HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Lionshead Filing 3 Block 1 Lot 4 & 7 - The Mark/Lodge Lionshead Penthouses9 � 9 A� B B � 8 e'"� � � � � a� � � e a m m� � a � � � � I � a v �+��I�r7����rw�� 1. DATE OF SURVEY: Dece¢nber 26, 2b02. 2. BASIS OF BEARlNG; Bearings are bUSed on 54ate Plane Caordinates, Coloradtr Cenfra! Zone. 3. BASIS OF ELEVATION: Harn Control Poin4 `°Spracidle°°, Elevation =8287.82' (NAVD $$). 4. NOTICE: Accordana 4o Cnlorado law you musY commence any leani acfinn based upon �ny defect in this survey within three years af@er you first dtscov�r such defect. In no event may any aciion based upos� any def�ct in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of fhe certifica4ion shown hereon. 5. Notwoths4anding anything to Yhe con4rary con4ained on thls plat, na roods ar other improvements and pinces are dedicated 4o the p�ablic or� this plaY. 6. The Deciaration creating the condomfn3uea� rsgfine, Enctuding the condominlums and common alements associat�d thereweth prea<B�ausly ex1s41ng on PorceY 3 of the rviap recorded on PAarch 14, 1980 in Sook 300 at Page te`.S�t (4he "Map"), has been terminafied and revoked by Termination and Revocatinn ofi Condomirouan¢-n Declarr�tipn recorded ora July 2, 2Q02 at °8C8.('iiei�i7 otl°v, ovvt�.�°�r. 7. The purposes oi this �lat are as iolipws: To vacate the Map, r�place #he Phop In i4s entirety wiih this plat, and to creo4e by this plat Unifis 1, 2 and 3 and (o new) Parce@ 3, al1 as shown on �f1B5 pla�, the sffect of which 1s �.o render the Map vacated, nuil and void �nd of no Further force and effeei as evidenced by r�pproval of ih:s plat by the Town of Vail. � S, This plat legally defines (i) air sptdces as severed and independent real property lneeres4s in the form of three (3) estates above fhe surface as a�athorfzed pursuant to C.R.S. 38-32-101 et.seq and (ii} Paresl 3. The esta4es above Rhe surface so defined by this pla# comprise ihe air spaces of Unit 1, Uni4 2, and Unft 3, (but iiui ilic i1p°'itiVciil8iii5 ci�CiG9iiey i1oE °uii �a0C8Sj ivCuic"1e ii� t7Tt vX3Sii�ty "at�IJlv�°ye. �otwithsfcndifly the 4itle of this piat or any other indtcotions hereln 40 $he contrary, 4h� property interests deflned and established by this plat are not condominfum urafts within the meaning of C.R.S.38-33-101 et. seq., slnce thera will be nn Interest, divided or undivlded, en common elements. 9. This DPODQf"Rb is subjeck tp rastrictive covenpn$s as c:antained in instrument recorded October 15. i971, in Book 221 a4 Page 991 arr�d as �mended 'sn Enstrument recorded Augusi 12, 1977, in Book 258 at Page 453, in the Oifice of :he £agle County Clerk and Recorder. 10. This property is subject to easemants, corcditions. covenants. rest�ictions, r�servations and nota�s on @hs recorded Plat of VailfLionshead Third �iBing, recorded in Book �21 at Page 9�2 in the Office of Che Eagfe County Clerk and Recorder, 11. See Land T1tle Guaran4ee Company Cmmltment IVo. VC275909-8 for a9� title fn�ormatlon. 12. VAMHC, Inc., as owner of the adjacent "Parcel 2'°, according to the warranty deed recorded a4 Recepflon No. 7$0248 in the Office of the EagBe Coun4y Clerk and Recorder, hereby grants a perpetual, exclusive easement for the benefit of the then-current owner of Unit 2 of this pEa4 for fhrat certain postion of Unit 2 which encroaches onto Parcel 2 and is designated as °ENCROACHMENT" on Sh�et 2. Maintenance of the encroachfng portion of Unit 2 shall remain th� responsib+lity of the owner of Unfit 2. S�J�L�v��°c �r�°cocg�A?'E i do hereby certify that 6�m a r�gistsred Land Sureeyor 1lcensed under the laws of Yhe St6t� of Colorado, #hat this p4a8 is tru�, correct. and complete as laid out, platted, dedicated anrl sho�rn hereon, that such pla4 was made from an accurate survey of sold property by ms and under my supervision and eorrectly shows the location and dimensions af the lots. easements and streets of said subdivision as the same are staked upon the ground in complianae with applicable regulotipns governing 4he subdivision of land. ,�n, witness thsreof I have s�t my ! % G-�1c`_, A.D., 2002. � !:v^^ B, L,S. No. � "• 1 and seai Rhis �day of L �,` ��' I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the entire amount of 'tnxes and ossessments due and payable as nf _L�� 3� ;�r��?� �• ___upnn all porcels of real estate described on thls plaf ar� paid irr full. Da4ed this �C7T"k day of �!i��E��}El�____,A.p., 2002. (3, D �3 � �{ �n� ��� �'P �� c�.�r! �'"�, • e .�., w"`--�° i��astirer oi c.agi� C6utt �ot� �1'� �i �t�O °���p f n f',.ba �tt�f c� �- � �� �1 �$ �03 �,o0��jlo� �a�ar���(a� �t�0 ��i°l ( ., s� ♦ � � � pr . i,. ! � � • . ♦ " • • ' r r ; •' :r. , � k� '� � i � � •. i t i � � � � ,. �, � x � '� � _ . n ���, , . Ty� . -.... ,.,_....t ...,..,.... ,. ... . ,F' .,. ,:.,.. ;..� r r f �` I I !�5 . 5 : .,. . t.. .. !� � \. � ..,.�. °�� i f e { � ? �.� / , i f + <. e E � �.m,.w. �.. I,.W i , � ! � : a .� ,_, � .. � e ( i ( I I i �, 1 " k 1� e �m.,v e a a v� e i e � ��� � e e � e e e s m �� �gm �n.r � m��� s � i, , Land T1tle Guaran4ee Company does hereby cerOffy 4hat the tifle to all lands shown upon 4hls pla$ have beer� examined and ls vested in VR,MHC. Inc., a Coforado corporation ¢znd @hat tltle to such lands Is free and ci�ar off all iians and encumbrances, excep� as fa46nws: Datsd $his �'?��day mi �°__. A.D. 200_� La¢�d Tft9s Guarantee Company i08 S. Frontage Rd.,VJ SufCe 203 Va�l, CO 81657 � ' 'Q.I°°,-' � ! i ��` t9�tt.�^�°z.,ed /�-ye+aa`. �OPi9l�G ApM6iVI�TRATOR ��RTiFI�Ai'E Thps conclomir�i�am mcsp is h�reby app�oved by ihe +`al r this_�� __day of �sd.�_.d° A.p. ?_QO �. _�__, Lown of Vaii Zaning �dministratQr A EST: �,�' �.. � . ���„r ��'' _ - _ _ '�- ____ �'--..w._- s �,`c.' � L �..1 7ow Clerk Zc�ning Adrrrinisf orW iown nt 'Vsrii. Coinrado iovun ofi Vail. Cniorado M`N ` 1 � _ .. . This Plat was,/, filerd 4or record in $he Office of th� Clerk and Recorder at f4:��o°ciock Lr�l _, nn this ?�?_t�° day of �C�,�L�.Ar�}--� �no3 a„a S�! 3��� � is duly recorded at Receptfon No. _ ^���., � �: ��a �, � ��� tarnr���� `�' w� E'� o v e .,,. _ .,.... . _ .. ., .... .... t d � � � ' � � I � � � , �,,. ti. � � ° � � .,, ; , , , � ' �.,.. ' ` t � � i . . 1. . ' :� � i ,.,, �%� . ; �� � � .. � � . � � � " � w, s, +r , � ;,, ;� �. w KNOW ALL �IEN BY THESE PRESEIJTS 4hat VAMHC, Bnc., a Co9orado corporatlon being sole owner in fee simple of all thaQ reral property situated 1n the Town o4 Vaii, �uC)I� UOUCiIyo �.'Oi6a"iaCiO, described P°.aS i0iivtidS: Parcel 3, Condominium Map for 7he Mark Resort and 7ennis C€ub according to the map ther�of recorded under Reception No. 1965i3, (Book 300 ai Page 184) in 4he Offiice of the Eagie Cnun#y COerk ond Recorder, conRolning 7.761 acres mare or less. have by these presents icaid out, pinited and subdivided fhe same into esto4es obove the surface and Parcel 3 as shouan on #his fina! plat under fhe name and styie of LlQPdSNEAD PENTF@OUSES, a subdivision in the Town of Vail, Colorado, and does hereby accep4 Che ra:spnnsibilify for the completion of required imprc�verr�ents; and does hereby cledEcate and set cspar$ all of ?he ;�ublic roads and other public improveenents and places as shown on the accompanying plai 4n @he use af fihe pub@fc forever; and does hereby dedicate those portions of sald real prnperty whir,h are indicated as easemen4s on the occompanying plat ns easeraien4s for fihe purposs shown hereon; and does hsreby gr�nf fhe right to irastall and main�ain �,�ce�seary strtaefuF�� �6 4He �nti4y r���pe�rasible ac�r providi�ag 4K� s�rvices for which the easements are es#ablished. EK� 5ta4e of Colorado} ) ss Caunty of Eagle ) V,4MhIC, lnc., a Calorado corporation P.�. �ox 7, Vail, CO ES1f5� BY: .._/_ NAfiAE: 7lTLE: � j, �A.-xv �."' (� — The foregoing Certificafe of Ded�cation and Ownership was acknowiedged before me this �.Q�day off �q��yv�__, A.D. 20Q�_ by�'�,pes�.i�D�rn�ttas �,�.it��l.!°.S��f VAPAHC� Colorodo corporatlon. My commission expires: _�� =q2.����4 � �tness my hancl and seal. < ` �''1 � y �,� , � '., � a� ,: ,,� , �� , o. � ....._.. �,. � t _. vs ! . fJotary Pu c ����(�' Addrsss: __��_ !3 ��� __ __�<3.it�_ �_�f�ts�'__ ___ ._ � a...,s . .. a �Q �fi � ' � , � � '�' � �, � � � �/ /� � ' 9 � � 9 � � • @ � � • d > � � 8 NORTH LINE NW 1/h SECTION 7, T5S, R80W OF THE 67H P.M. Tan=1 � 7.85 ��J��p�/Z'�HBOO{p�j q Ja� �I-AOli$J°N6 i�J6ID 8�p�B ZZSa A Gp (N61'06'QO"E P� c\RC�� �� ��ONo N�aw� VVE �� {tJ�3"25'45°E) y �...•..� �. • � WC C PERP 30 TO NVdC SEC_ T__ ��?� � �� ,• il � • : � •`� .! <"' -;. "• . UNIT 2, 0.02' EAST PARCEL 3 LWE '� U .�a,l NOT MONUMEN7ED DUE TO EXIS7ING BUILDING A rn �`°- UNlT 2 m =-s _ . T NOT MONUMENTED DUE 70 EXISTING BUILDING 2.90< ENCROACHMENT�� SEE GENERAL NQTE 12 ON SHEET 7 2. . . ---- --- LEGEPlD PLATTED BEARING ACCORDING TO CONDOMINIUM MAP FOR THE MARK RESORT AND TENNIS CLUB RECEPTION No. 796573 F!ELD MEaSURED BEARING AND DISTANCE SET 5/8" REBAR W17H 2" ALUMINUM CAP, "LS 33655" WITNESS CORNER SET PK NAIL WITH 1-1/7' STEEL WASHER. '°LS33655° FOUND MONUMEiV7 AS INDICATED PERPENDICULAR GRAPHIC SCALE IS 30 60 { IN FEET ) 1 inch = 30 ft. PARCEL 2, ACCORDING TO THE WARRANTY DEED RECORDED AT RECEP iION NO. 78024& ..* UNIT 3, 0.15' EAST OF PARCEL 3 LWE /'�/- .•- /'/ / / UNIT 1 z � � O W � o x �O � � rn � � O Z � a � � -+ r ua� � � � � �' O �7 w ti FOUND 5/8" REBAR WITH PLASTIC CAP "LS 26626° N16'42'07"W, 2.OS' FROM PARCEL CORNER � � ! 5 D��% 1 7� � � ; :s '. :. S66 s9 :,87 NOT MONUMENTED DUE TO EXISTING BUILDING MARK LODGE (BOOK 233, PAGE 930, AMENDED SITE PLAN BOOK 276, PAGE 607) � � � � 598�p �> L�J .-. �_ — — — — Y CROSS ELECTRIC s °I� o• WC. EASEMEN? _�— C�$� O9 SET 2' WC ON HOL ASSOCIATION,_ _ S p2 �_pARCEL LI�,_ — — — — — i7" 2�"° � (BOOK 269. PAGE 202)_ __ fIE) — — � _ _ _ _ _ — — — / SITE BENCHMARK / 6 r� �� NOTE: SEE SHEETS 3-5 �O, FOR DIMENSIONS, AREAS AND ELEVATIONS OF UNITS 1. 2 AND 3. TIES ARE TO UNIT BOUNDARIES AS DEFINED ON SHEETS 3-5, NOT TO EXTERIOR BUILDING WALLS. r r r .�� :��. CP MARRIOTT PO L / � ELEV=8731J1' ��, 1� �. ,�� � �� 6 �°� ,,�e o � o�'�\o� ,��. � � / V� �O. a9� � ��g ��t�, �\�/3 F` 00. ?��'� ��� �vG� N O ��. Q- � �"'O tn �"� �v/ � � 9 s9• `s °�� ��P� y4.� � � ,. `��1w�o8 0� � Q�o�� �P� P � � $J �� G g2 ,�h �0�,5 � /�� , f / 0� , / FOUND RED P' • r � ^ a � WITH "LS2183'� SI7E BENCHMARK "CP TBC° ELEV=8132.47' �� � �s � ������ � 2`�•\ �es� oe/ LOT 3, BLOCK 7 � VAIL/LIONSHEAD THIRD FlLING �OUND 5/8" REBAR WITH PLASTIC CAP "LS 26626" N18°22'44"W, 2.38' FROM PARCEL CORNER /� � 76�4eoo„�� ' / EPSEMEN 11�� i 5 �t1���Y , »� E�� � P�i N� �7�°�4`� � E}� - /./e^O„�� � / W29,<566� �,� / � c I10' 10� I �� �� co m � mJ c�a �z � z N ,o � o� �� � � w � w Iw W � w� � d � r w„� F-� t51 Iw . O w � N � Ia O�f aI w �w � a rr- J f �I �I IF r � � �"o i � I BOOK 221 PAGE 997 ANTLERS CONDOMINlUMS FOUND 5/8"� REBAR WI7H PLA571C CAP °LS 266?6" N14'40'77"W, 1.82" FROM PARCEI_ CORNER SE7 5/8° REBAR W17H 2" ALUMINUM CAP "LS 33655" TO PERPETUA7E THE ORIGINAL POSITION OF A FOUND 1/2" REBAR. THE POSITION OF THE 1/2" REBAR IS BASED ON A RELD SURVEY BY PEAK LAND CONSULTANTS, iNC. WHICH WAS PERFORMED BEFORE THE 1/2° REBAR _. WAS REMOVE�. ___- --- -'-"- � __ --- -- �_ .�_ --- x zoning purposes only, Units 1, 2 and 3 of this plat shall be included in any and all applicable zoning matiers :lated to Parcel 3 of this piat, including but not limited to zoning matters of density, gross residential floor area �d parking and loading: provided, however, that in the event that Parcel 3 of this map is further resubdivided to two or more lots (each a"Resulting Lot"), then, said Units 1, 2 and 3 shali be included in any and ali applicabi ming matters related to the specific Resulting Lot on which the building containing Units t, 2 and 3 is located. II other Resulting Lots would be unaffected by Units 1, 2 and 3 for zoning purposes. WEST LIONSHEAD CIR� �cq p `°°°w '°L,q , . . LOi 3, BLOCK 1 I PARCEL 3, _.� VAIL/LIONSHEAD THIRD FILING BOOK 221 PAGE 991 CONDOMINIUM MAP RECEPTION No. 777682 d9ARK RESORT AND TENNIS CLUB I BOOK 300, PAGE 784 RECEPTION No. 996573 ��HEAnATi� � SCALE: 1 "=1 QO' F��RC��� �RE�,T�� �iV ��31Vi��?MINi1��6 MAh�� AJR U# �L�'"a`1�1.e'"1 I� L�.�R.a/°1L4 L06..J4.ifTe�W'" 98&11V. F'�i���L � 6� °�hl� �llS�i��i �RC��EF�TY QF TH1� �LAT. Q z a _ a d � � � � � �� � � � �� � � � � �.. � n ��.��° � �i.��° � � �.�a � �,�� Li�TAIL hi TS � C� v�, a � � � ,� ry ca rj c' � �s � 6i .2�a°� '52.1�° ^ �g30 N c��a 3.�7Q §2.75° 3,3 ° � ➢ � ��'P � # c' ta ua � � J k s t � 1 � � � , ' ' ti .. '� � � . � �� �' � �� ! � � � 1 � � � �� �� �� � � i � y � � �s � {�� n f '�a �. {7 � 8.25 j 7r9t� � � �. I Cl �� � � � � � -- �----�� � � ^ � I t------�---J s.o�" i� � � r--� i�.sa" �_ _ �tvi� � i i L - - r �� � { �A�.� DiMEilSAt3�a� I � �- - � - - ; -I � � �.z5° ; � �- � i- -� I I I i � � ' � �._�--�_�----�---� � �---L--� '� - �- --- ,�__( �� �-- � _ 2a ' �'LEV=89�,3.&3' � - - � j Q.2b° �� +.57'I ° .a�° J � -�e�� � ; � � �� I � � �.�� ' ��n e m i ' � `° -------- us uil u> � �-------• - - 3A.?L�" � �5.30°0 �.3a° � 2�5.4�' � ,�a,��z �r � se� n�-r.att ,�d801$ 6.20 A1 B1 C1 I� � � ro I � 4 I° N(?TE: t/NI7 3 N��SS AfEA,SURED TO tlhliERlO!? I3RYWALL, C.70' �; �� °� � Tare �aeASURer BouNVaRY wAS a��S�F .o.�° - ��I°- �;+ a. so' (o�� DRrw,�cc re�rcx,v�ss} row�r�as rte� exretzro� �� �� i �a�.ao 70 Af7h'!UE AT TNE LthFIT BflilNO.@RY iiEPlCTE'p 3���i . �hi er1JS JHLL A. Fi�tJ 3f�siS i"iONE !N C1Ra��a? Fv ,Li.'vKc irfc U -- L%IME%1SICJ!!�S Md7R£ Ct�i4dPARALiLE TCS TNC%SE OF UMITS 1.dlYL7 � 6.E35' ��� 3.25 &bF�'fCN �RE �ifEA�'!;R£D iE7 SiUf)S: I o � M1 � � 7.1.5� in �� ;� � � � �� � I L - -s. as' _ 7 95' � � � D. J CEICLNG DE?AJ(. I � , .� � �W , -.-I �- �� SCALE: 7"=5' � . { °' ro ;ti °':o `.�._ ° �`� i � _ 1 a � � . ...... :... .. ,.. ....�.. .. .. . . . .. . ..... ai�� � ui �, � . ..... ... 0. E� I-..-- 8. 4S 23 ,^-0' "i �-.,-- 71 /(,' N . .. ... . ..,. .. i- .-- -- - �- _..I ..I I ... -��- �� 975` � &.40' -- ��;� aoo' !�a��!-- �- - -� 0 isn' �� r.�o' �.I�"I� � �s, � � �.as' . �.�s' �l - �E�rr��� c1. 5 &5' `� � i.� C'� � � � ��. , I I � i� 5 SD� c° �7 7,5 ° P. DO ` `��In �� �,� DE7AlL �,_so�- �ESt,iN� �,�A�P�SICit�� �� � �1 �8v' � -�,�� �"�-` -;��,�1 ��) �� � 4��-'-' � "�- � ��`a� a� ~� c' v, � n I'N � 9� I;r I� I r; `� i i "-'��'"�" � �= `�'i. � iN 4. 301 4 "0 � «i 7 85 ��:_3�4, ?5 � 5 �5' � � f3. SG'' � l 70' � '- - j'•�/,, 6.10 i ti_. . �.�- �t 9�` 4. 35 :-F.�.iO� i �._ ��� .``.."� ... ... ..�.. .. . . .. .. . . ..._.. . ... .. ... �.�=,45 �..... .. 15,iD".... .. . .�{�. --- V;�ir•, i �;; ,_ EL�i/--$7�3.aS;3° , -- � ? �<1" y_?5- --- 3 J ,�' r�. �'_'"�> --.,,�f o1 +.�7 ( �j a. �s' .,. � � _� O .. 2 L7D� lr r' -F.5% I� C� (�_05� ?.95'� �: N �. _ _-•.-.I -�.. a�1 �w-- I �; � I "ol � ze.sn' �I ��,I sta�.��'I °i 'n� - - r5.ro' --- _... ,,,---�- -- - 0 5!J � �� 0, 40 vi� ��,�-- - - - - . f i �n' �� ._ . �1� �'s'; . �2'� � r. �'�', ✓ o �o' �.` � � �� � �� � � �� \�� � �-� ��----- - � 'UNIT 1 12.45 6.80, -� ELEV- i95.3�' �- - - - - -25.30'- - -L�7J0' . �-8�� Z 00' . i1�VlT � f��l ���v-81�s.s3' sa.�o° , 'LJ � ,�ARCcL 3 � ��� i ��� �--�1 " i F',�F?C�l_ 3 ,�.., ,, � t"iEV-B20154' � . - - � �- - - L1rVlT 2 �-----J :� Ft-FI/-:4F95..57' . . . � . �. . . . . - . � --J 880" 75.05" --�� B.Od . 76. PO - � iJ�JIT � ° TaAt�C�L 3 7.60" ��'� ELEV 8P�3.S'3' 22.SS, #,0�' ELEU= i 1� ..... $t�'4.77' ... _.., �J �.m,J `-% �������'+Q �--��� I�.�;7CEi 3 � -�..� ---�-� - �CJN1T 1 (LCJ�%,� � -- - - - -��_-.__--r- \ � - _ L�. I �JYVl7" 2 �P 35� .� � �. � . . . 810` � cLEI/ 81°�a�„37 �.....��,.,�.�._.,_�..m._..�..�_�....e.�.a.._�_�. -.'� !'`�, L�±3v&` � ,�� {r,()� l'�t�,,�> . t.7? c zn' Z` r� ' _ �- = � s r�' � � ri.00' s�o..,. ... �.. ...�_ ..�UNi� ��.,..m \J ,�'J1rt';'c.Y. �'+ � t�Ah�'CE.L 3 LJ ��"a.rB��.d9tl A�""'6w� �' � I %�`t � ti;� �� '� 8.45' � 8.40` �� � 9.75° �� �.40" �� -�-�- ( i � � �?2.45�'� � � 9.6U' � /--� �, � � �iZ,35 �` � ?� � ZSr?` � ` . i2 90" �. �i � 9.25" � .�. �,5' � j B.Od 6.15 � ).9` � � � 4,ltVl7 3 SE�T��3CV 1-��� �a,�cFC ,� ��___�,___�.�.,_._�------- . . / � � / � / � �' � �; � I / � , r � , I ; I I � , I � UNIT 7 1JlV1T � ' 1 - - - - - - �- - - - - - - - - - - - - - �� OS - /�� � 46.�30` �-�'�-� 7.5.70" S.� �� . 5. 45' � �E�E�i� �.fl�' �.�s- ��. �� ����� � �, �ALL (LIN(T � r�ovxr��,ar,7 �rr�r �at�+:rvs���v I c�i�rn+�° �Reats (urv�r i C�[BUi+lfJ�RY) 64YiH �IAdENS7"felf I �Ed1.lAdG F#£d�h'T ( �`.l' �Rti�S-,SEC77L%N i �1��'V`=8Y�,3:�.3" �'L�3G�ti" �LEL'AT"lbti+ I �te�r��z ��r��x i -�.57 , CR05'S SEC770N ,4fX£A II rr�a+e�vsivr�ev aN .��rt�rtr��s sta��� ', ..... .... .. j tJY?iE$° r. ,dLd. ;4%"%Aa dXXJ75tZ3E' !3F TN� iiNITS �4S" � SNOWN AND DIMENSItJNED ON SHfE'iS ,3 4 Aia`17 ' s o� rW�s �c�ar �Re �,a,�c�t .�" ! ,2. AiL d�AiL .4NGLE5 Af?E 90: CE1tING I ANGLES iNAT ARE NOi 9D' AiZE tABELED ' OR CAdV 8E DERiVedJ �RC3Rd Gtl/EM ANGZE°S ' .i iNE CEIL(NGS D£FIN£ T,4E UPPER BDUMDARY ' OF EACN UNf% CElL1NG HElGN7S ARE G/VEN ' }2ELATJVE� TG iNf° !A'AIN �iC4:R EL�V.A7itJf+F '�. t7F �ACH UNIT. �o ,��§P,�'EL ,5 �r zontng purgoses oniy. Units 1a 2 and 3 of this plat shal! be induded in any und all applicabfe zoning matters :laled to t�arcei 3 of tnis p1at, inciwding bui noi Vimiied to zoning rnattars of densi}y, gross residentlai fioor area �d parking and ioading: provided, howeve�°, that in the eveni thaR Pareel 3 nf fhis map is further resubdivtded to two or rnore iofs (ecrch a"Resulting Lof'), then, said Units 7, 2 and 3 shail be included in any and ali applicabt �ning mottars reioted to the specific ftesulting Lot an which ihe building con{oini;�g Units y, 2 and 3 is iaca#ed. !9 other ftesulting Lots would be una#fected by Uniks 9, 2 and 3 for zoning purposes. {ry g 1a _ � a� R�SL'i,.t-i:L�OY&.il,+ r.J4.+1'S9�cLe° dt? "st� ( TN FEET } 1 inch = 10 fL 11 ''� ,, �'LE:?1--�99�.,37"'�, � \wJ �� ��� . e �� � � 9 � � � . . .� � �� � P � � � ��� � A s �o' a r�' I-.�._._.__ ,a� _5.60' ., �-) /� ��.�� �\ / \ � � /�, . � ,,�,�,q� Lzio�l � ��%� � i�.��" ��� ___ . T_ _ ..�_,,,�....., .. . _'�� .._. .^ iJ.nJ(T ,.3 ������'� �°-�s� P�RC?_L 3 i� -- 2 L�7 C 4. 40� __ 5.50 I i- � �o � � � -----------------� _.� � 0.3G7,� 42..5�5' � . 20.?�' 7(7.70' � �90" �^�.?�' Lfi'�T� � ��w"!a'�a` _____.�___�____..�.�.� �_ _._ .-. �.��' 9.��' 2�;�a�" �l.�l c32£3T��F' ����,m���.��� �pg �,�$�J't*% ��..._... . . �i�@� � � r3.1� __ - �T�._.�_. . . ;,��v� r z �. ��.�� �t��..��� �,.��a�w.�� A :.�..r. �._�..�.�� .� i�1 a��� �,�I ���"�°��PI� ��;�� t�����?=t �, �,,�--� �y �....'..,�' r'C. r ;1��'S�'l � i ��_. _nn� re-,�s-- - � � s.�� �� �� oo�, a � 5' �»� � � � � �,' " �i � —� � __ �.. _:..I lJ?�JI J �' ����i�� �.,m..,�.� }-'�''.r`i'�F�. ,.o �',�h'�:f_`L ..3 ,,. ��r" � �� Y. �� ��� � � � � �� �� � , ��� .� � � � ��� u � �� � � � � � �.��9 � � � � � � �� m � � � � � � � �� � 55' � �� 30. 2n.c�' —� -.._ �--- � � .\ � \ /� 70 i � � � os� � �o'L 6.co'see, rs ss' Z9� �`��� � zos' �_ss' a �o� �F��9�t� ��,-A� �2 PAF+CFi 3 ��� � ��,� � r�at�c,�� � 1 �� 3 5. 35' ��' S. e35 ����� �. 65' � \ --�-I i \ C.%d"W8 M � � \ ��..���� uto ' � < � �.s�° ��. �'v�—° $.a'�ii r�. J'�� p � ��131rv'� ��� �,aCP'� j____----- � UNi ! �' - - - - - - —� � _7'..._.�.�..�...� . LffVIT � �LEV £3r�.:r.�a3° . �.�.m,�--� �������a ���� �;� %'�h'�'rL ,3 ;1t11; 7 ,? ��� ���� ����� r'A� fa'Ce f,. 3 .��. �L..� }'.� �'G�1 � �� <?o �� — — —7s. �so, �— — �— — — — �€�p� 1 �,�..�F � ) _�_.��.�. ��_.���° ���-�r-������s . ' .�_.__._ ___.._. —. .._...� L,.,.._. ..�,,...�� E/ � �"r1 Rv'FL �5 � � J 4 , �� ��� + G�� f i � �� � �a �,� ��._� a,��• ��. �. ��.a�° � ��,�n° �� 1��.��81� � ,� 7:� � �� �_ ;�,� s�� t��r,�rz �� �v.�a' �` � ,��a� �, �.'�°� ; ��.��° � �o�o ��, �� ! i �: % �i i I u�_ ; i�uY� � i i I � � � ' m.._�..�.��a I I I � I I ;�.�� I � / � ( I � I��1a�1,�� � � � �.� i I � ��.v�° �--, — — -�- ! � �.�a � i I � � � ---� � , I � �a I 4� \ � � .' 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FsCY ��5 60" � _�Un , - �.�a5" �� � � ;�I �� :� B�d??�i4= i / M - � t�c l� �, � ' ' -- I i � �,�3 =�' .9;@�9 �ii�n CZ0.20 i ��7,+ ID'i n� �0 � � � Cs � 7 4 k � � �� � co i � � I n, � �•, � L' �.��v' � � 5 ns'� � � ��11;'` � �.��i � �7AlRS rll- n "' � �.\ —«�,_ �. U X. f0� �i� �.6U� a.50` � / } r C r—.. i_...� �.-I I 10� C � 9.2U � n:-4.00_ r°� i �� S. :''L7 __._� u� /, Y` 5�' � i-- � c�� � r�, ai — � �_`tU�) �'� �„t7.£30'? I� I o -� _.�..__n..�.�.� � W� � `� "'� ��� s�' , ,, � n�?c� � �=T, � ac -, ,� �;, � `� r zcaning p+.arpose,s oniy, i7nifs 1, 2 nnd �a or` 9his olat sriaR bc lnclu�ed in any and �:s3a appllcab!e zonlny n�atters ated to d'urce6 3 of khas pda#, including bud not EEmi%ed *',o zoning ;rtatfers oi denslty, gross residentiaV ifoor area d��rkin� �nv Ioatlir : provicled, how�uer, that in !h� even# #ha# Parca6 3 of this map is fvrther resu4dividec6 o two ar more lots �each ^"Resul:iny Go{°'), ;hen, said Units a. 2 and 3 s�;aii be incEuder9 4rc any and all appli�at �ing mcet�ters reYaled te the spec3;ic Resul!ing �ot or� �vhich 1he b�iilding con#aining iJr.iis 1, 2 o�d 3 ss located. �#har E�es�+ISirrg Lots w�ulrl be unafieci�d by Unifs 7, 2�nd 3 ror znning �urposes. �--°-� --- �� �� � � f� /'. �?� ��' —� � ��a� '�� ,�� �a , � I I u `r' I uf> �- I 5. fi�` --�- ,� I I ,� � 00� f"1 ',� � �I �'^�1 0 "J I i �� � o Q � �. �e I o N� `'I N! �� ( o.GO' i � olo� ti 70.30 � j � �N � �� .� � � — . . � � I i � � �' `° �- - corr - -� �6�5 � 79.35' `� 0 � i ?0 30� CEiLING COPi71NUFS w �b� `� INT',7 LOF7" `� p —�----- 24_Y�----- o � � � L�i��E��L�V�� _�SJAIRS � • � ��i�81�� �I�iEi��i�i�� ,��'� �p i °;I �o io" � � 1 ?�. � o' . _. .__ � _ __ — 70. 1 � � 8.70" f 5. 80' ¢ M� __ a � I� 4. 40 � a.ro' �.s5' ;zo°��'_ � �'�--�' � � ��� \ �--,so° 3.1}(i•,b�, �� I o�\..�i -'�+ o �3`..� 9. 05' � � � o.� `� � yy �`�, � �20°v ------- - o S.DD" o_ `c.\ 3 '� ������ ��� � � �,v � o I �2.;0' r^ . . �'> . . �I . . �..q . r o � "' 1I ���1 �� ��; 4..��a� E�9� i �A�.a. (tanilr � s,��° �ou�a�.��r,3 �arrrts r�t��t�,�tcanr ;I — iA�$.%a°�llv �}ik:.�$i (����7� J; 1 55' $Q��,r,�i11fi�Y� 84�T�i L�fA�fEPdS?C1P+f I `ao: a�r�.�ta�° �o�r�°rra ? ; �°� c�c��,�-s�crrQ� ; E��3d-���.3�.3° �Lt�t?;,�'" ELEL°.�!'i17�+1 j i r°� £�CdR ��°�'��' ! �+-.;a7 % � �Rt�S.S Szf:T_i(j�r A{��,� � . � � dAiAA�dEI+f�°;a�NE'� OAf i ,�1^�CATN�,� SH��'9 ; ��r��; � �. ,+it.L ,4i"r'�.A.�s C71175`YTJ' �f� 73�� 11AlYY5" .4�a ! �N;�44N ,dNC� 13la�iENSPG�s✓£L� f3N .SP�I��`7"S .ip �F Aa�L? ' � t�F 73°fi".�" F"d�:�! A�E ,�TA,�dLi1 .3 I 2. ,�Li W;4LP ANGLES ,Af7£ �iJ LEILPNG A1V�'L�'S t'hJs3'� r3Rl i^i�T J+J� �R� 4�A6"EtiE'CJ I diR �',�dN B£ iJER11r�C% Fi7LJP�f �'3%£"�9' ,iIUGLES. �'. .3. �FiE GLfLdr�G'S t;E'F)n.tE zia£ UPPER $C7Un+1?�,t'r'Y i C7F Er�Ch` dJh+l�: CEILIM� i�EiGN'TS .AP7E G!R/E'�� i idEi,d7)d� iC7 iH�" �41r�dP�! FL�iR �LE6�r97td7hl � t3� %:��',�l ��df'Y3: � Yr�OmRCL/}� � � f t r a��- ,rW G, <� ., �,.su , � o � ._ _ � m `c� ���� � � . :« a r � � 7 ti � � � � 3� �`�� U� ' i � � � I i � i I � � � I � � � _-� ' ' � � � ��� � � � I� �� � � // ------� '�---1 2C.3" CEIL!NG C4N?INUES � -IA1T0L'JF7 �..^.^.---.__�... . �� � -----i - - _ - - - - /\ ' �----� . �, ; _J � � � \ � � j y� \ -----�' i.7 i�J ! T � fl � � � � a , � � � � �' � �? � ���; � �� �a o �' �r �� � � � �, � � � ��.�c�` � � �,�r�' � � �.��° ��T.�l� 9�' 4S �°�-"`-=r � o �v'' £�T,�9'L 0 s�e r��-r.�ic N �'� N%� a.�� .� ne�?�- � � - 5. �5' c 12.3fl ��.�5° �C7 j I � � I ;. c� u% I { I � va . 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ALL .4i7EA.S 08JiSlDE OF TNE UN1TS �9S 5N174�V AN(l OIbfE'NSI0NEG7 Qld SHEEiS 3, �.4lNG 5 Of TH15 PLAT ARE f��4RCEL .3° 2, d�,t dvAt1 ,�AIGLES ARE° 90: �°�i�IIVG AlNGtES �'HAT ARE NOT 9�° ,4R� LABEiED L7R t',�M 6E 6ER1i�D �Rt7Ad Glo�N riNG'L£S 3 TNE CEIUN�3 DEFIN£ iNE 1JPPER BO/JNDARY OF ERCd-F UNIT. �EfLiNG NEJ�lTS Ad?E' GiUEN ���arrve ro ni� �+,arx ��cso� ���-u�atrt�n� a� �,acrr urvtr � ���`�s�.?�� �-�1 ao F�,GR!'EL 3 � i:: R?.�f��1.t.R.A.w a:3i+?-A�3A:d 5 90 2i3 � TN FEET } 2 is�oh = 1G it. �� � 40 ,5 _ �� , .%� � r � �ervr � � � � „ <z_.� i � � � � � / � %� Z �G' � "I 90' \ I` .G, �... 0 ( I 70.3P � r. �5'jg 80` I � _____. _._ _-_______._.� �,�_�_._...�.�,_�-�.- CIIdIT .3 ,��;�c�z .� ��(�71#�� .2�2� - _ r� � �, u�vr r 7 �'� o�r) iV ------ UiVIT i J_--- 2;. �s' ro.�� - --, � J- e.so' �.,o� 3. 4S�-� Zf0 ° �-� �J t� I Ts 2 ; � :� �.:. 220' ELE"b=�195.37"35.34° A1 ;�ARCCL ,.i B� �E��p�MJ 3--�C7 G1 �3'1 ( , ----r--------- �_��.. : µ - � une� r � � �:1 -�z3o� - -�8-'0_ � J -fz2o' < � s��' ?.��' ��iE�' � �.os P4Ri�£�1. w5 ���,°���;�i Ar°m °^�°�5 ��.zs' �r zoning purposer on3y, Units i. 2 ond 3 of 4his pla? sha19 be inc9uded in ary and nli applioable zoning matters latecS ic Parcel 3 of ihls plai. +ncluding but not ]lm°sted 3o zoning ma#iers of densi9y, gross residentiai floor arrea id parking and loadin�: proyided, however, thqt in the event that Porcal 3 ofi ihis rnap is further resubdivided ko two or more iots (zach a"'Resulting Loi"), #hero, said Uni#s 7, .2 and 3 shali �e incfuded ir any and all opplicab �nina matters re9cted :o $he speciilc i2esuiting Lot an which fhe buiiding contairing Jnits 3. 2 an� 3 is locafecl. I other Resulting Lots would be unaffscied by Units 7, 2 and 3 for zoning ourposes. �� �� � � f 1.�ii�Wi'L.�i�15y f ' +" � ��a f 4' �, "a"�'/�,��; �. w K�'° �,�@� � ` n t� � � '�... `� 4 � t=