HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Potato Patch Block 1 Lot 09� 3 3 _ o � � d � vi vi a � � � � z > > e � � � 6 S ze z� I ze � z, 1 zs zz z / SUBJECT SITE 10 u i2 U �� �S i6 I u / — \ /� � 3o zs ,� TRACTOA 33 TqACT D POTATO PA' CLUB �il�� �o�� �e ��� �'- in LLJ � � Q Z 0 Q Z LL.1 � � � _ � I � � 3• ��1� ' /2 I � UNPLATTED � �� II Z V�ASE � PNASE � s � � � �� \\ ie rnacT e � tO I �1 I �9 6 �z �o � TRACT C } S , O RED SANDSTONE ELEMENTARY VICINITY MAP NO SCALE FOUND #5 REBAR & YELLOW PLASTIC CAP L.S. 11413 O o � O �! O '''� � ^ � `� I Z � w W m L� � O� � � m� 0� �/�i � � � N f2ESUBDIVISI�� „ i2 LOT 7, BLOCK 2, VAIL VAIL POTATO H4TC SECOND FILING SOLAR VAI INTERSTATE 70 LAND USE SUMMARY L❑T AREACacres) 9A 0.287 9B 0,369 USE 1/2 Duplex 1/2 Duplex LOT 10 S 02°55'20" W — 203.79' ADDRESS 796A Potato Patch Drive 796B Potato Patch Drlve DUPLEX PLAT � TOWN OF VAIL, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADa N❑TES� 1) The purpose of th�s plat is to subd�vide Lot 9 �nto two lots as shown, 2) Date of Survey� January, 2000 3) Bearings are based on a llne connecting the found r�onuMents at the Northwest and Northeast corner of Lot 9 be�ng S88'34'll'E Csee drawing), 4) MonuMentatton as shown hereon, 5) NOTICE� Accordtng to Colorado law you Must coMMence any legal actlon based upon any defect In this survey within three years after you f�rst discover such defect, In no event, May any actlon based upon any defect In thts survey be coMMenced More than ten years froM the date of the certificatton shown hereon, 6) Protect�ve Covenants recorded �n Book 233, Page 628, 7) For zoning purposes, the two lots created by thls subd�v�slon are to be treated as one entity with no More than one two- far�ily resldence allowed on the coMbined area of the two lots. 8) EaseMent 'A' descrlbes an easeMent for the second floor and thlyd floor liv�ng area overhang froM Lot 9A onto Lot 9B, The lower liMit of Easer�ent 'A" 1s the floor etevation at second floor l�vtng area overhang fror� Lot 9A onto Lot 9B, Sald floor elevatton betng 8622,8', based upon Eagle Rlver Water and Sanitatlon Dlstrlct as butlt Invert elevatlon for Manhole No, 012 being 8600,0' I I 20 0 20 40 60 Feet SET #4 REBAR & ALUM CAP L.S. 301 16 ' BUILDING SETBACK — -- _ —_ �_— -� I —� —��-- - � BUILDING SETBACK BUILDING � 0 UTLI N E LOT 9 B � I S 2 NOTE: CROSS HATCHED AREA 9��` DENOTES ACCESS EASEMENT s ,S3'' i5.o S < �0 �'I� \ 0.369 ACRES 796B I \\ ��S -15.0 EDGE 69 � �_ J PAVER 29' 4 6� r DRIVE O I �2\ � �r F � `��/ �� ��� � �8 4 S 00°01'16" E — 175.60 � _ � z EASEMENT "A" ` \ � \ � � o LOT 9 A � � ' r � �� � 0.287 ACRES � �, 796A / °' �� � -� � , ,�_ \ „ � � BUILDING � 20 � � OUTLINE o -�- , \ � , , � i s.o � � EDGE PAVER FOUND #5 REBAR & YELLOW PLASTIC CAP ° L.S. 11413 S 02°50'26" W— 210.2'8' S \ �. DRIV\ % LINE BEARING L1 N 73°58'44" E L2 N 16°08'S0" W L3 S 73°58'44" W L4 N 16°08'50" W L5 N 30°34'S5" W L6 S 16°08'S0" E L7 S 73°58'44" W 41199 HIGHWAY 6& 24, EAGLE–VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS, C0. 81632 (970)949-1406 DISTANCE 16.67 21.96 4.95 3.77 67.63 25.73 11.71 ������ ,� � • �. �� / , �� � 1 / ♦ 1 CERTIFICATE ❑F DEDICATION F❑R MORTGAGE H❑LDER ❑R DEED �F TRUST HOLDER Know all Men by these presents that WestStar Bank, being the holder of a Mortgage or deed of trus�t on that real property sltuated �n the Town of Vall, Eagle County, Colorado, descrtbed 0.5 follOWS� Lot 9, Block 1. Vall/ Potato Patch, accordtng to the plat thereof recorded at receptlon no, 129527 In the office of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, contatning 0,656 acres, More or less. as shown on thls flnnl plat under the naMe and style of ' Va�l/Potato Patch, A Resubd�vls�on ❑f Lot 9, Block 1', a subdiv�s�on In the Town of Vall, Eagle County, Colorado� agrees to the ded�catton and setttng npart oall of the publ�c roads and other publ�c �MproveMents and places as shown on the accor�pany�ng plat to the use of the publ�c forever� and does hereby agree to the dedtcatlon of those portlons of sa�d real property whlch are tnd�cated as easeMent on the accor�pamy�ng plat as easeMents for the purpose shown hereon� and does hereby agree to the granting of the r�ght to �nstall and r�a�ntaln necessary structures to the entity responslble for provldtng the serv�ces for whlch the easeMents are establ�shed. Executed th t s� day of Sq�luQ,�� ___��L�O____, A, D,, 199__ , M�RTGAGEE� WestSt�ar Bank 108 So�uth Frontage Road West Va I t, ICO 81657 �' --]�!� �'-� (Pr�nt naMe)_ L.�6. I�S y C T i t l e)_.�jsSf;���ti�.rst.i'1'lSLd- - STATE ❑F_��8�____> )ss, C❑UNTY OF _��.______) The foregoing InstruMent was acknowl�edged before Me thls �$�n day of ���yy,y�B�l_--- , A�.� .. l200Q b'Y ,�3i��� _TDItlQSe� ------ as Ass,(��'�t�l�_�l�lL�IT_ of WestStar Bank, My Cor+M t ss � on exp t res � 1 J. � Witness My hand and seal, -- -� - --------- Notary P icp� . . _.s �:-�� - . Address � -----� `-'-��S% � ,: ----- Y A�iLLO _�L���--- DANIELLE STOLR. . � Notary Pub!ic`.` _ �'ate of Colcrado =' ..-�.,��>�,_ _. ' ` _ FND #4 REBAR & ALUM CAP L.S. 26598 '� � � � w 0 � �L/ � SET #4 REBAR & ALUM CAP ��o� , rn / ^ � L.S. 30116 � J � �^ � Q 6�'I � '/ � \ � 1� N 35°32'10" E– 17.95 % � / .O ; ,o.o � �% y � .o � � Q ELECTRIC UTILITY� \ a EASEMENT � � PREVIOUSLY FOUND #5 REBAR & YELLOW PLASTIC CAP L.S. 11413. (LOST AND REPLACED) ISET #4 REBAR & ALUM CAP L.S. 301 16 0 Q � � TITLE CERTIFICATE Land Tltle Guarantee Conpany does hereby certlfy that It has exaMlned the tltle to all lands shown upon thls plat and that such tltle Is vested tn the Mayer FaMlly Partnershlp, A Colorado LlMlted Partnershlp, free and cle�ar of all llens and e_,�cur�brn„ �Z]A1�ICept_�l.lqwg. ,_ D_ �.� �i ---------------- �.b¢,Q� g–C --- � T��IpiU Gti�����, ---- - - A�� ��fv-%iSta�------------------------------------ --- �-5-------------------------�-------------------------------- -------------- --- -------r--�--------------------------------- Dated thls _� _ day of ���r�u� ----------� A.D., 200�_ Land T�tl G aran_tg CoMpany Addr�s s � m� �� 5p� _(,'l�Y-� -4--------------- By � „�!ll./v�!! �- <print naMe) ---�-�? ��=" -------- tltle��� 6��Z� -------------- SURVEY�R'S CERTIFICATE I do hereby certlfy that I an a reglstered Land Surveyor llcensed under the laws of the State of CoU.orado, that this plat �s true, correct and coMplete as lald out, platted, dedtcated and shown hereon, that such plat was �nde froM an accurate survey of sald property by Me and under r�y supervlsion and correctly shows the locatlon and diMenslons of the lo�s, easer�ents and streets of said subdlvtslon as the saroe are Staked upon the ground In coMpllance w�th appllcable reguln#tons governing the subdivis�on of land, In wttness thereo� I have set ny hand and seal thls 28� day of �'_✓i�y-----� A,D„ 200jZ. �.,�,���„�.,. �.�`'�p k E SIS; '••,, ��.� �0�, .........�',,��^': � o�.� .•P�l. J, :, O . . . �- --. --- - --- J i : --------- MICMa� � �p � Co lo►�,do :�9 � �; ...� ' .�.c '�O �• � .:.:..,•-- _ . �„ . ��. • � . +' � �� , i $, ♦ '- �`' ''••......•••'� S� .�'� ��"'•ff��r'�AL l'��0..�`�� ''���„����►►.. �� . CERTIFICATE ❑F DEDICATION AND ❑WNERSHIP Know all Men by these presents that the Mayer FaMtly Partnershlp, A Colorado LiM�ted Partnership, being sole ownerCs) in fee slMple, of all that real property sttuated In the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, descr�bed as follows� Lot 9, Block 1, Vall/ Potnto Patch, according to the plat thereof recorded at receptton no, 129527 in the offtce of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, contalntng 0,656 acres, More or less, has by these presents la�d out, platted and subd�v�ded the saMe into lots and tracts as shown on thls flnal plat under the nar�e and style of ' Vatl/Potato Patch, A Resubdtv�s�on ❑f Lot 9, Block 1', a subdiviston In the Town of Vatl, Eagle County, Coloradoj and does hereby accept the respons�btl�ty for the coMpletton of requlred �Mprover�ents; and does hereby dedtcate and set apart all of the public roads and other public iMproveMents and places as shown on the accor�panying plat to the use of the public forever� and does hereby dedicate those portions of said real property whtch are �nd�cated as easeMent on the accor�panying plat as easeMents for the purpose shown hereon� and does hereby grant the r�ght to install and Maintain necessary structures to the entity responslble for provlding the servlces for whlch the easeMents are establ�shed, Executed th � s_� day of �E�!� Uh �-�_______, A, D,, 200Q, ❑WNERS� Mayer FaM�ly Partnersh�p, A Colorado L�M�ted Partnersh�p 2060 Broadway, Sutte 360 Boulder, C❑ 80302 Print n Me� � r __ ------- - ------ - as� - ----- - --- ------------- STATE ❑F��!���____> .r' �� ; ss , C❑UNTY ❑F «�__________ The fore t g �nstr Ment was acknowledg��o efore�,r� �s da o K_, D, _200_Oby tt� /1?�N�C7 ` �_�� �� ------ ---- asy_�!!!�rt�C_!!� �•!°'/� of the Mayer'FaM � ly Partnersh t p. A Colorado LtMtted artnershtp, My Cor�r� t ss i on exp � res ��_ �D -� Z- Witness My hand and seal, ----------- ---------- Notnry Pub�� ��� Address� _ - ,,,.,...�-�-�.�.�-�.��,.p.�.�.�:�.�..� ., -- �-�--- � -��----�----- �1��_ ROBERT ��ANDRA NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF COLORADO My Commission Exaires 0�3/10�20U2 PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL C❑MMISSI❑N CERTIFICATE This ftnal plat was approved by t Town of Vat P anning and En v � ron Men ta l CoMM � ss � on th t s_� c a� ___ __ � ,, r�����"",�"„a�«, A , D , 20QQ, --- ---`\\. , ���`�i.aiJ Lh A�;y, .�� '� � �'�. Att t � � ` `i . �L� �EAL ��------ –I– – -----------�-- ---- . Tow Clerk-- ----------- i - � Town of Va�l, Colorado Town of Vol't� lanning and �, Y_Ir.�n��al CoMr�lssion � � . . �::i;. .,:,: CERTIFICATE ❑F TAXES PAID I, the underslgned, do hereby certlfy that the entlre aMOUnt of taxes and assessMents due and payable as of �q.��(„�QQ __ upon all parcels of real estate descrlbed on thls plat are paid In full, � Dated th � s__�__ day of r�Q�IL�+�r".�______. A, D,, 20p0 , .��'�� ----- Treasurer o Eag l e Coun ty ROOI �FT'T CLERK AND REC�RDER'S CERTIFICATE ��O � This Plat was filed for recorc��n the ❑fftce of the Clerk and Rec er at _�_�±�___o'clock f,M „ on this __=]___day of _________ 20QQ, and Is dul recc� r e �n �ao�c =_____ � Regr��dc, __�_, � at Recept t on No .__��� `��________ . " �. ,;� `--"�t�, \ �` �o� 1 � � �Q� �u Z __ ��_____ ` _________�___� K Clerk an Recor r * �. - ' ��— c �ORA�O By' ------- - ---- --------------- � Deputy JOB N0. 91 5 SHEET 1 OF 1