HomeMy WebLinkAboutWarren Pulis Subdivision Lot 02� � .�-_ _ _� ,,, -._ __ „ - ,� , ! __�AIL VILLA�� 81h. FILING VAIL VLILLEY Ist. FILING ___-----� TqACT A I SUNBUR�T/ F�itt1�10. 3 � �-�� � �° � � '� 9 �� � � ,. � � f ' ' e a�� ^ , -�, - i z u �,,� _T.—_ OI I M �B �7 ' 16 n � �4 �►yQRREN PUUS : I SUBDIVISION LLEY BJECT SITE � uNPlai7E� I � INTERSTATE 70 _ � _ ,� —� GORE_� ` � �� ;z \ 9 10 � , T"' �� i3 / � 'r / `�� � 14 B I IS � 9 20 16 � TRACf B � �y .� �B � 17�' � TR/CT 4 VAIL y4LLEY 3rd. FILI NG A RESUBDIVISION OF A PART OF SUNBURST VICINITY MAP NO SCALE L = 3.62 � R = 75.00� � � = 02°46�05�� CN= S 06°53�41�� W, 3.62� L =12.41� R - ?5.00� � �= 09°28�25�� CN = N 00°46�11�� E, 12.40� I To most weste►�y co►ner � Lot I, Sunburst Filing No. 3 I ; ti i 4eo �� .i3, I ° �s�" 'se- k L = 58.14� R = 253.31� � =13°09�05�� CH = N 85°43� I I�� W, 58.02� JNPIATTEG � �� � vAIL VALLEY 4th FILING 'RAC1 n VAIL VALLEY DI�IVE ss6°2s's3"_ 39.24� �50�� INGRESS a EGRES3 EASEMENT B (BOC�K 352, PAGE B74) 39 ps , � S 8 o N 7go , , r, . _...._. .. --�--�. ,�.�.P.��..� �; � ' ; , ' GOLF COURSE ��.� ,� .�� %� / . �Zi' _� i N' TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO NOTES: (1) Date �f Sur�ev: Decembei� 199Q (?) Street Acldress: 1626 ���i 1\�alle�� Drive (3) Basis ol Beat� i nvs i s a I i��e r�+nner�t ing t he e�i:�t i n�a mc�nument s rua � k i nu � t�� easterly line ef Lot "' h�in�a South lsee drawinq tc>> descripi���u �,1 n���num�nis�) (41 M�numentat ion as uote�� !iere�,n. L =10.83� R = 310.00� o= 02°00'07" CH = N 80°0915�� W, 10.82' 6 2653 E 35.60�—� 16•�0• 0838��W VAIL GOLFCOURSE TOWNHOMES ss4� 63.Og' � �3 43,, �6.� o�e L= 47. 20 � `�s ig - F e w R= 7�J.00� � S63o2 \ �N FOUND STEEL PIM WITH PLASTIC CAP 0= 36°�3�25�� \ i;1GRESS 8� 8%e'� _ L.S. No. 2183 EGRE�S EASEMENT F 6 2 6.28 S g9°23�4��� E CH = N 29°37�36�� E ��� (BOOK 352, PAGE 873) 93- 46.42� � \ \ � � N I M N /O6� 62 I \ UTILITY �" � � � � EASEMENT � —� � (DOOK 352, PAGE 8,'6) � � — � N�qo� I o N83°29'S0"4V o �,'3i"W � - TI � 3p 53, _ _— z _ IOp.—� �I ' i — 0 � � � � _ - N83°29 50" W i� � 25.02� � 20 UTILITY � EASEMENT (BOOK 352, PAGE 875) � --_ � DRAINA �E 8� UTILITY EASEMENT LOT II, BLOCK 3 VAIL VALLEY, FIRST FILING I / /� I � —� . � 0 I� 20� 40 60 SCALE� I" = 20 41 199 Highway 6& 24. Fagle-Vail Post Office BQx 1230 Edwards, CO 81632 303-949-1406 PART OF LOT I SUNBURST FILING No. 3 _ I LOT 2 VAIL VALLEY, SECOND FILING -u, � -c ''' °� O M� O l� I � /� PARCEL C O.i3i2 Ac •• •• ACCESS 8� UTILITY EASEMFNT (PLATTED) .•�1; RF :r R; E�' IN bc CK 35� .:T PA�E 877) � FOUND STEE ITH PLASTIC CAP L.S. No. 2183 ACCESS 8 UTILITY � EASEMENT (BOOK 345, PAGE 93i) � S 76°4Q �3 ��E 92.�8' a(HC �K 35?, PAGE 878) -M Q� 0 PARCEL [3 '2�'3' N o.oe7e ac. - ` , i o �----- --� rn � � � d. ao v - I � � N � � � I � N 90°00'00" E � � ' I L 27'9� S 00°00�00�� E, 9.00� i� w � � � i---- i_ �f � � � z N 90°00�00'� E j-� o =� � 7.90� ° w � S 00°00�00�� E, 25.20 � m � PRO�ERTY � Z �' LINE � �_; I PART�YWWALL 34.26��- 19.93� m I N 90°00�00 E � 54.19� I � I r � — — — � � � � � � i , I L� � ' F�--BUILDING OUTLINE � � � � � �J � / � � i � i — , � = L------� i � �, � � �� O J Z 2 PARCEL A �' � 0.1939 Ac. � O WARREN LOT I SUDDIVISION FOUND STEEL PIIN WITH PLASTIC CAP FOUND STEEL PIN WITH PLl1STIC CAP L.S. No. 2568 L.S. No. 2183 N89°23'41i'� W 90.00' I VAIL GOLFCOURSE TOWNHOMES � � CEkTIFICA`1'E OF� DFIIICATIC�N AND nWNERSflIN Kn��� a 1 1 rnen hq t hese presen t s t hat Dona ld W. Uiones and f'Q�an<•F�s Di ones , be i nu so 1 e owners in iee simple of all the reai propertY situated in the 'Town c>t ��ail, Eaqle Co�inty, Co]orado, dPSCribed as follows: Lot 2, Warren Fulis Subdivision, according to the map thereut rec•orde�i in the ottice of the Eagle C�unt�-, Colorado, Clerk and RPCOrder, c�cmtaininy 0.91�'9 acrPS, rnorF or IP.SS. have by these pr�sents laid out, platted and subdivided the �ame into parcels as shown on this fina] plat under the name and style of "A kesubdirisn�Jn oi Lot ?, Warren F'izlis Subdivision", a subdivision in the Town of Vail, Eaqle Countk�, C�I��rado; and do hereby dedicate and set apart all of the publir. roads and other publIlC improvements and places as shown on the accompanying plat to the use of the public forever; and do hereby dedicate those portions of said real property which are indicated as easement on Lhe accompanyinq ��lat as easements for the purpose shown hereon; ,�nd do hereb� gr•ant the riqht to install and e�aintain structures to the entity responsible for providing the �ervices for which the easements are establishe.i. E�ec��ted this ���ay of __���► , A.D., IA90 . OW'�ERS : W - --- --- ---- - Donald b'. Diones 5701 South Jas�nine Street Enqlewood, CO 8011] � � _ _ _-- ----- Frances Diones 5701 South Jasmine Street Englewood, CO 8011] STATE OF__ _ ___) �SS. COIJNTY �F The foreqoing instrumPnt was acknowledged before me this�!j� da� of ���-, N.P., 199 O, by D�nalc� N'. Diones and Frances Diones. �" '':'t�* . M� Commission �r 3�e5. d_` I hitness rnv hand aiut seal . � 3 �'� '��`; ��"� �`' _ ,. �� � ry �: , - ,�r�} �• - _�`��. ,��"'�° � '� �o ary P h] i c , �� ,, _ : . res � �'?6 ,/f � : �°���`�:�,�',�" ` � " ----_ v C.�. °� 6) d' �, :. _ oe , � � _ � ,� t� °' � \ ,� SURVEY�R' S CERTI F1('A7 F, I do hereby certifti� that I am n i��Uistered Land Snrveyor 1 icensed iindt�; � ht� laa�s r�t the State of Colorado, that this plat is true, correct and �•�mplete ��s I��i�i c>ut, platted, dedicated and shown hP��POn, that such plat was made f rorr� .�n �,����u� .�� �� :.ur �F��� of said property by me anci unrlei rrn� supervision and correct ly shc,ws t hf :����,t i��u aiic� dimensions of the lots, easc�m�nts and streets of said su�division es tlit� s��rnf� are staked upon the ground in c�mpliance with applicablP regulatir�ns ������iniu<� thP subdivision of land. Ir. witness ther of I have s�:�t m� ha d and seal this �� �day oi�GY,sM,�,�j� , A.D., 1990_. .�`���`��„� � R������ �. �,� .,,..»..., �o,� -,, Q- •�G�STEn,F• -y � ; � p •. . . Dannie Cor` : *_ . � Colorado P� �� ` ��: :, � : �ti � y°;' Q� � •,� qJ,� �.�a�u R � �Q, ��• i���'i,,'� f'�C O`-� ,,`��. i'I���'T RESTRICTIO� �or z�ninq purposes, the three parcels created bv this resubdivision are to be tic�atF�,i as one entitv with no more than oriP tw�� f�in�i I�. ���:;�d�rir� all�>w�d �>n the combi�ied �rE,a of the two parcels. Allowable q<<�ss r�>s�deut�al floor area tor the 1wo taroil�� i�es i�3Pnc� F� 11 be calcu 1 ated hased �>n t iie c��m�bi i�ed area of t he t hree parre 1 s. NOTICE: According to Colorado law you must coa�anence any legal action based upon any defect in this survey within three years after you first discover such defect. In no event, may any action based upon any defect in this survey be conemenced more than t_�n years from the date of the certification shown hereon. � i�ri�E� c�,kTir�i�•��rF 1_,and Til 1P Guarantee Company does herebv rert.ifv that the title to al l la►ids shown upon this final pla as beer xamined �nd is vested in . -- ---- -- - — --- --- --- --- -_ _ ,�J -'I�ione5 ur�d --�'-- - �e�e�S . --- - - - ---- and that title to sur•h lands is free and clear oi all liens and enc•umbrances, e�cept as toll ws: . _ �'r �- �,�:o�'dGc� �J i l �_ �n- - -- F,o�- - 8� ys ' Q ' t _ -- - - — �-- --- - i�..�� u� _ �� _ _--- --- --- -- ---------- ��--- -- - --- -- ------- --- - --- Dated this l(� day c�� , A.D., 199(� Land Title Guarantee Con�pan�- Bo;� 357 (Print name and title) 7,ONING ADMINISTRATUR CERTIFICATE ,,,,,�.inmrirni�� , ������'r� i,�oot _i naf'r�,,pl t� �i,s�� reby appr��ved hv t he T��wn ot Va i l �l�n i nq Admi ni st rat or thi s ,.�`�'� � �i a �� P►t ' �.����qillr��.� , A . D . , ] 9 9 O . , _ � := - - ----- _ _ � a' � a � x o =0olt�`�t� '� J,J-.� : s' /�� K R�N� . o, ;= �,: ,� ��1� S %, �� ��- _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ -- _ _ -- - �i�f`�+i1�i�� �; �;����k�`��� 7, c� i� i 1, �3 .� �I n� t i i s t c a t o r I'c>wn c�f �ai 1, Colorado Town �� f Va.i 1, ('a lora do CER`I' I F'I CATE; OF TAXES FAI D I, thf� undersiqned, do hereby r.erti[y tl�at the eutire amount of taxes due and payabie as of _ L—� __. �_� _ __, upon al l};arce] s of real estate described on this final plat are paid in full. D,�t��d tl��is �ib�iay of _� __ , 9.�., 199p. � i���;� � _ � �-_----- ---- T1-F,,s�ii t,� c�f E"agle County, Colorado � ��l } kF� A�'ll kE('OknF;R' S CFkTTFICA`i'E�� (�I� i�, 1 i n<; ! plat was Y�i ] ed for rec��rd i ii t}„� ,,t � i��F nt t he Clerk and Recordei� on th7 s .��i�<i��� <�f �����lt/'----___ , A.11., ]9��p , �t /,�:�1 o'clock �_M. Recorded l�nder ker���,t iun No. 4l��:'�-- in E��?ok S1� _�+t PaqE� .Sifi.. h'i�ut t�r�t i re covenant s rec��r�de�l i n I��>ok �'� �it I'�iq�S�d f'n t t 1� h'a I 1 Aqreement recorded i n Bo�k ��%� .1 r F�UP 3�i _. • . , _ _ __ -- • ----- - - ---__- -- �z�� : lF�� h .,ud Re��ot�der ��,�+�"'�"''* �a" Eag ie ('otmt ; , Colorado 4 � �.- � .. ' � . . ft . .�: � � _ --- - -- --. __ yj�`� �►�' � e i�� j, u t�� - � � I I166.1