HomeMy WebLinkAboutBighorn Subdivision 4th Addition Lot 18, � � B/GHORN " Y � � O � • DO �� 'rsi • �� S� �S' � �� S�i� ", 1 C� U 20 40 60 � � � - -- � --- -- --- -.. � _ _ r _ � --_ = _- - SCAL E � l " = 20 � .TN_F BEARI�^�'G OISTANCE 1 /.' F;1 '03 '20 "E 47. 81 � N .3F'4� '31 "E 4.3. 1B ('(/RVE OEL TA RADIL/S 1 14 '?O 'CD " 17.9. B2 Fcr zoning purposes, the two lots created by this resubdivision are to be treated as one entity with no more than two single-family rF��-. i�jr>r���-�s a 1 lowed on the combined area of �" rt � t±-.�o �c�ts. Al lowabl.e gross residential f a r nr ,+.r��� (rRFA) for the two residences � �, �- , 1 :��� ) �t�c� has�� on the combined t ..... (><� r�c��� 1 � � . � � � RDAD `. ,� � '' _ (PLAT) S 53 ' 17 ' 00 "E 292 . 00 C�,Q c� F '. ������ .: �,; F/NA L PL AT A ND RESU6D�V�S�O�! 0 F LO T l � � +., 6/GHORN SU6DlV lSION �'Of �I�`TJ�-�' A�D/ TION � TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLOR�'DO na 455/ STREAMS/DE C/RCLE �R/W VA RIES� (F/ELD1 S 53° l7'29 "E 293.60' N 32.s � . rBqs,s ° �9 •o� „ OF g�cqR/N�� '1-1 J�, 4 � ��O'% / NOTES• Basis o€ Bearings: N 40°20�00'"N alonq aoutherly lot line of Lot 18 between found No. 4 rebars as indicated. Date of Survey: December 1990 Date of Completions: January 1�91 • Denotes found No. 4 rebar � Denotes found pin and cap L.S. 13901 O Denotes set pin and cap P.E. and P.L.S. 26626 CHORD CHOF�D BRG TA NGEN T 43 . 37 N 33 ' 19 ' 00 "W 21 . B6' `�. ; �� -� M• iI� . i ti� � _ V/C/N/TY MAP SCAL E = l" _ 1000' s o,�..,,, aY: �o�.« �. T� w �459S P.O.BOX 978 • SUITE 10� o�t• I��u+a cn�ckee aY: n Inter-Mountain 142o „A,,,� 0910 NOTTINGHAM ROAD O F AVON. COL0.81B20 � • LAKEWOOD. COLO.B0213 �2�27�9� ne�a eook� o�ec� i303) 849-5072 Engineering �..t(�. (3031 232-0158 sn��t No. 250 / 96 / OF l � � t7" � � �s� , �1 '�'A� �•�C r/'��� ���� �'�� ��.. •� � � �F. �.�,•���.�,f'... ��:'t�r�" : u �.. ., r �� . _x - +�� , �. � ' C� �: - Y' �^� .� �''\. .,. 0� +� ,� �' /,,,,,� J,,,�, , ,;� ; . �'i'E Ol► DEDIGTION POR MORTGlrGE HOLDER OR QSED Q� TRUST HOLDER: �r all �en by theae presen�s that the undersigned, being the bolder �f a�ortqage or deed of trust on �he real property situated ia ths Town of Vail, Bagle County, Colorado, described as follows: Lot 18, Sigharn Subdivision Fourth �,ddition, Tovn o! Vail, Eaqle County, Colorado, containinq 19,519 square feet or 0.45 acres a�ore or less; � r� is on this final piat under tha nama and style of FINAL PLAT �ItD it!lCJBDIVISION OF LOT 18, BIGHORN SUBDIVISION, FOURTH ADDITION, in tM To�m of Vail, County of Eagle, State of Colorado; agrees to tiM d�i�cation and setting apart all of the public roads and other piblic �taproveaents and places as shown on the accompanying plat f�o tt►� ius� of the public forever; and does hereby agree to the d�dfaatSon of thosa portions of said real property which are lndioaled as sase�nt on the accoffipanyinq plat as easements for the �ttspoN slfwm hareon; and does hereby agree to the granting of the siqht yID install and maintain necessary structures to the entity r�owillbla for providing the services for which the easements are sstabll�hed. ` EXecuted this�4� day of A.D. 1991. �it�EN''�aN[ o! I.sk�v�ood �33 �. �►llison Parkway , Colorado 80222 G Y: � �:.�. �� � �'r�t caac.ow►�u � .r'c�uKl�"''"pF fi�►ar� � aa � lore/eirr� Certificate dieation nn was ackrto�l,+edged fore � •thia day oi �`�� A.U. 1991 by: --- �- —� — -- --- � ------ --- !!y cotr;ission expirea • � ____. _ Witne�s my hand nnd aea . • Notar F'ub y Addr9as ���• ��� ��• G�4K�k1a�0 , �O �'i��` f,[1R'V'R�'S CERTIFICATE• , I do hereby certtfy that I am a registered Land Surveyor lieer�d under the laws of the Stnte of Colorado, that this plat ia trw. correct and complete as laid out, platted, dedicated and aho� ilereon, that anc}t plat was made from an accurate survey of eaid pl�operty by me arid under my supervision and correctly ahows ths looation and dimen�ions of the lots, easements and atreeta of eaid �oibdivision ae the same are staked upon the ground in eoopli�nce with applicable regulatia�iis governing the subdivision of la»d,. � f� In Mi eae thereof I have set m'�t�nd and',�P��������i//�_ day of �n u r , A. D. 199 .,.�'�F'p`'�•'�� . F��`�TF�! . � c>.•� /►', ; c�� � : • DUANE F�HO t(�G �P. .F',o'; F�.S,26626 � . _ • � � •.� 12y.��,���/: . ; , , //����ijF� � P L 5�����\\\\ . � ��unniu►►� / �a NOTICE: Accord��ig to Colorado law, you must commence any legal action tbased upon any defect in this survey within three year�s after you first discover such defect. In no event, inay � ny action based upon such defect in this survey be cartnmenced more than ten years from the date of the certiffication shown hereon. .,, .,, . ��� � � � ,,. ,� �ERTIFICPiTE OF DSDICATIOiL-i�Q 011I1LrR�3![IP: ' ; Rnow all men by these p�esents that the undersignwd, b�itiq � sole owner in fee simple of all that real property situated in the � Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, described as follows: ? Lot 18, Bighorn Subd�viaion Fourth ]�ddition, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, containing 19,519 square feet or 0.45 acrea more or less; havs by these presents laid out, platted, and subdivid�d th� sa�l! into lots and blocks as shown on this final plat under the naaa s�!►d ttyle of FINAL PLAT AND RESUBDIVISION OF LOT 18, BIGHORN SUBDIVISION FOURTH ADDITION, a subdiviBion in the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado; and does hereby accept the responsibility for the completion of the required inprovements; and does hereby dedicate and set apart all of tha public roads and other public improvements and places as shown on ths accompanying plat to ths use of the public forever; and does hereby dedicate those portions of said real property which are shown hereon; and does hereby qrant the right to install and maintain necessary structures to ths @ntity responsible for providing the services for which ths easement are established. Executed this ,� day of . A.D. 1991. Owners: Timber �'alls Asaocintes , A. Colorodo f3entrd I�a�tnership 228 Bridge Street_ � Vail, Coio.rado 8465? . �� Ronald H. Riley , Port er eor_ Hallenbeck � Portner �. �; � STATE uF CULUKAI�� � , ` ; ) as E; COUNTY OF EAGLE ) �� The foregoing Certifir_ate of Uedication and Uwnershi wae �, acknawledged be'are me this Z� d oi � > � A . I 991 by : �� • - �!� --/ �� �,.• ,..,���n .. '�_.� _ � � ,y � ' t n �: _ S ,, ;v ,� c r ;•.� ; —�� � My commisr�ion expires �./-S-QH �, - =,y ,� Witness my hand end seal. � '�'� n x � �� � � � -J �►�4J_ �uc� - � . ----� _, Notary Pub�� z� , ! �...it Iti@ �:3+c. : . . �.i:f� r �:{'" ° ' . �n4� C C.�.+ A.,r, C��i+e-� ���• � � `°` i e ',, "� � . Rddress �nV�,r C��01'ad0 80206 �� €�� ���; •, < •.,�f.....•�•'' O �/.0�{ ', STATE OF ) �, � RpG�� ) aa j � COUNTY OF ) The foregoing Certificste o dicntion and Ownerahip wns', - acknowledged bef� e me thie day of . ;. A. D. 1991 bY: � � My commisaion expirea �� Witnees my hand and aeal. J -- � � . � � VAI.ERIED. otary Public su�. a � , 33 �/� �'c°"'". �. r�.'a'w' 3 �.3z-1 �e� t�A C���� _ ' Address � , TITLfi CBRTII�ICATB: L,���i1�1� � �oea hereby certify that t�s title to 1 ds sh wn upon thia 1 have be exa� n i . veat in � �p and th�t title o auch landa fr cl of a en�umbnancea. e*c4pt aa fol��; _ �'! Dated this ����day of L�:ill'Q�"'V a ,. A.D. 1981. �"dl � - � T ' tL 1 e Guar�a'n�t'e � - /1OI �� . - � �i�iC � - This a�plat i p; Admini r��o� � Attest: W O • � Town lerk� Town Vail 1 liA1 ri ' approved by _ day of : Town of Vail Zoning �eC�, A. D. 1991 0 r Zoni�/Administrator Town of Vail � !G�l.�.E � • �ll� CBRTIFICATB OF TAXES PAID_ , + I, the underaigned, do hereby certify that the entire aeaU�nt of taxea due a�d payable aa of a-/�i - 9/ upon ell parcels of real estate deacribed on thia plat are paid in full. Dated thia ��� day of _� ��_, A.D. 1991 ', , � ,�4 � � Treasure of Eagle County ,,f � CLBRlC AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE: � I��3 �♦% �"�� � �D+ Thia plat we,e f# l_ed for reco d ir► � �t`i i o Clstrk tii�d Recorder at t�:L3 o"clock , � � � , and is duly recorded in Book �, Page puty erk and .�co er '•: �