HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Village Filing 6 Block 1 Lot 06� I„ 7 � 1 � . s , J i � r � J . r � e FND. 3/8 �� PLAIN REDAR � _ __. = ' __..-- -_ '_____•_=_:_ °_=_= _ = 41199 Mi�1►w.ay 6 b 24, Eagle-Vail Post O(Jice 8ox 1230 EQw�ds, CO 81632 305-949-1406 ��ll.il i 1= �'tl� /I_ I�f �1 /�-'�/��� � � _/��11= ��-- ��� �� ��_ I-�tV�_t� ��r�l i����l�-��. i�.t�l_.. � � � TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO �,. �.�!��� �� T PIN � CAP s. No. 2esse � \e°Q�� \� �, . 0 i��.,� i �� N st ltoad. • ine connectinq the existing monuments �narkinq a line erly corner of Lot 6 and the southeasterl�� corner of lage Sixth Filinq being S89°45'35"W (see drawing for ) ereon. eses are calculated from basis of bearings and interior , �-- �'- _ �. �, � � Y c :5'.: "�' "� ' , '' y • A , � ` , .�. , �, :'� W. :� :,. . , , �; NOTICE: . � " According to Colorado law you must camrtence any legal action based upon any def ect in this survey within three years after you first discover such defect. In no event, may any action basec'! upon any defect in this aurv�ey be cenrnenced more than ten years from the date of the certification shoMn here�. • . . +!4.',4.._...l9m°J�!�""� .. . ... . , l.�.h':�� I� . r t ('ERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION ANQ OMNERSHIP Kr,ow all men by rhesN presents that H. Lindley GcnDbs, beilNg sole c�wner in fee simple, ot �all that real property situated in the Town ut Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, des�ribed as folloM�s: Lot 6, Block 1, Vail Village Sixth Filing, accordinq to t!he map thereof recorded in the attice of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Record+er, con[aining 0.918 acres, more oi less. has by these presents laid out, platted and su'bdivided the aa�e into lots and blocks as shown on this f inal plat ueder the naw� aed style of "'h; Reaubdivision of Lot 6, Block 1, Vail Vi�lage Sixth Eblinq", a subdivisioe in the 1�ovn of Vail, Eaqle County, Colorado; an�°+�es hereby ac��� ����nsieiiicr for �he co�pletion ot required improveenents�;�tM does hereb,� dedicate and �et apact all p� tA� public roade and other public i�nproveMents and pl�ee aa s�f t� plat to the use of the public forever; and does�=hereby dedic�i���#o��f ' d real property which are indicated as eaae�eet qn the acco�ptnyin9 plat as eat�ieqEs for the purpose shown hereon; and does hereby gr�nt the riqht to insttll and Mlnt�in necessary structures to the entity responeible ior providing the eervices tar Mhich the easee�ents are establiahed. - Fxecut�d this �� day of _ _. 11.�.,`�1991. f � ;.. �. OWNER: _ H. Lindley Coastal saY�f�h¢r er 225 oroad�►:y -� _ Suite 120 San Diego, C11 �?.l�i'y STATE OF�i to ✓� �Gv ) )ss. COUNTY OF H �[ .-�Q---� The foreqoinq instru�ent rras acknowledged Defore Me �his _�� day ot , A.D., 1991, by H. lii�ndley Grubbs. My Commi ssion expires: �Glh o?��`-' Witne M hand i� , _ _ ,�✓iQ�,[_ � ��"� - ADRIANE•�A�'WAfCN Notary Puhlic ' ��p���'� Address: ' s�►N a�oo co�TV _-113_t2.._�� ��- __ y _ ' .. -- +Mi� co�. �, ,�w z4. ----�icie..l�c�� n 9 � � O � - -- CERTIFICATE �F DEDICATION FOR MORTG�GE BOLDER dR D�ED OF 1fRliST HOLDER - . '� i.. .iht � � Know al] men by these presents that Vail Natfrnlal Sank �Ihd Fic�stBank oi Vail, beinq the hoiders of a mortqaqe or deed of truat on the real property situated in the Town of Vail, Eagle Coimty, Colorado, described aa follows: Lot 6, Block 1, Vail Villaqe Sixth Filinq, accordinq ta the mar Chereot recorded in the office of the Faqle County, Colorado, Clerk and Rec�M er. containing 0.918 acres, more or less. as shown on this final plat under the nNe aed style ot "A Resubdivision of Lot 6, Block 1, Vail Villaqe Sixth Filinq", a a�bdivision in thr 'Town of Vail, Eaqle County, Colorado; aqree to the dedication and settinq apact all of the puDlic roads and other public improvements and places as sho�m �n the acco�pa�ing plat to the use of the public forever; and do hereby aqree to tl� dedicatio� ot �these portions ot said real property vhich are indicated as eaae�went o� the acee�nY!"'h9 plat as easements for the purpose shown hereon; and do hereby aqree to the grantirrq�oi the right to install and -- maintain neressary structures to the entity responsiDle for providing the services for r✓hich the easemnnts are established. Executed this.� day of �l%� , A.1f . , 1991 . , �, ; MORTGAGEE: Yafl Ilittlf�l �+MI� l0a Sogth FtMe�t� Road west. Yail, C�0 Aid57 Dy , . . i e) MORTGAGEE: FirstD�k nf Vail; 17 Vaii �d Vail, CO e165 �� �, ay : (Title) ��'� STATE OF _ _� )ss. COUNTY OF ) The foreqoing i trrnsent Ma c A.D., 1991 bv ~ Vail National Bank. ' •'"��'' ,.. � : edged bei rMe Ehi�' ��dav of , . as -- -- _ of i I - . . ����i� ��� TITLE CERTIFICATE�, � / �%�,�[� � 1e w //ra- Stewart Title doe� herebvi certifv that the title t all lands shbnn u�q�� hi�Jfinal plat has been examined and is vested in �. GiA �erl �� Q�� and 'that. title to such lands is free and clear of all liens and encumbrances, except as f o 11 ow s: � r���s /n Q. Q� �����n l_ • !J 7S e�'df1S %2— � � �" // /' o � - - �j_ '•� _ QP.�!-�d 1r?is.T ��' �►� �---Q . �_' Dated this l�day of ��(/�� _, A.D., 1991. �C�••� '� � L� � - Stewart. Title _ Box l"'�ii ZO o a Vail, CO 81658 Bv ' ` 1� �, q ature) ---�l�_��_Ti ��� _ , (Print na�r�e and title) SURVEYOR'S CERTJF'1CATF' I I do here�y,r,Prtity that l an� a i�eyisiered Land Slli'VPY'Ot' IICf'i1SP(I under the la��s of the. 9tate qf Calor��do, that this plat is t.rue, correc�t and complete as laid a'ut, platte:d, dedir.ated and shown hereon, that such plat was madP from an arcur;ate survey o� s�i�i property by me and under my supervision and corrertly shows the location and dimensions of the lats, easements and streets of said subdivision as the same �are � staked' upon the qroui�d in compliance with applicable regulat.ions governing the subdiv�sion of land. d,. ,�����n�ion�,,,. _� �0 R�6If �''�y � In witness thereof I have set my hand and seal this �•�a► ••.,��,r� , k A .`D . , 199-1. . �p��P� HaoF��•.� ' . s � . , - : y �� : z _ . . �. = m: 26598 �o _ Stan Hoqfeldt ��,,"�+K••••'" Colorado P. j,. S. 26.�i'98,,q����A�� ZONING ADMINISTRl1TOR CERTIFICATE This fina��� �����p�������}�reby approveci hY the Town of Vail Zoning Administratoi• thi� �q� day of �� ••q�! ��''% _, A. D. , � 991 . . °; � Attest e S$ A L; � �� � n �` 0= Town �lerA��`� Zoning Admi�nistrator + Town of Vail, orado Town of Vail, Colorado . � � , , , , CERTIFICATE OF TAXES PAID I I, the undersiqned, do hereby certify that the entire amount of taxes due and pay�ble as of �� l�il9� _, upon all parcels of real estate described on this final plat are paid in full. Dated this �_ day of __ ________ , A.D. , 1991. �I . _ � Tr surer f Eagle County, Calorado , �� . f PLAT RESTRICTION ' � ~�� ,,.. �; For zoning purposes, the tW� par��Pls created by this resubdivision are to bE tre�ted as one entity With no more t.han one two-family residence allowed on the combined area of the two parcels. Allowable uross residential floor area for the tuo-fah�ily residence will be calculated based rn� the combined area of the two parcels. L My Commission e;:pire � � ► ;,:. Witness my hand and �. •` � � � � : � `��'•. �'� - --- . = �? �:-% 9�'F'••.....••'��f No ic . Q�= CO�y'' Ad r s: STATE OF' W lA i'��) , � ,)ss. • ' . ,. �. COUNTY OF � � - _ . . � � . � The foregoing i strument s a knowledged before �e tfi t� daY c� ,.. � � f A.D., 1991 bv �� /(-t�S�OC.�_as �2CP.0 tl� �jS� _ �'��.�_���`� FirstBank of Vail. � � 'r� ti' w � Y I , J p►R..... (�e My Commissio� expires: �` �� O;'' �''•. Witness my't�and and seal. " 2; C � � � _ , SHARON"L. �; Notary Public �, � � : HECKMAN ; �ddress: `".�:� ;a <- , ���r'••.....••OQ�-P .... �F CO� ��- ��� �Sy CLERK AND RFCORDER'S CERTIFICATE � This final pl t s filed for rer.ord in the office of the Clerk and Recorder on this � day of , A.D. 1991, at o'clock � M. Recorded uMder -Kec�eption No. in Book � at Paqe �R�' Frotective covenants recorded in Book at Page ' Party Wall Agreement recorded in Book at Page ' _ „y a s�.1 .. . � � �� . ,. ° . . C e k and Recorder a le County, Colorado- �� By : . t v M -._ - .' �. . '._ 2 . �