HomeMy WebLinkAboutBighorn Subdivision 3rd Addition Block 9 Lot 14 - Amended Final Plat� e � � Luoine Drive East Vail Exit � I� North No Scale \ \�, ��i Interstate 70 Bighorn Subdivision � Thud Addition ��P„ — SubjectSite Biahorn Subdivision � \ Columbine Drive vlClrilty Ma� Lot 13 � �O �� �� � Cofe , � Cr��k � Sireamside Circle \ O �O/� � �-� 1 1/2" aluminum cap on a rehar LS H 204 found S 53°18'30" E, 0.65' s S, \ 3 �83p, � F \ \f'� S?�2 Fase \ �QOf rock retalning wall\� � relocated pcoperiy line per fliis plat �_ Parcel A 0.1732 Ac. �, Address: 4223 A Spnice Way ^�� -. D� � 4 � deck/����� . ������� �sg, / �`L; -.O• v padyvrall ,�� W1/2 duplex � sa ,�o "� b� E112duplez �?� P �J� � upperdeck�sreps upper�eve� � S 53°18'30" E zsg ,; 2.50' ^' �?o, yo � ;�. si�� � '�. '�.,�, uPAerdeok/steps 2�.9 �8u���•�j �� paved ativeway �." ���� N 36�4�1'�30�� E i=' � soo� � � � � o� �� ; " o ,2N j pavea aMeway /� / S�jr� � � ��� ti � ay S� �8. i � 3p, ; i �S� J e� � s �o , O / Scale 1 "=20' 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 AMENDED FIN1�L PLAT BIGHORN SUBI�IVISION T�IIRD ADDITION AMENI�ED PLAT / �i��rs� a�� tio ) O indicatee a 2" aluminum aap on e 5/e" rebar set, ehamped " LS 23608 " 6� - �3, S�S % i \of�d�� ���n indicatesa2"aluminumcapona5/8" �9S ` rebarfound,stampetl"LS23506" �� � o � 66� \ � � � ���8� / \ � existing property line vacated per this plat � origlnall/2"rebarfountl In plece-' PaTCOl B 0.2125 Ac. Address: 4223 B Spruce Way deck , � DO �O' �9�. ^ V �o �� �� 5 LAND USE SUMMARY PARCEL AREA USE PARCEL A 0.1732 Acres Residential PARCEL B 02125 Acres Residential LELAND LECHl�IER PLS 23506 30946 COUNTY ROAD 356, BUENA VISTA, COLORADO, 81211 (719) 395-9160 Le end All symbols and line rypes are labeled. Lot 15 ADDRESS 4223 A Spruce Way 4223 B Spruce Way A RESU�DIVISI�N OF' LOT 14, BLOCK 9 TOWN OF VAIL, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO TITLE CERTIFICATE '� 5'�'B�JUf} �1�'�t �pWl�0.�f�( does hereby certify tliaY it lias e�amined Rhe TiYle Co all lands shown upon this Plat and that Title to such lands is vestedin t+l�t►�4G) L•71ntf. 13E}ti 8.'flPitf' atvlol N¢Idi Anf,'hC�' , freeandclearoCallliens, taa:ee�and encumbrances except as fol ows: Altd. CFTr6�S} #'� US annle. rtieerded Stpi�tmber 1's dbo9 at RKt� •n �-den��0(,nl.. Dated this o27'n` day of flECCWt�fC�" , A.D, 201A / -� ent u�� CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION FOR MORTGAGE HOLDER Know all men by these presents that U. S. Bank, N.A., NaYional AssociaGon beu�g tUe holder of the mortgage or deed of trust on the real properry sihiated at 4223 B Spruce in h T n f il E 1 n 1 r crib s f llows Parcel B A Resubdivision of Lot 14 Block 9 Bi horn Subdivision Third Addition Amended Plat Way t e ow o Va , ag e Cou ty, Co o ado des ed a o , , g , according to the Final P1aY recorded March 3, 1994 in Book 633 at Page 856 as Reception No, 529912 of flie Eagle County Clerk and Recorder containing 0.1928 acres more or less; agcees to the dedieation and setting aparC all of Yhe public roads and oYher public improvements and places as shown on the accompanying plat to the use of the public forever; aiid does hereby dedicate those portions of said real property which are indicated as easement on the accompanying plat as easements for Yhe purpose shown hereon; and does hereby grant the right to install and maintain necessary structures to the enrity responsible for providing the services for which the easemeuts are established. Executed this � day of ��, A.D., 2011. U.S. Bank, N.A., National Associarion B,y r� ►��4�., !fsir s�-aN.F- Vice President STATEOF���flt��P.l� ) COUNTY OF tz JGf l/I'�P S j � SS Address: 4801 Fredecica St Owensboro, KY 42301 The foregoing Certificate of Dedicafion was acknowledged before me this �� day of �, A.D, 2011, by MycommissionExpires: CJ � Z,OI Wimess my hand and offieial seal. Nota Pu lic �iar'J ZT�� � �O�l�'�� � - � �:.�. , yp�vmOF ^ OFFICiAlSEAL o '; s-r����i,��� �ousE� II 9 y v^ � ' NOTARYPUBLIC-KEMUCKS' o i " y.�.. ,y�� S�TNTE-q3-i.AflGE iViy Canm. Ettpires i l}09-2013 ���� Address: ��6/ 6' i1'e( {e°'fCta S� • D�°=NE.SIa firD ��� SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, Leland Lechner, do hereby certify that I am a Professional Land Surveyor licensed under the laws of the State oFColmado, that this plat is true, conect and complete as laid out, platted, dedicated and shown hereon, fliat sucli plat �uas made from an accucate sucvey of said pxoperty by me and/or wider my supervision and correcfly sho���s the location and dimensions of the lots, easements, and streets of said subdivision as the same are staked upon tlte ground in compliance with applicable regulations goy�rni9g, he subdivision of land. �°��� ,�' . IuWiTnessWhereof�7i��&ia�t.�y����id�a�d�ealthis « dayof r,w,au.v ,A.D.,2011. ;Y .,.� , a i ��:; �, - �.�r�� �`�.%�� :�,�-==.�. �L �`" Ll�l6llULVVlL1�.l •'. . _ Professional Lancl�Sti��"�yo��Nc�. ��(��i ; � " r aE) ,� O��_psf./� ,^e+�-� ��',, �Am �n �f � , r���r � ,,,� 1) Da1� of sm�vey: December, 2010 2) Bearings are based on a Gne cmmecting the NW corner for Lot 14 and the NE cori�er o�CLot 141�aving a boaring o�f S 53°18'30" E( platted ). Tlie monuments are described on the drawing. 3) MonumenYaYion is as indicaYed oi1 tl�e drawing. 4) The sole purpose ofthis plat is ro relocate Uie properry line fi�om the northeastefly side of the duplex to Yhe norCheasterly lof line as shown hereon. 5) The parcels hereby platied remain subject to existing recorded documents as they may effect this property. 7) Recorded documents uriliaed in this platwere provided by SYewart Title Order No. 940891. 8) The pazcels hereby platted are subject to a Partywall A�reement previously recorded in conjunction with the ociginal resubdivision plat recorded in the Office of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. 9) For zoning purposes, the two lots created by this subdivision are to be tceated ae one entity with no more than one two-family residence allowed on Yhe combined area of the two lots. 10) The street addresses and setbaeks shown are for reference purposes anly and should be verified wiYh the Town of Vail Community Development Department Notice: According To Colorado Law you must commeoce any legal action based upon tliis survey within three years after you ficst discover such defect. In no event may any actlon based a�on any defect in this survey be commenced more tfian ten years from the date of certificaSion showil hereon. CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION AND OWNERSHIP Know all men by these presenTs that Michael L. Tiner, Betri B. Tiner and Heidi Archer, being sole owners in fee simple of all that ieal pxoperty situated in the Town of Vail, Eagle CounTy, Colorado described as follows: A Resubdivision of Lot 14, Block 9, Bighorn Subdivision Third Addition Amended Plat , according to tlie plat recorded March 3,1994 in Book 633 at Page 856 as Rece�tion No. 529912 of the Eagle CounTy Clerk and Recorder conYaining 0.3857 acres more or less; have by these p�esents laid out, platted a�d subdivided the same into 2 lots as shown onthis final plat under tl�e nanle and style of Amended Duplex Plat, Bighorn Subdivision Third Addition Amended Plat, A Resubdivision of LoY 14, Block 9, a subdivisioii in fhe Town of VaiL, Eagle County, Colorada, and does liereby accept the responsibility for the complerion of required improvements; and does hereby dedicate and set apart all of the public roads ai�d oYher public improvements and places as shown on the accompanying plat to the use of the public foeever; and does hereby dedicate those portions of said real pxoperry which are uidicated as easemenY on the accompanying plat as easements for the purpose showu hereon; and does hereby g�ant the rightto install and maintain necessary structures to the entlty responsible for providing tlie services for which the easements are esfablished. Executed tltiis ���~ day of �DGe++�b.w A.D., 2011. _� Owner: Micl�ael �ran � e ' te �� � � :,,. _ � ' ' � ` , � -i�:�.�° �— STATEOF �OLpQi�pb ) ) SS COUNTYOF ��„F_ ) Address: 4223 A Spcuce Way Vail, Colorado 81657 The foregoing Certificate ofDedication and Ownership was acknowledQed before me this ►�p day of JaK�A��:, A.D. 2011, by Vtil.c.��t� L T�Nft ANe 43�rr� b'["�NE.e- My commission expires: % ZS l3 naaress: � �I L E.� F_AOOU? D2-� ��S Witi�ess my hand and o i eaL �.. -' �iArl l. ,�D S I L� i ,_ ` ' � Notary ublic M ....;; p. -��. Tp� c � . �...,____�- � w��^ i �.: � � �:.M�::7 9 � ' S t �+^. � �r i� � i�46. Y J�.r ro avw°-a�-�.-dw,. 'w a«�,ra+.«.ww Owoer: Heidi Archer Address: 4223 B Spruce Way e ` ; ,1 ; � � Vail, Colorado 81657 v\,v�7,/� STATE OF _�p LO��DO ) COUNTYOF ���.LE. ) SS The foregoing Certific Ye of Dedication and Ownership was acknowledged before me this � day o�, A.D. 2011, by ��1 � 1 �iZ��'%� My commission expires: � Z.� '� E ��t�' D�a Address: 2�1Zf . e1� �Ae%t,�, Witness my hand and officia al. '� � � � �A-IL� �o �165't � .. �Notary,�'ublic � d m.n-,�»�c-Y.�.*-�-e�-ss--n-�-.�n,r,v.p.s�,.m.o,. .✓ a^� p `- �" a.iE ia � d 3..Ja s�1�A'� ��3:9�J '[i'�iv!!=iS�4� 1'��.iJ� iv ai'�';fE �e �'CL'Jtili&3Q T 4 -aT-6* ADMINISTRATOR CERTIFICATE This final plat was appiroved by the Town of Vail Administratoc this � l_,! day of �ctVithaC a/ A.D. 2011. T� oP Vail Adi�liuistrator � � t� � ��'.. �. N .�OW... ��� Attest: : '� r� � . � : ��AL CERTIFICATE OF TAXES PAID I, the undersigned, do 12ereby cettify thatthe entire amount oftases and assessments due �nd payable as af �P Cp j�,y��(i , r� (� �� upon all parcels of real estate described on Yhis plat ve paid in full. Dated this `�� day of. 1n v�1,� hrt, , A.D, 2011. k n ,�r,v� `��P ( i�o .� � Ja : ���. %'V 19�d Treasurer of Eag e Comity '�oyo'� u q �t0i So CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE � � � ^ By: _ Deputy filed for record in the Office of the Clerk and Recorder at i�✓( y_ 2(�f�'°� is d�ecord'ed at Reception No �01, I 00 55 a x, a � ,�` �� � �`� � f,s.tFr , .s� Ge�"' �� P�5 a.� , s Jys.+:,e+r��,�,. r�,..- F^Q: gN �1' �`G 'QCC�CG, � �_...,.r.:�hr� isaa.:��'-.rta�++';�, ;r,�: it �j �'.,ty � ( P p9 ... 9,v` f �� p ��»- � _ w a? o'clock �, on this � D� day of � e � � Luoine Drive East Vail Exit � I� North No Scale \ \�, ��i Interstate 70 Bighorn Subdivision � Thud Addition ��P„ — SubjectSite Biahorn Subdivision � \ Columbine Drive vlClrilty Ma� Lot 13 � �O �� �� � Cofe , � Cr��k � Sireamside Circle \ O �O/� � �-� 1 1/2" aluminum cap on a rehar LS H 204 found S 53°18'30" E, 0.65' s S, \ 3 �83p, � F \ \f'� S?�2 Fase \ �QOf rock retalning wall\� � relocated pcoperiy line per fliis plat �_ Parcel A 0.1732 Ac. �, Address: 4223 A Spnice Way ^�� -. D� � 4 � deck/����� . ������� �sg, / �`L; -.O• v padyvrall ,�� W1/2 duplex � sa ,�o "� b� E112duplez �?� P �J� � upperdeck�sreps upper�eve� � S 53°18'30" E zsg ,; 2.50' ^' �?o, yo � ;�. si�� � '�. '�.,�, uPAerdeok/steps 2�.9 �8u���•�j �� paved ativeway �." ���� N 36�4�1'�30�� E i=' � soo� � � � � o� �� ; " o ,2N j pavea aMeway /� / S�jr� � � ��� ti � ay S� �8. i � 3p, ; i �S� J e� � s �o , O / Scale 1 "=20' 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 AMENDED FIN1�L PLAT BIGHORN SUBI�IVISION T�IIRD ADDITION AMENI�ED PLAT / �i��rs� a�� tio ) O indicatee a 2" aluminum aap on e 5/e" rebar set, ehamped " LS 23608 " 6� - �3, S�S % i \of�d�� ���n indicatesa2"aluminumcapona5/8" �9S ` rebarfound,stampetl"LS23506" �� � o � 66� \ � � � ���8� / \ � existing property line vacated per this plat � origlnall/2"rebarfountl In plece-' PaTCOl B 0.2125 Ac. Address: 4223 B Spruce Way deck , � DO �O' �9�. ^ V �o �� �� 5 LAND USE SUMMARY PARCEL AREA USE PARCEL A 0.1732 Acres Residential PARCEL B 02125 Acres Residential LELAND LECHl�IER PLS 23506 30946 COUNTY ROAD 356, BUENA VISTA, COLORADO, 81211 (719) 395-9160 Le end All symbols and line rypes are labeled. Lot 15 ADDRESS 4223 A Spruce Way 4223 B Spruce Way A RESU�DIVISI�N OF' LOT 14, BLOCK 9 TOWN OF VAIL, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO TITLE CERTIFICATE '� 5'�'B�JUf} �1�'�t �pWl�0.�f�( does hereby certify tliaY it lias e�amined Rhe TiYle Co all lands shown upon this Plat and that Title to such lands is vestedin t+l�t►�4G) L•71ntf. 13E}ti 8.'flPitf' atvlol N¢Idi Anf,'hC�' , freeandclearoCallliens, taa:ee�and encumbrances except as fol ows: Altd. CFTr6�S} #'� US annle. rtieerded Stpi�tmber 1's dbo9 at RKt� •n �-den��0(,nl.. Dated this o27'n` day of flECCWt�fC�" , A.D, 201A / -� ent u�� CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION FOR MORTGAGE HOLDER Know all men by these presents that U. S. Bank, N.A., NaYional AssociaGon beu�g tUe holder of the mortgage or deed of trust on the real properry sihiated at 4223 B Spruce in h T n f il E 1 n 1 r crib s f llows Parcel B A Resubdivision of Lot 14 Block 9 Bi horn Subdivision Third Addition Amended Plat Way t e ow o Va , ag e Cou ty, Co o ado des ed a o , , g , according to the Final P1aY recorded March 3, 1994 in Book 633 at Page 856 as Reception No, 529912 of flie Eagle County Clerk and Recorder containing 0.1928 acres more or less; agcees to the dedieation and setting aparC all of Yhe public roads and oYher public improvements and places as shown on the accompanying plat to the use of the public forever; aiid does hereby dedicate those portions of said real property which are indicated as easement on the accompanying plat as easements for Yhe purpose shown hereon; and does hereby grant the right to install and maintain necessary structures to the enrity responsible for providing the services for which the easemeuts are established. Executed this � day of ��, A.D., 2011. U.S. Bank, N.A., National Associarion B,y r� ►��4�., !fsir s�-aN.F- Vice President STATEOF���flt��P.l� ) COUNTY OF tz JGf l/I'�P S j � SS Address: 4801 Fredecica St Owensboro, KY 42301 The foregoing Certificate of Dedicafion was acknowledged before me this �� day of �, A.D, 2011, by MycommissionExpires: CJ � Z,OI Wimess my hand and offieial seal. Nota Pu lic �iar'J ZT�� � �O�l�'�� � - � �:.�. , yp�vmOF ^ OFFICiAlSEAL o '; s-r����i,��� �ousE� II 9 y v^ � ' NOTARYPUBLIC-KEMUCKS' o i " y.�.. ,y�� S�TNTE-q3-i.AflGE iViy Canm. Ettpires i l}09-2013 ���� Address: ��6/ 6' i1'e( {e°'fCta S� • D�°=NE.SIa firD ��� SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, Leland Lechner, do hereby certify that I am a Professional Land Surveyor licensed under the laws of the State oFColmado, that this plat is true, conect and complete as laid out, platted, dedicated and shown hereon, fliat sucli plat �uas made from an accucate sucvey of said pxoperty by me and/or wider my supervision and correcfly sho���s the location and dimensions of the lots, easements, and streets of said subdivision as the same are staked upon tlte ground in compliance with applicable regulations goy�rni9g, he subdivision of land. �°��� ,�' . IuWiTnessWhereof�7i��&ia�t.�y����id�a�d�ealthis « dayof r,w,au.v ,A.D.,2011. ;Y .,.� , a i ��:; �, - �.�r�� �`�.%�� :�,�-==.�. �L �`" Ll�l6llULVVlL1�.l •'. . _ Professional Lancl�Sti��"�yo��Nc�. ��(��i ; � " r aE) ,� O��_psf./� ,^e+�-� ��',, �Am �n �f � , r���r � ,,,� 1) Da1� of sm�vey: December, 2010 2) Bearings are based on a Gne cmmecting the NW corner for Lot 14 and the NE cori�er o�CLot 141�aving a boaring o�f S 53°18'30" E( platted ). Tlie monuments are described on the drawing. 3) MonumenYaYion is as indicaYed oi1 tl�e drawing. 4) The sole purpose ofthis plat is ro relocate Uie properry line fi�om the northeastefly side of the duplex to Yhe norCheasterly lof line as shown hereon. 5) The parcels hereby platied remain subject to existing recorded documents as they may effect this property. 7) Recorded documents uriliaed in this platwere provided by SYewart Title Order No. 940891. 8) The pazcels hereby platted are subject to a Partywall A�reement previously recorded in conjunction with the ociginal resubdivision plat recorded in the Office of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. 9) For zoning purposes, the two lots created by this subdivision are to be tceated ae one entity with no more than one two-family residence allowed on Yhe combined area of the two lots. 10) The street addresses and setbaeks shown are for reference purposes anly and should be verified wiYh the Town of Vail Community Development Department Notice: According To Colorado Law you must commeoce any legal action based upon tliis survey within three years after you ficst discover such defect. In no event may any actlon based a�on any defect in this survey be commenced more tfian ten years from the date of certificaSion showil hereon. CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION AND OWNERSHIP Know all men by these presenTs that Michael L. Tiner, Betri B. Tiner and Heidi Archer, being sole owners in fee simple of all that ieal pxoperty situated in the Town of Vail, Eagle CounTy, Colorado described as follows: A Resubdivision of Lot 14, Block 9, Bighorn Subdivision Third Addition Amended Plat , according to tlie plat recorded March 3,1994 in Book 633 at Page 856 as Rece�tion No. 529912 of the Eagle CounTy Clerk and Recorder conYaining 0.3857 acres more or less; have by these p�esents laid out, platted a�d subdivided the same into 2 lots as shown onthis final plat under tl�e nanle and style of Amended Duplex Plat, Bighorn Subdivision Third Addition Amended Plat, A Resubdivision of LoY 14, Block 9, a subdivisioii in fhe Town of VaiL, Eagle County, Colorada, and does liereby accept the responsibility for the complerion of required improvements; and does hereby dedicate and set apart all of the public roads ai�d oYher public improvements and places as shown on the accompanying plat to the use of the public foeever; and does hereby dedicate those portions of said real pxoperry which are uidicated as easemenY on the accompanying plat as easements for the purpose showu hereon; and does hereby g�ant the rightto install and maintain necessary structures to the entlty responsible for providing tlie services for which the easements are esfablished. Executed tltiis ���~ day of �DGe++�b.w A.D., 2011. _� Owner: Micl�ael �ran � e ' te �� � � :,,. _ � ' ' � ` , � -i�:�.�° �— STATEOF �OLpQi�pb ) ) SS COUNTYOF ��„F_ ) Address: 4223 A Spcuce Way Vail, Colorado 81657 The foregoing Certificate ofDedication and Ownership was acknowledQed before me this ►�p day of JaK�A��:, A.D. 2011, by Vtil.c.��t� L T�Nft ANe 43�rr� b'["�NE.e- My commission expires: % ZS l3 naaress: � �I L E.� F_AOOU? D2-� ��S Witi�ess my hand and o i eaL �.. -' �iArl l. ,�D S I L� i ,_ ` ' � Notary ublic M ....;; p. -��. Tp� c � . �...,____�- � w��^ i �.: � � �:.M�::7 9 � ' S t �+^. � �r i� � i�46. Y J�.r ro avw°-a�-�.-dw,. 'w a«�,ra+.«.ww Owoer: Heidi Archer Address: 4223 B Spruce Way e ` ; ,1 ; � � Vail, Colorado 81657 v\,v�7,/� STATE OF _�p LO��DO ) COUNTYOF ���.LE. ) SS The foregoing Certific Ye of Dedication and Ownership was acknowledged before me this � day o�, A.D. 2011, by ��1 � 1 �iZ��'%� My commission expires: � Z.� '� E ��t�' D�a Address: 2�1Zf . e1� �Ae%t,�, Witness my hand and officia al. '� � � � �A-IL� �o �165't � .. �Notary,�'ublic � d m.n-,�»�c-Y.�.*-�-e�-ss--n-�-.�n,r,v.p.s�,.m.o,. .✓ a^� p `- �" a.iE ia � d 3..Ja s�1�A'� ��3:9�J '[i'�iv!!=iS�4� 1'��.iJ� iv ai'�';fE �e �'CL'Jtili&3Q T 4 -aT-6* ADMINISTRATOR CERTIFICATE This final plat was appiroved by the Town of Vail Administratoc this � l_,! day of �ctVithaC a/ A.D. 2011. T� oP Vail Adi�liuistrator � � t� � ��'.. �. N .�OW... ��� Attest: : '� r� � . � : ��AL CERTIFICATE OF TAXES PAID I, the undersigned, do 12ereby cettify thatthe entire amount oftases and assessments due �nd payable as af �P Cp j�,y��(i , r� (� �� upon all parcels of real estate described on Yhis plat ve paid in full. Dated this `�� day of. 1n v�1,� hrt, , A.D, 2011. k n ,�r,v� `��P ( i�o .� � Ja : ���. %'V 19�d Treasurer of Eag e Comity '�oyo'� u q �t0i So CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE � � � ^ By: _ Deputy filed for record in the Office of the Clerk and Recorder at i�✓( y_ 2(�f�'°� is d�ecord'ed at Reception No �01, I 00 55 a x, a � ,�` �� � �`� � f,s.tFr , .s� Ge�"' �� P�5 a.� , s Jys.+:,e+r��,�,. r�,..- F^Q: gN �1' �`G 'QCC�CG, � �_...,.r.:�hr� isaa.:��'-.rta�++';�, ;r,�: it �j �'.,ty � ( P p9 ... 9,v` f �� p ��»- � _ w a? o'clock �, on this � D� day of