HomeMy WebLinkAboutBighorn Subdivision Resubdivision of Lot 20-1 and 20-2 Parcel A - Streamside Townhouses0 I .� _ i-,,: . ,�e 0� 1 s� . , �e f ��' , o0 n1 �'� • �� �t� �9r gh 01 , �► 5 G Go 'J , FOUl1� P/N Q CAP ,�� PLS N0.22575 . . . .' O\ Os � � O� O ?0 5 0 10 20 3 SCALE IN FEET SCALE � l�� = IiO� � Lot 20-3 � i � � � ► � � ► � � ti a� � . � . O � ..... �. . _. i .����. �,� � � �a , �, . .�..�....��..�....�-�,Ta,,.. _.,r,-� ,� ...,.�,- . � _ �. r �..._ , .,__.. ,,, -_ � ., ,. ._,...�,., � m...�,,.,�.��,,�.q \ � � � I�M t,��" ; ; �:: . . - .' , ,,-'�� Fina1 Plat, A �9esubdi vision of . - � . ��" Pa�cel A Streamslde Towni�ouses � , � � ... � A Resubdl vl sl on o f L o ts 20-1 � 20-2 � � A. Aesubdi vi si on o f L o t 20 Amended P1 a t � � � � Bigho�n Scrbdi vi si on, Town o f Va.i 1, � ` Eagl e Coun t y, Co1 orado � � � � 4284 Co I umb i ne D� i ve � � � � � � � � . � � � � � � � � \ � � � � Z � � ��� � . � a►o \ : � � Pa�cel B � O � � � � � \ >o � � • � �y � � � No � � G \ \ ~,� � , \ � \ D � \ c'�7 � . � �' � ^_ � � � � � n 1 � \ `''� � 1 � � � \ -____ o B' �0 _ � 1 \ �co \ �s.-e�'----- �o � � - �- - �° \ 1 4� � I � � � , � I so. ,� � � � r � 1 � � � ` I \ � ��, � ► � g �� � , � � � � � � � 1 ,' � Uhi t B � � '� 1 859 sp.Jt. � � �, � 1�— 0. 022 ecres � i � � I 1 B oo � a� � A I 1 �� , o'2aMw � I � �` � 6� 5/ I 1 � g N�e�� a w � I I I � 39 M. � 1 .�°� '��'� / � � � � � � � I / _ ► � - � � i � o I � � 1 I o � � Ghi t A � � � I ti � 6lr9 a4. f f. B. pp 1 V � 0.022 ecrea 1—� I I �+ Pa��e1 C ,� � � V / � � � 1 $ � � � � _ ��� � � I � � __ � � . s3. e� ----J � '` � 1 � O � .� � I � o . ��•.� I Common Pa�ce1 A � �o � � r� � av. fc., � I e yb � 0.2BB �crea I '- I i'- � i r`J � I 1 i �., � I i � ' I .__1-___ � , I ,.-- — � - ' � FOUND P/N bl CAP PLS 13901 E 1�8,p8 ,7, �1 5 I N Parcel D , NoTICE: Accordinq to Coloredo lav, you �ust co�enc� any l�qal action based upon any daiQCt in this survey vithin three yaars after you lirst discovar such detect. In no ev�ent, aay any action e bas�d upon such deleet in this survey ba co��ncsd sore than t�n yPars lrrnn the data o! tha cartilication shown hareon. , � LOT 20 ESTAT ES B/GHORN 3rd ADDITION i I TE .BIGHORN 4tA ADDI � 2 \ .. . � T/MBER FALLS , VlC/N/TY MAP SCALE= l" = 1000' No t es: !. Art� of SLrwr: Qrc�bs� ldlql. 2. �ia of btsrinpa !i A�'IO'50'N slony the cowwn lins betoben Psrcela A 6 B brt�wn tM tMO �ov►r�snta ahown A�rsan. �. Indlcit�a tound p1n � cwo L. S. Ab. lB927. . --�- �. Indlcit�s ��t p!n � c�o L. S. 11b. 21�28. S. drer�nya ers psr��l�l or perpendlculav� to psrty nAS11 besrin� unlsaa olAsrMise notes. Q. Qa !o errara on tM oripinal plst thia aurvey ii bsasd upon tAe corrsetion of aor�s �rror�a a�nd an tM b�at evldrnc� fouod in �evioua aurveya of sd�oJniny Jota. Orww M. M��et IY. TV � 9/603 S o»aur �r: r. o.�ox rl� �NIT[ so s a.c. t..Y.e ooso NOTTINYFIAM nowo 11te'l�-Mountain s�o vnNCe D.D. F. nva+. co�o..sezo uKEMOOO, co�o.w:se 12/4/9/ rs.�....� o�.« t�oa� o4a-ao�a Engineerin�Ltd. cao�� zan-ose� .,..� ,,.. / 23 / QFI ra.�,,�.,�,.��,.�..n . , .r..�.�.�.: . CER?IiC�'�"'�ON OF DLDICJITION !'OR !lORTG�GB AOLD=R OR DEED OF TRUST HOLDER IaIOM ]1tL '1f�I �'!'` '�.sE PltESE[fTS that Colonial Savinqs and Loan Asscciation beinq tM bolder o! a sortqaqe or daed o! trust on tha r�al propaty sit�l+�d !n the Tavn of Vail, Laqla County, Colorado, dsscrib�d aa tollovss Parc�l �, ��i �rr�oasa, ]► lt�subdivision o! Lots 20-i anll ZO-2, � R�SUbdi�isiaw o! Lot 20, 11�end�d Plat Biqhorn Subdivision, Tavn o! Vail, �qls Oorty, Colorado; containinq 0.310 acr�s, aora or l�ssj as shohf au t�is linal plat und�r th� na�a and style of PZI�]1L PI.A?, 11 R�IYI6ION Ol� P]1itCBL 11, STRE]�I�[SIDE TOwNHOU3ES, a anbdi�isia�f ia tlM !b� o! Vail, =aqla County, Colorado; aqr�as to tb� d�dicatiow aM s�t�nq apart all of tha public roads and oth�r pnblic iapa�o�nQs �wi plaa�s as sha�m on ths acco�panyinq plat to th� u� o! tM pill� lor�v�r; and do�s hereby agre� to the d�dicati� o! rlw� �rtions ot said r�al prop�rty which arr indicat.�d �s �u�! w tA� ac�co�panyinq plat as aaaeaents !or the purpos� �Ao� �� aw�d do�s l�er�by aqree to the qrantinq o! the riqht to install and iaintain rwc�ssary structuras to th� entity r�spansibl� tor pt^oviAinq the aervic�s !or which th� easea�nts are astablish�d. . Ex�c�tid l�iis day o! A.D. 199'�.� Colanial ��wgs ard i,er�n Z626 N. !'t�w�aY Port NortA, Te��s . : � �..... Tit e I As , lC .�tiStd sr�� or TExAS � j ss COUIfTY OF ) TMt lor�qoi�rq t�#ilicat o! Ded acknowladq�d �� a� is ��! c A.A._ 199� bY_ ��NII� � 1L.00I� Iriy co�nissiot� �xpi'rea _ l�-�'1 "`1� Nitn�ss ay Uand alMd �eal. ,�►+� KAREN L, ROARK �� k �r �� No ry Publ• c � � � STATE OF TEXA� ''�OF� M!► Qen�, �q. dA! 11,1� and was � �,.. ,,T -_,� -�.,.�.�.w..:.�:� � � �, � �_ . . �.. ., CE[tTIi IGTIOlf Ol� DEDZG?IOlf 1�11D ONlfl�![Z8 1Q�ON �Lt, ![E1 r BY �ESE P1tESEl1?3 �? Jo�sph �a�tl�on, ab�f Rosasao, an4 Donald Prosa�r bainq sol� o�wear(s) ia tN siapl� of all that r�al propsrty situat�d in th� Town o! Vail, Eaql� CauftY, t d Colorado, described as lollows: . Parc�l 1►, str�aasi� ToMMaa�as, 11 �di�►ision ot z.oM !i-�1 ae�1d 20-2, a 1t�subdivision o! Lot 20 11�tnd�d Plat, 31� �tbdi�isida„ Tavn o! Vail, Eaql� Coanty, Cblorado, Tann o! Vail Ea91a OwwtY, Colora8o containinq o.310 acr�s ao�s a� l�ss= �w 3�y tb�M pr�ents laid out, platt�d and subdivi�d tb� sa� into lot� a�d blocks as ahavn oe� this linal plat u�dar t1N n� aM sttl� ot lINAL PLi�?, 11 RESVBDIVISION O! !!1Mld �, �T�SZDi 'r0�1l1003�� a subdivision in th� Tovn o! Vail, bql� Cannty, Coloaradoj and �ey hsr�by acc�pt th� r�sponsibilitY !or tD� �a�pl�tia� o! s�isy4 iaprov�ents; and do�s h�raby d�dicat� and ML apart all ot tIM public roaas and oth�r public iaiprow�nts and plao�s a�s N�w ow tha acco■ipanyinq plat to th� us� o! ths public lo�cs�= aaA ae�s hersby d�dicat� thosa portions o! said r�al prop�rty M�i� at"� indicat�d as �ass�snt on th� a000�p�rinq plat as �as�s�nts iee !M purpose sha+n hereon; and do�s har�by grant ths riqht to install and aaintain noc�ssary structur�s to tha antity r�sponsibla !os provfdinq th� sarvicas !or vhich th� us�aents ars �stablisMd. Executed this � day o! �LC��i�1� 11.D. 1l91. Jostph Paulson John Rasasco 1� 01 liorth 2 2 nd 71v� . 5152 Sh�raan St . Phoanix, �Z 85009 wr, C�0 8 16 lG� By: Donold ProssEr as Attorney-in- Fact By John Rosasco for Juseph Paulson Donald Prosaer 16249 8. Belleview Place �►urora, CO 80015 By: Donald Prosser STATE OF COLORADO ) ) ss COUNTY OF EAGLE ) The ioreqoinq Certiticat o! Uedication and Owneri�'hip ntis acknowledged �¢ fore this day of � L�L.[J�MR Iss�r , A.D. 1991 by �10�'11�1 �s4 L.D _ ;:v-� My commission expirea /���'�'[ 3 �'�"� � �"•'� Witness my hand and aeal. X T , STP►TE OF COLORADO ) " COUNTY oF � ��t � ss The foreqoinq Certilicate o! Dedicati and Ownership �ree acknowledged befo e me this � day ot ee � , A.D. 1991 by 0. - r lrty commission expires /-� � 9Z .� j ���• � � ��"�.- •' � J �. v . v� Witness ay hand and seal. �' �.� - �' '' � ;-a , * �,�a� . ��� - ita � Public � .� " "�� � � .� • ��r ! :� � STATE OF COLORADO Q� "-° � �+n0� ) ss 4�::.,_ �.<ta �.+"''•'w��.• - . CnUNTY OF ; doea hereby certity that t e t t e to all la s shown upon is plat �ave been The loregoinq Certificat ot DedicatioA and O�mership was exaain�d and is wstsd in and that ac.kno�►ledged before me this 1� day of ��r�m 6�� , titla to sueh lal�ds is free and clear of all liens and A.D. 1991 by �o,nw f ai �i�c�i- �, $S• My conunission expires �'"�- �.Z_ � _ '�`;, , �. - �` � W3 tness my hand and seal . '� - � �. � �"� ti..:� �eaa cnis , l'_, r +se� y oz - �,. n. i9�. _ _ �; ��.,f � : �.Alt� ',�'iG 6if�td,1�1Q/l'kc ��OIN�OM't�y . .z N ar Publi c ,,/ � �.%Y�:.�� r .�ifE'� ��� s � ubr�'! cn gr�s8' Address �� .� r • I�p ��iy that I aa a regiatered Land Surveyor �. lfcarfs�d a»ddc tlf� Z1iw �t the State of Colorado, that this plat is tru�, ao�c�oet a�d �e�let� as laid out, platted, dedicated and sRovn 1�r�oe�, tbs! irer� plat �►as sada fro� an accurate surv�y of safd proQtrtY bY ar a�i und�r ay supervision and correctly shoWs the loo�tiew a� di�ons o! ths lots, �asa�aants and streetz of said wbdivision a� tho saa� ar� staked upon the qround in co�lianc� �►itn appliAl�la regulations qoverninq the aubdivi�ion of land. I �3tf� I s�t iy hand and 1���1/this � day o! � t �� I _ _ _ � , � 1991. \\\U // �'� p,p EG j�� � • �_. _ ���� ���� S i� �o�!�.�'' FE_rS% �._ _ � � l+oe la�i� �, '�dtl A, Onit 71, and Ot�it n creatad by this snbdivisiow ar� to b� tr�at�d as one �ntity.Mith no aor� than on� 2-faaily r�sid�aoa allawad on th� ea�bined ar�a o! Parcwl ]1, Unit ]1, and Dnit s. 1111anabl• Grose Residential Floor P,raa !or the 2- luily r�si8�fcs �rill ba calculatsd on th� co�bin�d area o! Parcel ]►, vnit 1►, uw vnit a. This final lat is �d�einistrnl� t#Y�i�,,� 199�.'a. �oo��o,o ;-::; , ;; o ,� a.. , �,ttes±E : o •; � �o: �EAL ;o . � ::.& . Qa46e'� Town of apFroved by the S'awn o� Vail Eei'�nq �_ d1y of ^_, I►.D. SK4.c� Zon nq A n strator Tovn ot Vail �'ERTTM��►T� OF TaUCES PAID: I, the undersiqned, do hereby certi!y that the entir� aaounE o! tnxes due and payable as of /� �3 /- 9.1 upon all parcela of real estate describe on th s plat are pa�cl��n lnll. Dated this � day o! �ruQ r`L , 11.D. 19l1 " 1�-�-� Treasurer o aq e County CLElt1C AIID RLrCO�tDmt � S CEIl4IlIGTE: This pi�t vas !il for in th� ofticr oi Cls�rl� twd R�co dar �e! day ot A. D. 1! at e! /o•a�o' . M. R rd�d undQr R� e on No. i�1 Book :���t Paqe �. ��Doo � . . • • e Deputy lerk and Reco er 'a Baqle County, Colora � � 04� -��� �:� •' �7a/��� � �p s � �: � �