HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Mountain School Subdivision�� . .__ _ _ �'_ �C I � � SITE VICINITY MAP N❑ SCALE ,�Y CERTIFICATE ❑F ➢EDICATI�N AND ❑WNERSHIP Know all roen by these presents that Va�l Mounta�n S�hool, A Cotorado Non-Prof�t Corporat�an, The Va�l Corporat�on, A Colorada Corporat�on, and The Town of Va�l, A Colorado Mun�c�pat Corporat�on, be�ng sote owners �n fee s�ropte of alt the real property s�tunted �n the Town of Va�l, Eagle County, Colorado, descr�bed as follows Lots 11 and 12 of Blnck 2, Tract C, and Katsos Ranch Road, Va�l V�llage, Twelfth F�t�ng, a��ord�ng to the nap thereof recorded �n Book 225, Page 89, �n the off�ce of the Eagle County, Cotorado, Clerk and Recorder, conta�n�ng 10.574 acres, nore or t ess. � have by these presents lacd out, platted and subd�v�ded the sane �nto parcels as shown on th�s f�nal plat under the nnroe and style of ° Va�l Mounta�n School Subd�v�s�on ° a subd�v�s�on �n the Town of Va�l, Eagle County, Colorado; and do � hereby ded�cate and set apart all of the pubt�c roads and other publ�c �roprover�ents and ptaces as shown on the accoropany�ng plat to the use of the publ�c forever; and do hereby ded�cate certa�n port�ons of sa�d real property wh�ch are �nd�cated as easeMents on the accoropany;ng plat to the Town of Va�t as set forth �n No-��e 5 and do hereby grant the r�ght to �nstatt and roa�nta�n structures to the ent�ty respons�ble for provld�ng the serv�ces for which the easenents are establ�shed. Exe�uted th � s__+"�___day of___� ���L! ____________, A, D. , 20�2�, Owner Va�l Mounta�n School, A Cotorado Non-Prof�t Corporat�on Address ------------------------ � -----------f-��----------- BY" - -- - /-! - - - ----- � CTltle>_1 < "-------- n,� a ' e; i r.?,�. ,, a. 41199 HIGHWAY 6& 24, EAGLE-VAIL P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS, C0. 81632 (970)949-7406 STATE OF_�Q�.Of�� __) E h41�� � s5. CDUNTY ❑F ) Th� r� �ng �nstruroent was ackn4wl ! A. 20 �� by � _��� ���, of Va i l Mo� Corporat�on. My Cororo � ss � on exp � res� �'�'_� � tn�ss �y I�and and sea l. �n School, A „�_.._.._���� Addaess UI!A�. -�---� �� �-��------ ❑wner The Va�l Corporat�on. A Colorado Corporat�on Address� �^LQ 1�M!MI�C_Q,.�f _________ �, Clit��_ `D�la�6-- By \�l � ____ _____ CTltte)__[' of �o . `d^(Ab"<�tZ!�;� i t �" � o;L�^�" ���^o �� � 4 � ' � c ."�..3 � N�T� �� go�O� O A My Commission Expires 3111t?.OuE STATE OF���_ QS�______) ) ss. COUNTX ❑F ��i��� ______) Thg, orego�ng �nstruroent was acknowledged before Me th�s _�i__ day of �4i��,.--------' A. D. , 20b?� bY r�s3��.._t�s'��.?�------ as �2,A��� __i«�__________ of The Valt Corporat�an, A Colorado Corporation. My CoMn � ss � on exp � res� '� �����C3��! W�tness my hand and senl. Notary Pub�� ��._��� . .. Address� ��'�_�r��i%_ �/4�_ t�iliz9',-t-�'--- Lt��.#�--- ❑wner Town of Vnit, a Colorado Mun�c�pat Corporat�on 75 South Frontage Road West � Va��l, Colorada 81657 � ,�"' . " �� � - - -� — -- --y--------- ----------- o Clerk � Ma or Town of Vail, Colorado Town Counc�l Town of Va�l, Colorndo LAND USE SUMMARY AREA (ACRES) ZONING L�T 1 7. 985 LOT Z 1. 194 KATSOS RANCH RDA➢ 1.392 ADDRESS 3160 KATSOS RANCH R�AD KATSOS RANCH ROAD _ , , ; . . . . 1 �l �1 �J 1 A�1 1 � C� �F LOTS 11, 1�, VAIL VILLAGE ��i TWELFTI� �'�WN (�F EAGLE C�LTNTY, VAIL _. � � � �. C , Al� D ���� � �'�1� CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATI�N FOR M�RTGAGEE OR DEED �F TRUST H�LDER Know all roen by these presents that Atp�ne Bank, be�ng the holder of a nortgage or deed of trust on that reat property s�tuated �n the Town of Va�l, Eagle County, Colorado, descr�bed as foltows� Lots 11 and 1z of Block 2, Va�l V�llage, Twelfth F�t�ng, accord�ng to the nap thereof recorded �n Baak 225, Page 89, �n the off�ce of the Eagte County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, conta�n�ng 10.574 acres, more or tess. as shown on th�s f�nal plat under the naroe and style af ° Va�l Mounta�n Schoot Subd�vis�on ', a subd�v�s�on �n the Town of Va�l, Eagle County, Colorado; agrees to the ded�cat�on and sett�ng apart all of the publ�c roads and other publ�c �nprovenents and places as shown on the acconpany�ng plat to the use of the publ�c forever; and does hereby agree to the ded�cat�on of those port�ons of sa�d real property wh�ch are �nd�cated as easeroents on the accoropany�ng plat as easenents for the purpose shown hereon; and does hereby agree to the grant�ng af the r�ght to �nstatl and Ma�nta�n necessary structures to the ent�ty respons�ble for prov�d�ng the serv�ces for wh�ch the easeroents are establ�shed, Executed th i s_� __ day of __�����!____________, A. D. , 20±��. Mortgagee� Alp�ne Bank � A� �� Address� __f�{� �._� /� --1���4��� �t_—ill►��-- By' --`�r'r-" _ - �---4 �' 8' C T i t l e) ---�a.�.��r- �,'� --- STATE OF �!�!!��; ______) CDUNTY OF _��g,py� ___ � ss. T�4ore o�ng �nstruroent wns ackno ledged I �f':P A. D. . 20� bY _�N��I •__�•� _���_____ of A l p i ne Bank. M Con �ss�on ex �res: 3'��•�___ ��5',-'•••��.:��9 ' Y P ' -------- ; " ;C�"5 <i ,n � °., W tnes hand and sea l. @�; � � s� — -------------------- ; � Nota P�Q,b,,l� . _ ' Address:l���l�%�_�� N,`„�, : .^'J.� -��--d--��--------- 9T''C'�-,"--�.°;.P� �c�F COI�Y. TITLE CERTIFICATE MyCommissionExpires311712006 Land T�tle Guarantee Conpany does hereby cert�fy that the t�tle to all lands shown upon th�s f�nal plat has been exaro�ned and �s vested �rr lla�.. _►U.A --- --�<��!t_A�,�--"�----'�"�.- �-- - ��'--- � ---- ------- --- ----- --- ---- and that title to such lands Is Free and clear of all tiens, t^s-�es-and - - , except as follows encun rances � � �� "�W'���—�?�.�. ------ �a �'i�?i�—� ----=----=--� ----------------- a� � °,'�^ "' � �---- � �3 --� ��ae Ca�� �.----------------------------------- -------------------y- ------------��-��—�f �� � ��ad�� -----p------------------------------------------------ � --�"°��• f0/�,A �.r°���°�i 9�i^ -----------} � �-'"� =`��.--- �� � � �, � `"'i � ------------------------------------- ..� Dated th � s�°�3 �day of ______ �� ___________, A. D. , 20 � v° Land T�tte Guarantee Coropany 108 South Frontage Road West, Suite 203 Va�l, Colorado, 81657 w �a By' - - - --- --- � _�A � — —� ---- as. —'��@d�a��t � .r---- -------- th� __�_ day of ��__ as SURVEYDR'S CERTIFICATE � _ I do hereby cert�fy that I aM a reg�stered Land Surveyor l�censed under the laws a of the State of Colorado, that th�s ptat �s true, correct and coroplete as la�d : out, platted, dedicated and shown hereon, that such plat was Made fron an ,- accurate survey of sa�d property by roe and under My superv�s�on and correctly shows the locatlon and dlnensions of the lots, easeMents and streets of said subd�v�s�on ns the snr�ea,pnens;.'�,aked upon the ground �n coropt�ance with appl�cable regu l at � ons govern � ng,��'�'h8�s�b� (Vq s � on of l and, . ��1` �J;s�'%, In w � tness thereof �`Pict"v,� F�'i.t,"�.'h�5��and and sea t th � s j�'� _ day of �'�'��= -----' A �'D y 2.�"l.+.i ��1� � .� :. �=1�''�� � � �-�� � = �-= �, � ,.. Stan Hogfe t ° �„' ' Calorndo P S 2659$ u�.. ,.* ` �'�a ,,. � „, TOWN COUNCIL CERTIFICFA��� ��1i�� "� Th�s pl t approved by the Tawn Counc�l of the Town of Va�l, Colorndo th�s `� day of �'',.[,� k�Yprw^ , A. D. , ZO ±� �-, for f � l � ng w� th the C lerk und Recorder of Eag l e County and for conveyance to the Town of Va�l of the publ�c ded�cat�ons shown hereon; subject to the provision that approval In no wny obl�gates the Town of Va�l for roaintenance of roads ded�cated to the public until constructlon of �roprovenents thereon shnll have been coropleted In a�cordance w�th Town of Vail spec�f�cat�ons and the Town Counc�t of the Town of Va�l has by a subsequent resolutton agreed to undertake Ma�ntenance of the snroe. Th�s approval does not guarantee that the so�l cond�t�ons, subsurFace geology, ground water cond�t�ons, or flood�ng condtt�ons of any lot shown hereon nre such that a bu�td�ng perro�t or any other requ�red perro�t w�tl be �ssued. Th�s approval �s w�th the understand�ng that all expenses �nvolv�ng all �roproveMents requ�red shall be the respons�b�l�ty ef the su.��J�v�der cn� r.et the ?owr. of Va�l. ATT T ` � -- � . . .� --------�='�' r �i n terk -----=------b�^..._.'m--- Mayor �'"".�-----�------u---- Town of Va�t, Colorado Town Counc�l�- Town of Vall, Colorado _,.,. �,':�.,i \3.;.,., _� � • �: , ��:1 N�TES 1> Date of Survey� June, 2002 2) Land T�tle Guarantee Conpany cor�ro�troent No. V274886-7 dated March 11, 2002 and No. V274179 dated ❑ctober 23, 2001 were rel�ed upon for all t�tle and easeMent I nforr�at t on. 3) Nat�ce� Accord�ng to Cotorado law you roust cororoence any legal act�on based upon any defect �n this survey w�th�n three years after you f�rst d�scover such defect. In no event, May any act�on based upon any defect �n th�s survey be coMMenced roore than ten years froM the date of the cert�f�cat�on shown hereon, 4) Va�l Mounta�n School, a Colorado nonprofit corporat�on C'VMS"), for �tself, �ts successors, ass�gns and l�censees, hereby reserves a perpetuat nonexclus�ve easeroent and r�ght oP way on, over, under, nbove and through those port�ons of th�s f�nal ptat des�gnated 'Ut�l�ty Easeroent° for the purpose of the follow�ng, and w�thout l�n�tat�orr CA) us�ng, �nstall�ng, construct�ng, roa�nta�n�ng, �roprov�ng, repa�r�ng and replac�ng dra�nage, water and ut�l�ty fac�l�t�es of any k�nd or nature whatsoever, �nclud�ng but not l�ro�ted to, storn dra�nage fac�l�t�es, f�re hydrants and related f�re protect�on dev�ces, san�tary sewer l�nes, water l�nes, snownelt systero l�nes, underground electr�c l�nes, gas l�nes, telephone t�nes, cable televlslon llnes, f�ber optic llnes, nnd other cor�nunication fac(tit(es, (B) dra�nage of water flow�ng ProM other lands, (C) water storage and d�str�but�on fac�l�t�es and (D) veh�cular access for �nstattat�on and Ma�ntenance of su�h ut�t�t�es, together w�th a perpetual r�ght of �ngress and egress to and fron such Ut�l�ty EaseMent. S) VMS hereby ded�cates to the Town of Va�l, Colorado, the follow�ng perpetual, non-exclus�ve easeMents and r�ghts of way. a. An easeroent on, over, under, above, across and through those areas des�gnate� or th:s Fsnal Ptat as "Town of Va�l Pedestr�an & Trans�t Access Easer�ent', for purposes of �nstntlat�on, use, repa�r, replaceroent, �roproveMent and roa�ntenance of CA) pedestr�an paths and walkways and related structures, and CB) publ�c transportat�on load�ng and unload�ng fac�l�t�es and fac�l�t�es for veh�cular and pedestr�an access thereto, together w�th a perpetual r�ght of access thereto. b. An easenent on, over, under, above, a�ross and through those areas des�gnated on th�s F�nal Plat as °Town of Va�t Energency Access Easenent', for purposes of �nstallat�on, use, repa�r, replacenent, �Mprovenent and na�ntenance of an eroergency veh�cle turnout and park�ng area. 6. Those certa�n easenents and r�ghts of way created by other �nstruMents that are �nd�cated hereon as be�ng 'Va�ated by th�s Plat' are hereby vacated, abandoned and released by the Town i�f Va�l, The Va�l Corporat�on, and VMS and shatt hereafter be of no further Force nnd effect. 7. W�thout l�ro�t�ng the generallty of the forego�ng Note 6, the Town of Va�l spec�f�cally vacates and abandons that port�on of Katsas Ranch Road r�ght oF wny �dent�f�ed on th�s E�nal Plat as 'Forner Katsos Ranch Road R�ght of Way Vacated by th�s Plat' and for and �n cons�derat�on of the suro of TEN DOLLARS and other good and valuable cons�derat�on, the rece�pt and suff�c�ency of wh�ch �s hereby ncknowledged, has reM�sed, released, sotd and QUIT CLAIMED, and by these presents does ren�se, release, sell and QUIT CLAIM unto Va�l Mounta�n School, �ts hefrs, successors and assigns, forever, all the r�ght, titte, interest, clalns and deMand wh�ch the Town of Va�l, has �n and to such area �dent�f�ed on th�s F�nal Ptat as °Forroer Katsos Ranch Road R�ght of Way Vacated by th�s Plat°. Notw�thstand�ng sa�d vacat�on, VMS agrees that the area �dent�f�ed on th�s plat as "Forner Katsos Ranch Road R�ght of Way Vncated by th�s Plat" shall rena�n ava�la6te for use by the publ�c For veh�cular and pedestr�an access and ut�l�ty purpases unt�l such t�roe as �ropravenents �n the new Katsos Rnnch Road r�ght of way are coropteted and roade ava�lable far use. 8. B �ts execut�on of th�s ��nal Ptat The Va�l Cor orat�on a Y , P Colorado corporat�on C'Va�l Corp,'), for and �n cons�derat�on of the suro of TEN D�LLARS and other good and valunble cons�derat�on, the rece�pt and sufP�c�ency of wh�ch �s hereby acknowledged, has rero�sed, released, sotd and QUIT CLAIMED, and by these presents does rer��se, release, selt and QUIT CLAIM unto Va�l Mounta�n School, �ts he�rs, suc�essors and ass�gns, forever, all the r�ght, t�tle, �nterest, cla�MS and deMand wh�ch The Va�l Corporat�on has �n and to Lot i as created by th�s F�nal Plat, 9. Bear�ngs are based on found roonunents at the southwest corner of prev�ous Tract C and the north corner of prev�ous Lot 12, Va�l V�llage, Twelfth F�l�ng be mg N 57°33'46' W. PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSI�N CERTIFICATE Th�s f�nal plat w s approved by the Town f Va�l P�ann�ng Conn � ss � on th i s ��_ day of _�����____ A. D, , 20 : ATTF�,ST,;% �� � 1 / y ,..-,..._.._..... Env�ronroental - - - -- -- - -- ----- --- - -- -- ----------------- Tdw�n C erk � Ch�� rroan Town of Va�t, Colorado '� � wn of Va�l Plann�ng and �� �� Env�ronroental Conn�ss�on CERTIFIGATE OF TAXES PAID I, the unders�gned, do hereby cert�fy that the ent�re anount of -taxes and assessnents due nnd payable as of ___�'�C.��+j�r�i'�___,31L±�'..��__________ upon all parcels of real estate descr�bed on th�s plat are pa�d �n full. Dated th�s _���� day of _�����.______, A.D., 2015�. -�---- --�s- - — -----r�� .. � Treasurer of Eagle Co �. „� ' '�t��°���� ������� �o������ CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIEICATE ��.�•�� Thls Plat wns flled for record �n the �ffice of �the, Clerk and R order at�=��_o'clock�,M., on th�s ���'�day of ___'�______, ZO____, and �s duly recorded as Recept�on No. ���� ------- ` � ;' `: . , 4 ...f SHEET 1 �F 2 JOB N0. 142 l�