HomeMy WebLinkAboutLia Zneimer Subdivision, . , � � CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION AND ONNERSHIP RnoW all sen by these presents that Buffehr Creek Partners, a Colorado limited partnership, beinq sole owners in fee simple, of all that real property situated in the Town of Vail, Eaqle County, Colorado, described as follows: That part of Parcel A, Lion's Ridqe Subdivision, Filinq No. 2, accordinq to the map thereof recorded in the office of the Eaqle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, described as folloMS: CoeMencinq at the northWesterly corner of said Parcel �, Mhich is an existing brass cap eionument warkinq the northWesterly corner of Section 12, ToMnship 5 South, Ranqe 81 west of the Sixth Principal Meridian; thence SO1°35'59"w 1347.01 feet, along the Westerly line of both, said Parcel A and said Section 12, to the True Point of Beqinninq, on the southerly riqht-of-Nay line of Lion's Ridqe Loop (currently known as Buffehr Creek Road), as shoWn on said Lion's Ridqe Subdivision, Filing No. 2; thence the folloWinq tWelve (12) courses alonq said southerly riqht-of-way line: (1) 68.22 feet alonq the arc of a curve to the riqht, havinq a radius of 65.00 feet, a central anqle of 60°08'19", and a chord which bears N40°57'37"E 65.14 feet; (2) N71°O1'39"E 30.54 feet; (3) 104.55 feet alonq the arc of a curve to the left, havinq a radius of 239.63 feet, a central anqle of 24°59'51", and a chord Mhich bears N58°31'44"E 103.72 feet; (4) N46°O1'48"E 214.02 feet; (5) 67.87 feet alonq the arc of a curve to the riqht, havinq a radius of 101.42 feet, a central anqle of 38°20'27", and a chord which bears N65°12'O1"E 66.61 feet; (6) N84°22'15"E 112.67 feet; (7) 187.47 feet alonq the arc of a curve to the left, havinq a radius of 475.74 feet, a central anqle of 22°34'41", and a chord which bears N73°04'55"E 186.26 feet; (8) N61°47'34"E 46.67 feet; (9) 71.53 feet alonq the arc of a curve to the riqht, having a radius of 101.42 feet, a central anqle of 40°24'52", and a chord Which Dears N82°00'00"E 70.06 feet; (10) S77°47'34"E 68.12 feet; (11) 133.31 feet alonq the arc of a curve to the left, havinq a radius of 189.85 feet, a central anqle of 40°13'S8", and a chord which bears N82°05'27"E 130.59 feet; (12) N61°58'28"E 90.14 feet, to the northwesterly corner of Elk Meadot+s Subdivision, accordinq to the e�ap thereof recorded in the office of the Eaqle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder; thence, departing said southerly right- of-way line, the followinq four (4) courses alonq the westerly and southerly lines of said Elk Meadows Subdivision: (1) S11°59'06"E s5.o3 feet, (2) N72°^6'42"E 35.00 feet; (3) N76°47'S9"E 382.54 feet; (4) S44°59'18"E 80.00 feet, to the southerly line of said Parcel A; thence the following three (3) courses along said southerly line: (1) S68°15'00"W 670.00 feet (2) S74°45'00"W 430.00 feet; (3) S66°15'00"W 532.96 feet, to the easterly right-of-Way line of said Lion's Ridqe Loop; thence the followinq two (2) courses alonq said easterly right-of-Way line: (1) 111.09 feet alonq the arc of a curve to the left, having a radius of 130.00 feet, a central angle of 48°57'40", and a chord which bears NO2°38'24"E 107.74 feet; (2) N21°50'26"W 20.91 feet., to the westerly line of bot.h, said Parcel A and said Section 12; thence, alonq said westerly line, NO1°35'59"E 38.51 feet, to the True Point of Beqinning, containing 6.896 acres, oiore or less. have by these presents laid out, platted and subdivided the same into lots and blocks as shoWn on this final plat under the name and style of "Lia Zneimer Subdivision", a subdivision in the Town of Vail, Eaqle County, Colorado; and do hereby accept the responsibility for the completion of required improvements; and do hereby dedicate and set apart all of the public roads and other public improvements and places as shown on the accompanying plat to the use of the public forever; and do hereby dedicate those portions of said real property which are indicated as easement on the accompanyinq plat as easements for the purpose shown hereon; and do hereby grant the right ro install and aaintain necessary structures to the entity responsible for providing the services for Which the eaGements are established. ONNER: Buffehr Creek Partners, a Colorado limited partnership P.O. Box 1075 • Vail, CO 81658 By: Zneiaer Company, Inc., qeneral partner By : cc��� I.�MGrM.w" E Q_� Edward J. Z eim , President ST�TE OF CD LOK�O ^ )SS. coux�t oF ELI �C..� ) The foreqoinq instrn�ent ras acknoMledqed before �e this � day of � V L i , A.D., 1991 by EdMard J. Znei�ner as President of Zneimer Coe�pany, Inc., qeneral partner of Buffehr Creek Partners, a Colorado limited partnership. My Co�w�.ssfon expires: Q � Mitness sy haad and seal. __� ' - L a����� °i e� ��-. , �Ul�l�1�° �: ��A � �a�- ��F C�°a � �� SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE L:�.�. . ' i . ' � �� i� : �_ � �. � '� I � / i, . I do hereby certify that I ae a reqistered Land Snrveyor licensed under the laws of the State of Colorado, that this plat is true, correct and complete as laid out, - platted, dedicated and sho�rn hereon, that such plat Was aade fro� an accurate survey of said property by me and under ay supervision and correctly shoNS the location and dimensions of the lots, easee�ents and streets of said subdivision as the same are staked upon the qround in conpliance Mith applicable requlations qoverninq the � subdivision of land. a���"""'►�� . ' �.�`��•� �''''•. � �ppQ .RE6lf ., � In witness thereof I have set �y hand and seal this ���a� A��' � �.D., 1991. _ �P C `:v - •y26598�' " = -o : � - _ _� _ : �� � o _ �" •% . Stan Hogfeldt ' �l IA�C Colorado P.L.S. 26598'" �� Il�i�l������, . 41199 Highway 6& 24, Eagle-Vail Post Office BQx 1230 Edwards, CO 81632 303-949-1406 � A RESUgDIVISION OF A PORTION OF PARCEL A LION � S R IDGE SUBDIVISION FILI NG No. 2 TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION FOR MORTGAGE NOLDER OR DEED OF TRUST HOLDER Rnorr all n�en by these presents that PDC Profit Sharinq Trust, FirstBank of Vail and FiratBank of Avon, beinq the holders of a mortqaqe or deed of trust on that real property situated in the Town of Vail, Eaqle County, Colorado, described as follows: That part of Parcel A, Lion's Ridqe Subdivision, Filinq No. 2, accordinq to the map thereof recorded in the office of the Eaqle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, described as follows: Co�encinq at the northwesterly corner of said Parcel A, Mhich is an existinq brass cap e�onument markinq the northWesterly corner of Section 12, Township 5 South, Ranqe 81 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian; thence S01°35'59"W 1347.01 feet, alonq the Mesterly line of both, said Parcel A and said Section 12, to the True Point of Beginninq, on the southerly riqht-of-Way line of Lion's Ridge Loop (currently knoMn as Buffehr Creek Road), as shown on said Lion's Ridqe Subdivision, Filing No. 2; thence the followinq twelve (12) courses alonq said southerly riqht-of-way line: il) 68.22 feet alonq the arc of a curve to the riqht, havinq a radius of 65.00 feet, a central anqle of 60°08'19", and a chord which bears N40°57'37"E 65.14 feet; (2) N71°O1'39"E 30.�54 feet; (3) 104.55 feet alonq the arc of a curve to the left, havinq a radius of 239.63 feet, a central anqle of 24°59'51", and a chord which bears N58°31'44"E 103.72 feet; (4) N46°O1'48"E 214.02 feet; (5) 67.87 feet alonq the arc of a curve to the riqht, havinq a radius of 101.42 feet, a central anqle of 38°20'27", and a chord Mhich bears N65°12'O1"E 66.61 feet; (6) N84°22'15"E 112.67 feet; (7) 187.47 feet alonq the arc of a curve to the left, havinq a radius of 475.74 feet, a central anqle of 22°34'41", and a chord which bears N73°04'55"E 186.26 feet; (8) N61°47'34"E 46.67 feet; (9) 71.53 feet alonq the arc of a curve to the riqht, having a radius of 101.42 feet, a central anqle of 40°24'52", and a chord Mhich bears N82°00'00"E 70.06 feet; (10) S77°47'34"E 68.12 feet; (11) 133.31 feet alonq the arc of a curve to the left, havinq a radius of 189.85 feet, a central anqle of 40°13'58", and a chord which bears N82°05'27"E 130.59 feet; (12) N61°58'28"E 90.14 feet, to the northwesterly corner of Elk Meadows Subdivision, according to the map thereof recorded in the office of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder; thence, departing said southerly riqht- of-Way line, the following four (4) courses alonq the westerly and southerly lines of said Elk MeadoWS Subdivision: (1) S11°59'06"E 65.03 feet, (2) N72°26'42"E 35.00 feet; (3) N76°47'59"E 382.�4 feet; (4) S44°59'18"E 80.00 feet, to the south�rly line of said Parcel A; thence the following three (3) courses along said southerly line: (1) S68°15'00"W 670.00 feet (2) S74°45'00"W 430.00 feet; (3) S66°15'00"W 532.96 feet, to the easterly riqht-of-way line of said Lion's Ridge Loop; thence the folloWinq tWO (2) course:� alonq said easterly right-of-way line: (1) 111.09 feet alonq the arc of a curve to the left, havinq a radius of 130.00 feet, a central angle of 48°5"]'40", and a chord which bears NO2°38'24"E 107.74 feet; (2) N21°50'26"W 20.91 feet., to the rvesterly line of bott�, said Parcel A and said Section 12; thence, alonq said weaterly line, NOl°35'59"E 38.51 feet, to the True Point of Beqinninq, containinq 6.896 acres, more or less. as shown on this final plat under the name and style of "Lia Zneimer Subdivision", a subdivision in the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado; aqrees to the dedication and settinq apart all of the public roads and other public improvements and places as shown on the accompanyinq plat to the use of the public forever; and does hereby agree to the dedication of those portions of said real property Which are indicated as easement on the accompanyinq plat as easements for the purpose shown hereon; and does hereby agree to the granting of the riqht to install and maintain necessary structures to the entity responsible for providing the services for which the easements are established. Exernted this day of , A.D., 1991. MORTGAGEE: y ��,, � �+A� .�, .:�.�� o�o�e� v� �G3ao�� O"�°p�:,^ S ;� , o, �� . , . � i����: PDC Profit Sharinq Trust 3100 Bro dway - Suite 1200 Kansa ty, MO By : ss`- Wood Arn 1 II, Administrator FirstBank of Vail 17 Vail Road Vail, CO 81657 By : �L�iU�ia+� (Title) 5EN�0�- V. P. FirstBank of Avon P.O. Box 5270 Avon, CO 81620 By : � A�,�.,���..�� (Title) T�I'� , STATE OF O�I ) �83. COUNTY OF ) � The foreqoing instrue�ent was acknoMledqed before me this o� day of , A.D., 1991 by Wood Arnold II, as Administrator for PDC Profit Sharinq Trust. My Coa�mission expires: � 3 Nitness my hand and seal . _ ' /s��/ / � � /1/i✓(�! � i . /� � No�/ary Public Address • L:and Title Guarar�tee ompan� enver, STATE OF Cp Lp �L,�-D o ) )ss. COUNTY OF G�f� C.� ) The foreqoinq instruaen wa,,s,I aC�knoWledged before me this Z�� day of �V LY , a.D. , 1991 by �Glf ��J •�Ntc'�OIUA-L� as c� �• 1/IC�P� of FirstBank of Vail. My Cow�nission expires: .�L.`i � Nitness my hand and seal. �-� e,/' �.-A ,( �F x `°G.4��064WSe�`Y�..;�`t�- „e 4.s` : ��°�"���'�l J, : : 'WO,A.�� : q�� �R�eeos°',�.�{]`�?� ��, a-r�f1. � NOTICE: `, , �; -� '� According to Colorado law you must commence any legal action based upon any defect in this survey within three years after you first discover such defect. In no event, may any action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of the certification shown hereon. / Mq , ` �• �. `, �:,�,� .- `j % Q . . Q � � , ,... '� . STATE OF ( n �0�� ) )ss. COUNTY OF �Gl.'� ) The foreqoinq in$true�ent was acknoWledqed before me this l�day of J u L`C A.D., 1991 by .�PtIV(��51t%N��SOIV as �EG vP of FirstBank of Avon. My CoaAmiasion expires: 0 2Z �iL , �m Nitness ry hand and seal. . '4� "�-_�'�s A~a �`�� /�� �� �� �;. � ; � � �� �,. .. �� � ��; �m ��'i����%��`;�`� TITLE CERTIFICATE � � Nota Public add r s s: �l1( I 1V1(• PJ�r-�1-�� C,K� K�C. %�C,l/17. a�� �► L� Land Title Guarantee Company does hereby certify that the title to all lands shown upon t i$ inal plat has been examined and is vested n � _ /� •L � ♦ .w�� 1� A • �- a r� A � _ I t��w .l � �i A.. _ INr A and that title to such lands is free and clear of all liens and encumbrances, except a follows: �rcd � �hrust Oauabk � AhSi�bAnK � flron �CCe�d�d _ q-�D -90 Dated this ��� day of � , A.D., 1991. ZONING ADMINISTRATOR CERTIFICATE This fin ``�NOF'il�j'�re day of � o•o.ov�o ,,� o � o ; , s P ° ' Attest� 4� s E A L o o_ Town �"lerk�'�1����►��"`" Torrn of Vail, Colorado � Land Title Guarantee Company Box 357 Vail, CO 81658 By : � �'��'���7 i`� (Siqnatu �d,r�n �br�h � 7'�'tl� O�iFi��r _ (Print name and title) by approved by the Town of Vail Zoninq Administrator this � A.D., 199�. CERTIFICATE OF TAXES PAID Zon' q Administrator ToWn of Vail, Colorado I, the undersiqned, do ereby certify that the entire amount of taxes due and payable as of /a"3 �� i , upon all parcels of real estate described on this final plat are paid in full. Dated this 3 � day of �i� , A.D., 1991. CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE Tliis final pl ;vas f' led for record i � day of , A.D., Reception No. in Book S(.� Protective covenants recorded in Book . �- Treasure of Eaqle County, Col ado n the office of the Clerk nd Recorder on this 1991, at ��� o'clock �M. Recorded under at Paqe � at Page s�� \� \� Clerk and Recorder Eagle C unty, 1 d By: Deputy SHEET I OF 3 431.L � � / � V � •� �� � VICINITY MAP NORTFIN►E3TE!!LY COl�NER Of PARCEL A, LION�S IND�E lIJSOIVISION, FILIN(3 No.2 AND NORTHWES'fERLY CORNER Of SECTION 12, TS3, FMIN� OF Th1E SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIOIAN y o � � W � � f .-. CREEK tD� v � ��� / � T / o � �� _� �� '� Ne9 �t0 W � � / / � � � �' ROAD, UTILITY � DRAINAOE � ��. / / � / i� EASEMENT - 2 / G� � N / / � � �� / / ��, � / � J� � � � � / O 0 •`V / / / - � p�0 � \ � � TRACT A �� � i�_ DRAINAOE a UTILITY EASEIYENT 4.007 ACRES �� / (SEE SHEET 3 OF 3 FOR DETAIL ) / / I � / / Notes: 1. Date of survey: July 25, 1990 2. Bearinqs are based on a line connectinq existinq esonu�nents on the Mesterly line of Parcel a beinq SO1°35'59"N (see draxinq). 3. Monrnwentation: indicates pin aad cap LS 16827 indicates pin and cap LS 26598 indicates pin and cap LS 5933 ���� indicates pin and cap LS 15710 indicates pin and cap LS 5933 (disturbed) 4) �Street laddresses: Lot 1 - 1706 Bnffehr Creek Road Lot 2 - 1708 Bnffehr Creek Road Lot 3 - 1710 Bnffehr Creek Road Tract A- 1712 thru 1726 Buffehr Creek Road 5} The portion of Lion's Ridqe Loop, adjacent to the property shoWn on this plat, as shown on the recorded plat for Lion's Ridge Subdivision Filinq No. 2, Was chanqed to Buffehr Creek Road by the Vail ToWn Council. _�,� N61°47'34"E , 46.67' ( �� � S77°47'34"E , 68.12' �6A'� DRANrA3E 9 UTILITY EASEMENT ZZ ( SEE SHEET 3 OF 3 FOR DETAIL ) 2$' �- , �, ' ,� 4.46 � � N►r'B� '� � �14�gr�,�� � N88°43�20��E 216.42� - - - - � \ - � � � UTILITY EASEMENT � �K 323� PA(iE 505 •` �� �� _ _ � 399. 09 - - - ROAO 9� UTILITY EASEM ENT ( SEE SHEET 3 OF 3 FOR OETAIL ) -� _ �- ` � �,4b� � 42' E N /I��I 1�� E1 1 D 1 "0 1 1 �_ 1 �- F 1A H ' i � -�� � � eui�aNc ENVELOPE � LOT 3 '� 0.8573 AC. / N71°01'39"E, 30.54' � � , � � / / N21°50'26"W, 20.91' O .�,� i , / ' N01°35'59"E, 38. 51' �� / ��� 045��"W i / S74 / � / � � � / � � �e� Q O W � Q W � � Z U � � _ � LL � m J�TRUE POINT OF � � � BE�INNING � / � � /, / � i � �3Z 9� / � \ / � / . / �\ / / � / � �('� E 9EMENT � o�%V" � I / g� �� / 41199 FNghvray 6� 24, Eagle-Vail PiOet �711i0e 8e7c 1230 6dwards, CO 81632 303-949-1 �06 -.- ..---<.: -; -,- �, ' " � .... ,, ` ' .. � � , ZONING RESTRICTION � For zonin , , g purposes, the three lots created by this subdivision are to be treated as r one lot with no more than six dwelling units a1loWed on the combined area of the three lots. ELK MEADOWS SUBDIVISION N61°58'28"E , 90.14' SII°59'06"E, 65.03' N 72° 26'42"E, 35.00' � �� N�o4��5g� E `� � �g• w �_ � ' � --- � / �, , \ � � ' � �6% �1M �, j 4 %/�C � � 514�39 � � � / � �-- � � � �- -o --s� � 382i DRAINAGE 8 UTILITY EASEMENT (SEE SHEET 3 OF 3 FOR OETAIL ) LOT I * � � � \8 1.279 AC. / _ � � �--- � \ �61•�i�D� � �� \ � / \/ � \ /� � � r(/ /� C E I A / � 5\� 6w�1 � � �/ ��� � 9UILDING � / / � ENVELOPE � �`. � o_ � � d�. / �_ UTILiTY / � / � EASENENT � `8� � aJIL01W(i �� \/ ENVELOPE � N � / M� N_ LOT 2 0.7531 AC. � � / \�/6'� / / � / / � / / � . • � TRACT A LIONS RIDGE SUBDIVISION FILING No. 3 0� 25' S0� 10� SCALE � I�� = S0� lOOTICE: ' l�ccordinq to Colorado law poa �ttt ca�mence any legal action baaed upon any defect in this survey within three years after you first discoVer auch defect. In no event, may any action based upon any def�ct in this survey be con�nenced 'are than ten years fran the date of the certification shown hereori. , 68��� � S S44°59'18"E, 80.00' / / / � � � � � / // . * "110TICE TO l�iLL PERSOPS s LOT 1 8l�8 p�1� BEElI l�PPROVED �OR BIIHDIVIBION BY THE TOWN OF PAIL ]1ND CI�iNNOT B8 SOLD. COI1RBYgD. '...,.,...,�„�.. .. --- -- - ---- -- --- - 1�tITTBN 7l1iiD 7�C1�OlILBD(3BD SIIBDIVISION �PPROPAL FRpM 'tgg� 'rppN OF Y1�lIL. BPECIFIC�LLY REFBRENCIN(� THIS PRODIBION, I8-�RSCORDED WIT$ '�$ CLBRIC AND RECORDBR OF BAGLB COUNTY, COLORADp�� C.URVE DATA Curve 2 4 6 7 Radius 130.00 65.00 239.63 101.42 475.74 101.42 189.85 Central Angle 48°57'40" 60°08'19" 24°59'51" 38°20'27" 22°34'41" 40°24'52" 40°13'58" _ BUILDING ENVELOPES Length 111.09 68.22 104.55 67.87 187.47 71.53 133.31 Tangent 59.19 37.63 53.12 35.26 94.97 37.33 69.54 1 � Chord NO2°38'24"E, 107.74 N40°57'37"E, 65.14 N58°31'44"E, 103.72 N65°12'01"E, 66.61 N73°04'55"E, 186.26 N82°00'00"E, 70.06 N82°05'27"E, 130.59 LOT 1 FROM THE SW CORNER OF LOT 1 N06°02'37"E, 79.00' TO A SIDE A-B N17°33'18"W, 50.00' BIDE B-C N72°26'42"E, 92.00' 3IDE C-D S17°33'18"E, 50.00' SIDE D-A S72°26'42"W, 92.00' 4600 SQ.FT. LOT 2 FROM THE SE CORNER OF LOT 2 N77°33'S8"W, 106.17' TO A SIDE ?►-B N72°32'04"W, 55.00' SIDE B-C N17°27'56"E, 65.13' 3IDE C-D N72°26'42"E, 17.19' 3IDE D-E S72°32'04"E, 40.92' SIDE E-�► S17°27'56"W, 75.00' 4056 SQ.FT LOT 3 FROM THE 3W CORNER OF LOT 3 N00°20'37"W, 93.97' TO A 3IDE A-B N13°03'52"W, 48.20' 3IDE B-C N76°56'08"E, 53.50' SIDE C-D S13°03'52"E, 12.20' 3IDE D-E N76°56'08"E, 43.00' 3IDE E-F S13°03'52"E, 46.50' SIDE F-G S76°56'08"W, 72.00' SIDE G-H N13°03'52"W, 10.50' SIDE H-� S76°56'08"W, 24.50' 4883 SQ.FT. � OF � � � � t d�� � ...r