HomeMy WebLinkAboutLion's Ridge Subdivision Filing 2 Lot G2, G5 & G6 - Residences at Briar Patch Condos - 3rd AmendmentNO SCALE e� VICINITY MAP SUBJECT SI TE rw b: .r . r• .:��1� . .� � �, s�/oE..,. �7 �� � � � � �: . �r � .we �: . �� �►E' �..:-. � — �A��:.�'-•- / r !_ ^� � �: ,��`�'i:���. � - d,00 - .1 l�d�o jo � �� I ,� .��e�_�% /�� , . - � � ��o ' � ;� CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATI�N AND OWNERSHIP Know all Men by these presents that Br�ar Patch L,L.C,, a Cotorado lir�ited liability cor�pany, Briar Patch CondoMiniur� Association, Inc,, a Colorado nonprofit corporatton, Webster Atwell II, David G, Stueber, Dav�d J, Leach, Alberta J, Leach, George J, Strate, Charlene Strate, Brice A, Tondre, and Catherine J. Tondre, be�ng sole owners tn fee siMple, of all that real property s�tuated �n the Town of Va�l, Eagle County, Colorado, descr�bed as follows� Second AMendr�ent To The Residences At Briar Patch, according to the r�ap thereof recorded In the offtce of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, containing 8.1045 acres, More or less, have by these presents latd out, platted and subd�v�ded the sar�e tnto lots and tracts as shown on th�s f�nal plat under the naMe and style of ' Third AMendMent To The Restdences At Briar Patch', a subdlvislon in the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado; and do hereby accept the responslbility for the cor�pletton of requtred �r�prover�ents; and do hereby ded�cate and set apart all of the publ�c roads and other publ�c �MproveMents and places as shown on the accoMpany�ng plat to the use of the publ�c forever� and do hereby ded�cate those porttons of said real property wh�ch are indicated as easer�ent on the accoMpanying plat as easer►ents for the purpose shown hereon; and do hereby grant the right to Install and Matntain necessary structures to the entity responstble for prov�ding the servlces for which the easeMents are establ�shed; and further agree to grant the r�ght to use and �nstall necessary structures pursuant to separate pedestr�an and dra�nage easer�ents to be recorded concurrently w�th th�s �nstruMent, Executed this _____ day of ________________________, A,D,, 199__, �WNERS� Br�ar Patch L,L,C,, a Cotorado l�r��ted ltab�l�ty cor�pan y Address � __�� �� �1�__ 7 �!� ---'��'1.(� � -��I��if1 r- " J . C-�iaa� By : __ _ 0+!!E1 ----------------- ( int nar�e)____ CT�tle) �7�_______ I AMENDED PLAT TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE C OUNTY, C 4LORAD 0 . .. v.� J�1-r>.4td-,aa-sf��r..r.r�.,� . - r��; r-�;�,�i �t�ct:�:. � � ��. �� �� 'i, ��. ; , STATE �F_ CL?1..01Q�QZ?--) =- - �.;,-- )ss. . , ,.�. 4..,... C�UNTY OF �__�'t'L________) ����3 ,LOOg The fore�oing instruMent was acknowledged before Me this ��� day Q�f�� ���'�►�_---, A,D, , 199� by ^�'r�,��--,- -�_� _��.P_4�iD �ST�E.6EP-- as B!ct?LQ�BLt ---------- and -- -- -- -- -I�f1?'��QT1rJblLQ as _���J�T1�`�________ of Br � ar Patch Condor� i n i uM Assoc � at � on , I n c„ a Co l orado n on prof � t corporat � on , My CoMM i ss i on exp i res �_���l�a?�Q � � W i tn ess r�y han d an d sea l, ('� \ Brtar Patch CondoMintur� Association, Inc,, a Colorado nonproftt corporation ATTEST� Address�______________________ - �� - ��----�---------- �L�'-"- `�Gc���---- zS'ec��'e�ar� Pres � den t . / �d��/�''i/- / a . �� � � ��� �-------------�---------- Webst��e l l I I----------- � Dav � d G, S$y+ e r Address � �a�V����.Lf,LK_�4 l Address � _J� �D� _�qZ� ------ -�i�-�-���,�----- --�1GU�71'12__8��a�$--- � ���� � _ -`=-��'n�! '� '- - -- " -- - David J, Le A erta J, Address�__�__� _ _�� ddress�___ _ �_� _ -�----�����---��'^� ---- -- ��-��� � Yl� QJ�� � � ------ - �------------ ---------- -- George J a e Charlene Strat y,_ ,, �� Address � Z�j_ �_ Address � ���1 _ 'c��-�- - �� -�3w��--- --�I r-- ---���c S-7 `79�-- � Br�ce A Ton � Cather�ne J dre ,/ Address � �.?��_!!!✓OS7�!��ie.__ Address � 1�1 � ��!��CLYaeQ_��'_ v'M t�- 8!���---- ����-�-- �� ��-7 - -, _y,,q..P� 0 e� o tr ��J� �N��-I�� �+'". . STATE oF_�11J_P__A��---� � I.����;HAEE_ MOSS ' , ; " �r�Y P�'��.►� y >ss, � ,��;;� �� r ��, �,�r>^no � _. q ,� ,. .. ,� .�. � � .�.. �.,. .� � C�UNTY OF __����_____ ) � ��rt-�- � vt�3 The forego i ng I nstrur�ent was acknow ledged before r�e th I s �_ e}rw�'�- day of �'��1N1��__, A, D �, 199c1 bY Q�Ua1� ��--L�A�Crt? ---- as _QQ1�S l Q E►JT ____ of Br i ar Patch L, L, C,, a Co l orado lir��ted liab�lity coMpany, My CoMM�ss�on exp�res� _���13��-� Witness r�y hand and seal, � ` �-- ���� -_ j ---- -- -- -- ------ N tary Pu li Ad ��_ W1_4�_�_Ar _��------- , -- ��41.��_�S�_ �l6�1_---- J ���7C �C����1 '—` �C ::�G :: - =_:=:_,���:��-�� ° ��E=�=o��=:�e��- . . � ' • :• • � �'� • : • � •.• .�• --- ---- -� - �------ N ary P lic Ad ss � ���!�' _��1�--��------- �--iS�., � �1��L STATE DF �-D l� � ��___ ) --- - - -- -- )ss, C�UNTY OF ��►l� _____) The foregoing instruMent was acknowledged before r�e thls �__ day of a�C G-gv���¢ ___, A, D,, 199�j by Webster Atwe t l I I, My CoMM i ss t on exp i res � ___�.(�1��5�, Witness My hand and seal, " ---�_ ---�-'��- �------ ary bl�c ddres�_�Q!�-it�_IT�S�-- �Q=------ _��44�1_CQ__�.16�1---- STATE �F__��V1! C�Q�____ ) )ss, CDUNTY DF __ ��'Q,�___ ) � The foregoing in trur�ent was acknowledged before Me this _��_ day of _ S2�R�i_ '____--� A,D,, 199� by Davld G, Stueber, r My Cor�r� � ss i on exp t res �__'�2� Jc! D 3 , <, ,� Wttness M hand and seal, �� � c Y � � Notary Pub - - ---- ------- Address ; _ �� S•______ � j�.W • Z�� _�OI.t.Q�C,s? gl 6? -------- STATE OF �,��?�?�g� �q6L, �L ) s s , C�UNTY OF __) The foregoing InstruMent was acknowledged before Me this _�__ day of p��ny���_, A.D., 199� by Davld J. Leach, My CoMr� i ss i on exp i res ��L��} ��e�� � Wttness My hand and seal, n -- =- - �' �! = � -------- �otary Publ�c s � _ �. � � ►M���_4_ � �-------- _ %� 1.�. _r to_ _ Y�1�.3 � - - - - STATE �F_(�LQQl�¢� __) )ss, CDUNTY OF __ ��____) The fore oing instrur�ent was acknowledged before r�e this _�__ day of �.�.�L���__, A, D., 199 �'l by A l berta J, Leach , LZ `� +� � pa v � fl �'. �4c�► a-.s My Cor�M i ss i on exp i res �_a� '�D_o� �TTaQ�`�' � N F�'T Witness My hand and seal, �(1 � '�L __ _______ ____________ _________ N tary Pub �c Ad r -- �Q!-�__Ln1L�A��---- �Gd..���.4 - -� �'- � �-- .. . � . r ' . .'. } p�.y: ,w � �.�+ r.. .. . _ . . . . � ,:.� � • � l( i3� z,o u3 ,�r�w► �'�r ti � sf�eof�A,�� ;� Ca 4�c �� aa ��'' _ 1 ���� STATE OF�a�(�.�____) )ss. COUNTY �F ��{,�Jr�_____) The fore oing instruMent was acknowledged before Me this 1$__ day of Q��nfL D____, A,D „ 199� by George J, Strate, My CoMM t ss i on exp � res �_L1�1� 1`j___ � _ Witness r,y hand and seal, -- -- -- - ----- --- tary ublic * � 1f���_�?4!��F�A �-- � 11?�Ll_�--%��5�--------- � STATE OF__��� 1=c1 C��_____ ) )ss, C�UNTY OF _� ��'l�,_� �'_____> The foregoing instrur�ent was acknowledged before Me this �1'G� day of ���,�i �[____, A, D,, 1� _ by Cather i n e J, Ton dre , ,,�.--�"- �•., �ti � � My,� MM i ss � dm ex� i res �_��1� ���___ � W �:ti�ie��' My hahCl an'�1 sea l, � � � ,. _���c� �' _�-�?. _ ��-.�------- ;� ,,�.,,�,�- ' Notary Publlc J ,� � ,. �" :� Address � __`'�lci�_�__�L�1a�C k_�f � i " ; S. .. - � ,r _1��LLDS_G1_r_�'�'--�Q�iJ�� _ . �.._. ,� CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATI�N F�R MORTGAGEE �R DEED �F TRUST H❑LDER Know atl r�en by these presents that Pr�ncipal Restdent�al Mortgage, Inc „ ,, and F�rstbank �f Colorado, N,A,, betng the holders of a r�ortgage or deed of trust on that real property s�tuated �n the Town of Va�l, Eagle County, Colorado, described as follows� Second Ar�endMent To The Residences At Briar Patch, accord�ng to the r�ap thereof recorded �n the office of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, conta�n�ng 8,1045 acres, More or less. as shown on this final plat under the naMe and style of 'Third AMendMent To The Res�dences at Br�ar Patch', a subd�vtston �n the Town of Va�l, Eagle County, Colorado; agree to the ded�cation and setting apart all of the publ�c roads and other public ir�proveMents and places as shown on the accoMpanying plat to the use of the publ�c forever; and do hereby agree to the ded�cat�on of those port�ons of said real property wh�ch are �ndicated as easeMents on the accoMpanying plat as easeMents for the purpose shown hereon; and do hereby agree to the granting of the right to tnstall and r�atnta�n necessary structures to the entity respons�ble for prov�ding the serv�ces for wh�ch the easeMents are establ�shed; and fur t her agree to gran t t he rig h t to use an d ins ta ll necessary structures pursuant to separate pedestrian and drainage easer�ents to be recorded concurrently w�th this instrur�ent, Executed th�s _____ day of ________________________, A,D „ 199__, M�RTGAGEE� ,. . _..� _,. . .. . . �. . l l. It�i3��a3 ��� . . t . �,._,. p I l I � �'IJD�3 �v�� STATE OF�pLQ_Q.�Q____) )ss, COUNTY �F E ��_______) The fore oing instrur�ent was acknowledged before r�e this 1 8__ day of �[„m��____, A,D,, 199� by Charlene Strate. My CoMM i ss � on exp i res �_ �.1�1���� , \ Witness r�y hand and seal, \- - ----- -- ��------------ �- N tary �b l i c �� n w ���3 A �-J���'�--�_•_�1!-�h. _K..0 .11�l�,_�z�__���6��------_ . . � ; . _. .. . STATE �F �p�D3=c���______ ) )ss, C�UNTY �F _��4��i�!� ____) The forego i n g i n strur�en t was ackn ow t edged bef ore r�e th � s �Ce� day of _���,�r�____, A. D,, ��9- by Br t ce A, Tondre z�c � ' My C exp i res �_;��1����___ < ' W i Ys9�Y�y and sea l, ///� 1y'/ , �/ � �����I� • ��� �A ����i�+'+�-I✓ '�- L�(= � _Y������� �.'�: '' �'�,� ' Notary Pub t i c, �-' � �. �°C� Address; _�� � �__�; :' �:�� � `�+ �--- g ��lc�rt+�� L. ' ---- � . �' '`` , --��� � ������ ��__:���1�-- ;�. ; ��? � �: `t' ; `+# � - ' wl � ', �� ..... s � �;. '�'= ' , ° STATE OF_���Q�y'1Jo ___) � )ss, CDUNTY OF ��_���SOi✓ _ � The f ore i n g � n strur�en t was ackn ow l edged f ore M th � ��' day f - - - ��p --- �. A , D Zoo�,-- bY ��u��=�_�'?�--- as _U sai � itcuL� .��__ of F i rstbar�k �f �o orado N, u My Cor�r� i ss � on exp i res �_���l�o _ Wttness r�y hand and seal, • - - - - u--�- -- -------- JOYCE L. WHITE Address � UZS`�o �-_�o ��_ �e2.we. � STPA�E OR COLORADO Zg������-------� _�1�-- T I T a� ��' ��,°���9�2000 Land T�tte Guarantee CoMpany, does hereby certify that the title to all lands shown upon this f�nal plat has been exaM�ned and is vested �n� Br�ar Patch L,L,C,, a Colorado lir�ited l�ab�lity coMpany, Briar Patch CondoMlniuM Assoclation, Inc., a Colorado nonprofit corporation, Webster Atwell II, David G, Stueber, David J. Leach, Alberta J, Leach, George J, Strate, Charlene Strate, Br�ce A, Tondre, and Catherine J, Tondre, and that t�tle to such lan�ds is free and clear of atl ltens and encuMbrances, except as follows,; �,tl� ��t �t� �� � �'�_ L� ��L r�.�nCL 11+�!��_ � 33.��� � �oSl7 (� 88 �sul�x�t�ti� '� ��°� ----r���-1���?� q---- d�u _ _ _ __�r+_ � y lS � �Q _� 3 7 ----------- - -- -�a��t''`c�=_�!'���er'� �-°�.""gu�r�� ��'-�`�� ��q �` --- ��_ p�o� 5?? �f'� -4-51- -- - -------------- �'!�!'�_Dt'r ��y� .F�� '�'�!►'�!�C_ �'JL�E�Jii��_`� La 91i _iti 80.���ok �a,-t 1��L � �i D�f�d �LK1Z'CJ�C3��!`_� �� - y��- -1��--------- r � °�' � ,. � -------4�:�0�9} _lo.aQf r?t'-�=`�-- ��---g -------------------------- Dated this _9 � day of __ ___________________, A,D,, 199 9, Agen t � ,�dv_�g�= �?�G��J�' j�tc��'?� (1 � � � SURVEY�R'S CERTIFICATE Pr�nclpal Resldential Mortgage, Inc, I do hereby certify that I aM a registered Land Surveyor 11clhsed Address� P,�, Box 711 under the laws of the State of Colorado, that this plat �s true, Des Motnes, IA 50303-0711 correct and coMplete as laid out, platted, dedicated and shown hereon, that such plat was Made froM an accurate survey of said BY` property by Me and under My supervision and correctly shows the location and dir�ensions of the lots, easer�ents and streets of Principal Residential sa i d subd I v I s t on as the saMe are staked upon the ground i n M ortga Inc. coMpliance with applicable regulations governing the subdivision ' of land, By ; _ (J �.,.1��\ ```�����,���������,,,,,,,,, � �, �. In witness thereof I have set r�y hand and �a�a�p�:s�� �� day of C T t t l e)��.l�tt�.l_ �'��S � M�i ! .TY'C� � I�'1� _�� Ho�F���� ? 1991 ��'- F� : o = �Q �n rPttan R f nM.,....� r� _��• y2 ej Q f� ��___- A rJra�c�--------------------------- ---� ���, -- ' Stan Hogf e ��I�^' ; � '- . , . ; --------------------------- Colorado PL� �9� •' ��,� � � B �''--, q� � l AN4 5,,,,�, �n-Fact for Maranr +P� � ���� � i '�---------------------------- C T � �l.g�-- F�rstbank Of Colorado, N,A, Address � __?Sqo_�_CQ1�'r,,���e ____ ----�s�c�,_tQ �1✓s _ B y � ����-�' C T � t l e)�,;o� lli[G.- ���---- STATE �F ���Q�______) )ss, CDUNTY �F ��L�________) The forego�ng instrur�ent was acknowled ed before r�e this _�day of '�Q�[�Jlrl��!' __, A, D,, 199q by .p�.rtcl o rnG1,lyrr� as ------------------- of Pr�ncipal Res�denttal Mortgage, Inc, � My CoMMission expires; � � � �,. Wltness My hand and seal, ------- � ���--- No ary Pubt�c� --�r -- ---_- A ress�_711 S�C_5 _L�'1G'4._L��9�- i7lto�0 NOTICE: According to Colorado law you must commence any legal action bosed upon any defect in this survey within three years after you first discover such defect. In no event, may any action bosed upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten yearo from the date of the certification ahown hereon. ' `'� JULIE A. HANDY ' MY MM! N EXPIRES �UW1 PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSI�N CERTIFICATE �+�'- Th�s f�nal lat was a roved b the Town of V �l Pl nin and .,.,� �;;:j (.� P PP Y 9 ,:•� -��) ,�' ��,,'��; En v � ron Men ta l Cor�r� � ss i on th � s_� _ day of 1�t_t��___, A, D., :' � ,.}�•�-_�Q� - � �' � j, '� ATT T� : � - - --------------- - - ------- ----- ------------ �.�,� ,, ow C l er Ch � rr�a Tow of Va�l, Colorado To of Vail Pl� �ng and Environ r�Miss�on CERTIFICATE OF TAXES PAID I, the unders�gned, do hereby cert�fy that the ent�re aMOUnt of taxes due an d payab l e as of ,�- _� �_� Oac� _________, upon a l l parcels of real estate descr�bed on th�s final plat are pa�d �n full, Dated th � s Z}t�da of �OOc7 � y --�'� ------------� A,D,, --� --�`�=�='-��!��--�Y I Treasurer of E le Co t olorado CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE � �� � Th�s f�nal plat was f�le for record n t e off�ce of the Clerk a and Rero,rder on t t s,�� day of ___ ______,._, A, D.,�3�' at _�-� f�' c l ock � M, Recorded un der ecep on No ,�����=��� ND D� Fc�t� w�� P� � ' - - ---------� --- ------- �w�e�, C lerk and Recorder - �,� �GC Eag le County, Co lQrado� � i � �� � � , � a ,� y K I * ,nn * By De - -- � - f, %>. - � y CONTINUATION OF CERTIFICATES ON SHEET 2 OF 3 SHEET 1 OF 3 JOB No. 1732.9 � J�:�:=�== ===��—� •-- ;�:: ::� --- ;__-.-.�__;;;�C='OjG�E�=o__=.—,E�E—� ,. , . ' • C• � � •'� • : • � •,• .�• AMENDED PLAT T�WN OF VAIL, EAGLE C 4UNTY, C 4LORAD 0 NOTES� (1) The purpose of this plat �s to reflect two Modif�cations to Building Envelope C and to create parcels froM Building Envelopes A, B and C, C1A) An ar�ended bu�ld�ng envelope due to the vacat�on of an adjacent ut�ltty easer�ent, (1B) A change tn the plat note requ�rer�ent froM a Type IV er,ployee housing unit to a Type III eMployee houstng unit, C2) Interior conversions shalt be perMitted in accordance with Section 12-]5-4, Town of Va�l code, Cpertains to Units 1, 2, & 3), C2) Date of Survey� June, 1999 (3) Monur�entat�on as shown hereon C4) Bearings are based on a line connecting the extsting MonuMents Mark�ng the Most westerly corner and the northwesterly corner of Briar Patch CondoMiniuMS being N31°47'S3"E (see drawing), (5) Elevations based on Upper Eagte Valley San�tation Dlstrict �nvert elevation of 8390,9 for sanitary sewer r�anhole A-128,8.19A7 (see draw�ng for locatton) C6) The property shown hereon is subject to Restr�cttve Covenants recorded �n Book 225 at Page 443 and as aMended �n �nstruMent recorded �n Book 225 at Page 565 and as ar�ended In InstruMent recorded in Book 233 at Page 53 and as ar�ended in Instrur�ent recorded in Book 362 at Page 804, (7) Easer�ents shown hereon are per Land Title Guarantee Cor�pany order nur�ber V21772-4 dated February 8, 1994, C8) The property shown hereon May be subject to a Holy Cross Electric Assoc�ation, Inc, right-of-way easeMent recorded �n Book 211 at Page 103. Cinsuff�c�ent inforr�at�on to plot) C9) The property shown hereon May be subject to a Holy Cross Electric Association, Inc, right-of-way easeMent recorded In Book 263 at Page 728 for the right to place two (2) anchors w�th down guys not More than forty C40) feet southeasterly of a pole wh�ch is to be located on the west l�ne of Lot G- 5, L�ons Ridge Subdivis�on, F�ling No, 2, approxiMately 323 feet south of the northwest corner of said Lot, (10) The property shown hereon May be subject to an agreeMent to grant right-of-way to Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Cor�pany recorded in Book 231 at Page 291, Cinsufflcient inforMation to plot) <11) The property shown hereon May be sub�ect to a Holy Cross Electr�c Assoc�at�on, Inc, underground rtght-of-way easer�ent recorded tn Book 325 at Page 147 followtng an existing and proposed location of power lines as shown on Exh�b�t A of said easer�ent. (insufficlent inforMation to plot) C12) For zon�ng purposes the e�ght lots shown on this plat w�lt be treated as one, Approved developMent standards are prescrtbed below, Parcel Unit 1 Unit 2 Un I t 3 A B C D E F Are �n acr�s 0,0528 0,0436 0 , 0487 0,08825 0,09324 0.1099 0.05483 0,05464 7,559 LAND USE SUMMARY Use 1/3 Trtplex 1/3 Triplex 1/3 Triplex Single Far�i ly S�ngle Far�� ly Single FaMily Single FaMily S�ngle FaM�ly Cor�r�on parce t Street Adaress 1390A 1390B 1390C 1446 1386 1388 1378 1374 The Residences at Briar Patch Annexat�on DevelopMent Plan AMendMent� Buffehr Creek Road Buffehr Creek Road Buffehr Creek Road Buffehr Creek Road Buffehr Creek Road Buffehr Creek Road Sandstone Dr�ve Sandstone Drtve Introduction The or�g�nal developMent plan for Br�ar Patch was approved July 15th, 1981 by the Town of Vail after prevtous approval under Eagle County's Jurtsdiction, The previously approved DevelopMent Plan was approved under Town of Vatl Ordinance 13, serles of 1981, The ordinance st�pulates that Briar Patch and other spectfic DevetopMent plans approved by Eagle County prior to annexat�on shall rer►a�n �n effect as approved unless Major Modif�cations are Made, Major aMendMents such as s�te re-design, use changes, etc, w�ll requ�re a Planning and Environr�ental Cor�M I ss I on rev i ew , This developMent plan aMendr�ent down-zones the previous proposal fror� 14 un�ts to 9,66 un�ts. Instead of Mult�-faMtly structures as prevtously approved, f�ve s�ngle faM�ly res�dences (S un�ts) w�th the potent�al for S caretaker untts (1.66 un�ts), one required caretaker un�t on envelope C will be constructed, �n addition to the exlsting trtplex (3 units), Concept The Res�dences at Briar Patch will be a series of three single- faMily hor�es�tes with 3 potent�al C1 requ�red) caretaker un�ts adjacent to an ex�sting tr�plex, and two sMaller s�ngle-faM�ly hoMes�tes w�th potenttal caretaker units on Sandstone Dr�ve� The sttes are deflned by spectf�c butldtng envelopes which are or�ented to place hor�es �nto the h�llstde, not on �t, Stting parallel to land contours reduces the need for retaining walls and lessens cuts �nto the steep h�lls�des, The s�te plan w�ll also M�n�Mtze the need for roadways and road cuts, and wtll Minir��ze d�sturbance of the reMainder of the site, Architectural Design Every hor�e at The Restdences at Brfar Patch will be destgned on an individuat basis, and each hor�e design will be subr�itted to the Town of Va�l for Des�gn Revtew approval, NOTICE: According to Colorado law you must commence any legal oction based upon ony defect in this survey within three years after you firot discover such defect. In no event, may any action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of the certificotion ehown hereon. Building Envelopes Building Envelopes are prescribed on sheet 3 of 3, The bullding envelopes will prescr�be the lir��ts of buildable area, and only 'on grade' terraces Cthose withtn 5' of exlsting or finished grade) will be perr��tted to pro�ject beyond building envelopes a Max � r�uM of 5 feet , Building Envelope Square Bu�lding Envelope A B C D E Existing Triplex Footage Un i t Single FaMily Single Far�i ly Single Far�i ly Singte FaMily S�ngle FaM�ly Three Far� i l y Square Footage 3,844 sq, ft, 4, 061 sq, ft, 4,786 sq, ft, 2,389 sq, ft, 2,380 sq, ft, N,A, �pen Space Large areas of open space w�ll rer�aln as part of The Resldences at Br�ar Patch, The r�ajor�ty of the site as �s 40% slope or h�gh rockfall hazard areas �nsur�ng open space will forever be an aMenity, These areas along with the areas surrounding the butlding envelopes witl be considered hoMeowner assoclation Mainta�ned open space, Den s � ty Each buildtng envelope w�ll have a GRFA atlowance and a perM�tted nur�ber of un�ts assigned, Each allowable dwell�ng un�t, �n addition to the assigned GRFA, witl have an additional 225 square feet of GRFA (except for existing trfplex), Add�ttonal GRFA, shall be available under Town of Vail Zoning Ordinances Chapter 18,71 'Add�tionat Gross Resldential Floor Area', Er�p l oyee Hous � n g Er�ployee Housing Untts will reMain a cond�tional use for hoMesites A, B, D& E and will be Mandatory for hor�es�te C at The Res�dences at Br�ar Patch, Cons�stent wlth the Town of Va�l's Zoning �rdlnances chapter 18,57, Type III Er�ployee Hous�ng Untts will be perr�itted at the �ndividual owner's discretton, wlth 225 sq, ft, GRFA credlt for EMployee Housing unit if constructed, Gross Res�dential Floor Bu�lding Envelope A B C D E Existing Triples AMen dr,en t GRFA Annexation GRFA Area Distrtbution(not including Unit GRFA Stngle FaM�ly 3,470 sq, Single FaMily 3,470 sq, S�ngle FaM�ly 3,470 sq, Single FaMily 2,790 sq, Single Far�i ly 2,790 sq, Three FaM�ly 5,650 sq, E�ght Units 21,640 sq, 21,640 sq, credits) ft, ft, ft, ft, ft, ft, ft. ft, S�te Coverage Each building envelope will be assigned a Maxir�ur� square footage of altowable 'site coverage' per Town of Vail def�nition, The total site coverage in all building envelopes and the existing triplex shall not exceed previously approved allowable site coverage, Stte Coverage D�stribution Bullding Envelope Untt A Stngle FaM1ly B Singte FaMi ly C SiAgle FQMiIy D S�ngle Far�i ly E Single FaM�ly Ex�st�ng Tr�plex Three FaM�ly Ar�en dMen t E i ght Un i ts Annexation Slte Coverage PerMitted 3,844 sq, ft, 3,572 sq, ft, 3,675 sq, ft. 2, 388 sq , f t, 2,380 sq, ft, 6,300 sq, ft, 22,110 sq. ft, not speclfied Landscap�ng Add�t�onal landscape plantings are proposed �n addition to existing plantings in coMMOn areas along roadways, Individual owners will be responsible for the plantings withln and surrounding their building envelopes w�th designs subject to the approval of the Town of Vail Design Revlew Board, Heights For a ftat roof, the heights of bu�ldtngs shall not exceed 30 feet, For slop�ng roofs, the he�ghts of bu�ld�ngs shall not exceed 33 feet, Speciflcally, Buildtng Envelopes D& E will not be perr�itted to exceed the elevation 8327'-0' in height, Parking Town of Vail Zoning Ordinances Chapter 18.52 '�ff-Street Park�ng and Load�ng' shall serve as the guideline for parking standards, Each hoMe des�gn for The Residences at Briar Patch will be required to include a MiniMUM of two enclosed parking spaces, or three at unit A& C. Rer�aining required parking spaces will not be requ�red to be located within building envelopes and r�ay be located �n cor�MOn paved areas, SHEET 2 OF 3 JOB No. 1732.9 AMENDED PLAT LI N E TABLE NOTE: EASEMENTS "A ,"B" &"C" /� HAVE A BASE ELEVATION LIMIT OF 8341.5� LOT G-1 FOUND No. 5 REBAR '� s LION'S RIDGE SUBDIVISION WITH ALUM. CAP LINE BEARING DISTANCE D ETAI L 0 F ���� \� ��r's, \ L.S. No. 5933 L1 S 63°53'15" E 20.16 UNITS �� 2 �C 3 �/ \\ ��" FILING N�. � / L2 N 18° 59' 15" E 9 6. 50 ���� � U N I T � � �� 21 r SCALE: 1" = 20' \ 0.0528 ACRES � 6'� �19 L3 S 71°00'45" E 43.50 �� ��,��� ';, � 1390A �� �Op, � � � � TRACT B L4 S,�59�, 5�� W,,.50 ��� ,�� � `� � 3.�� ,.o.X,.o' UTILITY EASEMENT\ � ,�23'S, � L I 0 N' S R I D G E S U B D I V I S I 0 N L5 S 65°32'29" W 18.00 �� � 5, � � 5 /� FOUND No. 4 REBAR � N 2� / UTILITY FI LI N G N �. 4 L6 S 24°28'10" W 19.00 � U N IT 2 S 8 60 002„ E< `LISH NoU 26598 EASEMENT /� � ` S 08°34'48" W - 5.00' �/ / � L7 S 18°59' 15" W 37.33 / \ \ 0.0436 ACRES �, f � � � 10' �O \ � 1390B EASEMENT "c' � '"� S 81°25'12" E- 10.00' � 10' PEDESTRIAN EASEMENT e� L8 S 67°00'38" W 43.50 .�h' \ v i s'� \ 4.2�Xi.3� / / M (CREATED BY SEPERATE RECORDED DOCUMENT) �% / �o EASEMENT •� / � I=151•55'44" � � \ R9; L9 N 36°46'S3" W 13.50 � S�'S a.s�X�.3� 7•3' � L10 N 02°23'25" E 70.02 � U N IT 3 SO.�c�+ /./� � �� S 08°34'48" W- 21.00' �� LR 185.� 10' � � 0.0487 ACRES F` � /�� � T�28�.�1 e�•22�0�' E 28.43 `��O L11 S 79°23'S2" E 155.51 � 1390C 6• \ O � � // N 81°25'12" W- 10.00' / SEWER MANHOLE LC=135.8Z DO L12 N 77°52'09" E 27.00 � �� A128.8.19A7 CB=�i � �°22��� E �,� � EASE�M%N 2'� �� S OS°34'48" W- 15.00' / ELEC. MANHOLE INV. ELEV. = 8390.9' L13 S 56°15'50" E 71.50 �, � / s srss�4a" E 30.54 ��, �� S 593 �'07' E ��� S 81°25'12" E- 10.00' �� � / FOUND No. 5 REBAR PRIVATE DRIVE � L14 S 02°18;59" W 19.35 ��,, � � // O�'h�pp / 1=�8°21'1� O � WL.S. NoU 5447P 15'� L15 S 62°26 59" W 75.00 � \ / \ / � � `L � � / � � R=1333.51 L16 N 11°54'49" W 90.00 6'p ��`� / �� L=�9'4.4� 51�� / , �0- p�� �� N 81°25'12" W- 10.00' R�NGS� � � T=9%.3% � P - / / L17 N 22 22'28" E 144.70 "� 8�' � 5 pF „� � LC=194.Z3 � /�CENTERLINE OF 15' DRAINAGE EASEMENT / L18 S 68°19'47' E 51.47 BPS� �04� 53 CB=N Z3°O9'SO~ E � UTILITY � (CREATED BY SEPERATE RECORDED DOCUMENT) o / � N � O � \ r EASEMENT 'J � / L19 S 83 05'51" E 43.63 / �J - pP /' �o o � / L20 S 09°56'44" E 50.67 /� � FOUND No. 4 REBAR O / I= 6�22'OO" ■ L21 S 80°03'16" W 41.76 �� L/ISH NoU 26598 ELEC/ �SEMENT �� �'F�T / / T= �s2.e4 / A = 273.86 L22 N 09°56'44" W 63.32 � / TRANS. F,p\ �c = 2so.�2 1$ � � � �i,�, � ce - s , s•��or E � �Ar9 • L23 N 84°20'35" E 65.88 �/ G� �G��� / � �/ / � /�� /�o25oc� L24 S 36°01'37' W 87.42 � ' 9�' 09* � C� Z L25 N 09°56'44" W 43.21 IR05467 40 / `�, � 1.�p �� U N IT � / \\O ��\ L26 S 40°32'09" W 51.86 L=� ,rJ�.r.J� cc 10'�/ C ` 16 / � �" FOUND No. 5 REBAR G\ v �� U N IT 2 ��� �� 9��?�� / / L27 N 09°56'44" W 76.21 WITH ALUM. CAP / T=75.82 �=44•52�2� �` \ L.S. No. 5933 � LC=151.43 R=194.16 � . �5 / / � � � �28 N 80°03;i s'; E 40.00 , � CB=N 66°49'03" E LT 180.�7 ���9 �,� � U N IT 3 ,� �� �'�, �\� � LOT G- 3 L29 N 76°30 30 E 76.46 FOUND No. 5 REBAR � / LI 0 N S R I D G E S U B D IVI S I 0 N LC= ��.20 WITH ALUM. CAP W / � \ 3� L30 S 42°55'34" E 95.94 CB=N 41°2�J�2r'J~ E L.S. No. 5933 <�, `_" ,.`�',� (SAT U PEIR // ��W T�H ALUM CAPAR � N 63°51'35" E- 26.07 1 /�,ti �� J0 / � LEFT) L.S. No. 16836 FILING No. 2 L31 N 70°55'30" E 35.19 \ � �' i a N / � 0.05464 ^ � � v � � ACRES � �/r! 1446 �5 ELEC. TRANS. \\ I 10� � � PARCEL A � �^�� � s \ / °�' 0.08825 ACRES �'1� ��+� � �-- - I < ?��9+ FOUND No. 5 REBAR � s� 220��0�� Z� �2 ry �� �� F\ WITH ALUM. CAP \ / L.S. No. 5933 �o S �50 �so �' ' �`�� `��� PARCEL PA E EL,� 's� / � 1 O, R��' � � ��: F � N � � C 'w 0.05464 � ���3 � �"'� M �� � / �° o " 0.1099 ACRES � �os•�� ACRES S ryo �R� ,� �; PARCEL B � W F ,3,4 �., � � � 0.09324 ACRES 3 1388 � ��,� � " """ �� /� `'� Z 1386 �`� ENVELOPE UNE T� / ��l O�� V ,.� „� sE �wooNEO CENTERLINE OF DRAINAGE FISEMENT � FOUND PLAIN No. 5 REBAR � S � N BY THIS PLAT � B 4 � �s�s �`S q5 �� // ARCEL `2 MAN`TENANCEG& SI�GN�AGEOAD �Ow\� ' 0 ��� 3?,���4� E �15 ,�o� ry p � EDGE ASPHALT �SEMENT � PNpS ��' <60 � N�1 � v A�RES3 h � 1=177°11'36" °g R=50.00 � � i 3�8 � � L=154.63 PA R C E L E � �� T=2o4, .00 L I 0 N� S R I D G E S U B D I V I S I O N W UTILITY EASEMENT TO BE � LC=99.97 PARCEL F ABANDONED BY THIS PLAT 6 CB=S �6°OO�ZS~ E FILING NO. 2 �; (COMMON PARCEL) 7.559 ACRES / � � S48°38'44"E - 117.51 � � \�5.00' � � � / � GUY WIRES TYP. � � � � FOUND 5' WITNESS CORNER � No. 5 REBAR WITH ALUM. CAP UTILITY POLE (TYP.) L.S. No. 5447 - � / � � � � � _ � L 10' -�.� h��^ ���/ � �� � ry i � h � CENTERLINE OF � ��/ O' OVERHEAD POWER LINE /�%� J���' ryry - � UTILITY EASEMENT i (APPARENT EASEMENT) o^���� LOT G- 4 / � �- � � �����j `� LION'S RIDGE SUBDIVISION / � � '°�,o`'� � FILING No. 2 FOUND No. 4 REBAR � � WITH ALUM. CAP � / .� L.S. No. 26598 � S 59�32'06" W _ � - / � 37�'0p _- � UTILITY [- � 5� EASEMENT -�__ -----_- �_ FOUND No. 5 REBAR WITH ALUM. CAP L.S. No. 5933 \ ��pN�^ f �- �0 0 40 80 120 Feet J ' RID�E FOUND No. 4 REBAR WITH ALUM. GAP LOO� L.S. No. 26598 C�O'� ��10'35��r FOUND No. 5 REBAR , R= � 7 � �.95 WITH ALUM. CAP L=316.25 L.S. No. 5933 41199 HIGHWAY 6& 24, EAGLE-VAIL NOTICE: T=�58.57 According to Colorado law you must commence any legal action baaed LC=315.8� P.O. BOX 1230 upon any defect in this survey within three years after you first CB=S 54°�4'35~ W EDWARDS, C0. 81632 discover such defect. In no event, may any oction based upon any �303�949-1406 defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of the certification shown hereon. SHEET 3 OF 3 JOB No. 1732.9