HomeMy WebLinkAboutLion's Ridge Subdivision Filing 3 Block 3 Lot 01 - Vail Point Townhomes Phase 2. I • . • . O C� Q � • FND. PIN � CAP �.S. No. 5933 TRACT A '_vrG.. ,r� . _ _ . _. . . .. � A PART OF LOT I BLOCK 3, LION�S RIDGE SUBDIVISION, F�LING No. 3 � TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO S 86° 15'00"E � �_ o 27�.00� i BASIS OF BEARINGS ) I —_ � -� � � � — �_ __ UTIL ITY � EASEMENT �6, 0 /'� : F �� Y � W � \°o. W U I � W W � � � M � o m 0 15' Z I SET PIN 8 CAP L.S. No. 16827 � � I �� I �- 39°54 47 EAS MENT R = 65.00� � L = 45.28 T = 23.60' \ CH = N41 °04� 26"W, 44.37' � � \ FND. PIN 8 CAP L.S. No. 16827 . 41199 Highway 6& 24, Eagle-Vail Post Office Box 1230 Edwards. CO 81632 303-949-1406 </�NS 0� 15� 30� 60� SCALE � I�� = 30� TRACT B ( COMMON PARCEL ) 2.06 ACRES �� o , „r a�opg'40�E � N�,p°08��1E .�.Op $ N8p°�� E 32 00 30.� 32.50 �' 0 � (7► c�7�o �► � � � O �_ � 8_ $� $ 8_ o � m LOT 40B �T 39A LOT 38B $_��T � �,, 0.03 AC. 0.04 AC. IJ1J � 371A o � 0.04 AC. 0.04 AC. �_ o_ , 30 .5� 30 •�� 32 �� 62 .50 � Sgp°0a 4� O Sa000g 40 `N g_ $s ss�°o,, o° `�2 � �0 �F �O' O 6 \ .�c/ \ �O 0 \ ��' LOT 14C ��L� 0.04 AC. � Ns�oO/� N 32 49�, s�o .�, , k� �so-, '�E �'V �O . R �. � �QG� EASEMENT LIES .49' INSIDE OF PROPERTY LINE � TOWN OF VAIL BOUNDARY I r� �ll T T � '•.I J � I � J ��� G� � �Q � � / � � �o Iao• ��-� I � I I I I I �_ � �� y�P�� ��v � v ��'� �-- • • • �ORE �� VICINITY MAP NO SCALE 2 S�� 3�� � �8 �� �. h i� A i3 V � � � • •� � S86°IS�Q E FND. PIN 9 CAP 64.00�' ��L.S. No. 3933 SET PIN 8 CAP L.S. No. 16827 S47°38�14"W �a s�' SET PIN 9 CAP Q /� S No 16827 S`s� o"o�, � � rso ,� �,. Ss��/ Sp•, 32 o F �� A3D h oo s h� ,O/S h °'iy LOT 12D �O 0.04 AC. N �j� � s�Op�. 3p Sp�. � �O� �'�'/ � •�� � �� h���. L01r I I C 0.014 AC. y�► �O 32 �� o�� �/5�,� �ry� SJ\ 3 ' ss3) , r?o J VAIL POINT TOWNNOMES A PART OF 11JT I Ss,�OSi 26''c ` �� 8�1200��E N /�� �6� ' N Z 32 .00 o g , o,E � N82°�2 � ao o � 3p.o0 �o O O_ � „ I I I I I I SET PIN 8i CAP /L.S. No. 16827 � ,�E 8�?9 N�6�3g`� � o N82°I2 0� E n' 62. 80� �, �� o_ �� �- N82°12�OO�E 32.00� o o LOT IOC � o Na2�1200 E 3o.ao 0 $ o.oa e►C. o p_ 30 30 aD- \ 2 .96 � �- � g= 32.0o LOT 9D � g � m S82o� W 0.04 AC. � 0� �j O O p �° pp' -llJT 8D �, o 0 0 O_ \$_ 30' �� o.oa ac. cn o o- � W o 0 OO o SS2 12 0 0.00' °'LOT 7D LOT 6C o.oa ac. �- � p_ 3, 0.04 AC. 0.04 AC. 1 82°12 ��� W 32.00 0 30.30� 30.80 „ g2,g0� S27°56�42"W , 21.12' �O \�- sa��'ZQO W S82°12� W � � W _� —� SET PIN a CAP � �� � � L.S. No. 16827 in 20� EASEMENT FOR EXISTING ROAD a SEWER ENCROACHMENTS �'F;RTT�'iCATF OF (1FDICATTON AND OMNERSHTP Knnw �I I mpn by 1 hrst� �)f'PHHIIi fi t h.�t f'nrkw����d k��,� I � �, I n�•. ,�� c'��lur�idu �•c�rpc�rat ion, U��inq �culr• �>wn�r in lp� :►implF, �,� ell thnt r����l �,i�,�,«�ity :+ituelrci in ih�'Pc>wn ut Vail, F;n�al�� ('ounty, ('uloradt�, des�•rabeA ds tc>l luW:�: 'IYiat 4,�rt ut La1 1, Blork �i, U,ion's kidqN Subdivisic,n F'iliny No. 3, according to the pldt thNreot [•e�•orded in the o�ttice of the F;aylr� �'„unty, Colur•ado, Clerk and Recorder, dF�srt�ih�d as tc�llows: Ht��) i nn i uy at t he nort hwest corner of said I�c�t 1; t henc� S86° 1 5' 00"F; ?7l .00 teet , a lony t I�ir u��►�t I�erl y 1 i ne ot said l,ot 1, to thP u��rt t�w�•st t�i I v coruer ut Vai 1 1'oi ui 'I�ownhumes (turmrrly known as The Talon Townhomes), a<���oidiny tu the Declaration ot Covenants, Easements and Restrictions to� The Talon�T��wnhomes recorded October 3, 1989, in Book !�19 at Page 595, as Reception No. 910770, and F'irst Amendment to the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Resltrictions foi� The 7'alon '1'ownhomes recorded February 19, 1991, in Book 547 at Page 948, as Reception N<�. 444090, and the Plat of The Talon Townhomes recorded February 22,, 1983, in Book 353 at Yage 993, as Reception No. 250279, in the records of the Eaqle Crounty, Colorado, ('lerk and Recoi�der; thence S03°45'00"W ?36.00 feet, along the westerly line of said Vail Point Townhomes; thence, depactiny seid westerly line, S03°95'00"W 50.00 teet; thence S67°05'26"E 172.'16; thence N76°38'�8"E 80.79 feet, to tlhe westerly lin� uf snid Vaii Point Townhomes; thence S�b`��,7' 13"E 111.80 feet, al��ny said west�� ly I ii��>, tu the southerly line ot said Lot l; thence, departing said vesterly line, th�� tull��wing foiir (4) courses along the sc�uttiel�ly, southwesterly and �westerly lines c�t sdid Lot 1: (1) 167.32 feet along the arr ut a curve to the right,, having a radius <�f 1"17.21 feet, a central angle of h4�05'S6", and a chord which bears N8A°04'4'1"W 161.1H feet; (2) N6l°Q1'99"W 365.37 f�t•t; f�) 95.:?8 feet alony the arc ot a curve tu the riqht, having a radius of 65.00 le�t, � c•entral angle of 39°�4'47", and a ch<�rd which bears N41°04'26"W 44.37 feet; (4) NO1"35'59"E 246.96 feet, to the point of bf�yiuning, containing 2.621 acres, more �,�� �NSS. ha:� by these presents laid out, platted and 5ubdivided the same into lots and blocks es shown on this final plat under the name and style of "Vail Point Townhomes, Phase :?", a subdivision in the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado; and does hereby accept the responsibility for the completion of required improvements; and does hereby dedicate and set apart all of the public roads and other public improvements and places as sh�wn on the accompanying plat to the use ��t the public forever; and does hereby dedicate those portions of said real property which are indicated as easement on the e��rumpauying plat as easements tor the purpos� shnwn hereon; and dc>es hereby qrant the riqht to install and maintein neressei�y str�u��t��i�t�s t�� the entity rPSp��nsible t��r� pr��vidiiiq the services toi whi<�h the easemFnts ei�• F,�tablished. F�����•ut Nc1 1 h i s ���day ��t �j�v�.�. , A. D. , 1991 . uWNE�k: f ni�kw���,�1 {tN�� I t�, lu��. , e Coloi�adu r�i� Nc�rat i��n ',;'�19 Il�'� ftl���l. Suite 500 I;n�a I f�wu� ��1 ,�'(� n0 l 1 1 Ry: � ' S e�v��i� M. �.��usle� f���*:,��t����� .;�I'A'I'F, c)F �v���*Ob ) ) SS. - COUN'I'Y �)F� �:��I� - - -- ) 'fhe tc>r�egoinq instrument was acknowledged before me Ch�s ���`d�v �_�t �J�+� _ A.D�., 1991 by Steven M. Gensler �s President of Parkwoud kFalt��, Inc�., , C��i��rado ':=• cor .�*a ��jB p . �; _;:;, r, � es : i-4- / � _ • i t ess m�� haii� ,in s�al . ��--.� SANORA � --- � � - +. �� Notary t'u�il , ' � 0 Address: � � _ , , .. �,O _ � _ _ _ - �:��� r �f �at°� c, ��' � CERT I�FD1 CATION FOR'. MORTGAGE HOLDER OR DEED �F 7'RU.,1' HUI �I)Ek �> _. _,,_. Know all men by thPSe presents that FirstBank of Silverthorne, bf�inq the holder ot a u�<�rt qaqF� o� �lerd nf t rust on t hat real propert y si t uat �d i n t h� '1'�>wn ot Vai l, Eagle Countv, ('�,I��r�+du, dE,s�•rib�d as fr�llows: That part c>f Lut 1, Block 3, Lion's Ridqe Subdivision F'ilinu No. i, according to the plat there<�t r•ecorded in the office of the Eagle Cc�unty, Color�idu, Clerk and RE�corder, desrribed as toll�>ws: Beginninq at the northaest corner of said Lot 1; thence S86°15'00"E ?71.00 feet, alonq the northerly linP of said Lot 1, to the northwesterly coiner of �'ai] Point Townhomes (formerly known as The Talon Townhomes), according to the Declaration of Covenants, Easements and Restrictions for The Talon Townhomes recorded OctobPr 3, 1989, in Book 514 at Page 595, as Reception No. 410770, and First Amendment to the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for The Talon Townhomt�s rerorded February 19, 1991, in Book 547 at Page 948, as Reception No. 444090, and th� Plat of The Talon Townhomes rerorded February 22, 1983, in Book 353 at Page 943, as Reception No. 250279, in the records ot the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Reco�der; thence S03°45'00"W 236.00 feet, along the Westerly line of said Vail Point Townhomes; thence, departing said westerly line, S03°45'00"W 50.00 feet; thence S67"05'26"E 172.76; thence N76°38'48"E 80.79 feet, to the westerly line of said Vail Yoint Townhomes; thence � S06°57'13"E 111.80 feet, alornq said westerly line, to the sc�utherly line of said Lot l; thence, departinq said westerly line, the followinq four (9) courses alonq the o southerlq, southaesterly and westerly lines of said Lot_.l: ll) 167.32 feet along the � arc of a i:ur�e to the right., having a radius of 177.'?1 leet, a central anyle of 54°05' 56" , and a ch��rd which bears N88°04' 47"W 161 . 1 R t�E�t '('� � N61 °O1 ' a9"W 36'� . 37 W feet; (3) 45.''8 f�=-t alonc the arc of a cu�ve to the riqht, h�ivii�g a r�dius of 65.00 � tPPt, a�•�ntrel an�l� �>t 19°'54'47", and a chord which bedi�s \4�1°09'?,6"W 44.17 feet; (9) NO1 3`.�' `>y"F .��r, ab f eet , tu t he point of beginning, cont aini ��y 2.621 acres, more or less. as shown on this final plat under the name and style ot "�ail f�uint Townhomes, Yhase 2", a subdivision in the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado; ayr�es to the dedication a •r� � ces as and seTtinq apart all of the public roads and oth_r piiblic• impi v ments and pla. � shown on the accorr�panying piat to the use of the public fc�re��r; aud does hereby agree � to the dedication of thuse portions of said real propertr whic�h ar� indicated as � easement on the ae�ompanying plat as easernents for the purp��:<� shc�wn herec>n; and does herebv agree to the qrantinq af the right to install and maint<iin necessary structures � to t�he entity responsible fpr providiny the sei�vices for wtiic•h the easements are established. � � Fxecuted this � day of ��._ �_ , A.D., 1991. MORTGAGEE: FirstBank of Siiverthorne S51°41'07"E, 33.79' P.O. Bax 347 SET PIN 8 CAP Silverthorne, CO 80498 � L.S. No. 16827 . B� : �� � _ - = _ _ -i - _ � = 54°0556�� R = 177.21� L = 167. 32' T = 90.49� CH = N88°04�47"W, 161.18� NOTICE: According to Colorado law you must commence any legal action based upon any defect ,; in this survey within three years after you first discover such defect. In no event, , may any action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years (Ti t --- --���'f��� STATE OF-�C����O )SS. COUNTY OF �_�!� ) The foregoinq ' strument s acknowledged befo e me th�is/ ���� day of �� '/1 A. D., 19 91 b y �r� �--a s-��il� ���-AG�lE ---- o f FirstBank of Silv��e. � � -- My Commission expires: �' �Z_!_� Witness my hand and seal. � - -- - - Notary Publi��� ,_ _ 'r�� ; - - Address: � /� '+�!" � ` � �,t � � -- � 'I'ITI,F; CFR'I'1FICATF: O� E�►�t� �o�►w� StE�wart Title ' . dbes hereby certity� that the title to all lands shown �this tin let has been examine�1and is ves d in ark,WO��Qh��y Zr�t . Q -.�t�Or�.��_ �Or� r�.�-4�_— and thal title to such lands s free and clear ot allil]ens and encumbrances, except .�y t u I 1 ows : A•. � w�� �M�IK� `L` `t� �il 4 S37�ZZp i LIR� 5�71225 �t'a�►e��+S . _4Ss15wZ�-- �sts'a_r_��o•J�.�3s1�_ ZL��4�� zzS ,�d5 223/s�_�_ a� �_�,-- 2tr //o�_3� Z�o� 3S� Z�l i 3z�9� 3zt.9� 3�,��4t� _3i�J�-t4� �cf/3�,_ 4, 3s3�9�t�L� 3 3J�--,�r�5f/�tsf �r 1 �7� �-__,�►1_ � I�aled this ��l�day of �f�tN� , A.D., 1991. _ o.0 �+ 4 �.oM..i..� Stewart Title ' _ . Buk 2000 V a i 1, CO 8 l 6 5$ ---1 B y : -_ ' n a t u�-Y', _�4y`n�'v0.f�� �rt�t�m.��. (Print r�am� andl t� t el��) sukvF�S���k�;� rF,k���F�rcn�ri��� i�1u herE�t,y �•ert i f y t hat I am a reyistered Land Surveyor licensed undt��r the laws of thF Sldle ut Cul��radr�, tli;,l lhis plat is lrue, corrPCt and ct�mplet� as ldid out, platted, dedic�at�cl �,n�l rsh��wn hereon, that such plat was made from <�n ac�urate survey of said pr��pF�rty by n�F� aiirl under my supervision and correctly shows the location and dimensi�>ns ot the 1<�ts, ��asements and streets of said subdivision �s the same are staked upon the qr��iind iri �•ompliance with applicable regalat��>us yoverning the subd i v i si �,n of 1 and Ii� w i t n��ss t her�c�f I h���.�F� r.F�t my hand and seal thi s���I.day ot c� ------- A . D. , ] 99l . ��������ii�u���� ```���`���.• CORCO,,���' `�� Q, � �G�STEl�F•. ,r.p � . . , � � : . . - � _ _-- Dannie _� �ora� ; � = Coloradv P;L S. 16827 : � `�'.�'•r9 y°�' 4� ; tio �� . "; y •., suR�,. �Q. : -, �' •....... ,, F ., � �,,'' O F , ' C � �� a ,, s �. Nc,tes: ) t c �;� vF�v: M L991 l. f a e�f , it �+V, ''. RF�arinqs a��e bas��d on a line cnnnecting the existing monuments markinc� the north- wPSt corner ot L�ot 1 and the anqle point on the northerly line of Vail Point 'Tc�wiihomes heiny SR6°15'00"E (see drawing) . i. Monumenlation as indi�ated.� �1. St r�et a<1dr�ss: i8R1 Lion's Ridqe Loop 5. This pruperty is in a qeolc,qicai sensitive area. Ar� approved plan for mitigation is iu plare. 70NING ADMINISTRATOR CERT7F1('.ATE. This fin �`��anuin���;,,,,., �• �t is. 'ts�ereby ap�>r�ved by the Town of Vail Zoninq Administrator this daV of �� , A.D., 1991 � �� -- �- e Attes�: e ;oo SEAL j;�> ���. s � . X(� !1 �L���� 1 /�� -"y'r,�.� .__._��L I�`��/�V��^'.� V� V � ^ -��Tda�'�=�� - - - - - - -�--- - - Town C��Ic.� � Zoning Admin � t.ratnr �r'=, Town o ���,;��t._. ol' ��o Town of Vai �olorado '-�.= CERTTFIC'�TE OF TAXES PAID I, thP undersigned, do hFr�l���<�E�rtify that the entire amount of taxes due and payable as of _, upo�� all parcels of real estate described on this final plat are paid in full. Dated this day c>f ___, A.D., 1991. Treasurer of Eagle County, Colorado � CLERk .4ND RE('�Ri1FR'S CERTIFTCATE � ��,� 'Phis Tinal plat was filed for recor�d in the offire �,f ih�: Clerk and Recorder on this ��� day of _� , A.D., 1991, at /�:5�i o'�'iock P M. kecorded under -- Recept ion No. �JS� (e_ in Book 5�"'j_ at Faye Z'2�J• Piotective covenants recorded in Book _ at Fage •_ - ' -- - erk and Recoi� �i� aqle Cotiniv. C��l�rado . B- � - -� ��1�4�'° � , e p u t y. • �p� �V. ~�e i, �F � '�`�� , p �' �� � `�'� ' � '` �, ` • 9: � _r��� �� ;"'���#f 226. 3