ADDRESS.• NOTES r � r � IILORD GORE � PROPERTY \ \ � BK 604 PG 680 \ \ / /> , SECOl1/D AA�fENDEO MAP, �,�lA /VOR V.4 /L LOT A AND Tfi.4CT �4, VA/L VILLAGE, S�NTH FIL/NG TOWN O� V�/L, EAG�LE i/lCINI TY MAP SCALE.• 1 " = 500' CO(1/� / /, 595 EAS T l/.4 /L l/ALL E Y D,R/ l/E 1. The "Town Pa�ce/" os depicted on this mop is he�eby dedicoted to the %wn af �foil ond set ove� fo the public forevei By its signotu�e he�eon, the rown of �ail pccepts soid dedicotian of the Town Po�ce% Z The 20' Non-✓ehicu/a� Pedestiion, Bicyc/e and Utr/ities Access Eosement" os c�eoted unde� Baok 559 of Poge 719 (the Town Pafh Eosemenf )!s he�eby omended ond modified (iJ to odd os o port of and inco�paroted into the rown Path Eosement thot areo designated hereon as 20' Non- �ehicu/o� Pedesf�ion, Bicyc% ond UtiGtie3� Access Eosement (C�eoted by this Plot)" (the New Poth Easement) ond the New Path Easement is hereby dedicated to the T'own of �ail and set ove� to the public fo�ever for all purposes ond subject to oU rest�ictions as set {orth in the Pu /ic Troil ond Recreotiona/ Eosement Agreement recorded under Recepfian No. Z � and ii fo uacafe ond e i 's e __.��QQ� � O xtngu� h thos po�fions of the 7own Poth Eosement designated hereon os 20' Non-�ehicular, Pedestrion, Bicycle ond Utilities Access Eosement (�ocated by this P/at)" (the '�ocoted Path Eoseme�f ) which �acoted Poth Eosement is hereby fully vocoted ond extinguished ond owne�ship and fee simp/e tiHe to the land comprising ond under/ying the �ocoted Path Eosement is hereby vested in Monor �ai/ Condominium Associotion pursuant to Section 43-2-302�1)�0% Co/o�odo Revised Stotutes, fiee ond c%o� of o// inte�ests o{ fhe .SU�PLE�lENT x� MAP rown of �oil fherein. By its signatu�e hereon, fhe Town of �oil accepts said �F M,4NOR V%��L � dedicotion of the New Path EosemenE and og�ees to ond confirms the vocotion and extinguishment of the �acated Poth Eosement. 3 The modificotion of the location of the Town Poth Eosement ond the dedica£ion of the Town Porce/ os effected by this mop were required ond outhorized by the Town of �oil pu�suont to Ordinonce No. 14, Series of 2005. � 4. Excepf os exp�essty set forth in these mop notes, no other pub/ic dedicotions o�e creofed b this ma � \ Y P SET PLAS CAP \ � P.E. L S 26626 �i �i: � ��� CERTIF/CATES OF DEDICATION AND OWNERSH/P: KNOW ALL MEN BY TNESE PRESENTS, thof £he iown of �ai/ ond Mono� �ai/ Candominium Associotion, A Colorodo nan-profit co�poration, represe�ting the owner's of od thot reol property situoted in fhe Town ci �oil, Eogle Counfy, Co%rodo, desc�ibed as foilows: A po�ce/ of lond defined as Lot A, as shown on the Fino/ P/ot ond Resubdivision of Mono� �oil, A Resubdivisian a{ Lots A, B, C, �ail Vlfoge, Seventh Filing, Town of �oil, Eog/e County, Co/orodo os �eco�ded on ✓uly 5, 1991 in Book 557 at Page 362, and T�act A, �oil V/loge Seventh Fi/ing, �eco�ded on Decembe� 17, 1965 in Reception No. 102781, in the Office of the C/e�k ond Recorder of Eag/e County, Colorodo, contoining 5.581 oc�es mo�e o� less,� have by these presents loid out, platted ond subdivided the some info lats ond blocks os shown on this fino/ plaf under the name ond style of SECOND AMENOED MAP, MANOR �A/L, o subdiuision in the Town of �oi/, Eog/e County, Colo�odo ond does hereby accept the �esponsibi/ify fa� fhe comp/etion af required improvemenfr ond does he�eby dedicote ond set apo�t al/ of the public roads � ond other public impr'ovements ond ploces os shown on the accomponying plot to the use of the public io�ever; and does hereby dedicate those porfions of soid �eal p�operty which ore indicoted as eosement on fhe occomponyinq p/ot os eosements fo� fhe pu�poses shown hereon, and does hereby gront the �ight to install ond mointoin necessory st�uctures to the entity �esponsible fo� p�ouiding the services for which the easements a�e estoblished. Execufed this�doy of �C, � A.D. 2008. Monor I/oil`Ca 596 Eost I/ai, ��il, Co%rodo � � I Associotion Condominium Association TOWN OF �A/L 75 S Frontoge Rood West �ail1 Colorodo 8165B � ,_ I��S,�;" es�.�` i4 . �'�`,�' � - \ ��� �_ � �wnof�o �r ..... � i% SrATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNiY OF EAGLE ) The foregoing Certi�cate of Oedicofion ond Ownership wos ocknow/edged befo�e me this� doy of �°?�'d���^�'� , A.D., 2008, by u�a�sm ���,sas�-T��""'�'�ri,_..--n- _. - °s --��� &ssaan�e"'e°�.����the Town of �oil -. ..4- My commission expires � Witness my hond ond official seal .� g� ^ � (i, s"�-a_& ro.m, L&_xa %mak� ��.._�°�, Notory G -lic s°:, ° - 1�h � °d���a•� �6r�a�i'aa�iv��'.� �.��ri� ^�.�`R �'�� �� qt1R&� S�lSk6R �oress ,• . �'°�� � �PdOTAt�Y PllBLiC STA7r p� Ci)LOR4D'J MN Cc�mm�sSiDn Erpires 1073t74� STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS COUNrY OF EAGLE ) TOWN COUNCIL CERTIFICATE: Ihe fo�egoing Ce� i� ote of Dedicafion ond Owne�ship was ocknow/edged /� This map opp�oved by the Town Council of the Town of �oil, before me thls 1 doy of _!�3'��� , A.D., 2008, by Reed � �� �/ \ � \ FORD PARK � co�o�odo this _____ day of ___________�, A.D. 2008, fo� Roes/e� os President of Monor yod CondQ�n�iniy m Association. fi/ing with the C/erk o�d Recorder o{ Eog/e County, Co/o�odo ond fo� My cammission expires '`�1tAYGh.- 4L4 . �"eCP 11 � \ O the conveynnce to fhe Town of f/ai/ of the public dedicotions shown � fficial seo% I G� �� \ hereon; subject to the provision that opprovol in no woy ob/igates OFFIC7ALSEAL � � \� \ the 7own of �ail for mointenonce of roods dedicated to t�he public SARAH R. AUSTIN tor ubhc . �—/ C�� until constr�ction af imp�ovements thereon sho/l hove been NOTApYPUBWC-gTqTEpFIWN0IS y < j \ �� comp/eted in occo�dance with Tawn af �ai/ specifications, ond fhe MYCOMMI3810NEXPIpE8314�20l7 S,S�7 Q(' � 275 O FPND PLS. 26626 O' L = 48. 87' `` R=175. 00' 4=16 00'00 " CB=N6721 '06 "W CH= 48. 71 ' THE PURPOSE OF rHIS SECOND AMENDED MAP lS i0 1). RE�ISE THE LOCATION OF TNE 20' ACCESS EASEMENr FROM �AIL VALLEY DRI�E TO FORD PARK AND TO ZJ TRANSFER 430 SQUARE FEEi OF THE SOUrHEAST CORNFR EXISTI/�G MANOR t/AlL PROPERTY r0 THE TOWN OF l/A/�. BASIS OF BEARINGS S 74 03 32" E AL ONG THE NORTHERL Y L O T LINE BETWEEN FOUND PINS AS /NDICA TED. DA TE OF SUR l/EY.� ✓UNE 2008 595 EAST �A/L �ALLEY DRNE � tn \ Town Counci/ of the 7own af Vai/ hos by a subsequent reso/ution ...-�. ��3� flqtul+, �� ;�S'��, e. {�$ �,'�,Q„�d�'��'.� \ �j, \ � og�eed to unde�toke mointenonce of the some. ihis opprovol does �t"a8ress } ' not guo�ontee that soil condifions, subsu�foce geology, ground woter \ conditions, o� floading conditians of ony lot shown he�ean are such �� � �N p�, TITLE CERTIFICATE sG thot o building permit or any other �equired permit wi// be issued � Q,,.+•�+.�� 7hls opprouo/ is with the undersfonding fhof o// expenses invo/ving ,7 ' '"�y °�*k' � a �;���;,.�'""��� �, ���• � '0 � • � � '��" ,� . `����� "� � ° � '��' ` '" � �� � � �� �r '`does he�eb certif thot � o// improvements requi�ed shol/ be the �esponsibiDty of the , .,,. Y Y \ ��� \ > � 1; subdiuider and not the 7own of �oil. tire title to all londS�shown upon this plot hove been examined and vesfed in: � \ �� \ � + \\ a���a�A�t , I �=A ��'.�T ���hif"�� ��.'��.., _ _. fiv�' � ^� ke � ��� s,� r°��r � �,�s�d'i�°`„^ �Q.sS x..; . �„ �,. 3� �� � � �� � BU1LDlNG C - � � .� �• / ��,,,�"i, �s a r .. � � ._�-. � �� ,�"�"'� �., "oemo�a I, , u+ .. \ �\ .�� " " , �own C/e�k Maynr ��'a` � ond thot tiHe to such /onds �'s (�ee n c/eor of oU /iens, and encumb�onces, \ � \ SET NAIL & W4SHER �Q�' A� Town of �ail Town Cauncil except as fo//ows�""'��'�=+'� '��' ��"` �-� ' � L.S. NO. 26626 Co%rado rown of �oil, Colo�ado ''� � -� \ ��\ � � SURVEYORS C�RTIFICATE � � /, Duane D. Feh�inger, do hereby cerfify that / om a Registered Lond s \ Surveyror licensed under the lcws of the State of Co/orodo, that fhis FND PLAS. CAP \ �� � �.�, � plot is true, correct, ond complete os loid out, plotted, dedicoted ond P.E. L.S. 26626 � �` shown herean, that such P/ot was mode fiom an accu�ate survey of \ Ti� N0733�l9 ��L� soid property by me and under my supervision ond cor�ectly shows the �- Q..,, TOWN PARCEL /ocotion ond dimensions of the lots, eosements and streets of said F 23. 43 (430 SQUARE FEET) subdivision os the some a�e .stoked upon the ground in complionce with s9�7O \� � I opplicoble �egulatians goveming the subdivsu��a,Y,l�� �,+ �-- � � , ,�� �l� �� � �� F SEi PLAS. CAP �>> /n w ss whereof l hove set my hon�ror�d �eal thi$ � doy of 9Q P.E. L.S 26626 � '''S- "2Q6., �C�.�"�.'°`, A.D. 2008. µ;' i< � y, , r� �''�.V'�� ' OQ � \ \ ' i�� � FND PLAS. CAP . �` ``' �+� 1.� pG� �' ' . 4�s�i � P.L.S 225B4 ' �'� > . . '�� P� L=50.34' � � � 50733��s°w � �, "�'�=`�� °�� �� • R= 125 0�' �n nn' ?� �� � ` '� d=23 04'27" CB=N70 53'19 "W �/q�L CH= 50. 00' LOT LINE CREATED N 82a BY TNlS PLAT �,9c 25'03 W 188. 54 � VALLE"Y Of?/I/E �',5-p) SET 5/e" REBAR W/PLAS. CAP P. E& P. L S 26�26 LOT LlNE �ACATED BY THIS PLAT Z J v � � 0 � W � � Dated this ^"` ���� doy of A.D., 2008 CERTIFICATE OF TAXES PAID: /, the unde�signed, do� hereby ce�tify that the enti�e amount of taxes due ond po}vble os of the �?�" dpy of I7d"��"�"°t�/4,r�"�`" , A.D. 200B upon o/l porcels of reo/ estote desc�ibed on this p/ot ore poid in full. Oated this 1�'�`� day of ��'��� �.. , A.D., 2008. 1,✓� �. �� � �� : �9 �;'�,� �• �� a �� , %��„ Treasu�e� of Eoqle Cou . y� CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE: This p/at wos fi/e for �ecord in t e qffice of C/erk ond Recorde� qn th/s �- doy of OU�-� A.D. 2008 0£ %Uv` ' � o clo k M. Reco�ded under Reception x;?�°' ,���, Number r�n,�ri�%Q p . �_ �'�� � � � ;; C/e�k ond Reco�de� �ry. �;m,*ti g:� 7�� Eagle County Co/q�odo '� u ' " , �C�e"'�l�°ond Recordai,. � By.`� � � .. � � Deputy 111111118 . """"� r° o� c� c' caY �� • x� � w a o � �w � o0 00 � �w �� a � � w° � ow �� � � oQ �a ww O 5Q � � �C � �� U N O O W N W � 0 � N 0 N . ' 33'19 "E TOWN PA1 23. 43 �' (430 SQUARE FND PLAS CAP P. L S 22584 \50733'19"W 70. 00' REBAR W/PLAS CAP ?. L S. 26�26 LOT L/NE �s1 CATED BY 1NlS PLAT TRACT A 6,448 SQUARE FEET 0.148 ACRES �u ,, �22. 2-$' � N82 25'03 "y�i � !Z �IJ �'Ca � � NOTICE According to Co%�odo low you must commence ony legal action bosed upon any defect in this survey within th�ee yeors after yau fi�st disco✓e� such defect. ln no event, moy any oction bosed upon ony defect rn this survey be commenced mo�e thon ten yeors f�om the dote of ce�tificaf%on sirown he�eon. SE7 NAIL & WASHER Z. S. NO. 26626 \ N�i L=258. 94' R= 475. 00' 4=31 °14'O1 „ CB=S8157'S7"W CK=255. 74' Q Q� �Q �' W �= SET 5�e'" REBAR W�PLAS CAP � ��, �l P.E & P.LS 26 26 J '', ? � � Q � � SET 5/a' R�'BAR W/PLAS CAP P.E. & P.LS 26�26 FORD PARK FORD PARK 568 ✓2 31 W 3 SECOND AMENDED MAP, I��IANOR VA/ L LOT A AND TAACT A, V.4/L t�/LLAGE, SEt2�NTH F/L/NG N66 2�6' `� o p' S S66 2 P��EY � �50 ) Y DR�vE vA�� o') (5 TOWN OF VA/L, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORAD�O 595 EA S T l/Al� l/,4 LL EY ORNE Q � i Q Q' W Z�= SET 5/e° RE6AR W/PLAS CAP J P. E. & P. L S. 26626 J '' � U � � � � TRACT FORD PARK SET S�e" REBAR W/PLAS. CAP P.E & P.LS. 26�26 TRACT C 'II'I'I' .. . . I""II'�