HomeMy WebLinkAboutMill Creek Subdivision� -��_ �� � a' � � � � � � � � �, � � w � ���� � � � � � � _o w � � �,� � � ,,� o � ������m � �, � , �o Q � �� �� � �� � Q � � ��..�..� � . � � � � � � _. �2 �� � � � � � � � � � s 0 u U ui z � �� � 0 ° "m" 7 � O L G t�O GJ W �o ° � ,. � 0 z � a ' [�c 0 ; ca ui -r_ � ` _ � � � W �- �� �� � � w a o ¢o 0 Us 0 0 S g a �s z ¢ � � 4 � W � �z LT ^ n � w m �� o z � � a� f� p Q � n O z � a w � 0 O O n� m v r� �r� u'� � � n� J-� �� O m � �- rn n � r6 �ti� n� a:� rn % n'� U] Cp Cp u� 0 � �� � VICINITY MAP (NOT TO :SCALE) .�-�--,-�_,-- - _,—���,—��� __r.�,__, _ LEG�ND � UTI�ITY POLE _, .. , , -- UNDE.RGRbUND CABLE T.V. LINC . ,_, ; , t.. . ., ..,.._.. , �-- � � —��-��- UNDERGR(?UND GAS LINE i.` � ��� k"--°-� UNDERGRC�UND SEWER LIhdE ` ".��. �� -��� i �_ ------- UNDERGRGUND TELEPHONE LWE ' --- UNDE�RGROUND WATER LIPdE �iL. �� ��� t s E.. -�°--� OVERHEAD UTILtIY LWNE C'xRA�PHIC SCALF�� ( IN FEET ) 1 nnch = 40 ft. V'AI L R(JACw � , � � � a _ AP 3 / rounr� uscs s �/4" a�u�n. c�,P� ON A 'I° PIPE �' � UNF'LA�'TED (U.S.�".S.;,9 N �� c� o I �5 �, w �o u> �J> tt1 � 'O O Z �/AIL F�OAN� � � � � cuo•da'��°� _ � � a.00' l.Olu � 0.417 ACRES �"`�"'_ -�� GENERAL NCITES: 1,1 DATE OF SURl�EY: ,AUGUST, 200Q. 2;i BEARINGS BASED UPON THE LINE CONNECTIhIG THE MCiNUMLNTS FOUhD MN,RKING THE WESTERLY BG�UNDARY OF LOT 1, BEING N00'16��0"E I;SEE DRAW'ING). 3) THE PURPOSE OF THIS PLAT IS Tf) SUBDNIGE LdT 2'�0 Cf�EATE LOT> i!!,ND 2 AS SHOYNN HEREOIJ. 4) THE �OT> CRPATED BY 'iHIS SUB6IVISION ARE SULJEC'i TO A PEk�PETUAL EASEMENT FOR PUI3LIC ACCESS OYJ MILL CRE�K 120AD (FOREST DEVEt.OPMF.:NT FtOAD No. ';'10) AS RECC)RDEp JUIvIE 2Fi, 19`r.39 1N BOOK 508 AT PAGE 595. 5) THE �OTS CREATEC BY THIS SUBOIVISION ARE SUBJECI' TO A PE�PETURL EASEMENT FOR PU[3LIC VEHIC�E AN� F(50T ACCES�S ON FOREST DEVEL.OPMFNi ROAD No. ?10 AS RECf)RDED JUNE 26, 1989 IN BOO��K 503 AT PAGE 595. 6� POF2TIONS OF LOT 2, MILL CREEK SUBUIVISION AFE SUBJECT TO A RE:CIPROCAL EA'SEMEIVT AND CGVENANTS AGREE:MENIf RECORDED JAi�IUAR''' 29, 1999 AT RECE:PTIOPJ No. 685793. �.D P�K LAIVD SURVE`fING, 1NC. DID NO7 f?ERFORM A TITLE SEARCN OF l"HE SUBJECT PROPERT'f T6 ESTABLISH 01MNERSH�P, EASEMENTS OR RIGHTS-01=—WAY OF RECORD. RE4;ORD DOCUMENTS U'dILIZED 1N THE PREP'ARATION OF THiS PLAT WEiRE PROVIF�ED BY LAND TITL.E GUUARANTEE C;OMPaNY, OR6ER No. VC258510 DA'�ED F,UGUST 16, 2000. 8�� UTII_ITY FEATURES `iHOWN HEREON ARE APP{1RENT EASi-MEN'fS. 9f NOTICE: ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW YOU MUST C0141MENCE APJY LEGAL ACTION BASED UP��N ANY �EFEC7" IN 1'HIS SURVFI' WITHIN THREE YEARS p.FiER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFEC'C IN NO EVENT, MA`�' ANY ACTION B'ASED UPOIV ANY DEP-ECT IN TFIIS SIJRVEI' BE COMMENCED MORE iHAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF CE�.RTIFICATION SH(�WN H�RE�N. � � � � ��,� , ��� � ��. �,.��. � ��. � � /r l.qD�E SOUTF� �' C�NDOMINIUM � AP 2 / , `Fi�UND USG3 3 7/4" ALUM. GAIP O�N A 1" PI?E .60�' � _�_ �89'43'35"E TIHE LQDG� �T YAIL 319.84' AP i SET 2 1/2" ALUM. C:AP ON A No. 6 RE$,4R L.S. No. 30091 _ --.--�.��,� r 1 1 ���.60 � ��� ..,.. , ",r r� w�..--- '�; � � ..,. . ., _._.. . _.... ,__ - ,� ��r.��� �°" � �;^ .� �/h180'1� � j , ' �� �'i ELf.CTftICAL �r 0 % � (V IRAN,�GORIAEFI ^w.,� s. pi [ y � . e�, � v. , �, > �� �.xe� .. � � .. ,.: � ��. �s ° ,_. �� ��, � �,: , � �p ,...... '+,, ,. ..,,. L_��� � . , , , � �` 0 � 1.651 ACRES . . , °, � �'� „" - � z .t�vr ..,;�`. F ,�a+. � �" OPiE-�-�. .. ..., ,. �"� `.--aNe �a,... ,. �_ 1 1 �.00` 21.99' ��---.._ , N�39'�-3�43"Vk' — 131.99� \ aP s �-FOUN�D B.L.M. 3 11/4° ALUM. CAF' AP 4 D�I A 2 1/2" PIPE FpUND B.L.M. 3 7/4° AY_UM. CAP ON A 1 ° PIPE N84'45�•42'`•W — �13,29' (BASIS OF BEARINGS) UNPLAi�TEC1 �(U.S.F�S.� �iN�L, PL�4� MI:L.L C�R���II�. SUBDI"VI�It�N .,A R]E�U:BUIVISIQN OF LOT' 2, �EC'TIt�N �, 'TC)WNSHIP 5 S(�LTTH� �AN�� 80 V�TEST C�F T��: �IXT'H PRIN�IP�L M��R.D:�AN TCJ�N �J�, �TAII�, G()LTNTY OF ��G'�LE, ST�TE �F �ULQRAD+� ,.1 �N09'43"40'�NI/ 75.O0' � /� � '20°� — 36.2t1' o / o / �/� �' �J fRIC'I'ED FARCEL. A � � _C. No. E85193)� � /*�- � ;� �5.19'� � �2 >a �-•"---- �" � � ; � / (REC'. No. 68519 , / j / ±%� / L //I � ,�� J ��F / / L / AP 6 SET 2 1��2" qLUM. CAP ON A No. 6 REBAR L.S'. No. 30091 qN \/ C7 f� £E�"TIF::CATE OF Df=DICATICiN RIVD ❑WPdERSHIP Knew all by tl�ese> presents that, Lod�e Pro�erties Inc., a Cot�rado Corporation being sole awner in f'ee simpte, r�ortgagee or lienholcler of alt tha1; real E�roperty situated ir7 the Town of Vail, �agle County, Coloradt� descrlbedl as foflows: Lot 2, Sectiori 8, To�Nnship > SoutN, Rcenge 8Q West of the Six,th F'rincipal Meridio.n, as shown on c�eperndent resurvey and survey da'ted December 30, 198f3, Uni-ted Sto�es Departr�ent Cif The Interior Bureau ❑f Land Management ns recorded July 30; 19�37 iN� Book �733', at Pa�,ge :317 in the o�fi'ce of -the Ctes�k and Recorder, County of Eagle, Sta.te of Colarada, cor�taining 2,068 acres mor,e or� le>s; have by these presents laicl out, K�latred and su��divided the same �nta lo� s and blocks as shown on this final plat under the nar�e and styl,e of "P4ill CreF�k Subdivision° a subdivision in the �'own of Va.il, Cour�ty oF Eagl,e; and does herek�y accept -the re>ponsibility for the cor�pl,etion of requilred Improverv,ents� and does hereby dedicate and set apa.rt all ��f the puk�lic roa�ds r�nd other pub�lic improver�ents and places �s s>how�n on the accoMf�an}�ing plat �o the use o� the pubUc for�vec�; and �oe:� hereby declicai;e those portians of saic� reat properlk:y which are indicated as ea�ements or; the accompanying plat as ertzser�ents f'or the pur°pos:e shown h�erein; and does h�>reby grant the right to instalt and r�aintair� necessary strur_tures to the en�tity respor�sible �or provic!ing the servlces Por which -the easeMents arF> estakoUshed, EXE:CUTED this _�� .__ clay oP .�1l1/G[�_QtY __, H,D., 20L�0 _ OWNER� Lodge Prope��tie, Ir7c, �a--Ecrl-�r%c�b or��oration BY� _ ��7���_____ v TITLE�_. Sr_ ViC�_—%'l5%C�t.i� ADDRES:�� P.a. Bo�c1 i�a�l CO 8�6�$ STFITE �F �C1LIf71�A]D07 SS COUNTY' ❑F EA�LE;� 7he foregoin� Certificate of Dedication an,�' ❑`�rnership was ack1no/wledged bei''ore me his �±� dat� of �GUt�w b tr _.__, A,D., 20,D1L_., by _��..tT�t¢�.�.i�j r� as SG.V+G�_�/'!S!�1±fof the Lodge Properties Inc„ a Calor�ado Cor�poratian, My cor�rnission expires _1d_ 0�- 2 O U�_ Witness r,y hqnd ancl oFfiCial seal, ,Gj' �, �� --���Ry_ fi�� .' � � ��/��, `�.' �°4�'''���P�9� '. �s��.. : •� d1. .r �........... = Q�. SUf�VEY�R'S CERTYEIC��TE I, Sar,uet H, Eckea�, d!o herel�y certify tho,t I ar� a Registered Land S�arveyor ticensed under the lav;s of the Sta�te c�f C:otor�ad�, tlhat this plat is ti�ue, correa_t c�nd cor�ple�e ralat oF "Mill Creek Subdivision", as laicl out, ��lat�ted, de�icated ancl sl�+own hereori, that such ��lat wat> r�o�de froi� an accurate survey of saic� property by me and urrder my su��ervisio�� and correctty shaws the locatlon ta.nd dirnensions of 'the lots, easemen�ts and streets oP said suk�division as the same are staked upon the ground in cornpli�.nce wit;h apptn;=abte regulations gavernins� tH}e subclivision �of tand. In witness> whereof, I have se-I; r,y hand o.nd seai this _3i_'-T day o� ,��`e-��a�____, P„D., 20 0�, �1 ) t , , � (.. a z � , f r '�� +��'� 6 r ___,,,�_r__. Samuel H, Ecker Colorado P,L,S, Na, 3C�091 � �� — � „•2— r�',. � �� � � ���-���:� , �� a ��;an�o� �;.. � h N� @ p f i,a 44r�T �ry �@ 'y : rv�' fi '�F= 'SGN^9 q `t,` �`��^�.�r� A� @. �b � � , �, �rr�.;,,�w, TITLE CERTIFICATE �'u _�!�L `�-_`'�?�""'�-�� does h�7reby cert;IFy that I have examrrned the Titl� tr� all lands shown upon this Pla� ar�d t�at Title to such lands is veste�l in -`�`^�" �!��_-��='I- f3- C�9-s�dn- �8��__s_-�_ .�-i'h`'�----- ---- fre>e and ctec;�r of all lhens, #�xes ancl encumbrances, exceF�t as f olfows� Pollow=_;� - �,�.---- -- - ---------_------ -- --- _-- -_----- __ __-- da'ce� � day of Q'��-----------� A D-'��� _---- `��-�.q!��� AgE>nt � LA,Kd 7 i�-te_ C�c�rx�"`,�' PL�ANN]fNG RND EN'VIRC]NMENTAL Cf7MM:fSSItl]N CERTI�ICATE:. Thl�s f�nal plat was a.pproved by the -�owri oP Vo,il � EnvironMental Cor�mission� this �N� da��� of _��J?✓EN'��i A,D�, � �4_e. AT" S-i; � ' �'c�7 �l"-� ring and ._------' - --- --- - -- — ---, --- - -------- rvn C;terl< C'hair•r� n Torvn oP �,%ail, Colorado l'o Vaif Planning and nvir�o iental Camr�issir.�n ,� �� �� � �` �� � � � y -' Z:A 1':y. � S +, i �,, ; � � CEk2TIFICATE C�F TAXES P�AID RDD(,3o�' I, the under�igned, �o fierEby cer�ify th�at the entir� amaunt of taxes and assessments due ana� payable as bf _��CGL�IA!��,�.00 up�n all ��arcels of real estate d sca�ibed oii this ��lat ar� p�tid In PuIL Dated this ___L__ day of _.�dY�______.,_, A,D„ �0�0 L JULN2�X1'.Ci.� _`_"7_ ���5!'�"'�� Tr�asurer of Eagle ounty C�E:RK AND REC�RDER'S CERTIFICA�E �IO'- This Plat �was Filed For o^ecc5rd in -I;he ❑Pfice oF the Clerk and Rec:orcler at _�)�3Z o'ctocl< __!�_M_, c�n t;his __�g_ day of _�ovevon�er--- _, A,D„ 206D , ancl is dul�yr recqrded at Rer_ep�.ion No, __7_�-33l0l�_____,_, No dcc5 Subn+ii�ec( wi� (��a+. - - - �C�YA_-•-� __�c S�1C[-- Cter�k and Rec:order ` �''' a�vx k r � �,') /�� �, � / a �' �:� 3 t , y���n��,(�( G/�Iq,�,�,,,,,,�_ Yi �.+"� 1y:';A$�� r �'s By�____`_�=.Li�°_; �.L� .�vl"YINSfl,�: r �`` y; "A b[^ Ilepu�ty �� "� � , �„ � <x. �u ,� � �� .�.