HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Village Filing 1 Tract B - Tyrolean Condominiums Units 3 - 8N O O � N W O 0 N 1 0 � l, AMEI`IDED GOI�,iDC�NiII�IIUIV� NIAP �"'� F�. O► L.r � A l�I � t� l�I D t� l��I I l'�I I U l��I � U l�I I�''� �� 6`�' AI�I L'� � � � � � TRA�T 8'�''Aii�, '�ILL�A..0 � FIR�T F"IL.�II�IC M C�.IUI�TY OF" EAC L,�, STATE OF GOLCJF�AD+Ca CER'T'TFICA'I'� QF DEDICATION AND 04VNF.RSHII� Know all men by these presents that Tyr.olean Candalninium Assaciation, a Colorada Non Profit Corporation being sole owner(s) in fee simple of all that real property situated in the Town of Vail, Eagle C�aunty, Cotorado described as follaws: Amended Condominivm Map Tyroiean Condominiums, according to the Condorninium Map thereof as recorded June 19, 2006 as Reception No. 200616161 in the Office of Ehe Clerk and Recorder, Eagle County, Colorado. containing 0.3682 acres more or less, have by these presents laid out, platted and snbdivided the same into lots and blocks and condominium �nits as shawn on this Finai T'lat ane[ Amended Condotrin.'rum Map under the name and style of Tyrolean Condominiums, Units 3, 5, b, 7, and 8, a snbdivision in the T'awlt of Vail, County of Eagle, Siate oI Colorado; artd dc�es hereby accept the responsibility for the completion of required improvements; and does hereby hereby dedicate and set apart all of the public roads and other public improvements and places as shown on the accompansTitlg plat to the ixse of the public forever; and does hereby dedicate those portions of said real property which are creaied as easements an the accompanpi�g plat ta the public forever as easements for the purposes shnwn herein, unless otherwise expressly provided thereon; and does hereby grant the right to install and rnaintain necessary structures to fihe entity responsible far pro��idin� the services for which the easements are esfablished. EXECUfiED this �•- day of � �'� .D., 2a �� O'wner: Tyrolean Condatniri.ium Associa�ion, a Colorado Non-Profit Corporation gy: '� ���;� Herbert A. Tobin, l'resident . FloiLl�R STATE t7� E� } COUNTY OF �I��'�§ The foregoing Ce o' Dedication and Own.ership was acknawledged before me this � N, day of A ,_,11.D., 20�, by Herbert A. Tobin as President of Tyrolean Condoininium Assoeiatinn, a Coloradn Non-Profit Corporation. �, My Comznission expires �� (� ��r �' � � � � �: ��, Witness my hand and of#icaal seal ��� � '� Ndtat�y T'ublic (SEALj ADMTNISTRATOR CERTIFTCATE r�ytK"'ti�„- LOiL.RTAR.G01.pSTEIN �*� . MYQiMAlI5SI0NkDD66fi749 a �T EXPM�S: June 26, 2013 a P�,j,.l�' 6ai0etlTMUNqayPublicUnEdwnlers; � � � (_ ° � This final plat is he�eby approved by the Town of Vail AdministraEor this day of ��� " A.D. �0 �. r'�� � _ �r ,°� � A� � Administrator, 'Town of Vail C7erk, Town of VaiI CER'T�FICATE OF TA�CES PATD I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the entire amaunt of ta�ces due and p�yable as of � 9� �lviL!�� n 3/ ,� � c� `7`i` upon a ll parcels of �real estate descr.ibed on this Plat are }�aid in full. Dated this�,_da.y nf��� A..D., 2Q� �i� �� (�°� � %C3, � l r � �. $ �' � NOTICE: According to Colorado law you must commence any legal action based upon any defect in this survey within three years after you first discovered such defect. In no event, may any action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of certification shown hereon. SFfEET 1 �F 5 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, Theodore J. Archibeqne, do hereby certify that I am a Pro£essional Lan.d Surveyor licensed t7nder the laws of the State of Cvloradv; that t11is condoininiwn map is true, co.rrect and complete as laid out, platted, dedicated and shown hereon, that such randominiurn map was made from an accurate surveyor of said property by me and under my supervision and correctly shows the horizontal ax�d vertical location and dimensions of t11e condominiums, parcels, easements and streets of said condominium map as the sarne are staked upon the grotxnd in compliance with applicable regulations govexning the subdivision of land. �„�_ In Witness thereof, I have set my hand and seal this� �' day of �'�-�° , A.D., 20��, ��F�vn ?<c,.'��;`'� s << t �, .•��a�c���h��.� ^�, �;°�� ,.� � �� � ���,�,.. �a'� ����� �c� Theodore J. Archib�que PLS 37902 Professional Land Surveyor State of Coloradfl NOTES: 2} The purpose of this Condoinixiium Map is to re-subdivide individual Condolnini.um Units, and Yo define �L'vnited Common Elements (L.C.E.) and General Couunon Ele�nents (G.C.E.), as shown hereon. 2} BASIS OF BEARING: S 10°14'00" W between a found 125° red plastic cap "unreadable" on rebar and a found 17/2" aluminum cap LS 3011b on rebar being the northwest carner of Tract B, Vail.Village First Filing as shown and further described herein on Sheet 2. 3} SURVEY D1�TE: July, 2009. 4} Record Easements and Rights-of-Way shown on this Plat were derived from The Condorninium Map for Tyrolean Condoininiums as filed for record February 27,1J81 as Reception No. 215508, and Tiile Conmutment order No. V5D014159 dated April d7, ZOOG, and provided by Land Title Guarantee Coinpany. 5) Elevations are based on The Condominium Map for Tyrolean Condom.ini.ums, according to the Condominium Map thereof as recorded February 27,1981 as Reception No. 215508 in the Office of the Clerk and Recorder, Eagle County, Colorado. 6) This Candomuuum Map is subject to Condominium Declaration as filed for record wit3i the Ea�le County Clerk and Recorder. 7} Accardin�; to Colvrado Iaw �ou must commence any Iegai acfion based upon any defect in tlus survey within three years after you first discover such defect. 3n no event may any action based upon any defect in this survey be eolnmenced rnore than ten years from the date of the certification hereon. LAND USE SUMMARY UNI7 AREA LAND USE ADDRESS UNIT 3 1169 SF RESIDEN7IAL 40D MEADOW DRIVE UNIT 5 1568 5F RESIDEN7IAL 400 MEADOW DRIYE UNIT B 1876 SF RESIDENTIAL 400 MEADOW DRIVE UNIT 7 2177 5F RESIDENIIAL 400 MEADOW DRIVE UNI7 8 1045 SF RESIDENTIAL 400 MEADOW DRIVE SEE TYROLEAN MAP RECORDED JUNf ]9, 2006 AT RECEPTION NUMBER 200616161 FOR REMAINING UNtTS 1» 2, 4> & 9 NOT USTED ABOVE Archibeque Land Consulting, Ltd � Professional Land Surveying & Mapping � 105 Capitol Street, Suite 5- P.O. Box 3$93 fagle, Colorado 8i631 970.328.6020 Office 970.328.6021 Fax Tit1e Ce�tificate WJ�- ! 1 T V G1,11n�- does hereby certify that the title to all lands shown upon this plat have been exanvned 'xs vested in Tyrolean Condominium Assvciativn, a Colorado Non-I'rofit Corparation, free and clear of a111iens, taxes and encumbrances, except as follows: �-� yt Dated this ��° day of �1� , A.D., 20 �j�? AGENT ��,�'s�'—,��1 •-�..._._ U CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE ��J ( v' This Plat was fil d for record i n the O£fice of the Clerk and Recorder at 3-.3 3 o'clock �1VI, on this�s�da y af �F �- � A.D., 20�and is dul y recorded at ReceptionNo.aoo9�gD"(5� , � ���„ .��� � ,$ Z�^� tt l �^����'�""y F F"�.'�' �"�'v a"""��'�£' �;� , u t.M � ��n�li�., ��,..���� . Clerk and Recorde.r of Ea�le Cnunt;y, Caloradn ����f w�`�`� � � �,� ` � � Tiy��!c�-�k '�r�...-- ° ..k..a-...__ ,�,���vq,�`� 3 . �� Depu �`���� � ,,. a Revised: MSS - Oct. 1, 2009 Drafting Edits Revised: TJA - July 2009, Re-Monumented Boundary TYROLEAN CONDOMINIUMS UNITS 3, �`v, 6, 7, AI�ID 8 TRACT B VAIL VILLAGE FIRST FILING � GOUNTY OF B'` CAP SHEEf � �F 5 JOB NUMBER: 05030 4-19-(16 ORAWING NAME: 05030RevCondo10-1-09.dzog TJA N O O � N W O O N N O � � N O O � N W O O N W 0 � � ;� 15.1 UNIT 9 MAIN LEVEL 8.0 UNIT 9 BASEMENT LEVEL SECTION C-C ria, R»' t'Y BASEMENT LEVEL UNIT 9 (BELOW MAIN LEVEL UNIT 9) NOTICE: According to Colorado law you must commence any legal action based upon any defect in this survey within three years after you first discovered such defect. In no event, may any action based upon any defecl in ihis survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of certification shown hereon. itT AM�I`ID�D GOl`IDOMII�IIUM MAP �T'YI�O L��AI�i GO1`I DO 1VI I�I I U 1VI S U l�i ITS �, �, �, 7, Al�ii D 8 TRACT B�TAIL VILLAC� FIRST FILII�iC � COUN'TY OF EACLE, STATE OF GOLORADO ELA183-50 MAW FLOOR ELEVATION EL: 8174.20 BASEMENT FLOOR �LEVATION . � � �. GRAPHIC SCALE c��� i ��h = io r� SHEET 3 OF 5 SEE SHEETS 4 AND 5 FOR ADDITIONAL CROSS SECTION INFORMATION ,.,... �L.. P Archibeq ue Land Consulting, Ltd � Professional Land Surveying & Mapping � 105 Capitol Street, Suite 5- P.O. Box 3893 Eagle, Colorado 81631 970,328.6020 Office 970.328.6021 Fax Revised: MSS - Oct. 1, 2009 Drafting Edits Revised: TJA - July 2009, Re-Monumented Boundary TYROLEAN GONDOMII`IIUMS UNITS 3, 5, 6, 7, AI�ID 8 TRACT B V1�IL YILLAC7E FIRST F'ILII�[6 - COUNTY OF �AGLE, STATE OF COLORADO DRAWN BY: JOB NUMBER: DRAWING NAME: CAP �Jr�3� 05030RevCrn2do10-1-09.clzi�g SHEEf � OF � O�-1✓-06 I CHECKED 8Y: 1 l� N O O � N W O 0 N A 0 � EL: 8221.5' LOFT ELEVATION EL: 8212.2' LEVEL 3 ELEVA'lON EL: 8202.4' LEVEL 2 ELEVAiION EL: 8192.4' LEVEL 1 ELEVAiION GARAGELEVEL EL• 8t87.7' 6ARAGE ELEVATION �^' ..�.-�- C LEVEL 3 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 1 PSU 1 G.C.E. STAIRS 8.8 G,C,�, STAIRS G.C.E. STAIRS G.C.E. G.C.E. UNIT 6 LOFT 8.0 G.C.E. HALLWAY 8.2 G.C.E. HALLWAY G.C.E. HALLWAY AMEND�D GONDOMII�IIUM tVIAP TYF�O L,�AI�I GO 1`I DOIVI I 1`I I U 1VIS U l�i ITS �, �, C, 7, Al`I D 8 TRAGT B VAIL VIL�AG� FIRST FILINC � COUI�ITY OF EAGL�, STAT� o�' CoLO��o UNIT 6 LOFT G.C.E. 8.0 G.C.E. STAIRS G.C.E. STAIRS G.C.E. STAIRS UNIT 7 LOFT UNIT 7 UNIT 4 5.1 s.a 9.4 7.3 7.S G.C.E. G.GE. G.C.E. DRIVEWAY/ LOBBY STAIRS ENTRY SE CTION A-A BqSEMENT cIN��r> i inch = 10 ft� b � LEVEL 1 UNIT 1 and UNIT 2 NOTICE: According to Colorado law you must commence any legcl action based upon any defect in this survey within three years after you first discovered such defect. In no event, may any action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced mare thcn ten years from the date of certification shown hereon. � SHEET 4 OF 5 UNIT 9 8.0 UNIT 9 A :;.. 11.9 Archibeque Land Consulting, Ltd � Professional Land Surveying & Mapping � 105 Capitol Street, Suite 5- P.O. Box 3893 Eagle, Colorado 81631 970.328.6020 Office 970.328.6021 Fax MAIN LEVEL EL 8183 50 MAIN FLOOR ELEVATION BASEMENFLEUEL EL: 8174 20 BASEMENT FLOOR ELEVATION 33.1 7.3' o 0 ;n 8.B 6.9' '0 1.9' - ... � � i� GCE NGCE N STAIRS ��2 a HALL .,t,� .� , v� � ,,ie � � zz.a� N N UNIT 3 1,169 sq.ft. 8.1 UNIT 5 1,424 sq.ft. 8.� L.C.E. DECK UNIT 6 UNIT 6 UNIT 6 LOFT S.t L.C.E. DECK UNIT 3 UNIT 3 8.1 LC.E. DECK UNIT 1 UNIT 9 9.2 8.0 PSU 3 G.C.E. � B SE - UNIT 3 ui L.GE. 12.5' � 12.4 � �� �G.QE. � � 76.6' I ELEVATOR "' 5.8' "' N ° 'r�58 �� g2 GCE W 1 s 6 STAIRS s �,,�� ,.. ,rt 82 � �.,�4,.,,,ie:a;� ... h.�.,n � 2 �, ��, m�, ^ � is.s' M .� � G.G.E. e�� 0 6.9' I I f UNIT � I I 8.0 N TORAGE,%; LOFT � � � SEE DETAIL � � oi� a L J N :;� �.,�,�.._. .._._-� �___ i �' �'� I i � FIREPLAC �j I � � '. � 9.9 5.0' i �i � r; i i -., ,. L � ui B�';, LEVEL 2 UNIT 3, UNIT 4, and UNIT 5 � Wa U �� W I�:I1�� HALL LOBBY CTION B-B UNIT 4 LC.E. 42.7' t2. UNIT $ UNIT 5 8.0 UNIT 2 8.0 G.C.E. UNIT 4 1,720 sq.ft. S.0\ � \ DISTANCE FLOOR TO CEILING L.C.E. L.C.E. DECK JNIT 5 L.C.E. DECK UNIT 2 UNIT 5 LOFT DETAIL I �0".3 1L5' 1.9 -� UNIT 5 � � LOFT � OPEN TO � BELOW Ki '� o UNIT 5 LOFT 184 sq.ft. 3J' EL: 8221.5' LOFT ELEVATION LEVEL 3 EL: 8212.2' LEVEL 3 ELEVATION EL: 8202.4� LEVEL 2 LEVEL 2 ELEVATION LEVEL 1 EL 8192.4' LEVEL 1 ELEVATION 9.2 PZ MAIN LEVEL EL: $1�.81 71' GARAGE ELEVATION �. s: A �`�, � �� ,. , ; , , L ;+ y H � 4"�y�' � �� � " � �... � �p`� # � � W Revised: MSS - Oct. 1, 2009 Drafting Ec�its Revised: TJA - July 2009, Re-Monurnented Boundary AMENDED CONDOMIN[UM MAP TYROL�AI�I CONDOMII`IIUIVIS UNITS 3, 5, 6, 7, AI�ID 8 TF3ACT B VAIL VILLAG�E F}RST FILIN6 - COU�NTY OF EAG�L�, STATE OF COLOFtADO DRAVJN BY: )OB NUMBER: DRAWING NAME: CAP 05030 oSOaoR�z�conaoio-l-os.�z��g SHEET 1 �F � f]ATF' 04-�" -O� ('HF('KFfI RV� �l � N O O � N W O O N � 0 � � AME�NDED GOl`IDOMII�IIUM MAP �T'YF�O L.��Al�ii GO l�i D O 1Vi I 1`I I U 1VI S U l�I IT'S �, �, fi, 7, Al�i D 8 TRACT B YAIL VILLACE� FIRST F"ILII�IC � GOUI�ITY OF EAGLE, STATE OF" COLORADO , LEVEL 3 UNIT 6, UNIT 7, and UNIT 8 NOTICE: According to Colorado law yo� must commence any legal action based upon any defect in this survey within three years after you first discovered such defect. In no event, may any action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of certification shown hereon. ,o t� ,�� �' GRAPHIC SCALE 5 10 20 (na�Er) 1 iach = 10 fk �N JN )N :L )N SHEET 5 OF 5 LEVEL 3 LEVEL 2 UNIT 6 LOFT G.C.E. STAIRS G.C.E. STAIRS 7.5 LEVEL 1 G.C.E. STAIRS PSU 1 L.C.E. DEGK UNIT E L.C.E. DECK UNIT 3 L.C.E. DECK UNIT 1 PSU 3 G.C.E. UNIT 6 LOFT 8. C 8. o G.C.E. G.GE. HALLWAY STAIRS G.C.E. HALLWAY G.C.E. HALLWAY G.C.E. STAIRS G.C.E, STAIRS 8.0 7.3 7.3 G.C.E. G.C.E. G.C.E. LOBBY STAIRS UNIT 6 LOFT UNIT 6 UNIT 3 8.1 UNIT 1 8.0 G.C.E. 7.8 � ui QU � J w IHALL 1 G.C.E. SECTION A-A UNIT 8 UNIT 5 8.0 UNIT 7 LOFT 8.0 UNIT 7 UNIT 4 16.7 G.C.E. DRIVEWAY/ ENTRY INIT 8 LEVEL 3 L.C.E. DECK UNIT 5 LEVEL 2 BASEMENT LEVEL EL: 8221.5� LOFT ELEVATION EL: 8212.2' LEVEL 3 ELEVATION EL: 8202.4' LEVEL 2 ELEVATION L.C.E. HALL UNIT 2 DECK UNIT 2 LEVEL 1 ��; g�g2,4' LOBBY LEVEL 7 ELEVATION 9.2 8.0 PZ MAIN LEVEL G.C.E. EL: 8181.J1 GARAGE ELEVATICN SECTION B-B Archibeque Land Consulting, Ltd � Professional Land Surveying & Mapping � 105 Capitol Street, Swite 5- P.O. Box 3893 Eagle, Colorado 81631 970.328.6020 Office 970.328.6021 Fax 9.4 �� UNIT 9 8.0 UNIT 9 MAIN LEVEL IEL' 8183.50 MAIN FLOOR E�EVATION I BASEMENT LEVEL � EL: 8174.90 BASEMENT FLOOR ELEVATION „ \ 3t' � � s,i � *� :�. t , �� ":r, x� >� � � �% ' � ,� _� .�� ,,e �., � Revised: MSS - Oct. 1, 2009 Drafting Edits Revised: TJA - Jti�ly 2009, Re-Monurrie�ted Boundary T'YROLEAN COI�IDOMINIUMS � Ul`IITS 3, 5, 6, 7, AND 8 7RACT B VAIL VILLA�E FIRST FILING - COUNTY OF EAGLE, STaTE oF Co1,oRaDo +WN BY� CAP �OB NUMBER: ���� DRAWING NAMB �Jr�3� 05030RevCondo10-1-09.dzog SHEET V OF � nqTF, O�-�"-O� C'HFf KFf) RV• �/�