HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Village Filing 3 Block 1 Lot 03N�� ` � J �. r J a � VICINITY MA P �SEWER M.H 8A.12.3 SET No. 4 REBAR W/ALUM. CAP L.S. No. 26598 1 69•g7 _ t+� d M � O �p oa e n 0 LOT 4 JVGt7Clil JI I L SCALE � I�� = 20' 0 I 0' 20 � 40' R�A� F4R EST 0 5 9� 27 �� E N $1 60.13 N W � � a0 �5�� R.p.W.) ►46.8= — O� 0 �o � N r I���-- � � 0 �— � � � ` � wN � 1 � � �_ °- _ � 1, � �� � �� I � �— � � l� � I � I I � BUILDINC ---� I��-- 1 ` OUTLINE J ` � �--- � � � I EASEMENT ��A�� �r L � , I� � � — � ���� ���� SEE DETAI� PARCEL B 0.3133 AC. 0 i �_ PARCEL A 0.3289 Ac. n . . . , �i _._..� �r�_W�,iH . / TOW�I 0� VAII�, EAGLE C Y, COLOR�IDO � 1 b� 1 , �� IS.9'�' J I N d�°� � E�� aNi r--- p° � N 7°22�'S�I"� 1 O. _��� 7.75 S8t°S7'49"WI N w= 4•7�� � � � BUIL�ING OUTLINE EASEMENT ��A'� � 1 I � � Ne�o2'n"w�J sg2°i9';s„w 4.60' / ��.34 I � eu�o«s �— OUTLINE I � � �E TAIL SCALE: I"=10� R = 254.80� � =17°21'08�� l. = 77.17 � T = 38.88� CH = S 89° 19�59�� E, T6.87' 16 g SET No. 4 1lESAR W/ALUM. CAP L.S. No. 26598 PART OF � � . LOT 2 _„ 0 5 g ` . : SET No. 4 RESAR W/ALUM. CAP" L.S. No. 26598 �� � 8ET No. 4 RESAR W/ALUM. CAP ' L.S. No. 26398 NOTES: - (1) Date of Snr�eY: aalY, 1!!1 � (2) ttreet ANr�s: �li �be�rt �ri (3) Dasfs o! N�rf� is a lir� c�e�rctily t� exfatieq �nts �arkinq tDe •ortAerlY line of Lot 3 being SA9°�5'35"M (see draMinq). (4) �lonwentation as eot� iereop. (5) Easewent a deacri5es a� e����rt ior the aecond floor livfnq area overT�anq froe� Parcel � onto Parcel B. T1� loKer liMit of eaaewent 11 is the top of the sub- floor �aterial of tAe Keo�d iloor livinq area overhanq froM ParceY A onto Parcel B. Said snb-flaot �aterial being at an elevation of 8268.2 feet, based npon Upper Eaqle YalleT S�rnitation District as-built invert elevation for �lanhole 8�.12.3 beinq 8Z23.8 feet(see draMinq for location)� See Party Mall Aqreewent for the apeGific ter�s of the easew�nt. � . O, • � PL1�T RESTRICTION, N , !'or �zoning purposes ,�tha t�ro parcele on I,ot 3 crested Lfy this - i� reaubdiviaion and the p�rt oi Lot Z al�oan hereon are to be treated � ae one entity with no �re than one tMO-ia�fly r�aideACe alloMed o� - the co�bined area of the two parcel� on Lot 3 and the part a�, Lot . 2 ahoNn herean. �llo+�bl• qror� ra'id�e�ntial tioor area !oY the � tNO-ia�ily resiQ�e�e reilll b� ealc�lated based on the co�rbineci�' area M of the tiro parcels on Lot 3 and the part of Lot 2 shoMn herean. � o . - o , - - __ � LflT 2 . � ♦O� r T . Oe — — — — o �6 — — — — — — — — �`10 UTIL Y EASEMENT — — — — — — — — — — — op�b— �� 64.42� �6.T�� °�'� S 89°45' 35 ' W _ 131.20 � FNO. No. 4 RE'eA ( BASf3 OF eEARING) FND. No. 3 RESAR• . � WNP�ATTED � s�!i�i���s r. e�r�� � ��`�� '�'�'N� . .f 0 ._._._... _'___. _ ._... . _. . . .. ..._ .I . . . . — � CERTIFICATE OF DEDICaTION A1fD 0'Nf�fERS!!IP • KnoW all eien by these preaents that lhi. D. Miller; Clalrtou 0. Dorn; Martha Dorn Sird; Da�id F. Dorn; '!be Julieatl�e L. Dorn Trust, dated Auqust 18, 1988; John C. Dorn; B. Lee Dorn; Ricbard B. 1ors; Dale F. Dorn, Trnstee U/M/0 Dale N. Dorn �nM Jean F. Dorn; JoMt F. �l'lrn, Trnstee U/M/0 Dale nM H. Dorn and Jean F. Dorn; Clayton Dorn Chist�, Trnstee U/�/0 Ddale H. Dorn and Jean F. Dorn and Sharon Dorn Gill, Truatee U/M/0 Dale A. Dorn and J�a�n F. Dorn;, beinq sole owners in fee siMple, of all that real property sitnated in t'he Tonn of Vail, Eaqle County, Colorado, described as follrnrs: Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Villaqe TAird Filinq, accordieq to tAe �ap thereof recorded in the office of the Eaqle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, cantaining 0.6423 acres, more or less. toqether with; That part of Lot 2, Block 1, Vail Villaqe Third Filinq, accordinq to the �ap thereof recorded in the office of the Eaqle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, described as follows: Beqinnfnq at t� IlorthNeat cor�tr o! aa�Q Lot 2; t�i�1NC+� �lY alo�q tbe northerlY line of said Lot 2 a diatance of 16.5! ieet to a Af�t �t c�rNe; thence oe a curve to the riqht, and alonq the northerlY liee ai sala lat 2, W�rl� �r radiaa of 254.s0 ieet, a central a�gle oi 17°21'Oe", as at�c �i�ta�e oi 77.17 twt; �esce o� a� a�le to tht riqht oi 155°3S'S2" a distat�rce oi f].5A lett to a}s�i�! s� !ie �esterlY line of saia Lot 2, safd point bei�� 23.00 ieet swl�rlY oi !� sic�l� coraer oi said Lot 2; thence on au snqle to the riy►t o! !7°00'40" a�M ai� t�t �bsterli li�e a distauce of 23.00 ieet to the trne poiet of Dsqfnf�itrg, c�tai�t� •.�2 acre�, wore or leaa. ha�e DY t�ese prese�ts laid a�t, �l�t+�t ���'`i��W� itto lo�tr aN Dlocks as shoMn o� this final plat wier t�e ��■Nt a�ri �tTl� �-a ��i.isio� oi Lot 3 an1 Part of Lot 2, slock 1, Yail Yilla�s, +!'diN tili�',. a�MUvi�ia� i� tAe Tam of Vail, Sa91e CoaetY, Colot�a8o; aN �o i�r� a�.� �r. w�e�o..isiiitr for th� cowpletio� of reqaired i�ro�eMSts; +ted i� INrr�► N�'ie� �d itt aMrt all oi the public roade a.d other p�tblic i�rov�t• �ri'lacw M sM��►� L� acco���Yinq plat to the nse oi the pablic forerer; s�d Qo lere!^i► M"!� !'�ib portioes o! saia real property vAich are indicated as �a�t oe tM acae�►tt� ��at as ea�e�e�ts ior the purpoee sharn hereon; and do l�erebl► 4rant tl�e ri�t te i�stal! and �aintain neceasarY atructures to tAe entf ty responsible for pro�►idity tire wrnicN for Mhich the easewents are eatabliahed. Executed thia l�� day oi �01/�.U�L �'Q-1� , 1l.D. , 1991. ONNER . BY' , . Print liawe) SE�/2QUlG � under p oMers o tor e qranted b y. 11�. D. Mill�r; Clartoa G. bn; " � , � ' Martl�a Dorn Bird; Da�ii !'. Don; 7'f�e J�li�aNe L. Dore 7'rnst, dat� �t �'S, 19af; Jobn C. Dorn; a. ��orn; ��cnara a. �ors; - +1��• r. �snr„ rra.cee u�M/0 Dale H. Dorn and Jean F. Dorn; John F. 1ot�, fi�til+� e/!M/O tfi� •. Don aad Jean F. Dorn; Clayton Dorn Chisuw, Trnetee U/N/O D�le 1!. 1en�t ui J� !'. Dore aed S�aron Dore Gill, Trustee U/M/0 Dale A. Docn and 3ea� F. Dora ST�TE OF �� �a .-�,�,_) a )as. COtTlITY OF ) The foregoinq i t t Maa ac edged beiore �e t1�is � daY oi , �.D., 1991, by , mMer poners of attorney qranted by M�. D. Miller; layton G. Dorn; �- Martha Dorn Hird; David F. Dorn; ?k Jtiliea�e L. Dorn Trast, �datN �t 2=, 19AA; Jo�a C. Dorn; B. Lee Dore; Ricl�ard B. Don; D��� F. lrit�, Trn�tee l�/N/0 Dale 1!. Dorn and Jesw F. Doru; Jolta F. dorrl. Trt��rt�re !'�MH! 1�2� •. �re aed Jeae F. Dore; ClaYton Dorn Chisu�, Trnstee U/N/O Dale H. Mre a�d Jra� F. �orn and Sharon Dorn u Gill, Trnstee U/M/0 Dale 8. Dorn and Jean F. Don My Ca..issi� expires Nitness �y hand and s� . __�___�_ _ �ca: 11ec�o:+af� to C�lorallo laM ren � oo�ent� sehi l�g`al aCtion bts�d upe�n a�► aa�fec� (. iw thi• w�rw1r rrithiu� thre� rars atter Yo�u first df�oo�r �wcl� d�t�c:t. Ia no e�it, � ah'! actien l��d upon awZ d�l�ct in thi• �+tr�rep b� ceMw�ntr�d �or� th�n t�n �azs tsv� tlM� dts oE tM a�titfa■Rl�w i�w� Me�ww.� • 1 ._.�; . __. 1 i'. . __— _ . __ .. __. . _ .. _. �, �� �,3�� ., � .. ... .___ ____. ._.. . _ .._ . .. ...—_. _—___.. if �; N���=lI�N�.� � i TITLE CERTIFICaTE Land Title Guarantee Cowpany does hereby certify that the title to all lands sho�►n npo�h this final plat has been exa�nined and is vested in: Nn�: D. Miller; Clayton G. Dorn; Martha Dorn Bird; David F. Dorn; The Julieanne L. Dorn Trust, dated August 18, 1988; John C. Dorn; . B. Lee Dorn; Richard B. Dorn; _ Dale F. Dorn, Trustee U/N/0 Dale H. Dorn and Jean F. Dorn; John F. Dorn, Trustee U/w/0 Dale H. Dorn and Jean F. Dorn; Clayton Dorn ChisuM, Trustee U/N/0 Dale H. Dorn and Jean F. Dorn and Sharon Dorn Gill, Trustee U/w/0 Dale H. Dorn and Jean F. Dorn, and that title to such lands is free and clear of all liens and encumbrances, except as follows: �01�'G Dated this � day of ]Uov�w� be✓, A.D. , 1991. Land Title Gnarantee Co�rpany Box 357 Vail, CO 81658 Dy : ' �'�'r1 " _" • Signature) Knrr.r J- F�or�th Sr'. Ti'dti �� (Print na�e and title) � SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I do hereby certify that I a�n a reqistered Land Surveyor licensed under the lens of the State of Colorado, that this plat is true, correct and canplete as laid out, platted, dedicated and shoMn hereon, that such plat Was made fro� an accurate survey of said property by me and under my supervision and correctly shows the location and diuensions of the lots, ease�ents and streets of said subdivision as the sawe are staked upon the qround in compliance With applicable requlations qoverninq the subdivision of land. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ����``, p4 RE6/s,/���ir In Mitness thereof I have set �y hand and seal this M�`� `��YN�c,�'i`�y� u A.D., 1991. ��P� F�� p= ; �. - , • fij • � , . ; - : �: 26598�; = .� . = .�e� �S .' � : �'� ' � •......•�• .� S t an Noqf eld t '�,,, ONq� � ANp S�,,�` Colorado P.L.S. 26596�,,,,,,,,,,,������� ZONING �DMINISTR�ITOR CERTIFICl1TE This fina�l���'�' �►� hereby approved by the ToWn of Vail Zoninq administrator t�is 25� �' a.D., 1991. day o��'� • , � e, •�S � . Atte�t:e ; _ �o; SEAL ;o= . 3 • • � � � . i _ _ eZ Town �i Torrn of " Zonin Ad�i st�ator ado Town o , Colorado IV�tGN�Lt,E t� W� �wo CERTIFIC�TE OF T�XES PAID I, the �ndersiqned, do hereby certify that the entire a�ount of taxes due and payabll� as of /a - 3/- Q� , upon all parcels of real estate described on thi� final plat are paid in full. i Dated t1�is �� day of lU�'��P�rx.� ,�.D. , 1991. , � Treasurer Eaqle County, Colo do u c�x � �• a ct�rrt�rc�� -Thla ii�a1 pl�i �►ss filed ior recoM in t1k oifice oi tl�e Clerk aed lt�corl�r e�n �e �47W dt�► of /1�DVBN��_, A. D. , 1991, art /L: �l�0 0' clock '�Il. ]t�rded �r Recept ioe I(o .!i[� �l !!� Z in sook d� at Page 0�11 . �, . ; Trotecti�e co��rCs recorQed in Doa1t 17� at Pa�ge 575. - Party Nall �gree�mt recorded in �oo�c 5b� at Paqe �Z ,. _ erk and Recor er - �. pGL Eaqle County, Colorado 04,�.......�'�b . `i � �y i; � � By . - �� �� puty _ , a� f �� �� � � 1584 �