HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Lionshead Filing 1 Block 1 Lot 3 - Vail 21 Condominiums 1st Amendment� I � _ _ 1_ _ a , : _, „ � , �, � W� . , ,.q �. � , --r -,_� _ _ �-� ' �, : ,�� � : �� LEGEND E - Common Entrance Area LC - Limited Common Area L - Elevator ME - Mechanical & Electr�c•al Area C.106 - �'ommercial Area Unit Vumber (C�pi�al) The sole purpose of this Firsr Amendment to the Condominium Map of VAII ?1 COND�MINIUMIS i.:� to redefine areas previou:�l� designated as Cou�mon Entrance Area(E: and Cc►mrtier�cial Area Unit Number C.105 and i'.106 to the new ronfiguration for Commerc�ial ArPa Uni�t Number C.105 and C.106 shown hereon. Slibjecl to the revisions shown hE�i�enn tMf� Condominium Map ot VAIL 31 COND(1MINlUMS remains in full force and efiect. NOTE � UNIT DIMENSIONS ARE TO INSIDE WALLS. COMMON WALLS ARE 0-.7� TH ICK. 41199 Highway 6& 24, Eagle-Vail Post Office Box 1230 Edwards, CO 81632 - 303-949-1406 E �c L ME LC LC io ao � 29. o' I ' �I � ' � C.106 �, � i � I N N � � 8.8' � 8.4' � � � i I. 8' �►• 5. 3' �0.� 1 Zze� �? 70� E M s.o' � C.105 21.3' 8.8 "N 0 O N ------- � 14.5' STEPS � • • • �• SCALE� I" = 20' DATE OF SURVEY � I I/ 12 /90 0 � INDICATES CHANGE IN CEILING HEIGHTS INOICATES CEILIN� '— HEIGHTS MECHANICAL a ELECTRICAL UTI LITY CHASE "�- FIRST AMENDNCENT �`0 TH� CC����J�"I'�1111Vi MA�' �' TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO NOTICE: According to Colorado la�+ you nellst commence any legal action based upon any defect in this survey within three yea�rs after you first discover such defect. In no event, may any ac*ic�n based upon any defect in this survey be cc,nmenced more than ten years from the date of the certification shown hereon. CFItT I H' I CATK (�F I)F:D] CATTC)N AND nWNE;RSH 1 P Kric�w al 1 rnen by these presents that Richard N. Br�own; t'harie� H. Rosenquist ; Uouglas ti. l�loyd; Uavid A. Vaughn; John U. Kucera; Ueorqe N. feeney; C"harles F'. BarnF�t t, ,li .; Jarnes Wi ley; Sally A. Wiley; Sumikc� `I'. Hen��essy; Ivan J. Lip�ian; Patric•ia :A. l iUro�,n; Trueman E. Tryhus, Jr. ; Joan M. Tryh�s; Jane L. Browr�; Mar�y L. Earles; :�hc,► ry M. Earles; William P. Samis; Margaret 'T. McConvi)le; T. Milliaw J�Ahnstone; Ben H. Hlount, �lr.; Harold A. Turtlet.aub; Cynthia Turtletaub; Jacques Gurdjia�y Cathy Gurdjian; Hc�ward Miller; Cindy Miller; Sorin Eremia; John C. Slevin; !'atrl�a D. Slevin; Red-Stone Recreation Limited, a Canadian corporation; 781253 O�htar� Limited, a Canadian corporation; Mario Tricoci; Cheryl Tricoci; John R. EdMan; The �mpire Savings, Buildiny and Loan Association, a Colorado corporation; FirstBank of Vai1; World Savings and Loan Association, formerly known as Majestic Savinqs and Loan Ass�iciation; Owen R. Opdahl and Frieda B. Opdahl, individuals and as Trustors and Tc�rste�� of The OWen R. & Frieda B. Opdahl Family Trust and 0`ven R. Opdahl and Frieda B. t�}fdafil,'�Trustees; Citizens H�nk and Trust; FundamenCal Mortgage Corporation f/k/a Fum�aii�er.ica �/"�C/a Coldwell Financial Corporation f/k/a United Mortgage Companv; Vail Na-t•imnal 8+t�k; John L�ng; Citi��orp Mortyage, Inc.; NorthNestern Federal Savinqs and Loan.Associ�Giqn of Fargo; and Aspen Savings and I_,oan Association, being owners in fee si�ple, �or��agees and.lienholders, nf all that real property situated in the Tuwn af Vai�, •�agle County, Cc,lc.�radri, �if�sr���ibed as tollows: , . , �!nits C.101, C.102, C.103, C.105, C.IOb, c'.7,O1 thru C.7.07, C.'3"�l, C.302, 303 thru 10'l, ��01 thru 407, 50] thru 505, 60l ai�d 60''., ('ondominiue� Map ot VAIL 21 CONDOMINIUMS, acc<�rd i ng t.o t he map recorded i n ti�>r,k ':'''I �t Paqe 166 i n t he ot t ice �t t hF� F,aq 1 c C<�utit��, Colorado, Clerk and R��•c�rd�� ; �i�� hf�►�F�by submi t t hi s"Fi rst Amendmc•nt t u t I�E� �'und��mi n i u� Ma�'-�,f Vai l?,1 C��ncic�rn i i� i uin:� tu tlic� provisions of the Condominiu��� I�c,c�ldrat i��n I��r VAII, 'l.l CONDOMINIUMS. F'��,r��itF��1 this I�� day of ��I�J�. , A.U., 1-'►9�. uWN�,R MORTGAGFES AND LIEN LDERS: ���I�."'� " kicl�ard N. Brown, individually and �- as attorney in fact for: Charles H. Rosenquist; Douglas B. l:loyd; David A. Va�glrn; �hn D. Kucera; Gec�rcte N. F�eney; Charles F. Barnett, Jr.; Ja�nes Ni1.��y; Sally �. Miley; MSli�niko T. Hennessy; I��ar, J. Lipman; Patricia A. Lip�nan; Truc�Man E. lryhus, Jr.; Jaan �!: Tryhus; Jane l,. ti►�o�.n; Harvey L. Earles; Sherry M. EarlPS; willi:�e� P. Sawis; Mai�aret T. McC�nvi l lf�� 7. William Johnstone; Ben B. Blount, Jr.; Har�ld A. Turttet�►b; Cynthia Turtl�taub; ,lacques Gurdjian; Cathy Gurdjian; Howard Miller; Cindv Mille��'; Sorin Eremia; .1ohn C. Sle�in; Patricia D. Slevin; Red-Stone Rerreation Li�ited, �a Canadian c�c�rp��r.�t i��n; 781'?53 Ontario Limited, a Canadian corp�ration; Mario TriccfiCi; Cheryl Tric-c�c�; ,Iuhi� R. Edman; The Empire Savings, Bui Idinq and Loan Associatic�n, a Colorado c��r�pc�rat iun; FirstBank of Vail; World Savings and Loan Association, tot"�erly known as Majest ic� Savinqs and Loan Association; OKen R. Opdahl and FriPda B. Updahl, individuals and as Ti�ust ors and Trustees of The Owen R. & Fri eda B. Opdah I Fa�i ] y`I'riist and Ow�n R. updal� 1 and F'reida B. Opdahl, Trustees; Citirens tsank and Trusfi; F'undaa�ental Mc>r��a,iyF� Corpurat ion f/k/a Fundamerica 1/I./� ColdWel ] F'ivancial �mrporat i on i/k/r� �!i; i t ecl Mortqaqe Company; Vail Nationa� Bank; John Lanq; Citicorp Mor'i�yaqe, Inc.; N��rthwf�steli� F'ederal Savinqs and Loan Associat ic�n c>i Faryo, �nd AspPn Savirngs and l,�an Assc,�•i��t i�,n. Powers of attorney recorded _ , 1990 tn Bo�k at Pages . s�rA�rr, u���- ���� ) - � iS. ('nUNTY Ok ` �:!�" Q ) `I'hE� toreqoinq instrumf�nt was �i<•knc�wledqf�d belore we thls' " day fxt�-' _ _, A.U., 19'f4 by Richard N. Hrc►wu, individually and as attornpy �i� tart t��►: Cli�ii lf�s H. Re�senquist ; Douqlas ti. I�loyd; Uavid A. Vauqhn; Jahn D. Ki1�1'•E�ra; c;ec>r�qc� N. F'f���ne�y; Charles F. Harnc�tt, Jr.; James Nilc�v; Sally A. Mi}ey; 3vwf'�;r� '1. H�nnc�s:;y; Ivan J. I�ipman; Patricia A. l�ipman; 'I'rueman F;. Tryiius, Jr.; Joan MI�. 'I'r}hus; Jatie l�. ftr<�wn; Harvey 1,. Earles; Sherry M. Earles; Mlilliaw P. Sawis; Ma!"Wgaret T. Mc•Convi I I�; '1'. William Johnstone; Ben B. Blount, Jr.; Harold A. T�rtlet.at�b; Cynthia 'Purtic�taub; Jacques Gurdlian; Cathy Gurdjian; Howard Miller; Ciedq MilllNf; Sorin Eremia: Jc�hn C. Slevin; Patricia D. Slevin; Red-Stone Recreation Litited;°��a Canadian c�orp<�ralion; 781253 Ontario Limited, a Canadian corporation; Mario Tricori; Cheryl Tricuci; ,lohn R. Edman; The Empire Savings, Building and Loan Associatioe, a Colorado corporation; FirstBank of Vail; World Savinqs and Loan Associatia�l, fol�erly known as Majt�stic Savings and Loan Association; OFren R. Opdahl aad Fritda E. f#pidahl, individuals and as Trustors and Trustees of The Owen R. & Frieda B. Opdahl F�ilY Trust and Owen R. updahl and Freida B. Opdahl, Trustees; Citi2ens B�ank a^�d Tt�ll'; Fundamental Mortgaqe Corporation f/k/a Fandameric�a f/k/a Co1dWe11 Fift�cial @"�rporat;on f1k/a United Mortgage Company; Vail National Bank; John Lanq; Citicorp llot"E�gaqe, Inc. ; Nortl�western Federal Savings and Loan Association of Farqo; and l�apttf Savi�+qs and Loan Assor.iation. I✓,y Commission expires:_ Ylt�� _ . Witness my hand and seal. _ + , il'!�' No------- __ _ _ ___ --� - tar Publi � Address: — — -- — -- ��_ - � __ . . � i ��� :f . � `I '1 ]'I'LF; ('F;k'I'] F'1 �:ATF, Stewart Title �,uaranty Company does hereby certifv that the title to all lands shown' upc>n this cond��minium map has been examined and is vested ir� Richard N. Brown; Charles H. Rosenquist; Douqlas B. Lloyd; David A. Vaughn; John D. Kucera; George N. Feeney; Charles F. Barnett, Jr.; James Wiley; Sally A. Wiley; Surniko T. Hennessy; Ivan J. l,ipman; Patricia A. Lipman; Trueman E. Tryhus, Jr.; Joan M. Tryhus; Jane L. Brown; Harvev 1�. Earl�s; ShPt'r)� M. Earles; William P. Samis; Margaret T. Mr.Conville; T. William Jc>hnst��nf�; H�n ri. �l��unt, Jr.; Harold A. Turtletaub; Cynthia Turtletaub; Jacques Gurdjian; Cathy Gurdjian; Howard Miller; Cindy Miller; Sorin Eremia; John C. Slevin; Patricia D. Slevin; Red-Stone Recreation Lirnited, a Canadian corporation; 78]253 �ntari� l,imited, a Canadian corporation; Mario Tricoci; Cheryl Tricoci and John N. F;dman; ,,n�i th.,� r,� �,• rr� su��l, l�nds is tif�P and c�lear of all liens and encumbrances, ex�•�pt ,is 11>1l�,ws: �A � �, � � -� 93 9R 'o�o.�a•�,�s r�cn�r� , �, � c�-11 +°� � � �. �, �_ �r .e c v +� 9.� � — . , _ -- - --- � - '---- -- - -- - - :Z \ � 7�� �� ��---���.,.,� ,� � d_ �. Gi 5 53no u v� t?� � \ ..�. r 2 t... _ �` 11`Z._(a� � -�;�� l��lor__�: �_�c i.�a.�_-.0 P�,.�1.� ��S�T a`sl" rtc.nr�l�c� �1��i l�r�' � i � R 9 -�---Q:� — o�_ �.�_�$� —�Lx-�rs�;r�._ ��..:_� �k+-- 1> D'j" r 2r • y �s ... ,�._ __ � o � W �ts � 7 9 _L d __Q� �-��-� � � � `-�� f - �9.�--t---!�� ��e� � — �_�LS���r���a,.� re_�_�?�--d._ -�.�`� J.r � . , . Uated this i1°�day �f �.2C�w��jy�! , A.D., 199U. Stewart Title Guaranty Company •.Box 1?48 Vail, CO 81 ` By (Sign re o�� � �,n��,_!.�_— (Print name and title) ' Si1RVEYOk' S('ERT 1 F f c'A'1 1 do hereby c-ertitv that I am d registered Land Surveyor lir_?nsed under the laWS of the State of Colorad��, that this supplemental condominium mGp is true, correct and complete as laid c�ut, platted, dedicated and shown hereon, that such supplemental condominium map was mad� trom an accurate survey of said property by me and under my supervision and c•�,rrectly shows the horizont.al and vertica] location and dimensions �� ot thP amPndE�d ���,nd��ru i u i um uni t s. , . ��{11 11 � �r�i .�.D. � In wi t ness t her ��ut 1 have set my hand and seal this ?.���� ��� _ ,_____ __ . 199 ti . •�' �.�,:,, ......,,. O �'�. �• : :-�'� • �c,�sTe�FO,..'�?� � '� � �� �� = - ---- _ Dan Corcoran =� " � 1 -'2.'L-�� � c'c�l<�r•adc� P. 1�. S�'�lf.�'�'1 �°: 0: '�., 9) "•• ° s u R�� •r Q,q �.` F ' ..•• � . ���'�i,, �F COL� ����`. � i 3 � � � ��►��n����� , �' � F I � r , j � � ' �; � 'LUN I NG AUM I N I STkATOh CER`I'I F'] CAT�, � � �� '('h i s�•c�r►dc,mi n i um map i s hereby approved by t.he T'own of Va i 1 7,oni ng Administrato�;:�his' �%��amtbrir�ip� � � t S'���1- ---- -- , A . D . , 19 9 _L . - �� J ���� • � ;1 0 � Vq� /i��i @"�' ,A 1:��•i 1 : 'e / /, -;i...�_� . •o '�. o, � e . • _ o = n ('ler Colorado ! /�.�e 1�'1/� Zoninq Administrator Town of Vail, Colorado < CERTiFICATF OF TAXES PAID I, the undersigned, do hereby certify thaG the�entire amount of taxes due and payable as ot � � , upon �ll parcels of real estate described on this cnndorninium map are paid in full. . Dated this day oi A.D., 199 . � -- Treasurer of Eagle County, Colorado CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATF �%� ' �� 'I'his condominium map was filed for record in the oitire c;t the Clerk and Recorder on this�T�day of �j r , A.D., 199�), at �;�// o'clock P M. Recorded under Reception No. _C,��_1(0(e_ i Book at Pa_ e s�� y eZ� _ _ . Condominiun� Declaration recorded in Book _-__ at Page -"_____ �! f \ �=' �A� �`���' -- - - `o�:•'"����""•c��'ti, erk and Recorder ��� ,��,;a-;;,°r� ;��% agle County, Colorado �� �''.3��:�i :*ty �►'�.,_ � "� � � � �= B y �otop �.9°'` D u t y `w►.�..�` � ,� 1238 � � P ��. ,,